Poultry farms
inspected at battalions and units in Thanlyin
Yangon, 25
April — Chairman of the Supervisory Committee for Extended
Production of Fish and Meat in Yangon Division member of the
State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than of
the Ministry of Defence inspected the poultry farm, which is
being run by battalions and units with the aim of enabling the
Yangonites to consume chicken at reasonable prices, at Thanlyin
in Yangon Station this afternoon.

National Seminar
on Increasing Food Productivity and Improving Environment held
Yangon, 25
April — The National Seminar on Increasing Food Productivity and
Improving Environment by Effective Utilization of Organic
Farming Based on Traditional Agriculture Practices, co-organized
by the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation of the Union of
Myanmar and Green Nation of Japan, was held at Sedona Hotel,
here, this morning, with an address by Minister for Agriculture
and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin.

New building of Women’s Vocational Training School
Yangon, 25 April— The new
school building of Women’s Vocational Training School of the
Social Welfare Department was opened at the school on Natmauk
lane-1, Bahan Township this morning.

Nursery Market
Festival continues
Yangon, 25
April — The Nursery Market Festival continued at Myay Padetha
Park in Bahan Township here today with the aim of providing
assistance for growers and attracting the public to be
interested in agriculture, and livestock breeding. Kitchen
crops, fruits and saplings of herbal plants are being shown