1 ) IT widely used in teaching in education sector in accord with agreement signed by ASEAN leaders
Myanmar Education Committee holds meeting No 3/2002
Yangon, 8 Oct
- The Myanmar Education Committee held its Meeting No 3/2002 at the
Universities' Central Council here at
4.30 pm today, with an address by Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council General Khin Nyunt.
Speaking on the occasion, Secretary-1 General Khin Nyunt said that progress has been made in implementing the education promotion programmes,
the special 4-year national education promotion plan and the 30-year
long-term education plan for promotion of national education. High
level officials of the government explained the success achieved in
education sector whenever they made a field trip right down to
states, divisions, districts, townships and villages. In education
sector, discussion can be made in teaching with the wider use of
information technology, he said.

IT is widely used in teaching in education sector
in accord with the agreement signed by the ASEAN leaders. The
education policy and the directives can be discussed among the
central departments, the universities and the instructions through
video conferencing. Arrangements are being made to conduct teaching
after setting up a network linking over 100 high schools in Yangon
in the very near future. In the health sector also, IT is being used
in exchange of health education knowledge and education knowledge on
surgical operation between Yangon and Mandalay, he stressed.

All-round development programmes in education and health sectors as well as in human resources development have been laid down and measures are being taken in accord with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe calling for designating the 24 development zones to bring about equitable development in all part of the nation.
Efforts are being exerted to open each university, computer college and technological college in Panlong and Maubin regions, the last designated as development zones among the 24 development zones. Arrangements are also being made to build the higher learning institutions splendidly, to promote qualifications of the faculty members and the students.
The Head of State has given guidance on enabling the students of basic education level to be imbued with the health education knowledge. This being so, health education lessons are to be prescribed in the curricula of primary, middle and high schools.
Measures are being taken to open Ph.D courses and to dispatch the scholars abroad for promotion of the education standard of the scholars and faculty members at the universities and colleges. The long-term objectives of national education promotion programmes will meet with success if measures are being taken with added momentum while the government is making efforts in all sectors.
Then, Minister for Education U Than Aung reported on the management and academic matters for 2002, electronic teaching aids, facilitating of furniture, arrangements for timely completion of construction, arrangements for academic programmes at universities and degree colleges, 90 courses conducted in 2002,
Minister for Science and Technology U Thaung reported on opening of new Myanmar Aerospace Engineering University and Government Computer Colleges, opening of Government Technological College and Government Technical Institute and construction of Government Technological College and Government Computer College.
Next, Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe reported on arrangements being made to open the second batch-first year course of Myanmar Maritime University.
Afterwards, Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr Mya Oo, Minister for Forestry U Aung Phone and Minister for Culture Maj-Gen Kyi Aung reported matters related to universities under their ministries.
Then, Secretary-1 General Khin Nyunt assessed the reports and spoke of the need for respective ministries to deal with requirements in order to promote national education standard and to successfully implement national education promotion tasks.
Next, the meeting came to an end.
Before the meeting, the General inspected the demonstration on giving lectures with the use of television of the New Century Resources Development Centre (Mandalay), Myanma Education Research Bureau, Yangon University of Distance Education and the Higher Education Department (Lower Myanmar) at the meeting hall of Yangon
Universities' Central Council.
Secretary-1 inspects completion of Pearl Condominium in Bahan

Yangon, 8 Oct - Chairman of City Housing Estate Project Supervisory Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council General Khin Nyunt, inspected completion of the Pearl Condominium at the corner of Kaba Aye Pagoda Road and Saya San Road in Bahan
Township this morning.
The Secretary-1 and party inspected preparations for opening the shops on the ground and first floors of the 14-storey building and formation of apartments on the 11th and 13th floors of the building. Chairman U Maung Maung and officials of the company conducted the Secretary-1 and party round the Condominium.
At the briefing hall on the second floor, the Secretary-1 viewed the scale model of the Pearl Condominium.
Then, Chairman U Maung Maung of the company reported on completion of the buildings of the condominium, the buildings under construction, shops and apartments.
The General gave instructions on the buildings to be constructed to have characteristics of a capital meeting the set standard in the specified time, paying special attention to drawing of the building designs and construction tasks to be carried out with the aims of
practicing frugal use of electricity, fully using natural light and ensuring good ventilation.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party inspected construction of the 15-storey building of the Pearl Condominium and preparations for opening of shops at the front wing and left the condominium.
The completed two 14-storey buildings of the condominium will be opened soon. In addition, one 15-storey building and three 18-storey buildings are under construction.
Sales rooms are being opened on the underground, ground and first floors of the 14-storey buildings and offices of companies on the second floor. From third to 14th floors of the buildings house apartments. Four 15-men-capacity lifts have been installed at the buildings and the swimming pools and car parking areas constructed.
( 2 )
Construction projects inspected in Kalaywa District, Sagaing Division
Yangon, 8 Oct
- Member of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence, inspected the Myittha Bridge (Kalaywa) Construction Project in Kalaywa, Sagaing Division, yesterday morning.
At the briefing hall, Senior Engineer of Public Works U Sein Maung reported on progress in driving bole piles on Kalaywa side, tasks being carried out, work done, and arrival of construction materials, machinery and fuel oil. Then, Lt-Gen Ye Myint inspected tasks being carried out for driving bole piles and attended to the needs.
On completion, the steel suspension bridge which lies on Monywa-Ahlon-Yagyi Road across Myittha River bridge will link Monywa and Kalaywa in Sagaing Division. It will be 1,320 feet long with a 28 feet wide motorway. It can withstand 60-ton of loads.
Next, Lt-Gen Ye Myint, the commander and party
met with township level departmental officials at the meeting hall
of Township Peace and Development Council and gave instructions on
regional development tasks. The chairman of Kalaywa Township Peace
and Development Council reported on geographical points of the
township, implementation of the five rural development tasks, and
conditions of economic, social and agricultural sectors of the
township with the use of charts; and departmental officials, on progress in implementing rural development tasks. The commander and Brig-Gen Khin Maung Aye gave supplementary reports.
Then, Lt-Gen Ye Myint delivered an address. In his address, he said that the five rural development tasks had been laid down by the Head of State and they were being implemented for the development of the State. He added that efforts are being made for equal development of all parts of the nation after designating the 24 development regions. In doing so, requirements are being fulfilled at the grassroots levels in order to speed up the development momentum. District and Township level departmental officials are to make field trips at every villages and hand in hand with social organizations to make concerted efforts to ensure participation of the people in carrying out rural development tasks. Kalaywa region situated in the joint of Myittha and Chindwin Rivers plays an important role in transportation and economic sectors. The region was lagged behind development due to the difficulty of transportation and so it takes over 10 hours to reach Monywa through Mahamyaing forest in Summer.
On completion of Kalaywa-Yagyi-Monywa Road, it will take only about four hours to access Monywa in any season. Now, there is better transportation and as a result the region stands a good chance for development. Thus, arrangements are to be made for cleanliness of towns and villages, and regional development. In conclusion, he pointed out efficient use of fuel oil and expenses including electricity, and urged the officials to discharge duties diligently.
After the meeting, Lt-Gen Ye Myint, the commander and party saw over Kalaywa
People's Hospital, where Acting Medical Superintendent Dr Myint Moe and officials conducted them round the operation theatre, wards and the X-ray room. Then, Lt-Gen Ye Myint spoke encourage words to the patients and gave necessary instructions to the officials.
Lt-Gen Ye Myint, the commander and party arrived at Kalay People's Hospital in Sagaing Division later in the morning. They inspected construction of the operation theatre.
Township Engineer of Public Works U Thein Win reported on progress in constructing two-storey building and pavement, requirements and arrival of construction materials; Medical Superintendent Dr Tin Tun, on background history of the hospital, strength of the specialists and staff, maintenance of modern hospital equipment and laboratory equipment, medical treatments given to the patients, common diseases, outbreak of diseases most in mortal rate, the field trips of the specialists, setting the trust fund and requirement of a staff quarter.
After fulfilling the needs, Lt-Gen Ye Myint inspected the buildings under construction and the sites chose for construction of more buildings in the hospital compound.
At 11 am, Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party went to the sub-printing house in Kalay and inspected printing and distribution of the Myanma Alin and the Mirror dailies. Capt Aung Khaing Lwin in-charge of the sub-printing house and officials conducted them round it.
Later, Lt-Gen Ye Myint and the commander and party paid obeisance and presented offertories to the Sayadaws and members of the Sangha from monasteries in Kalay at the prayer hall of the Shwebontha Pagoda. Present were Member of Sagaing Division Sangha Nayaka Committee Mahasi Sasana Yeiktha Kyaungtaik Sayadaw Bhaddanta Agga Sara and members of the Sangha, Chairman of Kalay District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Myo Chit, Chairman of Kalay Township Peace and Development Council U Thein Htay Win, Head of Township Religious Affairs Department U Aung Thein Oo, members of the pagoda board of trustees and local people.
The Sayadaw of Mahasi Sasana Yeiktha Kyaungtaik administered the Five Precepts.

Then, Lt-Gen Ye Myint, the commander and departmental officials presented offertories to the Sayadaws, who then gave Ovadakathas (sermons) to the congregation.
In the afternoon, Lt-Gen Ye Myint and the commander and party, accompanied by the commander of Kalay Station, met officers and other ranks and their families at Aungzeya Hall of the station and urged them to participate in rural development tasks and to extend agricultural and livestock breeding work.
Lt-Gen Ye Myint meets departmental officials in Kalay Township

Yangon, 8 Oct - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence discussed regional development with departmental officials of Kalay District at Kalay
Township Peace and Development Council Office on 6 October.
Chairman of Kalay District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Myo Chit reported on regional conditions, land utilization, targets for production of project crops, cultivation of crops, sufficiency of rice and edible oil, livestock breeding, construction of rural road, uplift of education and health and requirements.
Next, officials concerned reported on work done. Commander Brig-Gen Soe Naing participated in the discussions.
In his address, Lt-Gen Ye Myint spoke of the need for departmental officials to report correct figures and charts so that arrangements can be made correctly. He said officials are to gather information from local people and conduct feasibility study for construction of irrigation networks that serve the interest of the region.
Kalay is a region where there is surplus of paddy and edible oil. He gave instructions on supervision on regular flow of rice to the states where rice was in great demand. Only when there is economic progress, will the region develop, he said.
He said efforts are to be made for development of agriculture and livestock breeding and boosting productivity. He stressed the importance of obtaining correct figures for economic development.
Lt-Gen Ye Myint called on local authorities to make field trips to the grassroots level, to watch regional conditions without losing the sight and to carry out the tasks for rural development in cooperation with local people and social organizations.
He added that, Kalay region is a basic one for development of Chin State. He urged officials and local people to make
endeavors not only for local development but also for Chin State and to cultivate crops such as coffee and pepper for export.
Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party spent the night in Kalay.
( 3
) Main workshop of MWVO (Central) opens

Yangon, 8 Oct - The opening ceremony of main workshop of Myanmar War Veterans Organization (Central) was held at the workshop at the corner of Minnanda Road and Eyawun Road in Thakayta Township this afternoon, attended by Chairman of Central Organizing Committee of MWVO member of the State Peace and Development Council Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Thein Sein.
First, leader of organizing group-14 of MWVO Vice-Chairman of YCDC Vice-Mayor Lt-Col Maung Pa, Chairman of Yangon Division War Veterans Organization Supervisory Committee Col Tin Soe, Manager of the workshop Lt-Col Than Htwe (Retd) formally opened the ceremony.

Next, Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Thein Sein formally unveiled the signboard of the workshop. Lt-Gen Thein Sein and guests observed maintenance of the vehicles, wheel alignment, servicing, fuel and lubricant oils and spare parts shop.
Vice-Mayor Col Maung Pa reported on condition of the workshop, appointment of 61 skilled workers and providing profits to war veterans.

Next, Col Maung Pa presented commemorative pennants to Lt-Gen Thein Sein and Lt-Gen Tin Aye. The guests observed documentary photos of the
( 4
Cooperatives Ministry holds coord meeting

Yangon, 8 Oct - A second four-monthly coordination meeting (2002) of the Ministry of Cooperatives was held at the meeting hall of the ministry here this morning, with an address by Minister for Cooperatives Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe.
At the meeting, the chairman of central cooperative society and officials concerned reported on the matters relating to
cooperative works. The first day session of the meeting ended in the evening. The meeting continues tomorrow.
( 5 ) Minister attends
opening of tube wells
Yangon, 7 Oct - Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt, toured Magway Division and attended the opening ceremonies of
tube wells on 7 October morning.
The minister and party first attended the opening ceremony of
tube well in Myaybyu Kyin village, Yesagyo Township, Pakokku District. It was dug with K 500,000 out of the donated fund of K 50 million contributed by the UMEHL. It is 280 feet deep 2-inch
tube well with the capacity of 1,000 gallons per hour. The minister met with
tube well supervisory committee members and villagers and discussed matters on long-term use of the tube well and other rural development affairs.
Next, the minister and party proceeded to Yesagyo Township Development Affairs Department and met with staff members and discussed matters on keep the township green and pleasant and other rural development affairs. Then, the minister attended the opening ceremony of
tube well in Htanto village, Yesagyo Township. It was dug with K 500,000 donated by U Aye Kyaw and Daw Khin Kyi in memory of late son U Aung Win Htut of Yangon. The 2-inch
tube well is 250 feet deep and it can provide 1,000 gallons of water per hour.
Then, the minister and party inspected the Pakokku Development Affairs Department and construction progress of the Begyi-Anauk Magyeekan rural gravelled road. Afterwards, the minister and party attended the opening of tube well in Anauk Magyeekan village in Pakokku Township. It was dug with K 500,000 out of the donated fund of K 50 million contributed by the UMEHL. It is 240 feet deep 2-inch
tube well with the capacity of 1,200 gallons per hour.
Next, the minister inspected the distribution of water from 2-inch tube well in Phjetpin village, Thayettaw village-tract, Pakokku Township. It was dug at a cost of K 250,000 donated by U Pe Than and Daw Sein Sein of Sangyoung Township, Yangon.
Then, the minister and party went to NyaungU and attended the work coordination meeting on rural water supply of Magway
Division. Officials concerned reported work progresses and the
minister fulfilled the requirements.
( 6 )
Minister attends coord meetings
Yangon, 8 Oct - The first six-monthly work coordination meeting for 2002-2003 of the Livestock, Feedstuff and Dairy Products Enterprise under the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries was held at the head office of the enterprise here this morning.
Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein attended the meeting and gave instructions to the officials.
Similarly, the Bee Keeping Department of the Ministry also held the first six-monthly work coordination meeting at the department in Mingaladon Township here at noon with an address by the minister.
MPF holds
coord meeting

Yangon, 8 Oct - A second four-monthly work coordination meeting 2002 of the Myanmar Police Force was held at the meeting hall of Myanmar Police Force (Headquarters) at 8 am today, attended by Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung, Director-General of Myanmar Police Force Brig-Gen Khin Yi and directors-general of the departments under the Ministry of Home Affairs, deputy directors-general, deputy directors-general of MPF, directors and others.
( 7 ) Implementation of rural development projects coordinated in Mandalay Division
Yangon, 8 Oct - CEC Member of the Union Solidarity and Development Association U Aung Thaung met with secretaries and executives of Myingyan District and Natogyi, Ngazun, Kyaukpadaung and Taungtha Township USDAs at the office of NyaungU District USDA in NyaungU, Mandalay Division, yesterday afternoon.
Secretary of NyaungU District USDA U Ye Myint reported on progress in implementing rural development projects, and organization measures; and the executives of township USDAs, on carrying out community welfare services and rural development tasks.
The CEC member then called on the secretaries and executives to implement rural development tasks and to construct village-to-village roads for development of respective regions, and to make efforts for becoming organizers on whom the people rely.
Afterwards, Member of the Central Organizing Committee of Myanmar War Veterans Organization U Aung Thaung met members of WVOs at the meeting hall of NyaungU District USDA. The WVO members reported on carrying out economic and social welfare tasks. The CEC member fulfilled the requirements.
Later, Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung went to Bagan-NyaungU Win Thuzar
Shop and inspected sales of the products manufactured by the ministry.
Then, the minister gave instructions on abiding by
policies laid down, and ensuring constant flow of popular items.
( 8
Myanmar students show friendship and intelligent quotient
Yangon, 8 Oct - After taking part in ASEAN Quiz Regional Level Competition held in Bangkok, Thailand, from 4 to 6 October, the Myanmar delegation led
by Director (Admin) of Myanma Radio and Television of Ministry of Information U Phone Myint yesterday evening arrived back here by air at Yangon International Airport.
The Myanmar delegation was welcomed back at the airport by Deputy Director-General of MRTV U Thein Aung and officials and families of the delegation.
Supervisor of the delegation Professor Daw Myint Kyi of International Relations Department of University of Yangon; Maung Aung Kaung of Yangon Institute of Education Practising School, Kamayut; and Ma Khine Zin Oo of No 2 Basic Education High School, Dagon Township, also arrived back.
In ASEAN Quiz Regional Level Competition, two students from a country,
totaling 20 took part in the competition. The individual awards and the most friendly ASEAN student awards, outstanding award and best group award were presented to the outstanding students.
In the individual competition, US$ 500 and US$ 400 were presented to the first and second prize winning students from the Republic of Philippines; US$ 300 and medal to the third prize winning Maung Aung Kaung from Myanmar; US$ 500 and medal to Ma Khine Zin Oo from Myanmar who was chosen as the Most Friendly ASEAN Student Award Winner by the students who took part in the competition; and US$ 500 and medal to a Thai student who won the Outstanding Student Award chosen by teachers.
The green group and the yellow group comprising Myanmar students and the blue group and the red group of other countries competed in the Game Show. The blue group stood first and won US$ 1,500 and the red group was second and won US$ 1,000. By winning the third prize and the Most Friendly ASEAN Student Award in the game, the two students from Myanmar showed friendship and intelligent quotient of Myanmar
( 9
Myanmar gets silver in billiards contest in XIV Asian Games
Yangon, 8 Oct - The XIV Asian Games continued in Busan, the Republic of Korea, today. In the final match of the billiards contest (single), Kyaw Oo of Myanmar got silver medal and Thai and India, gold and bronze respectively.