Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Senior
General Than Shwe sends felicitations to Republic of Cuba
Yangon, 1 Jan - Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of
ilie State Peace and Development Council of the Union of
Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency
Dr Fidel Castro Ruz.

Foreign Minister hosts
New Year Eve luncheon
Yangon, 31 Dec
- Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung and wife Daw San Yon hosted a New Year Eve luncheon in Wungyi Padethayaza
Hall at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at noon today.

Minister receives guests
31 Dec - Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone received
Managing Director Mr Ryoichi Azumaand party of Myanmar Sai Steel
Industry Co of Japan at his office in Yangon on Tuesday

Minister for Foreign AtTairs U Win Aung sends felicitations to
Republic of Cuba
Yangon, 1 Jan -U Win Aung, Minister
for Foreign Affairs of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message
of felicitations to His Excellency Mr Felipe Perez Roque.

Minister receives PRC delegation
Yangon, 31 Dec
- Minister for Finance and Revenue U Khin Maung Thein received Chairman Mr Lin Zaiyou and party of Yunnan Machinery & Export Corp of the People's
Republic of China

Ambassador calls on IP Deputy Minister
31 Dec - Australian Ambassador Mr Trevor David Wilson called on
Deputy Minister for Immigration & Population U Maung Aung

Seminar on heart disease held
31 Dec - A seminar on the heart disease jointly conducted by the
Myanmar Medical Association and the World Heart Federation. took
place at Traders. Hotel on 29 December morning.

Secretary-1 General Khin Nyunt attends dinner hosted by MPA graduates
Yangon, 31 Dec
- The dinner hosted by graduates of Master of Public Administration (MPA)
Course No 1 of Yangon Institute of Economics was held at the
International Business Centre this evening.

Minister inspects roads and bridge
Yangon, 31 Dec
- Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, inspected the toll gate at Bayintnaung Bridge, maintenance works of Yangon-Pathein road and Pantanaw-Shwelaung-Wakema road, and finishing touches for Wakema
bridge and arrangements for inauguration of it this morning

Two model villages in Kyauktan Township opened
Yangon, 31 Dec
- Under the arrangement of Yangon Division Maternal and Child Welfare Association Supervisory Committee, Myaingthaya and Padagyi model villages in Kyauktan Township, Yangon South District, were opened this morning.

Minister underscores initial impression of dailies in new form
Yangon, 31 Dec
- The initial impression would be the most important thing for the dailies to come out in new format and style on 1 January 2003, said Minister for Information Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan
in meeting with editors of the State-run dailies this evening.

Factories in Pakkoku, Magway
Yangon, 29 Dec
- Deputy Minister for Industry-1 Brig-Gen Kyaw Win on 23 December inspected Pakkoku Printing and Dyeing Factory of the Myanma Textile Industries near Kywete Village in Pakkoku and fulfilled the requirements.

29.79 acres of poppy field destroyed
31 Dec- Regional Tatmadawmen destroyed 29.79 acres of poppy
field in Pachee region, Mongtong Township.

Rural gravel road in Kale opens
Yangon, 29 Dec
- As a gesture hailing the 55th Anniversary Independence Day, 6,842 feet-long and 14 feet-wide gravel road linking Natmyaung Village and Natnann Village in Kale Township was inaugurated on 27 December.
Four-storey lecture hall opens at Yangon Institute of Economics
Yangon, 31 Dec
- A ceremony to open No 2 four-storey lecture hall of Yangon
Institute of Economics was held at the lecture hall this
afternoon .
 Commander, minister attend opening of rural roads and tube-wells
Yangon, 31 Dec
- Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe and Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt attended the opening ceremonies of rural roads and tube-wells in Thanlyin, Kyauktan and Thongwa Townships this morning.

Minister meets entrepreneurs
31 Dec - Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone met with
import/export entrepreneurs at the Ministry of Commerce in
Yangon on Tuesday.

Camp of MMCWA concludes
31 Dec - The concluding ceremony of the Youth Camp (5/2002)
organized by Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association was
held at the Multipurpose Hall of MMCW A at the corner of
Thanthuma and Parami Roads this morning .
Badminton C'ship continues
Yangon, 31 Dec - Under the arrangement
of Myanmar Badminton Federation and sponsorship of Great Wal1
medical production company, the third Great Wall Championship of
Badmintoin Tournament continued at Yangon (West) District
Gymnasium here this morning. Today .

Specialist medical care given in Pathein
Yangon, 26 Dec
- A team of medical specialist of Myanmar Medical Association led by Professor Dr Saw Naing, went to Pathein People's Hospital in Ayeyawady Division on 7 December to give medical treatment to the patients.

teaching rooms opened
Yangon, 31 Dec - The No
2 basic education high school of Chanaye Thazan Township,
Mandalay, was facilitated with multimedia teaching and learning
classrooms recently.
New three school buildings
handed over
Yangon, 29 Dec
- A ceremony to hand over the new three school buildings was held at Basic Education Middle School, Hsinthaykan Village, Natmauk Township, Magway Division on 23 December.
Monywa BEHS No 2 to hold its
golden jubilee
Yangon, 26 Dec
- No 2 Basic Education High School (1953-2003) in Monywa will
hold the 50th anniversary (Golden Jubilee) and the eighth
ceremony to pay respects to teachers at the school on 1 January
2003 at 9 am.
