Top News |
Vice-Senior General Maung Aye receives US military
Yangon, 27 Dec
- Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Maung Aye received Military
Attaché of the United States of America Colonel Jack C Dibrell who had completed his tour of duty.

Vice-Senior General Maung Aye receives Cambodian military
Yangon, 27 Dec - Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Maung Aye received Military
Attaché of Cambodia to Myanmar Col Ngi Vandim.

Regional News |
Regional News |
Myanmar Education Committee Chairman
General Khin Nyunt attends opening ceremony of
School Family Day for 2002-2003 at Diamond Jubilee Hall
Yangon, 27 Dec - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council General Khin Nyunt attended the opening ceremony of the School Family Day for 2002-2003 at Diamond Jubilee Hall on Pyay
Road here this morning.

Planning Department holds work coord meeting
Yangon, 27 Dec
- The Planning Department of the Ministry of National Planning
and Economic Development held its work coordination meeting at
the meeting hall of the Planning Department at the ministry this

Junior Engineer-2 (Civil) course opens
Yangon, 27 Dec
- The opening ceremony of Junior Engineer-2 (Civil) Course No-2 of Public Works, Ministry of Construction, was held at Central Training School (Thuwunna) this morning.

Photography plays vital role in print/electronic media
Yangon, 27 Dec
- Photography Refresher Course No 1/2002 of the Information and Public Relations Department of the Ministry of Information concluded at the training hall of the News and Periodicals Enterprise here this morning.

ICT Week
Organizing Central Committee meets
Yangon, 27 Dec
- The ICT Week Organizing Central Committee held a coordination meeting at the Myanmar Information and Communication Technology Park (MICT Park) in Hline
Township this afternoon.

Leading Patrons Committee and Executive Committee of MWSF meet
Yangon, 27 Dec
- A meeting between the Leading Patrons Committee for Myanmar Women,s Sports Federation and the Executive Committee for MWSF was held at the Padamya
Hall of National Indoor Stadium-1 of the Ministry of Sports this

KNU terrorists kill father, 7-year-old daughter
Yangon, 27 Dec
- A group of KNU terrorist insurgents recklessly killed a farmer and his seven-year-old daughter while the two were sleeping in a hut near their farm at Peinhnedaw village, Hsinku village-tract, Hlaingbwe Township, Kayin State, at 2 am on 18 December.
Secretary-1 General Khin Nyunt attends meeting of SCCHP
Yangon, 27 Dec
- The Supervisory Committee for City Housing Project held its meeting No 10/2002 at the meeting hall of the Department of Human Settlement and Housing Development of the Ministry of Construction on Bogyoke
Aung San Street here at 4 pm today.

Model villages opened in Yangon South District
Yangon, 27 Dec
- The opening ceremonies of model villages in Thanlyin, Thongwa and Kayan
townships, Yangon South District, organized by Yangon Division
Supervisory Committee for Maternal and Child Welfare
Association, were held at the respective villages this morning.

MFF holds Annual General Meeting
Yangon, 27 Dec - The fourth annual general meeting 2002 and seminar on fisheries of Myanmar Fisheries Federation took place at Yuzana Garden Hotel on Signal Pagoda Road here this morning.

Hotel, Motel & Inn Supervisory Committee holds coord meeting
Yangon, 27 Dec
- The Hotel, Motel and Inn Supervisory Committee, formed with the aim of ensuring management for development of the tourism industry, held its first coordination meeting at Karaweik Palace this morning.

Yangon West District social & blood donors organization formed
Yangon, 27 Dec
- The Yangon West District Union Solidarity and Development Association held the ceremony to set up the social & blood donors organization at the Yangon West District USDA Office on Ahlon Road in Ahlon Township this morning and made cash donations.

Contraband monosodium glutamate destroyed
Yangon, 27 Dec
- The Government has banned importing of monosodium glutamate
(taste-enhancer) which is harmful to the public health as
restricted goods.

USDA objectives lectured at
multiplier course
Yangon, 27 Dec
- CEC member of the Union Solidarity and Development Association U Thein Sein gave lectures on the objectives of the association and progress of national development
at Multiplier Management Course No 29 for the USDA Executives of Dagon Myothit (North) Township this

Regional News |
International Relations
Regional News |
Commerce Minister receives guests
Yangon, 27 Dec - Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone received Resident Representative of Shwe Lay Ta Gun Travels and Tours in Yangon Mr Brett Meizer
at his office at 5.45 pm today.

Diplomats in Singapore visit Myanmar
Yangon, 27 Dec
- Under the cooperative arrangement of the Two Hundred Diplomats Club and the Myanmar Embassy in Singapore, a team comprising 22 members of the Two Hundred Diplomats Club and diplomats in Singapore arrived here by air on 20 December afternoon.
Light jet Falcon-900 arrives
Yangon, 27 Dec
- Under the supervision of the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism
and sponsored by the Ministry of Transport, a light jet
Falcon-900 carrying 8 Brazilian tourists on board, arrived at
Yangon International Airport yesterday evening.

Regional News |
Regional News |
Drug traffickers sentenced
Yangon, 27 Dec - A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and local police force, acting on information, searched a Taunggyi-Mandalay passenger bus with number plates 4 Kha/6702 at Phayangasu Check Point in Thazi Township on 25 February this year, and seized 8.899 kilos of raw opium from passenger Ma Myo.
251 drug cases exposed in November
Yangon, 27 Dec
- The Tatmadaw, Myanmar Police Force and the Customs Department
exposed 251 drug-related cases in November 2002.