1 ) State Peace and Development Council Chairman
Senior General Than Shwe sends felicitations to Spain
Yangon, 12 Oct - Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council and Prime Minister of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Majesty King Juan Carlos I of Spain on the occasion of the National Day of Spain which falls on 12 October 2002.
State Peace and Development Council Chairman
Senior General Than Shwe sends condolence to Netherlands
Yangon, 12 Oct - Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of condolence to Her Majesty Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, upon the demise of Her Majesty's Spouse His Royal Highness Prince Claus on
6 October 2002.
( 2 )
FPJVC investing foreign exchange earnings in firm economic enterprises, importing heavy machinery and other necessary items for government bodies
Permit granted to joint venture enterprises for long-term
interests of economic sectors being undertaken by State
Secretary-1 addresses Annual General Meeting of
Myanmar Forest Products Joint Venture Corporation Ltd
Yangon, 11 Oct - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council General Khin Nyunt addressed the Ninth Annual General Meeting of Myanmar Forest Products Joint Venture Corporation Ltd held at Tawwin Hall of Forest Department on Bayintnaung Road in Insein Township here this morning.

Speaking on the occasion, Secretary-1 General Khin Nyunt said that the Government has been making all-out efforts for fulfilling the food, clothing and shelter needs of the national people and improving their living standard, and strengthening the national economy for the emergence of a peaceful, modern and developed nation.
In making efforts for strengthening and developing the national economy, measures are being taken separately or collectively in agriculture, forest, fisheries, industrial, trade and service sectors by the State, the cooperatives and national entrepreneurs according to their resources, he added.
Permit has been granted to joint-venture enterprises with a view to ensuring the long-term national interests in the economic sectors being undertaken by the State such as forest and mining sectors, contributing to further development of the State-owned sector as well as the private sector, he noted.
A significant point highlighting the success of the State-owned sector and private sector under the leadership of the Government was the progress made by Forest Products JV Corporation, formed with the Government's departments and the public. The Government enlisting the strength of the national people has been exerting efforts on a self-reliant basis for the emergence of the national resources in socio-economic sector to ensure the emergence of a modern and developed nation.
With the encouragement of the Government, private enterprises are making progress in national economic life and joint venture companies and private companies have been emerging for the national entrepreneurs who want to make investment in keeping with modern economic system.
The emergence of the joint venture enterprises and private companies including Forest Products Joint Venture Corporation amounts to creating of the economic opportunities for each citizen who wants to make investment and emergence of the good foundations could be jointly carried out by the private sector and each national people in an effort to strengthen the national economic life by the State. The Forest sector has been playing a critical role in the national economy in the course of history till now. It has been also playing an important role in environmental conservation as well as in the arid zones greening programmes, thus further contributing to conservation of global environment.
The important role of the forest sector in environmental conservation and in development of national economy will be in existence in the future.
The Corporation was formed to enable the Governmental departments, private entrepreneurs and those investors to mutually cooperate together and enable the Government to give effective encouragement in development of the forest sector and national economic life. The Government has been giving encouragement for further development of a national force of the forest sector after the Corporation, formed with the noble aims, is meeting with success.
Thus, the Corporation will have to make endeavours in accord with the national objectives to ensure further strengthening of national economy and development of national interests as well as to gain profit properly and to exist as a national force of the forest sector.
Especially, the measures being taken by the Corporation are needed to be in conformity with the forest policy of the State and the forest sector enterprises of the Government's departments and to contribute towards the successful implementation of the forest policy of the State.
The FPJVC is achieving success to a certain degree in launching its operations, distributing timber to industrial zones, entrepreneurs and trawler builders and running 78 saw mills to sell sawn timber to the public at reasonable prices. The corporation has exported about 28,700 tons of timber and 20,900 tons of teak logs and teak tops and lops, earning US $ 11 million. It has invested the foreign exchange earnings in the firm economic enterprises and imported heavy machinery and parts and medicines for the State timber industry.
It is also helping other ministries to import industrial raw materials, chemical fertilizers, stationery and other equipment. The FPJVC sold standard sleepers to Hsiakkhaung-Namhsan railroad project in southern Shan State, without making any economic profits. The efforts of the corporation has contributed to the nation-building tasks, increase in the amount of its capital, extending the new type of industries and bringing profits for the shareholders.
The Ministry of Forestry has been assigned the duty to help rural people build houses with sawn timber at low cost with a view to implementing the five rural development tasks laid down by the Head of State. Thus, the corporation will have to make arrangements to develop the living condition of the rural people.
During its nine-year period, the corporation has founded three branch companies, built seven wood-based industries, established forest plantations and livestock breeding farms and developed the Yangon Zoological Gardens in cooperation with the Forest Department.
It is distributing 30 per cent of the profits to the shareholders annually and systematically saving the revenues at the banks to help support the business enterprises.
Arrangements should be made in advance to cope with the possible problems including weakness in administration and rising cost of the management sector due to the growth of the business, weakness in financial control, inequality between the staff strength and the load of work and requirement of skilled employees and management technicians. In conclusion, he urged the corporation to strive to stand firmly as a reliable enterprise of the forest sector helping realize the national economic objectives for rapid growth of the nation's economy; to make efforts for the success of the forest regeneration, forest and environmental conservation, dry zone greening project and dissemination of the forestry science; and to take part in respective sectors in developing the forestry sector and developing wood-based finished-good
( 3
) Lt-Gen Ye Myint inspects regional development projects in Sagaing Division
Yangon, 11 Oct - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence, inspected Gangaw People's Hospital on 8 October morning.
Medical Superintendent Dr Myo Myint Aung and officials conducted them round the hospital.
Then, Lt-Gen Ye Myint comforted the patients and gave instructions to the officials.

After that, Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party inspected Gangaw-Pale road and construction of the entrance road of the tunnel on the western side of Ponnyataung under Pakokku-Gangaw-Kale Railroad Construction Project. They went to the western Ponnyataung tunnel construction project, where Assistant General Manager of Myanma Railways U Maung Maung Thwin conducted them round the project site. Lt-Gen Ye Myint then inspected construction of the tunnel and left necessary instructions.
Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party inspected the mountain road on Mt Ponnaya, which is 3,250 feet high. They also inspected the western Ponnyataung tunnel construction project. At the briefing hall, the assistant general manager reported on progress in implementation of the project, future tasks and running of trains in Pakokku-Zeebya, Pakokku-Kyaw, Kale-Gangaw and Kale-Yaymyetni railroad sections. Then, Lt-Gen Ye Myint gave necessary instructions and fulfilled the requirements.
Next, they inspected land preparation, progress in construction of Kyaw Creek Bridge, and construction of the tunnel entrance road.
In the afternoon, they inspected the station hospital in Kyaw Village, Gangaw Township. At the hall of the hospital, Lt-Gen Ye Myint met with members of the village Peace and Development Council and the village USDA and the hospital staff, and gave instructions on discharge of duties, participation of social organizations in community welfare services, maintenance of the railroad and village roads and promotion of education standard of the students, and attended to the requirements.
They then proceeded to Pale Township, Sagaing Division, and met with division, district and township level departmental officials at the office of Township Peace and Development Council. Also present were Division Peace and Development Council Secretary Lt-Col Ye Htut, local authorities, members of the USDA, Maternal and Child Welfare Association, the Working Committee for Women's
Affairs, Red Cross Society and Auxiliary Fire Brigade.
The chairman of Township Peace and Development
Council reported on geographical points of the region and tasks
being carried out for rural development; and departmental officials, on progress in implementation of the projects and future plans. The commander gave a supplementary report.
Then, Lt-Gen Ye Myint delivered a speech. In his speech, he said that the five rural development tasks were being implemented for the development of the nation. He pointed out extended cultivation of major crops as well as kitchen crops to
fulfill the need of food, shelter and clothes of the people. He added that water resources are to be found for construction of more dams. Then, the irrigated lands will be put under one cropping of paddy and double cropping of other suitable crops. Efforts are to be made to turn farmlands into paddy fields. He spoke of the need for extended cultivation of paddy and cultivation of crops in order to meet local demand, minimizing wastage, the keeping of correct account, beautifying of towns and villages and maintenance of Gangaw-Pale road. In conclusion, he called on the departmental personnel to discharge duties as well as to make efforts for regional development.
Lt-Gen Ye Myint also inspected People's Hospitals of Pale and Salingyi, comforted the patients and gave necessary instructions to the officials.
In the evening, Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party met with township level departmental officials and discussed regional development tasks at the Town Hall of Salingyi Township. The chairman of Township Peace and Development Council reported on geographical facts about the township, agriculture and livestock breeding and production of goods; and departmental officials, on tasks carried out department-wise. The commander gave a supplementary report.
Then, Lt-Gen Ye Myint said that in building a modern developed nation, the five rural development tasks had been laid down and they were being implemented for development of states and divisions. Moreover, the 24 development zones have been designated in order to speed up the development. In doing so, the five rural development tasks, the fundamental ones, are to be carried out with might and main and the governmental staff and local authorities are also to make field trips down to the grassroots levels. He emphasized the importance of extended cultivation for the increasing population of the nation. Efforts are to be made for promotion of agricultural methods and for boosting per acre yield as well as for promotion of education standard and improvement of rural health standard. He stressed the need to discharge duties, keep correct accounts and use electricity efficiently. By doing so, there will be boosting of production in the industrial zones. Difficulties and requirements are to be reported to respective authorities and the officials are also to
fulfill the requirements after making field trips down to the grassroots levels. Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party spent the night in Monywa.
Medical academic matters of Ministry of Health inspected
Yangon, 11 Oct - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Chief of Armed Forces Training Lt-Gen Kyaw Win, arrived at the medical academic force centre of the Medical Science Department of the Ministry of Health on Bogyoke Aung San Street yesterday.
Then, Lt-Gen Kyaw Win heard reports presented by officials on production of teaching-aids, information and communication work and arrangements for the medical museum and e-library.
Later, Minister Maj-Gen Ket Sein and officials conducted Lt-Gen Kyaw Win and party round the studio room, the medical museum and libraries at the centre. Afterwards, Lt-Gen Kyaw Win and party left the centre at 6 pm.
( 4
Transport Minister meets with departmental heads, faculty members of MMU
Yangon, 11 Oct - Directors-general of departments under the Ministry of Transport, managing directors and the principal of Myanmar Maritime University met with the teaching staff of MMU at a ceremony held at the university on Bayintnaung Road this morning.

Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe spoke on the occasion. He said that in line with the guidance of the Head of State that technicians in navigation, aviation and aerospace sectors are needed to produce in order to build up a modern and developed nation, Myanmar Maritime University and Myanmar Aerospace Engineering University were established and opened on 1 August 2002. The two universities will be of great help in turning the nation into a modern and developed one. He also urged all faculty members of the university to energetically participate in the nation-building tasks.
Then, Deputy Minister U Pe Than also spoke of benefits of the opening of MMU
offers and tasks being carried out by the ministry.
After directors-general, managing directors and
the principal made reports on tasks being undertaken by their
departments and school, the ceremony came to an end.
Seminar-Workshop on Conservation and Utilization of PGR held
Yangon, 11 Oct - Seminar-Workshop on Conservation and Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources (PGR) in Myanmar for Sustainable Agriculture Development and Food Security jointly organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, Philippines based Regional Centre for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA), and Malaysia based International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPERI) was held at the head office of Myanma Agriculture Service in Yankin Township here this morning.

Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin made a speech. Then, Dr A G Garcia read out the message of SEARCA. Participants of the seminar posed for a documentary photo.

Afterwards, Dr Tin Htut of Yezin Agricultural Research Seed Bank, Director Dr P E Sajise, Dr V R Rao, and Dr Pe Quek discussed research undertakings on plant genetic resources. Those present also took part in the discussions. The seminar came to a close with concluding remarks by Managing Director U Tun Than of MAS.
Labour Minister meets officials of service
Yangon, 11 Oct - Minister for Labour U Tin Winn
met with officials of the service enterprises that are dealing with
foreign jobs at the meeting hall of the Labour Department at the
Six-Storey Office on Strand Road here this afternoon.
In his address, the minister said that the trio,
the workers, the Government and the companies have been enjoying the
profit as the companies sent the workers abroad, adding that some
countries have been enjoying a large amount of foreign currency as
many of their workers were working abroad. But the Government did
not get the proper amount of foreign currency sent back to their
country by Myanmar workers abroad. Thus, the companies concerned are
to take systematic measures in the handling of the money sent back
by the workers.
The minister urged officials to present the
difficulties encountered. He explained about the assistance to be
provided by the ministry as there came a shortage of workers being
legally sent abroad. Then, the deputy minister and Director-General
U Soe Nyunt dealt with the salient points of sending workers abroad
legally, followed by a general round of discussions. The meeting
ended with concluding remarks by the minister.
( 5 ) Minister attends coord meeting
Yangon, 11 Oct - Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi addressed the work coordination meeting (2002) of Myanma Petrochemical Enterprise held at the Ministry of Energy this afternoon.
Deputy ministers, managing directors and factory managers reported on work progress. Then, the meeting eneded with concluding remarks by the minister.
Industry-1 Minister inspects use of electricity
Yangon, 11 Oct - Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung, arrived at the head-office of Myanma Textile Industries yesterday and inspected the application of computers and the use of electricity. The minister gave instructions on systematic use of electricity.
Then, the minister inspected the use of electricity in offices of the Regional Industrial Coordination and Inspection Department, Directorate of Industries, Myanma Pharmaceutical Industries and Myanma General and Maintenance Industries.
At 7.30 pm, the minister and party inspected the production of soft drinks and condition of the boiler. The minister gave instructions on boosting production and the systematic use of electricity.
( 6 )
Commander hands over Flag to Yangon Division Traditional Performing Arts team
Yangon, 11 Oct - A ceremony to hand over the Flag representing Yangon Division to Yangon Division team of the Tenth Myanma Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions and to present prizes was held at Mya Nyi La Hall of No 2 Basic Education High School in Latha Township this morning. Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe attended the ceremony.
Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe handed over the Flag to Manager of Yangon Division team Maj Mya Win and delivered an address.
In his speech, he said that the State has been organizing Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions successfully year after year and now it is also organizing the tenth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions. It is held yearly with the aim of enabling Myanmar youths to cherish and uphold Myanma traditional culture and to promote and safeguard the Myanma national characters which have fine tradition. Thanks to holding of these competitions, Myanma traditional culture is deeply rooted in the youths, especially in students.
Myanmar people are those who had lived by own national characters and own national culture with own monarchs throughout the course of the history grandly. Since time immemorial, Myanmar has been able to preserve the traditional culture and cultural traditions till the present day.
The tenth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions are held in accord with the six objectives laid down by the State Peace and Development Council. The six objectives are: to vitalize patriotism and nationalism in all citizens; to preserve and safeguard cultural heritage; to perpetuate genuine Myanma music, dance and traditional fine arts; to preserve Myanmar national character; to nurture spiritual development of the youth; and to guard against influence of alien cultures. All of us are to exert collective efforts to realize the objectives. Now that competitions at district and division levels were held, talented artistes of high qualification, who will represent Yangon Division, have been chosen.
Four groups representing Yangon Division team will compete in Yamayana Drama and Thuwunathama Drama contests. There will be 552 contestants
- 370 males and 182 females - who are representing Yangon Division will take part in the tenth Myanma Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions. It is necessary for the contestants to strive to fetch as many prizes as possible in the competitions.
Then, the prize-presentation ceremony followed. The commander presented prizes to winners at Yangon Division level, and at higher education and basic education levels through officials concerned. The commander also presented gifts to members of the panel of judges. Next, Daw Khin Thet Htay, wife of the commander, gave away prizes to winners at professional level and amateur level.
Chairman of Myanma Music Asiayon Accordion U Ohn Kyaw donated K 200,000, which was accepted by Chairman of the Committee for the Success of Yangon Division Police Col Aung Daing, who later presented a certificate of honour to the donor. Then, entertainment programmes were staged to the accompaniment of the orchestra. The commander and his wife later cordially met with the contestants representing Yangon Division and encouraged them. Afterwards, the ceremony came to an end.
Measures for ensuring secure and smooth transportation coordinated
Yangon, 11 Oct - Work coordination meeting of Yangon Division Supervisory Committee for Ensuring Secure and Smooth Transportation was held at the head office of Yangon Division All Private Bus Lines Control Committee this evening, with an address by Chairman of the supervisory committee Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe.
The commander explained the work being done by the committee to ensure the secure and smooth transportation in travelling
from the city to the various parts of the country and measures to be
taken for the systematic running of bus lines in the city in
accordance with the traffic rules and regulations.
Then, members of the committee, chairmen of bus
lines in the city reported on arrangements made for secure and
smooth transportation and educative work for drivers and conductors.
The meeting came to a close with concluding remarks by the
( 7 ) 9th Meeting of
Subregional Electric Power Forum (EPF-9) ends
10 Oct - The 9th Meeting of the Subregional Electric power Forum
(EPF-9), which is being hosted by Myanmar, under the Mekong Subregion
Economic Cooperation Programme, was held at the Sedona Hotel on Kaba Aye
Pagoda Road this morning, with an address by Deputy Minister for
Electric power U Myo Myint.
Present on the occasion were officials of the
Ministry of Electric Power, the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of
National Planning and Economic Development, representatives from member
countries and expert group on power interconnection and trade,
responsible personnel from Asian Development Bank and World Bank,
consultants, experts and observers from other
international organizations.
At the meeting, the latest development of the
Inter-Governmental Agreement on Power Interconnection and Trade and
rules and regulations of the power market structure in the region were
discussed. The meeting ended with concluding remarks by the deputy
( 8
ASEAN youth delegates continue tour of Bagan
Yangon, 11 Oct - Under the programme of the ASEAN Youth Camp: Honouring Kindness Through the Arts which was hosted by Myanmar, members of the ASEAN youth delegations, while in Bagan, painted the natural beauty spots of Bagan and studied the art of Myanma lacquerware on 9 October morning.
Secretary of Myanmar Traditional Artists and Artisans Asiayon U Thant Zin and officials coached the ASEAN youth delegates who drew paintings; and Principal of Lacquerware Institute U Yu Thein and course instructors, those who studied Myanma lacquerware arts.
Chairman of National Committee for ASEAN Culture and Information Director-General of the Department of Cultural Institute U Myint Thein Swe, In-charge of the camp Director of National Library U Kyaw Oo and officials viewed and encouraged them.
In the afternoon, the ASEAN youth delegates bought lacquerwares so that they could study the art of Myanmar lacquerware. In the evening, the ASEAN youth delegates enjoyed a dinner by cooking traditional food of the ASEAN member countries aimed at further cementing the mutual understanding and friendship among the member youths and spent the night at the Bagan Hotel in Bagan.
Yesterday morning and afternoon, the ASEAN youth delegates, after painting the scenic spots of Bagan and studying the art of Myanmar lacquerware work, spent the night at Bagan Hotel.
Leaving Bagan in a special flight this morning and arriving back at Yangon International Airport, the ASEAN youth delegates led by U Myint Thein Swe got back to Mya Yeik Nyo Royal Hotel at 10 am.
Closing dinner of ASEAN youth camp held
Yangon, 11 Oct - Chairman of the National Committee for ASEAN Culture and Information Director-General of the Department of Cultural Institute U Myint Thein Swe hosted a farewell dinner in honour of the goodwill youth delegations to ASEAN Youth Camp hosted by Myanmar at the Mya Yeik Nyo hotel here at 7 pm today.

Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt made the camp closing speech and presented gifts to the leaders of delegations. In his speech, the deputy minister said first of all I would like to thank the members of the youth camp for your support, contribution and expertise in finalizing the ASEAN Youth Camp in 2002 in Myanmar. I hope your stay in Myanmar is enjoyable and memorable and I also hope that the camp is a success and beneficial to the youth of ASEAN. This camp is really a successful one.
Besides getting to know one another's culture better, we will be able to and share experiences to better understand and appreciate the solidarity and unity prevailing among the ASEAN countries. I am also confident that the cooperation and friendly ties between Myanmar and other ASEAN countries will be strengthened and further enhanced in future programmes of ASEAN-COCI projects.

During the camp, you have already visited Bagan that is one of the richest archaeological sites in Asia. Bagan is also famous for its tranquillity and majesty. Bagan was the capital of the first unified Empire of Anawrahta founded and flourished from 1044 AD to the 13th century. Covered by 5,000 mysterious and magnificent stupas and hollow pagodas of a bygone era, make Bagan
one of the wonders of the world.
I would like to express my gratitude and
appreciation for such kind of project initiated by the ASEAN
Secretariat, and everyone who has worked hard to organize this
programme in particular the Camp Director, Resource Persons, Art
Workshop, and all delegates from ASEAN member countries.
Then, the chairman of the national committee presented souvenirs to the members of the delegations. In-charge of the camp Director of the National Library U Kyaw Oo presented prizes to the outstanding delegates and the most outstanding prize to Malaysian delegate Mr Goh Chiu Kuan, who later spoke words of thanks. Before the dinner, delegates were entertained with Myanmar traditional cultural dances.
( 9
Drugs and arms seized in Tachilek
Yangon, 11 Oct - Myanmar regarded the drugs eradication as a national concern. Especially, drugs eradication tasks were given special emphasis in the border area. On 4 October, a combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit, Special Anti-drug Squad and Myanmar Police Force, raided the house No 73/74 of Plot (4), Hsanhsaing (B) Ward in Tachilek. The team arrested the house owner Aik Swe and his five accomplices, Yan Kya Haw, Ar Mei, Ar Lon, Ar Hsan and Jan Shine Min, together with 39 stimulant tablets, one .38 pistol, one magazine and 13 rounds of ammunition.

On further investigation, the team searched the house of Aik Lu residing at No (7/226), Wanmaing Village, Hsanhsaing (B) Ward, Tachilek, on 7 October, and seized 5.75 kilos of heroin buried in the ground at the back of the house, 9,000 stimulant tablets, one pair of iron-mould to make the heroin blocks, two pistols, two magazines, 8 rounds of ammunition and one broken .32 pistol together with seven culprits.
After conducting the further investigations on the culprits, the team searched the coffee plantation of Aik Ae of Hsanlu Village, Lwetawkhan Village-tract, Tachilek Township, on 8 October, and seized 66 heroin blocks weighing 36 kilos, 1,670,000 stimulant tablets, one M-16 automatic rifle, one AK-47 automatic rifle, one 9-mm pistol, one .45 pistol, one long barrel gun, 9 assorted magazines and 307 rounds of assorted ammunition. The team also seized 3,360,000 stimulant tablets, 10 kilos of
fragmentary and moist stimulant tablets, 338 kilos of Ephedrine powder, 40 kilos of caffeine powder, one AK-47 automatic rifle, one magazine and 240 rounds of assorted ammunition from the house of Ar Pha Ku to the South of Aik Ae's
In the process from 4 to 8 October, the
authorities arrested 13 culprits together with 41.75 kilos of
heroin, 338 kilos of Ephedrine powder, 40 kilos of caffeine powder,
5,039,039 stimulant tablets, 10 kilos of fragmentary and moist
stimulant tablets, one pair of iron-mould to make heroin blocks, ten
assorted arms, 13 assorted magazines and 568 rounds of assorted
This process is the one that exposed largest amount of stimulant tablets under the exchange of information programme among the international drug eradication teams. Myanmar has been promoting the cooperation with the neighbouring countries and the countries in the region and the subregion for the drugs eradication tasks.