1 ) Vice-Senior General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San pay homage to Inlay PhaungdawU Buddha Images in Nyaungshwe

Yangon, 13 Oct - Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San paid homage to Inlay PhaungdawU Buddha images conveyed to Atthadisa Dhammavihara Desacari Kyaungdawgyi in Nyaung-shwe from PhaungdawU Kyaungdaw in Namhu
Village, Inlay Region, Nyaungshwe Township, for obeisance of the local people, this morning.
Before conveyance of the Buddha images to Phaungdawhseik Pyadthad-hsaung in Nantkat Creek, Vice-Senior General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San and party and local people were presented with traditional dances and Heya Ywama cultural boat yein by cultural troupes.
At the Phaungdawhseik Pyadthadhsaung, the Vice-Senior General and wife and party paid homage to Sayadaw Bhaddanta Vilasabhivamsa and other Sayadaws.
The Buddha images are being conveyed from Inlay PhaungdawU Kyaung to villages in Inlay region beginning 1st waxing of Thadingyut.
At 8.45 am, the Vice-Senior General and wife and party paid obeisance to the PhaungdawU Buddha images conveyed to Phaungdawhseik Pyadthadhsaung by Nyaung-shwe Township Sangha Nayaka Committee Chairman Hlaingkyu Pariyatti
Monastery Presiding Nayaka Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Mahinda and members of the Sangha and members of the conveyance group.
Vice-Senior General Maung Aye, together with Member of the State Peace and Development Council Chief of Armed Forces Training Lt-Gen Kyaw Win, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Vice-Admiral Kyi Min, Commander-in-Chief (Air) Brig-Gen Myat Hein and Commander Brig-Gen Khin Maung Myint, conveyed an Inlay PhaungdawU Buddha image.
Member of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Aung Htwe, together with Minister for Science and Technology U Thaung, Minister for Electric Power Maj-Gen Tin Htut and senior military officers, conveyed a Buddha image.
Next, Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Thein Sein, together with Minister for Education U Than Aung, Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi, departmental heads and officials, carried a Buddha image.
Similarly, Quartermaster-General Lt-Gen Thiha Thura Tin Aung Myint Oo, accompanied by Minister for Information Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan, senior military officers and officials, conveyed a Buddha image.
The conveyance group carried all the Buddha images on board the vehicle round Nyaungshwe and carried the images to be kept at Atthadisa Dhammavihara Desacari Kyaungdawgyi.
Vice-Senior General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San watched Intha traditional
men's and women's boat race and demonstration of carrying of food to the monastery in Nankat Creek.
After the ceremony, Daw Win Win Nu, wife of Commander Brig-Gen Khin Maung Myint, presented prize to Heyaywama boat team and Commander Brig-Gen Khin Maung Myint to the team that demonstrated carrying of food to the monastery.
Member of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Aung Htwe of the Ministry of Defence presented prizes to the teams that stood first, second and consolation prize-winning teams in the
men's 46-oar contest respectively.
Daw Mya Mya San presented prizes to the teams of Nyaungwun and Mothauk-in Villages that won first and second in the
women's 26-oar contest respectively.
Vice-Senior General Maung Aye presented first, second and consolation prizes to Minchaungle Village team, Kyungyimyauk Village team and Shaywagyi Village and Minchaungshay Village teams.
Vice-Senior General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San cordially greeted members of the boat teams. They went to Athtaditha Dhammawihara Dethasayi Kyaungdaw where PhaungdawOo Buddha images are to be kept.
At 10 am, the PhaungdawOo Buddha images arrived at the Kyaungdaw. Members of the Sangha led by State Ovadacariya Sayadaw of Kangyi Pariyatti Sarthintaik in Nyaungshwe offered
"soon", flowers, water and Shwethingan to the images.
Vice-Senior General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San then offered "soon", flowers and water to the images.
The Vice-Senior General and party offered Shwethigan to the images and they pay respects to members of the Sangha.
Vice-Senior General Maung Aye and wife Daw Mya Mya San and wellwishers presented offertories to State Ovadacariya Sayadaw of Kangyi Pariyatti Sarthintaik in Nyaungshwe and members of the Sangha.
Wellwishers donated cash to the 16th Sangha meeting of All Shwekyin Ganas.
The donations included K 7.5 million each by Chairman of pa-O National Organization U Aung Khan Hti and Chairman of Ruby Dragon Co U Nay Win Tun and wife Daw Nan Aye Aye Myint, Chairman of Kanbawza Bank Ltd U Aung Ko Win and wife Daw Nan Than Htwe, Chairman of Ngwehsin Co U Soe Myint and Daw Nan Than Kyi and Chairman of Yadana Win Co U Khin Myint and Daw Than Than Win, K 500,000 by Managing Director of Aden Group Co U Chit Khaing and K 200,000 by Managing Director of Hmaw Okshaung Co U Sai Ba Nyan.
Patron of Leading Committee for holding of the 16th Sangha meeting of All Shwekyin Ganas Commander Brig-Gen Khin Maung Myint accepted the donations.
Those who accompanied the Vice-Senior General Maung Aye donated cash for renovation of Athtaditha Dhammawihara Dethasayi
( 2 )
Secretary-1 attends opening of Shweminwun Sasana Yeiktha, Shanlay Dhamma Beikman and accepts cash donations
Yangon, 13 Oct - The opening ceremony of Shweminwun Sasana Yeiktha (Bago) and Shanlay Dhamma Beikman was held in conjunction with the fourth cash donation ceremony for all-round construction of the Sasana Yeiktha and merit-sharing ceremony at the Sasana Yeiktha in Sarthange Village, Tharyagon Village- tract, Bago Township, Bago Division at 2.30 pm today.
Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council General Khin Nyunt formally unveiled the signboards of the Sasana Yeiktha and Dhamma Beikman and accepted cash donations of wellwishers.
First, the opening ceremony of Shweminwun Sasana Yeiktha (Bago) was held in front of the archway of Sasana Yeiktha. Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw Maha Kamathanacariya Bhand-danta Sobhana and Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin formally opened the Sasana Yeiktha.
Then, the Secretary-1 formally unveiled the signboard of the Sasana Yeiktha and sprinkled the scented water onto the archway.

Afterwards, the opening ceremony of Shanlay Dhamma Beikman was held in front of the Dhamma Beikman. Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin and wellwishers of the Dhamma Beikman U Tint Lwin and Daw Kyu Kyu Thin (Shanlay) Brokerage House formally opened the Dhamma Beikman.
Then, the Secretary-1 formally unveiled the signboard of the Dhamma Beikman.
Later, the fourth cash donation ceremony for all round construction of Shweminwun Sasana Yeiktha (Bago) and the merit-sharing ceremony were held at Shanlay Maha Dhamma Beikmandawgyi.
It was attended by Vice-Chairman of State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Agga Maha Pandita Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotika-dhaja Myitkyina Sayadaw Bhanddanta Silavamsa,
members of the Sangha, Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw of the Sasana Yeiktha and members of the Sangha and nuns.
The ceremonies were opened with the three-time Namo Tassa. Then, the Secretary-1 and the congregation received the eight precepts from the Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw of the Sasana Yeiktha.
After reciting of partitas by members of the Sangha, the Secretary-1, the commanders, the ministers and deputy ministers, and wellwishers presented offertories to Sayadaws and members of the Sangha. Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw Maha Kamathanacariya Bhanddanta Sobana of Shwe Minwun Sasana Yeiktha (Bago), to mark his 55th birthday, presented robes, umbrellas, slippers and fans, for the fourth time for missionary members of the Sangha in mountainous regions to Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin.
Then, the Secretary-1, the commanders, and ministers accepted K 68,570,000 donated for all round construction of the Sasana Yeiktha by wellwishers including K 30 million by U Thein Win and Daw Ni of Shwe Thanlwin Co, K 8 million by Daw Daisy Tan and family, K 5 million by U Pwint Kaung and Daw Khin Nwe Yi, K 3 million by Daw Than Than Sint and family, K 2 million by U Tun Shein, Daw Amar and family, K 2 million by U Tin Soe, Daw Khin Tint and family, K 2 million by U Khin Maung Kyi, Daw San San Hla and family, K 2 million by U Tin Tun and Daw Aye Aye Myint (Shwe Pyithit Auto trading), K 2 million by U Than Tun and Daw Kyi Kyi May of Tharyar Shwemyay Co, K 2 million by U Tin Nyunt and Daw Kyin Ho of Htoo Brokerage House, K1.5 million by A-one Body suit Family ( Theingyi Market), K 1.1 million by U Tin Oo, Daw Than Nwe and family, K 1,050,000 by U Sein Lin, Daw Kyi Mya and family, K 1,050,000 by Lt-Col Tin Maung Tun, Daw Kyin Aye and family, K 1 million by Ko Teza and Ma Khin Htay Myint (Singapore), K 550,000 by Lt-Col Ba Than, Daw Phyu Nyunt Thein and family, K 500,000 by U Hla Shein, Daw Yin Yin Mya and family, K 500,000 by Daw Tin and family, K 300,000 by Daw Ohn Shwe and family, K 200,000 by trust funds committee of Mingalar Market, K 200,000 by Tharyargone Village-tract Chairman U Soe Naing and family, K 200,000 by U Ba Thwin, Daw Thein Tint and family, K 200,000 by Daw San Kywe and family, K 200,000 by Daw Moe, Daw Khin Saw Wai (Pavo Gold Shop-Yuzana Plaza) , K 200,000 by Daw Thame Nge and family of Mingalar Market, K 120,000 by Daw Myint Myint Khin and family, K 100,000 by Ma San San Yu and family, K 100,000 by Ma Kyi Kyi Lwin and family, K 100,000 by U Aung Thein, Daw Khin Than Aye and family, K 100,000 by U Hoke Sein, Daw Kyin Su and family, K 100,000 by Headmistress Daw Khin Ohn Myint, teachers and students of BEHS-2, Latha, K 100,000 by U Ba Ni and U Kyaw Myint of Thabawa International Co, K 100,000 by Daw Kyi Kyi Win and family, K 100,000 by U Maung Maung, Daw Htay Htay and family, K 100,000 by U Aye, Daw Ohn Than and family, K 100,000 by Daw Tin Nyunt and family, K 100,000 by Daw Than Than Aung and family and K 100,000 by Daw Waing and family.
Then, Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin presented documents related to the Sasana Yeiktha to the Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw.
The vice-chairman Sayadaw of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee delivered a sermon, followed by sharing the merit gained.
After the ceremony, the Secretary-1 inspected the construction of Lopyi Ayechantha Pagoda in the compound of the Sasana Yeiktha. and gave necessary
Secretary-1 inspects all-round construction of ancient
historic Kyaikpadagyi Hsandawshin Pagoda

Yangon, 13 Oct - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council General Khin Nyunt inspected all-round construction of ancient historic Kyaikpadagyi Hsandawshin Pagoda in Padagyi Village in Yangon South District this morning.
The Secretary-1, accompanied by officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, arrived at the site of all-round construction of the pagoda.

Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko reported on progress of work of the
pagoda, preparations for Shwehtidaw hoisting ceremony and donations.
Next, Director-General of Department of Archaeology U Nyunt Han reported on foundations believed to be ancient ordination hall in the east of the precincts of the pagoda, laterite Buddha images, laterite and research on ancient earthen objects discovered.
Chairman of Yuzana Construction Group U Htay Myint reported on construction of the wall, construction of entrance road to the pagoda and religious buildings.
Myanmar architect U Ohn Tin reported on decoration of Myanmar artistic works at the prayer halls, flag masts and the wall.
Managing Director of ACE Construction U Tint Hsan reported on construction of four prayer halls on the pagoda platform, flag masts and museum where Htidaw donated by Kyaikhtihsaung Sayadaw is to be kept and the site chosen.
The Secretary-1 then gave instructions.
The Secretary-1 inspected Seinphudaw and Hngetmyatnadaw to be hoisted atop Maha Dhammayanthi Yanaung Pagoda in Kaungkha Myothit in Kutkai Township, in
northern Shan State and Buddha images and relics to be enshrined at the Kyaikpadagyi Pagoda.
A ceremony to plant Bandara mango tree was held in the south-west of the pagoda precincts. At the auspicious time, the Secretary-1 planted the mango tree and sprayed scented water on it.
The Secretary-1 inspected Bo tree, construction of the flag mast, laterite Buddha images excavated, ancient earthen objects, construction of religious buildings on the entrance to the pagoda and on
the pagoda platform. He then gave instructions.
The Secretary-1 inspected construction of Khanda ordination hall in Padagyi Pariyatti Sarthintaik, Padagyi Village, Kyauktan Township. He then gave instructions.
The Secretary-1 and party went to Padagyi Sanpya Village Basic Education Primary School.
The Secretary-1 fulfilled the requirements for extended building of the school.
The Secretary-1 and party made arrangements for extension of rural health care unit in Padagyi Sanpya Village.
The Secretary-1 inspected pre-primary school of village maternal and child welfare association.
Then, the Secretary-1 chose the sites for rural health care unit and pre-primary school and fulfilled the requirements.
The Secretary-1 cordially greeted the villagers. The Secretary-1 and party inspected the well used by ancient kings of Pada nation 2000 years ago. He gave instructions on cleanliness of the well.
The Secretary-1 and party left Kyauktan in the
( 3
) Lt-Gen Ye Myint inspects regional development in Sagaing Division

Yangon, 13 Oct - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence, met with departmental officials at Thiriyadana Hall in Ayadaw this morning and gave instructions on regional development.
First, the Chairman of Ayadaw Township Peace and Development Council reported on the geographical conditions and background history of the township, measures being taken for economic, social, health and education sectors.
Next, officials of Myanma Agriculture Service, Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading, Irrigation Department, Public Works, Development Affairs Department, Myanma Posts and Telecommunications and Myanma Electric Power Enterprise reported on work being carried out and future tasks for regional development.
Then, Commander Brig-Gen Soe Naing gave a supplementary report.
Afterwards, Lt-Gen Ye Myint made a speech. He said that the Government has
laid down the five rural development tasks to ensure the emergence of a peaceful, modern and developed nation. So as to bring about equitable development in all parts of the nation, the 24 development zones were designated and measures are being taken for regional development.
As economic progress plays a leading role in rural development, priority will have to be given to agriculture and livestock breeding undertakings for self-sufficiency in food.
The Government is also providing necessary assistance for ensuring regional food sufficiency.
As there a shortage of water for agricultural purpose in Ayadaw Township, the river water pumping project is being launched, thus contributing to regional development. The local authorities and departmental officials are to strive together with the local people in cleaning and beautifying the township.
The Ayadaw Township won the Sasakawa Award presented by WHO in 1986, benefiting from the cooperation among the people in the health care services. Thus, with the participation of the people in harmony, regional development tasks will be successfully implemented.
The departmental officials are to exert relentless efforts together with members of social organization out of pure goodwill in implementing the five rural development tasks.
Then, Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party proceeded to Basic Education High School in Ayadaw. The Township Education Officer and the School Head conducted Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party round the listening room, the computer room and the computer aided instruction room.
Next, Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party inspected the People's Hospital in Ayadaw. Deputy Director-General of Health Department Dr Hla Pe and the Medical Superintendent conducted Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party round. The Medical Superintendent reported on health care services in the township.
The deputy director-general and Director Dr Htay Lwin of HD reported on matters related to receiving the Sasakawa Award to Lt-Gen Ye Myint who left instructions.
Then, Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party inspected the publications on the Sasakawa Award and the health care aids.
Next, Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party inspected the wetland of Township Development Affairs Department, the Township Development Market, the water supply centre in Kanbawza Village and the No 3 water pumping machine and gave instructions to officials.
Next, Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party arrived at Ayadaw river pumping project near Magyizauk Village in Ayadaw Township. Assistant Director U Ni Ni of Water Resource Utilization Department reported on facts about Ayadaw river water pumping project-2 which will supply water to 20,000 acres of farmland from Mu River, the main canal and tributaries canals, earth work and arrival of heavy machinery.
After inspecting the project site and earth work of the main canal, Lt-Gen Ye Myint left for Wetlet by car.
At 3.30 pm, Lt-Gen Ye Myint met with departmental personnel at the town hall in Wetlet and gave instructions on regional development.
Officials reported on geographical conditions, undertakings of regional development and regional products of Wetlet Township, regional conditions of Shwebo District and tasks to be carried out.
Commander Brig-Gen Soe Naing gave a supplementary report.
Then, Lt-Gen Ye Myint gave a speech. He said that the economic development of the people plays a vital role in the development of the State; moreover, it is essential to safeguard community peace and
tranquility and prevalence of law and order; therefore, the Government is undertaking agriculture and livestock breeding tasks and community peace and
tranquility and prevalence of law and order with a view to fulfilling food, clothing and shelter needs of local people in border regions and rural areas as well as States and Divisions; and on the other hands, the government is carrying out development of human resource.
Departmental personnel are to go right down to grass-roots levels to equal develop rural and urban regions without gaps among them in undertaking five rural development tasks; in this regard, the departments concerned, under the supervision of the local authorities, are to organize local people to join hands with social organizations in performing the development tasks; and as it is important that Shwebo District is the main paddy cultivation and production district of Sagaing Division which is the rice bowl of the State, efforts are to be made for production tasks.
At 6 pm, they arrived at Wetlet Township Hospital. Officials conducted them round the operation theatre, the lab, the X-ray room and patient wards.
Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party visited the wards. They then left Wetlet and arrived in Mandalay at 8.15 pm.
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Lt-Gen Aung Htwe tours Kyaukme, Nawnghkio regions
Yangon, 13 Oct - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Aung Htwe of the Ministry of Defence, left Lashio for Kyaukme by car on 11
October morning.
At Bayint Naung Hall in Kyaukme Station, Lt-Gen Aung Htwe met with Col Aung Min of Kyaukme Station, local authorities, departmental officials, members of Myanmar War Veterans Organization, Union Solidarity and Development Association, Red Cross and Auxiliary Fire Brigades, Working Committee for
Women's Affairs, Maternal and Child Welfare Association and gave instructions on efforts to be made for rural development.
Col Aung Min of Kyaukme Station reported on construction of 53 miles and two furlongs long Hsipaw-Nantlan-Tonlaw section of the Special Development Union Highway in Shan State. Commander Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing gave a supplementary report on arrangements for construction of the road.
Lt-Gen Aung Htwe gave instructions on upgrading of the road, durability of the roads, work site safety, timely completion of the roads meeting the set standard.
The Union Highway will link Hsipaw, Nantlan, Tonlaw and Panketu in Shan State (North) and Mongkai, Leikha and Loilem in Shan State (South).
Lt-Gen Aung Htwe and party proceeded to Nawnghkio. Lt-Gen Aung Htwe met with departmental officials and social organizations at the town hall. Also present were Commander Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing, Col Aung Min of Kyaukme Station, local authorities and departmental officials.
Officials reported on agriculture, rural development tasks, transportation, education, health and other matters.
Then, Lt-Gen Aung Htwe delivered an address. He said that there are a lot of vacant, fallow, virgin and fertile lands in Nawnghkio region. Local people in the township can easily access to major towns in Shan State. If emphasis will be paid on agriculture tasks in Nawnghkio region, it will contribute much toward development of Shan State. Head of State Senior General Than Shwe has given guidance on undertaking cultivation tasks in Nawnghkio region. A total of 88.21 per cent against 2.3 million population of Shan State (North) have sufficient supply of rice. Departmental officials are to provide assistance to local farmers. It is necessary to study technologies for boosting the per-acre yield. At present, roads linking Shan State (North) and (South) are being constructed for better transport.
He said that township level departmental officials are to undertake 12 national objectives of the State and Our Three Main National Causes as the work guidelines and to systematically implement management and administration matters of the township. And the departmental personnel are to join hands with local people for driving out destructive elements of the State and for carrying out rural development tasks.
Next, Lt-Gen Aung Htwe cordially met with departmental officials and social organization members.
Afterwards, Lt-Gen Aung Htwe arrived Mandalay International Airport in TadaU through Nawnghkio. He left the airport and arrived back here in the afternoon.
( 5 ) Dry Day Supervisory Committee looks into work of inspection groups
Yangon, 13 Oct - Chairman of the Dry Day Supervisory Committee Minister at the State Peace and Development Council
Chairman's Office Lt-Gen Min Thein and Vice-Chairman Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint in two groups inspected discharge of duty of the inspection groups to check the vehicles in Yangon City this morning.
The inspection groups comprising Defence Services provost unit members and Traffic Police Force members inspected the dry day pass of vehicles from departments concerned, holding of driver
license and wheel tax and wearing of uniforms in accord with the disciplines of the Dry Day for vehicles of Tatmadaw and departments concerned at the check points in the city from 7 am to 5 pm.
Chairman of the Dry Day Supervisory Committee Minister at the State Peace and Development Council
Chairman's Office Lt-Gen Min Thein, Vice-Chairman Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint, members Deputy Minister for Hotels and Tourism Brig-Gen Aye Myint Kyu, Vice Quartermaster-General Brig-Gen Htin Aung Kyaw, Director-General of Myanmar Police Force Brig-Gen Khin Yi, Provost Marshal Brig-Gen Saw Hla and officials supervised the work of inspection groups checking the vehicles of departments used on the Dry
( 6 )
Chi Creek Bridge and Kyauksit Creek Bridge opened in Saw Township, Magway Division
Yangon, 13 Oct - Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun attended the opening ceremonies of Chi Creek Bridge and Kyauksit Creek Bridge in Saw Township, Gangaw District in Magway Division, constructed by Special Bridge Construction Group-13 of Public Works, the Ministry of Construction, yesterday morning and made speeches.
Minister Maj-Gen Saw Tun made a speech. He said the bridges opened today were constructed by the ministry in accordance with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe. The State has been making all-out efforts for turning the nation into a peaceful, modern and developed one. As peace prevails in the nation, infrastructures are constructed with added momentum for economic and social development.
For regional development, short-term and long-term plans have been laid down and implemented in the respective sectors for better roads and bridges that are infrastructures of road transportation.
Especially, plans have been made to narrow down the development gap between rural and urban in the third five-year short-term period.
In line with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe on rural area development tasks, emphasis is placed upon development of road transportation in rural areas, water supply tasks, uplift of education standard and economy of rural people.
Road transportation is the most important and basic need for development of a region. Better road transportation will contribute to development of trade and production and economy of the region will also progress. Moreover, education, health and social needs will also improve simultaneously.
The region was difficult of access in rainy season in the past. So, the State as laid a special plan for development of the region. Traveling can be made anytime, thanks to the newly-opened Chi Creek bridge and Kyauksit Creek bridge.
The Chi Creek bridge is 440 feet long. It is composed of two 60-feet bailey portions and 380 feet wooden structure. Its lower structure is built of wooden piers. It can bear 13 tons of weight. The bridge was built in a period of five months.
The Kyauksit Creek bridge is 440 feet long. It is composed of two 60-feet bailey portions and 380 feet wooden structure. Its lower structure is built of wooden piers. It can bear 13 tons of weight. The bridge was built in a period of seven months.
Nowadays in Myanmar bridges of small, medium and big sizes are built on self-help basis without having any foreign assistance. The regional people are to be aware of this fact and take part actively in the nation building tasks, he said. Local authorities and local people are to utilize the conditions of better transportation most effectively for the economic and all-round development of the respective regions, he observed.
Next, Magway Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Col Zaw Min made a speech. He said Gangaw District located in western part of Magway Division is a gateway from Chin State. The people of Kanpetlet, Mindat and Haka can travel to mainland via Gangaw District. Hence, Gangaw is important for Chin State as regards transportation. The Gangaw district is situated in hilly region and transportation was difficult geographically. In addition, streams and creeks flowing down from hills are also the natural barriers in transportation. Sometimes, it took 2 or 3 nights to reach the mainland from Chin State. The Gangaw District is constituted with three townships namely Gangaw, Htilin and Saw. There are ten roads there.
They are the Monywa-Pale-Gangaw-Haka road, the Gangaw-Kalay road, the Pakokku-Pauk-Htilin-Gangaw road, the Gangaw-Eikka road, the Hsaymintaw-Tawma-Yaymyetni road, the Kyauktu-Htilin road, the Pauk-Gabyin-Kyauktu road, the Kyauktu-Saw road, the Kyauktu-Mindat road and the Seikbyu-Saw-Kanpetlet road. In the entire district, there are 325 miles 2 furlongs long roads. The Kyauktu-Saw road is 24 miles 6 furlongs long and there are Chi and Kyauksit creeks on it. By building the Chi Creek Bridge and Kyauksit Creek Bridge, transportation has become much better there. The two bridges are now benefiting over 62,000 people of 118 villages in Saw Township.
The Launggut Bridge on Gangaw-Kalay road in Gangaw District was opened on 13-12-2001. Likewise, the Tinle Creek Bridge and Tawwin Creek Bridge are under construction.
The Tinle Creek bridge construction is now near completion. The regional people are to make constant efforts for maintaining the bridges for long-term use. By having roads and bridges, regional people and products can now be transported to other places in the Union conveniently. In response to the goodwill of the State, the regional people are to strive for boosting agricultural productions, he said.
Next, Saw Township USDA secretary U Htay Maung spoke words of thanks. Then, Minister Maj-Gen saw Tun, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Myint Thein, Magway Division Chairman Col Zaw Min and officials went to temporary pandal where the opening ceremony was to be held. At the auspicious time, Col Zaw Min and Deputy Managing Director U Soe Aung of the Public Works formally opened the Chi Creek Bridge by cutting a ribbon. The minister, responsible personnel and guests then strolled on the bridge.
Next, they proceeded to Kyauksit Creek Bridge. At the auspicious time, Gangaw District Peace and Development Council Chairman Lt-Col Htay Oo and Deputy Superintending Engineer (Special Bridge Construction Group 13) U Soe Myint of the Public Works formally opened the Chi Creek Bridge by cutting a ribbon.
The minister, responsible personnel and guests then strolled on the bridge.
The newly-opened two bridges are located on the Mindat-Kyauktu-Saw-Seikbyu road linking Chin State and Magway Division.
Social Welfare Department, Shwegondaing Child Nursery inspected
Yangon, 13 Oct - Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen
Sein Htwa, arrived at Social Welfare Department (Head
Office) on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road this morning and inspected office buildings, the
meeting hall and the computer section. The minister gave instructions on
systematic use of electricity to the officials.
Next, the minister proceeded to the Shwegondaing Child Nursery and viewed
round the hostel of children and the mess hall and health care services. He also inspected installation of power lines and the power control board and
gave instructions on frugal use of electricity to the officials.
( 8
Agriculture and livestock
breeding farms inspected
Yangon, 13 Oct - Accompanied by No 1 Military Region Commander Col Khin Maung Soe, Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe this afternoon inspected livestock breeding farms of Yangon Command and gave necessary instructions to officials.
First, the commander arrived at No 1 poultry farm at Sawbwagyigon in Insein Township, Yangon (North) District, where Secretary of Yangon Command Agriculture and Livestock Breeding Committee Lt-Col Thein Hsint and officials welcomed him.
At the briefing hall, Captain Win Zin Maung, the farm in charge, reported on breeding and production of broilers and sale of chicken to tax-free markets and others and Lt-Col Thein Hsint on conditions of agriculture and livestock breeding tasks being undertaken by Yangon Command.
Next, the commander gave instructions to officials on supervising continuous raising of broilers to meet the target, daily distribution of chicken meat to tax-free markets and other markets, production of chicks through the hatchery of the farm and quality control of Taing Shwegon chicken sausage. Then, the commander and party inspected production of 4,000 briquettes a day at the farm.
Afterwards, the commander gave instructions to officials on keeping the farm clean and tidy and cultivation of vegetables on vacant land of the farm.
Later, the commander and party proceeded to Taing Shwegon meat and greens shop where they inspected chicken meat, eggs, vegetables and others and gave necessary instructions to officials.
Myanmar delegation leaves to attend ASEAN Expo
Yangon, 13 Oct - The Myanmar delegation led by Minister for
Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone left here by air for Bangkok, Thailand, this morning
to attend the opening ceremony of the ASEAN Expo 2002.The delegation comprises
Directorate of Trade U Nyunt Aye and Deputy Director U Tin Shwe Win.
( 9
) Drug traffickers get prison terms
Yangon, 13 Oct - A combined team consisting of members of local intelligence unit and Yangon Special Anti-Drug Squad, acting on information, searched Myo Thant (a) Ta Yoke Gyi at the corner of Pyidaungsu and Tabinshwehtee Roads in Dagon Myothit (North) Township on 9 December last year, and seized 1,355 stimulant tablets.
Action was taken against Myo Thant (a) Ta Yoke Gyi, 32, son of U Tun Hlaing of No (40/B), 1st Mahawthada Street, Ward-12, Dagon Myothit (East) Township, under Section 15/19(A) of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by Dagon Myothit (North) Police Station.
Yangon East District Court sentenced him to 21 years' imprisonment under Section 19 (A) on 13 August this year.
Similarly, a combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Taunggyi Special Anti-drug Squad, acting on a tip-off, searched the house of Shauk Yi of Kaunggate Village, Hosaing Village-tract, Mongshu Township, on 8 March 2002, and seized 4.7355 kilos of raw opium.
In connection with the case, action was taken against Shauk Yi, 51, son of U Kyan Aye of Kaunggate Village, Hosaing Village-tract, Mongshu Township, Myint Aung, 50, son of U San Lon, and Ar Hua, 26, son of U Kyauk Sane, under Section 15/19(A)/20(A)/21 of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by Lwe-hsaunghtauk Police Station.
Loilem District Court handed down 20 years' imprisonment each on them under Section 19(A) on 15 August.
Marijuana and opium oil seized
Yangon, 13 Oct - A
combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit,
Mandalay Special Anti-drug Squad and Railway Police Force, acting on
information, searched Shwenyaung- Thazi No 142 down-train at Thazi
railway station on 30 September and seized three blocks of marijuana
totally weighing 6.205 kilos and three packets of opium oil ,
totally weighing 686 gm from the bag of passenger Ma Thida Oo (a) Ma
In collection with
the case, action is being taken against Ma Thida Oo (a) Ma Thida,
30, daughter of U Thein Htaik of ward 10 in Kalaw and her accomplice
Khin Swe Oo of pyinrnagon ward in Kalay under sections 15, 19(A) and
21 of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by the
police Station concerned.