Top News |
Secretary-1 attends opening ceremony of Training of Trainers
Programme in the Use of Modern Technology in Teaching English
Yangon, 12 Dec - The opening ceremony of the Training of Trainers Programme in the Use of Modern Technology in Teaching English jointly organized by the Departments of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and Power House Systems Ltd, New Zealand, was held this morning at Diamond Jubilee Hall on Pyay
construction inspected in Bago Division
Yangon, 12 Dec
- Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun arrived at Yenwe Creek bridge construction site on Yangon-Mandalay road yesterday and heard reports on progress in construction of the bridge.
Regional News |
Regional News |
Ahlodawpyi Sayadaw arrives back from India
Yangon, 12 Dec - Maha Ganthavacaka Pandita Maha Saddhamajotikadhaja Agga Maha Saddhamajoitkadhaja Pariyatti Sasanahitadhara Border Areas and Local and Foreign Missionary Ahlodawpyi Sayadaw Bhaddanta Ariyavamsa left for India on 21 November to carry out the missionary tasks in India.
Myanmar Buddhist delegation attends Third World Buddhism Summit
Yangon, 12 Dec - The five-member delegation led by Vice-Chairman of State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Agga Maha Pandita Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Bhaddanta Kesara attended the Third World Buddhism Summit in Phnon
Penh, Cambodia, from 5 to 7 December.
Regional News |
International Relations
Regional News |
Delegates to Fourth Special Working Group Meeting on SKRL tour Yangon
Yangon, 12 Dec - Delegates from Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, China, Japan and the Republic of Korea who attended the Fourth Special Working Group Meeting on Singapore-Kunming
Rail Link.

Fourth Special Working Group Meeting on the Singapore-Kunming
Rail Link Project issues press release
Yangon, 12 Dec -
The following is the press release issued by the Fourth Special
Working Group Meeting on the Singapore-Kunming Rail Link Project
held in Yangon today.
Education Minister receives guests
Yangon, 12 Dec
- Minister for Education U Than Aung received Director of UNESCO Asia and Pacific Cultural Centre of Japan Ms Shibao
Tomoko and party at Diamond Jubilee Hall at 3 pm today.

Laotian and Korean health
delegations leave for home
Yangon, 12 Dec - The two health delegations led by Health Minister Dr Ponemek Dalaloy of Lao People's Democratic Republic and Health Minister Mr Kin Sung-Ho of the Republic of Korea left here by air at 10 am today.

Regional News |
Regional News |
Cetana Evening Classes opens
Yangon, 12 Dec - Under the supervision of Yangon Division Maternal and Child Welfare Association, the Cetana Evening Classes of Ahlon Township Maternal and Child Welfare Association in Yangon West District, was opened at Ahlon Hall on Hninzi

Traffic Rules Enforcement Supervisory Committee meets
Yangon, 12 Dec - The 100th meeting of
the Traffic Rules Enforcement Supervisory Committee was held at
the head office of Road Transport Administration this afternoon.
Cash and kind presented to doyen laterati
Yangon, 12 Dec - Responsible officials of Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association including Vice-Chairman U Than Maung (Than Maung), Joint-Secretary U Khin Swe (Shwe Soon Nyo) and Central Executive Committee member Daw Khin Than Win (Kyu Kyu Thin) went to the houses of doyen laterati who could not attend the respect-paying ceremony and presented cash and gifts to them this afternoon.

Rules of Armed Forces Day Commemorative Painting, Sculpture
Competitions announced
Yangon, 12 Dec - As
a gesture of hailing the 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day,
which falls on 27 March 2003, the subcommittee for the holding
of painting and sculpture competitions and exhibition of the
work committee for the organizing of poem and arts competitions
announced that the painting and sculpture competitions will be
held with the following rules.

Entries invited to Armed Forces Day commemorative novel, short
story and article competitions
Yangon, 12 Dec -
The Working Committee for Observance of the 58th Anniversary
Armed Forces Day Commemorative Literary and Photo Competitions
has announced that it will hold a novel, short story and article
Seminar on Mangrove Reforestation through Community Participation held
Yangon, 12 Dec - The Seminar on Mangrove Reforestation through Community Participation, jointly organized by the Forest Department, the Forest Reserve Environment Development and Conservation Association and Action for Mangrove Reforestation, was held at the Head Office of the department in Insein Township this morning.

Regional News |
Regional News |
Thailand Exhibition
'2002 opens
Yangon, 12 Dec - Under the programme to promote economic cooperation between the Union of Myanmar and Thailand and with the permission of the Ministry of Commerce of the Union of Myanmar, the opening of Thailand Exhibition 2002 organized by the Department of Export Promotion of the Ministry of Commerce of Thailand was held.
Regional News |