attaches and families visit 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day
Yangon, 28 March — The
military attaches of foreign missions in Myanmar and their
families visited 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Exhibition
being displayed at the Defence Services Museum today.

workshop on global fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
Yangon, 28
March — The opening of the Asia Regional Workshop on global
fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria was held at the
Traders Hotel on Sule Pagoda Road here this morning.

affairs course concludes
Yangon, 28
March — The on-job training course No 2 on judicial affairs and
prosecution of Ministry of Home Affairs concluded at the
assembly hall of the ministry here this morning.

meets Shan State (North) Special Region 2 WCWA
Yangon, 28
March — Members of the Myanmar National Working Committee for
Women’s Affairs meet 30 members of Shan State (North) Special
Region 2 Women’s Affairs Committee today.

study group tour Yangon
Yangon, 28
March — Thirty members of Shan State (North) Special Region 2
Women’s Affairs Committee attended the 58th Anniversary Armed
Forces Day Parade at the Resistance Park here yesterday.

roads opened in Mon State
Yangon, 28
March — The opening ceremony of self-help Kywechan-Ahlet gravel
road in Paung Township, Mon State, was held at the archway of
the road on 21 March.

attends opening of rural road in Ayeyawady Division
Yangon, 28
March — Chairman of Ayeyawady Division Peace and Development
Council Commander of South-West Command Maj-Gen Htay Oo,
officials and local people attended the opening of
Thudawgon-Kyaung-pan-gon gravel road held in Thudawgon Village,
Pathein Township, Ayeya-wady Division, on 26 March.

World TB Day observed in Shan State (East)
Yangon, 28
March — The 2003 World TB Day ceremony of Shan State (East) was
held in Kengtung on 24 March afternoon.

artistes of marching & military songs honoured
Yangon, 28 March — A ceremony
to honour composers and artistes of the 58th Anniversary Armed
Forces Day commemorative marching and military songs were held
at the meeting hall of the Ministry of Culture this evening.

Wellwishers invited for sinking tubewells
Yangon, 28
March— The Development Affairs Committees under the Ministry for
Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development
Affairs are making concerted effforts in sinking tubewells in
order to get sufficient fresh water in rural areas in States and
Divisions where there is a shortage of water.