1 ) Secretary-1 inspects all-round renovation of ancient Shwehsandaw Pagoda, attends opening of multimedia teaching centres at BEHS in Twantay
Yangon, 6 Oct - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council General Khin Nyunt, accompanied by Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe, the ministers, the Chief of Staff (Navy), the deputy ministers, the Vice-Mayor, officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, departmental heads and officials, arrived at Dalla Jetty from Yangon by boat this morning.

The Secretary-1 and party went to Twantay Shwehsandaw Pagoda where they were welcomed by departmental officials, members of the pagoda board of trustees and local people.
Next, the Secretary-1 and party climbed up the top of the pagoda and paid obeisance to Shwehtidaw, Hnetmyatnadaw and Seinbudaw and inspected all-round renovation tasks of the pagoda. The Secretary-1 gave necessary instructions to the officials there. At the Tazaung on the pagoda platform, the Secretary-1 and party heard reports on all-round renovation tasks being carried out and tasks to be undertaken by Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko, Deputy Minister for Science and Technology U Nyi Hla Nge and officials.

The Secretary-1 gave instructions on all-round renovation tasks of the pagoda to be carried out systematically and upgrading of roads in the region.
At Mayruda Aungmyay Tazaung, the ceremony to donate cash towards the funds of the pagoda was held.

Secretary-1 General Khin Nyunt, Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe, Minister for Cooperatives Lt-General Tin Ngwe, Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi and Chief of Staff (Navy) Rear-Admiral Soe Thein accepted K 27 million donated by wife Daw Mya Mya and family of 87, Phongyi Street, Lanmadaw Township, in memory of the late husband U Chit Win; K 10 million by Police Col Sein Tun Aung (Retd)-Daw Htwe Nyunt and family of Ngwe Kyar Yan Yeiktha, South Okkalapa Township; K 7 million by U Ba Thet-Daw Khin Yi and family of Zaythit Ward, Twantay; K 5 million by (U Lun) -Daw Hsar and family of Bikho Village, Twantay Township; K 1.5 million by U Maung Maung Kha Swe (Managing-Director of
Integrated Marketing Ltd)-Daw Aye Aye Soe (Director of Yangon International Educare Centre) and family; K 1 million by U Shwe Lun and family of Pyathataik Village, Twantay Township; K 900,000 by U Sein Han-Daw Aye Yi and family of North Okkalapa; two gold plates worth K 900,000 by U Aung Bu-Daw Kyin Aye and family of Ohnbinhsu Ward, Twantay; K 700,000 by U Tin Hsan (ACE Company)-Dr Htay Htay Nyein and family of Yangon; K 555,555 by U Win-Daw Thein and family of Gayet Lamee Village, Twantay Township; K 500,000 by U Ei Teik-Daw Than Kyi and family of Ohnbinhsu Ward, Twantay; K 500,000 by U Nay Win Htun (Jade Dragon Co Ltd); K 50,000 by Thiri Thudhamma Manijotadhara U Sein Hla Win-Daw Phyu Phyu Khin and family;
K 350,000 by U Aung Myint-Daw Aye Ngwe (Ngwe Family) of Ohnbinhsu Ward, Twantay; K 300,000 by U Thein Oo-Daw Khin Sein; K 300,000 by U Win Kyi-Daw Kyin Nyunt of No. 33, Kwinkyaung Street, Ahlon Township; K 300,000 by U Kyaw Hein and family; K 300,000 by Chief of Staff (Navy) Rear-Admiral Soe Thein and family; K 200,000 by U Min Thoung-Daw Aye Mi San of Bagan; K 200,000 from the funds of Shwe Nan Kyin Statue; K 200,000 by U Bo Shi-Daw Aye and family of Ohnbinsu ward, Twantay; K 200,000 by U Thu Kha
and family; K 180,000 by U Sein Htwe-Daw Su Sandar Hoke (Ginza Hla Construction Co) and family; K 150,000 by U Hla Than and family; K 150,000 by U Hla Shein-Daw Nyunt Yi and family of Bogyoke Street, Minpaing Ward, Twantay; K 100,000 by U Swe-Daw Khin Thet Maw and family of Yangon; K 100,000 by Lt Okkar Aye-wife May Pearl Aung Ko and family; K 99,999 by the commanding officer, officers and other ranks of the local battalion; K 100,000 by (U Ohn Maung)-Daw Shan and family of Ohnbinhsu Ward, Twantay; K 100,000 by wife Daw Yi Yi and family of Yangon, in memory of the late husband U Maung Maung; K 100,000 by husband U Kyaw Nyunt and family of Minpaing Ward, Twantay, in memory of the late wife Daw Hla Ohn; K 100,000 by U Thet Lwin-Daw Sein Yi of Bogyoke Road, New Market Ward, Twantay; K 50,000 each by Dr Soe Tint-Daw Khin Hsint and family of Htaukkyant, Mingaladon Township, and Daw Kyin Myaing and family of Thawuntaw Village, Twantay. Then, certificates of honour were presented to the wellwishers.

In his address, the Secretary-1 said today's ceremony was the second time cash donation ceremony for all-round renovation of the ancient historic Shwehsandaw Pagoda in Twantay. The Shewhsandaw Pagoda in Twantay is the third greatest in terms of height in Myanmar and its design is similar to that of the Shewdagon Pagoda. The Shewhsandaw Pagoda was once struck by lightning.
He said that to ensure the pagoda's durability and to enable the pilgrims to pay homage to it with peace of mind, he himself inspected the pagoda reaching its top about a month ago. He said he found no serious damage to the pagoda but he saw weakening strength due to vagaries of weather.
According to the findings of the experts and under the Ovada of Ovadacariya Sayadaws of the Pagoda Board of Trustees, the all-round renovation work committees at different levels were formed with ministers, deputy ministers, heads of departments and experts and measures are being taken accordingly.
As the wellwishers donated cash for renovation of the pagoda, the tasks will be successful.
Donations amounted to over K 84 million. Religious structures in the precincts of the pagoda will be renovated in accord with the Ovada of the Sayadaws.
The Secretary-1 thanked the wellwishers.
Master of ceremonies Staff Officer U San Thin Hlaing of Yangon Division Religious Affairs Department shared merits gained and the ceremony came to an end.
Today's donations for all-round renovation of Twantay Shwehsandaw Pagoda were K 58,785,000 and the first donations held on 15 September were K 25.8 million, totalling K 84,585,000.
The renovation committee members will undertake all-round renovation tasks of the Seinbudaw, the Hngetmyatnadaw, parts of the Htidaw and the Pivot of the pagoda in accord with the advice of Ovadacariya Sayadaws.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party arrived at Twantay Basic Education High School.
At 11 am, the ceremony to open the multimedia teaching centre of the school was held at the school, attended by Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council General Khin Nyunt.
At the ceremony, Headmaster U Kyin Shwe and Honorary Patron of SBT Daw Htwe Nyunt formally opened the multimedia teaching centre.
Then, the Secretary-1 formally unveiled the signboard of the centre.
Next, the Secretary-1 and party inspected the computer application, the electronic media (audio), the reading corner, the computer aided instruction, the electronic media (video), the language lab and the arts and domestic science room and viewed the students learning at the centre.
The students presented their performance at the arts and domestic science room to the Secretary-1 and party.
Afterwards, the ceremony to open the multimedia teaching centre was held at the hall of the school.
Headmaster U Kyin Shwe reported on the purpose of opening the multimedia teaching centre and installation of teaching aids and Secretary of SBT Dr Kyin Ohn on effort made for emergence of the multimedia teaching centre.

Next, the Secretary-1, the commander and the Minister for Education accepted K 2 million for Twantay BEHS donated by Police Col Sein Tun Aung (Retd)-Daw Htwe Nyunt; K 450,000 by U Ba Thet-Daw Khin Yi; K 350,000 by U Ohn Kywe-Daw Khin San Yee; K 310,000 by U Ngwe Thaung and brothers and sisters; K 250,000 by U Win Kyaw-Daw Khin Mya; K 150,000 by U Aye Soe-Daw Hla Hla; K 150,000 by U Hla Khaing-Daw Aye Myaing; K 1.5 million by wellwishers through Dr Kyee Aung; and K 300,000 by U Hla Tun.
Then, the Secretary-1 presented teaching aids including a TV, a VCR and a computer set for Twantay BEHS to Headmaster U Kyin Shwe and a TV and a VCR set and teaching aids to Headmaster U Kyaw Tint.
Next, the Secretary-1 delivered an address. He said:
It is important to produce highly-qualified intellectuals and intelligentsia of international standard in building a modern developed nation. Therefore, plans for development of highly qualified human resources are being implemented systematically in the education sector.

For a developing country like Myanmar, normal efforts are not sufficient to keep abreast of the development of the nations of the world. Only when the entire nation make concerted efforts with the strength of the people, will the nation realize its goal.
In the education sector, the education promotion programmes, national education promotion special four-year plan and 30-year long-term education plan are being implemented from basic education level to higher education level with the participation of the people.
Cooperation of the people is more than expected. In the basic education sector, multimedia classrooms were opened at all basic education high schools due to the active participation of the people, old students, towns-elders, members of the school board of trustees and entrepreneurs.
It is heartening to see the opening of multimedia classrooms at the basic education high school in Twantay for students, teachers and the people.
Highly-qualified sons and daughters of international standard will surely be turned out with the use of modern teaching facilities and high talent and diligence of the students and training under the supervision of the teachers.
The Secretary-1 urged the students, teachers and the people to make continued efforts for turning out highly-qualified brilliant intellectuals and intelligentsia of international standard and for emergence of a modern developed nation in accord with the objectives of the education sector.
After the ceremony, the Secretary-1 and party posed for photos together with members of the school board of trustees, the headmaster, teachers and students.
Next, the Secretary-1 met members of Township Peace and Development Council, departmental personnel, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association and social organizations at the meeting hall of Township Peace and Development Council.
He said he, the Yangon commander, the ministers, the deputy ministers and departmental officials were there for the second time to fulfil the development requirements in Twantay. Twantay is a reliable township for Yangon Division in agriculture and livestock breeding sector. Cultivation of paddy, vegetables and fruit and breeding of fish and prawn have been successful. These endeavours contribute much towards ensuring food sufficiency for the people of Yangon.
Under the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, the government has been trying its best for sufficiency of food including rice, fish and meat and vegetables and it has also been making arrangements for the people to purchase commodities at reasonable prices and improvement of agriculture and livestock breeding. As Twantay Township is reliable for food sufficient of Yangon city, the government is fulfilling requirements for development of the township. Moreover, Twantay Township lies between Yangon Division and Ayeyawady Division and it is also an important region in water transport.
Construction of the Dedaye River Bridge on Twantay-Kungyangon-Kawhmu Road will complete soon. Therefore, Twantay will also become an important region in road transport. Arrangements have been made for renovation of Twantay-Dalla Road. With the development of transport, regional economy and socio-economic life of local people will improve.
The State is making arrangements for maintenance of the Shwesandaw Pagoda which is the major ancient sacred hair relic pagoda in Twantay. At a time when the State is giving assistance for development of Twantay Township, for progress of agriculture, livestock breeding and industry sectors, for promotion of regional economy and for betterment of living standard of the local people, district and township level departmental officials, leading and organizing the public, are to successfully implement the tasks.
For the emergence of a new, modern and developed nation, leadership of the departments and efforts of the public is important. The private sector and participation of the public is included in the efforts for development of the State's economy and the living standard of national people. In so doing, the efforts of officials from district and township level departments which are basic administration mechanism are vital. For the development of production and services of the entire nation, the State has already laid down targets for states and divisions. The success of these targets depends upon the efforts of township departments. In addition, Myanmar is a developing country and thrift must be
practiced for development of national economy. According to the guidance of the Head of State, thrift on fuel oil and electricity are systematically carried out all departments. So, local authority and departmental officials are to unitedly carry out the tasks for development of the township, and betterment of living standard of the local people while
practicing austerity, he added.
Then the ceremony came to a close. The Secretary-1 and party arrived at Ideal Kanbe Village BEHS in the township where they were welcomed by departmental officials, USDA members, members of social organizations and school board of trustees, Headmistress Daw Yin Yin Sein and teachers and students.
General Khin Nyunt inspected construction tasks for a two-storey building in the school compound and attended the ceremony to present teaching aids for the school at the school-hall. The Secretary-1 present a TV set, a video deck and a computer set for the school to School-head Daw Yin Yin Sein who later reported to him on history of the school, teaching tasks and 77 passing per cent of students in matriculation examination 2002.
Afterwards, Minister for Education U Than Aung made a speech. He said the school got 77 passing percentage in last year's matriculation examination. So, it can be said that the school is one of the best school not only in Yangon Division but in the whole country. The success was achieved due to modern teaching aids and the State presented a TV, a video deck and a computer set and related things and it will also make arrangements for opening a multimedia teaching centre. Now, the assistance for constructing a two-storey building have been given and the teachers are to make efforts for success of national education promoting programme with added momentum, he said.
Next, The Secretary-1 and party arrived at BEPS of Peikswe Village, Twantay Township, where they were welcomed by Headmistress Daw Khin Saw and teachers and students.
The Secretary-1 then coordinated with officials for construction of five-apartment school building of Peikswe BEPS.

Afterwards, they proceeded to No 1 BEHS, Dalla,
and attended the ceremony to open the multimedia teaching centre.
Headmaster U Min Sein and SBT Chairman U Pe Thein
formally opened the multimedia teaching centre. Then, the
Secretary-1 unveiled the signboard of the centre. Next, the
Secretary-1 and party inspected the students learning at the
computer application room, the computer aided instruction room, the
electronic media (video) language lab and the study room.
The Secretary-1 and party saw over the mechanical
room, the domestic science room and the art room.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party watched the
performance of the students at the music and arts room. Afterwards,
the ceremony to open the multimedia teaching centre was held at the
hall of the school.
Headmaster U Min Sein reported on installation of modern equipment at the multimedia classrooms and SBT Chairman U Pe Thein on efforts made to open the multimedia teaching centre at the school.
Next, the Secretary-1 presented a TV, a VCR and a computer set and teaching aids to Headmaster U Min Sein.
The Secretary-1 accepted a computer and colour printer for Dalla BEHS No 1 donated by Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa and K 900,000 by Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe.
Then, Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe and Minister for Education U Than Aung accepted K 1 million donated by Police Col Sein Tun Aung (Retd); K 100,000 by the local intelligence unit; 150 dozens of exercise books and K 100,000 by U Thein Oo-Daw Khin Khin Sein and family; and K 7.1 million by Dalla Township Peace and Development Council, SBT and wellwishers through Lt-Col Than Swe.
In his address, the Secretary-1 said that they came there to take measures for all-round development of Shewhsandaw Pagoda in Twantay and to fulfil the needs for regional development in Twantay and Dala Townships.
In the course of the today's trip, the needs in education, health and transport sectors were provided for development of Twantay and Dala Townships, and computers, TV sets and video tape recorders, modern teaching aids, were donated to three basic education high schools and one basic education primary school in those townships.
In addition, arrangements are being made for renovation of the main road linking the two townships.
In accord with the five rural development tasks, guided by Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, the field trip was made right down to basic level and measures are being taken to fulfil the requirements of the people for boosting the education and health standard and for better transport.
To bring about equitable development in all parts of the nation in accord with the objective of the Head of State, rural development tasks are being undertaken right down to villages and efforts are being exerted for the emergence of multimedia classrooms at schools in Twantay and Dala
Townships like other regions, thus contributing towards further
development of the State.
With the effective use of the multimedia
classrooms that emerged with the passage of time, it is incumbent
upon those concerned to make relentless and sustained efforts in
harmony for the emergence of highly qualified human resources needed
for ensuring rural and national development.
After the ceremony, the Secretary-1 and party had
a group photo taken together with members of the School Board of
Trustees, the school heads, teachers and students.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party inspected the development of Yangon Port along the Yangon River by boat and arrived back in Yangon in the
( 2 )
Cash and kind donated to Mary Chapman School for the Deaf

Yangon, 6 Oct - Families of Defence Services (Army, Navy and Air) and wellwisher people donated cash and kind to Mary Chapman School for the Deaf on Thantaman Road in Dagon Township at 1 pm today, attended by Member of the State Peace and Development Council Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Thein Sein.
First, Chairman of the School Management Board Archbishop Mahn San Si Htay gave blessings.
Next, Camp Commandant Brig-Gen Hla Aung Thein, Captain Naval Staff Captain Nyan Tun and Colonel General Staff (Air) Col Zin Yaw presented rice, edible oil, salt, gram and K 20,000 donated by Tatmadaw families and Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd to the Chairman of the School Management Board.
The Chairman of the School Management Board and members accepted K 10,000 donated by Yangon Division Peace and Development Council; bags of rice by Yangon City Development Committee; 150 viss of iodized salt and 15 boxes of soft salt by Myanma Salt and Marine Chemical Enterprise; K 30,000 by Yangon West District and Dagon Township Peace and Development Councils; 50 bottles of traditional medicines by Traditional Medicine Department; K 100,000 by Ayeya Myay Co; K 50,000 and 100 bottles of traditional medicines by Kyaw Traditional Medicine; K 50,090 by Sandi Traditional Medical House; K 50,000 each by Thamada Robe House; U Tin Swan-Daw Than Than Aye; Win Yadana Transportation; BTB Co; and KN Co; K 30,000 and 15 bags of rice by Myanmar Fisheries Federation and Yangon Division Fisheries Department; K 30,000 each by U Sai Thet Win (Muse/Namhkam Township Association); U Aung Kyaw Soe-Daw Myint Myint Khaing; U Lay Khaing-Daw Thida Oo; U Thet Win and family; Hsan Myanmar Co; U Aung Myint (Lubyandaw Padamyar); Abhaya Thukha Clinic; and OK Rice Brokerage; K 20,000 and 150 bottles of medicines by Htet Lin Medical House; K 20,000 and 120 bottles of medicine by Hmancho Medical House; K 20,000 and 120 bottles of medicines by Tun Shwewa Medical House; K 20,000, 24 bottles and 288 packets of traditional medicines by Yangon West District Nyeingyanyay Bus Line; K 20,000 each by Ward Peace and Development Council; Nokar Drinking Water; Myint Myat Paddy Cultivation Group; U Ni; Myanmar Rice Dealers and Brokerage; K 15,500, six bags of rice and 20 bottles of medicines by Dagon Myanmar International; K 15,000 by Daw Hla Hla of Lanmadaw Township; K 10,000 each by U Hla Tun; Pyi Wa Construction; Natmauk Construction; U Soe Lin-Daw Tin Tin Win; United Construction; Naing Group Construction; Awayya Medical House; and Daw Win Win Shwe and family; and 420 bottles of traditional medicines by U Wai Lwin and family.
After the ceremony, the teachers and the students presented dances, songs and sport skills to the audience. Today's donations were: 65 bags of rice, 16 viss of edible oil, 150 viss of salt, 15 boxes of soft salt, 463 bottles of traditional medicines, 32 viss of gram and K 962,390.
Provisions donated to Muslim Home for the Aged and Old Women Yeiktha

Yangon, 6 Oct - Families of the Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) and wellwishers donated provisions and cash to Muslim Home for the Aged and Old Women Yeiktha in Thingangyun Township, Yangon (East) District, at a ceremony held at the home on Pyithaya Street in Michaungkan Ward, Thingangyun Township, this afternoon.
First, on behalf of the families of the Tatmadaw, Commandant of the Camp Commandant's Office of the Ministry of Defence Brig-Gen Hla Aung Thein, Captain Naval Staff (Navy) Captain Nyan Tun and Colonel General Staff (Air) Col Zin Yaw donated rice, edible oil, beans and pulses and K 40,000 to Treasurer of the home U Soe Than and Chairman of the Yeiktha Haji U Thein Maung.
The cash donations were: K 10,000 by Yangon East District and Thingangyun
Township Peace and Development Councils; K 100,000 by
Ayarmyay Co; K 50,000 each Myanmar Pyithahay KN Co, Kayaw traditional Medicines and BTB Co; K 20,000 each by Hmancho and Tun Shwe Wah medical houses; 50,000 by Myanmar Paddy Wholesalers Association and OK rice trading; K 11,900 Dagon Int'l Ltd; K 20,000 by Myint Myat paddy cultivation; K 50,090 by Sany herbal medicines; K 10,000 by Awayya medical house (Pathein); K 30,000 each by Myanmar Fisheries Federation and Yangon Division Fisheries Federation and San Myanmar Int'l Co; K 15,000 by Daw Hla Hla of Lanmadaw Township; K 50,000 by Nice Construction; K 100,000 by Than Stationery; K 20,000 each by Haji U Khing Maung Than and Zalani Stationery; K 100,000 by High Top Co; 300,000 by Nwe Ni Pharmacy; K 200,000 by Ngapli General Service Group; K 50,000 each by Soe Brother Construction, Ma Baby HLa, Haji Mohammed Issaha and Polo of Anawrahta Street; K 10,000 each by KN Hard Ware Shop, San Thawda Stationery, Maj Tin Thein (Retd) and Aung Cetena Poultry Farm; K 20,000 by Shwe Hla Win Paper-cutting Service; K 150,000 by Yangon-Macca Travel; K 30,000 by Haji U Thein Win; K 20,000 by Lupyandaw Badamya Medical House; K 10,000 each by U Tin Hla and Sein Kala Blood Tonic; K 50,000 by Haji U Ba Chit; K 20,000 by Haji U Ba Aye; K 50,000 each by Nila Biriani, Network family and Ganiwin; and rice, edible oil, salt and medicines and beans and pulses by departmental officials and wellwishers.
The donations were accepted by the chairmen and members of the home and Yeiktha.
Today's donations were 69 bags of rice, 35 viss of edible oil, 100 viss of iodized salt, 1095 boxes of traditional medicines, 15 viss of pulses & beans and K 2,062,490.
( 3
) Discussion on Eradication of AIDS held
Yangon, 6 Oct - The discussion on Eradication of AIDS was held at the Development Hall in Kengtung, Shan State(East) on 4 October, with an address by Chairman of Central Committee for AIDS Eradication Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein.
At the ceremony, the minister explained directives related to eradication of AIDS of National Health Committee, requirements to cooperate departments with social organizations, tasks being undertaken in cooperation with UN agencies and NGOs and acknowledgement of other countries for success of Myanmar in implementing eradication of AIDS. The minister urged health staff, departments and social organizations to actively carry out the educative talks on AIDS eradication tasks.
Then, officials discussed forming of AIDS eradication groups, functions and duty, future tasks, facts about the disease and other matters.
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Minister tours Mandalay Division
Yangon, 6 Oct - Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs and for Hotels and Tourism Brig-Gen Thein Zaw, arrived at Bagan-NyaungU on 4 October and heard report on arrangements for construction of a new digital auto-telephone exchange.

Then, the minister inspected NyaungU post office, hotels, branch offices of the Directorate of Hotels and Tourism and Myanma Tourism Services, and Bagan Archaeological Museum.
On 5 October, the minister met with hoteliers at the meeting hall of the Bagan Hotel and discussed matters related to the development of hotel and tourism services. Then , the minister inspected the site chosen for construction of Bagan Beach Resort and the building of Myat Yadana Cruiseliner to be run for foreign tourists in the Ayeyawady River. Then, the minister inspected the public phone in front of NyaungU post office.
Afterwards, the minister proceeded to Popa and inspected the modern rest house and telephone exchange. The minister made arrangements for smooth communication of trunk-calls at the phone exchange. The minister also inspected the Wunzin hotel and Meiktila hotel in Meiktila.
( 5 ) Commander inspects agriculture, livestock breeding and construction tasks in Lashio
Yangon, 6 Oct - Chairman of Shan State (North) Peace and Development Council Commander of North-East Command Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing met with tactical operations commanders, senior military officers and commanding officers of units and regiments at the command yesterday morning and urged them to cooperate with local people in implementing the tasks of regional development and extension of agriculture and livestock breeding and to systematically use the electricity and fuel.
Next, the commander, Deputy Commander Col Hla Myint and party inspected raising of 1000 pigs at the farm of the command. Then, the deputy commander and senior military officers inspected cultivation of groundnuts on 300 acres of land, cultivation of opium-substitute corn at Bonmon Camp bee keeping and thriving kitchen crops.
In the afternoon, the commander inspected the construction site of maternity room of Lashio People's Hospital where officials conducted the commander round the site. He then gave instructions on timely completion of the construction meeting with the set standards and safety of the work site.
Later, the commander inspected construction of two-storey building of Pariyatti Sarthintaik in Lashio
Township, the union sports ground, the construction site of the
modern sports stadium and extended construction of the airport
building and gave necessary instructions to officials.
( 6 )
Delegates of ASEAN Youth Camp on tour
Yangon, 6 Oct - The ASEAN Youth Camp: Honouring Kindness Through the Arts continued at the Mya Yeik Nyo Royal Hotel for the fourth day programmes this morning.
The youths of the Republic of the Philippines and the Republic of Singapore reported on facts about their countries and presented a programme on cultural traditions.
In the afternoon, the youths visited FMI City in Hlinethaya Township. Assistant Director U Maung Maung Swe and officials explained about FMI Garden City Project.
They also visited Panhlaing Golf Course Housing Project site.
In the evening, the ASEAN Youth Camp Art Exhibition was held at the Mya Yeik Nyo Royal Hotel. Director of National Library U Kyaw Oo spoke on the occasion and formally opened the exhibition.
Chairman of National Committee for ASEAN Culture and Information Director-General of the Department of Cultural Institute U Myint Thein Swe and departmental officials, ASEAN youths, students of University of Culture and guests observed the exhibition.
) Paper reading session on eradication of leprosy with the help of media held
Yangon, 6 Oct - The paper reading session on eradication of leprosy with the help of media was held at Sarpay Beikman Building on Merchant Street here at noon today.
Chairman U Hla Myaing (Ko Hsaung) made a speech.
Leader of Publishing and Discussion Working Committee for MWJA Executive U Myo Thant (Maung Hsu Shin) introduced resource person to those present.
Next, master of ceremonies Joint Secretary U Myint Kywe (Maung Myint Kywe) read the biography of the resource person. Resource Person Deputy Director (Leprosy) of HD Dr Kyaw Nyunt Sein read the paper on eradication of leprosy with the help of media.
Then, the resource person replied to queries raised by those present. Leader U Myo Thant (Maung Hsu Shin) spoke words of thanks and the ceremony
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Myanmar gets 3 silver and
5 bronze in XIV Asian Games
Yangon, 6 Oct - The XIV Asian Games continued in Busan, the Republic of Korea, today. Myanmar got three silver and five bronze to date.
Mya Sanda Oo of Myanmar won bronze medal with 250
kilos 112.5 kilos in snatch and 137.5 kilos in clean and jerk in the women's weightlifting contest (69 kilos division) today.
The Chinese woman weightlifter won the gold medal with 263 kilos 115 kilos in snatch and 148 kilos in clean and jerk. Woman weightlifter of Thailand won silver medal with 260
kilos 115 kilos in snatch and 145 kilos in clean and jerk.
In men's billiards contest, Kyaw Oo and Aung San Oo of Selected Myanmar Billiards team were defeated by Indian doubles in semi-final doubles event.
Kyaw Oo and Aung San Oo beat Pakistani doubles and got bronze medal. Min Zaw Oo of Myanmar won the bronze medal in body building and physical culture contest. Myanmar and the host team won the bronze medal in men's team-wise Sepak Takraw, and Thailand won the gold and Malaysia, silver.
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Heroin and speciosa seized
Yangon, 6 Oct - A combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit and Muse Special Anti-drug Squad, acting on information, searched Yan Kyein Lant and Ma Chauk Myint Phon, who were walking out of Maw Han Village, on Kutkai-Tamoenye road on 19 September and seized two soap cases of heroin hidden in the pocket of camouflage shirt, each containing 20 gm, from Yan Kyein Lant and four soap cases of heroin hidden inside the vest and knickers of Ma Chauk Myint Phon,
totaling 120 gm.
Similarly, a combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit, Kawthoung Special Anti-drug Squad, and local Police Force, acting on information, searched the house of Tun Oo in Wetphyutaung (a) Wetphyukyun Village, Kanmaw Village-tract in Kyunsu Township, on 22 September and seized 37 packages of speciosa each containing 65 gm and 9 packages each containing 48 gm,
totaling 2.837 kilos, and 27 60mm-bottles of liquid bearing Dephedrine letters,
totaling 1.62 litres. Police stations concerned filed cases against them under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.