Top News |
State Peace and Development Council Chairman
Senior General Than Shwe sends felicitations to Cambodia
Yangon, 9 Nov - Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development
Council and Prime Minister of the Union of Myanmar, has sent messages of felicitations to His Majesty Preah Bat Samdech Preah Norodom
Sihanouk, King of Cambodia .
Secretary-1 General Khin Nyunt attends dinner hosted in honour of doyen artistes, judges of tenth performing arts competitions
Yangon, 8 Nov - A ceremony to present certificates of honour and to host a dinner in honour of doyen artistes and judges who
rendered assistance to the Tenth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions was held at
the National Theatre in Myoma Kyaung Street in Dagon Township at 4.30 pm today.
Regional News |
Regional News |
Secretary-1 attends Kathina robes offering ceremony of Five Nikaya Tripitaka Sarthintaik
Yangon, 8 Nov - The Kathina robes offering
ceremony of Five Nikaya Tripitaka Sarthintaik on Paleyadana Road in Dagon Myothit (South) was held at the Sarthintaik this morning.

Ministry of Commerce holds Kathina robes offering ceremony
Yangon, 8 Nov - The 5th Kathina robes offering ceremony of the Ministry of Commerce was held at Ariyamandaing Monastery on Kyaikwaing Pagoda Road in Mayangon Township this morning.

Transportation Ministry holds Kathina ceremony
Yangon, 8 Nov -
Families of the Ministry of Rail Transportation held the
eleventh Collective Kathina ceremony at the hall of the ministry
at the corner of Merchant Street and Theinbyu Road this morning.

A&I Ministry holds communal Kathina robes offering ceremony
Yangon, 8 Nov
- The 11th communal Kathina robes offering ceremony of the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation was held at the ministry this morning.

Industry-1 offers Kathina robes to Sangha
Yangon, 8 Nov - Under the patronage of Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung and wife Daw Khin Khin Yi, the families of the ministry held the fifth Kathina
robes-offering ceremony at the training hall of the ministry this morning.
Regional News |
Regional News |
Junior electrical engineers course concludes
Yangon, 8 Nov - A ceremony to conclude the junior electrical engineers course 2/3 of the Public Works of the Ministry of Construction took place at Thuwunna Hall of the training school of the ministry this morning.
Duty assigned to EC members of MTMPA
Yangon, 8 Nov - A ceremony to assign duty to members of the executive committee of Myanmar Traditional Medical Practitioners Association took place at the meeting hall of Yangon Traditional Medicine Hospital in Bahan Township this afternoon.

Work Committee for Organizing the Exhibition on Myanmar Women's
Endeavours meets
Yangon, 8 Nov - The coordination meeting of Work Committee for Organizing the Exhibition on Myanmar
Women's Endeavours was held at meeting hall of the Social Welfare Department this afternoon.
Minister inspects Yangon International Airport
Yangon, 8 Nov
- Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, arrived at Yangon International Airport this morning.

Diplomats, military attaches and families visit UN poster exhibition
Yangon, 8 Nov
- UN Poster Exhibition organizing Committee Chairman Vice-Chief of Military Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw

Helon village in Mohnyin gets
clean water
Yangon, 8 Nov
- Water from springs near Helon village in Mohnyin Township is being piped to the village to supply clean and fresh water.

Work committee for holding
Industrial Exhibition meets
Yangon, 8 Nov
- The work coordination meeting of the work committee for holding the seminars on Myanma industrial development and industrial exhibition took place at the meeting hall of the Ministry of Industry-1 on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road in Bahan
Township this afternoon.
Regional News |
International Relation
Regional News |
Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung sends felicitations to Cambodia
Yangon, 9 Nov - U Win Aung, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to Mr HOR Namhong.

Coord meeting on Myanmar's
participation in ASEAN Information Seminar Series (Fy 2002-2003) Project
Yangon, 8 Nov - A coordination meeting on participation of Myanmar in ASEAN Information Seminar Series (Fy 2002-2003) Project was held at the meeting hall of Myanma Radio and Television on Pyay Road this afternoon.

F&R Minister receives guests
Yangon, 8 Nov - Minister for Finance and Revenue U Khin Maung Thein received General Manager of Fritz Werner Co of the Federal Republic of Germany Mr
P D Christ and party at his office this morning.
Ambassadors call on PBANRDA Minister
Yangon, 8 Nov
- Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt
received Italian Ambassador.

CPT Minister
receives guests
Yangon, 8 Nov
- Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw received Managing Director of Mercury Corporation of the Republic of Korea

Chief Justice arrives back from LPDR
Yangon, 8 Nov
- A Myanmar delegation led by Chief Justice U Aung Toe this evening arrived back by air from Lao
People's Democratic Republic after paying a goodwill visit, from
4 to 8 November.
Regional News |
Paper on endeavours of Myanmar education read in Monywa
Yangon, 8 Nov - Pyinnya Alin Modern Library and Monywa University jointly sponsored a paper reading session on the endeavours of the Myanmar education at the Town Hall in Monywa, Sagaing Division, on 4 November morning.
Regional News |
Prizes presented to winners in volleyball tournament
Yangon, 8 Nov - The final match and prizes presentation ceremony of the sixth Home Affairs
Minister's championship shield volleyball tournament was held at the YCDC stadium in Mingala Taungnyunt
Township this afternoon.
Regional News |
Stimulant tablets and
heroin seized Yangon, 8 Nov
- Members of the local battalion stopped and searched a motorcycle en route from Langkho to Mongpan between Linkhin and Kyanmaunglyan in Loilem
District on 20 October.