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Secretary-1 hoists Htidaw atop Maha Thamaya Dhammadhatu
Pagoda in Popa, fixes pivot atop Lawkananda Pagoda in Bagan
Yangon, 21 Dec
- The Htidaw hoisting ceremony of Popataung Theikdiaung Yanpyay Manpyay Maha Thamaya Dhammadhatu Pagoda was held at the pandal in the precinct of the pagoda on Theikdiaung Hill near Mount Popa in Kyaukpadaung
Township, Mandalay Division, at 8 am on 20 December.
Commander inspects sanitation tasks, bus terminal in Yangon
Yangon, 21 Dec
- Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe
visited the places.
Regional News |
Regional News |
inspects ancient Bagan cultural heritage preservation, regional
development tasks
Yangon, 21 Dec -
Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council General
Khin Nyunt, left here by Tatmadaw aircraft and arrived at Bagan
NyaungU airport at 3.45 pm on 19 December.

Myanmar Industries Association holds ninth annual general meeting
Yangon, 21 Dec
- Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone delivered an address at ninth annual general meeting at the Myanmar Industries Association's at the Sedona Hotel on Kaba Aye Pagoda road this morning.

Seminars on Myanma Industrial Development held
Yangon, 21 Dec
- The tenth Seminars on Myanma Industrial Development, organized by the Leading Committee for Holding the Seminars on Myanma Industrial Development and Industrial Exhibition, were held at nine designated industrial zones and ministries here this morning.

Traditional Medicine and Medical Equipment Exhibition crowded
Yangon, 21 Dec
- The Third Myanma Traditional Medicine and Medical Equipment Exhibition continued for the seventh day at Tatmadaw Convention Hall on U Wisara
Road today.

Diagnosis machines demonstrated
Yangon, 21 Dec
- A ceremony to demonstrate diagnosis machines with the use of MRI by Europ Continents Myanmar was held at Summit Parkview Hotel this morning, attended by Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein.

Beans and Sesamum Merchants Association holds Annual General
21 Dec - The Tenth Annual General Meeting of Myanmar Pulses,
Beans and Sesamum Merchants Association was held at the Sofitel
Plaza on Signal Pagoda Road this afternoon.

attends coord meeting on renovation of Phaungdawsaik Stupa
21 Dec - Chairman of Shan State Peace and Development Council
Commander of Eastern Command Maj-Gen Khin Maung Myint, went to
Mwedaw Ketku Pagoda in Taunggyi Township on 18 December morning

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International Relations
Regional News |
Foreign Minister arrives back from BIMST-EC meeting
Yangon, 21 Dec
- Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung arrived back here by air this morning after attending the 5th Ministerial Meeting of the Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand Economic Cooperation (BIMST-EC) group held in Colombo, Sri Lanka on 20 December 2002.
signed between MCF and MEMI
21 Dec - A ceremony to sign memorandum of understanding between
Myanmar Computer Federation and Myanmar Economic and Management
Institute ,(MEMI) of Japan was held at the MICT Park in Hliile
Township this morning.
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Regional News |
Tatmadaw Volleyball Tournament ends
Yangon, 21 Dec - The
final match and prize presentation ceremony of the ninth Defence
Services Commander-in-Chief' s Shield Volleyball Tournament 2002
for, those who make sacrifices for the country took place at the
sports grounds of Yangon Command this morning.
Regional News |
Regional News |
Regional News |
Drug trafficker sentenced
Yangon, 21 Dec
- A combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit and police force, acting on information, inspected the house of Yan El in Ooyin Ward, Banyin Village, Hsihseng
Township .
Regional News |