Secretary-1 opens main building of
Maubin University
Maubin University creates unique opportunities for local people to conveniently pursue higher education
YANGON, 18 July - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council General Khin Nyunt, accompanied by Member of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than, the ministers, the deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development Council
Office, heads of the departments and officials concerned this morning left here by car and arrived in Mezali Village, Nyaungdon Township, Ayeyawady Division, where they were welcomed by Chairman of Ayeyawady Division Peace and Development Council Commander of South-West Command
Maj-Gen Htay Oo and officials concerned.
Next, the Secretary-1 and party arrived in Maubin, Ayeyawady Division.
The opening ceremony of the newly-built Maubin University Main Building for human resources development implemented by Higher Education Department Lower Myanmar,was held at the university with an address by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council
General Khin Nyunt.
Also present on the occasion were Member of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than, Chairman of Ayeyawady Division Peace and Development Council Commander of South-West Command Maj-Gen Htay Oo, ministers, deputy ministers, officials of the State
Peace and Development Council Office, heads of the departments, directors-general of the departments under the Ministry of Education, Pro-rector of the Maubin University U Saw Win and faculty members, academic and administrative staff, social organizations, Mingala drum
troupe, pom pom troupe, dance troupe and guests.
The opening ceremony of the archway of the Maubin University was held at the entrance to the university and Maung Kaung Kin Kyaw (1st year-Physics Major) and Ma Su Su Hlaing (1st year-History Major) formally opened it.
Similarly, the opening ceremony of the newly-built Maubin University Main Building was held in front of that building and Maung Pyi Phyo Aung Hlaing (1st year-Physics Major) and Ma Ei Ei Tun (1st year-Chemistry Major) of the university formally opened it.
Next, Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council General Khin Nyunt and party planted
trees to mark the opening of the main building of the university.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 formally unveiled the stone plaque of the building and sprinkled scented water on it and the first session of the ceremony came to a close.
The second session of the ceremony followed on the second floor of the building.
At first, Secretary-1 General Khin Nyunt made an address on the occasion.
In his address, Secretary-1 said that the government has been making all-out efforts for enabling the nation to keep abreast with the nations of the world with dignity, strengthening the national economy and enhancing the living standard of the national people.
To enable the students of Maubin region to peacefully pursue the higher education the Maubin University was formed and established. The splendid buildings for the university including the Main Building were built for the youths who are pursuing education at the university.
These are the fruitful results of noble affection (loving kindness) and goodwill of the government toward the students, he noted.
For development of Maubin region, he said, the splendid Maubin Government Technological College was opened and upgraded. The Maubin Hospital was also upgraded and will soon be opened. Those facilities will contribute much to uplifting education and health standard of the
national people and students of Maubin region.
The Government has been striving for enabling the nation to keep abreast with the world's nations in terms of development. In the process, it has laid down national development projects and region-wise development plans and work is well under way for bringing
about harmonious development in economic, health and education sectors across the nation and narrowing development gap among all parts of the
nation, he stressed.
To bring about equitable development in the Ayeyawady Division the government, he said, has designated Pathein and Hinthada regions and Maubin region as special development zones and development projects are being implemented in the regions.
Although Agged Division has good prospects for development, it lagged behind in development due to armed insurgency and poor transport. The
people in the division witnessed the progress.
The government has been making efforts with might and main to wipe out the evil legacy of armed insurgency and poor transport that hindered the regional development.
There now prevails peace and stability in the division and a network of roads and bridges emerged due to combined efforts of the government and the people. As a result, progress in the division has been made with added momentum.
As the division is teeming with creeks and rivers the government has spent a large sum of money on building river-crossing and creek-crossing bridges. A total of 39 bridges including the 5,844 feet long Bo Myat Tun bridge, the longest one in Myanmar, the 4,088 feet
long Dedaye bridge, the 3,020 feet long Wakema bridge, and the 2,306 feet long Maubin bridge have been built in the division.
With the emergence of a network of bridges there are over 1300 miles of roads in the division in comparison with only 440 miles of roads in the past.
Nowadays, the motor roads in the division are leading to other states and divisions, and the roads linking the east and the west and the south and the north of the division have emerged, enabling the local people to travel from one place to another easily. On completion of
some more road construction projects, there will be a network of roads in the division. Due to better transport in the division, there has
been secure and smooth flow of commodities, thereby contributing to socio-economic development of the local people.
Since the division is fertile and has prospects for agricultural development, it produces rice one fourth of amount the State produces. In addition, fisheries including breeding of fish and prawn can be undertaken as the division is endowed with creeks, rivers and natural lakes. This contributes to economic development of the division.
To uplift the agricultural sector of the division the government built seven sluice gates and dams in the most required regions. Those irrigation facilities contribute to extending of farmland and double and multiple cropping.
In the economic sector, the wetlands have been turned into farmlands and breeding of fish and prawn is being introduced on a wider scale in the wetlands with the financial strength of national entrepreneurs. In addition, the international level resorts and modern hotels have
emerged on Ngwe Hsaung beach and Chaungtha beach in the division and the facilities will help develop tourism industry.
Relentless efforts are being made for development of economic and transport sectors of the division at a time when the government is striving for uplifting education and health sector of the State.
Priority is being given to development of education and health sectors of the division. There were 65 hospitals, 185 rural health care centres, two regional health care centres in 1988, and there are now 71 hospitals, 194 rural health care centres and three regional health
care centres.
The 200-bed hospital each has now emerged in Pathein, Hinthada and Maubin special development regions. There were 24 specialists in the division in 1988, and there are now 66 specialists and this helps enhance the quality of public health care services.
In the education sector, there were about 5,200 basic education schools in 1988, and there are now over 6,000 basic education schools in the division with an increase of 800 more including 24 high
In the past, there were over 20,000 teachers and over 850,000 students in the basic education schools. Now, there has been an increase in the number of teachers reaching up to over 25,000 and students up to over 980,000. In higher education sector, in 1988, there were only Pathein
Degree College and Hinthada College in Ayeyawady Division. Now, the Division has got three universities and nine colleges including Maubin
Previously, the students from Maubin, Nyaungdon, Pantanaw, Danubyu,Pyapon, Bogale, Kyaiklat and Dedaye townships had to join only Pathein
University and Yangon West University. Now, Maubin University has created unique opportunities for them to pursue higher education in convenience and at ease in their regions. In other words, over 2.2 million national people including the students from the eight
townships are enjoying the benefits, he added. The university has been opened since 18 December 2002, but its splendid main building had not
been completed at that time. Now, it has been constructed and so the opening ceremony is held today on a grand scale, he said.
The government has been taking systematic measures for education, health and regional development in respective regions in addition to turning out highly-qualified human resources and providing high standard health care services to local people.
In the process, the government with genuine goodwill has been implementing the projects for ensuring bridging the development gap in all parts of States and Divisions.
He noted that it is the government's concept that only when there is no development gap but harmonious development among all parts of the Union, will the spirit of national solidarity and Union Spirit enhance and flourish.
So, giving the priority to equitable development, the government places emphasis on regional development plans.
For instance, he said that Panglong Region, where the Union of Myanmar was conceived, is situated on the border of Shan State South and North
and it therefore lagged behind in development. That is why the government has been implementing the special development projects after designating Panglong Region consisting of Loilem District and 11 townships as special development project.
Furthermore, Panglong University, Panglong Government Technological College and Panglong Government Computer College have been established
and Loilem District Hospital has been upgraded to a 200-bed facility in Panglong Region.
The government, with the concept that only when national people are healthy, fit and highly-qualified in education, can it make strenuous efforts on self-reliance and without foreign assistance for the development of the nation and the people, has been striving for uplift
of education and health in the entire nation. Especially, at the knowledge age when science and technologies are overwhelming education, health, social, economic and nation-defending sectors, the government puts emphasis on construction of good foundations on higher
education. So, the higher education sector is making extra progress,he noted.
Previously, there were only 32 universities and colleges in Yangon, Mandalay and some big cities. But, now there have been an increase in the number of universities and colleges up to 154 in all parts of States and Divisions.
In addition to more subjects, post graduate diplomas and Master courses, PhD courses have been opened in the growing number of universities and colleges. It is encouraging to see that arts and science universities, technological universities, universities of
computer studies and institutes of medicine have produced over 200 PhD graduates.
At a time when there have emerged more and more good foundations in which highly-qualified human resources are being produced the length and breadth of the nation, and there have also emerged Maubin University, Maubin Government Technological College and Government Compute College in Maubin Region, the Secretary-1 urged the teaching staff and students to make collective endeavours for turning out
international level intellectuals and intelligentsia in their regions.
The Secretary-1 also called on the students to reciprocate the loving kindness, goodwill and noble aims of the government, to try their best to become ones who can serve the interests of the nation, and to study hard in order to take part in the tasks for the development of their
regions and the Union, fully exerting the knowledge gained from the universities and colleges.
In conclusion, the Secretary urged faculty members and students to make endeavours in unison for constantly producing intellectuals and intelligentsia who are capable of carrying out development tasks for their regions and enabling the nation to stand tall among the
international community.
Next, Minister for Education U Than Aung made a speech. He said that nowadays, the Government has laid down and is implementing the 30-year
long-term plans of education promotion programmes in the basic and higher education sectors. There were 5,638 teachers in the higher education sector in 1988, but there are 10,176 teachers now.
In the higher education sector, the number of students increased from 134,325 students in 1987-88 to 777,174 in 2002-2003. In 1988, 59 kinds of degrees and diplomas could be conferred on the graduates at universities, degree colleges and colleges. Nowadays, 150 kinds of
degrees and diplomas can be conferred. In addition, students at the undergraduate and post-graduate courses are being conducted with combined subjects.
Since 1998, establishing human resource development departments, universities and degree colleges have been practising One campus multi-system. Altogether 78,853 trainees have been produced in the 139 degree, diploma and certificate presentation courses at the human
resource development departments.
At present, master's, Master of Research and doctorate courses in respective subjects are being opened for nurturing the highly-qualified human resources with the aim of ensuring uplift of education sector at international level.
Altogether 7,017 students are attending the master's course, 447 at MRes course and 1,947 at doctorate course. Today, 57 PhD graduates have been produced from Yangon University and Mandalay University. According to the national education promotion programme, students are
being conducted at eight rooms of IT Centre and 96 at two Language Labs. The labs are being connected with VAST and e-mail. In conclusion, the minister urged the teachers to nurture the students to become intellectuals and intelligentsia for flourishing
highly-qualified human resource and called on the students to try their best in learning the education to be able to serve the interests of their region and the State.
Next, First Year Physics Major Student Ma Khaing Khaing Toe of Maubin University spoke words of thanks. She said that it is to be proud of the emerging a splendid university in Maubin region, Ayeyawady Division.
In accord with the guidance of the Head of State, Maubin University was established in Maubin region after designating the region as a special development one.
The opening of the university can benefit the parents and students of the region. There are enough faculty members from tutors and demonstrators to professors in the university for-med with modern teaching aids such as the language lab, the multimedia lecture room,
the e-education learning centre, the electronic resource centre, the computer training centre. The opening of the Maubin University reflects not only the Myanma education goal but also the 30-year long-term education plan.
She promised on behalf of the students that the students must become outstanding ones and will make earnest efforts to build the modern and developed nation through education in response to the goodwill of the Head of State. Next, the Secretary-1 and party and guests were
entertained with the documentary video film "phu-pwin-wei-si-Ayeyawady".
Managing Director of Dagon Int'l Ltd U Win Aung and wife Dr Moe Mya Mya presented K 30 million for the funds of Maubin University and K
1.5 million for the furniture of the university to Myanmar Education Committee Chairman Secretary-1 General Khin Nyunt.
Secretary-1 General Khin Nyunt handed over the donations to pro-rector of the university U Saw Win.
Lecturer Daw Than Than Oo of the university also donated K 300,000 to the funds of the university through Secretary-1 General Khin Nyunt, who later handed over the donation to pro-rector U Saw Win. Next, pro-rector U Saw Win presented gifts to Secretary-1 General Khin Nyunt
and party to mark the opening ceremony of the main building of the Maubin University.
After the ceremony, Secretary-1 General Khin Nyunt and party viewed round the book fair opened to commemorate the opening ceremony. On display at the book fair are photos of literary award winners of Ayeyawady Division, documents on newspapers published in the division,
books written by the people of the division, and books on major courses of the university.
At the International Communication Technology (ICT) Exhibition, the Secretary-1 and party also viewed round the computers and computer-related technologies, student-friendly software and hardware, and materials of modern teaching aids shown by IT companies.
Secretary-1 General Khin Nyunt and party posed for a group photo together with the pro-rector, faculty members and students in front of the main building.
After that, the Secretary-1 and party arrived at Yadana Ayar Hall of the Irrigation Department in Samalauk village, Nyaungdon township, Maubin district.
Ayeyawady Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Commander Maj-Gen Htay Oo reported on the climate of the region, rainfalls, targets for the cultivation of monsoon paddy and progress, production and distribution of organic and inorganic fertilizers, arrangements
for extended cultivation of soya beans, from which oil can be produced. Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Brig-Gen Khin
Maung presented supplementary reports.
Next, the Secretary-1 and party inspected fertilizers produced by Ayar Shwewa Co, Supreme Companies Group, Ngwemaung Co, and Mya Ayar Co.
Officials reported on the phase-by-phase production processes of fertilizers. Secretary-1 General Khin Nyunt gave instructions and left the hall in the afternoon
Secretary-1 inspects development of factories in Hlinethaya Industrial Town
July - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council General Khin Nyunt
this morning inspected progress of factories in Hlinethaya Industrial
Accompanied by
ministers, deputy ministers, officials of the State Peace and Development
Council Office, departmental heads and officials, the Secretary-1 arrived at Lin
Lin Thar Factory of Lin Lin Thar Co Ltd on Bo Aung Kyaw Road in Ward 4 of the
industrial town at
The Secretary-1 and
party were welcomed there by Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development
Council Commander of Yangon Command
Maj-Gen Myint Swe, Chairman of Hlinethaya
Township Peace and Development Council U Pauk Kyaw, Hlinethaya Industrial Town
Management Committee Chairman
U Myat Thin Aung, Lin Lin Thar Co Ltd Managing Director Dr Aung Naing Oo and
Secretary-1 and party viewed production process of household goods at the
factory. Officials conducted the General and party round the
Lin Lin Thar
Factory produces various kinds of household goods and import-substitute personal
Next, the
Secretary-1 and party proceeded to Mineral Casting Plant of Excellence Mineral
Casting Co Ltd on U Tayok Gyi Road in Ward 4. Excellence Mineral Casting Co Ltd Chairman
U In Saw and Managing Director U Tun Hlaing welcomed the Secretary-1 and party
and reported on casting,
moulding and finishing works of the plant.
The Secretary-1 and party inspected various
kinds of modern equipment used in to agricultural and shipping works, steel
moulds, stainless steel wares,
moulds of car spare parts, steel sockets, electrical accessories and parts for
industries manufactured by Excellence Mineral Casting Co Ltd.Later, the
Secretary-1 and party visited the industrial town by car and left there in the

Regional development undertakings inspected in Bago Division
YANGON, 18 July - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than of the Ministry of Defence, accompanied by
Vice-Quartermaster-General Maj-Gen Htin Aung Kyaw of the Ministry of Defence, Deputy Commander of Southern Command Brig-Gen Thura Maung Ni
and military officers of Taungoo Station, arrived at the local battalion in Taungoo on 16 July morning.
Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than met with officers and other ranks of the battalion and their families, and gave instructions on active participation in nation-building tasks and undertaking of agriculture and livestock breeding work on a manageable scale.
After inspecting the pepper farm of the battalion, Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than gave instructions and attended to the requirements.
Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than and party went to the 100-acre high-quality paddy plantation and the Hsin-ekari-3 paddy plantation in Uyindaw village, Ottwin Township, where they inspected the cultivation of model monsoon paddy for the year 2003-2004.
Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than encouraged local farmers of Ottwin Township and gave instructions on the extension of sown acreage and boosting of per
acre yield.
Of 3,046 acres of monsoon paddy targeted to be grown in Ottwin for 2003-2004, a total of 2,181 acres had been put under monsoon paddy up
to this date. Of 2,181 acres of monsoon paddy targeted to be grown in Nyaungpingyi village-tract, a total of 1,420 acres had been put under
monsoon paddy up to this date.
Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than and party inspected the monsoon paddy and shady trees grown on both sides of the road. They also looked into the
sugarcane plantations of local farmers in Yeshangyi village, Pyu Township, and heard reports on distribution of quality strains of
sugarcane to farmers and arrangements for distribution of nurseries. Officials conducted them round the model sugarcane plantations.
High quality sugarcane from India, the ranks and their families at the hall of the battalion and gave instructions.
They also went to the Station Hospital and inspected the women's ward,the delivery room, the medical storage room, and the men's ward.
Officials of the hospital conducted them round the hospital. Next, Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than gave instructions on keeping the hospital clean
and tidy and preventive measures for the outbreak of common diseases.
Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than and party also went to the construction site of Kwin Creek bridge between Kanyutkwin and Tawkywe-in, where they heard
reports on the construction of the bridge and gave instructions on timely completion of the bridge and work site safety.
Kwin Creek bridge will be 300 feet long, with a 48 feet wide motor road and a six feet wide pedestrian lane on both sides of the road.
The bridge can bear 60 tons of loads. It will be constructed by the special group 1 of the bridge construction project.
Later, Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than, accompanied by Bago Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Southern Command Commander Brig-Gen Ko Ko
and Vice-Quartermaster-General Maj-Gen Htin Aung Kyaw, arrived at the local battalion in Peinzalok Township, where they met with officers,
other ranks and their families and gave instructions on agriculture and livestock breeding work. At 4 pm, they arrived at the local
battalion in DaikU, where they met with officers, other ranks and their families and gave instructions on active participation in
regional development tasks.
Later, Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than and party left DaikU at 6 pm and arrived back at Yangon in the evening.

Construction Minister inspects roads, bridges in Bago Division, Rakhine State
YANGON, 18 July - Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun inspected Yangon-Pyay Road on 13 July. Officials reported on maintenance of the
road sections of Yangon-Pyay Highway in Yangon and Bago divisions in the rainy season.
The minister gave instructions on maintenance of surface of the road.
On 14 July, the minister saw over the approach road of Nawade Bridge in Pyay and road sections of Padaung-Taungup Highway in Bago Division
and Rakhine State.
Next, the minister and party looked into Taungup-Ma-ei Section. Deputy Superintending Engineer U Tin Htut of Road Special Group-8 reported on
progress in construction of earth embankment for Taungup-Ma-ei Road, construction of temporary small wooden bridges and permanent concrete
conduit. The minister gave instructions on construction of the 24 feet wide gravel road on 40 feet wide earth embankment and digging of drains.
On 15 July, the minister and party inspected Deedokpauk Bridge and Minkyaung Bridge construction sites.
Next, the minister and party inspected the Affiliated Basic Education Primary School at the construction site of Minkyaung Bridge. He presented gifts to the students.
The minister and party saw over the site for building Thazintanbauk Bridge. Next, they went to the site of Thanthamagyi Bridge Construction Project. Deputy Superintending Engineer U Soe Myint of Road Special Group-13 reported on progress of construction tasks. The
minister gave instructions on tasks to be supervised to meet the set standard. Later, the minister inspected the construction site.

MNWCWA members visit Ladies Care Centre (Twantay)
YANGON, 18 July - Chairman of the Myanmar National Working Committee for Women's Affairs Deputy Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and
Resettlement U Hlaing Win, member of the Myanmar National Committee for Women's Affairs Vice-Chairperson of the MNWCWA Prof Dr Daw May May
Yi, member of the MNCWA and the MNWCWA Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, members of the MNCWA, member of Yangon Division Working Committee for Women's
Affairs Daw Khin Thet Htay and members of the Working Committee, visited Ladies Care Centre (Twantay) conducted by the Social Welfare Department in Twantay Township, Yangon South District, this morning. They also met with trainee women and donated cash and kind to the
The excursion team arrived there at 8 am. They were welcomed there by Director-General of the Social Welfare Department U Sit Myaing, Deputy
Director-General of the Health Department Dr Soe Aung, Director of the Prisons Department U Win Myint and officials, the principal of the centre and course instructors. At the briefing hall, U Sit Myaing explained the purpose of the centre and activities being launched.
Next, the members of the excursion team viewed round the tailoring section, cottage industry, the hostel and the refectory.
At the donation ceremony, U Hlaing Win extended greetings and then Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe spoke words of encouragement, saying that she was
delighted at meeting with the women of the centre; that she was grateful to officials from the Social Welfare Department, the Health Department and the Prisons Department for their well treatment towards the trainees at the posh centre built at the Government's expense; and
that it was necessary for the trainee women to correct their past wrongs by following the instructions given by the centre although they were supposed to have committed misdeeds once in their lives.
Later, Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe presented K 200,000 donated by the MNWCWA to the Ladies Care Centre (Twantay); and Prof Dr Daw May May Yi,
medical equipment donated by member of the MNWCWA Daw Khin Myint Myint and 10 Maung Myanmar sewing machines donated by the Ministry of
U Hlaing Win accepted the donations and presented certificates of honour to the well-wishers.
U Sit Myaing also donated foodstuff to the trainee women.

South Nawin Dam, agriculture tasks in Bago Division (West) inspected
YANGON, 18 July - Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin, accompanied by departmental officials, inspected new quality strains of sugarcane plantations in the sugarcane special zone of Inngagwa Sugar Mill region, Paukkhaung Township, Pyay District, on
16 July. The minister inspected repair of rollers, maintenance of the main power control and processing equipment of No 11 Sugar Mill
Next, the minister saw over storage of water in South Nawin Dam, maintenance of the dam buildings and water supply system, Director-General U Kyaw San Win of Irrigation Department and officials
reported on their works.
Afterwards, he inspected maintenance of pumps and motors at Nathmaw River Water Pumping Project in Shwedaung Township.
Director-General U Win Shwe of Water Resource Utilization Department reported on supply of water to croplands.
In the afternoon, the minister went to Farmer Educative Training School of Myanma Agriculture Service in Thayettabin Village, Minhla Township. Bago Division (West) MAS Manager U San Maung reported on matters related to training course and completion of monsoon paddy
cultivation in Bago Division (West). Officials of MAS reported on cultivation of jute and kenaf, irrigation facilities for the triple
cropping and utilization of natural and chemical fertilizers.
In Letpadan Township, the minister saw over culture of azola, model paddy plantations and use of fertilizers. The minister gave necessary instructions.

20112 prizes will be drawn at 175th State Lottery
YANGON, 18 July - The 175th State Lottery will be drawn at the State Lottery Department, of No 384, corner of Maha Bandoola Street and 37th Street in Kyauktada Township here on 1st August (Friday) 2003.
The prizes will include one K 30 million prize, 29 units of K 5 million prize, 12 units of K2.5 million prizes, 665 units of K 600,000 prize, two units of K 500,000, four units of K 400,000 prize, 15 units of K 200,000 prize, 171 units of K100,000 prize, 24 units of K 80,000
prize, 1,710 units of K 50,000, 46 units of K 40,000 prize, 333 units of K 20,000 and 17,100 units of K 10,000 prize totalling 20,112. Measures for drawing the prizes will be on hand on 7 August, and K 500,000 prizes and under may be drawn through letter of authority.

International Relations
Thai delegation concludes visit to Myanmar
YANGON, 18 July - The 68-member delegation led by Colonel Chusak Meksuwan of Command and General Staff College of Thailand, accompanied
by senior military officers of the Ministry of Defence, Thai Military Attaché Colonel Kasam and officials, visited Yangon City today.
At 10 am, they arrived at Mingaladon Garden City. General Manager Dr Myat Thura Soe of Zay Gabar Co Ltd extended greetings and Chairman U
Khin Shwe explained the construction of the city with audio-visual aid.
Next, Col Chusak Meksuwan and U Khin Shwe exchanged souvenirs.
They also visited factories in Yangon Industrial Zone.
At 1 pm, they proceeded to Myanma Gems Emporium on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road. Officials welcomed and conducted them round the emporium.
In the evening, the Thai delegation left here by air. They were seen off at Yangon International Airport by Commandant of National Defence College Maj-Gen Moe Hein, Thai Military Attaché Colonel Kasam and officials.

Blood donation ceremony held in hospitals
YANGON, 18 July - The 68-member Mibagonyi blood donation group from Maubin, Ayeyawady Division collectively donated blood at Defence
Services General Hospital this morning.
On the occasion, Chairman of Mibagonyi blood donation group U Win Myint explained the purpose of the donation and Lt-Col Myo Nyunt of
the hospital expressed his thanks. Pathologist of the hospital Lt-Col Daw Sanda Swe explained salient points concerning the blood donors and
officials concerned presented certificates of honour to the donors.
Altogether 80 wellwishers from Yangon North District donated blood for the Tatmadawmen who are undergoing treatment at Defence Services Liver
Hospital this morning. On the occasion, on behalf of the wellwishers, one of them, explained the purpose of the donation, and Lt-Col Ye Tint of the hospital expressed his thanks, and presented certificates of honour to the wellwishers.

National Basketball Championship 2003 continues
YANGON, 18 July - National Basketball Championship for the year 2003, organized by Myanmar Basketball Federation, continued in Aung San
Gymnasium this morning.
In the men's event, Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation team beat North-West Command team 103-23 and Ministry of Home Affairs team beat
Swan Swan team 68-58. In the women's round robin event, Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation team beat Ministry of Home Affairs team 76-47.
In the men's U-18 event, ILBC team beat LSK team 93-28. The Championship will continue tomorrow morning. In the men's event, Ministry of Industry-1 team will play against Cyclone team, Yangon Command vs KKS, Ministry of Home Affairs vs Ministry of Agriculture
and Irrigation team; in the women's event Ceramic Industry (A) vs Yangon Division and in the men's U-18 event, LSK team vs Phoenix

Low-grade opium seized in Phakant
YANGON, 18 July - A combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit, Myitkyina Anti-Drug Squad and the local battalion, acting on information, inspected the house of U Kyin Khong Lwam of Nanhsam-1 Village, Lonkhin Village-tract, Phakant Township, at 11.10
am on 24 June and seized 122.47 kilos of low-grade opium.
Action is taken against U Kyin Khong Lwam, son of U Kyin Paung Lwam of Nanhsam-1 Village, Lonkhin Village-tract, Phakant Township, under the
Sections 15/19 (A) of Narcotic Drug and Psychotropic Substances Law.