Tooth Relic Pagoda Buddha Pujaniya
Reception Subcommittee meets
Yangon, 15 Nov - The second meeting of the reception subcommittee for Tooth Relic Pagoda (Yangon) Buddha Pujaniya
took place at the meeting hall of the Ministry of Social
Welfare, Relief and Resettlement this afternoon.
Religious Affairs Ministry holds communal Kathina robes offering ceremony
Yangon, 15 Nov - The 11th communal Kathina robes offering ceremony of the Ministry of Religious Affairs was held at Wizaya Mingala Dhamma Thabin on Thiri Mingala Kaba Aye Hill in Mayangon Township this afternoon.

People visit Exhibition on Myanmar
Women's Endeavours
Yangon, 15 Nov - Members of the public visited the Exhibition on Myanmar Women's
Endeavours at Tatmadaw Convention Hall on U Wisara Road today.

Minister attends opening of courses
Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone made a speech on the occasion.
The minister presented prizes to the outstanding students.

Commander attends opening of power plant
Yangon, 15 Nov - The opening ceremony of the self-reliance paddy husk-burning power plant was held at the plant in Taungni
Village in Taunggyi Township on 11 November.
Commander attends conclusion of Traditional Martial Art Course
Yangon, 15 Nov - Basic Myanmar Traditional Martial Art Course No 1/2002 sponsored by Ayeyawady Division Working Committee for Women's Affairs concluded at the public stadium in Pathein
on 14 November morning, attended

Rules for 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day
Poetry Competition announced
Yangon, 15 Nov - In honour of the 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day, which falls on March 27, 2003, a poetry competition to be held by the Observance Committee for Poems and Arts Competitions chaired by Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt (Htilar Sitthu) was announced today.

Holding of respect-paying ceremony to doyen literati coordinated
Yangon, 15 Nov - The central committee for organizing the ceremony to pay respects to doyen literati by Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association held a coordination meeting at the meeting hall of MWJA on second floor of Sarpay Beikman Building, at the corner of Merchant Street and 37th Street this afternoon.
Refresher Course for doctors opened
Yangon, 15 Nov - A ceremony to open the refresher course for doctors No 3/2002 was held at the health staff training school in Dagon Township this morning.
Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein spoke on the occasion.

Measures for Ensuring Smooth and Secure Transportation coordinated
Yangon, 15 Nov - Yangon Division Supervisory Committee for Ensuring Smooth and Secure Transport held its coordination meeting at the meeting hall of All Bus-Lines Control Committee (Yangon Command) on Laydauntkan Road in Tamway
Township at 5 pm today.

Stone inscription bearing Myanma Education Goal opened
Yangon, 15 Nov - Chairman of Taninthayi Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Coastal Region Command Brig-Gen Tha
Aye, attended the opening of the stone inscription bearing Myanma Education Goal.

Commander inspects regional development
Yangon, 15 Nov - Chairman of Kachin State Peace and Development Council Commander of Northern Command Brig-Gen Maung Maung Swe met with local authorities and townselders at Pyibanru Hall in Sumprabum, Kachin State, on 6 November.

Commander meets agriculture and livestock breeding entrepreneurs
Yangon, 15 Nov - Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe
met with entrepreneurs.

Cash donated to MWJA
Yangon, 15 Nov - A ceremony to pay respects to doyen literati was held in conjunction with a ceremony to present cash donations towards the fund of Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association at the meeting hall of MWJA at noon today.
Myanmar delegation attends Study Group Meeting &
Informal AFDM+3 in Japan
Yangon, 15 Nov - Deputy Minister for Finance and Revenue Brig-Gen Than Tun attended the Study Group Meeting and Informal AFDM+3 in Tokyo, Japan, on 12 and 13 November.
86 American tourists arrive
Yangon, 15 Nov - Under the supervision of the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism and the sponsorship of the Ministry of Transport, a chartered flight Air 2000 carrying 86 tourists, under the arrangements of Adventure Myanmar Travels & Tours Co Ltd, arrived at Yangon International Airport at 12.20 pm today.
Drug traffickers get prison terms
Yangon, 15 Nov - A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Tachilek Special Anti-Drug Squad, acting on information, ransacked the houses of Aik Lon and Aik Kham, of No 2/40, 2nd Mekong Street in Tachilek on 14 May 2002 and seized 162,000 stimulant tablets and arms and ammunition.
