Secretary-1 receives Charge d'Affaires ai of US embassy
Yangon, 1 Nov - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council General Khin Nyunt received Charge d'Affaires ai of the United States Embassy in Yangon Ms Carmen Maria Martinez at Zeyathiri Beikman

55th UNGA session in Year 2000
United Nations Poster Exhibition held
Yangon, 1 Nov - A ceremony to open the United Nations Poster Exhibition in commemoration of the 57th Anniversary of United Nations Day which fell on 24 October this year took place at Tatmadaw Convention Hall on U Wisara

poster exhibition crowded with
Yangon, 1 Nov - The United Nations Poster Exhibition was opened at Tatmadaw Convention Hall on U Wisara Road here this morning in accord with the motto
"For a Better World".

CNA Chin insurgents kill Sayadaw in Paletwa Township
Yangon, 1 Nov - The Government is making
all-out efforts to build up a modern, developed nation. However, Chin
insurgents, being jealous of prevailing tranquility of the State, are always
committing destructive acts,

Extension of Thithseint plantations required
to help fulfill nation's edible oil needs
Yangon, 1 Nov - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Aung Htwe of the Ministry of Defence arrived Heho Airport in southern Shan State by air yesterday.

Officials discuss means to ensure smooth and secure transport
Yangon, 1 Nov - Yangon Division Supervisory Committee for Smooth and Secure Transport held a meeting at All Private Bus Line Control Committee office here this evening.

Observance of 55th Anniversary Independence Day coordinated
Yangon, 1 Nov - A work coordination meeting of the information subcommittee and exhibition subcommittee for the observance of the 55th Anniversary Independence Day

Three Advanced Organization Courses of MWVO open
Yangon, 1 Nov - Advanced Organization Course No 1/2002 of Myanmar War Veterans Organization opened at Defence Services Records Office here this morning.

Opening of Bus Terminal and Grocery coordinated
Yangon, 1 Nov - A coordination meeting was held to open Aungmingala Bus Terminal and Grocery at the meeting hall of Yangon Command, with an address by Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe.

donated to Exhibition on Myanmar Women's Endeavours
Yangon, 1 Nov - A ceremony to donate cash to Myanmar women's endeavours
exhibition, which will be organized by Myanmar National Committee for Women's

Mid-year Gems Emporium earns over US$ 24.5 m
Yangon, 1 Nov - Gem merchants bought 18 jade lots at a price of US$ 1,439,528 through competitive bidding yesterday evening. Altogether 46 jade lots were sold at US$ 3,594,595 yesterday. Gem merchants bought 401 jade lots at US$ 8,241,364 up to 31 October.

Highest jade-buyer of Gem Empo awarded
Yangon, 1 Nov - Under the programme of the mid-year Myanma Gems Emporium which continues at Myanma Gems Museum on Kaba
Aye Pagoda Road,jade lots were sold through tender system and competitive
bidding system on 29 and 31 October.

Drug traffickers
Yangon, 1 Nov
- Two persons, a brother and a sister, were arrested for possession of 0.2 grams of heroin and 1,843 stimulant pills in Namhsan, southern Shan State on 18 September.

Two drug traffickers get prison terms
Yangon, 1 Nov - Taunggyi District Court sentenced a woman drug trafficker to 16 years imprisonment on 13 September.
