1 ) 30 billion kyats spent on border
area development projects so far With easy and swift transport,
marine products of Rakhine State being sent up to border regions
Secretary-1 meets departmental personnel and members of social
organizations in
Rakhine State

Yangon, 12 Oct - Chairman of the Work Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council General Khin Nyunt met with departmental personnel and members of social organizations of Rakhine State at the City Hall in Sittway at 10.30 am today.
In his address, Secretary-1 General Khin Nyunt said that he would like to clarify measures being taken by the State, work to be carried out by departments concerned and the individual duty of the citizens while meeting with the departmental officials, townselders and members of social organizations.
They were there to fulfill the needs for development of education, health, economic and social sectors of Rakhine State, he said adding that requirements had already been fulfilled for development of Mrauk-U, the ancient cultural region, and preservation of cultural heritage.
In the morning also, he said, they inspected Lawka Nanda Pagoda, the glory of Rakhine State, which has fallen into ruin due to vagaries of weather, together with the experts and the respective committees were formed to be able to carry out renovation of the pagoda. Furthermore, arrangements have been made to ensure public participation in the renovation tasks, he noted.
The Government with the participation of the national people has been making efforts for the emergence of a peaceful, modern and developed nation.
As Myanmar is a Union made up of the national races, emphasis has been placed on the national solidarity. Armed insurgency emerged in the past due to lack of communication among the national races and there was instigation of imperialists making the national races misunderstand the Government.
In the time of the State Peace and Development Council, national solidarity has been forged, thus contributing to the cessation of armed insurgency, and priority has been given to development of border areas including Rakhine State and uplift of the living standard of national races.
As emphasis has been placed on development of border areas which lagged behind in development, progress has been made in transport, education, health, economic and social sectors of border areas including Rakhine State. About K 30 billion was spent on development projects of border areas so far, he stressed.

In accord with the guidance of the Head of State, the 24 development zones have been designated to bring about equitable development the length and breath of the nation. At the same time, the universities, colleges and specialist hospitals were built in the development zones to enhance the health care services and human resources development.
Out of development drives being launched by the Government in Rakhine State, a large amount of funds was
spent on the project for development of transport sector in Rakhine State. In the past, there was poor transport between Sittway and Yangon, and other states and divisions and now Sittway is accessible to Yangon and other states and divisions in all seasons by means of Sittway-An-Minbu Road, Sittway-Taungup-Padaung-Pyay Road and Sittway-Taungup-Thandwe-Gwa-Ngathaing Gyaung Road.

To have access to Sittway from Yangon, 24 major bridges plus over 800 medium and small bridges were constructed. In addition, sustained and relentless efforts are being made for construction of other roads and bridges in Rakhine State including Kyaukpyu main road.
In doing so, advanced technology is employed to build roads and bridges across the vast marshland.
With easy and swift transport, fish, prawn, crabs and other marine products, the main products of Rakhine State, are exported in time up to border regions, thus further contributing to regional development and development of private industries.
At a time when the Government has been making all-out efforts for development of Rakhine State, it is incumbent upon departmental officials and private entrepreneurs to strive together with local people to exceed the target of the project.
He said efforts are to be made for achieving success in implementation of the five rural development tasks in accord with the guidance of Head of State Senior
General Than Shwe. With the successful implementation of the project various parts of the country including far-flung areas and rural regions would develop.
Regional development tasks are being implemented and priority has been given to development of agricultural sector and industrial sector. He spoke of the need for the states and divisions to make concerted efforts for food sufficiency and to make arrangements for providing surplus food to other regions.
He said encouragement has been given to the establishment of industries in State-owned and private sectors. There were 567 State-owned factories, 139 cooperative-owned factories and 39,054 private-owned factories in 1988. The number of State-owned, cooperative-owned and private-owned factories increased up to 723, 157 and 44,749 in 2002-2003 respectively. In the whole country, there were 39,765 factories in 1988 and there are 45,673 factories in the year 2002-2003. There were 153 factories based on agricultural products and there are 189 factories in 2002-2003. The government has given encouragement to the development of agricultural and industrial sectors and has also built irrigation networks and roads and bridges.
In 1988, there were 2,152 miles of roads and there are now 10,794 miles of roads. There were 453 bridges in 1988 and now there are 651 bridges. In Rakhine State alone, there are 24 major bridges plus over 800 medium and small bridges.
He said the government spent a large amount of money in transport, communications, agriculture and industrial sectors as well as education and health sectors. It is also building schools, universities and colleges and hospitals.
He spoke of the need for officials concerned to lay emphasis on minimizing loss and wastage and
practicing thrif in efforts to develop all sectors of the nation. The government is making endeavours for national development and uplift of living standard of the people. Officials at different levels are to discharge their duties conscientiously with goodwill.
He urged the people to participate in the tasks for development of the region whatever role they are according to the cultural tradition, civic duties and responsibilities of a citizen with patriotism under the leadership of the government. The meeting then ended.
( 2 )
Secretary-1 inspects maintenance of ancient cultural heritage in MraukU, renovation of
Lawkananda Pagoda in Sittway
Yangon, 12 Oct - Chairman of the Work Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Races Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council General Khin Nyunt, left here by aircraft of Myanma Airways of the Ministry of Transport yesterday morning and arrived in Sittway, Rakhine State, at 10 am.
The Secretary-1 and party, accompanied by Commander Brig-Gen Maung Oo, left Sittway No 2 Jetty by Malikha speed boat and arrived in MraukU, Rakhine State, at 12.30 pm.
They were welcomed there by Brig-Gen Myint Aung of Kyauktaw Station, district and township authorities, departmental personnel, USDA members and local people.
First, the Secretary-1 inspected construction of the archway of Ancient Cultural MraukU Town.
At the briefing hall, Director U Nyo Win Myint of Rakhine State Development Affairs Department reported on construction of the archway, building of Bandoola Bridge in the town, upgrading of roads in MraukU and construction tasks being carried out to have town characteristics. The Secretary-1 gave necessary instructions.
The Secretary-1 and party then arrived at MraukU Hotel and inspected the buildings of the hotel.
At the hall of the hotel, Director-General U Nyunt Han of Archaeology Department and Deputy Director U Phone Kyaw of MraukU Cultural Heritage Region (Rakhine Branch) reported on four zones designated for implementation of maintaining ancient pagodas, stupas and religious buildings in the region, number of pagodas and stupas being renovated and under renovation, progress in renovating pagodas and stupas with the use of expenditure allotted by the State in 2002-2003 financial year and with the use of donations by wellwishers and tasks to be undertaken.
Minister for Culture Maj-Gen Kyi Aung reported on arrangements being made for maintaining and renovating Andawthein Stupa and Laymyethna Stupa. Then, Minister for Hotels and Tourism Brig-Gen Thein Zaw reported on restoration of MraukU Hotel building, hotel services, arrival of local and foreign visitors and water and power supply matters.
The Secretary-1 gave a speech. He said that MraukU was the capital of Rakhine kings. Foreigners took interested in the pagodas, stupas and religious edifices built of stones. The ancient and invaluable ancient cultural heritage are being maintained in MraukU under the leadership of the Government. It is necessary to cooperate with local authorities, departmental personnel and local people with the Government in achieving success in maintenance tasks. As MraukU hotel is located in the ancient cultural region, local and foreign visitors stay there. Therefore, better hotel services are to be given to the customers and emphasis is to be laid on keeping hotel area clean and pleasant.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party visited Shwe Yadana Nawarat Hotel and viewed hostels and the compound of the hotel.
Next, the Secretary-1 and party inspected finding and maintaining of ancient cultural heritage in MraukU.
First, they inspected renovation of Htokkathein Stupa built by King Min Khamaung in 993 Myanmar Era (1571 AD).
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 and party went to Shitthoung (a) Yanaungzeya Stupa built by King Minbagyi in 897 ME (1535 AD) where they were welcomed by members of the Stupa Board of Trustees.
The Secretary-1 and party paid reverence to the Buddha image in Gandakuti Taik of the Stupa. Then, the Secretary-1 accepted K 10 million for renovation of the pagodas, stupas and religious buildings in MraukU cultural heritage region donated by Chairman of Kanbawza Bank Ltd U Aung Ko Win-Vice-Chairperson Thiha Thudhamma Theingi Thiri Thudhamma Theingi Agga Maha Thiri Thudhamma Theingi Daw Nang Than Htwe (Excellent Performance in Social Field-First Class) and K 2 million by families of Office of Military Intelligence and intelligence units.
Chairman of Sittway District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Myo Tint handed over K 1 million for renovation of Shitthoung (a) Yanaungzeya Stupa out of the donations to the members of the Stupa Board of Trustees.
Next, the Secretary-1 and party paid homage to Yadanabon Pagoda built by King Min Khamaung and Queen Shin Htwe in 974 ME (1612 AD) and inspected renovation tasks.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party paid respect to the Buddha image at Andawthein Stupa built by King Minhla Raza Sawmon in 883 ME (1521 AD) and inspected all-round renovation tasks there.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 and party arrived at MraukU Basic Education High School where they were welcomed by departmental personnel and students. Then, the ceremony to present teaching aids to the school was held at the assembly hall of the school.
The Secretary-1 presented teaching aids concluding a TV set, the VCR and a computer set for MraukU BEHS purchased with the cash donated to the Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee to Rakhine State Education Officer (Inspection) U Thein Aung.

Then, the Secretary-1 presented 1,060 dozens of exercise books and 355 dozens of pencils to the students. MraukU Township Education Officer U Oo Mya Tha spoke words of thanks.
Next, the Secretary-1 delivered an address.
In his address, the Secretary-1 said he, the ministers, the deputy ministers and departmental officials came to MraukU to fulfil the requirements for regional development and ancient cultural region. MraukU was a historic ancient city and was also a famous royal city. The rich cultural heritage still exists there.
Before 1988, ancient religious structures and cultural objects of great value were hidden among bushes. Beginning 1990, national cultural heritage including magnificent buildings and religious structures of the ancient capital were revitalized under the guidance of the Head of State. MraukU and Bagan are cultural regions endowed with rich cultural heritage. Many tourists have visited there. Ancient buildings in Bagan and other cultural regions were made of brick but those in MraukU were built of stone. Therefore many tourists are interested in them. More and more tourists have visited the regions year by year.
Progress has been made not only in MraukU region but also in the entire Rakhine State after taking up duties of the State by the Tatmadaw government, he said. The government has carried out the tasks for ensuring smooth transportation and communication, the main requirements for regional development. In the past, there were transport difficulties in Rakhine State and links between Rakhine and others states and divisions.
After the Sittway-Yangon Highway had been completed, people can now easily go to Yangon and other townships at any time. For emergence of the highway, many major, medium and small bridges were built. More roads and bridges are under construction for development of southern regions in Rakhine State. Due to the leadership of the government, close supervision of local authorities and participation of the people progress has been made.
The Head of State laid down urban development tasks as well as the five rural development tasks of better transportation, water supply, uplift of education, better health care and development of economy.
Progress has been made due to the concerted efforts. With the successful implementation of the rural development tasks, the gap between urban and rural regions will become narrow and equitable development will also be made in the entire Union.
In the education sector, the national education promotion special four-year plan and 30-year long term plan for promotion of national education programme are being implemented at basic education and higher education levels.
The Secretary-1 urged the teachers to teach their pupils to be polite, to possess good character, to follow civics and to inculcate patriotism and the Union Spirit in them. In efforts to develop all sectors of the nation, local authorities are to lead the people and work hard.
He said people on their part are to participate in the tasks for development of the region according to the cultural tradition, civics and duties and responsibilities of a citizen with patriotism whatever role they are in under the leadership of the government.
Rural regions, townships and districts in states and divisions will surely develop if the people carry out their tasks in the respective role in harmony.
The Secretary-1 urged local authorities, departmental officials, teachers, students and all the entire people to participate in the respective tasks with sense of duty under the leadership of the Government.
Next, the Secretary-1 and party went to MraukU Archaeological Museum and observed the map showing ancient MraukU, stone inscriptions, Rakhine old coins and artifacts and paid respects to ancient Buddha images. The Secretary-1 and party inspected excavation of Nandawyagon or old palace site of MraukU period.
In the evening, the Secretary-1 and party came back to Sittway.
The Secretary-1 and party paid obeisance to Buddha image in Lawka Nanda Pagoda. They then paid obeisance to Buddha images in Gandakuti Taik. The Secretary-1 and party signed in the
visitors' book. The Secretary-1 and party then went to Aung Setkya Muni ordination hall and paid homage to Aung Setkya Muni Buddha images.
The Secretary-1 and party paid homage to Alodawpyi Sayadaw Maha Gandhavacaka Pandita, Maha Saddhammajtikad-haja, Agga Maha Saddham-majotikadhaja Bhaddanta Ariyavamsa of Aungmye Bodi Sasana Yeiktha Alodawpyay Kyaungtaik in Sittway and presented offertories to the Sayadaw.
The Secretary-1 and party spent the night at Bandoola Yeiktha in Sittway.
This morning, the Secretary-1 and party arrived at Lawkananda Pagoda in Sittway and paid homage to the Buddha Image.
The Secretary-1 and party, together with technicians, climbed up the scaffold of the pagoda and paid homage to Seinbudaw, Hngetmyatnadaw and Htidaw. They also inspected strengthening of the pagoda in detail.
Deputy Minister for Science and Technology U Nyi Hla Nge reported on strengthening of the pagoda, methods chosen for renovation and the fund of the pagoda. Commander Brig-Gen Maung Oo gave a supplementary report. The Secretary said that he, together with the technicians, inspected the strengthening of the pagoda. And respective work groups are systematically to be formed to carry out the tasks step by step.
Then, the donation ceremony for Lawkananda Pagoda was held at Maha Waiyan Sasana Beikman in Sittway at 9 am today. Present were Sasana Yeiktha Alodawpyay Kyaungtaik Presiding Nayaka Maha GanthavaŤaka Pandita Maha Saddhammajotika Agga Maha Saddhammajotika Alodawpyay Sayadaw Bhaddanta Ariyavamsa, Sittway Kyaryok Kyaung Sayadaw Maha Ganthavaaka Pandita Bhaddanta Jayanta and members of the Sangha, the Secretary-1 and party, the commander, local authorities, departmental personnel, members of the pagoda board of trustees, USDA members, social organizations and wellwishers. Sayadaw Bhaddanta Jayanta administered the Five Precepts. Then, members of the Sangha recited Parittas. Next, the Secretary-1 and party offered provisions to the Sayadaws.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 supplicated on arrangements being made for renovation of Lawkananda Pagoda.
Next, the General accepted K 10 million donated by Kanbawza Bank Ltd Chairman U Aung Ko Win-Daw Nang Than Htwe and family; K 500,000 by the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries; K 300,000 by the Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telegraphs; K 200,000 each by the Ministry for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs; and the Ministry of Social Welfare, relief and Resettlement; K 100,000 each by the Ministry of Home Affairs; the Ministry of Culture; the Ministry of Religious Affairs; the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; the Ministry of Construction; the Ministry of Education, the Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Navy); and the Directorate of Signals of the Ministry of Defence; K 50,000 by the Danyawady Naval Region Command Headquarters; K 100,000 each by the Ministry of Health; and Rakhine State Law Officer U Ye Aung Myint-Daw Than Than Su; and K 200,000 by Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe.
Then, Lt-Gen Khin Maung Than of the Ministry of Defence, Commander Brig-Gen Maung Oo and the ministers accepted K 30,056,720 donated by wellwishers including K 3.5 million by Managing Director U Bo Thein of Inpaukwa Co; K 1 million by Office of the Military Intelligence and intelligence units; K 2 million by Seinhmyar Co Director U than Shwe; K 1,575,145 by Sittway District Peace and Development Council; K 1,316,975 by Inpaukwa Co and people, K 200,000 by Adviser U Arnt Maung to the State Peace and Development Council Office and Daw Tin Tin Wai; K 1,197,000 by Thandwe District Peace and Development Council; K 1 million by Lonbi Co of Sittway; K 1,417,000 by the Ministry of Transport; K 844,500 by Rakhine State Fisheries Department; K 677,400 by Kyaukpyu District Peace and Development Council; K 5,756,000 by Sittway All Bus-line Control Committee; K 500,000 by Rammawady Co of Kyaukpyu; K 225,000 by Sittway All Boat Discipline Committee; K 100,000 by cargo agent U Nyo Tun Aung; and K 500,000 by Mercedes Co Director U Saw Win Maung.
Next, the Alodawpyay Sayadaw delivered a sermon, followed by sharing of merits.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 met with local authorities, commanding officers of regiments and units, departmental personnel, USDA members, social organizations, entrepreneurs and local people at the city hall in Sittway.
After the ceremony, the Secretary-1 and party proceeded to Jelly-fish production site of HQ Company near the View Point of Sittway and inspected the finished goods.
HQ Co Managing Director U Myint Zaw and officials reported on availability of raw materials, production process and export matters. The Secretary-1 gave necessary instructions.
On arrival at Sittway Hospital, Deputy Minister for Health Prof Dr Mya Oo and officials welcomed the Secretary-1 and party. They then inspected the OPD, the maternity ward, the operation theatre and the child ward. The medical superintendent and officials conducted the Secretary-1 and party round the hospital. Later, the Secretary-1 and party arrived at Sittway Airport.
They then left Sittway and arrived back here in the afternoon. Minister Maj-Gen Kyi Aung, who accompanied the Secretary-1, inspected the museum and the library of Department of Cultural Institute and the Buddhology Museum in Sittway, Rakhine State.
( 3
) Regional development projects inspected in Sagaing Division
Yangon, 12 Oct - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence on 10 October morning inspected Chindwin River Bridge (Monywa) Construction Project and river water pumping projects and met with departmental officials in Sagaing Division.
Lt-Gen Ye Myint inspected Chindwin River Bridge (Monywa) Construction Project. Superintending Engineer of Public Works U San Nyein conducted them round the project site.
At the briefing hall, Superintending Engineer U San Nyein reported on progress in construction of Monywa side and Letkhokepin side of the bridge, installation of iron frames and arrival of construction materials, fuel oil and heavy machinery.
Lt-Gen Ye Myint gave instructions on meeting the set standard and minimum loss and wastage, and attended to the needs.
Then, Monywa-Yagyi, Kalaywa Road Construction Project in-charge Col Soe Thein reported on progress of construction of the 115 miles long road from Letkhokepin bank to Kalaywa. Lt-Gen Ye Myint gave instructions on gathering of paving stones, tar and fuel.

After that, Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party went to Letkhokepin side and inspected progress of construction of the approach structure, installation of iron frames, earth work and construction of the approach bridge (Letkhokepin), 60 feet long and 39 feet high.
Then, Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party proceeded to Nyaungbingyi Water Pumping Project near Kyaukmyet Village, Kyaukmyet Village-tract, Salingyi Township, Monywa District, Sagaing Division. At the briefing hall, officials reported on the project that will irrigate some 10,000 acres of land, progress in construction of the main drain, distributory (secondary) and canals, arrival of water pumps and machines, obtaining of electricity and arrangements to be made for wiring.
Then, Lt-Gen Ye Myint gave instructions on timely completion and minimum loss and wastage, and fulfilled the needs. He inspected progress of construction of the main drain and installation of pipelines and left necessary instructions.

After that, Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party headed for Indaw Water Pumping Project near Indaw Village, Budalin Township, Sagaing Division. At the briefing hall, officials reported on salient facts about the project which will irrigate about 10,000 acres of paddy fields. Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party inspected progress in construction of the main drain and installation of the six pumps and gave instructions.
Then, Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party went to Yaybudalin Water Pumping Project in Khochaung region, Budalin Township. Officials reported on the project that will contribute to over 40,000 acres of land. Lt-Gen Ye Myint gave instructions on timely completion of the project, construction of canals and minimum loss and wastage. He than inspected progress of construction of the main drain, arrangements made for installation of pumps and flow of water in Chindwin River and fulfilled the requirements.
Afterwards, Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party arrived in Budalin. At Bandoola Hall of Budalin Township Peace and Development Council, Lt-Gen Ye Myint met with departmental officials and gave instructions on regional development tasks. Also present were local authorities, departmental officials, members of USDA, WCWA, MCWA, Red Cross and Auxiliary Fire Brigades and local people.
First, the Chairman of Budalin Township Peace and Development Council reported on regional conditions and production matters. Departmental officials reported on tasks of departments concerned and requirements and division level officials gave supplementary reports. Commander Brig-Gen Soe Naing also gave a supplementary report.
Then, Lt-Gen Ye Myint delivered an address. In his address, he said that the purpose of their tour was to render assistance for speedy development of the nation. In this regard, efforts are being made for simultaneous development of urban and rural regions in 14 States and Divisions after designating 24 development regions. The five rural development tasks are to be implemented with awareness and correct ways. Measures are also to be taken for fulfilling the need of food, shelter and clothes of the people as well as for improvement of the economy of the people. Agriculture and livestock breeding tasks are to be carried out and efforts are to be made for boosting production in order to meet the local demand. The State lays down river water pumping projects and is implementing them in the regions where there is a shortage of water with the agricultural purpose. Yaybudalin river water pumping project is being implemented spending a large amount of funds for the emergence of paddy fields. Only when agriculture is successful, will the economic standard improve. So efforts are to be made to turn farmlands into paddy fields. Implementation of agriculture and livestock breeding tasks is to be speeded up in order to exceed the local requirement. It is incumbent upon all the national people in implementation of the national development undertakings as a single ministry or an individual cannot successfully carry out the five rural development tasks.
It is also incumbent upon the entire national to practise thrift in the use of electricity, helping facilitate minimizing loss and wastage. He urged the departmental officials to conscientiously shoulder their duties out of pure goodwill right down to grassroots level and keep the account correctly and present the difficulty encountered.
At 2 pm, they proceeded to Budalin Township Hospital. At the hospital, Deputy Director-General Dr Hla Pe of Health Department and officials conducted Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party round the operation theatre, the lab and the X-ray room. Lt-Gen Ye Myint visited the patient wards and fulfilled the requirements. Later, Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party went back to Monywa and spent the night in Monywa.
Harvesting ceremony of Hsinshweli high yield strain monsoon paddy held in Shan State (North)
Yangon, 12 Oct - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Aung Htwe of the Ministry of Defence, on 10 October morning left here by air and arrived at Lashio
in Shan State (North).

Lt-Gen Aung Htwe went to the harvesting ceremony held at the 1,000-acre Hsinshweli high yield strain monsoon paddy field near Humon Village in Lashio, Lashio District.
They inspected power tillers and AMR-994 paddy harvesters of the Agricultural Mechanization Department and the booth of Myanma Agriculture Service.
Then, Lt-Gen Aung Htwe watched the harvesting of the 1,000-acre model paddy field. Also present were Commander Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Khin Maung, Deputy Commander Col Hla Myint, Col Soe Oo of Hsenwi Station, local authorities, departmental heads, officials, local farmers and others totalling about 2,700.
Chairman of Lashio District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Kyaw Shwe and Manager of Shan State Myanma Agriculture Service U Hla Gyi formally opened the ceremony.

Afterwards, Lt-Gen Aung Htwe made an address. In his address, he said that the local paddy production did not meet the demand of Shan State (North) in the past. But, now Hsinshweli high yield strain monsoon paddy has been successfully cultivated to fulfil the needs. Today's harvesting ceremony is a victory of Shan State (North). Head of State Senior General Than Shwe gave guidance on cultivation of paddy as the major crop for Myanmar is an agricultural country. In 2002-2003, paddy output is estimated to meet the 88.21 per cent of local demand in Shan State (North). Emphasis must be placed on minimizing loss and wastage in harvesting paddy. He urged local farmers to extend cultivation of maize and edible oil crops in addition to paddy.
Then, Commander Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing and Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Khin Maung delivered speeches on the occasion. After that, Lt-Gen Aung Htwe presented the model prize for cultivation of Hsinshweli strain monsoon paddy and K 100,000 to Lashio Township, the first prize for outstanding performance in cultivation of Hsinshweli strain paddy and K 50,000 to U San Tun of Humon village and the second prize and K 30,000 to U Sai Hla Kyaw of Hopeik village. Then, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Khin Maung presented the first prizes for the best contribution to cultivation of Hsinshweli strain paddy and K 50,000 each to Myanma Electric Power Enterprise team and Myanma Posts and Telecommunications team, the second prize and K 30,000 to
Shan State USDA team and the third prize and k 20,000 to Shan State Customs Department team.
The commander presented a harvester worth K 7,568,000 donated by North-East Command for District Peace and Development Council through an official and five harvesters for Hsenwi Township through an official. Next, Shan State Peace and Development Council Secretary Lt-Col Win Han presented Hsinshweli strain paddy seed to the respective representatives of Kachin and Kayah States, and Sagaing, Mandalay Divisions Shan State (South), Shan State (East) and Taninthayi Division.
Later, Lt-Gen Aung Htwe and party watched the harvesting of paddy at the fields of Shan State USDA. The per acre yield of farmer U Hsan Tun's paddy field is 187.38 baskets, it is learnt.
They then inspected the edible oil crop farm of the highland cultivation project being undertaken by North-East Command. At the briefing hall, the commander reported on planting of edible oil crops, highland reclamation, other agricultural projects, future tasks and arrival of heavy machinery. Then, Lt-Gen Aung Htwe gave instructions on successful implementation of agricultural projects.
Afterwards, Lt-Gen Aung Htwe and party inspected the agriculture and livestock breeding farm of North-East Command and left necessary instructions to the officials.
Lt-Gen Aung Htwe and party spent the night at the Shweli Guest House.
( 4
Minister inspects factories in Yangon
Yangon, 12 Oct - Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung inspected production process at the Soap Factory No 1 under Myanma Pharmaceutical Industries of the Ministry of Industry-1 yesterday morning.
The minister gave instructions on production of quality items and efficient use of electricity.
Then, the minister inspected production of different kinds of soap, spare parts innovated by the employees of the factory and raw materials. Afterwards, the minister gave instructions to the officials on efficient use of the factory-owned vehicles and fuel oil, and sparing of the vehicles on the second and last Sundays of a month.
Next, the minister went to the blanket factory No 2 under Myanma Textile Industries in Insein Township and left necessary instructions. He than inspected production of vest and gave instructions on carrying out production tasks in the day light in the work site.
Then, the minister inspected blanket production process. At the briefing hall, he met with officials and gave instructions on systematic use of electricity and efficient use of vehicles and fuel oil.
( 5 ) Sanitation equipment and cash donated to hospital
Yangon, 12 Oct - A ceremony to present sanitation equipment and cash to Yangon Eastern Hospital,
donated by the townships in Yangon East District, was held at the hospital this morning. Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Yangon Command Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe and Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein attended the ceremony.
First, the commander explained the sanitation works being carried out at respective districts, townships, wards, streets and governmental offices and the purpose of the donation of sanitation equipment to the hospitals in Yangon. Then, he presented K 176,294 worth sanitation equipment to the minister.
Then, 61 wellwishers presented cash donations including K 500,000 donated by Shwe Than Lwin Co; K 200,000 by Asia Express Co; K 100,000 by Feel Cosmetic; K 100,000 by Golden Hawks Co; K 100,000 by Myanmar Universal Bank; and K 100,000 by YOMA Bank totalling K 2,394,294 to the trust fund of the hospital.
The commander, the minister, the deputy minister, the vice-mayor, the No (4) Military Region commander and Medical Superintendent of the hospital Dr Nu Nu Tha accepted the donations and returned certificates of honour to the wellwishers.
Later, the medical superintendent spoke words of thanks.
Commander inspects sanitation work, attends opening of new school building in Mayangon Township
Yangon, 12 Oct - Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe, inspected this morning collective sanitation tasks being carried by Tatmadawmen, members of Myanmar Police Force, staff of YCDC, members of USDA, Red Cross Society and Auxiliary Fire Brigade, Maternal and Child Welfare Association and Women's Affairs Working Committee and the public.
First, the commander and the vice mayor arrived at Yadana Street near Kyaikkasan Pagoda in Thingangyan Township where they were welcomed by YCDC Secretary Col Myint Aung, Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Secretary Lt-Col Kyaw Tint, Yangon (East) District Peace and Development Council Chairman Lt-Col Aung Pyi and officials.Next, the commander and the vice mayor viewed the sanitation work and dredging of ditches being implemented by 1500 people there and officials reported to them on work activities with the use of charts.
The commander and party proceeded to Thanhletsoon Street in Botahtaung Township where No 4 Military Region Commander Brig-Gen Myo Myint and officials welcomed them. They then inspected the sanitation tasks and dredging of ditches. The commander urged officials to organize people to carry out sanitation tasks in their respective township by drawing the plans and to ensure the systematic dumping of garbage.
Next, the commander and party attended the ceremony to open the new school building of No 1
Basic Education Primary School in Thanlawady Street in Mayangon Township.
Director-General of No 3
Basic Education Department (Yangon City) U Tin Win and Managing Director U Thet Oo of Ayarmyay Co Ltd formally opened the building. Then the commander and party inspected round the building. Afterwards, the commander made a speech and Director-General U Tin Win spoke words of thanks.
The donations for the construction of the new school building were K 7.5 million by U Thet Oo of Ayarmyay Co Ltd; K 500,000 each by U Teza of Htoo Co, Daw Tin Myaing and Maj Soe Myint Aung-Daw That Yi Oo; K 400,000 each by U Sein Tin-Daw Mya Than and U Zaw Win Htut (Emperor) and family; K 200,000 by U Tin Htut-Daw Min Min; K 100,000 each by Maj Thet Hlaing-Daw Mon Mon Cho, U Nyunt Oo-Daw Sanda Aye (Htawara Co), U Mya Maung-Daw Sein Sein (Yati Oo Co), U Than Lwin of Peninsula Co, U Kyaw Kyaw-Daw Amy Aung, Maung Moe Pyi-Ma Mar Mar Khin, Daw Tin Tin Than and family, U Tin Aung (Biriani) and U Aung Tha Htet-Daw Hla Hla Yi; and K 216,000 by U Aye Maung totalling over K 11.4 million. The commander, Director-General U Tin Win and Myanmar Education Research Bureau Chairman U Myint Han accepted the donations and presented certificates of honour to the wellwishers.
Then, U Thet Oo handed over documents related to the new building to Director-General U Tin Win who presented the certificate of honour. The two-storey school building was build at a cost of K 15.3 million with the contribution of K 3 million by the Ministry of Education and K 12.3 by wellwishers.
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Provisions offered to monasteries in Yangon East District
Yangon, 12 Oct - Families of Defence Services (Army, Navy and Air) and wellwishers donated rice, edible oil, salt, medicine, gram and cash to Sasana Zeyamingala, Mingalathukha Pali Tekkatho, Dhamma-thukha, MyoU, Mingala-zeyon and Aungmingala Monasteries in Tamway Township, Yangon East District, this afternoon.
The donations ceremony was held at the three-storey building of Sasana Zeyyamingala Pariyatti Monastery on Dhammapala Road in Natchaung Ward, Tamway Township, attended by Member of the Yangon Division Working Committee of the Sangha Mingala-thukha Pali Tekkatho Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Nandavamsa and members of the Sangha, Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe and wellwishers.
Then, the commander, the deputy minister and senior military officers donated provisions to the Sayadaws.
On behalf of the Tatmadaw families, Commandant of the Camp Commandant's Office of the Ministry of Defence Brig-Gen Hla Aung Thein, Commander of Ayeyawady Naval Region Command Commodore Maw Thein and Colonel General Staff (Air) (Mechanical) Col Ye Chit Pe offered rice, edible oil and gram to members of the Sangha. Afterwards, officials and wellwishers presented donations of departments and people to the Sayadaws.
The commander, the deputy minister and senior military officers accepted K 60,000 each towards the funds of the monasteries donated by families of Defence Services (Army, Navy and Air); and the Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd; K 18,000 by Yangon Division Peace and Development Council; K 200,000 by Yangon East District and Tamway Township Peace and Development Councils; K 100,000 by BTB Co; K 120,000 by Ayeya Myay Co; K 60,000 each by Win Yadana Transport Service; and Shwe Naga Restaurant; K 50,000 each by Myint Myat Rice Cultivation Group; Htetlin Clinic; and Hsan Myanmar International and Groups 1 and 2 of Ward Peace and Development Council in Tamway Township; K 30,000 each by Myanmar Fisheries Federation and Yangon Division Fisheries Federation; Daw Mya Thein and son U Yan Shin of Lubyandaw Padamya Clinic; and Daw Hla Hla of Lanmadaw; K 21,800 by Dagon-Myanmar International Co; K 14,000 by Township USDA; K 12,000 by Township War Veterans Organization; Working Committee for Women's Affairs; Maternal and Child Welfare Association; and Myanmar Women's Sport team; K 15,000 by Daw Mya Yi and family; K 10,000 by Dr Pe Pyan; Astronomy Magazine Sayagyi Co; Kantha Medical House; and Awayya Meidcal House (Pathein); K 7,000 by Myanmarpyitha Cooperative Syndicate and K 5,000 by Ward B WCWA.
Today's donations were 280 bags of rice, 49 viss of edible oil, 800 viss of iodized salt, 75 bottles of soft salt, 1,282 bottles of traditional medicines, 154 viss of gram and K 128,800.
) Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe views operations of
cleft lip and palate patients
Yangon, 12 Oct
- Under the arrangement of Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association, specialist surgeons of the Ministry of Health conducted surgical treatments to cleft lip and palate patients free of charge at the People's Hospital in Shwebo, Sagaing Division, on 10th October morning. Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, Secretary Dr Daw Tin Lin Myint and executives of MMCWA, Secretary Dr Kyi Soe of National Health Committee, Patron of the Supervisory Committee of Sagaing Division Maternal and Child Welfare Association wife of commander Daw Tin Tin Latt and members of the supervisory committee, viewed the treatments at the operation theatre.
Then, Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win and party presented gifts and cash assistances to the patients.
A cash donation ceremony was held at the hospital at 11 am. Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe presented cash donations to Plastic, Maxillo-facial and Oral Surgeon Dr Nu Nu Yi, Paediatric Surgeon Dr Htoo Han and Eye Specialist Dr Khin Thuza Han and Dr Thein Tun. Secretary Dr Kyi Soe of NHC presented cash assistance for the patients to Head of Shwebo District Health Department Dr U Aye. Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe presented medical assistance for the eight MWCAs in the district and Baby Queen nourishment for the patients to Patron of the Supervisory Committee Daw Tin Tin Latt. Head of Division Health Department Dr U Aye spoke words of thanks and the ceremony came to a close.
After the ceremony, Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe and party proceeded to eye surgery ward of the hospital and presented gifts and cash assistances to the patients.
A total of 182 patients, including 114 cleft lip and palate patients and 68 eye patients, were treated at the hospital. The operations were conducted with the fund donated to the Chairman of NHC
by wellwishers.
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Cash donated to MMCWA
Yangon, 12 Oct - Vice-Chairperson of Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, accompanied by officials of MMCWA, Patron of Mandalay Division MCWA Supervisory Committee Daw Myat Ngwe and officials, went to the youth education training camp, organized by Mandalay Division MCWA Supervisory Committee, at No 2 workshop (Electric) in Amarapura Township in Mandalay Division yesterday and met with the youths there and spoke words encouragement.
In the afternoon, Vice Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe attended a ceremony to donate cash by Chairman of Kanbawza Bank Ltd U Aung Ko Win and Vice-Chairman Daw Nan Than Htwe at Mandalay Division MCWA Supervisory Committee .
KBZ Bank Ltd Chairman U Aung Ko Win presented K 2.5 million each for MMCWA and Myanmar Women's Endeavours Exhibition of MNCWA to MMCWA Vice Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe; K 2 million for Mandalay Division MCWA Supervisory Committee to Patron Daw Myat Ngwe; K 2 million for Mandalay Division WAC to Chairman U Kyin Lin; and K 100,000 for Divisional Sports and Physical Education Committee to Secretary U Soe Nyunt. Then, Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe spoke words of thanks and the ceremony came to an end.
MAWFA Chief Patron Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe attends Fund Raising
Dinner with ASEAN Bridal Show

Yangon, 12 Oct - The Myanmar ASEAN Women's Friendship Association, headed by its Chief Patron Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, wife of the Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council, members of the board of patrons Daw San Yone, wife of the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Daw Khin Swe Soe, wife of the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, the ASEAN Ladyambassador and wives of the ASEAN ambassadors, organized a MAWFA Fund Raising Dinner with ASEAN Bridal Show at the Traders Hotel this evening.
Present on the occasion were MAWFA Chief Patron Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, the ministers, the ASEAN ambassadors, ambassadors of the foreign embassies in Yangon and their wives and invited guests.
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Khaing Khaing Maw wins gold in XIV Asian Games
Yangon, 12 Oct - A total of 143 Wushu athletes from 22 countries are taking part in the Wushu Competition at the XIV Asain Games held in Busan, the Republic of Korea.
Khaing Khaing Maw of Myanmar led in Taijiquan Two Events Combined yesterday, in which 15 athletes from 12 countries participated. The competition continued today and Khaing Khaing Maw won the gold with a total score of 9.480.
Khaing Khaing Maw won the first gold out of the six gold medals of the Wushu competition. It was the first gold for Myanmar in the games. In Nanchun Three Events Combined, China gained the first place; Vietnam, the second; and Swe Swe Thant of Myanmar, the third place after the two events today and the final event will be held tomorrow.