Message from Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Senior
General Than Shwe on the 82nd Anniversary of National Day
Today is the 82nd
Anniversary of the National Day, the day on which the national
movement for Myanmar independence struggle was launched.

State Peace and Development Council Chairman Senior General Than Shwe sends message of felicitations to Republic of Albania
Yangon, 29 Nov - Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Mr Alfred Moisiu, President of the Republic of
Secretary-1 General Khin Nyunt inspects development activities in Ayeyawady Division
Yangon, 28 Nov - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council General Khin Nyunt arrived at Bogale, Ayeyawady Division, by Tatmadaw helicopter this morning.

cultivation of coffee under way in PyinOoLwin
Yangon, 28 Nov
- A total of 100,000 acres of land has been reclaimed for coffee growers in PyinOoLwin, the favourable
region for coffee.
Insurgent group members exchange arms for peace
Yangon, 28 Nov
- The State Peace and Development Council, with genuine goodwill
as well as with might and main, is exerting every effort to
establish a peaceful, modern, developed nation.

World AIDS Day commemorative one-act play contest held
Yangon, 28 Nov
- A one-act play contest to commemorate the (2002) World AIDS
Day was held at the multi-purpose building of the Myanmar
Maternal and Child Welfare Association.
Italian tourists arrive by chartered flight Singaporean pilgrims arrive by MAI
Yangon, 28 Nov - Under the supervision of the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism, assistance given by the Ministry of Transport and arrangements of Myanmar Lotus Asia Tours Ltd, a chartered Lauda
Air Boeing 767/300 with 71 tourists from Italy arrived here at
9.30 am today.
Indian Consulate-General reopened in Mandalay
Yangon, 28 Nov - Indian Consulate-General
(Mandalay) was reopened yesterday in Mandalay.

Measures taken to proclaim Tachilek, Myawady and Kawthoung as
"Drug Free Towns" in near future
INCB acknowledges Government of Myanmar has been fully committed to eradication of illicit opium poppy
Yangon, 28 Nov - The following is the Press release on relentless efforts for elimination of narcotic drugs being undertaken by the Government of the Union of Myanmar issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs today.

223 drug-related cases exposed in October
Yangon, 28 Nov
- The Tatmadaw, Myanmar Police Force and the Customs Department exposed 223 drug-related cases in October.

inspects opium substitute crop plantation in Mongma, Mongla
28 Nov - Vice-Chairman of Central Committee for Drug Abuse
Control Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races
and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt, inspected regional
development and drugs prevention tasks in Mongma and Mongla
region on 24 November.
