1 ) Vice-Senior General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San pay
homage to Konlon Sayadawgyi, Kangyi Pariyatti Sarthintaik Sayadawgyi
Yangon, 14 Oct
- Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya
San, arrived at Konlon Pariyatti Sarthintaik in Pindaya Township on 13 October afternoon.
First, Vice-Senior General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San offered the eight requisites and provisions to State Ovadacariya Presiding Naya-ka of Konlon Pariyatti Sarthintaik Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddhammajotika Sayadaw Bhaddanta Tejaniya.
Then, those who accompanied the Vice-Senior General and wife donated provisions to the Sayadaw.
Next, the Vice-Senior General and wife and party took the Five Precepts from the Administrative Sayadaw of the Sarthintaik and shared merits gained.

In the morning, they paid homage to Presiding Maha Nayaka of Kangyi Pariyatti Sarthintaik State Ovadacariya Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddhammajotika Shwekyin Nikaya Dipati Okkatha Maha Nayaka Dhammasenapati 13th Shwekyin Sasanabaing Sayadawgyi Bhaddanta Vimalabhivamsa at Kangyi Pariyatti Sarthintaik in Nyaungshwe.
Then, the Vice-Senior General and wife offered the eight requisites to the Sayadawgyi.
Afterwards, the Vice-Senior General Maung Aye offered "soon" to the Sayadawgyi.
Vice-Senior General Maung Aye inspects
construction of Pon Creek Bridge

Yangon, 14 Oct - Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Maung Aye, arrived at Pon Creek Bridge Construction project site of Seik-khaung-Namhsan Railroad near Seinkyant Village in Hsihseng Township, in Shan State, being constructed by the Myanma Railways on 12 October morning.
First, Vice-Senior General Maung Aye and party inspected construction tasks for the approach structure and piers of Pon Creek Bridge. Next, at the briefing hall, Vice-Senior General Maung Aye and party were reported by Minister for Rail Transportation U Pan Aung on condition of the construction tasks for Seikkhaung-Namhsan Railroad, completion of Pon Creek Bridge and other bridges on the road
Then, Commander of No 55 LID Brig-Gen Sein Lin reported to the Vice-Senior General on completion of earth work,
embankment, stockpile of stone and sleepers and laying of rails by Tatmadawmen from the regiments and units under No 55 LID. Deputy Minister for Rail Transportation Thura U Thaung Lwin and responsible personnel from the MR briefed the Vice-Senior General on railroad sections of the Seikkhaung-Namhsan Railroad, bridges to be constructed, condition of machinery used in constructing the bridge and maintenance tasks.
After hearing the reports, Vice-Senior General Maung Aye fulfilled the requirements and made a speech. He said regions will develop only when transportation is smooth and convenient. So, new railroads and motor roads are being built. Water-way and rail transportation are useful and economical. The State is making efforts for extending water transport, railroad, road and air flights for all-round development of transportation sector. So, it is needed to construct the railroad with added momentum and goodwill, and machinery are to be used effectively and efficiently for early completion of the railroad and meeting the set standard.
The Seikkhaung-Nam-hsan Railroad includes Shwenyaung-Taunggyi-Namhsan Railroad. Altogether 62.06 miles of Shwenyaung-Taunggyi-Seik-khaung Railroad of the Shwenyaung-Taunggyi-Namhsan Railroad has been completed. As the 19.19-mile long Namhsan-Mongseik Railroad of 103-mile long Seikkhaung-Namhsan Railroad is completed, a
rail bus is plying on the route starting from 21 July this year. Laying of rails on 27-mile long Seikkhaung-Pyintha railroad section is completed.
The Pon Creek Bridge on the Seikkhaung-Namhsan Railroad is 727 feet 7 inches long. Its approach structures and piers are of reinforced concrete type and it has iron frames.
At night, together with Managing Director U Tin Kha of the News and Periodicals and Enterprise, Minister for Information Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, who accompanied the Vice-Senior General, visited the Vice-Senior General Maung Aye retransmission station of MRTV in Taunggyi. Station Head U Myint Oo briefed the minister on condition of receiving of the programmes from 12 towns broadcast by the station.
Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan attended to the needs and made a speech on systematic handling of machinery for long-term use, thrifty of electricity and preventive measures for fire.
Then, the minister proceeded to Myanma Alin and Kyemon Sub-printing press where officer in-charge Capt Naing Tun and Editor U Tin Win briefed him on receiving of newspaper pages sent from Yangon, tasks of the film developing room and the press. The minister gave instructions on printing quality newspapers.
( 2 )
Secretary-1 inspects preparatory works for holding performing arts competitions

Yangon, 14 Oct - Patron of the Leading Committee for holding the 10th Myanma Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council General Khin Nyunt this morning inspected preparations at the National Theatre, the
National Museum and Padomma Theatre where dance contest, song contest and music contest of
the 10th Myanma Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions will be held.

Secretary-1 General Khin Nyunt, arrived at the National Theatre on Myoma Kyaung
Street here at 9.30 am today. Then, the Secretary-1 inspected preparations for the ceremony to welcome state/division competitors who will participate in the competitions, the opening ceremony, the dance contest and the Yamayana drama contest and marionette contest.
The Secretary-1 proceeded to the National Museum on Pyay Road in Dagon Township where the officials concerned reported on preparatory works for holding the drama and marionette contests.
Thence, the Secretary-1 arrived at Padomma Theatre and inspected the renovation of the theatre, and preparations for the competitions.
Next, the Secretary-1 gave necessary instructions and left there.
( 3
) Lt-Gen Ye Myint inspects regional development
undertakings in Mandalay Division

Yangon, 14 Oct - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence, accompanied by Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Ye Myint, inspected Yeywa hydel power project near Yethaman Village 31 miles south-east of Mandalay on 12 October.
At the briefing hall of the project, Director U Win Kyi of Hydroelectric Power Department reported on salient points of the project.
Then, Lt-Gen Ye Myint inspected the site chosen for the project and work being carried out with the help of heavy machinery and gave instructions.
Next, Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party inspected the quarry of Central Command near Yeywa Village where an official reported on the set-up of the staff, the capital and work being carried out.
Lt-Gen Ye Myint fulfilled the needs.
Then, they proceeded to Dekkhina Ramataik Naya-kyaung in Mandalay and paid respects to Sayadaw Abhidhaja Agga Maha Sadhamajotika Bhaddanta Medhiyabhivamsa and then presented offertories to members of the Sangha.
Afterwards, they went on to Ayeyawady Bridge (Yadanabon) Construction Project, where Deputy Superintending Engineer U Htay Myint reported on work being carried out and future tasks.
Lt-Gen Ye Myint attended to the requirements and inspected the project site.
Then, they proceeded to Maha Gandhayontaik in Amarapura and paid respects to State Central Working Committee of Sangha Sadayaw Agga Maha Pandita Mahadhamma Kathika Bhahujanahitadhara Bhaddanta Kundalabhivamsa and presented offertories to members of the Sangha.
After that, Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party inspected production process of Golden Triangle Industrial Workshop and UD Group generator and Crane Service at Industrial Zone-2 and Industrial Zone-1 and fulfilled the needs.
Then, they arrived at Nyein Clinical and Specialist Centre and paid respects to Sayadaw Agga Maha Sadhamajotika Bhaddanta Asabha of West Khinmakantaik Byamar Minkyaung in Chanayethazan Township, who was undergoing medical treatment and enquired after his health.
Next, they proceeded to Eindrayama Shwegutaik in Aungmyaythazan Township and paid respects to State Ovadacariya Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Viccita and presented offertories to members of the Sangha.
They spent the night in Mandalay.
On 13 October morning, Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party arrived at Saka in at the entrance to Mandalay International Airport where Chairman of Kyaukse District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Aung Kyi Shein reported on construction of Yangon-Mandalay Highway, the detour of Paleik and the axis to link the entrance to Mandalay International Airport.
Then, Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party inspected work being carried out there and attended to the requirements.
They then left there by air for Yangon.
( 4
ASEAN countries to move into high gear and meet food challenges
Myanma agricultural production has all along, apart from meeting domestic requirement, allowed surplus to meet requirement of others
48th SEAMEO SEARCA Governing Board Meeting opens

Yangon, 14 Oct - The opening ceremony of the 48th SEAMEO SEARCA Governing Board Meeting, co-organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation of the Union of Myanmar and the SEAMEO Regional Centre for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture based in the Republic of Philippines and hosted by the Union of Myanmar, was held at the Sedona Hotel on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road at 9 am today, with an address by Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin.
Deputy Director-General Dr Gil C Saguiguit Jr of SEAMEO-SEARCA Professional Services Administration acted as master of ceremonies.
Director of SEAMEO-SEARCA Dr Ruben L Villareal extended greetings.
Then, Director of the SEAMEO Secretariat Dr Arief S Sadiman, Representative of Indonesia and Outgoing Governing Board Chairman Prof Dr Dodi Nandika and Incoming Governing Board Chairman Representative of Cambodia Deputy Cambodian Minister of Agriculture Mr Sam-Oeun May gave speeches on the occasion.
Next, Director-General U Tin Htut Oo of Agricultural Planning Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation gave an introductory speech.
Afterwards, Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin delivered an opening address. He said:
Welcome to the opening of the 48th SEAMEO SEARCA Governing Board Meeting. It is for the first time being held in Myanmar, and we regard it as an honour for being accorded the opportunity to host it and at the same time, I deem it a privilege for its chance of addressing the opening.
My sincere and warm greetings of all of you, and hope you all have a chance of getting a glimpse of this country, and its people and carry back happy memories with you. SEAMEO SEARCA's commitment has been the strengthening of SEARCA's institutional capacities in sustainable agriculture. But as it enters its fifth decade, FAO's scenario of the World State of Food Insecurity, 2001, remains dismal as ever. FAO has depicted that about 815 million people still suffer from malnutrition and hunger while indicating the lack of progress in achieving the 1996 World Food Summit targets, of halving the number of undernourished by 2015.
Again, in the Asian context, over 500 million people, including about 160 million children still lack access to adequate food. At the same time, it has been anticipated that the demand for food is stated to increase by 40 per cent from the present level of 650 million tones. It is a clarion call to ASEAN countries, to move into high gear and meeting the challenges. In these respects, SEAMEO SEARCA's efforts in sustainable agriculture, through human resources development, research, extension, exchange of knowledge and policy support have been highly invaluable. It is hoped the present meeting will be able to forge further appropriate strategies, in meeting the taxing food situation. It will be necessary to accelerate measures in confronting the technological frontier.
Next, kindly allow me to give a brief account of Myanmar's agricultural development. In terms of land, Myanmar constitutes the largest land-mass in Southeast Asia, and incidentally has been endowed with abundant and rich natural resources. Hence agricultural production, has all along, apart from meeting domestic requirement allowed surplus to meet the requirement of others. And in recent years, Myanmar has embraces wide-ranging reforms in various sectors in its move towards a market-oriented economy. The overall response to the reforms has been encouraging, and evidenced by the 8.5 per cent average GDP growth rate during the second five years period from 1996/97 to 2000/01. The growth of the agricultural sector was 6.0 per cent in average during that period.
The agriculture sector significantly contributes 36% of GDP; 24% of total export earnings and employs 64% of the total labour force. It is an indication of the important role and occupies, in the overall development of the national economy.
Water resources play an important role in agriculture and in cognizance of its importance. The Government of the Union of Myanmar has embarked on a special programme in developing irrigation facilities throughout the country. During the past decade, altogether 138 numbers of small, medium and large-scale dams and reservoirs have been completed with the
country's own financial resources and technical knowledge, As a result the total irrigated area that only stood at 0.2 million hectares in 1998-99 increased to 1.98 million hectares in 2001-2002.
In tandem, cropping intensity has increased from 120 per cent to 149 per cent and the area under irrigation from 12% to 19% of net sown area, during the same period.
There, however, still remain constraints in our drive towards sustainable agriculture. In particular, yields per hectare, for certain crops remain low in comparison to some major producing countries, due to inadequacy of inputs, farm machinery, farm credit and related infrastructure. There also is an urgent need to build up out human resources development, in order to keep abreast with
today's fast advancing technologies.
We fully appreciate and recognize SEAMEO SEARCA's vision and their attention and assistance being accorded, to meet the challenges ahead and we look forward to their continued diligence and thoughtfulness in the aspects.
Since its inception, SEAMEO SEARCA have contributed invaluable assistance to member countries; the common goals being food security for Southeast Asia.
Its efforts wouldn't have been successful without the goodwill of UN Agencies. Donors, Funding Agencies Universities and Financial Institutions and we places on record out stands to them.
We are on the midst of out 7th Five Year Plan, that will be coming to a close in June 2004 and we look forward to SEARCA, remaining in the vanguard as
"Southeast Asia's leader in sustainable Agriculture".
After the opening ceremony, Minister Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin posed for documentary photo together with the representatives.
In the afternoon, the SEAMEO SEARCA Governing
Board Meeting followed. The meeting continues up to 16 October.
Press Conference of 48th SEAMEO Governing Board Meeting held

Yangon, 14 Oct - Co-organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation and Regional Centre for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture of (South East Asia Ministers of Education Organization) based in the Philippines, a Press Conference of 48th SEAMEO Governing Board Meeting was held at the Dagon Hall of Sedona Hotel on Kaba
Aye Pagoda Road this morning.
At the Press conference, Deputy Director-General of Professional Services and Administration for SEAMEO-SEARCA Dr Gil C Saguiguit Jr delivered an opening speech.
Dr Rusen L Villareal said our region is predominantly agriculture. Now there are ten countries as members of SEAMEO (South-East Asia Ministers of Education Organization) and the last country to join is Myanmar in 1998.
So from 1966, with the Regional Centre for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA), SEAMEO has 15 regional centres, the youngest is SEARCA and the oldest is the Regional Centre for History and Traditions. The Governing Board decided to hold meetings in the new member countries so that the government of these countries will appreciate what SEAMEO and SEARCA is all about. So in 3-4 years, instead of regularly holding meetings in Thailand, the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia, they decided to hold the meetings in Brunei Darussalam, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar. So now 100 per cent of our board members are here in Yangon to give us for the next three days the programmes and plans of SEAMEO-SEARCA.
Then, the officials answered the queries raised by the journalists.
Dr Villareal answered that so far they had produced over 1,000 scholarships. More MSc degrees than PhDs. As for Myanmar one has completed MSc degree and the other 11 are still studying. There are seven MSc scholarships, and five PhD scholarships for Myanmar.
Dr Arief S Sadiman replied that under ASEAN there are many ministries involved like ASEAN Sub-committee on Education (ASCOE). Some years ago, there was an initiative and idea to integrate ASCOE and SEAMEO. And then, it was submitted to SEAMEO Secretariat and they brought that issue to higher officials meeting and further on to the SEAMEO Consul.
We discussed at that level with representatives from ASCOE and finally ASCOE decided not to integrate into SEAMEO, because it is a little bit difficult because we (SEAMEO) have 15 regional centres with different
specialties like SEARCA (SEAMEO Regional Centre for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture) Centre for Tropical Medicine, Centre of History and Traditions, Centre for Language-altogether 15 regional centres in 8 countries. Well ASCOE do not have any units on any implementing agencies. So the decision was that instead of merging into one, that we maintain the status quo as two organizations. We should work more closely because we serve the same region, the same countries and the same peoples. So we work together.
Furthermore, Dr Ruben L Villareal answered in connection with the number of scholarships.
Altogether, we have granted 611 for MSc degrees and 455 for PhD scholarships. So there are more MSc than PhD scholarships. Concerning Myanmar which joined only in 1998, there are 7 MSc scholarships and 5 PhD scholarships. Out of these 12 scholars, one MSc has completed and others are still in their studies. In one or one and a half years there will be two who will complete their PhD degrees. Altogether we have 511, who have completed MSc degrees and 373 have completed their PhDs.
Afterwards, Director-General of Agriculture Planning Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation U Tin Htut Oo answered that Agriculture development is based on technology and knowledge. The revolution we are now having is bio-technology. In this respect, apart from the resources that we have in natural resources we need technology, also human resource development. We are now closely and actively working together with SEARCA for the sustainable development of our country. So based on these physical achievement that you have mentioned, the construction of dams, and the increase of the yield of the crops we are now fulfilling the needs so that we have enough human resources to carry on the future agriculture development of our country. And regarding the paddy production this year we are fortunate because even though this year is the El Nino year, we have had no prolonged droughts, but have had more than average rainfall this year.
We are expecting this year's production will be more on less the same on even higher than last year.
As we are now entering the market-economy, we are encouraging the participation of the private sector for the supply of fertilizer. In our country we only have natural gas for producting urea. So we have to import all the other fertilizers. The government has already abolished the subsidies in order to pave the way for the private sector participation.
And the government will fulfill all the domestic production in the supply line and also will provide financing the import of the necessary fertilizers. But we have to rely more on the private sector in accordance with market economy.
Dr Gil C Saguiguit Jr continued to answer regarding assistance to Myanmar that the governing board is really the highest body of SEAMEO-SEARCA.
It reviews what we undertook for the previous year as well as for the coming year. we will do the rounds of our members to ask and so when it comes to the turn of Myanmar we would be getting some signals on where exactly the centre can help Myanmar.
The press conference then came to a close.
( 5 ) Religious Affairs Minister receives Ambassador

Yangon, 14 Oct - Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin received Ambassador of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka Mr Ubhayasekara Mapa
at his office here this morning.
( 6 )
F&R Minister attends opening ceremony of Banking Service Course

Yangon, 14 Oct - Minister for Finance and Revenue U Khin Maung Thein attended and made a speech at the opening ceremony of the Banking Service Course No 1/2002 for bank managers of Myanma Economic Bank under the Ministry of Finance and Revenue at the hall of No 1 Branch of Myanma Economic Bank on Pansodan Street here this morning.
On the occasion, the minister said that Myanma
Economic Bank is an organization that carries out monetary matters
of respective enterprises and departments of the State and measures
concerning border trade; the training courses have been conducted
for bank managers with the aim of making them become qualified ones;
and the course helps develop human resources.
He also urged the trainees not only to
systematically study lectures but also work hard to become qualified
service personnel. Altogether 30 trainees are attending the two-week
Cash donated for performing arts competitions
Yangon, 14 Oct
- The seventh cash donation ceremony to the Fund Raising and Prize Presentation Sub-committee of Tenth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions was held at No 4 meeting hall of the City Hall here this morning.
Chairman of the Leading Committee for Organizing the Tenth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe accepted the cash donations and presented certificates of honour to wellwishers.
The commander accepted K 1,750,000 donated by ten wellwishers including K 1 million by Managing Director U Thet Oo of Ayarmyay Co, K 500,000 by Kanbawza Bank Ltd, K 100,000 by Asian Wealth Bank, and K 50,000 by Loi Hein Co Ltd and presented certificates of honour to them.
Then, the commander spoke words of thanks to wellwishers for their contribution for the observance of genuine Myanma traditional cultural performing arts competitions.
A total of K 31,036,161 has been raised for the competitions up to date.
( 7 )
Myanmar regrets US State Department's
International Religious Report
Significant characteristics of Myanmar is that all national races have freedom of faith and the right to maintain their own culture and traditions
Yangon, 14 Oct - The following is the text of the Press release issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs today.
It is highly regretful that the US Department of State in its annual International Religious Freedom Report (2002) issued on 7 October 2002 designated Myanmar as
"a country of particular concern".
This classification does not in any way represent the true situation in the country. It is obvious that some of the information come from insurgent groups or unscrupulous persons with the aim of damaging the image of Myanmar.
In Myanmar, every citizen has the right to profess and practice his/her belief. A significant characteristics of Myanmar is that all national races have freedom of faith and the right to maintain their own culture and traditions. All religions in the country are allowed to establish and maintain institutions for religious or charitable purposes as well as to
acquire and hold their own property and administer in accordance with existing laws.
Furthermore, the Government is rendering necessary assistance and protection to ensure religious freedom in the nation. The main religions in the country are Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and animism. Although Theravada Buddhism is the religion of majority in , the Government is providing and assisting the work of other religions as well. There is no forced conversion by the government in favour of one religion over another. Nor is there discrimination or persecution for religious reasons. The leaders of the country have always attends the most significant religious celebrations of the major religions in the country reflecting religious harmony in the nation.
Therefore, the allegations contained in US State Department's Report are groundless and they must be considered as being politically motivated and represent an attempt to exert pressure and interfere in the internal affairs of the country.
( 8
) Swe Swe Thant wins bronze in XIV Asian Games
Yangon, 14 Oct - The Wushu competition of the XIV Asian Games continued in Busan, Republic of Korea yesterday.
In Nanquan Three Events Combined, Swe Swe Thant of Myanmar won the bronze. The gold and silver were taken by
People's Republic of China and Vietnam respectively.
Pyai Wai Phyoe of Myanmar also won the honorary grade-5 in Chanquan Three Events Combined. Five athletes of Myanmar Wushu Team took part in the Wushu competition held from 10 to 13 October and won one gold, one bronze and one honorary grade-5 certificate.
In the conference of Asia Wushu Federation held on 9 October, the central executive committee was reconstituted with seven members. President of Myanmar Wushu Federation U Khin Maung Lay was elected as one of the central executive committee members of Asia Wushu Federation.
( 9
Biography of Agga Maha Saddhammajotika Sayadaw Bhaddanta
Yangon, 14 Oct - The would-be Sayadaw, son of U
Tha Aye and Daw Aye of Hsadwin Village, Htigyaing Township, Sagaing
Division, was born on 11th Waning of Pyatho, Wednesday, 1275 Myanmar
The would-be Sayadaw was no vitiated under the
patronage of Hsadwin Monastery Sayadaw U Wimala and with sponsorship
of his parents in 1289 ME. On 7th Waning of Tagu, 1295 ME, Sunday,
he was ordained as a monk under the patronage of Sayadaw U Sobhita
of Paukkon Taungpaw Monastery in Htigyaing and under the sponsorship
of the parents. The would-be Sayadaw studied treatises from Sayadaw
U Suwumma of Kyaukzedi Pariyatti Sarthintaik in Htigyaing.
Then, he pursued Pitakat treatises and Atthaka
Tikas at Mani Yadana Okkyaung Sayadaw U Jagara of Sagu Taik in
western part of Mandalay. The Sayadaw had gave lectures in treatises
to monks and novices for their respective examinations at Kyaukzedi
Pariyatti Sar-thintaik in Htigyaing Township for 46 years. He
discharged Sasana duty of the chairman of Board of Htigyaing
Township Viniyadhika Pariyatti Examinations, Ovadacariya of the
Myatheindam and Abhaya-marazein Pagoda Boards of Trustees and State
Ovadacariya duty. The Government conferred the Agga Maha
Saddhammajotikadhaja title on the Sayadaw in 1999.
The Religious Affairs Department announced that the Sayadaw, aged 90 and Vasa 70, passed away at Kyaukzedi Pariyatti Sarthintaik in Htigyaing at 2.40 pm on Saturday, 12-10-2002, 6th Waxing of Thadingyut, 1364 ME.