1 ) Secretary-1 General Khin Nyunt looks into MICT Park services
Yangon, 10 Oct - Myanmar Computer Science Technology Development Committee Chairman State Peace and Development Council Secretary-1 General Khin Nyunt visited the Myanmar Information and Communication Technology Park in Hline Township here and inspected tasks of MICT Park this evening.

The e-National Task Force Chairman Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw reported to the General on operations of the e-National Task Force, its participation in international conferences, arrangements for Korean-Myanmar e-Government Conference to be held in MICT Park, and sending of officials from e-National Task Force abroad to study ICT.
Next, member of board of directors of MICTDC U Thein Oo briefed the General on renting of offices in the park by local and foreign companies, holding of seminars on ICT and technology, conducting of courses and sending of scholars abroad.
Afterwards, member of board of directors of MICTDC U Tin Win Aung made a report on construction of three buildings at Production Block as the second phase of the extension of the park.
Then, Col Tin Oo of the Ministry of Defence reported to the General on communication services being offered after opening of the Bagan International Data Centre and Teleport Building, tasks to be carried out for iPSTAR, Board Band Access using Wireless Local Loop, and tasks for e-mail services in Mandalay.
Director-General Dr Tun Shin of the Attorney-General's Office briefed on tasks for enacting cyber law.

After hearing the reports, the General made a speech. He said although the park was established only one year ago, the park holds seminars, conducts courses, and sends scholars abroad establishes contacts with foreign companies. Head of State Senior General Than Shwe himself has inspected the park. He gave guidance on extension of the park and rendered assistance. Despite its late start, Myanmar is able to catch up with ASEAN countries in IT development due to the assistance of the State, establishment of e-National Task Force, and active cooperation of Myanmar Computer Federation, Computer Scientists Association, Computer Industry Association and Computer Amateurs Association. All visitors from abroad acknowledged that Myanmar is not left behind in computer science and is systematically carrying out the tasks. Bagan Cyber Tech is carrying out tasks to fully offer advanced services for extension of the park's functions.
Myanmar computer scientists and entrepreneurs are to make concerted efforts together with companies in the country as well as those in foreign countries for development of software industry. Moreover, arrangements have already been made for establishing an MICT Park in Mandalay. At a time when the State is giving encouragement, computer scientists and entrepreneurs are to maintain the momentum already gained and strive for the country to be able to keep abreast of the others in south-east Asia as well as those in the world.

Then, General Khin Nyunt and party viewed tasks of IT companies at Production Block there, and putting MRTV-3 programmes on Internet. He also inspected construction of the three 3-storey buildings as the second phase in the park and left there in the
( 2 )
Regional development tasks inspected in Sagaing Division

Yangon, 10 Oct - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence on 8 October morning inspected road maintenance tasks along Kalay-Gangaw Road in Kalay and the Myittha River Valley land reclamation project being undertaken by North-West Command.
Lt-Gen Ye Myint arrived at Panmon Creek Bridge Construction Project site on Kalay-Gangaw Road. Assistant Engineer of Public Works U Kyaw Kyaw Naing reported on arrangements being made for construction of a 220 feet long Panmon Creek Bridge on Kalay-Gangaw Road. Lt-Gen Ye Myint gave necessary instructions.
Then, Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party inspected the 595 feet long Gabani Bridge on Kalay-Gangaw Road.
Next, they went to the Han-thawady Farm of the North-West Command near mile post 41 on
Kalay-Gangaw Road. Brig-Gen Khin Maung Aye reported on progress in reclamation of lands under Myittha
River Valley Land Reclamation Project, sown acreage, cultivated crops, supply of water, investment, machinery and breeding tasks. The commander also reported on conditions of Hanthawady, Kyokya-Kya-in and Taungkhinyan agricultural farms reclaimed under the project, and work done for changing virgin lands to paddy fields.
Afterwards, Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party proceeded to Khin Yan agricultural farm of the North-West Command in the border of Sagaing and Magway Divisions, where they were welcomed by Chairman of Magway Division Peace and Development Council Col Zaw Min and officials. Tactical Operations Commander of North-West Command Col Hla Ngwe reported on cultivation of crops and breeding cattle in Kyokya-Kya-in and Taungkhinyan farms. The commander gave a supplementary report.
Lt-Gen Ye Myint gave instructions on cultivation of paddy in the lands reclaimed under the project, lands to be reclaimed for cultivation of pigeon pea and green gram, finding out water resources to construct more dams and diversion weirs, commercial scale planting of perennial trees such as Thitseint trees (Terminalia Belerica) in the remaining lands to be reclaimed and commercial scale breeding of cattle.
In the afternoon, Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party arrived at Taungkhinyan Dam in Gangaw Township, Magway Division, where Director of the Irrigation Department U Hoke Kyi reported on facts about the dam. Lt-Gen Ye Myint gave instructions on ensuring sufficient water supply for the irrigated lands and systematic maintenance of the dam, and inspected the storage of water of the dam.
Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party headed for Gangaw. On their way along Kalay-Gangaw Road, they inspected Launggat Bridge and Saingdu Bridge, flowing of water into the creek, and tasks for prevention against bank erosion.
On arrival at Gangaw in Magway Division, they inspected Myittha River suspension bridge, 600 feet long, preventive measures against bank erosion, progress of Gangaw, and the runway of the old Gangaw airport.
In the evening, Lt-Gen Ye Myint met with district level departmental officials at Myittha Hall in Gangaw and dealt with tasks for regional development.
The chairman of District Peace and Development Council reported on geographical points of Gangaw District, agriculture and tasks being carried out for rural development; the chairman of Gangaw Township Peace and Development Council, on geographical facts about Gangaw Township; and District level departmental officials, on work done department-wise. Col Zaw Min gave a supplementary report.

Then, Lt-Gen Ye Myint delivered an address saying that departmental personnel were to carry out tasks dutifully and to realize the objectives of the State. He added that Gangaw District is the one where paddy, beans and pulses and kitchen crops grow well. The district is endowed with cultivation areas and so other crops are to be cultivated on a commercial scale. Only when rural regions develop, will the State develop and thus, the service personnel are to place emphasis on the five rural development tasks. Hand in hand with social organizations, the staff are to organize the people in carrying out these tasks. Town-to-town roads in respective regions are to be upgraded into all-weather roads. He spoke of the need for extended construction of village-to-village roads, correctly keeping the accounts,
practicing thrifty methods and minimum loss and wastage.
He said that the personnel are also to make field trips down to the grassroots levels and to carry out tasks effectively and diligently. Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party spent the night in Gangaw.
Chief of Armed Forces Training inspects use of electricity
Yangon, 10 Oct - Chairman of Committee to Supervise and Inspect Use of Electricity and Fuel member of the State Peace and Development Council Chief of Armed Forces Training Lt-Gen Kyaw
Win, inspected use of electricity at the offices in the compound of the Ministry of Finance and Revenue on Industry-1 Road here yesterday evening and left instructions on frugal use of electricity.
Later, Lt-Gen Kyaw Win and party arrived at the Ministry of Industry-2 on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road and inspected the use of electricity at the offices there. He gave instructions, saying that apart from the electric lights at the security office and main office, no electric lights should be used in other departments, he left there.
( 3
) Coop Development Bank holds general meeting
Yangon, 10 Oct - A sixth general meeting of share holders of Cooperative Development Bank Ltd of the Ministry of Cooperatives for 2001-2002 fiscal year was held at the meeting hall of the ministry on Bogyoke Aung San Road this afternoon, with an address by Minister for Cooperatives Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe.
In his speech, Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe said that as cooperative banks play a key role in economic development, they are required to abide by the cooperatives thought, principle and codes of conducts.
The reports and annual financial statement of the board of directors were then approved. Next, Daw Khin Win May read out the auditor's report. Afterwards, the meeting came to an end.
Commerce Minister attends joint-committee meeting in Vietnam

Yangon, 10 Oct
- At the invitation of Minister for Trade Mr Truong Dinh Tuyen of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Myanmar delegation led by Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone attended the first meeting of the Joint-Committee for Myanmar-Vietnam Trade held in Hanoi, Vietnam, on 7 October morning.
The Myanmar delegation arrived at Ho Chi Min City on 4 October and met with Chairman Mr Le Than Hai of Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee. They discussed matters related to the mutual interest between the two countries. On 5 October, the Myanmar delegation visited Cu Chi tunnels, symbols of the victories of Vietnam, constructed during the war between American and Vietnam Liberation Army, 80
kilometers away from the city. The Myanmar delegation visited Agrex Saigon Co, Saigon Industrial Corporation and Lotus port jointly constructed by the Ministry of Trade and Ministry of Transport of Vietnam, Ukraine and United States of America. On 6 October evening, the Myanmar delegation visited the Defence Services Museum in Hanoi.
The Myanmar delegation led by Minister Brig-Gen Pyi Sone and Vietnam Delegation led by Minister for Trade Mr Truong Dinh Tuyen attended the first meeting of the Joint-Committee for Myanmar-Vietnam Trade.
The Myanmar Delegation met with Minister for Industry Mr Hoang Trung Hai at 1 pm and Head of Vietnam National Tourism Authority Madam Vo Thi Thang at 4 pm and discussed matters related to industrial and tourism cooperation.
The Myanmar delegation called on Deputy Prime Minister of Vietnam Mr Nguyen Tan Dung at 5 pm and signed the agreement of the meeting on 6 pm.
Minister donates cash for Zalun Pyidawpyan Image
Yangon, 10 Oct - Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin, went to Hinthada to present cash donation for last funeral ritual of Presiding Nayaka Dhammanudhamma Maha Dwara Nikara Dwadathama Sasanabaing Abhidhaja Maha Rahta Guru Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddhammajotika Sayadaw Bhaddanta Khamavudha, aged 92 and Vasa 73, and to cover the body of the Sayadaw with velvet cloth. On arrival at Zalun, the minister paid homage to Zalun Manaungmyin Pyidawpyan Image and made cash donation to the image.
Information Minister tours Shan State (North), Mandalay Division

Yangon, 10 Oct
- Minister for Information Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan and party met the staff of the Information and Public Relations Department and Myanma Radio and Television in Kyaukme on 8 October.
Then, the minister gave instructions on discharge of duty with minimum loss and wastage.
Later, CEC Member of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan held a meeting with the secretary and executives of Kyaukme District USDA, and township, ward and village USDA organizers in Kyaukme. At the meeting, the minister dealt with community welfare services being carried out by the State and progress of the nation, and called on the USDA members to take part in these tasks with might and main. He presented cash donations for the associations.
In the afternoon, the CEC member met with USDA members in PyinOoLwin. He also met the service personnel of PyinOoLwin Township IPRD and MRTV and left instructions.
The minister and party arrived at Yadanapura Hall in Chanayethazan Township, Mandalay Division, at 5 pm. There, they met the staff of the Ministry of Information. Officials of the IPRD, Myanma Motion Picture Enterprise (Upper Myanmar), the Printing and Publishing Enterprise and the News and Periodicals Enterprise reported on work being done. The minister said that all staff are to make efforts in accord with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe
practicing thrifty, prevention of waste and boosting production. He continued that requirements will be fulfilled soon. The staff of the Ministry of Information are to perform duties effectively, widely and actively as well as sharply in order to serve the interests of the people. At the Ministry of Information, there will be competition followed by reward and punishment, he added.
After that, the minister and party proceeded to the sub-printing house in Mandalay. Deputy Chief Editor U Hmway Kyi conducted them round the house. Then, the minister fulfilled the requirements and spoke words of encouragement to the staff. They also inspected the office of MMPE (Upper Myanmar), the District IPRD and library. They spent the night in Mandalay.
The minister and party arrived back here yesterday.
Minister inspects departmental works in Sagaing
Yangon, 10 Oct
- Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing, on 7 October inspected Sagaing Division Police Commander Office and District General Administration Department and gave instructions to the officials on thrifty use of electricity and fuel and ensuring safety.
He then met with staff of Sagaing Division General Administration Department who are attending the competency promotion course No 5 at the training hall of the department and gave instructions on successful implementation of the objectives of the ministry and the department and actively participation in the rural development tasks together with other departments .
( 4
) Commander inspects tax-free markets in Yangon
Yangon, 10 Oct - Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe inspected the tax-free markets in Yangon and gave necessary instructions to the officials this morning.
The commander arrived at the tax-free market at the corner of Hanthawady and Kyundaw Streets in Kamayut Township.The commander inspected the sale of vegetables, fish and meat, eggs, rice and consumer goods.
The commander cordially conversed with buyers and sellers and fulfilled the requirements.
Then, the commander went to the tax-free market at Konmyinttha in Mayangon Township.The commander inspected the sale of vegetables, fish and meat, eggs and consumer products at the market. Then, the commander inspected the sales at the Nawaday tax-free market on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road and gave necessary instructions.
Then, the commander and party proceeded to the tax-free market near the Ministry of Industry-2 on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road in Yankin
Township. The commander inspected the sales at the market.
The commander also inspected the sales at the Tamway tax-free market on Kyaikkasan Road in Tamway Township and at the tax-free market on Pantra Road in Dagon Township.
The commander gave instructions to the officials on arrangements to enable the public to easily buy fresh consumer goods at reasonable prices and strict supervision in keeping the market's surroundings clean.
Vegetables shops of the ministries, YCDC, battalions and units under Yangon Command and growers; meat, fish and eggs shops of the ministries, YCDC, Yangon Command, companies and farmers; rice shops of Myanmar Rice and Paddy Wholesalers Association and consumer products shop of the Ministry of Industry-1 are kept open daily in the tax-free markets.
Meeting of ASEAN plus 3 on tourism industry held
Yangon, 10 Oct - A second meeting of
authoritative organizations of ASEAN Tourism Industry plus 3 PRC, Japan, ROK
took place at the Sedona Hotel on 8 and 9 October.
8th Meeting of Experts Group on Power
Interconnection and Trade (EGP-8), 9th Meeting of Subregional
Electric Power Forum (EPF-9) opened

Yangon, 10 Oct - The
opening ceremony of Greater Mekong Subregion, the 9th Meeting of the
Subregional Electric Power Forum (EPF- 9) and the 8th Meeting of the
Experts Group on Power Interconnection and Trade (EGP-8), which are
being hosted by Myanmar, under the Mekong Subregion Economic
Cooperation Programme, was held at the Sedona Hotel on Kaba Aye.
Pagod Road this morning, with an address by Deputy Minister for
Electric Power U Myo Myint.
Speaking on the
occasion U Myo Myint said that the Asian Development Bank initiated.
this Subregional Economic Cooperation in 1992 to bring together
countries along the Mekong River and paved the road for peace and
progress in this Subregion.
The GMS programme of
regional economic cooperation has, for the last ten years, achieved
considerable progress in the implementation of sub regional projects
in areas such as development of Subregional transport routes,
telecommunications sector, power interconnection, joint tourism
promotion, cross border trade and investment facilitation,
environmental protection and human resources development etc.
Also, the GMS
programme has fostered mutual trust and goodwill among the GMS
countries. The yearly conferences and meetings on various of
economic cooperation helped foster dialogue and mutual under-
standing among the six GMS countries. In the first decade not many
of the projects could be implemented due to financial constraints.
However, it is encouraging to note the keen interest taken by the UN
Agencies, ASEAN, donor countries, NGOs and private sector groups to
accelerate the economic development of this dynamic subregion.
I believe we would
be more successful in the next decade, because the programme of
cooperation has nominated the next decade as the decade of
"strategic thrust" forward and to implement the vital projects for
the development of the subregion. According to the agenda, the
delegates from the GMS countries attending today's expert group
meetings will be presenting the latest developments in the power
sector in their countries and discussions will follow to share their
experiences and views.
Today's meeting will
also review the guidelines for establishment of the Regional Power
Trade Cooperation Committee which will play an important role in the
regional power market and the Study on Regional Power Trade
Operating Agreement in the GMS.
By reviewing the
status of these important topics and by exchanging views and
delivering various issues in today's meeting it will help support in
establishing the important regulatory frame- work for the' GMS Power
Interconnection and further strengthening of the Subregional
Economic Co- Operation Programme.
Also at EPF meeting
tomorrow, the delegates will be discussing the progress to- wards
signing of the IGA at the GMS summit to be held in Phnom Penh, next
month and the structural, institutional and regulatory options for
the future GMS power market.
conclusion, I wish to express my sincere thanks to the Asian
Development Bank for every support rendered for the successful
convening of EGP-8 and EPF-9 in Yangon. Director Mr Khalid I Rahman
of Infrastructure Division of Mekong Department of ADB and
Chairperson Mr Prutichai Chonglertvanichkul of the Expert Group also
made speeches on the occasion.
After the opening
ceremony, the EGP-8 followed and ended in the afternoon. The EPF-9
will take place tomorrow at the Sedona Hotel.
( 5 ) Two more TV retransmission stations open in Hsenwi
Yangon, 10 Oct - Two more TV retransmission stations were opened in Hsenwi Township, northern Shan State, with the assistance of North-East Command on 7 October morning.
Opening of the two retransmission stations widens the Ministry of Information's capacity to distribute news and other information, helping improve the knowledge of the local people.
The ministry is extending retransmission stations especially in areas with difficult accessibility, and where TV is the best tool to give national races information about the State's policy and nation-building endeavours, to educate them and to broadcast entertainment programmes.
Commander of North-East Command Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing and Minister for Information Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan were present at the ceremony to launch the retransmission station located on a hill near Kyandaingaung TatU Pagoda in Hsenwi.
Secretary of Shan State (North) Union Solidarity and Development Association U Aye Thaung and Deputy Chief Engineer of Myanmar Radio and Television U Myint Aung formally opened the station.
The commander and the minister also attended the
ceremony to open another retransmission station on a hill at Nantzalat in the township. They then joined the officials of the regional battalion and local people including Kokang, Kachin and Shan national races hailing the opening of the stations with traditional dances and music and band troupes.
Deputy Minister inspects use of electricity
Yangon, 10 Oct - Deputy Minister for Electric Power U Myo Myint, inspected the electricity control room at Electrical Engineer's Office, Hline Township, this afternoon.
The deputy minister gave instructions on systematic use of electricity, ensuring safety and distribution of electric power. Then, the minister proceeded to the rubber factory of entrepreneur U Win in the compound of the Rubber Factory of Myanma General and Maintenance Industries on Shwe Hintha Road in the township, where the deputy minister gave instruction on taking action against entrepreneur U Win Aung, who illegally connected and used electricity. The deputy minister also inspected the installation of power lines in the Rubber Factory (Branch).
Deputy Ministers inspect cultivation of opium-substitute crops in Shan State (North)
Yangon, 10 Oct - Members of the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Brig-Gen Khin Maung, Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung, and Deputy Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Brig-Gen Than Tun, members of Shan State (North) Drug Abuse Control Committee and departmental officials arrived at Haymoelon Village in Muse Township yesterday and inspected round the tea and Chinese spice plantations and paddy fields cultivated in once opium growing fields in order to eradicate opium in Shan State (North).
Then, the deputy ministers and party arrived at Haymoelon market and viewed the sale of goods. They met with local national races there. They explained matters related to the danger of narcotic drugs and cultivation of opium-substitute crops, and presented vegetables seeds to the local national races.
Afterwards, the deputy ministers and party inspected the thriving paddy fields in Monekoe and met with departmental personnel there. They gave instructions on implementation of departmental work and border areas development tasks.
Then, they proceeded to Paungsai Village and met with local people there. They explained matters related to cultivation of opium-substitute crops. Officials of the village conducted the deputy ministers and party round the thriving fields of buck-wheat, paddy, corn and Kaukhnyin cultivated in old opium fields.
The deputy ministers presented crops seeds to the peasants.
Later, the deputy ministers and party arrived at Kongkha region in Kutkai Township, where local national race leader U Ma Htu Naw and officials conducted them round the thriving fields of opium-substitute crops.
Success has been achieved in cultivation of opium-substitute monsoon-crops in Shan State (North), and efforts to grow opium-substitute winter-crops are also being made by local national races and the responsible officials.
( 6 ) Theravada Buddhist Missionary Course
Yangon, 10 Oct - The Department for Promotion and Propagation of the Sasana today announced that the one-month Theravada Buddhist Missionary Course No 13 (12-11-2002 to 11-12-2002) will be opened at the DPPS of the Ministry of Religious Affairs on Kaba Aye Hill.
The monks who are performing missionary duties in border and hilly regions but have not attended the course are to report to the Local Missionary Division of the DPPS on Kaba Aye Hill by 10-11-2002 to complete the course. Those monks wishing to attend the course in order to perform missionary duties in border and hilly regions must reside any region they are assigned duties, age must be between 25 and 50 years, Vasa must be at least 5 years and education must be at least Pahtamalat (passed).
Applications may be sent to the Department for Promotion and Propagation of the Sasana together with the testimonials of respective Presiding Sayadaw and Township Sangha Nayaka Committee not later than 30-10-2002.
Announcement on examination centres and special lectures of UDE Yangon
Yangon, 10 Oct - The third batch special lectures for 2002 academic year of Yangon University of Distance Education will be given from 5 to 14 November and the final examinations will be held at Dagon University, Yangon Eastern University, Mawlamyine University, Pathein University, Sittway University, Pyay University, Taungoo University, Dawei University, Hinthada University, Bago Degree College, Hpa-an Degree College and Myeik Degree College from 18 to 25 November.
First year and second year students majoring in Art, Law and Economics who are registered at UDE Yangon are to attend special lectures at Dagon University. First year students majoring in Economics are to sit for exams at BEHS Nos 1,2,3,4 and 5 in Insein; BEHS Nos 1,2,3,4 and 5 in North Okkalapa; No 3 BEHS in South Okkalapa, BEHS Nos 1,2 and 3 in Thingangyun, BEHS in Thuwunna, No 1 BEHS in Dagon Myothit (North), No 3 BEHS in Dagon Myothit (North), No 4 BEHS in Dagon Myothit (North).
The remaining first year and second year students majoring in other subjects are to sit for exams at Dagon University.
First year and second year students majoring in Art, Law and Economics who are registered at Yangon Eastern University of UDE Yangon (East branch) are to attend special lectures at Yangon Eastern University. First year students majoring in Economics are to sit for exams at Nos , 2, 3 and 4 Basic Education High Schools in Thanlyin, BEHS Nos 1,2 and 3 in Thakayta, first year students majoring in Law at BEHS Nos 4,1 and 5 in Thakayta, and the remaining first year and second year students majoring in other subjects at Eastern University.
The remaining Art, Law and Economics students who have registered at the branches of UDE Yangon are to attend special lectures and sit for exams at respective universities and degree colleges.
Details of timetable of lectures and the exams will be announced at respective universities and BEHSs.
( 7 ) Written test for posts of MRTV
Yangon, 10 Oct - The written test for the vacant posts (electronic technicians - grade 2 and 4) will be held at No 1 Basic Education High School of Sangyoung Township from 10 am to 12 noon on 20 October. Letters have been sent to those who met with required qualifications and they are to report to MRTV (Head Office) on Pyay Road, Yangon, during office hours on 17 and 18 October, bringing along NRC, original education certificate, and two passport size photos.
Italian tourists
Yangon, 10 Oct - Under the sponsorship of the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism and the Ministry of Transport and under the arrangement of Myanmar Lotus Asia Tours Ltd, the chartered flight of Lauda Air Boeing 767/300 with 35 Italian tourists on board arrived here this morning. They will go on Yangon-Bagan-Popa-Mandalay-Pindaya-Inlay trip and will leave here on 17 October.
The tourists were welcomed at Yangon International Airport by officials of Myanma Hotels and Tourism Service and Myanmar Lotus Asia Tours Ltd and national race girls.
Those, who arrived here on 3 October, left here this morning.
( 8
) Myanmar leads Wushu tourney in Asian Games
Yangon, 10 Oct - The Wushu tournament, in which
12 nations including the People's Republic of China are
participating, started today in Busan, the Republic of Korea, where
the XIV Asian Games is being held.
Selected Myanmar Wushu athlete Khaing Khaing Maw
was leading the Htaik-Chi-Chuan Contest with 9.50 points. Singapore
stood second with 9.46 and Hong Kong, third with 9.45. In Sanso
competition, Selected Myanmar Wushu athlete Thein Htaik Oo beat the
competitor of Macao 2-0.
( 9
) Drug trafficker sentenced
Yangon, 10 Oct - A combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit and Bago Special Anti-drug Squad, acting on information, searched cyclist Aung Myo Khaing (a) Khaing Gyi near the southern stairway of Shwemawdaw pagoda in Bago on 21 August 2001 and seized 163.3 gms of marijuana on his bicycle.
In connection with the case, Bago police station 1 filed a case against Aung Myo Khaing (a) Khaing Gyi, 34, son of U Mya Aung of Inwa 10th street, Bago under section 15/19 (A) of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
Bago District court handed down 4 years' imprisonment and 15 years' imprisonment on him to serve separately under section 15 and section 19 (A) of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law on him on 29 August this
Drugs and arms seized
Yangon, 10 Oct - A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit, Tachilek Special Anti-drug Squad and local police force, acting on information, searched the house of Ar Woo De near the golf course in Haunglake Village-tract, Tachilek Township, on 24 September.
Ar Woo De was not found there at that time and the team arrested Law Hsan and Thein Naing, who were living at the house, together with 247 stimulant tablets, one 9-mm pistol, one magazine, five rounds of ammunition, one long barrel gun, 120 rounds of ammunition, 0.2 litres of Phensedyl liquid in two bottles, and paraphernalia to inhale the stimulant tablets.
Action is being taken against Law Hsan, 21, son of U Litar Chan, Thein Naing, 23, son of U Yan Kyin Hon, and Ar Woo De who is at large, under Section 15/19(A)/21/22(B) of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law and Section 12(A) of Shan Arms Law by the Tachilek police station.
13,600 stimulant tablets seized
Yangon, 10 Oct - A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Myanmar Police Force, acting on information, searched the house of Yan Hpa Myin (a) Yan Hpa Myan, son of U Yay Ta Lyan, of 2nd Lane, Hillock-45, Homon Ward, Muse Township, Shan State (North), on 24 September. The authorities arrested him together with 13,600 stimulant tablets and 10 packets of moist stimulant weighing 0.2 kg buried in the compound.
In connection with the case, the police station concerned filed him under Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.