Regional development and agricultural tasks inspected in Htantabin Township
Yangon, 16 Oct - Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe, inspected regional development tasks and agricultural tasks in Htantabin Township, Yangon North District, this morning.

Transport Minister inspects
Dalla Dockyard
17 Oct - Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, accompanied by Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint, Managing Director of the Inland Water Transport U Tun Aung Myint and officials, inspected Dalla Dockyard and staff quarters here this morning. Senior Engineer U Tun Myint reported to the minister on construction of ships, strength of staffs, and construction works.

CPT Ministry holds coord meeting
Yangon, 17 Oct - The second four-monthly work coordination meeting 2002 of the Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telegraphs was held at the meeting hall of the ministry in Ahlon Township this morning.

Minister inspects use of electricity at YGH
Yangon, 17 Oct -
Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein arrived at Yangon General Hospital on Bogyoke Aung San Road here this afternoon and inspected use of electricity there.
The minister visited transformer meter and generator building and inspected distribution of electricity to the units of the hospital. Medical Superintendent Dr Aung Htut and officials conducted him around there.

Minister attends work coord meeting of GAD
Yangon, 17 Oct -
The second four-monthly work coordination meeting for 2002 of
the General Administration Department of the Ministry of Home
Affairs was held at the head office of the department this

Rules of 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day
painting, sculpture competitions announced
Yangon, 17 Oct - As a gesture of hailing the 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day, which falls on 27 March 2003.
Minister receives Italian
Yangon, 17 Oct - Minister for Cooperatives Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe
received Ambassador of Italy Dr Raffaele Miniero at his office on
Bogyoke Aung San Street this afternoon.
Italian tourists arrive by chartered flight
Yangon, 17 Oct - Under the supervision of the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism with the sponsorship of the Ministry of Transport and the Myanmar Lotus Asia Tours Ltd, the chartered flight Lauda Air Boeing 767/300 carrying 16 tourists from the Republic of Italy arrived here this morning.

Stone inscription bearing Building Modern Developed Nation with Education unveiled
Yangon, 17 Oct - The Ministry of Education is implementing the 30-year long term education project in accordance with Myanma Education Goal
- Emergence of an education system which can create a constant learning society that can face the challenge of the present education era.
guides donated to students of border areas
Yangon, 17 Oct - A ceremony to donate
student guides to border area youth development training schools
of the Education and Training Department of the Ministry of
Progress of Border Areas.
Performing Arts Competitions Leading Committee meets team managers
Yangon, 17 Oct - Chairman of the Leading Committee for Organizing Tenth Myanma Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions met with managers of teams from states and divisions at No 1 Transit Centre in Bayintnaung yesterday evening.
Live coverage of opening ceremony of Tenth Myanma
Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions
Yangon, 17 Oct - The opening ceremony of the Tenth Myanma Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions will be held at the National Theatre on Myoma Kyaung Street in Dagon Township on 18 October.
TV Myanmar will telecast the ceremony live beginning 6.30 am.

Commerce Minister inspects industrial zones
Yangon, 17 Oct - Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone in-charge of South Okkalapa and Thakayta Industrial Zones this afternoon inspected production of three-ton trucks and Jeep cars being undertaken by industrialists in South Okkalapa Industrial Zone.
MAPT course concludes
Yangon, 17 Oct
- The conclusion ceremony of the management course No 1/2002 for factory managers and the opening of refresher course No 2/2002 for the managers (management) of the Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading was held at the MAPT head office on Bogyoke Aung San Road here today.