Regional News |
Senior General Than
Shwe sends congratulations to Nigerian President
YANGON, 6 June - Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman
of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a
message of congratulations to His Excellency President Olusegun Obasanjo on his
re-election as President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Regional News |
Regional News |
New Magway Airport
YANGON, 6 June - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and
Development Council General Khin Nyunt together with Member of the State Peace
and Development Council Lt-Gen Ye Myint, ministers, the Chairman of the Civil
Service Selection and Training Board, Chief of Staff (Navy), deputy ministers,
officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental heads
and officials left here for Magway Airport and arrived there at 7.50 am this

World Environment
Day-2003 observed at MICT Park
YANGON, 6 June - The World Environment Day-2003,
organized by the National Commission for Environmental Affairs, was observed in
conjunction with the prize presentation for the poster, painting and cartoon
competitions to mark the World Environment Day at MICT Park in Hline Township at
9 am today.

Classical Songs
Scrutinizing and Music Notes Record Committee meets
YANGON, 6 June - The Classical Songs Scrutinizing
and Music Notes Record Committee held the coordination meeting at the hall of
the Ministry of Culture this morning.

Yangon Command
MCWA's tailoring course concludes
YANGON, 6 June - The concluding ceremony of the
Tailoring Course No (1/2003) of the Maternal and Child Welfare Association of
Yangon Command was held in conjunction with a spectacles presentation ceremony
at Yangon Command this morning.

Secretary-1 attends
opening of Australia-Myanmar friendship three-storey building in Mandalay
YANGON, 6 June - The opening of newly-constructed
Australia-Myanmar friendship three-storey building donated by the Charitable
Foundation of Australia for the affiliated Parahita monastic education high
school of PhaungdawU, Aungmyethazan Township, Mandalay, was held at the school
this afternoon.

Printing Management
Course opened
YANGON, 6 June - The opening of the Printing
Management Course No 1/2003 conducted by the Printing and Publishing Enterprise
under the Ministry of Information was held at the GTC Press in Aung San, Insein
Township, this afternoon.

Coord meeting on
tree-planting ceremony held
YANGON, 6 June - As a gesture of hailing Myanmar
Women's Day, which falls on 3 July 2003, the Myanmar National Working Committee
for Women's Affairs held a coordination meeting on tree-planting ceremony at the
meeting hall of the Social Welfare Department on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road here this

Journalism trainees
visit MMPE
YANGON, 6 June - Trainees of journalism course No
1/2003 organized by News and Periodicals Enterprise, led by Principal U Kyaw
Sunn visited Feature Film Division of Myanma Motion Picture Enterprise at Golden
Valley in Bahan Township here this morning.

Regional News |
International Relation
Regional News |
CIRDAP Technical
Committee Meeting (TC-19) held
YANGON, 6 June - A ceremony to open the 19th CIRDAP
Technical Committee Meeting (TC-19) hosted by Myanmar was held at the hall of
Sedona Hotel this morning with an address by Minister for Agriculture and
Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin.

delegation tours Yangon
YANGON, 6 June - Under the cooperation programme
between the Radio the Voice of Vietnam (VOV) and the Myanma Radio and
Television, the visiting four-member Vietnamese delegation led by Director Mr Vo
Minh Quang of Bureau in Can Tho Province of the VOV, together with officials of
the MRTV, visited the Shwedagon Pagoda this morning.

Information Minister
receives VOV delegation
YANGON, 6 June - Under the cooperation programme
between Myanma Radio & Television (MRTV) and Radio the Voice of Vietnam (VOV), a
four-member delegation led by Director Mr Vo Minh Quang of the Bureau in Can tho
Province of the Radio the Voice of Vietnam) is currently visiting Myanmar.
Minister for Information Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan received the delegation at his
office on Bo Aung Kyaw Street here this morning.

Seminar on
International Standards held
YANGON, 6 June - The Introductory Seminar on ISO
9001 & Other International Standards, organized by Union of Myanmar Federation
of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, was held at International Business Centre
on Pyay Road at 3 pm today.

Regional News |
Regional News |
Stimulant tablets
seized in Muse
YANGON, 6 June - A combined team comprising members
of local intelligence unit and local battalion and Muse special anti-drug squad
on 7 May at noon searched Ma Yan Kyu Shan and Ma Shain Lin Kye in Haemoelon
Village and seized the former together with 19,000 stimulant tablets bearing 888
in her snack-tin. Further investigation led to arrests of Maung Kyan Shin, Ma
Wunsu Chorn, Maung Loukkhon, Maung Se Yin and Ma Loutthu with 1.6465 kilos of
Regional News |