Regional News |
Border region
development projects benefit local national people in practice
19 May - Chairman of the Work Committee for Development of Border Areas and
National Races Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council
General Khin Nyunt, accompanied by member of the State Peace and Development
Council Lt-Gen Aung Htwe, the ministers, the deputy ministers, Myanmar
Ambassador to Thailand U Myo Myint, Ambassador of the People's Republic of
China to Myanmar Mr Li Jinjun, Minister Counsellor Mr Rokuichiro Michii of
Japanese Embassy in Myanmar, Charge d'Affaires ai Ms Carnen M Martinez of
the US Embassy, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office
and departmental heads, left here by air yesterday morning and arrived in
Kengtung in Shan State (East) at 8.15 am.

Kengtwang hydro-electric power project to generate 472m kilowatt
hours annually
19 May - Secretary-2 of the State Peace and Development Council
Lt-Gen Soe Win, Minister for Electric Power Maj-Gen Tin Htut and
departmental officials arrived in Nanhsam by air yesterday.
Regional News |
Regional News |
development, jetties inspected in Taninthayi Division
19 May - Chairman of Taninthayi Division Peace and Development Council
Commander of Coastal Region Command Brig-Gen Tha Aye, together with Minister
for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe and Deputy Minister U Pe Than on 17 May
arrived at Bokpyin Township. They inspected situation of riverine route for
building Bokpyin jetty at which the ships can dock in all seasons.

Internal Revenue
Department meets
19 May - Internal Revenue Department of the Ministry of Finance and Revenue
held a coordination meeting on review of 2002-2003 fiscal year revenue
collection and the future tasks for collection of 2003-2004 fiscal year
revenues at its office on Pansodan Street here this afternoon.

Literary award
winners honoured
YANGON, 19 May - Myanmar
Writers and Journalists Association Chairman U Hla Myaing (Ko Hsaung),
Joint-Secretary U Khin Swe (Shwe Sun Nyo) and central executive committee
member U Soe Shein (Maung Soe Htaik-Thonze) today went to the houses of the
literati, who were unable to attend the ceremony held at Karawait palace on
17 May to honour those who won Life-long National Literary Award, Excellence
Performances in Arts Field (First Class), Pakokku U Ohn Pe Life-long
Literary Award and international literary awards, and presented honorary
awards to them. Those literati were writers U Ohn Pe (Saya Tet Toe), U Htin
Gyi (Saya Tekkatho Htin Gyi) and Daw Mya Mya Than (Tekkatho Mya Sein) on
behalf of U Than Htut (Saya Taik Soe).
Upgrading of Kandawgyi Garden, Yangon Zoological Gardens
YANGON, 19 May -
The first coordination meeting of the Work Committee for
Upgrading of surrounding areas of Yangon City Kandawgyi Garden
and Yangon Zoological Gardens was held at Agricultural Museum of
Myanma Agriculture Service, the Ministry of Agriculture and
Irrigation, at Myaepadae-thakyun, Kandawgyi, here this

Coord meeting on prevention of trafficking in persons
19 May - National level seminar on prevention against
trafficking in persons will be held at Inya Lake Hotel on 25 and
26 May. The committee for organizing the seminar held its final
coordination meeting this afternoon.

CEC member gives lecture
YANGON, 19 May -
Central Executive Committee member of the Union Solidarity and
Development Association Deputy Minister for Information U Thein
Sein this morning gave a lecture on objectives of the
association at the USDA Executives' Management Multiplier Course
(1/2003), organized by Pabedan Township.

Exhibition to 29 May
YANGON, 19 May -
Myanmar auto Exhibition has been extended up to 29 May.
Regional News |
International Relation
Regional News |
MoU between
Myanmar and Japan signed
YANGON, 19 May - The ceremony to sign the MoU
between Myanmar Engineering Society and Construction Industry Education
Centre of Japan was held at MICT Park this morning.
STOM Delegates
arrive YANGON,
19 May - Altogether 10 delegates from Thailand, six of Malaysia, five from
Singapore, eight from Cambodia, two from Vietnam, 12 from Indonesia, three
from Laos, two from the Philippines, three from Brunei and three from ASEAN
Secretariat arrived here by air today to attend the 15th ASEAN Senior
Transport Officials Meeting, to be hosted by Myanmar.
Regional News |
Regional News |
U-18 Volleyball
in June
YANGON, 19 May - The Under-18
Men's Volleyball Tournament to mark 2003 World Olympic Day, to be organized
by Myanmar Volleyball Federation, will be held in the last week of June.
Regional News |