Secretary-1 attends opening of Fourth International ICT Exhibition 2002
Yangon, 19 Oct - The opening ceremony of the Fourth International ICT Exhibition 2002, jointly organized by Myanmar Computer Scientists Association and Myanmar Computer Industry Association under the supervision of Myanmar Computer Federation was held at Tatmadaw Convention Hall on U Wisara Road here this morning, attended by Chairman of Myanmar Computer Technology Development Council Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council General Khin Nyunt.

Secretary-1 General Khin Nyunt enjoys the competitions
Yangon, 19 Oct - The second day programmes of the 10th Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions continued at the designated venues here this morning.

Secretary-1 watches Yamayana drama competition
Yangon, 19 Oct - U Ye Win Naing Drama Troupe of Yangon Division Group-2 took part in Yamayana drama competition at the National Theatre on Myoma Kyaung Street in Dagon Township this evening.
Secretary-1 attends ceremonies to hand over school buildings to Lanmadaw BEPS No 4, Pazundaung BEHS No 3
Yangon, 19 Oct -
The opening and handing over ceremonies of school buildings at
Lanmadaw Basic Education Primary School No 4 and Pazundaung
Basic Education High School No 3 were held at the respective
schools this morning.

Sanitation works carried out at schools in Yangon Division
19 Oct - The students under the supervisions of school heads and
teachers carried out sanitation work at basic education schools and
their environs in the entire nation on 19 October 2002 .
Billboards bearing Build Modern Developed Nation through Education unveiled
Yangon, 19 Oct - The Ministry of Education has been implementing the 30- year long-term education project in accordance with Myanma Education
Goal Emergence of an education system which can create a constant learning society that can face the challenges of the knowledge.

Shwehtidaw hoisted atop Pyay Shwehsandaw
Yangon, 19 Oct - The Htidaw hoisting of the Layzudatpyaw Shwehsandaw Pagoda in Pyay took place at the pagoda yesterday morning.

Regional development tasks inspected in Bago Division
Yangon, 19 Oct - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than of the Ministry of Defence and party, this morning arrived at the vegetable farm in Wetpok Village, Gyobintha Village-tract, Thegon Township.

Minister inspects factories in Magway Division
Yangon, 19 Oct - Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung , arrived at Pakokku on 16 October and inspected the new Virginia dryer and new building of the Virginia Products Division of Myanma Foodstuff Industries and gave instructions on the use of natural light and systematic use of electricity.

Regional development tasks inspected in Taikkyi, Hmawby
Yangon, 19 Oct - Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt, this morning inspected construction of the road linking Tawlati-Kalawthawt villages in Taikkyi Township and wooden bridges on the road.

Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than inspects development tasks in Pyay
Yangon, 19 Oct - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than of the Ministry of Defence, left here by car at 1.30 pm on 16 October.

Seminars on Myanma Industrial Development held
Yangon, 19 Oct - The Seminars on Myanma Industrial Development sponsored by Leading Committee for holding of the Seminar on Myanma Industrial Development and Industrial Exhibitions were held at the nine venues in industrial zones and the ministries this morning.

USDA membership applications presented
19 Oct - A ceremony to present USDA membership applications by
Yangon Division.

Yangon Division Supervisory Committee for Ensuring Secure and Smooth Transport meets
Yangon, 19 Oct - The work coordination meeting of Yangon Division Supervisory Committee for Ensuring Secure and Smooth Transport was held at the head-office of All Bus Lines Control Committee (Yangon Division) at 7.30 pm yesterday.

Sanitation work inspected in Yangon
Yangon, 19 Oct - Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Yangon Command Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe. First, the commander and the vice mayor arrived at Kyaikkasan Street in Tamway
Township in Yangon East District.
