1 ) Secretary-1 accepts donations for Shwehsandaw Pagoda of Pyay

Yangon, 7 Oct - The second cash donation ceremony for hoisting Htidaw and offering gold plates to Shwehsandaw Pagoda in Pyay, Bago Division, was held at Wizaya Mingala Dhamma Thabin on Kaba Aye Hill here at 9.30 am today, attended by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council General Khin Nyunt.
First, the Secretary-1 and party viewed gold plates
and the Shwehtidaw for Shwehsandaw Pagoda being kept at the Wizaya Mingala Dhamma Thabin.
Staff Officer U San Thin Hlaing of Yangon Division Religious Affairs Department acted as master of ceremonies.
The ceremony was opened with three-time recitation of Namo Tassa.

At the donation ceremony, Secretary-1 General Khin Nyunt, Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe, the ministers and the Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs accepted 50 ticals of gold and jewellery and K 34,605,300 donated by wellwishers including 50 ticals of gold by Chairman U Nay Win Tun of Ruby Dragon and Jade Dragon Co-Daw Aye Aye Myint and family and staff of the company; K 5.5 million by Taingyar family in memory of the late Daw San San Win; K 5.5 million by U Aung Myat (Mother Trading); K 1 million by Yangon International Educare Centre; K 1.8 million by Khittaya Association (Yangon); K 1 million by Daw Thida Zaw and family; K 1 million by U Maung Maung-Daw San San Aye and family; K 1.8 million by U Maung Maung, U Win Sein of Asia Express Co; K 1 million by U Chein-Daw Kyin Hsaing and family of Shwe Maha Sein Jewellery Shop; K 900,000 by U Myat Lwin-Daw Myat Myat Soe of Myat Thabye Mini Mart; K 900,000 by U Weik and family; a gold bell weighing 3 ticals by Dr Aung Win-Daw U U Aung; K 450,000 by U Kyar Maung (Myeik); K 500,000 each by U Chit Khin-Daw Aye Aye Sein (Yinma Recording); Ko Aye Win; Headmaster U Kyaw Kyaw, teachers and students; U Aung Myint-Daw Tint; Thiri Thudhamma Manijotadhara U Sein Hla Win-Daw Phyu Phyu Khin; U Aung Thein-Daw Khin Than Nwe; U Bi Noe and U Barlar; U Aye Win and family; Daw Ngwe Yon and family; and U Myo Wai-Daw Myint and family; one gold bracelet and a pair of pearl earrings by U Lu Htay-Daw Khin Aye Myint; K 300,000 each by Thiha Thudhamma Manijotadhara KN U Tin Win; Thiha Thudhamma Manijotadhara U Ba Khant; U Thaing Win-Daw Htay Htay Nyunt; Daw Ahmar and family; U Min Aung; U Win Pe-Daw Aye Aye; and U Tun Shwe-Daw Hla Yin Win; K 300,000 and a diamond ring by U Thein Oo-Daw Khin Khin Sein; K 200,000 each by U Win Myint-Daw Htay Htay Aye; Daw Tin Kyi (Chothe Orchid); and Dr Thet Khaing Win and Daw Mar Win Khaing; K 500,000 by Dr Daw Yi Hla, K 200,000 by U Zaw Win Khaing-Daw Thanda, K 200,000 each by Daw Aye Aye Cho and family and Daw Khin Aye and family; K 300,000 each by Dr Nay Htet and family; U Hla Htay (International Co) and U Win Swe-Daw Yi Yi Hla; K 200,000 each by Shwepin Ngwepin U Than Tun; Daw Htwe Kyi and family; U Myat Lin Aung-Daw Khin Myint; U Mya Oo-Daw Kyi Kyi; Amay Shwe Nang Kyin; and U Kyan Taing Aung and family; a jade necklace by Daw Khin Khin Sein; two pieces of Mogok ruby by Daw Khin Mar Kyi; K 300,000 by physician U Bo Gyi-Daw Than Than; K 200,000 by U Than Naing-Daw Kyi Kyi Swe (Thamada Robe House); one jewellery chain by Daw Khin Thet Thet; one gold chain, one gold ring, one gold bracelet and a pair of gold earrings by Daw Khin Sein (Shwepyisoe Oil Mill); one gold chain and three diamond rings by U Soe Thein, Captain Mya Thet Hnin (Retd); one pair of ruby earrings by U Tin Nyunt-Daw Khin Nu; a pair of ruby earrings by U Lu Htay-Daw Khin Aye Myint; one Nawarat ring by Daw Khin Myint Shein and family; and two pieces of Mogok ruby by Daw Khin Mar Kyi and family.

Then, the Secretary-1 spoke words of thanks. He said that Shwehsandaw Pagoda of Pyay is an ancient and historic pagoda. The Htidaw of the pagoda is over 80 years old. Arrangements are made for durability of the Htidaw in accord with its original style and for offering gold plates to the Htidaw.
The new Htidaw has been made of gold plates and is being kept at Wizaya Mingala Dhamma Thabin for reverence of the wellwishers.
Before hoisting the Shwehtidaw, arrangements are being made for fixing the new pivot atop the pagoda. The new Shwehtidaw will soon be conveyed to Pyay. Later, the Secretary-1 thanked the wellwishers.
Then, the ceremony concluded with three-time recitation of Buddha Sasanam ‚iram Titthatu.
After the ceremony, the guests and the wellwishers viewed the gold plates and the Shwehtidaw.
( 2 )
In the time of Tatmadaw government, special plans have been laid down for development of Kabaw valley region
Lt-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence opens Yu Creek Bridge in Tamu Township, Sagaing Division

Yangon, 7 Oct - The opening ceremony of Yu Creek Bridge on Tamu-Zedi Road in Tamu Township in Sagaing Division was held at Mingala Mandat near the bridge yesterday morning, with an opening address by State Peace and Development Council member Lt-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence.

First, Lt-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence made a speech. He said the Yu Creek Bridge on Tamu-Zedi Road in Tamu township, Sagaing Division, is of suspension bridge type and 400 feet long. The piers are built with concrete and
the frame is 28 feet wide. The one-way bailey bridge can be rebuilt into a
two-way reinforced one, if necessary.
The Ministry of Construction has built altogether 8 major bridges in Sagaing Division including Yu Creek Bridge that are 180 feet and above in Sagaing Division. They are Bon Creek Bridge, Nyaungbinwun Bridge, Kambani Bridge, Yu Creek Bridge, Phainglin Bridge, Thamayoe Bridge, Meza Bridge and Hsinbyushin Bridge (Chindwin river crossing bridge).
State Peace and Development Council Chairman Senior General Than Shwe had roads and bridges built all over the country for smooth and better transportation spending a huge sum of cash. For development of the regions, interests of the local people and friendly relationship among national brethren, these facilities are built without taking the economic benefits into consideration. In building a new, modern and developed nation, smooth and secure transportation plays a vital role. So, the State placed emphasis on smooth and secure transportation and is implementing it.
A network of Union Highways and regional development roads are being built all over the country. In building roads, bridges are to be built across the rivers and creeks that are natural barriers.
Since 1988, major and minor bridges have been built all over the country. Altogether 146 bridges of 180 feet and above have been built in the country
eight in Kachin State, five in Kayin State, two in Chin State, eight in Sagaing Division, four in Taninthayi Division, 12 in Bago Division, 24 in Magway Division, 23 in Yangon Division, 8 in Shan State and 35 in Ayeyawady Division.
The newly opened Yu Creek Bridge on Tamu-Zedi Road in Kabaw valley region, Tamu District in Sagaing Division is an important one. The division is large and populous. There is a vast area of cultivable land in the division and it can be called the Rice Bowl of the country. Tamu in Tamu District is a border town of Myanmar near India and it is a centre of trade. Kabaw valley region where Tamu Creek Bridge lies was difficult of access in the past. It was less populated and legged behind in development although there were a lot of vacant and virgin lands.
In the time of Tatmadaw government, special plans have been laid down for the development of Kabaw valley region and development tasks for agriculture, livestock breeding, education and road transportation sectors have been implemented. New villages have been established where necessary. Moreover, development tasks for Tamu and Kalay, that are contiguous to Kabaw valley region, are also carried out. For smooth transportation, Mandalay-Pakokku-Gangaw-Kalay rail road was constructed and Tamu-Kalay-Kalaywa road was upgraded into a tarred one. Similarly, Kalay Airport has been extended and renovated. At present, new Monywa-Yagyi road was under construction for the people in to be able to travel from Monywa to Kalay in a short time and Kalaywa and Chindwin river crossing bridges have been built.
In Sagaing Division, there were altogether 1332 miles of road before 1988 and there are about 1,934 miles of road at present. Head of State Senior General Than Shwe has been paying attention to balanced development of all regions. Now, 24 development zones have been designated all over the country and development of economy, road transportation, education and health sectors are emphasized. Development tasks for Kalay region have been carried out and trade as well as education, health and social sectors will surely improve. When economic and social sectors have developed, people will come to realize the value of the shade of the Union and Union Spirit, and national solidarity will be enhanced so that the Union will exist forever.
Kabaw valley region was once neglected, but due to the goodwill and far-sightedness of the State leaders, it will become developed. The State is also laying emphasis on development of other remote regions like Kabaw region and implementing border area development tasks. Likewise, rural area development tasks are also being implemented. So, Kabaw valley region, with these development tasks, is developing.
For balanced development of the State, the nation-building tasks have been implemented
sacrificing sweat and labour. No foreign assistance is received. Due to the leadership of the State, the participation of the people and
endeavors of the staff, prospects for the development of the State are bright. All citizens, with national spirit and nationalism, are to carry out the tasks with goodwill for the emergence of a new, modern, developed nation.
n conclusion, he said as newly-opened Yu Creek Bridge was built spending a huge amount of money for development of the region and in the interests of local people, all are to use it beneficially. He then thanked the staff of Public Works and the Ministry of Construction.

Next, Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun said the government has been making
endeavors in all sectors for the emergence of a peaceful modern developed nation. With the prevalence of law and order and peace and
tranquility, the government is also building a lot of infrastructures for development of social and economic sectors with greater momentum, he said.
Short-term and long-term plans on roads and bridges needed for ensuring better transport are being implemented for regional development. Especially, arrangements are being made for narrowing the gap between rural and urban areas in implementation of the Third five-year plan, he added.
He said priority has been given to the tasks on better transport in rural region, water supply, promotion of education standard of rural people, uplift of health care services and development of rural economy in accord with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, he said.
He said transport is the most important and the most basic requirement for development of a region. Due to better transport, trade and economic enterprises and production will improve. Such improvement contributes towards the economic progress of a region as well as development of education, health and social standards of local people, he added. That is why the government in cooperation with the people has been building the highways and major bridges across the rivers for regional development and roads and bridges linking villages and towns for rural development, he said.
Kabaw valley was inaccessible to vehicles in the past. Therefore, the government laid down separate plans for the region and is implementing them, he said.
The wooden bridge was often damaged in the rainy season and local people had faced with transport difficulties. People can now overcome the difficulties they encountered before and go at any time.
In Sagaing Division there are altogether eight bridges including the present one which are 180-foot and above. Four more bridges are under construction.
The minister called on local authorities and local people to make efforts for economic progress employing the better conditions and to maintain the bridge for durability.

Next, Chairman of Sagaing Division Peace and Development Council Commander of North West Command Brig-Gen Soe Naing delivered a speech. He said the area of Sagaing Division is wide and agriculture is the main business. The division fulfilled local sufficiency of rice as well as the needs of the State. Soon it will become a barn of Myanmar, he said.
Concerted efforts are being made for extended cultivation acreage of paddy and four other main crops and boosting per acre yield, he said.
He said under the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe the five rural development tasks are being undertaken. Development projects for all regions are being implemented. Better transport is needed to carry local products in a short time from one place to another, he said.
The Tamu-Kalay-Kalaywa Road jointly built by the government of the Union of Myanmar and the government of the Republic of India was put into service in February 2001. The new Monywa-Yagyi-Myoma-Kalaywa road is under construction for western parts of Chindwin River. Fifty four miles of the road were paved with tar. Chindwin River Bridge and Myittha River Bridge are now under construction, he added.
Tamu-Zedi Road, the main communication link of Kabaw Valley, has already been built into an all season road and it could be upgrade into a normal road in the very near future.
In addition to Yu Creek Bridge, which was opened today, Phinelin Bridge and Kangyiwa Bridge are under construction. The Government has been spending a large amount of money on construction of roads and bridges the length and breadth of the nation, he stressed.
It is incumbent upon the local people to effectively use and safeguard and maintain the bridge, which has been built at a cost of a large amount of funds, he said and expressed thanks to service personnel of Bridge Construction Special Group-14 of Public Works under the Ministry of Construction and local people, who provided assistance to the project, for successful completion of the project.
Then, on behalf of the local people, Secretary of Tamu District Union Solidarity and Development Association U Nyunt Lwin spoke words of thanks for construction of Yu Creek Bridge by the State.

Afterwards, Lt-Gen Ye Myint, and guests took their positions at the top of the bridge. At the auspicious time, Commander Brig-Gen Soe Naing and Minister Maj-Gen Saw Tun formally opened the bridge.
Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party had a documentary photo taken together with local people and students.
Next, Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun unveiled the stone inscription of the bridge.

Then, Lt-Gen Ye Myint, the commander, the minister, the deputy ministers and the heads of department cordially greeted the local people and students, and strolled along the bridge.
Yu Creek Bridge is the eighth of its kind out of bridges with a length of 180 feet and above in Sagaing Division. The 400 feet long bridge with a width of 10 feet and 9 inches is a reinforced concrete one and has a clearance of 100 feet wide and 6 feet high. It can withstand 20 tons of load.
Lt-Gen Ye Myint of Ministry of Defence inspects regional
development in Tamu, Sagaing Division

Yangon, 7 Oct - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence, left here by air for Kalay, Sagaing Division on 5 October.
Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party proceeded to Tamu by car.
The departmental officials, who accompanied Lt-Gen Ye Myint and Commander Brig-Gen Soe Naing, met with departmental officials of Tamu District, members of social organizations and local people at Tamu District Peace and Development Council Office and clarified matters on regional development.
The Chairman of Tamu District Peace and Development Council reported on geographical conditions of Tamu, India-Myanmar border trade, economic, agriculture, the set-up of new villages, opening of basic education schools, construction of roads and bridges, self-sufficiency in rice and edible oil and requirements.
Then, officials of Myanma Agriculture Service, Internal Revenue Department and Myanma Agricultural Produce Trading reported on targets and performance of their departments.
In response to the reports, Commander Brig-Gen Soe Naing gave a supplementary report.
Then, Lt-Gen Ye Myint said that they came there to fulfil the needs for successful implementation of the five rural development tasks, the prerequisite for the emergence of a modern and developed nation.
As Tamu is a border town, emphasis will have to be placed on regional development, thus contributing to further strengthening economic, social and cultural sectors of the State, he added.
Tamu District has been enjoying self-sufficiency in rice and the surplus will have to be distributed to other states and divisions. Oil crops will have to be cultivated more than ever before to
fulfill the needs of edible oil in the region, he noted.
He said priority will have to be given to increased production of paddy by boosting the per acre high yield to enable Sagaing Division to become the rice bowl of Upper Myanmar in accord with the guidance of the Head of State.
He called on the local people and departmental officials to cooperate with members of social organizations in successful implementation of transport, education, health and economic undertakings as well as rural water supply project which cover the five rural development tasks and to minimize loss and wastage.
Afterwards, Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party presented offertories to the Sayadaw and members of the Sangha at Myoma Shewkyin Kyaungtaik on Myoma Street, Tamu.
Then, Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party arrived at the Directorate of Border Trade of the Ministry of Commerce, where Deputy Director U Myint Shein reported on matters related to India-Myanmar border trade.
Next, the merchants of Tamu and members reported on matters related to the border trade, and Lt-Gen Ye Myint attended to the needs.
Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party stopped over the night at Tamu.
( 3
) Minister receives Japanese
Yangon, 7 Oct - Minister for Finance and Revenue U Khin Maung Thein received Mr Yuji Miyamoto, Japanese Ambassador to Myanmar, at his office at
10 am today.
Myanmar and Thailand discuss normalization of relations
Border checkpoints to be reopened on 15 Oct

Yangon, 7 Oct - At the invitation of the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand Mr Tej Bunnag and delegation arrived Yangon International Airport this morning at 9.00 am to discuss matters relating to bilateral relations.
The delegation was welcomed upon arrival by the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win, Director-General of Political Department U Thaung Tun and officials, Thai Ambassador to Myanmar Mr Oum Maolanon and Embassy officials.
The Permanent Secretary of the Thai Foreign Ministry Mr Tej Bunnag and his delegation was received by the Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at 10.00 am.

A bilateral meeting was held at Satuyingabala Hall of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at 10.30 am between Myanmar senior officials headed by U Khin Maung Win, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and the Thai delegation led by Mr Tej Bunnag, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand.
The Myanmar delegation comprised U Maung Aung, Deputy Minister for Immigration and Population and other senior officials from various ministries such as the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Finance and Revenue.
The two delegations held extensive and cordial discussions on bilateral issues and matters of mutual interest. The main focus of the meeting was normalization of relations at the Myanmar-Thai border.
After the meeting, the agreed minutes of the meeting was signed by the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win and the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand Mr Tej Bunnag. The signing ceremony was witnessed by the Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung.
Among others, the meeting reaffirmed the determination of both sides to transform the common border between the two countries to one of peace, harmony and prosperity, and to cooperate in ensuring peace and stability.
The meeting also agreed to enhance existing bilateral cooperation on suppressing the production and trafficking of narcotic drugs, methamphetamines and precursor chemicals along the border. The two sides also agreed that the ground rules for border crossings must be strictly observed and that border trade should be according to the Border Trade Agreement between the two nations. It was further agreed that the border checkpoints between Myanmar and Thailand would be re-opened with effect from 15 October 2002.
The Deputy Minister U Khin Maung Win hosted a luncheon in honour of the Thai delegation at the Zizawar Yeiktha of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The Permanent Secretary and the Thai delegation left Yangon by air at 19.40 hrs the same day. They were seen off at the airport by the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win, Director-General U Thaung Tun, officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador of Thailand Mr Oum Maolanon and Embassy officials.
( 4
Development of domestic airlines coordinated

Yangon, 7 Oct - A coordination meeting on development of domestic airlines was held at the meeting hall of the Ministry of Transport here this morning.
At the meeting, Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe made an address. Then, the chairman and the director of MAI reported to the minister on the arrangements for extended operation of Bangkok-Mandalay-Bangkok flight for tourists.
Then, Deputy Ministers Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint and officials also discussed matters on extension of domestic flights for promotion of tourism.
Departmental work inspected in Magway, NyaungU, Taungdwingyi, Thayawaddy
Yangon, 7 Oct - Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa, on 4 October inspected the Child Nursery in Magway and presented gifts for the children.
Then, the minister met with the staff and division level Women's Affairs Committee members at pre-primary school in Magway and presented teaching aid equipment.
On 5 October, the minister also met with NyaungU District Women's Affairs Committee members, staff of
the Population and National Registration Department and Auxiliary Fire Brigades at NyaungU District Peace and Development Council Office and gave instructions.
The minister inspected
the Taungdwingyi Township Fire Station and Thayawaddy Township Fire Station
Minister inspects electric power projects
Yangon, 7 Oct - Minister for Electric Power Maj-Gen Tin Htut met with officials at Shan State Electrical Engineering Office in Taunggyi, on 4 October and explained systematic use of electricity, getting more incomes by distributing electric power and distributing more electricity to hotels.
Next, the minister arrived at Aung Thabyay sub-power station in Shwenyaung and inspected its compound and power control rooms and gave necessary instructions to officials. Then, the minister and party saw over the construction project of Tikyit coal-burning power plant being undertaken in Pinlaung Township and gave necessary instructions to officials. On 5 October the minister and party went to Paunglaung Hydel Power project in Pyinmana Township, Mandalay Division, and inspected the construction tasks and arrival of construction materials.
The minister and party yesterday inspected the construction work at Kunchaung Hydel Power project in Phyu Township in Bago Division and gave necessary instructions to officials.
During his inspections, the minister gave instructions to the officials on timely completion of the projects meeting the set standards, the systematic use and reduction of electricity and fuel oil and maintenance of vehicles and machinery and fulfilled their needs.
( 5 ) Workshop on Control of Money Laundering Law held in Mandalay
Yangon, 7 Oct - The workshop of Central Control
Board on the Control of Money Laundering Law was held at the office
of Mandalay Division Police Commander in Mandalay this morning. Minister Col Tin Hlaing spoke on the occasion.
The workshop continues till 9 October.
Rural water suppoly in Mandalay and Sagaing Divisions coordinated

Yangon, 7 Oct - Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National
Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt attended a work coordination meeting on rural water supply of Mandalay Division and
Sagaing Division at the meeting hall of the office of Mandalay Division Development Affairs on 6
First, the minister spoke on the occasion. Then, Col Myo Myint reported to the minister on progress of tasks being carried
out and tasks to be done.
Next, directors and officials also reported to the minister on tasks being carried out by their respective departments.
After hearing the reports, the minister gave instructions and the meeting came to an end.

Later, the minister and party inaugurated tube-wells donated by wellwishers in Singaing Township.
Minister inspects industrial zones
Yangon, 7 Oct - Chairman of Myanmar Investment Commission Minister for Science and Technology U Thaung, inspected Opel International garment factory, Myanmar Beautex garment factory, Myanmar Yes garment factory, Taiyi shoes factory, Min Zarni cold storage factory, Anwarhlwan cold storage factory and the condensed milk factory of Pacific Food Industry being run with the permission of the commission in Hlinethaya Industrial Zone this morning.
Then, the minister proceeded to Shwepyitha Industrial Zone and inspected Asia Thamadi garment factory, Kyaukni garment factory, Fashion Kaung garment factory and Myanmar Angaran-indabusana garment factory.
The minister said Head of State Senior General Than Shwe had given guidance on making arrangements for systematic use and thrift of electricity to government departments in order to improve industries and provide uninterrupted electricity supply to them. As a result of the efforts, industrial zones were enjoying full electricity supply.
The minister urged the entrepreneurs to boost
production, to reduce cost and to strive for the manufacturing of
export items. Afterwards, members of zone committees and responsible
officials of the factories expressed their thanks to the government
for the uninterrupted electricity supply and reported on saving of
21,500 gallons of diesel a day. The minister and officials inspected
use of electricity and measures taken for the prevention of loss and
wastage in electricity and attended to the needs.
( 6 )
Commander inspects South Okkalapa, Hlinethaya Industrial Zones
Yangon, 7 Oct - Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe inspected electricity supply at South Okkalapa Industrial Zone and tasks being carried out this afternoon.
The commander arrived at Thazin Garment Factory in South Okkalapa Industrial Zone at 4 pm. They were welcomed there by No 2 Military Region Commander Lt-Col Myint Kyi, local authorities and officials. The commander and party inspected production of garments at the factory. Factory owner U Than Win reported on tasks being undertaken out conveniently as a result of electricity supply.
Then, the commander and party inspected tasks being undertaken for production of 2-ton light truck at the temporary workshop of Myanma Automobile and Industrial Development Co. Chairman of South Okkalapa Industrial Zone U Bo Hsaing reported on tasks being carried out.
The commander attended to their needs.
At Kanaung Hall in the zone, the commander and party inspected collection of tools and devices for production of automobiles.
At the meeting hall, Chairman of the industrial zone U Bo Hsaing reported on
running of 153 factories
in the zone and arrangements being made for production of 2-ton light trucks and Okkalapa Jeep.
The commander gave instructions on supply of power by the State with a view to ensuring convenience of production and functions of private entrepreneurs for industrial development.
Next, the commander and party proceeded to Sein Diamond Paint Factory. Managing Director U Tin Latt reported on containers of paint and tasks of the factory.
Afterwards, the commander inspected production of paint container and paints, quality control and storage tasks and gave necessary instructions.
The commander and party went to Hlinethaya Industrial Zone-1 where they were welcomed by No 3 Military Region Commander Col Yan Naing Oo and officials.
At Shweywethlay Garment Factory in the zone, Managing Director U Win Zaw reported on making of jerkin and availability of electricity. The commander fulfilled the requirements.
At Sankaung Polyethylene Bag Factory of Kabakyaw Trading Co Ltd at the zone-2, Factory Manager U Myint Swe reported on tasks being carried out smoothly.
The commander gave instruction on systematic use of electricity at offices and ministries with a view to running factories and workshops and ensuring development of productions and tasks being undertaken for more generating.
The commander later inspected production process of the factory and attended to their needs.
Myanmar-Chinese tourism promotion meeting held at Myanmar embassy in China
Yangon, 7 Oct - A meeting to promote Myanmar-Chinese tourism industries was held at the Myanmar embassy in Beijing, the People's Republic of China, on 27 August.
Daw Nan Mya Sein of the Full Up Travel and Tour Co Ltd and U Maung Maung Swe of SM Tour and Transport Co Ltd led by Myanmar Ambassador to the People's Republic of China U Sein Win Aung also took part in the discussions. Chinese citizens in Beijing and officials of 40 foreign external travel and tour companies also took part in the discussions.
At the discussions, Myanmar Ambassador U Sein Win Aung made an opening speech. U Maung Maung Swe explained matters relating to Myanmar Tourism Service, air flight schedules and border tourism services between the two countries; and Daw Nan Mya Sein, many pleasant and beautiful sights in Myanmar and cultural heritage, resorts, beaches and matters on tourism services.
Then, officials Chinese tourism services raised the quaries on Visa On Arrival, Package Tour, air ticket rate, investment opportunities and economic enterprises in Myanmar. Responsible personnel of the embassy of Myanmar and Myanmar Tourism Service Companies replied to the quarries and the points that can be assisted by Tourism Companies and the embassy of Myanmar in contacting the ministries concerned.
( 7 ) ASEAN Youth Camp goes on

Yangon, 7 Oct - The fifth day's programme of the ASEAN Youth Camp hosted by Myanmar went on at the Mya Yeik Nyo Royal Hotel in Bahan Township this morning, attended by responsible officials of the National Committee for ASEAN Culture and Information and delegate youths from the ASEAN member countries.
The goodwill delegation members of Thailand and Socialist Republic of Vietnam among the delegates of ASEAN member countries attending to the ASEAN Youth Camp talked facts about their respective countries and performed their different traditional culture and customs.
In the evening, the meeting of ASEAN Youth Camp Art Exhibition was held in the camp and opened by Camp In-charge Director of National Museum U Kyaw Oo. Chairman of National Committee for ASEAN Culture and Information Director-General of Department of Cultural Institute U Myint Thein Swe and officials, goodwill youth delegation members and students of University of Culture viewed round the booths of the Art Exhibition.
The delegation members will camp in Bagan from 8 to 11 October and discuss subjects on Myanma traditional culture and arts, artistic architecture, embroidery and
lacquer ware.
( 8
) Selected Myanmar billiards athlete reaches final in XIV Asian Games
Yangon, 7 Oct _ The XIV Asian Games continued in Busan, the Republic of Korea, today. In billiards individual contest, Kyaw Oo of Myanamr beat the athlete of Sri Lanka 2-0 and the athlete of Malaysia 2-0 and reached the seminal final. Then, he met with the well-known athlete of India in the semi final and beat him 2-1.
Kyaw Oo of Myanmar will play against the selected Thai athlete tomorrow.
Soe Kyaw Naing retains champion in Myanmar London Golf Tour
Yangon, 7 Oct - The prize presentation ceremony of the Third Event of Myanmar London Golf Tour 2002, organized by Myanmar Golf Federation and Myanmar Professional Golfers Association and mainly sponsored by Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar Pte Ltd, was held at the Yaydaguntaung Golf Club in Mandalay yesterday evening.
General Secretary of MGF U Aung Kyi presented prizes to daily best score golfers Zaw Zaw Latt, Aung Aung Kyaw and Yin Aung Latt in the
men's amateur division.
Then, Deputy Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Nay Win presented prizes to daily best score golfers Win Aung (Pan-West), Myint Thaung (KM Golf Centre), Soe Kyaw Naing (Wilson) and Min Naing (Srixon) in the
men's professional division.
Chairman of Mandalay City Development Committee Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein presented first, second and third prizes to Zaw Zaw Latt with 286 strokes, Yin Aung Latt with 296 and Aung Aung Kyaw with 296 in the
men's amateur division respectively.
Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander Brig-Gen Ye Myint presented first, second and third prizes to Soe Kyaw Naing with 279 strokes, Min Naing (Srixon) with 283 and Aung Win (YCDC) with 283 in the professional division respectively.
Group Brand Manager Mr Bob Ortega of Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar Pte Ltd presented a cheque to Soe Kyaw Naing (Wilson) and HR Manager Daw Sanda Aung, gifts to Secretary of MCDC Lt-Col Maung Pu.
The golf tour was jointly sponsored by Air Mandalay, Sedona Hotel (Mandalay), Grand Royal Special Reserve Whisky, Wilson and KM Golf Centre, AWB Bank, Loi Hein (Alpine) Purified Drinking Water, Canon (Accel International Co Ltd) and Sunfar Travels and Tour Co Ltd.
The third event was organized by Han Event Management.
( 9
Drugs and precursors seized in Laukkai and Kutkai
Yangon, 7 Oct - A combined team comprising members of local intelligence units and members of Special Region 1, Shan State (North), on 19 September searched a wagon stopped in Laukkai and seized 500 stimulant tablets, 0.6 kilo of pink Ephetamine powder, 0.3 kilos of brown Ephetamine powder, 1.9 kilos of opium residue, a set of machine for making stimulant tablets and seven opium pipes from there.
Similarly, a combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Myanmar Police Force, acting on a tip-off, stopped and searched Ma Chauk Myint Phon and Yan Kyein Lant who were walking between Suze Village and Maw Han Village, Kutkai Village, Shan State (North), on 19 September and seized six soap cases of heroin weighing 0.12 kilo from them.
In connection with the case, Police Station concerned filed them under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.