Lt-Gen Aung Htwe inspects Thabet Bridge, regional development tasks in Kayah, Shan States
Yangon, 4 Nov -
Member of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Aung Htwe of the Ministry of Defence, inspected work being carried out for cleaning and beautifying of Loikaw, the capital of Kayah State, on 2 November morning.

UN Poster Day Exhibition continues
Yangon, 4 Nov - Packed with visitors, the UN Poster Day Exhibition continued for the fourth day today at the Tatmadaw Convention Hall on U Wisara Road.
MWVO COC Chairman inspects Thazin Yekyaw Fish Breeding Farm in Nyaungdon
Yangon, 4 Nov - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of the Myanmar War Veterans Organization Central Organizing Committee Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Thein Sein,
left Yangon by car this morning.

Ambassador U Nyunt Maung Shein accredited to Austria
Yangon, 5 Nov -
The Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar has appointed U Nyunt Maung Shein.

Chief Justice leaves for LPDR
Yangon, 4 Nov - A Myanmar delegation led by Chief Justice U Aung Toe this morning left by air for Lao
People's Democratic Republic to pay a goodwill visit at the invitation of the Chairman of
People's Supreme Court of LPDR.

Financial management course opened
Yangon, 4 Nov - A ceremony to open a financial management course, jointly conducted by Yangon Cooperative Degree College of the Ministry of Cooperatives and the Overseas Technology Assistance Committee, took place at the cooperative trade centre in Bahan Township this morning.

Myanmar, Asean, Japan National Seminar on Industrial Relations begins
Yangon, 4 Nov
- The opening ceremony of Myanmar, Asean, Japan National Seminar on Industrial Relations, jointly organized by the Labour Department of the Ministry of Labour and Asean/Japan, was held at the International Business Centre on Pyay Road this morning.

Industry-1 Minister inspects factory projects in Mandalay, Bago
Yangon, 4 Nov - Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung, on 2 November evening inspected the main building of the printing and dyeing factory in Yamethin
in Mandalay Division .

Minister inspects University of Culture
Yangon, 4 Nov - Minister for Culture Maj-Gen Kyi Aung arrived at the University of Culture (Yangon) in Dagon Myothit (South) Township, this morning.

Livestock breeding farm inspected in Mingaladon Township
Yangon, 4 Nov - Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein arrived at Livestock, Foodstuff and Dairy Products Enterprise in Pyinmabin, Mingaladon Township this morning.

Shwekyin Hydel Power Plant Project, Sittoung Bridge inspected
Yangon, 4 Nov - Chairman of Bago
Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Southern Command Brig-Gen
Aung Min.

Contestants to performing arts competitions tour Yangon
Yangon, 4 Nov - Contestants who took
part in the Tenth Myanmar Traditional Performing Arts Competitions, made their tour of Yangon this morning.

Health Minister inspects construction of hospitals in Kyaukse, Meiktila
Yangon, 4 Nov -Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, inspected extension of Kyaukse District Hospital into the 200-bed hospital on 3 November.

Minister inspects development tasks in Kayin State, Bago Division
Yangon, 4 Nov
- Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt, arrived in Thantaunggyi, Kayin

Commander inspects Wataya wood-based industrial zone in Shwepyitha Township
Yangon, 4 Nov
- Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe, inspected production at Wataya wood-based industrial zone in Shwepyitha Township this morning.

Commander inspects sanitation work activities in Pathein
Yangon, 4 Nov
- Some 650 people including local Tatmadawmen, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, service personnel and local populace on 2 November carried out the collective sanitation work on both sides of Pathein-Chaungtha Road.
