Thursday, 16 October 2003
Information Techonology
Mass rally held in Pyay in support of Prime Minister's clarification on seven-point roadmap
YANGON, 15 Oct - A mass rally, organized by Union Solidarity and Development Association, was held in support of Prime Minister's clarification on seven policies and future programmes of the State (roadmap) in Pyay, Bago Division (West) on yesterday morning.
Present on the occasion were Central Executive Committee members of USDA, members of district and township USDAs in Bago Division (West), Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Working Committee for Women's Affairs, War Veterans Organization, Red Cross Society and Auxiliary Fire Brigade, departmental staff, nurses, faculties of Pyay Education College, Chin national races in Padaung Region, teachers and students, farmers, workers and local people totalling over 16,000.
Before the mass rally, Taungnawin column, together with band troupes and flag bearers, led by Column Leader Secretary of Shwedaung Township USDA U Min Thein marched into the Mingalashwepyi Sports Ground from Yandana Manaung Pagoda and took their designated places.
Similarly, Nawade Column, together with band troupes and flag bearers, led by Column Leader Secretary of Pyay Township USDA U Myo marched into the Sports Ground from the Golf Course near Thabyattha Pagoda in Pyay.
Likewise, Myauknawin Column and Khittara Column, together with flag bearers and band troupes, led by Secretary of Thayawady District USDA U Tin Soe and Secretary of Paukkhaung Township USDA U Win Tun Myint, marched into the Sports Ground from Khittara Myothit and No 5 Basic Education High School and took their designated places respectively.
At the mass rally, Rector of the University of Pyay U Mya Win presided over the mass rally together with U Thein Tan, a business man, Lt-Col Than Htike (Retd) of MWVO (Pyay District), Principal of Pyay Education College Daw Khin Khin and Secretary of Bago Division USDA U Thet Oo Min as members. Executive of Pyay Township USDA Daw Pwint Oo Han and member Daw May Sandar Tun acted as masters of ceremonies.
First, the master of ceremonies announced the commencement of the mass rally. Next, Rector U Mya Win made a speech on the occasion.
He said the Prime Minister's address included three parts. In the first part he explained about all-round development of the State from September 1988 to present time after the Tatmadaw government had taken up State duties. In the second part he briefed on political developments and in the third part future political programmes for emergence of a modern developed discipline-flourishing democracy nation.
The chairman said the prime minister described all round developments in agricultural, meat and fish, industrial, road and bridge, rail transport, air and water transport, communications, electric power, education, technology, health and border region sectors in figures.
He also said the prime minister reported that it can be seen due to the efforts of the government based on the strength and capabilities of its own national resources and the participation of the entire people, the Union of Myanmar is on the right path for development. Moreover, sound foundation and fruitful results are being attained in respect of the fundamentals for national unity, basic infrastructures for national economic progress, for national development, for social development, as well as in technology.
The Chairman quoted Head of State Senior General Than Shwe as saying on national development at the 2003 55th Anniversary Armed Forces Day ceremony that with the aim of constructing a comprehensive network of development that would cover the entire country 24 Special Development Regions have been set up to promote the economic, education and health conditions and development of highly qualified human resources. In addition, to ensure that there are no gaps in the development network, five rural development tasks are being vigorously implemented. As a result of these endeavours, economic and social indicators for the Union of Myanmar today show that the designated targets have greatly been surpassed. All-round developments have been made due to participation of national people together with the government.
The prime minister explained about political developments of the State in brief. As is known to all, the Tatmadaw government unavoidably assumed State responsibilities in 1988 because of the historical necessity.
After assuming the State responsibilities, the government made endeavours to restore peace and stability in the country despite various difficulties.
Building national solidarity in the State and carrying out the tasks for bringing about regional development and basic economic infrastructure and raising the living standard are basic requirement for democracy. Therefore the government has laid down and implemented the projects for the development of border areas and national races and it simultaneously engaged in efforts to restore mutual understanding and confidence, patience and sincerity with the armed groups so that they could return to the legal fold. As a result, 17 armed groups have now returned to the legal fold. Even a casual look can reveal that the task of persuading the armed groups to return to the legal fold represents a very difficult change. The issue of armed groups that could not be tackled by the previous successive governments was solved delicately.
It is heartening to note that the State has become peaceful and prosperous and the national leaders from these groups are actively participating in the construction of basic infrastructure not only in their regions but for national development as well.
As the conditions for peace and stability improved in the country and as national unity had been built to a certain extent, efforts were initiated in 1992 for the convening of the National Convention. The objectives of the National Convention are- (a) Non-disintegration of the Union (b) Non-disintegration of national solidarity (c) Perpetuation of sovereignty (d) Flourishing of a genuine multi-party democracy system (e) Further flourishing of worldly values- justice, liberty and equality in the nation (f) Participation of the Tatmadaw in the national political leading role of the future State Political parties, the Hluttaw representatives-elect, national race delegates from states and divisions, national race leaders who returned to the legal fold, intellectuals, intelligentsia, service personnel and people from all strata attended the National Convention.
Group-wise plenary meetings were held in accord with the procedures.
On 29 November1995, delegates of NLD ignoring the national interest, walked out of the National Convention. Consequently, efforts for political development have now faltered at half way point while discussions on fundamental principles for constitution were made.
He said the prime minister continued to explain about the future political programmes in the third part.
As is known to all, the government is laying down and practising the national policy of non-disintegration of the Union, non-disintegration of national solidarity and perpetuation of sovereignty. In accord with the national policy, the government has laid down the four political objectives, four economic objectives and four social objectives and is marching towards the goal of the State.
He said he would like to express the most important four political objectives- (1) stability of the State, community peace and tranquillity, prevalence of law and order (2) national reconsolidation (3) emergence of a new enduring State constitution (4) building a new modern developed nation in accord with the new State Constitution
The manner in which the nation will be built can clearly be seen in these four political objectives. Therefore, the emergence of a new enduring State Constitution is the most important key to building a new nation.
Therefore, the government will be implementing in a step-by-step and systematic manner the following political programmes for building the nation.
(1) - Reconvening of the National Convention that has been adjourned since 1996.(2) - After the successful holding of the National Convention, step by step implementation of the process necessary for the emergence of a genuine and discipline-flourishing democratic system. (3) - Drafting of a new constitution in accordance with basic principles and detailed basic principles laid down by the National Convention. (4) - Adoption of the constitution through national referendum. (5) - Holding of free and fair elections for Pyithu Hluttaws (Legislative bodies) according to the new constitution. (6) - Convening of Hluttaws attended by Hluttaw members in accordance with the new constitution. (7) - Building a modern, developed and democratic nation by the state leaders elected by the Hluttaw; and the government and other central organs formed by the Hluttaw.
This is the Roadmap of Myanmar.
These are Myanmar's seven-point future political programmes. These programmes are policies based on present condition of the Union of Myanmar, historical development, culture, customs and traditions of national races, geographical conditions and environment. These are the policies giving the light that guarantees emergence of a peaceful, modern and developed democracy nation.
He urged the people to implement the seven-point roadmap that will surely bring about long-term interest of the people with unity and to make efforts for emergence of a modern developed discipline-flourishing democracy nation with nationalist spirit and Union Spirit.
Next, Daw Nyunt Nyunt Win, executive of Bago Division (West) USDA, put forward a motion of active participation of the entire mass of national races in their roles with the true sense of Union Spirit to implement the seven-point future policy and programme of the State successfully.
She said the Prime Minister in his speech elaborated on giving priority to the national unity, tranquillity and the enforcement of law and order since the Tatmadaw Government started assuming the State's duties; and at the same time to the implementation of the economic, social and educational infrastructures.
Answering the call of historical duty, the Tatmadaw shouldered the responsibilities of the State and braved the challenges of aboveground and underground leftists' and rightists' terrorist insurgency for strengthening the prevalence of law and order and ensuring the security of public life from 1988 to 1991.
According to the records, the Tatmadaw launched 1,301 major battles and 5,755 skirmishes in a two-year-and-eight-month span from September 1988 to May 1991. And a total of 3,266 soldiers sacrificed their lives for the mother land and other 11,210 were wounded. These records show how much the soldiers had to sacrifice their lives for the non-disintegration of the Union, the perpetuation of sovereignty and the stability and prosperity of national races. Looting and pillage at that time left development infrastructure in almost total ruin. Besides, all the working functions of the State came to a complete halt when transportation systems broke down.
The national economic condition had gone into a continuous decline yearly since 1986. The GDP standing at K 47,141 million in the 1988-89 fiscal year was in the bottommost position.
The concerted efforts of the Tatmadaw and the entire people however resulted in an increase of per capita income by over K 100,000 at the end of the 2002-03 fiscal year.
Moreover, measures taken to reduce the population of the unemployed contributed to the employment of some 29 million people, when compared with that of 19 million in previous years.
The basic economic might is of the essence in creating a modern, developed nation. Therefore, "Development of agriculture as the base and all-round development of other sectors of the economy as well", one of the four economic objectives, is a fundamental national economic policy for the State in implementing the four economic objectives.
For paddy, the major crop of the State, various approaches were also taken in giving greater concentration on the extension of sown acreage, the application of modern agricultural methods, the use of genetically modified strain of paddy and adequate supply of irrigation water. As a result, the amount of annual paddy output has now reached over 1 billion baskets, up from 654 million in previous years.
With the aim of promoting the agricultural sector, irrigation facilities, river water pumping projects and underground water tapping projects are being implemented across the nation. At present, 151 irrigation facilities and 265 river water pumping projects came into existence and more than two million acre of farmland have been reclaimed.
Owing the fulfilment of basic requirements for agricultural purpose, rice and paddy, edible oil crops, beans and pulses, sugarcane, maize, cotton, timber, bamboo and other kinds of trees are grown not only just for self-sufficiency but also to surplus.
Therefore, our country is in a position to roar bravely "Do not be frightened whenever intimidated" despite any sort of pressure and sanction placed by alien nations. And their evil attempts will not be capable of harming the interests of our people.
As for industrial development, our country must stand as an industrialized nation to become a modern and developed nation.
At the time of the Tatmadaw Government, there appeared 18 industrial zones and other extended industrial zones. Furthermore, private industrial zones are also producing vehicles, farm implements, electronic appliances, spare parts for heavy industries, and import-substitute machinery.
There were just over 27,000 State-owned and private-owned factories in 1988. But now, the number of factories has now increased to 52,00 approximately. Besides, technicians and skilled workers are being nurtured and produced everywhere. With the development in the industrial sector, the living standard of the people will improve.
The smooth and fast flow of commodity as well as the better and secured transport system are of vital importance for turning the Union of Myanmar into a modern and developed nation.
At the time of the State Peace and Development Council (Tatmadaw Government), there emerged river crossing bridges and roads linking every part of the State. As a result, regions like Rakhine State and Ayeyawady Division where rivers and creeks are plenty, and border areas have now become easily accessible.
There were only 461 roads with 13,600 miles in length in 1988. Today, new 55 roads with some 2,000 miles in length were added.
As for bridges, there were only the Ayeyawady river crossing Sagaing Bridge and the Sittaung river crossing Sittaung Bridge in 1988. But now, the number of bridges rose to 159 including seven Ayeyawady river crossing bridges, two Chindwin river crossing bridges, three Thanlwin river crossing bridge and river crossing bridges with the length of 180 feet and above. A total of 35 bridges including Thanlwin bridge (Mawla-myine), which will be the longest one in Myanmar, and the Ayeyawady bridge (Yadanabon) are under construction and another 23 bridges under planning stage.
What's more, the rail transport sector, the aviation sector and water transport sector are also undergoing parallel development.
As for the rail transportation sector, railroads are being constructed extensively in all the strategic places of the State. There were only some 2,000 miles of railroad in 1988, but now it increased to about 3,000 miles. In the aviation sector, there were 21 airfields in 1988, but the number of airfields now stand at 27.
To be able to turn out good sons and daughters of the State and all-rounded individuals and enhance the development of human resources, all-out efforts are under way to ensure the promotion of the education sector in every approach. As a result, the number of basic education schools increased up to over 40,000 in 2003 from over 30,000 schools in 1988. With the increased number of basic education schools, the population of students rose to over 7.5 million from over 5 million.
In the higher education sector, the number of universities and colleges rose to 154 at present from 32 in the past.
Also in the health sector, the number of hospitals increased to 757 at present from 617 in the past. In addition, altogether 84 regional dispensaries and 1,414 rural health care centres were opened across the nation.
The Government spent K 45 billion and over US $ 500 million on raising the living standard of national brethren residing in border areas which lagged behind development previously. They are now enjoying the taste of considerably higher living standard which they had never experienced throughout successive eras.
Progress made so far is the fruitful results springing from the relentless efforts exerted by the Tatmadaw Government hand in hand with the national races amidst various hardships during a 15-year period from 1988, when it started shouldering the State's responsibilities, to 2003. Therefore, these achievements are to be maintained.
I would like to warn them not to make any attempt to undermine the development drive assuring the national interest.
In his second part of the speech, the Prime Minister briefed on the political development.
The Tatmadaw could considerably restore the enforcement of law and order, regional tranquillity and national unity from 1988 to 1991. And it could also make arrangements for the holding of a National Convention consistent with the six objectives in 1992.
Representatives from political parties, representatives of national races, representatives-elect, representatives of government employees, representatives of farmers and peasants, intelligentsia, intellectual, and other invited representatives took part in the National Convention. And they also had emphatic discussions on inclusion of basic policies in drawing a constitution.
Drawing a new constitution is key to the establishment of a genuine, discipline-flourishing and new democratic State. In his speech delivered at the 1996 Annual General Meeting of the USDA, Senior General Than Shwe, Patron of the USDA, gave guidance, saying that all national brethren were to build the firmest unity among themselves for prevalence of tranquillity and enforcement of law and order in the nation; a constitution to adopt seriously was essential to all national races, if they wanted a prosperous and peaceful future; measures were therefore to be taken for the emergence of a State Constitution; and the holding of the National Convention successfully was the only way of drawing up the State Constitution.
Later, she concluded her motion of calling upon the active participation of the entire mass of national races by playing their roles in the successful realization of the seven-point future policy and programme of the State, a must for the State given the current situation and historical situation of the country.
Next, Daw Yin Kyway of Shwedaung Township Myanmar Women Entrepreneurs' Association seconded the motion, saying that in his speech, Prime Minister General Khin Nyunt said that it can be seen that today, due to the efforts of the government based on the strength and capabilities of its own national resources and the participation of the entire people, the Union of Myanmar is on the right path leading to development. Moreover, sound foundations and fruitful results are being attained in respect of the fundamentals for national unity, basic infrastructures for national economic progress, for national development, for social development, as well as in technology.
She said that she would like to present a brief account of Myanmar's history comparing to Bago Division (West).
Myanmar was under servitude of British colonialists for more than a hundred years. Throughout the period, Myanmar nationals encountered bitter experiences under the divide-and-rule policy and terribly suffered from having to pay heavy taxes on land, paddy fields, human and others unfairly levied by foreigner lackeys of the colonialists. And Myanmars' labour was unjustly exploited by British companies, she added.
As the saying goes "Occupy land, then money, and then young daughters", the British colonialists and their lackeys were harshly oppressing Myanmar people. A large range of oppression of the people culminated in the peasants' revolution led by Saya San which began in Thayawady region, Bago Division (West), she noted.
After Myanmar regained the independence, British colonialists drove a wedge among national brethren. Some leftist and rightist powers indoctrinated the national races with racism, ideology and sectarianism. To make matters worse, the parliamentary democracy system had weak points, resulting in disintegration of national solidarity and emergence of mushrooming multicoloured insurgents, Myanmar national lackeys of western countries, and drugs traffickers, and various regions of States and Divisions of the nation turned to battlefields and war-torn areas. At that time, the townships of Bago Division (West) were in grief, with sounds of firing and bomb explosions and battles, local people were in great difficulty with their meals and sleep, and it was a long-period of absolute nightmare. From time to time, multicoloured armed insurgents such as KNDO, Burma Communist Party (White) and Burma Communist Party (Red) looted the villages and set fire to them. The BCP armed insurgents practised the policy "Dismiss, expel and kill" and the murder policy for establishment of red power " Turn local people into dead bodies, cows into beef curry, and bullock carts into firewood". The bitter experiences of local people will last as long as the world exists, she remarked. In order to avert possible similar experiences, she called on the entire people to uphold Our Three Main Causes and in cooperation with the Tatmadaw to take effective preventive measures against the destructive acts of those relying on external elements acting as stooges with the intention of creating unrest across the nation.
Now, multicoloured armed insurgents have met their end and there have emerged irrigation facilities, roads, bridges, education and health infrastructures and regional development projects the whole Bago Division (West).
To ensure sufficient water supply, which plays a main role in the agricultural sector, the government has been constructing dams, reservoirs, sluice gates, river water pumping stations and underground water tapping stations the length and breadth of the nation. In 1988, there was a single dam "Myauknawin". So far, the government has completed 14 dam construction projects - Taungnawin (Main) Dam and Taungnawin (Sluice) Dam in Paukkaung Township, Kangyigon Dam in Pyay Township, Shwedaung Dam in Shwedaung Township, Nyaunggaing Dam in Padaung Township, Wegyi Dam in Paungde Township, Taungnyo Dam in Nattalin Township, Bawbin Dam in Gyobingauk Township, Singuchaung-gaung, Gamon and Minhla Dams in Okpo Township, Thedaw and Bilin Dams in Letpadan Township and Thonse Dam in Thayawady Township, resulting in over 150,000 more cultivable acres in the region. The government gives emphasis on utilization of advanced agricultural methods and hybrid paddy strains for extension of sown acreage based paddy, the main crop of the State. As a result, the nation can annually produce over 8.7 million baskets of paddy.
In connection with the transport sector, the government has constructed 512 miles long Yangon-Hmawby-Pyay-Taung dwingyi-Magway-Kyauk- padaung-Myingyan-TadaU-Mandalay Road and 352 miles long Taungup-Padaung-Pyay-Toungoo-Mawchi-Pasawng Road, which helps the region has a network of roads.
In accord with the motto "Construct bridges if there is a river", the government has built river and creek-crossing bridges across the nation including seven Ayeyawady River-crossing bridges. Among them, Nawade Bridge, the first Ayeyawady River-crossing one, linking Pyay Township on the east bank of the river and Padaung Township on the west bank, brings honour to the State and it is a reliable one for Bago Division (West). So, one can travel Ayeyawady Division, Rakhine State, Bago Division and Magway Division conveniently at any time. The 323-mile Thandwe-Taungup-Pyay-Yangon Road on which Nawade Bridge lies has been constructed. In the past, due to the poor transport, the national brethren can hardly deal with each other although they lived in the same region. But, now local people can easily make contact with each other thanks to the genuine goodwill of the government.
She said that on behalf of the people in Bago Division (West), she would like to express her heartfelt thanks to the government for its nation-building endeavours, which reflect its genuine goodwill and loving-kindness on the nation and the people.
Concerning the rail transportation sector, since 1988, the railroads stretching over 1,000 more miles have emerged, increasing the length of railroads to nearly 3,000 miles. In the past, Bago Division (West) had a single railroad "Yangon-Pyay". In the time of Tatmadaw government, there has been constructed Pyay-Aunglan-Taung-dwingyi Railroad that goes round Bago Yoma.
With regard to the industrial sector, in Bago Division (West), the Khittaya Industrial Zone has been established consisting of 114 large, medium and small factories manufacturing quality products such as Khittaya automobiles,farm machinery and implements and machine spare parts under import-substitute plan.
Previously, there were 1,973 basic education schools in Bago Division (West) and now there are 2,532 schools, increased by 559.
Regarding the health sector, hospitals are being upgraded. A general hospital was constructed in Pyay and now it has been upgraded from 150-bed to 200-bed hospital in which specialists and modern medical equipment have been installed. For regional development, the government has fulfilled education, health and economy requirements of 14 townships in the region.
Thus, Bago Division (West) is now covered with a great deal of dams and reservoirs, mills, factories, education and health infrastructures, monsoon and summer paddy fields and plantations of crops and so it is like a splendid multicoloured painting.
National solidarity, tranquillity and national economic development, basic foundations for building up a democratic nation, have been constructed to some extent.
At such a time when the nation is gaining development momentum in all spheres, the State's seven-point political roadmap is most opportune.
She said she wholeheartedly welcomes the reconvening of the National Convention that has been adjourned since 1996 under the State's future policies and programmes.
The already-gained development momentum, peace, tranquillity and national solidarity are to be maintained, she pointed out.
She pledged that the entire people will make collective efforts for building up a modern developed democratic nation in accord with the new State Constitution.
The entire people are looking forward to building up a peaceful, modern and developed nation with strong basic economic, defend and organizing forces, she said.
In conclusion, on behalf of the people of Bago Division (West), she seconded the motion, calling on the entire national people to be fully equipped with Union Spirit to participate in the tasks for successful implementation of the seven future policies and programmes of the State by doing their bit.
Afterwards, Nawaday Sugar Mill Manager U Tin Sein seconded the motion calling on the entire mass of people to partake in any sectors for the successful implementation of the seven-point future policy of the State with true sense of Union Spirit. He said the State's economy declin due to various armed insurgent groups. Some parts of the State were about to be separated from the Union due to the weaknesses of parliamentary democracy system and the constitution. So, the Tatmadaw had to take over the responsibilities of the State in time. Anarchy reigned the whole country in 1988 because of weaknesses of one-party system. At that time, insurgents under the pretext of democracy taking advantage of this situation, tried to seize the State's power. So, the Tatmadaw government unavoidably took over the State's responsibilities when there was no law, peace and stability and the State's economy was in the worst situation. So, the government has been trying to restore peace and traquillty the State and making arrangements for emergence of a peaceful, modern and discipline-flourishing country. Democracy of one country will not be the same as the other, and it has to be shaped on the basis of respective country's history and situation. It is needed to practise according to historical background, geographical condition, and the culture and tradition of national races.
The four political objectives has been laid down to shape the country step by step to be a modern democratic one. The four economic objectives has been implemented for the country because only when the national economy is strong, will there emerge a peaceful, modern and democratic country.
The four social objectives has been implemented to uplift morale and morality of the entire nation, national prestige and integrity and dynamism of patriotic spirit which were ruined due to the unrest in colonial period and in 1988.
Head of State Senior General Than Shwe said on 25 November 1998 that "in actual practice of democracy in Myanmar in the past, there had been repeated difficulties and stringencies. Though multi-party parliamentary democracy was adopted after regaining the independence, success was not achieved as expected due to lack of national peace and stability and the lack of development in people's socio-economic life, and the danger grew to near disintegration of the Union. Practising democracy without peace and stability will lead to anarchy".
The Head of State's guidance is the very right one to build a democratic nation. At present, success has been achieved in the tasks for national unity, stability of the State and development of the State to a certain extent. So, in 1992, the State made arrangements for holding the National Convention for emergence of a firm National Constitution.
Political parties, representatives-elect, representatives of national races organizations, intellectuals and intelligentsia and service personnel attended the National Convention to formulate necessary principles for very important constitution. At that time, based on attitude of an individual, NLD walked out of the National Convention according to the own decision, ignoring the national interest. At present, the seven-point future political programme included in the Prime Minister's address makes our glimmer of hope bright. Based on the national reconsolidation, national interest and honesty, national people are to implement the seven-point future political programme step by step. It is heartening to see that the whole mass of national people and people of all strata of life are supporting the seven-point future political programme. So, it will surely achieve success.
In conclusion, it is needed for the entire national people to actively and unitedly take part in the endeavours for successful implementation of the seven-point future political programme. So, I would like to support the motion calling for the entire mass of people to take part in any sectors for the successful implementation of the seven-point future policy of the State with true sense of Union Spirit.
Afterwards, the chairman sought the approval of the mass rally concerning the motion for active participation of the entire national people by doing their bit for the successful implementation of the seven future policies and programmes tabled by Daw Nyunt Nyunt Win.
The master of ceremonies announced the resolutions of the mass rally for active participation of the entire national people by doing their bit for the successful implementation of the seven policies and programmes.
Vice-Senior General Maung Aye pays respects to remains of Shwekyin Sasanabaing XIII in Nyaungshwe
YANGON, 15 Oct- Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Maung Aye left here this morning by the Tatmadaw flight and arrived at Heho Airport in Kalaw Township at 9.10 am.
Vice-Senior General Maung Aye and party were welcomed by Brig-Gen Mya Win and Brig-Gen Thaung Htaik of Kalaw Station, Commander of No 55 LID Col Thet Oo, senior military officers and departmental officials.
Vice-Senior General Maung Aye and party proceeded to Nyaungshwe by helicopter. They were welcomed by Deputy Commander of Eastern Command Col Win Myint and officials.
Vice-Senior General Maung Aye and party went to Kangyi Pariyatti Sarthintaik in Nyaungshwe and paid respects to the remains of State Ovadacariya Chairman of Shwekyin Nikaya dipati, Maha Nayaka Dhammatheynapati Shwekyin Sasanabaing XIII, Abhidhaja Maha Ratha Gura, Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddhammajotika Presiding Nayaka of Kangyi Pariyatti Sarthintaik Bhaddanta Vimalabhivamsa.
Vice-Senior General Maung Aye and party also paid obeisance to Joint Shwekyin Sasanabaing Waso Kyaung Sayadaw in Mandalay Abhidhaja Maha Ratha Gura Bhaddanta Agghiya and Sayadaws.
Sayadaw Bhaddanta Agghiya explained about the arrangements for final rites of Sayadaw Bhaddanta Vimalabhivamsa.
Next, the commander and officials reported on arrangements for final rites of Sayadaw Bhaddanta Vimalabhivamsa. Vice-Senior General Maung Aye then gave necessary instructions.
Vice-Senior General Maung Aye presented offertories to Joint Shwekyin Sasanabaing Waso Kyaung Sayadaw. Next, the Secretary-2, the commander-in-chief (Navy), the commander-in-chief (Air), the commander and ministers presented offertories to the Sayadaws.
Cash donations were made for the final rites of the Sayadaw. The State Peace and Development Council and Eastern Command donated K 1 million each, U Aung Ko Win-Daw Nan Than Htwe of Kanbawza Bank, U Khin Myint-Daw Than Than Win of Yadana Win (Thonze) Co, U Chit Khaing of Eden Group Co, U Aung Kham Hti, U Nay Win Tun and Pa-O National Organization and U Sai Tun Yin-Daw Cho Cho Khaing of (November Family Taunggyi) K 2 million each, Daw Oke, son U San Lin-Daw Nan Khin Hnin Wai of Taunggyi K 1 million, the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Director-General of Road Transport Administration Department U Hla Thaung Myint and staff K 500,000 each and U Bo Bo-Daw Aung Kyi of Mandalay K 100,000 to Chairman U San Mya of Kyaungtaik Board of Trustees.
Vice-Senior General Maung Aye again paid respects to the remains of Shwekyin Sasanabaing XIII.
Vice-Senior General Maung Aye and party inspected the site for final rites and gave instructions.
Vice-Senior General Maung Aye arrived back here in the evening.
The final rites of the Sayadaw will be held on 20 October. Sayadaws will deliver sermon at the Kangyi Pariyatti Sarthintaik beginning from 15 October.
Sermons at final rites of Shwekyin Sasanabaing Sayadaw
YANGON, 15 Oct - The ceremonies to deliver sermons will be held before holding final rites of Member of the State Ovadacariya Shwekyin Nikaya Sasanabaing Shan State (South) Nyaungshwe Kangyi Pariyatti Monastery Presiding Nayaka Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddhammajotika Sayadaw Bhaddanta Vimalabhivamsa who passed away on 13 October.
Dhammakathika Bahujana Hitadhara Sayadaw Bhaddanta Dhammavara of Inya Monastery in Inya Village, Inlay Region, Nyaungshwe Township, will deliver a sermon on 15 October evening; Tipitakadhara Dhamma Bandagarika Agga Maha Pandita of Maha Withuddayon Shwekyin Taikthit in Bahan Township, Yangon Division, Yaw Sayadaw Bhaddanta Sirindabhivamsa, on 16 October evening; Awaiya Yamayankin Monastery Sayadaw of Seinpan Thanlyet-hmaw East Ward, 41st Street, Mandalay, Agga Maha Ganthavacaka Pandita Bhaddanta Odata Siribhivamsa, on 17 October evening; Sayadaw of Palikaryi Pariyatti Monastery in Thakayta Township, Yangon Division, Dhammacariya Dighabhanaka Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Ingisa, on 18 October evening; and Sagaing Hill Thitagu World Buddhist University Adhipati Agga Maha Pandita Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Maha Dhammakathika Sayadaw Bahujana Hitadhara Dr Bhaddanta Ñanissara, at Kangyi Monastery in Nyaungshwe at 7 pm on 19 October respectively.
YANGON, 15 Oct - With the participation of the entire people, Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions have been held successfully on a grand scale for 11 consecutive years. Second day competitions of the 11th Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions were held at the designated venues today.
The song contest was held at the National Museum on Pyay road, the dance contest at the National Theater on Myoma Kyaung Street, the song-composing contest at Pantra School on Kaba Aye Pagoda road, the individual Saing contest (professional level) at Padonma Theater on Bagaya road, and the basic education level guitar contest (age 5-10, boys) and amateur level guitar playing contest (male) at Kanbawza Theatre on Kaba Aye Pagoda road.
The competitions were attended by Patron of the Committee for Holding the 11th Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions Prime Minister General Khin Nyunt, Member of the Panel of Patrons of the Committee for Holding the 11th Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions Chairman of the Leading Committee for Holding the competitions Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe, members of the panel of patrons Minister for Cooperatives Maj-Gen Htay Oo, Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, Minister for Culture Maj-Gen Kyi Aung, Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Mayor Brig-Gen Aung Thein Lin, Deputy Commander of Yangon Command Col Wai Lwin, Chairman of the Work Committee for holding the competitions Commander of No-3 Military Region Col Tint Hsan, officials of work committees and sub-committees and enthusiasts.
Chairperson of Judges Assistant Director Daw Tin Tin Mya of MRTV, Secretary Assistant Engineer Daw May Pyone Khaing and members made judgments on the performance at the song contest at the National Museum. At the professional level Maha Gita song contest (female) ten contestants competed with Khaingpanson Hmonmala (Yodaya) composed by Pyinsi Min Tha Gyi. A total of 13 contestants participated in basic education level Maha Gita song contest (boys, age 5-10) with Sein Le Le Nyopya (Kyo) composed by Myawady Mingyi.
The professional level Dhammapuza song contest (female), and basic education level classic/contemporary song contest (age 10-15, boys) will be held tomorrow.
At the dance contest, Chairman of Judges Wunna Kyaw Htin U Sein Aung Min, Secretary Daw Mu Mu Khin and members made judgments on the performance. A total of 13 contestants participated in the amateur level dance contest (male), and 16 contestants in the basic education level dance contest (age 10-15, girls). The amateur level dance contest (female) and basic education level dance contest ( age 5-10, boys) will be held tomorrow.
At the basic education level song composing contest (age 15-20), seven contestants participated with Lu-nge Arman song, and six contestants at the professional level with Myanma Ahla Myanma Bawa song.
Chairman of Judges Bogale U Tint Aung and members made judgments on the performance at the song composing contests. The basic education level (age 5-10) and higher education level song composing contests will be held tomorrow.
A total of three contestants participated in the basic education level guitar contest (age 5-10 boys), two contestants in the basic education level guitar contest (age 5-10 girls), and 12 contestant in the amateur level guitar contest (male). Members led by A-1 U Kyi Aye acted as judges at the contests. The violin contests of professional level (male) and (female) , basic education level aged between 5 and 10 (boys) and (girls) , basic education level aged between 10 to 15 (boys ) and (girls) will be held tomorrow.
A total of ten contestants participated in the professional level individual Saing (male) contest, and nine contestants in the basic education level individual Saing contest (age 15-20). Members led by U Sein Hla Myaing judged the performance of the professional level contest, and members led by U Kyi Mya the basic education level contests today.
Hsaddan Hsinmin Drama competition commences
YANGON, 15 Oct-Hsaddan Hsinmin (the king of elephants) Drama competition of the 11th Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions was held at the National Theatre on Myomakyaung Street here this evening. Yangon Division (Culture) Troupe led by Maung Nyan Win took part in the competition.
It was attended by members of the panel of Patrons of the Committee for holding of the 11th Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions, Chairman of Leading Committee for holding of the competitions Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe, members of the panel of the holding committee Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, Minister for Culture Maj-Gen Kyi Aung, Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa, Deputy Commander of Yangon Command Col Wai Lwin, Chairman of the cultural performing arts competitions holding work committee Commander of No 3 Military Region Col Tin Hsan, artistes, judges, members of work committee and sub-committee and enthusiasts. Ayeyawady Division Troupe led by U Aung Soe Min will be compete tomorrow.
Strategic Planning Workshop for Maternity Homes opens
YANGON, 15 Oct - The opening ceremony of the Strategic Planning Workshop for Maternity Homes of Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Associations at various levels was held at the multipurpose building of the association in South Okkalapa Township this morning.
It was attended by President of MMCWA Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, Vice-Presidents Dr Daw Tin Lin Myint and Dr Kyi Soe, CEC members, honorary patrons, Chairman of Yangon Division Maternal and Child Welfare Supervisory Committee Daw Khin Thet Htay and members, specialists and in-charge of the delivery rooms of the association.
First, the president of MMCWA made a speech.
A total of 45 responsible officials of the labour rooms of the association participated in the workshop which continues till 17 October.
YANGON, 15 Oct- A total of 585 gem merchants -335 merchants from 105 companies of seven foreign countries and 250 merchants from 95 local companies -have already arrived to attend the Mid-Year Myanma Gems Emporium for 2003 being held at Myanma Gems Mart on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road here.
They visited the emporium this morning and viewed the displayed gems. Managing Director of Myanma Gems Enterprise Secretary of the organizing of the emporium U Khin Oo and officials concerned conducted them round the emporium. More merchants from abroad are expected to arrive tomorrow.
Anniversary of Sub-printing house held
YANGON, 15 Oct- Myanma Alin and Kyemone Sub-printing house under the Printing and Publishing Enterprise in Taunggyi, Shan State, held its 2nd anniversary celebration on 1 October morning at the printing house.
At the ceremony, officials explained printing of newspapers and distribution to Shan State (South) and Kayah State.
Information Technology
Panasonic new products demonstrated
YANGON, 15 Oct-Demonstration of Panasonic communication new equipment and Panasonic Hybrid IP-PBX System jointly conducted by Kyaw Zeyar Telecommunication Services Co Ltd and Panasonic Communication Co was held this afternoon at MICT Park in Hline Township.
Mr Chew Aik Hung of Panasonic Communication Co Ltd explained the new communication equipment and Hybrid IP- PBX. Information data will be sent and received among the telephone lines through computer networking system by using Panasonic Hybrid IP-PBX.
The new equipment will be put on sale at a discount at the 5th International ICT Exhibition on 17 October at Tatmadaw Convention Hall here.
YANGON, 15 Oct - The second day session of the 24th Meeting of ASEAN Senior Officials on Drug Matters hosted by Myanmar was held at the Grand Plaza Parkroyal Hotel on Signal Pagoda Road this morning.
It was attended by senior drug enforcement officials of ASEAN countries including the Myanmar delegation led by Secretary of the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control Director-General of Myanmar Police Force Brig-Gen Khin Yi, Deputy Secretary-General of the ASEAN Secretariat Mr Wilfrido V Villacorta and observers of non-governmental organizations. Contribution of funds for drug-control cooperation between the ASEAN and the People's Republic of China, and cooperation among the member countries of ASEAN were discussed at the meeting. The meeting concluded in the evening, followed by a press conference. It was attended by leaders of the delegations of ASEAN countries, Director (News) U Hla Tun and chief editors of the News and Periodicals Enterprise, and President U Sao Kai Pha and members of Myanmar Foreign Correspondents Club.
Secretary Brig-Gen Khin Yi and Joint-Secretary Police Colonel Kham Aung of CCDAC explained matters related to the meeting. The joint-secretary replied the queries raised by those present. The secretary of CCDAC hosted a dinner at the hotel in the evening.