Monday, 20 October 2003
International Relations
YANGON, 20 Oct - A mass rally, organized by Union Solidarity and Development Association, was held in support of the Prime Minister's clarification on the seven-policies and programmes of the State (roadmap) in thePyidaungsu Sports Ground, Lashio, Shan State (North) this morning.
Present on the occasion were Central Executive Committee members of USDA, executives and members of state, district and township USDAs, departmental personnel, members of Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Working Committee for Women's Affairs, War Veterans Organization, Red Cross Society and Auxiliary Fire Brigade, faculties and students of Lashio Degree College, Government Technical College, Government Computer College, trainees of Lashio nursing school, members of Traditional Medicine Practitioners Association, Border Traders Association, Rice Millers Association, Rice Merchants Association and other social organiza-tions and local national people totalling over 15,000.
Before the mass rally, Thanlwin Column led by State USDA Executive U Sai Nyunt Maung, Shweli Column led by Shan State USDA Executive U Kan Myaing and Dokhtawady Column led by Lashio District USDA Dr La Sai marched into the Sports Ground and took their designated places .
Principal of Lashio Degree College U Pe Thaung presided over the mass rally together with Lashio Hospital Medical Superintendent Dr Khin Maung Wah, Palaung national U Khun Pwint, Shan State MCWA Secretary Dr Nan Kein Phaung Tit and Kachin national Duwa Khaung J as members. Executive of Kukai Township USDA Daw Nan Myintzu acted as master of ceremonies and Executive of Hsibaw Township USDA Daw Nan Theingi acted as co-master of ceremonies.
First, the master of ceremonies announced the commencement of the mass rally.
Chairman of the mass rally Principal of Lashio Degree College U Pe Thaung made a speech. He said: Today's mass rally is to support the seven-point future policies and programmes of the State which was mentioned in the speech of Prime Minister General Khin Nyunt on 30 August 2003.
In his speech, the Prime Minister touched on matters relating to development of the State, political developments and future political programmes.
Here, I would like to present development of the State. It can be seen that when the Tatmadaw government took the State's responsibilities in 1988 to this date there has been development in such sectors as economic, education, technology, health, transport, agriculture, meat and fish, etc. For example, the GDP of the nation, which stood at only over 47000 million kyats in fiscal year 1988-89, reached over 50000 million kyats in 1990-91 financial year . The GDP of the country grew by an average annual rate of (7.5) percent in 1995-96 fiscal year and During the 2002-2003 fiscal year, (11.1) percent GDP growth was achieved.
In the education sector, the number of basic education schools reached over 40,000 and universities, degree colleges and colleges, 154. Moreover, there are now 28 post-graduate Diploma Courses, 26 Masters Courses in medicine, 7 Dr Med Sc Courses and 29 PhD Courses. The number of hospital has increased 757 from 617, and 114 hospitals were upgraded. Transporta-tion plays a vital role in national development. Therefore, in the time of the Tatmadaw government, there emerged about 150 bridges including 7 Ayeyawady River crossing bridges, 2 Chindwin River crossing bridges, 3 Thanlwin River crossing bridges and nearly 2,000 miles of new roads and it can be said that these are the significant progress.
When the Tatmadaw assumed the State responsibilities unavoidably on 18 September 1988, there reigned chaos and anarchy due to the political influences behind the violent demonstrations in the country. With the strength of national unity, acts of destructive elements, who had been keeping the ideology, sectarianism and racialism in the fore, to disintegrate the State were prevented. Various armed groups with different ideology and racialism who had been fighting against each other due to evil legacy of colonialism returned to the legal fold after realizing the goodwill of the Tatmadaw government.
They are now taking part in regional development tasks and as a result peace prevails in the border areas. Based on strong unity, nation-building forces have been organized. These are the significant achievements of the Tatmadaw government in Myanma history. In building a genuine democratic State, (1) Human Resource (2) Natural Resource (3) Capital (4) Technology (5) Stable Work Envi- ronment are the main requirements. Today, thanks to the concerted efforts of the leaders of the State, the above-mentioned facts have been realized. Therefore, the Prime Minister laid down the future policies and programmes.
On behalf of the people, I would like to show my support of measures taken with goodwill by the State Peace and Development Council to pave the way for democracy for the State.
Head of State Senior General Than Shwe has given guidance saying that whatever system a country practises there needs a State Constitution, which must perpetually serve the interest of the entire people.
As the future policies and programmes of the Prime Minister and guidance given by the Head of State are indivisible, I would like to present again that it is a proper arrangement.
Steps mentioned in the Prime Minister's speech are as follows: (1) Reconvening of the National Convention that has been adjourned since 1996. (2) After the successful holding of the National Convention, step by step implementation of the process necessary for the emergence of a genuine and discipline-flourishing democratic system. (3) Drafting of a new constitution in accordance with basic principles and detailed basic principles laid down by the National Convention. (4) Adoption of the constitution through national referendum. (5) Holding of free and fair elections for Pyithu Hluttaws (Legislative bodies) according to the new constitution. (6) Convening of Hluttaws attended by Hluttaw members in accordance with the new constitution. (7) Building a modern, developed and democratic nation by the state leaders elected by the Hluttaw; and the government and other central organs formed by the Hluttaw.
The National Convention which is vital for the State commenced in 1993. The Convention was composed of representatives-elect, representatives from the national races, national races leaders who had returned to the legal fold, intellectuals and intelligentsia, service personnel and people from various strata in the country. However, in 1995, the National League for Democracy, decided to ignore the future of the country and placed the attitude and wishes of an individual and the interests of its own party above the national cause, walked out of the convention. Therefore, reconvening of the National Convention that has been adjourned since 1996 is a must for building a democratic nation in Myanmar.
In the past, democracy was practised in Myanmar. We must learn weak points and strong points of that democracy. We must shape the future of the nation according to our country's historical background and objective conditions.
The Constitution is of vital importance for the State. The constitution drawn in 1947 lasted for 14 years and the one drawn in 1974 for only 14 years. It can be said that it was due to their weaknesses.
Therefore, attention must be paid to the emergence of an enduring State Constitution.
The Union of Myanmar is home to over one hundred national races who have been living in the union in unity and weal or woe since years countable by the thousand. Therefore, Union Spirit is very important for national unity.
As regards Union Spirit, Head of State Senior General Than Shwe has given guidance, saying, "Union Spirit is the patriotism of the national races, who are the descendants of a single stock, and living in the same land and partaking water from the same source, since time immemorial, to live in amity and unity through thick and thin and weal or woe."
Therefore, based on Union Spirit and patriotism, measures are to be taken for reconvening of the National Convention and drafting of a constitution with the aim of establishment of discipline-flourishing democracy.
It can be vividly seen that the six objectives of the National Convention which commenced in 1993- Non-disintegration of the Union; Non-disintegration of the national solidarity; Perpetuation of national sovereignty; Flourishing of a genuine multi-party democratic system; Further flourishing of worldly values-justice, liberty and equality- in the nation; Participation of the Tatmadaw in the national political leading role of the future State- are the guiding lights for emergence of a peaceful, modern and developed democratic nation. I would like to present here that the National Convention represents the whole national people as well as it is a forum in which deliberations are to be made in the interests of the entire people.
In conclusion, I would like to urge all the national people to actively participate with full sense of Union Spirit and patriotism in the successful implementation of the seven-point policy and programme.
Kyaukme Township USDA Secretary Saing Naw Kham Oo tabled a motion, calling for active participation of the entire people with Union Spirit in the tasks for accomplishment of the State's seven future policies and programmes by doing their bit.
He said that the Prime Minister on 30 August delivered an address, which is crucially important for the Union, home to the national people.
The address consists of three parts. The first part deals with all-round development of the nation, the second part with the State's political developments and the third part with the seven future policies and programmes for building up a modern developed democratic nation.
When the Tatmadaw assumed the State's duties, it gave first priority to national reconsolidation, community peace and tranquillity, and prevalence of law and order. Simultaneously, it took systematic measures for construction of economic, social and development infrastructures which assure emergence of a modern developed nation with strong national economic strength after laying down plans phase by phase.
In the speech, the Prime Minister made clarifications on all-round development of the State, saying that it can be seen that today, due to the efforts of the government based on the strength and capabilities of its own national resources and active participation of the entire people, the Union of Myanmar is on the right path for development. Moreover, sound foundations and fruitful results are being attained in respect of the fundamentals for national unity, basic infrastructures for national economic progress, for national development, for social development, as well as in technology.
He made further clarifications on the Prime Minister's speech, saying that beginning from 1986, the State's economy had declined annually and in the 1988-89 financial year, the nation's GDP was only over K 47,000 million, which was at the lowest point.
However, the Tatmadaw government practising the market-oriented economic system reconstructed the damaged mills, factories, workshops and economic foundations. It also built infrastructures such as roads, river and creek-crossing bridges, dams and reservoirs, universities, colleges and hospitals the length and breadth of the nation.
One of the four economic objectives is "development of agriculture as the base and all-round development of other sectors of the economy as well. The annual paddy output was only 654 million baskets in 1988. Realizing that water resource plays the main role in agricultural sector, the government constructed dams, reservoirs, sluice gates, river water pumping stations and underground water tapping stations one after another for ensuring sufficient water supply for agricultural purposes. Consequently, cultivation of monsoon and summer paddy could be extended and the annual paddy output increased to 1,000 million baskets in 2000-2001. The government has spent over K 63,000 million on construction of 151 dams and reservoirs. All the national brethren have enjoyed the fruitful results of development.
A total of 437 dams and reservoirs have been constructed in Shan State (North), benefiting over 100,000 acres of cultivable land.
Designating 2003-2004 as the year for boosting paddy production, local farmers in Shan State (North) have put 102,000 acres under paddy in this monsoon paddy cultivation season. So, all the paddy fields in Shan State (North) are now thriving. Local farmers have enjoyed the fruits of their efforts.
In a bid to ensure regional rice sufficiency, the highland reclamation project has been launched.
Regarding the all-round development sector, the border areas development sector is in full swing. A new ministry on border areas was established to speed up the tasks for development of national races and to raise their living standard. As a result, in Shan State (North) that lagged behind in development in the past, such border towns as Laukkai, Namtit, Panghsan and Mongla have significantly developed with modern buildings, hotels and together supermarkets. This helps strengthen the spirit of national solidarity and Union Sprit.
The nation is gaining development in all spheres and there have also been political development.
He quoted the Prime Minister in his address, as saying that it is because of the historical necessity that we were compelled to assume State responsibilities on 18 September 1988. It may be recalled at that time there reigned chaos and anarchy due to the political influences behind the violent demonstrations in the country. It is because of this situation that we unavoidably assumed responsibilities of the State.
After taking up the State's duties, the Tatmadaw government strove for restoration of stability and peace. And now, it is implementing the political programmes for building up a peaceful, tranquil and developed nation in accord with the democratic system.
Resulting from good conditions of stability and peace restored across the nation, the National Convention could be launched in 1993.
At the National Convention, respective representatives held open and cordial discussions group-wise for emergence of an enduring State Constitution through the spirit of kinship and Union Spirit. Therefore, basic principles could be laid down to draw the State Constitution. However, in 1995, the NLD party decided to ignore the future of the country and placed the attitude and wishes of an individual and the interests of its own party. Consequently, the National Convention has been adjourned since 1996.
He highlighted the third part of the Prime Minister's speech. In the third part, the Prime Minister clarified various parts of the political programmes which will be implemented in the future. The Union of Myanmar is home to over 100 national races who have been living together in unison. At a time when the national brethren have been making strenuous endeavours in building up a peaceful, modern, developed and discipline-flourishing democratic nation, emergence of an enduring State Constitution is of paramount importance. Thus, the government has been implementing the plans upholding Our Three Main National Causes - Non-disintegration of the Union, Non-disintegration of the national solidarity, and Perpetuation of sovereignty - as the national policy.
The government has been taking systematic measures for building up a modern developed nation after adopting the twelve objectives. Among them, the four political objectives are (1) Stability of the State, community peace and tranquillity, prevalence of law and order, (2) National reconsolidation, (3) Emergence of a new enduring State Constitution, and (4) Building up a new modern developed nation in accord with the new State Constitution. So, it can be found that the government adopted a clear and sharp policy to construct a new nation.
Thus, emergence of a new enduring State Constitution plays a key role in building up a new country.
That is why the Prime Minister announced the seven future programmes of the State.
He expressed his belief that the seven policies and programmes are the roadmap for the emergence of a peaceful, modern and developed nation.
In conclusion, he proposed the motion, calling for active participation of the entire people for successful implementation of the State's seven future policies and programmes with Union Spirit by doing their bit.
Kutkai Township Law Officer U Ti Khun Myat seconded the motion calling on the entire national people to actively participate in any sectors for the successful implementation of the seven-stage future policy of the State with full sense of Union Spirit.
He said: the State Peace and Development Council is now striving in all sectors for the emergence of the Union of Myanmar as a peaceful, modern and developed nation.
In the agriculture sector, paddy output of the country, that stood at 654 million baskets in 1988, reached over one billion baskets in 2000-2001. Thanks to the efforts exerted through various means, Shan State (North) will become a region producing sufficient rice for its own consumption in 2003-2004. Success must be attributed to the cultivation of high yield paddy strains and extended cultivation carried out starting from 2002-2003. Cultivation of such major crops as paddy, corn, groundnut, sesame, sunflower, pigeon pea, and Soya bean, and opium substitute crops has been actively carried out through the distribution and use of quality strains, systematic cultivation methods, highland reclamation method and natural and chemical fertilizers.
With the encouragement of the government, efforts are being made for the development of fish and livestock breeding tasks in the region. For the increased use of electricity, Nanmhaw Hydel Power Plant, Nan Saung Ngaung Hydel Power Plant and Panhsan Hydel Power Plant have been constructed in the region. As the 400-megawatt Shweli Hydel Power Plant is being constructed with the aims of supplying electricity not only in the region but also to the national grid, the entire state of ours will be able to consume sufficient power supply, and all the national brethren in the state will be able to enjoy the high living standard soon.
In the basic education sector, there were a total of 3,492 basic education schools in the entire Shan State in 1988. As there are now 4,580 schools, 1,088 new schools have been added in the state; the number of schools in Shan State (North) now stands at 1,636. The number of teachers in the entire Shan State was 11,399 in 1988. Now, the number increased to 16,645 including 6,042 teachers in Shan State (North), showing an increase of 5,246 teachers. Number of students in the state increased from 347,878 in 1988 to 626,298 now. There are a total of 239,625 students in Shan State (North) now.
In the higher education sector of the State, there were only 32 universities and colleges for over 130,000 students and over 5,600 teaching staff in 1988. Now, the number of institutions of higher learning reached 154, and that of students and teaching staff reached over 890,000 and 16,000 respectively. The institutions that conducted up to master's degree courses in 1988, are now able to conduct 150 kinds of courses including eighteen Master of Research courses, forty master's degree courses, 29 doctorate courses and graduate and diploma courses. There emerge Lashio Degree College, Government Technological College and Government Computer College installed with modern equipment in the higher education sector of Shan State (North). E-learning centres have also been opened in the high schools.
In the health sector, the entire Shan State has witnessed an increase of 79 new hospitals totalling 117, up from 38 in 1988. There are 47 hospitals in Shan State (North). The number of health personnel including doctors in the entire Shan State, which stood 1740 in 1988, has now increased to 2,772. In the transport sector, total length of roads in the entire state was 4,077 miles in 1988. Now it has reached 4,445.9 miles including 1,831.4 miles in Shan State (North).
As has already been mentioned, Shan State (North) has witnessed conspicuous development in the agriculture, livestock breeding, electric power, education, health and transport sectors. At the same time, success achieved in narcotic drug elimination and cultivation of opium substitute crops is also encouraging.
These accomplishments must be attributed to peace and tranquillity, and stability in the region restored with the unity of national brethren. It also reflects the success of "Our Three Main National Causes" and twelve political, economic and social objectives laid down by the state.
For the continued existence of tranquillity and development, I would like to urge the entire national people to unitedly and energetically strive for the successful implementation of the seven-stage future policy of the State enshrined in the speech of the Prime Minister. We will have to strive for the successful implementation of the seven-stage future policy of the State required for the emergence of a discipline-flourishing democracy that will further enhance the national prestige and nationalistic fervour of the people and the nation.
Therefore, I enthusiastically support the motion calling on the entire national people to actively participate in any sectors for the successful implementation of the seven-stage future policy of the State with full sense of Union Spirit tabled by U Sai Naw Kham Oo.
Secretary of Shan State (North) Women Sports Committee Daw Sao Tin Mya seconded the motion calling for active participation of the entire national people in realisation of the seven-point political roadmap of the State by doing their bit with full Union Sprit. The second part of the Prime Minister's speech is absolutely important. It stated the efforts for the national reconciliation by the government with the noble objectives. Making efforts for improvement of the living standard of the local people, regional development and the emergence of economic infrastructures after forging the national unity are the prerequisite for democracy.
The government has laid down projects for development of border areas and national races and is implementing them to ensure the national reconciliation while striving for the national race armed groups to be able to return to the legal fold based on mutual trust and understanding. As a result, altogether 17 national race armed groups have returned to the legal fold. They, in cooperation with the government, are now making efforts for regional development. It was the fruitful results of the government's efforts in forging the national unity based on mutual trust and understanding, and genuine goodwill.
In Shan State (North), five national race armed groups returned to the legal fold, and the national unity could be built. The regions of the national brethren-Kokang, Wa, Shan and Kachin-who have returned to the legal fold have been designated as the special regions. They are now striving for regional and national development in the respective regions.
Under the leadership of the government, the people from Shan State (North) are taking part in the efforts for enabling the nation to stand tall with dignity among the world nations.
Nowadays, the border towns of Myanmar have developed with modern buildings, international level hotels and department stores. This contributes to further strengthening of Union Spirit and the spirit of national unity.
With regard to border areas development sector, peace and tranquillity prevails in border areas as the Tatmadaw government has been able to forge the national unity. With prevalence of peace and tranquillity in the region, projects for development of border areas and national races could be laid down and implemented systematically.
To be able to implement the tasks for development of border areas and national races effectively, the new ministry related to border areas was formed. The ministry has been able to carry out tasks for improvement of the living standard of local people and development of border areas and national races with added momentum.
The special regions have been designated in Shan State (North) and tasks for development of border areas and national races have been carried out since 1989-90. The regions are Kokang Special Region-1, Wa Special Region-2, Shan Special Region-3, Kachin (North/East) Special Region-5 and Palaung Special Region-7.
The Work Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races built new roads and upgraded old ones to ensure improvement of the living standard of local people and smooth commodity flow in Shan State (North).
Altogether 113 miles of tarred road, 695 miles and four furlongs of laterite road and 892 miles of earth roads have emerged in special regions of Shan State (North). Likewise, 1,540 miles and seven furlongs of old roads were upgraded.
In addition, eight bridges with over 40 feet in length, 75 small bridges and one suspension bridge were built in Shan State (North).
Takaw-et bridge, Namtein bridge, Nyinaung bridge and Shweli bridge contribute much to better transport in Shan State (North).
Arrangements are being made to build a new Thanlwin river crossing bridge to link Muse District and Laukkai District in the open season.
The government has spent K 143.5 million on development of Shan State (North) from 1989-90 to 2003-2004. To ensure smooth and convenient communications in the five special regions of Shan State (North), 12 post offices, 40 telephone exchanges and ten telegraph offices as well as one satellite station in Laukkai region were opened.
There remained poppy cultivation and drug abuse, the evil legacy of colonialists, in Myanmar. The government after its assumption of the State duties has been striving for eradication of narcotic drugs that pose a threat to the national races as well as the global people. With or without assistance, the drive for eradication of the drug is being launched as a national task.
The government, applying various means and ways, is making efforts for effective eradication of the drugs.
To be able to deter the poppy cultivation effectively, poppy seeds handed over by the poppy growers were destroyed three times. The poppy seeds destroyed were 62,047 pyis. So, cultivation of potential 82,700 acres of poppy has been prevented.
Drug traffickers and drug abusers were exposed and arrested and effective action is being taken. The seized narcotic drugs were destroyed in this Pyidaunghsu Sports Ground in the presence of diplomats and journalists.
Poppy substitute crops cultivation was introduced in the interest of former poppy growers. In the process, altogether 66,461 acres of land in Shan State (North) were put under poppy substitute crops. In addition, a total of 1.76 million perennial saplings have been grown in 12 townships of Shan State (North).
At the same time, the New Destiny Project was introduced to be able to take measures for drug eradication effectively. In the fourth year of the first 5-year plan, progress has been made by a significant amount in cultivation of monsoon and cold season crops. This shows that the accusations concerning drug production and trafficking in Myanmar are totally untrue.
Unprecedented peace and tranquillity has prevailed in the border areas where the majority of national races reside. An enduring State constitution is required for further development and for safeguarding the already restored peace and tranquillity.
Therefore, I, in conclusion, enthusiastically seconded the motion calling for active participation of the entire national people in realization of the seven-point political roadmap of the State by doing their bit with the sense of Union Spirit.
Afterwards, on behalf of those in attendance at the mass rally, Kutkai Township Law Officer U Ti Khun Myat and Shan State (North) Women Sports Association Secretary Daw Sao Tin Mya seconded the motion tabled by Kyaukme Township USDA Secretary Sai Naw Khan Oo calling for active participation of the entire national people by doing their bit for the successful implementation of the seven future policies and programmes.
Next, the chairman sought the approval of the mass rally concerning the motion tabled by Sai Naw Khan Oo.
The master of ceremonies announced the resolutions of the mass rally for active participation of the entire national people by doing their bit for the successful implementation of the seven policies and programmes.
The mass rally concluded by chanting the slogans.
Prime Minister addresses Tourism Industry Promotion Coordination Meeting
YANGON, 19 Oct - Prime Minister General Khin Nyunt attended the coordination meeting on promotion of tourism industry, held at Zeya Thiri Beikman Hall on Konmyinttha, here, at 11 am today.
Also present on the occasion were ministers, deputy ministers, officials from the State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental heads and officials.
Prime Minister General Khin Nyunt made an opening address on the occasion. He said the meeting was held to promote momentum for development of tourism industry.
As efforts have been made for development of the industry, success has been achieved to some extent. But it fell short of expectations. Myanmar has many places of interest and for observation. However, there are some countries with no natural resources for tourist attention as much as Myanmar have booming tourism industry because they make efforts for promoting the industry. Some countries with poor natural conditions have achieved success in the industry because they prepared and renovated the natural resources at hand to suit the tastes of the tourists. It is worth emulating, he said.
There are thousands of ancient religious edifices in Bagan. It is a valuable ancient cultural region because there can be seen architectural works, arts and mural paintings that depict social system, traditions and culture of Bagan period at one place. Similarly, there are places of interest such as Mandalay City where ancient monasteries and religious edifices exist and world-famous Inlay region which is a rare natural pond on a mountain and has floating islands, he pointed out. As Myanmar has favourable conditions and opportunities for development of the industry, related ministries including the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism and travel agencies are to unitedly cooperate for development of the industry with greater momentum.
The industry is the one that can promote the State's economy remarkably in a short period. There are tourists of all walks of life from different countries. The industry will help hoteliers and travel agencies as well as people of all strata of life including taxi drivers and street hawkers earn more money. So, related agencies and organizations including the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism are to systematically lay plans and cooperate for development of the industry that will benefit the development of the State's economy as well as the entire public including people of ordinary class, he said.
Afterwards, Deputy Minister for Hotels and Tourism Brig-Gen Aye Myint Kyu briefed on the entry of tourists including those from the border gates, cooperative tasks with ASEAN member nations and arrangements for promoting the industry.
Director-General of Directorate of Hotels and Tourism U Khin Maung Latt reported on arrangements for holding of the 20th meeting of the ASEAN Travel Industry Market Joint-Promoting Work Committee to be held on 29 and 30 October in Bagan, the ninth meeting of Travel Industry Human Resources Development Work Committee and the eighth meeting of ASEAN Travel Industry Investment Work Committee.
Minister for Immigration and Population Maj-Gen Sein Htwa, Deputy Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Aung Tun, Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, Minister for Health Dr Kyaw Myint, Deputy Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Tin Ngwe, Minister for Finance and Revenue Maj-Gen Hla Tun reported on arrangements for promotion of travel industry in Myanmar of respective ministries.
The Prime Minister made concluding remarks and the meeting came to a close in the afternoon.
Prime Minister General Khin Nyunt attends Kathina robes offering ceremony of Bangladesh Monastery
YANGON, 19 Oct - Prime Minister General Khin Nyunt attended the seventh Kathina robes offering ceremony of Bangladesh Monastery in Natchaung Ward, Tarmway Township this morning and presented robes and offertories to members of the Sangha.
Present on the occasion were members of the Sangha led by Vice-Chairman of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Bhaddanta Panñinda Bhivamsa, Secretary Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Bhaddanta Kumara, Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Bhaddanta Panñajota of the monastery, Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe, ministers, deputy ministers, the ambassador of Bangladesh to Myanmar, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental heads, wellwishers, members of the board of trustees of the monastery and guests.
First, the Prime Minister and the congregation received the Five Precepts from the vice-chairman Sayadaw of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee. Afterwards, members of the Sangha recited parittas.
Next, the Prime Minister presented robes and offertories to the secretary Sayadaw of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee.
The commander and ministers presented robes and offertories to the members of the Sangha. Later, the secretary Sayadaw delivered a sermon. The Prime Minister and party and wellwishers shared the merits gained, and the ceremony concluded.
After the ceremony, the Prime Minister and party and wellwishers offered 'soon' to the members of the Sangha.
Kathina robes offered to monks
YANGON, 19 Oct - The seventh communal Kathina robes offering ceremony of Directorate of Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, the Ministry of Defence, was held in conjunction with donation ceremony of master video tapes on the biography and religious activities of Sayadaw Ashin Janaka Bhivamsa at Maha Gandhayon Monastery in Amarapura yesterday morning.
Present on the occasion were the Rector Saya-daw of Maha Ganthayon Monastery, Sayadaws and members of the Sangha, Maj-Gen Aung Hlaing of the Ministry of Defence and wife, Maj-Gen Khin Aung Myint of the Ministry of Defence, senior military officers, the wife of the commander of Central Command, military officers and other ranks and officials.
At the ceremony, Kathina robes worth K 480,6490 were donated to the Sayadaws and members of the Sangha.
YANGON, 19 Oct - The staff families of the Ministry of Information donated cash for 'soon' offering of monks of State Pariyatti Sasana University (Yangon) at Mogoke refectory of the university this morning, attended by Minister for Information Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan.
Also present were Deputy Ministers U Thein Sein and Brig-Gen Aung Thein, directors-general, managing directors, deputy directors-general, directors and deputy directors of departments and enterprises under the ministry and officials. The minister and the congregation received the Five Precepts from Pro-Rector Sayadaw Maha Gan-thavacaka Pandita Bhaddanta Uttama. The minister offered provisions to the Sayadaw.
The minister presented K 180,000 for 'soon' offering to Director of Department for Promotion and Propagation of the Sasana U Khaing Aung who presented certificate of honour. The Pro-Rector Sayadaw delivered a sermon.
Lt-Gen Ye Myint inspects upgrading of Mandalay- PyinOoLwin Road
YANGON, 19 Oct - Members of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Ye Myint and Lt-Gen Tin Aye of the Ministry of Defence, together with Deputy Minister for Defence Maj-Gen Aung Hlaing, Maj-Gen Khin Aung Myint of the Ministry of Defence and officials, left here by air yesterday morning and arrived at Mandalay International Airport in TadaU Township, Mandalay Division, at 8.45 am .
They were welcomed at the airport by Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Maj-Gen Ye Myint, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Nay Win and officials.
Lt-Gen Ye Myint and Lt-Gen Tin Aye and party arrived at Maha Gandayon Monastery in Amarapura Township. Lt-Gen Ye Myint and Lt-Gen Tin Aye paid reverence to Rector Sayadaw of the monastery Agga Maha Pandita Maha Dhamma-kathika Bahujanahitadhara Bhaddanta Kundalabhi-vamsa and offered robes and offertories to the Sayadaw. They also offered 'soon' to Sayadaws and members of the Sangha.
Next, Lt-Gen Ye Myint and the commander inspected the repair of Mandalay-PyinOoLwin Road and arrived at the Toll Gate being constructed by Asia World Co in Kyaukchaw Village. Project Manager of the company reported on tarring of the Mandalay-PyinOoLwin Road, completion of construction of the toll gate and tasks being carried out. Lt-Gen Ye Myint gave necessary instructions. Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party inspected the advanced nylon tarred uphill road before proceeding to No-1 Defence Services Hospital (700-bed) in PyinOoLwin.
Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party paid obeisance to Nyaungbinaingtawya Monastery Sayadaw Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Bhaddanta Nandobhasa who was receiving medical treatment at the hospital. Afterwards, Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party went to Maha Arnthtoo Kantha Hsutaungpyi Buddha Image on Mandalay-Lashio road where they paid homage to the Buddha Image and presented cash donation for the image to the chairman of the pagoda board of trustees.
Next, Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party inspected the advanced nylon tarred downway of Mandalay-PyinOoLwin road and arrived at the mile post No 19 miles 5 furlongs.
Project Manager U Myint Zaw of Asia World Co Ltd reported on the axis of the road to be repaired at the mile post for safety of vehicles. Lt-Gen Ye Myint gave instructions on quality of road and efforts for safety of travellers and fulfilled the requirements.
Next, Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party went to Dakkhinarama Phayagyi Monastery in Kyunlon Okhsaung Ward in Mandalay. There, they paid obeisance to State Ovadacariya Nayakyaung Sayadaw Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotika Bhaddanta Mediya Bhivamsa. They then asked after the health of the Sayadaw and presented offertories to the Sayadaw.
Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party proceeded to Mani Yadanarama Myataung Monastery in Mahaaungmyay Township. They paid reverence to Mandalay Division Sangha Nayaka Committee Chairman Myataungtaik Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Bhaddanta Sasanabhivamsa and offered provisions to the Sayadaw.
Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party paid obeisance to Masoeyeinkyaung Maha Nayaka Winayanayupadetha Monastery Sayadaw Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Bhaddanta Panñasamibhivamsa at Masoeyein Monastery in the township. They also asked after the health of the Sayadaw and donated provisions to the Sayadaw. Later, Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party stopped for the night in Mandalay.
Medical equipment donated to Orthopaedic Hospital
YANGON, 19 Oct - Association Medicate Franco Asiatic (AMFA) of France donated medical equipment to the Orthopaedic Hospital on Hanthawady Street in Kyimyindine Township this morning.
The donation ceremony was attended by Minister for Health Dr Kyaw Myint, directors-general of the departments under the ministry, deputy directors-general, directors, medical superintendents, professors and guests, officials of the French Embassy, AMFA Chairman Professor Alian Patel and members.
Professor Alian Patel presented documents related to orthopaedic equipment worth US$ 155,000 to the minister, who presented a certificate of honour to him.
Medical Superintendent of the hospital Dr Kyaw San Win spoke words of thanks and the minister and officials viewed round the equipment.
Saddan Hsinmin Drama competition continues
YANGON, 19 Oct - Saddan Hsinmin Drama competition of the 11th Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions continued at the National Theatre on Myoma Kyaung Street in Dagon Township this evening. Manmyo Thein Than Win Drama Troupe of Mandalay today participated in the competition.
Among the audience were family members of Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Than Shwe, Secretary-2 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Thein Sein and wife Daw Khin Khin Win and family, Member of Panel of Patrons of the Performing Arts Competitions Minister for Culture Maj-Gen Kyi Aung, Chairman of the Leading Committee for organizing the competitions Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe, Vice-Chairman of the leading committee Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein and members, chairmen and members of the work committee and subcommittees, artistes and enthusiasts.
Leader of the panel of judges U Chit Oo Nyo and members judged the competition. Pantra Tin Moe Win of Yangon Division will take part in the competition tomorrow.
Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions continue
YANGON, 19 Oct- The 11th Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions continued for the sixth day at the respective venues today.
The song contest was held at the National Museum on Pyay road, the marionette contest of dance contest at the National Theatre on Myoma Kyaung Street, the song-composing contest at Pantra School on Kaba Aye Pagoda road, the Saing contest (single) at Padonma Theatre on Bagaya road, and the violin contest at Kanbawza Theatre on Kaba Aye Pagoda road on a grand scale.
The competitions were attended by Member of the Panel of Patrons of the Committee for Holding the 11th Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions Chairman of the Leading Committee for Holding the competitions Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe, members of Panels of Patrons Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe and Minster for Culture Maj-Gen Kyi Aung, Vice-Chairman of the Leading Committee for Holding the competitions Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Brig-Gen Than Tun of the Ministry of Defence, Deputy Commander of Yangon Command Col Wai Lwin, senior military officers, Chairman of the Work Committee for holding the competitions Commander of No-3 Military Region Col Tint Hsan, officials of the work committees and sub-committees, enthusiasts and tourists.
Chairman of Panel of Judges Assistant Director Daw Tin Tin Mya of MRTV, Secretary Assistant Engineer Daw May Pyone Khine and work committee members made judgements on the performance of the contestants at the song contest. At the amateur level religious song contest (female), a total of 16 contestants competed with Thatta Htana composed by Dagon Saya Tin. At the higher education level classic/modern song contest (male), a total 12 contestants competed with Mokyotay Ahla Nayon La composed by Yan Naing Swe.
The professional level religious song contest (female), and basic education level classic/modern song contest (boys aged 15-20) will be held tomorrow.
A total of eight couples participated in the amateur level marionette contest of the dance contest. Chairman of Judges for Marionette U Ye Dwe and members made judgements on the performance.
The rehearsal of songs composed by the contestants were held at the Pantra School on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road this morning. Songs composed by contestants of amateur level song composing contest on 14 October were rehearsed to the accompaniment of music.
At the amateur level Saing women's contest (single), eight contestants took part in the contest. Member of Panel of Judges (central) U Sein Hla Lay and members made judgements on the performance.
At the higher education level Saing women's contest (single), three contestants took part in the contest.
At the basic education level Saing contest (aged 10-15, single, girls), six contestants took part in the contest. Member of Panel of Judges U Toe and members made judgements on the performance. At the higher education level violin contest (male), five contestants participated with Kyun Kyun Paing Tha (Kyo) song, and at the higher education level violin contest (female), five contestants participated with Zabu Taung Nya (Pat Pyo) song.
At the basic education level violin contest (aged 10-15, boys), three contestants competed with Za Ti Nwe (classic/modern) song, at the basic education level violin contest (aged 15-20, girls), four contestants competed with Wai Zayanda Hnone Cha (Kyo) song.
At the amateur level violin contest (male/female), nine contestants competed with Phone Mo1e Thun Laung song. Member of Panel of Judges Tayaw U Tin Yee and members made judgements on the performance at the contests. The professional level xylophone contest (female) and basic education level xylophone contest (aged 10-15) will be held tomorrow.
International Relations
YANGON, 19 Oct - Senior officials of the ASEAN Secretariat and member countries such as Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam arrived here by air today to attend the 16th ASEAN Senior Transport Officials Meeting to be hosted by Myanmar from 20 to 22 October.
They were welcomed at Yangon International Airport by officials of the subcommittee for holding the meeting.