Yangon, 9 Oct - A meeting to coordinate the broadcasting of the MRTV-3 of Myanma Radio and Television under the Ministry of Information took place at the meeting hall of the MRTV on Pyay Road here this afternoon, with an address by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council General Khin Nyunt.
Minister for Information Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan reported on pilot broadcasting project of the MRTV-3 for local and foreign audience, regular broadcasting to foreign nations, ways and requirements for extended broadcasting, and progress in construction of the MRTV New Studio Complex; and Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw, on means for extended broadcasting of the MRTV-3, and cooperation of the CPT Ministry with the MRTV-3 in carrying out tasks, followed by a general round of discussions.
The Secretary-1 attended to the needs. In his address, the Secretary-1 said MRTV-3 programmes have been telecast to some extent. Remedial measures are to be taken for effective TV production after reviewing the programmes and implementation of the objectives. He also spoke of the need to
fulfill requirements on technology.
The MRTV-3 programmes are being produced to make the world know about the true political, economic, social and cultural situations of the country. He called on technicians and officials to coordinate the tasks for production of better programmes and broadcasting them to more countries.
After the meeting, the Secretary-1 and party heard a report at the briefing hall of the MRTV
New Studio Complex Construction Project presented by Managing Director of the Olympic Co U Aung Zaw Naing on construction tasks being carried out, future plans, and arrival of construction materials.
Then, the Secretary-1 inspected the equipment to be installed in the sound-proof studios and fulfilled the requirements.
Later, the General and party inspected the construction project site and gave necessary instructions to the officials.
Yangon, 9 Oct - A regular meeting 7/2002 of the Central Organizing Committee of Myanmar War Veterans Organization was held at the meeting hall of MWVO (Head Office) on Pyay Road, Mayangon Township this afternoon.
Chairman of the Central Organizing Committee for Myanmar War Veterans Organization member of the State Peace and Development Council Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Thein Sein spoke on the occasion.
At the meeting, approval for the resolutions of the regular meeting 6/2002 was sought and reports on progress of tasks were also made. Afterwards, the meeting came to a close with concluding remarks by Lt-Gen Thein Sein.
Yangon, 9 Oct - Chairman of Committee to Supervise and Inspect Use of Electricity and Fuel member of the State Peace and Development Council Chief of Armed Forces Training Lt-Gen Kyaw Win attended the third coordination meeting between the representatives of the executive committee of the industrial zones supervisory committee and industrialists at Kanaung Hall of the Department for Human Settlement and Housing Development in Dagon Myothit (Seikkan) Township this afternoon.
Lt-Gen Kyaw Win delivered an address on the occasion. Then, representatives of the executive committee and industrialists reported on conditions of electricity and fuel used in their work. Minister for Electric Power Maj-Gen Tin Htut also made supplementary reports.
Later, the meeting came to an end with concluding remarks by Lt-Gen Kyaw Win.
After the meeting, Lt-Gen Kyaw Win and party inspected the electricity and fuel consumption at the industrial zone in Dagon Myothit (Seikkan) Township.
Before the third coordination meeting, the Committee to Supervise and Inspect Use of Electricity and Fuel also held a meeting at the hall of DHSHD in Dagon Myothit (Seikkan) Township.
Yangon, 9 Oct - Minister for Education U Than Aung received Ambassador of India to Myanmar Mr Rajiv
Kumar Bhatia at Diamond Jubilee Hall here at 2.30 pm today. Later, the ambassador donated 161 books on different subjects to Yangon University through the minister.
Yangon, 9 Oct - The Ministry of Cooperatives held its second four-monthly work
coordination meeting (2002) on cooperative tasks at the meeting hall of the
ministry here this morning with an address by Minister for Cooperatives Lt-Gen
Tin Ngwe.
At the meeting, deputy directors of state and divisional Cooperative Departments
and principals of the cooperative colleges and degree colleges reported on their
respective tasks.
Then, the deputy director-general of the cooperative Department gave a
supplementary report.The director-general of the Cottage Industries Department and the general
manager of the Cooperatives Exports and Imports Enterprise also took part in the
discussions. The meeting ended with the concluding remarks by the minister.
Yangon, 9 act - A meeting to coordinate
development of ecotourism was held at the Myanma Timber Trade Centre
on Shwetaunggya Street here this afternoon.
The Minister for Forestry U Aung Phone discussed
arrangements made for the visits of tourists at the 15 ecotourism
sites with the use of audio visual aids. Then, the entrepreneurs
reported on assistance to be rendered, and tasks they wish to carry
out in cooperation with the ministries. The minister then assessed
their reports and attended to their needs.
Yangon, 9 Oct - Minister for Labour U Tin Winn inspected the office of District Labour Department and the office of Social Security Board in PyinOoLwin on 7 October and met staff under the ministry at the SSB office. At the meeting, according to the guidance of the Head of State, he gave instructions on industrial development,
minimizing loss and wastage and systematic use of electricity and fuel for the development of the State. Yesterday, the minister inspected the office of Labour Department, Social Security Board and clinic and office of the Factories and General Labour Laws Inspection Department in Kyaukme and met the staff and fulfilled the requirements.
( 5 ) ASEAN Outstanding Engineering Award handed over to Irrigation Department
Yangon, 9 Oct - The ceremony to hand over the ASEAN Outstanding Engineering Award (2002) presented by ASEAN Engineering Society to the Irrigation Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation was held at Ottara Hall of Karaweik Palace here this afternoon with an address by Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt
Minister Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin made a speech. He said the ministry together with the MES attended the 20th Conference of ASEAN Engineering Society and made reports on the progress of irrigation sector of Myanmar. At the conference, the MES recommended that the Irrigation Department of the ministry should be awarded with the ASEAN Outstanding Engineering Award (2002) and the award was presented to
the ministry by the ASEAN Engineering Society for irrigation development tasks carried out efficiently with the strength in the country.
With the noble aim, "Engineering in the alleviation of poverty in Asean", the 20th Conference was held in September this year in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Out of over 100 papers at the conference, the MES highlighted the role of water to produce more foodstuff in alleviation poverty. So, the award was presented.
On behalf of the State and the ministry, he expressed thanks to the MES and the Irrigation Department who attended the conference.
It has been already known that Myanmar, one of ASEAN nations, utilizing water resource, land resource and technical know-how of the people in the country, can provide the region as well as world nations with necessary foodstuff. Based on development of rural areas on which agriculture, livestock breeding and fishery and forestry sectors depend, utilization of water resource has been emphasized in making the country developed.
Head of State Senior General Than Shwe himself has given guidance on sufficiency of drinking water and greening tasks.
In the country, out of 870 million acre feet flowing in the rivers and creeks, only 30 million acre feet were used. It can be found that efforts have been made to be able to utilize natural resources because out of 45 million acre of land, 25 million acre were put under crops, he added.
Regarding the irrigation sector, it has supplied the production of the country in every era. From the time of Myanmar kings to the time of the ruling government, altogether 1.3 million acre of land were irrigated for development of crop production. During the period from 1988 to date, a total of 138 dam projects have been implemented to irrigate more 2 million acre of land. So, double cropping can be cultivated and capacity of crop production increased to 157 per cent. The socio-economic life of the people was also promoted.
He confirmed that these tasks were revealed and the paper was submitted to the conference, and the award was presented due to the proof that good results were achieved by making efforts for availability of water in the country with technical know-how of Myanmar engineers, cash assistance of the State and patriotism. In other words, the prize was presented due to the efforts of the MES to glorify Myanmar among ASEAN member nations, the innovations and implementations of the technicians from the Irrigation Department and the noble efforts.
In conclusion, he said in building the country to be a developed one, technical know-how, knowledge and right thoughts and efforts reflect the good deeds already done.
Then, Chairman of the MES Rector Dr Pe Win spoke word of praise to the department, engineers and experts. Leader of Myanmar delegation to the conference Vice-Chairman of the MES Prof Dr Sein Myint made a report on receiving the award.
Next, the MES chairman handed over the award to Director-General U Kyaw San Win of the Irrigation Department and presented the certificate of honour of the MES.
Afterwards, the director-general, on behalf of engineers and experts from the department, spoke words of thanks.
The minister, the deputy ministers and the MES patrons accepted K 6.5 million and US $ 200 donated by 32 wellwishers including K 1 million by the Irrigation Department for development of civil, irrigation and other subjects. Certificates of honour were presented to wellwishers.
The ceremony came to a close with words of thanks by MES Chairman Rector Dr Pe Win.
The Irrigation Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation was presented the award for building the amazing irrigation facilities in a short time at the 20th conference held from 2 to 4 September in Phnom Penh.
Prizes presentation of World Post Day letter writing
Yangon, 9 Oct
- The ceremony to mark the 128th World Post Day was held in
conjunction with the prize presentation ceremony of the 31st World Post Day
commemorative under-15 letter writing competition (local level) at the
Communications and Postal Training Centre of the Ministry of Communications,
Posts and Telegraphs on Lower Pazundaung Road here this afternoon.
Director-General (Acting) U Tha Oo of Directorate of Telecommunications extended
greetings and Staff Officer (Post) U Than Tun Aung read out the message sent by
the Director-General of World Postal Union.
Minister Brig-Gen Thein Zaw, Managing Director U Maung Maung Tin of Posts and
Telecommunications and officials presented first, second and third prizes to
seventh standard student Maung Nyein Chan Wai Lin of Nyaunglebin BEMS, ninth
standard student Ma Hein Lin Khaing of Sagaing BEHS No 1 and sixth standard
student Maung Thura Soe of Nattalin BEHS respectively and consolation prizes
were presented to two winners and special prizes to two winners.
Then, Acting Director-General U Tha Oo presented gift to mark
the World Post Day to the minister. Then, Acting Director General U Tha Oo
presented gifts to retired directors-general of Directorate of
Telecommunications and Managing Director U Maung Maung Tin and directors, gifts
to the members of the panel of judges.
On behalf of the winners first prize winner Maung Nyein Chan Wai Lin spoke words
of thanks and Professor (Retd) Daw Po of Myanmarsar Department of YU explained
the assessment matters.
Agriculture & Irrigation Minister tours Kyaukse, PyinOoLwin Districts
Yangon, 8 Oct - Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin inspected the site chosen for construction of Zawgyi diversion weir in Kyaukse yesterday.
Director U Tin Aung of Mandalay Division Irrigation Department reported on choice of the construction site, availability of water capacity and flow of water in Zawgyi River and Director (Design) U Ohn Khaing on the design of the diversion weir and soil test. Director-General U Kyaw San Win of ID gave a supplementary report.
Chairman of Kyaukse District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Aung Kyi Shein reported on urban condition at the diversion weir and roads.
The minister decided to build the diversion weir and the retaining walls along the canal. Then, he inspected the construction site. The minister and party inspected Zidaw Dam and the sluice gates in Kyaukse. Next, the minister and party saw over thriving of 3,000 acres of post-monsoon long staple cotton at the special zone and cultivation of multiple cropping of pigeon pea and long staple cotton.
Not only over 20,000 acres of pre- and post-monsoon long staple cotton but also 3,000 acres at the special zone have been cultivated in Kyaukse Township this year. Over 73,000 acres of land have been put under the staple cotton in Kyaukse District and over 310,000 acres of land in Mandalay Division.
Afterwards, the minister and party proceeded to Coffee Research Department and Coffee Museum in Pwetaung, PyinOoLwin Township and inspected coffee and tea plantations and others.
In Hsingaunglay Village, PyinOoLwin Township, the minister heard reports on requirements of the local growers and cultivation of 7,567 acres of coffee plantations in the township, allotment of vacant and virgin lands to the growers and multiple cropping of coffee, Thitseint (Belleric myrobalan) and pepper by officials.
Next, the minister inspected coffee plantations, land reclamation, coffee saplings, mushroom and coffee showrooms and shade trees at Coffee and Thitseint Extended Cultivation Project in Yegyanoh region. The minister then inspected completion of 92 feet high and 600 feet long Hsinlan Dam which will have 5,600 acre-feet of water capacity in Hsinlan Village, PyinOoLwin Township. The dam will irrigate 500 acres of farmlands and supply water to Kandawgyi Lake and PyinOoLwin.
The minister met with CEC members of Myanmar Cotton Dealers Association at Irrigation Yeiktha in Mandalay.
The CEC members reported on tasks of the association, purchase of cotton, ginning licence and availability of cultivable land. The minister gave necessary instructions.
( 6 )
H&T Minister attends Second Meeting of ASEAN, China, Japan & Korea National Tourism Organizations
Yangon, 9 Oct - Minister for Hotels and Tourism Brig-Gen Thein Zaw arrived at Mandalay on 6 October and inspected Innwa Hotel and gave instructions on renovation tasks to be carried out and earning of income increasingly.
Then, the minister
arrived at the Mandalay Sedona Hotel and inspected preparations for the 17th Meeting of the Task Force on ASEAN Joint Marketing Programme.
The minister arrived in PyinOoLwin Township and met hoteliers entrepreneurs and gave instructions on hotel and tourism development at the hall of Nan Myaing Hotel.
Next, the minister inspected Nan Myaing Hotel, Gandama Hotel and Thiri Myaing Hotel, gave instructions on renovation of the hotels to be undertaken as fast as possible. He then proceeded to the National Kandawgyi Gardens and inspected arrival of foreign tourists there. Afterwards, the minister arrived at Mandalay and inspected Mandalay Swam Hotel.
At night, the minister hosted a dinner in honour of the delegates attending the Second Meeting of ASEAN, China, Japan and Korea National Tourism Organizations and the 17th Meeting of the Task Force on ASEAN Joint Marketing Programme.
The minister together with Director-General of Directorate of Hotels and Tourism U Khin Maung Latt and Managing Director of Myanma Hotel and Tourism Services U Htay Aung
attended the Thuwunna Bommi Travelling Service Cooperation Meeting of Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos and Thailand and discussed convenient travelling
of tourists and advertisement for tourism services promotion among
the member countries. Then, the minister attended the Second Meeting
of ASEAN, China, Japan and Korea National Tourism Organizations and
made an opening speech on the occasion.
The commander and the mayor met hotel and tourism entrepreneurs of Mandalay at the hall of Innwa Hotel and discussed development for world tourism and hotel industry. It was followed by a general round of discussions. Then, the minister inspected Mya Mandalar Hotel and Novotel Hotel.
Commander and Minister meet with
industrialists in Yangon West District

Yangon, 9 Oct - Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe and Minister for Communications, Posts & Telegraphs and for Hotels & Tourism Brig-Gen Thein Zaw who is in-charge of Yangon West District Industrial Zone, met with industrialists of Yangon West District Industrial Zone at Sabai Hall of No 2 Basic Education High School in Sangyaung Township, Yangon West District, this afternoon.
The commander and the minister gave instructions
on industrial development tasks and attended to the requirements. At the meting, the commander spoke of the need for economic development of States and Divisions as well as agricultural and livestock breeding development in Yangon Division.
Then, the minister explained the endeavours being made for development of private industrial zones, and arrangements to
fulfill the requirements of the industrial zones in Yangon West District.
Next, industrialists reported on tasks to be undertaken for industrial progress. Later, the commander and the minister attended to the
Commander inspects industrial zone in Yangon East District
Yangon, 9 Oct - Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe, inspected production process of factories in the industrial zone in Yangon East District and gave necessary instructions this evening.
First, the commander and party arrived at Jewoo Garment Factory in Thakayta Industrial Zone in Thakayta Township, and inspected the production process and storage of raw materials of the factory. Factory Manager Daw Khin Mya Aye reported on works being carried out. The commander gave instructions on boosting production and thrifty use of electricity. Then, the commander proceeded to Century wickerwork, and inspected the production of hand-made furniture, storage of raw materials and export products.
Administration Director U Tin Sein reported on works being carried out. The commander left necessary
Minister for Information tours Shan State (North)
Yangon, 9 Oct - Minister for Information Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan met officials and inspected functions concerned with information in Shan State (North), PyinOoLwin and Mandalay from 6 to 8 October.
On 6 October, the minister and party inspected retransmission station of Myanma Radio and Television in Lashio.
In meeting with service personnel, the minister gave instructions on maintenance of machinery, systematic use of electricity, minimizing of loss and waste,
fulfillment of requirements, fire preventive measures and welfare for service personnel.
The minister and party went to District Information and Public Relations Department in Lashio and discussed matters relating to library science and distribution of newspapers to the villages.
The minister met service personnel of District and Township Information and Public Relations Departments in Lashio. He said the Ministry of Information is a bridge between the government and the people and the ministry's duties are wide and heavy.
He spoke of the need for service personnel to discharge their duties conscientiously. Priority is to be given to library science and showing of TV programmes of MRTV in villages. Efforts are to be made for more
installation of TV retransmission stations and more newspaper production. Especially, information activities in Muse and Kyaukme
Districts are to be raised, he added. In order to achieve
development in rural areas and to gain knowledge for rural people,
personnel of the ministry are to make efforts to educate, inform and
entertain them. The minister urged them to carry out the tasks in
the interest of the people with political, organizational,
administrative and economic outlooks and application of effective
and dynamic media weapon.
CEC member of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan and Patron of Shan State (North) USDA Commander of North-East Command Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing met officials of State, District, Township and Ward USDAs. The minister discussed increased membership of USDA and uplift of morale that safeguards the Union, consolidation on organizational matters and promotion of efficiency and implementation of five rural development tasks.
Commander Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing took part in the discussions on work done, achievements and future tasks.
The minister and the commander inspected the site chosen for printing press of the sub-printing house.
On 7 October, the minister and the commander attended the opening ceremony of retransmission stations of MRTV and inspected Hsenwi IPRD. They also met officials of Hsenwi Township USDA.
The minister and the commander inspected cultivation of opium substitute crops and beekeeping of North-East Command and Humon special high yield paddy.
The minister and party inspected Hsipaw Township IPRD and gave necessary instructions. The minister met officials of Township USDA.
The minister and party spent the night in Kyaukme.
( 7 ) Minister attends
opening of tube-wells
Yangon, 9 Oct - Minister for Progress of Border Areas
and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt,
inspected the water supply projects and opening ceremonies of tube-wells
in Mandalay and Magway Divisions on 8 October morning.
First, the minister and party attended the opening of
a tube-well at Phyu Htwa Village, NyaungU Township. It was sunk at a
cost of US$ 7,008 out of US$ 50,000 donated by the utopia Japan Inc and
Silver Wave Trading Ltd. The 880 feet deep fourinch tube-well can pump
2,500 gallons per hour to sufficiently provide water for 425 persons in
85 households of the village and its surrounding ones.
Next, the minister and party inspected the heavy
machines at Kyaukpadaung Development Affairs Department. The minister
met with staff and discussed water supply, rural development and
efficient use of fuel and electricity. The minister also inspected the
320,000-gallon Thonsudan Lake. Later, the minister and party inspected
the sinking of test wells in Sankan village of Chauk Township, Magway
Division. Afterwards, they at- tended the opening ceremony of a
tube-well at pyaebin Village in Chauk Township.
The four-inch tube-well was dug at a cost of US$
7,057 donated by Chairman of the Utopia Japan Inc and Silver Wave
Trading Ltd Mr Kobayachi. It is 580 feet deep with capacity for pumping
1,500 gallons per hour , for about 3,000 people of nearby villages. In
the afternoon, the minister met with staff at Chauk Township Development
Affairs Department and gave necessary instructions. In the evening, he
inspected river water pumping station No 1 at Natthamee bank and water
pumping stations Nos 2, 7 and 14 of Hngetpyit Hill.
USDA CEC members tours Kayah State
Yangon, 9 Oct - Central Executive Committee member of the Union Solidarity and Development Association Brig-Gen Thein Aung on 6 October arrived at BEPS, Linhponlay Village, Loikaw Township in Kayah State.
After meeting with the villagers, the CEC member explained construction of new school building, repair of Loikaw-Linhponlay rural road, implementation of the rural development tasks and functions of the association. Chairman of Kayah State Peace and Development Council Col Thein Swe also delivered a speech.
Afterwards, local people reported on needs of the village and the CEC member fulfilled the requirements. The CEC member
proceeded to the dispensary being constructed in Dawpawkale Village.
At the briefing hall, the CEC member presented K 100,000 for the village dispensary to an official. Then, the CEC member went to BEPS of Minhsu Kwetthit, Loikaw Township and the CEC member donated K 200,000 for extension of the old school building. The CEC member proceeded to the school being constructed in Lwetamu (North) Village and attended to the needs.
At Kayah State USDA office, the CEC member met departmental officials, social organizations and USDA members and explained
practicing of thrifty in all sectors, conditions of the political, economic and social sectors and rural development tasks.
The CEC member then presented teaching aids to the school heads.
On 7 October, the CEC member met with local authorities, departmental officials and local people and presented teaching aids and K 100,000 to Headmistress Daw Khin May Win of Pharuso BEHS.
At Dimawhso BEHS, the CEC member presented teaching aids and K 100,000 to the school. At the Zibyugon BEPS being built in Dimawhso Township, the CEC member attended the cash donation ceremony for the school and presented K 200,000. Then, the CEC member accepted USDA membership applications of Sanpya 6th Mile village.
On 7 October, the CEC member attended the opening ceremony of Kontha Village Post-Primary School in Loikaw Township and presented K 200,000.
Next, the CEC member presented K 50,000 towards the funds of BEMS in Wayikawkhu Village, Loikaw
Announcement on entrance exams for MMU & MAEU
Yangon, 9 Oct - Myanmar Maritime University under the Ministry of Transport and Myanmar Aerospace Engineering University under the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Union of Myanmar will start in December 2002.
The name lists of students who gained admission to the entrance exams of the two universities were posted at University Entrance Scrutinizing Board of the Higher Education Department (Lower Myanmar) on Thaton Road on 7 October. They are to inform personally to the HED (Lower Myanmar) from 7 to 18 October, bringing along with three passport size photos, the NRC (Copy and Original), an original letter of recommendation issued by the authority concerned, the mark list of the matriculation exam (Copy and Original) and an original letter of health recommendation from the township doctor concerned.
The entrance exams for the two universities will be held on 25 October, and the timetable of the exams was posted together with the name lists of students gaining admission to the two entrance exams at the HED (Lower Myanmar).
Workshop on agriculture
census held
Yangon, 9 Oct - A workshop on agriculture census to be conducted in 2003 by the Settlement and Land Records Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation took place at the Kandawgyi
Palace Hotel this morning.
Director-General U Win Kyi of SLRD extended greetings and explained benefits gained from collecting agriculture census. Then, Mr Bhaskar Barua, the resident representative of FAO, also extended greetings.
Director-General Dr Sein Tin of the Central Statistical Organization presided over the morning session of the workshop and Director-General U Kyaw Lwin of Livestock and Fisheries Department the afternoon session of the workshop.
Resource persons and those present took part in the discussions. Nine resource persons submitted papers at the first day of the workshop, which will continue tomorrow.
) Myanmar gets silver in Sepak Takraw Contest in XIV Asian Games
Yangon, 9 Oct - The XIV Asian Games continued in Busan, the Republic of Korea, today. Selected Myanmar team won the silver medal at the
men's team-wise Sepak Takraw Competition. At the competition, Thailand stood first, and Malaysia and Singapore, third.
( 9
Illegally-imported Yodaya-made monosodium glutamate
Yangon, 9 Oct - Although the Government has banned monosodium glutamate as a
restricted item because it can do harm to health of the people, some companies
imported Yodaya-made monosodium glutamate into the country with the sole
intention of gaining benefit in illegal ways. The authorities seized 8.5 million
grams of the Palace brand Yodaya-made monosodium glutamate in Hpa-an Township
and they were destroyed by dumping into the Thanlwin River, Hpa-an, on
The monosodium glutamate were illegally imported from Yodaya and seized at
Thanlwin River, Hpa-an. A total of 17,000 packets containing 500 grams each of
Palace brand monosodium glutamate were destroyed because it can be harmful to
the consumption of the people for their health.
The Government continues to expose the illegally imported goods banned in
consideration of the public health and action is being taken against the
culprits according to the laws.