1 ) State Peace and Development
Council Chairman Senior General Than Shwe accepts credentials of
Ambassador of Bangladesh

Yangon, 15 Oct - Mr AB Manjoor Rahim, newly-accredited Ambassador of the
People's Republic of Bangladesh to the Union of Myanmar, presented his credentials to Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, at Zeyathiri Beikman, Konmyinttha,
here at 10.30 am today.
State Peace and Development Council Chairman
Senior General Than Shwe accepts credentials of
Ambassador of Denmark

Yangon, 15 Oct - Mr Ulrik Helweg-Larsen, newly-accredited Ambassador of Denmark to the Union of Myanmar, presented his credentials to Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, at Zeyathiri Beikman, Konmyinttha, at 10 am today.
( 2 )
Government building Technological College, Computer College, Panglong University after designating Panglong as development zone
Vice-Senior General Maung Aye inspects construction projects in Panglong, Loilem District

Yangon, 15 Oct - Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Maung
Aye, arrived at Loilem by helicopter yesterday morning.
The Vice-Senior General and party went to the Government Technological College (Panglong) Construction Project in Loilem. At the briefing hall, Minister for Science and Technology U Thaung reported on progress in construction of the college, subjects to be prescribed, the transfer of faculty members to the college and arrangements being made to admit students in December; Minister for Education U Than Aung, on academic matters and faculty members; and Senior Engineer of the Naungton Construction Co U Sai San Tun, on construction of buildings, work progress and efforts being made for timely completion.
The Vice-Senior General gave necessary instructions.
Then, the Vice-Senior General inspected construction of the main hall.
Next, the Vice-Senior General and party proceeded to the 200-bed hospital project site in Loilem. At the briefing hall, Senior Engineer of the Naungton Construction Co U Khin Maung Thaung reported on progress of work; and Medical Superintendent Dr Myo Than, on the transfer of specialists to the hospital.
The Vice-Senior General and party inspected construction of the main building and the three-storey building.

Then, the Vice-Senior General went to the Government Computer College (Panglong) Construction Project. Minister U Thaung reported on the subjects to be lectured at the college, types of courses, transfer of faculty members to the college and gathering of teaching aids; and Senior Engineer of the Naungton Construction Co U Myo Myint Than, on construction tasks and progress of work. Chairman of the company U Sai Tit Aung gave a supplementary report.
In response to the reports, the Vice-Senior General left necessary instructions, and inspected progress in construction of the main building.
Then, the Vice-Senior General headed for Pang-long in Loilem Township
and inspected maintenance
of Panglong Monument Ground.
The Vice-Senior General and party posed for a documentary photo in front of the stone monument to mark the agreement to forge unity between the plains and the hill regions signed on 12 February 1947.
They then arrived at Panglong University Construction Project. At the briefing hall, Minister U Than Aung reported on subjects prescribed for the university, appointment of faculty members, arrangements made to receive students and gathering of teaching aids; and Managing Director of the Eden Group Co Ltd U Chit Khaing, on construction work under the project, work progress in three months and
endeavors being made for timely completion in construction of buildings.
The Vice-Senior General said that the government has been constructing the government computer college and government technological college including Panglong University after designating Panglong region as a development zone. Similarly efforts are being made for upgrading of the present Loilem 100-bed hospital to a 200-bed one. So responsible persons are to strive for meeting the set standard with goodwill in implementing the projects. He added that arrangements are to be made for ensuring timely completion and
minimizing loss and
Vice-Senior General Maung Aye and party
inspected construction
materials and construction of the main building of the four-storey Panglong University and two-storey lecture hall.
Member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Central Organizing Committee of Myanmar War Veterans Organization Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Thein Sein and member of Central Organizing Committee Minister U Thaung
met members of War Veterans Organizations of
Shan State (South), District and Township at Thanlwin Hall of Eastern Command in Taunggyi on 14 October.

Secretary of Shan State War Veterans Supervisory Organization Police Commander of Shan State Police Col Thura Tin Hla reported on organizational set-up of Shan State (South) WVO, strength of the members, economic enterprise.
Lt-Gen Thein Sein explained formation of MWVO, training of its members to promote their qualifications, economic undertakings and functions war veterans of state and division, district and township WVOs.
Lt-Gen Thein Sein replied to the queries of the members of WVO. Lt-Gen Thein Sein and Minister U Thaung then cordially greeted the members of WVO.
On 13 October, Secretary-General of the Union Solidarity and Development Association and member of Secretariat U Thaung met Secretaries and executives of Taunggyi District and Township USDAs at Shan State (South) USDA Office in Taunggyi. They spoke at length on rural development tasks carried out by the USDA, courses being conducted and thrifty measures being undertaken by the State.
Next, Secretary of Shan State USDA reported on measures undertaken by state, district and township USDAs.
Minister for Information Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan met officials and service personnel of Taunggyi District, Hsihseng, Nyaungshwe, Hopong and Kalaw IPRDs, TV retransmission station of MRTV, Shan State Sub-press of Printing and Publishing Enterprise, Myanma Alin and Kyemon sub-printing press of News and Periodicals Enterprise, Taunggyi branch office of Myanma Motion Picture Enterprise and Documentary Films at District Information and Public Relations Department.
Officials concerned reported on work done and welfare for service personnel.
Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan fulfilled the requirements and gave instructions on discharging duty conscientiously, carrying out information activities effectively for the interest of the State and the people, spread of news and information in villages in the border areas, efficient use of electricity and fuel, thrifty of money and materials and minimizing loss and
( 3
) Due to public participation prospects bright to implement ten-year rural water supply project in five years
Yangon, 15 Oct - A fourth ceremony to donate cash for the tasks of rural water supply conducted by the Ministry of Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs took place at the meeting hall of the Development Affairs Department in Botahtaung Township this afternoon.
Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council General Khin Nyunt attended the ceremony, accepted the cash donations and spoke words of thanks.

Minister for PBANRDA Col Thein Nyunt, in his speech on activities for rural water supply, said that Head of State Senior General Than Shwe has given guidance on undertaking the five rural development tasks for the emergence of peaceful, modern and developed nation, the national goal. The Ministry of PBANRDA is carrying out tasks for smooth and secure transportation in rural areas and rural water supply. After 1997 rural water supply task could be carried out effectively.
In April 1999, the Head of State gave guidance on the implementation of a ten-year project for rural water supply in three divisions of the arid region. A survey conducted by development affairs departments showed that there were 8,042 water-scarce villages in Sagaing, Mandalay and Magway Divisions, and 15,813 in border areas. Under the arid-zone rural water supply project, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) will offer assistance for digging 250 tube-wells in Shan State (North).
For the same reason, the Bridge Asia Japan (BAJ) and the UNICEF are also helping to sink tube-wells in the arid zones. Union Solidarity and Development Association, Maternal and Child Welfare Association and Myanmar National Committee for
Women's Affairs also cooperated with other social organizations in rural water supply tasks for 47 villages. Altogether 324 wellwishers also donated K 280.3428 million and with these funds, 604 tube-wells have been sunk.
In the three Divisions, 1923 tube-wells have been sunk so far and there remain only 400 tube-wells to be sunk.
As rural water supply works are gaining momentum, villages in entire Myittha and Kyaukse townships in Mandalay Division, those in the entire ChaungU and Myinmu townships in Sagaing and those in entire Taungdwingyi and Minbu townships in Magway Division will be supplied with safe drinking water. At the tube-wells, the names of wellwishers are inscribed and opening ceremonies are held.
It costs K 250,000 for sinking 2-inch tube-well; K 500,000 for 4-inch tube-well. Actually, the respective Township Development Affairs Department contributed K 150,000 to 200,000 for each 200 feet deep 2-inch tube-well and K 300,000 to 400,000 for each 400 feet deep 2-inch tube-well or 200 feet deep 4-inch tube-well. Due to goodwill of the wellwishers,
rural people rejoiced at having sufficient water and are being relieved of social worries. The minister also wished the wellwishers
to gain benefits from donating water.
The rural people on their part are to maintain the tube-wells for long term use, he said.
Then, the Secretary-1, the ministers and the deputy ministers accepted K 128,427,204 and US$ 8,254 donated by 148 wellwishers including K 7,112,204 and US$ 6,954 for water supply in rural regions by wellwisher staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Myanmar embassies, missions and consulates-general; K 10 million by Agga Maha Thiri Thudhamma Theingi Excellent Performance in Social Field First Class Daw Hse and family (Ngwehse Co); K 1 million by Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein and staff; K 60 million by Sibinthayayay Bank Ltd; US$ 800 by Myanmar Ambassador to France U Wunna Maung Lwin; K 1.5 million by Daw Theingi Tun and family; K 2.5 million by Myanmar wellwishers from Taxes State of the United States of America; K 1 million by Minister for Hotels and Tourism Brig-Gen Thein Zaw and staff families; US$ 500 by Daw Khin Khin Nu and Mr Luclen Glauser and family and Daw Thawda Hla Baw and Mr Reudi Bosshard and family; K 1 million by U Tun Aye-Daw Nang Kyu (a) Daw Aye Aye Tint and family; K 250,000 by Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein and wife Daw Yin Yin Myint; K 250,000 by Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin and wife Daw Yin Yin Nyunt and family; K 1 million by Lin & Son Co Ltd; K 580,000 by Director U Win of Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise-Daw Lay Mi and family; K 250,000 by Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung-(Daw Khin Maw Maw Shan) and family; K 500,000 each by Maj Myat Hla (Retd)-Daw Aye Aye and family; Maj Aung Zin-Daw Win Kyi and family; Lt-Col Tin Oo (Retd)-Daw Htwe Yi and family; U Aung Khin-Daw Tin Ohn and family (Aung Furniture); the wellwisher family in memory of the late Ma San San Nyein under the patronage of parents U Aw Ti-Daw Shu Kyin; U Nyan Hlaing-Daw Kyi Nyunt and family; U Yu Tin-Daw Than Yi and family; Daw Mya Kyin and family; (U Thein Aung)-Daw Myint Myint and family; U Mya Win-Daw Pyone Pyone Kyi and family; Daw Than Yin and family; Daw May Kyu and family; U Win Shwe-Daw Poe Kyu and family; Daw Kyin Yon and Daw Aye Aye Tint; U Zaw Win and wife; U Tun Naing and wife; U Thant Zin and wife; U Kyi Lin and wife; the family in memory of U Tei Bun Chaung-Daw Aw Zar; Daw Aye Myint, Daw Khin Swe Tint and Dr U Ko Ko Zaw-Dr Khin Khin Win; (U Khin Maung)-Daw Yi Yi Myint and family (Pyay); Assistant Director (Retd) Daw Dwe of the Supreme Court; the grandchildren in memory of retired Session Judge U Thein Maung-Daw Daw Myaing; U Kyaw Win (Mandalay) and (U Aung Tin-Daw Khin Saw); K 250,000 each by Deputy Minister for Hotels and Tourism Brig-Gen Aye Myint Kyu and wife Daw Khin Swe Myint; U Ba Ni; U Kyaw Myint (Myanma Thabawa International Co Ltd); Vice-Admiral Tin Aye (Retd)-Daw Khin Khin Sein and family; Director-General U Nyunt Han of Archaeology Department-Daw Myint Myint Aung; Col Thura Bo Ni-Daw Khin Ma Lay; Captain Soe Paing (Navy) (Retd)-Daw Khin Mya Yin; Lt-Col Nay Win (Retd)-Daw Khin Ma Gyi and family; U Tin Tun Yin-Daw Wint Tharaphee and family; U Kyin Thein-Daw Nyunt Yi; U Sun Teik-Daw Lwam and family; Captain Kyaw Than (Retd) and family; the family in memory of the late grandfather and grandmother; Daw Tin Tin Hla and family; Daw Kyi and family (La Kabar Lubricant Trading); Maj Ohn Myaing-Daw Nwe Nwe Yi; U Ti Toe-Daw Kyin Wai; U Kyaw Myint-Daw Khin Nwe Aye Chit; U Myint Thein-Daw Ohmma Kyaw and family (Yadana Myintmo Oo Co): Lt-Col Kyaw Zaw (Retd)-Daw Chit Swe; U Ko Lat-Daw Htay Htay; U Myint Swe-Daw Kyin Hmwe; U Kyin Pein-Daw Tin Kyi; and U Chin Bun, Daw Hla Win and Daw Tin Aye.
Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung then explained the purpose of donation.
Secretary-1 General Khin Nyunt said that it is a noble donation ceremony in which all the wellwishers gathered there to do good deeds. A large number of villagers in Mandalay, Magway and Sagaing Divisions are facing water shortages.
The people of the regions had to take much time to get only a pail of water. They were suffering physically and
metrically throughout the past successive eras due to inadequate supply of water.
The insufficient water supply also brought diseases such as leprosy and trachoma, and the regions lagged behind in development due to difficulties in making a living and economic and social hardships.
However there was weakness in seeking means to supply water to the region throughout the past eras.
Thus, Head of State Senior General Than Shwe have given guidance to lay down a plan to supply water to villages in the dry regions. According to the list, there were over 20,000 villages including over 8,000 in the dry zone alone were not able to have clean water supply.
According to its financial power, the State has laid down a ten-year project to supply clean water to all villages where water is scarce. Arrangements are being made to use advanced equipment in finding underground water and digging deep tub-wells. The Head of State also gave guidance to invite the public to take part in the rural water supply project.
Due to the ardent participation of the public about 50 per cent of the villages in the dry zones now have wells providing clean water. Thus, the prospects are bright to implement the ten-year project in five years. It is the result of the cooperation between the public and the government. The people in the regions are happy to get access to the clean water.
Thus, it is a noble deed to make contributions to the rural water supply project. According to the belief of the Theravada Buddhism, the donors will gain significant merits for the contributions. A total of 148 wellwishers donated K 128,427,204 and US $ 8,254 to the project.
( 4
Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than looks into regional development undertakings
in Rakhine State

Yangon, 15 Oct - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than of the Ministry of Defence and party inspected the site chosen for Pyaing Creek Dam Project near Laungpankya Village in Kyauktaw Township, Rakhine State, on 14 October morning.
At the briefing hall of the project, Director U Khin Maung Nyunt of Irrigation Department reported on the purpose of construction of the dam, location, the feasibility study for the project and others, Director U Tun Aung Lwin of
Construction-3 on arrangements for the project, work being carried out for arrival of machinery and future tasks.
Then, Commander Brig-Gen Maung Oo gave a supplementary report.
In response to the reports, Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than stressed the need to start the project on 1 November, adding that the sooner the project is completed, the earlier the people will enjoy the benefit.
He pointed out that the necessary assistance has been provided and only if the dam and the canals are completed in April 2003, it will be ready for irrigation in the summer of 2003-2004.
Then, he inspected the preparatory work of the project.
On completion, it can irrigate 5,000 acres of farmlands and can generate 250 kilowatts of electric power.
Afterwards, they inspected the durability of Kitsapanadi Bridge, the longest bridge in Rakhine State, linking Kyauktaw and MraukU Townships.
Superintending Engineer U Thein Kyaw and Senior Engineer U Khin Maung
reported on arrangements being made for durability of
the bridge to Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than who gave instructions.
Then, Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than and party met with the local authorities, departmental officials, members of social organizations and local people at the Pauktaw Township Peace and Development Office and gave instructions on regional development.
First, Chairman of Pauktaw Township Peace and Development Council U Aung San Tha reported on the location and areas of the township, the climate conditions, the national races in the township, the set-up of village-tracts and villages, the lands utilized, the agriculture, livestock breeding, the forestry, trade and energy sectors and work being done for regional development.
Next, Vive-General Manager of Myanma Agriculture Service Dr Sein Hla Bo reported on matters related to the agriculture and future tasks.
Then, Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than made a speech. He said that the Government has laid down plans and implementing them for the emergence of a peaceful, modern and developed nation. He stressed the need for the local authorities, departmental officials and local people are to make efforts for development of the agriculture and livestock sectors, the main players for economic development.
He also officials concerned to exert greater efforts for regional development as well as for beautifying and cleaning of Pauktaw to enable it to possess the characteristics of a city, and to cooperate for ensuring peace and
tranquility in the region.
He also called on departmental officials to discharge the national duty with goodwill and conscientiousness, and to cooperate with members of social
organizations and local authorities for national and regional development.
After the ceremony, Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than and party cordially greeted those present at the ceremony and then left Sittway.
Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than and party left Sittway by air at 9.30 am and arrived back here this
Plans under way to
designate special pepper cultivation zones in Rakhine state
Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than tours
Rakhine state
Yangon, 15 Oct -
Member of the State Peace and Development Council Lt- Gen Khin Maung
Than of the Ministry of Defence, left Sittway for Buthidaung on 12
October in the afternoon.
Lt-Gen Khin Maung
Than proceeded to Maungtaw, In the evening, Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than
and party met officials and discussed development of Buthidaung and
Maungtaw Townships at Thiri Mingala Hall. Chairman of Maungtaw
District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Soe Htwe reported on
condition of living standard of national races, rainfall,
cultivation of monsoon paddy, targets for cultivation of summer
paddy, food sufficiency in the region, planting of Thitseint trees
and other timber and shade trees and marine products. Lt-Gen Khin
Maung Than said the government is implementing the plans for
emergence of a peaceful modem developed nation.
He said officials at
different levels are to work hard for rapid development and
realization of the objectives of the plans. Maungtaw is a border
town. Concerted efforts are to be made for economic development of
the country. The government is making' endeavours for narrowing the
development gap between rural and urban regions and between states
and plain regions. Moreover. the Ministry of Progress of Border
Areas and National Races and Development Affairs was formed to carry
out the tasks for development of border areas.
Previously, people
in Rakhin relied on waterway. Now, the government built the Yangon-Sittway
Road and Yangon-Kyaukphyu Road and 24 major bridges in Rakhine State
for ensuring better transport. Over 800 medium and small
bridges have been built and dams are also being built for summer
paddy cultivation and drinking water. Strenuous efforts are to be
made for development of agriculture and fish &meat sectors as
Rakhine State is a fertile region.
Lt-Gen Khin Maung
Than spoke at length on ex- tension of cultivation acreage, double
cropping, increase per acre yield and extended cultivation of
various kinds of peas, pepper, coffee and tea. He pointed out that
progress in offshore and inshore fisheries and weakness in breeding
of fresh water fish and prawn. He spoke of the need to raise poultry
farming from manageable scale to commercial scale.
He called for working in , unity for progress of
the respective regions. Next, Deputy General Manager of Myanma
Agriculture Service Dr Sein Hla Boreported on requirements for
cultivation of pepper and methods. Lt-Gen Khin Mitung Than and party
greeted those present.
On 13 October,
Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than and party went to Pyatha Sanpya Village and
discussed economic, social, education, health. agricultural and
livestock breeding sectors. Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than and party
inspected Ayeya power tillers troller jeeps generators and related
goods provided by the government and new building for primary
school. Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than and party attended a ceremony to
share merits for donation of Tri Pitakat by Maha
Saddhammajotikadhaja U Goenka of International Dhammagiri Meditation
Yeiktha, provisions and Bahokyaung Dhammayon at Baho Kyaungtaik in
They presented
offertories to the members of the Sangha. Sayadaw U Thondra of Baho
Kyaungtaik and 24 members of the Sangha members of District and
Township Peace and Development Councils, officials and disciples.
The congregation received the Five Precepts from Sayadaw Bhaddana
Pafiindriya. Members of the Sangha recited partitas.
Next. Commander
Brig-Gen Maung Oo supplicated on religious matters saying that the
Pariyafti the Patipatti and the Pativeda are the essence of
Buddhism. The Buddhist monks and the kings had worked together for
promotion and perpetuation of the Sasana throughout the past
successive eras. The State Peace and Development Council has also
made energetic efforts for progress of all the sectors including the
religious sector of the nation. It has built new religious buildings
and renovated the existing edifices with the participation of the
public. Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than the commander and donors presented
provisions and offertories to the Sayadaws. The congregation shared
the merits gained.
At the No 1 Border
Check Point in Maungtaw, Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than and party heard a
report on its functions presented by officials. At Gandama Model
Village in Buthidaung Township, Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than heard a
report on the economic, social and health conditions and living
standard of the village. He then said the villagers should strive to
boost paddy cultivation and preserve their religion and tradition.
The villagers will have to harmoniously strive for improving the
education standard of their children and ful1her progress of their
In Kyauktaw, he met
local authorities, departmental personnel and local people,
explaining the government's projects to bring peace, stability and
development to the whole nation including Rakhine State, and
reclamation projects in Rakhine State, multiplecrop cultivation
projects, plans to boost crop per acre yield and cultivation of new
crops species including pepper. He said as Rakhine State is the
largest pepper producer of the nation, plans are underway to
designate special pepper cultivation zones. Fish and prawn breeding
should be conducted on land which is not suitable to grow crops.
He also elaborated
on the plans to develop Kyauktaw, rural development programmes
covering trans port, clean water supply, health, education and
farming sectors. The local authorities and departmental personnel
are required to make fields tours and to carry out their tasks with
goodwill, he said.
( 5 ) F&R Minister
receives guests

Yangon, 15 Oct -
Minister for Finance and Revenue U Khin Maung Thein, received the
delegation led by Vice-President Mr Chang Bok Lee of Hyundai
Corporation from the Republic of Korea at his office at 9:30 am
Myanmar sports delegation arrives back from ROK

Yangon, 15 Oct - After participating in the XIV Asian Games held in Busan, the Republic of Korea, from 29 September to 14 October, Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint, MOC Vice Chairman Vice Adjutant General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo and MOC General Secretary Sports and Physical Education Department Director-General U Thaung Htaik arrived back here by air at 9 am today.
Headed by SPED Director U Than Zaw, the 14-member sports delegation comprising managers and athletes also arrived back here by air at 10 am today.
Commerce Minister arrives back from ASEAN Expo

Yangon, 15 Oct - A Myanmar delegation led by Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone,
after attending ASEAN Expo '02 held in Bangkok, Thailand, arrived
back here by air this morning.
Director-General of Directorate of Trade U Nyunt Aye and Deputy Director U Tin Shwe Win also arrived back on the same flight.
On 14 October, Myanmar delegation attended the opening ceremony of ASEAN Expo
'02, which Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra opened at Impact International Convention Center at 9.30 am.
Economy and Commerce Minister of Thailand Dr Adisai Bodharamik extended greetings and then the Prime Minister declared the exposition open.
Ministers from ASEAN countries and invited guests viewed round the
Myanmar-Thai border checkpoints reopened
Yangon, 15 Oct - Myanmar-Thai border checkpoints in Tachilek, Myawaddy, Phayathonesu and Kawthoung reopened at 6 am today.
After the two sides had discussed normalization of relations with a view to promoting bilateral relations and mutual interests, the checkpoints, closed on 22 May 2002 because of border conflicts between the two countries, reopened today.
SEAMEO-SEARCA Governing Board Meeting continues
Yangon, 15 Oct - Jointly organized by Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation and Regional Centre for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture of South East Asia Ministers of Education Organization based in the Philippines, the secondday session of the 48th SEAMEO-SEARCA Governing Board Meeting continued at Mindon Hall of the Sedona Hotel on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road from 9 am to 5 pm. The last day of the meeting will be held tomorrow.
( 6 )
Construction Minister inspects rods and bridges
Yangon, 15 Oct - Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, on 12 October met with staff families in Mindat District and gave instructions.
The minister next attended the opening ceremony of Chi Creek Bridge and Kyauksit Creek Bridge and inspected along the Kyaukhtu-Saw-Seikphyu Road together with the chairman of Magway Division Peace and Development Council. Magway Division superintending engineer and Ganggaw District senior engineer reported on progress of works during the rainy season, future tasks, required materials for paving, and condition of machinery and the minister attended to the needs.
Then, the minister also inspected Seikphyu-Salin-Saku-Minbu road.
Kanbawzathadi palace and
ancient cultural heritage inspected
Yangon, 15 Oct - Minister for Culture Maj-Gen Kyi
Aung, arrived at the construction site of King Bayintnaung's Kanbawzathadi palace in Bago this morning.
The minister inspected paving of road in the palace site and gave necessary instructions to officials on systematic paving of road and growing of trees along roadsides. The minister also gave instructions on greening tasks for Bamayathana palace hall and the palace site.
At the briefing hall, Superintending Engineer U Kyi Tun of the Public Works and officials from Myanmar handicraft group reported to the minister on completion of construction and decoration measures for Myaynan Pyathat hall, Letya Win hall, Letwe Win hall and Sanu hall.
In the afternoon, the minister together with the officials inspected the bell and stone inscription hall of the ancient Kalyani Sima built by King Dhammazedi over 550 years ago. After giving instructions on maintenance tasks for ancient stone inscriptions, the minister looked round the place and left for Yangon in the
Minister inspects Population Department
Yangon,15 Oct - Minister for Immigration and Population Maj-Gen Sein Htwa, arrived at the Population Department yesterday morning and inspected the use of electricity at the computer section of the department and gave instructions on safe and systematic use of electricity.
Then, the minister also inspected the connections of wires and meter boxes in the office building and its branches.
( 7 ) Commander attends meeting of YDPF
Yangon, 15 Oct - Yangon Division Police Force held its second four-monthly work coordination meeting 2002 at the meeting hall of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Office this morning, with an address by Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe.
Speaking on the occasion, Maj-Gen Myint Swe said that at a time when the Government is making relentless efforts for education, health, economy and transportation sectors so as to build the nation into a peaceful, modern and developed one, members of Yangon Division Police Force are responsible for ensuring the
tranquility and prevalence of law and order in wards. They are to take security measures in cooperation with the Tatmadaw, in addition to crime reduction and drug eradication tasks.
The commander also urged them to try to set an example in their discharging duties.
Police Col Aung Daing and officials then reported to the commander on tasks to be carried out in the third four-monthly period of 2002. Afterwards, the meeting came to an end in the afternoon.
International White Cane Day observed
Yangon, 15 Oct - The 11th Yangon Mayor's Trophy Walking Race 2002 for the
blind to mark International White Cane Day was held in front of the People's
Square and People's Park on Pyay Road this morning.
Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Mayor U Ko Lay formally opened
the race. The contestants walked from in front of the People's Square and People's Park
to City Hall. Along the route, the mayor, the ministers and officials walked
accompanying the contestants. Along the route in Dagon, Lanmadaw, Latha, Pabedan
and Kyauktada Townships, members of social organizations, ward dwellers and
well-wishers encouraged the contestants offering purified drinking water, soft
drinks and snacks to them.
Then, the prize-distribution ceremony followed on the first floor of the City
Hall. The vice-mayor delivered a speech. Afterwards, the mayor presented prizes and cup to Myanmar Christian
Fellow-ship of the Blind, St. Mary Workshop for the Blind, the Cooperative
Society of the Disabled (Thingangyun), Sheisaung Shool for the Blind (Meiktila),
Parahita Vocational School for the Blind (PyinOoLwin) and Vocational School for
the Blind (Hlinethaya) through the officials concerned.
Next, the schools for the blind presented gifts to the mayor. U Yaw Shu of
Kyimyindine School for the Blind spoke words of thanks. The students of the
schools for the blind presented entertainment programme to those present. After the ceremony, the contestants enjoyed rest at the Thakayta Amusement
Park and recreation centre.
( 8
) Basic Printing Course concludes
Yangon,15 Oct - Basic Printing Course No 2/2002 of the GTC Press of the Printing and Publishing Enterprise under the Ministry of Information concluded at the training hall of the press in Insein Township here this afternoon.
At the ceremony, Deputy Minister for Information
Brig-Gen Aung Thein made an address. Then, U Myint Thein presented the course completion certificates to a representative of the trainees.
A total of 26 trainees attended the course which lasted eight weeks from 19 August to 14 October.
Later, the deputy minister and party inspected the power sub-station, printing room, binding section and gave instructions on frugal use of electricity, fire prevention and printing of text books and left
AWB Bank opens banking training center
Yangon, 15 Oct - The eighth anniversary of the banking service course of Asia
Wealth Bank Ltd was held at the training centre of the bank in Kyauktada
Township this morning.
Vice-Chairman of AWB Bank U Aik Tun unveiled the signboard of the banking
training centre and extended greetings. AWB Bank has so far donated over K 1.5
billion for social, education, health and religious affairs tasks. The bank
continues to make more donations for development of social and education, health
care services and religious affairs.
( 9
Donations invited for Lawkananda Tooth Relic Pagoda in Bagan
Yangon, 15 Oct - King Anawrahta of Bagan Dynasty built four Tooth Relic Pagodas in Bagan as well as the Pyakkhayway Taung Pagoda in Kyaukse.
Lawkananda Sacred Tooth Relic Pagoda built in 393 Myanmar Era is one of the four sacred Tooth Relic Pagodas in Bagan.
It was found that innovated architecture of Lawkananda Pagoda was transformed from the ancient Pyu works to Myanmar style. Upper parts and the Htidaw of Lawkananda Pagoda collapsed due to the earthquake jolted in Bagan in 1975.
Now, arrangements are being made for hoisting the new Htidaw atop the pagoda.
Those wishing to donate cash towards the funds for hoisting the new Htidaw (sacred umbrella) and the new Seinbudaw (diamond orb) may contact the Ministry of Religious Affairs (the
Minister's Office), Tel: 665621; the Ministry of Culture (the
Minister's Office), Tel: 543233 and 543235; the Archaeology Department (Head Office), Tel: 512140 and 512139; the Bagan Archaeological Research Branch, Tel: 062/70412; Ancient Cultural Heritage Region Branch (Mandalay), Tel: 02/36365 and 02/39156 and Office of the Bagan Lawkananda Tooth Relic Pagoda Board of Trustees, Tel: 062/70195.
Wellwishers may donate K 5 million for fixing the new steel pivot; K 5 million for the prop of the steel Htidaw; K 5.2 million for the first tier of the Htidaw; K 4.8 million for the second tier; K 4.2 million for the third tier; K 4 million for the fourth tier; K 3.2 million for the fifth tier; K 2.9 million for the sixth tier; K 2.7 million for the seventh tier; K 2.3 million for the eighth tier; K 1.7 million for the ninth tier; K 1.2 million for the tenth tier; and K 700,000 for the 11th tier.
The wellwisher can inscribe his name at the respective tiers. The wellwishers can donate one packet of gold foils at a rate of K 9,000 for the pagoda.