Transport Minister inspects upgrading of Heho, Lashio airports
Yangon, 8 Dec - Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe arrived at Heho Airport yesterday morning.

Daw Khin Win Shwe gives OPV to children in Yankin, South
Okkalapa, Dagon Myothit townships
Yangon, 8 Dec - The oral polio vaccines giving group for the Eighth National Immunization Days led by Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe.

Construction of new school building inspected in Taungtha
Yangon, 8 Dec - Secretariat member of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Minister for Industry -1 U Aung Thaung on 6 December morning arrived at Taungtha
Basic Education High School in Mandalay.

Rules for 58th Armed Forces Day Poetry
Competition announced
Yangon, 8 Dec - Honouring of the 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day, which falls on March 27, 2003, a poetry competition to be held by the Observance Committee for Poems and Arts Competitions chaired by Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt (Htilar Sitthu) was announced today.
Immunization Days campaign launched
Yangon, 8 Dec - A ceremony to put the
Eighth National Immunization Days into motion was held at
townships in Yangon this morning.

inspects factories in industrial zones in Yangon North District
Yangon, 8 Dec - Chairman of Yangon Division
Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen
Myint Swe arrived at Shwepyitha Industrial Zone in Shwepyitha

Rules of 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day painting, sculpture
competitions announced
Yangon, 8 Dec - As a
gesture of hailing the 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day, which
falls on 27 March 2003, the subcommittee for the holding of
painting and sculpture competition and exhibition of the work
committee for the organizing of poem and arts competition led by
Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt (Htila Sitthu).
