General Khin Nyunt hoists Hgnetmyetnadaw, Seinbudaw and Htidaw atop Pyay Shwesandaw Pagoda
Yangon, 21 Oct - The ceremony to hoist Hgnetmyetnadaw, Seinbudaw and Htidaw atop the Layzudatpyaw Shwesandaw Pagoda in Pyay, Bago Division, was held at Kyarpyan Ma Kauk prayer hall on the pagoda platform at 7.30 am today.

Provisions donated to Pyay Taungdan Tawya monasteries in Pyay, Bago Division
Yangon, 21 Oct - The 21st ceremony to donate provisions to Pyay Taungdan Tawya monasteries sponsored by Rice Donation Association for Pyay Taungdan Tawya monasteries was held at Thirikhitta Thirindhara
Sasana Beikman in Pyay, Bago Division, at 1 pm today.
Lt-Gen Thura Shwe Mann attends final rites of 12th Dhammanu Dhamma Maha Dwara Nikaya Sasanabaing Presiding Nayaka of Ledi Monastery Sayadaw Bhaddanta Khamavudha in Hinthada
Yangon, 21 Oct - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Thura Shwe Mann of the Ministry of Defence,
left here by car at 7 am on 20 October.

Abhidhamma Day observed in Kaba Aye
Yangon, 21 Oct - The Abhidhamma Day was observed in the Maha Pasana cave on Thirimingala Kaba Aye Hill on Fullmoon Day of Thadingyut
this morning.

Abhidhamma Day observed at famous pagodas in Yangon
Yangon, 21 Oct - Today is the Fullmoon Day of Thadingyut (Abhidhamma Day).

Abhidhamma Propagation Association observes 54th Abhidhamma Day
Yangon, 21 Oct - Yangon Abhidhamma Propagation Association observed the 54th Abhidhamma Day in conjunction with the 35th ceremony to present prizes to those who passed the Abhidhamma examination at the Abhidhamma Yadanaghara Dhamma Hall on Bahan Road in Bahan Township this afternoon.
U Than Tun appointed as Ambassador to Maldives concurrently
Yangon, 22 Oct - The Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar has appointed U Than Tun.

Chinese pilgrims donate offertories
Yangon, 21 Oct - A ceremony to present offertories to 5,000 members of Sangha of Sarthintaiks in Yangon was held at Maha Pasana Cave on Kaba Aye Hill at 7 am today.

Maung Bo meets oil palm entrepreneurs in Taninthayi Division
21 Oct - Member of the State Peace and Development Council
Lt-Gen Maung Bo of the Ministry of Defence, officials of the
State Peace and Development Council Office and departmental
officials, left here by air and arrived in Kawthoung at 7.45 am
on 19 October.

Minister attends 50th Anniversary of BEHS in Mahline
Yangon, 21 Oct
- A ceremony to mark the 50th anniversary of the Basic Education High School in Mahline was held at the school on 19 October.

Energy Minister inspects oil and natural gas fields
Yangon, 21Oct
- Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi, went to the filling station No 0977 in Pyay
on 19 October and inspected the distribution of fuel.

Commander inspects hostels of performing arts contestants
Yangon, 21 Oct
- Chairman of the Leading Committee for Organizing the Tenth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe inspected the hostels of the contestants from states and divisions to the Competitions at No 1 Transit Centre here this evening.