1 ) State Peace and Development Council Chairman Senior General Than Shwe accepts credentials of Ambassador of Canada

Yangon, 4 Oct - Dr Andrew M McAlister, newly accredited Ambassador of Canada to the Union of Myanmar, presented his credentials to Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, at Zeyathiri Beikman, Konmyinttha at 10 am today.

Also present on the occasion were State Peace and Development Council Secretary-1
General Khin Nyunt, Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, Deputy Minister U Khin Maung Win and Director-General Thura U Aung Htet of the Protocol Department.
State Peace and Development Council Chairman Senior General Than Shwe accepts credentials of Ambassador of Arab Republic of Egypt

Yangon, 4 Oct - HE Mr Mohamed Mohamed Minessy, newly accredited Ambassador of Arab Republic of Egypt to the Union of Myanmar, presented his credentials to Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, at Zeyathiri Beikman, Konmyinttha at 10.30 am today.

Also present on the occasion were State Peace and Development Council Secretary-1 General Khin Nyunt, Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung, Deputy Minister U Khin Maung Win and Director-General Thura U Aung Htet of the Protocol Department.
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Myanmar Delegation leaves for Vietnam

Yangon, 4 Oct - Myanmar delegation led by Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone left here by air this morning to attend the First Meeting of Myanmar-Vietnam Joint Committee for Trade in Hanoi, Vietnam.
A&I Minister
receives Japanese Ambassador
Yangon, 4 Oct - Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin received Japanese Ambassador to Myanmar Mr. Yuji Miyamoto at his office this morning.
Minister receives Ambassadors

Yangon, 4 Oct - Minister for National Planning and Economic Development U Soe Tha received Mr Yaacov Avrahamy, Ambassador of Israel to Myanmar, at 10.30 am and Mr Lee Kyung-woo, Ambassador of Republic of Korea to Myanmar, at 1.30 am, at his office today.
Present on the occasion were responsible officials of the ministry.
Minister receives Ambassador

Yangon, 4 Oct - Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing received Bangkok-based Ambassador of Canada to the Union of Myanmar Dr Andrew Mc Mc Alister at his office this afternoon.
Labour Minister receives

Yangon, 4 Oct - Minister for Labour U Tin Winn received Bangkok-based Ambassador of Canada to the Union of Myanmar Dr Andrew M McAlister currently visiting here at his office this afternoon.
Football and volleyball teams of Indian Army leave for home

Yangon, 4 Oct - Indian Army football and volleyball teams led by Brig Grc Nair that played friendly matches with Myanma Tatmadaw football and volleyball teams left here by air this afternoon.
( 3
) ASEAN youths visit University of Culture
Yangon, 4 Oct - Members of the delegations of ASEAN Youth Camp: Honouring Kindness Through
the Arts, which is hosted by Myanmar, together with Chairman of National Committee for ASEAN Culture and Information Director-General of the Department of Cultural Institute U Myint Thein Swe, officials and camp in-charge, visited University of Culture (Yangon) in South Dagon Township today.
Members of the delegation arrived at the university at 8.45 am, where the rector of the university and other faculties of the university welcomed them. The professor of the English Department of the university gave an account on the historical background of the university, the formation, subjects taught at the university, population of student and sending scholars abroad. U Tin Soe, the rector of the university, presented gifts to leaders of member nations of the delegation. Joint-Professor (Retd) U Ye Htut then gave talks on interrelation of tradition and culture among ASEAN countries; and U Ye Dway, on Myanma traditional drama and puppet. The delegates, in four groups, viewed Myanmar dance, marionette, classical songs, harp and arts of sculpture. The delegates themselves practically tried Myanma dance, marionette, traditional saing orchestra and sculpture.
Minister for Culture Maj-Gen Kyi Aung, accompanied by departmental heads, arrived there and watched the performance given by Mingala Saing troupe of the university. Later in the afternoon, the delegates left there.
In the evening, the delegates of Indonesia and Laos staged performances about notable facts on their countries and cultural traditions at Mya Yeik Nyo Royal Hotel in Bahan Township.
Minister looks into University of Culture
Yangon, 4 Oct - Minister for Culture Maj-Gen Kyi Aung inspected the University of Culture (Yangon) on Aungzeya Street in Dagon Myothit (South) this morning.
The minister then met Rector U Tin Soe, professors and heads of departments and dealt with matters related to invitation of doyen artistes for teaching the youth students in order to hand down the heritage to them, and preservation of national culture.
Together with youth representatives of the ASEAN Youth Camp 2002, the minister watched the entertainment of Myanma traditional orchestra and the poem of the 38 ways to achieve blessings.
Later, the minister inspected the university campus and gave instructions to the officials on the greening of the university, efficient use of fuel oil and electricity and cleanliness of lecture rooms. Then, he inspected the site chosen for construction of the convocation hall and surveying of the axis.
Ministry of Mines holds work
coordination meeting
Yangon, 4 Oct - The Ministry of Mines held a meeting today to review the accomplishments during the second four months and lay down plans to exceed the targets set for the third four-month period.
Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint attended the meeting held at his
ministry this morning.

First, the minister made a speech. Then, the
managing directors, directors-general and managers of mines reported
on work done and future tasks. The deputy minister made a
supplementary report.
The minister fulfilled the requirements and urged
those present to strive to exceed the targets in the third four
months of this year. The minister gave instructions on systematic
use of electric power and fuel. He also discussed production,
thrifty measures, administration, staff welfare, morale building,
saying the use of departmental cars are not permitted on dry days.
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Minister inspects filling stations
Yangon, 4 Oct - Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi, inspected the filling station No 0277 in Pyinmapin, the petrol station No 0279 near Htaukkyant Toll Gate on Yangon-Mandalay road and the filling station No 0278 near Htaukkyant (Shwe Nyaungbin) this afternoon.
Officials in-charge of the stations reported to him on capacity of fuel storage and sales of fuel. Afterwards, the minister gave instructions.
Sanpya Cinema reopens

Yangon, 4 Oct - The upgraded Sanpya Cinema reopened with a ceremony this morning, attended by Minister for Information Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan.
Located at the corner of Phonegyi and Kyongyi streets in Lanmadaw Township, the cinema was launched with the film
"Dhat-khe", a comedy.
U Bo Kyi and official of the cinema U Naing Win formally opened the cinema.
The minister and party also inspected the cinema.
L&F Minister inspects farm
Yangon, 4 Oct - Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein inspected a feed-mixer factory and a pig farm in DaikU, Bago Division, this morning.
Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein spoke of the need to save power in the management sector and to use it effectively in the operation sector to produce goods at full capacity.
The minister and party then visited various sectors of the unit one and unit two of the farm.
At the factory, they inspected production of animal fodder and fish feed and the feed crushing division.
( 5 ) Leading Committee for Organizing Myanma Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions meets
Yangon, 4 Oct - The Leading Committee for Organizing the 10th Myanma Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions held its second coordination meeting at the National Museum on Pyay Road this morning, with an address by Chairman of the Leading Committee Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe.
In his address, the commander said that the committees concerned will have to complete their task as the date to hold the competitions is just around the corner. Proper arrangements should be made in all sectors to host the judges and contestants from states and divisions who will arrive Yangon soon.

The respective bodies are required to use thrifty methods in using funds for successful holding of the competitions. The departments concerned are urged to render assistance to the competitions as a national task.
As the experts in the respective fields had taught the performing arts to the contestants in states and divisions, it is hoped that they will be able to take part in the competitions with greater ability.
The judges are urged to do their job with straightforwardness as the contestants highly value their medals. Arrangements should be made to present special prizes to national races competitors, who miss the medals, but can show high quality performance at the competitions.
Special health care services will have to be offered to the doyens of the performing arts including those from states and divisions.
The Leading Committee is conducting health care services for the aged doyens in all states and divisions in accord with the instructions of the Patron of the competitions. All the participants of the meeting should give suggestions for holding the competitions on a grand scale.
Vice-Chairman of the Leading Committee Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt said the competitions have been held annually under the sponsorship of the State for ten consecutive years. The Head of State has always given guidance on preserving and perpetuating the traditions and culture.
Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council General Khin Nyunt has been giving encouragement to preserve the traditions and culture of Myanmar with keen interest. The Ministry of Culture is continuously carrying out the task to preserve and promote the traditions and culture. It
is a pleasure for all to see the youths of the nation learning the traditional performing arts with dedication.
Then, chairmen of the Work Committee for
Organizing the competitions, the security and rules enforcement
subcommittee, the subcommittee for holding the competitions, the
invitation and accommodation subcommittee, the entertainment
subcommittee, the fund raising and prize-distribution subcommittee,
the information subcommittee, the decoration subcommittee, the
transportation and communication subcommittee and the health care
subcommittee, and officials reported on work done committee and
subcommittee-wise for successfully holding the competitions.
Afterwards, chairmen of scrutinizing committees
for the singing contest, the dancing contest, the marionette
contest, the drama contest, the song composing contest and the
musical instrument contest, and officials reported on tasks being
carried out committee-wise, followed by a general round of
discussions. The meeting came to an end with concluding remarks by
the commander.
Construction of Aungmingalar green grocery brokerage house and bus terminal coordinated
Yangon, 4 Oct - The third work coordination meeting for construction of Aungmingalar green grocery brokerage house and bus terminal was held at the meeting hall of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council this morning, with an address by Chairman of Yangon Division Supervisory Committee for Ensuring Secure and Smooth Transport Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe.
In his address, the commander dealt with arrangements to be made for construction of a bus terminal beside Aungmingalar green grocery brokerage house in Mingaladon Township for the convenience of the people, and tasks to be carried out for running passenger buses and taxis between the bus terminal and downtown area.
Then, Vice-Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Vice-Mayor Col Maung Pa reported on progress in construction of Aungmingalar bus terminal; No 1 Military Region Command Commander Col Khin Maung Soe, on systematic designation of entrances and exits of the bus terminal to be able to avoid traffic jams near the bus terminal; YCDC Joint-Secretary U Kyi Win, on tasks being carried out for the bus terminal; YCDC Member Col Thaung Wai, on designation of sites for building taxi and trishaw stations; Managing Director of Myanma Petrochemical Enterprise Col Sein Tin Win, on construction of a fuel station near the bus terminal; and those present, on work done department-wise.
The meeting came to a close with concluding remarks by the commander.
Regular monthly coord meeting of Yangon Division USDA held
Yangon, 4 Oct - A regular monthly coordination meeting of division/district/township executives of Yangon Division Union Solidarity and Development Association took place at the office of the association in Bahan Township this morning.
The meeting was attended by Patron of Yangon
Division USDA Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development
Council Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe, CEC members of the USDA Col Tin
Hlaing and Col Maung Pa, Secretary of Yangon Division USDA U Aye
Myint and executives of district/township USDAs of Yangon Division.
Maj-Gen Myint Swe explained matters related to implementation of the five tasks for rural development in accord with the guidance of the Head of State, that of the five aims of the USDA and collective efforts to establish a modern, developed nation; and Col Tin Hlaing, to successful realization of the seven future tasks and the six resolutions of the association.
Then, secretaries of district USDAs also put into discussions tasks being carried out by their associations.
Afterwards, the meeting came to an end with concluding remarks of Col Tin Hlaing.
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Third event of Myanmar London Golf Tour 2002 continues
Yangon, 4 Oct - The third event of Myanmar London Golf Tour 2002, jointly-organized by Myanmar Golf Federation and Myanmar Professional Golfers Association and mainly sponsored by Roth-mans of Pall Mall Myanmar Pte Ltd, continued at the Yedagun Taung Golf Club in Mandalay this morning.
After the second round, Myint Thaung (KM Golf Centre) was leading the tournament with 137 strokes, followed by Lashio Champion Soe Kyaw Naing (Wilson), and Aung Win (YCDC) with 141 each and Maung Maung Tar (Wilson) with 143 in the professional golfers level.
In men's amateur level, Zaw Zaw Latt was at the first place with 144, Aung Aung Kyaw the second with 146, Tin Win the third with 147 and Aye Ko the fourth with 148. Air Mandalay as official airline, Sedona Hotel (Mandalay) as official hotel, Grand Royal Special Reserve Whisky, Wilson, KM Golf Centre, AWB Bank, Loi-Hein (Alpine) Purified Drinking Water and Canon (ACCEL International Co Ltd) officially co-sponsored the tourney with the aim of improving the Myanmar golf standard. The tourney was organized by Han Event Management.
The third round of the tour will be held at the same venue tomorrow.
Deputy Minister inspects reconstruction of Kanbawzathadi Palace
Yangon, 4 Oct - Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt, inspected the reconstruction of Kanbawzathadi Palace of King Bayint Naung in Bago yesterday. The deputy minister gave instructions to the officials on timely completion of the reconstruction works.
Then, Deputy Superintending Engineer U Kyi Tun of the Public Works, Leader of the Myanmar Architect Group U Ye Kyaw and Assistant Director U Myat Swe of In-charge of Section reported on completion of works and tasks to be carried out in the second week of October.
Next, Dr Khin Maung Nyunt reported on making of Thihathana Throne in the Myaynan Pyatthart in accord with traditional style and painting of mosaic of the palace. Afterwards, the deputy minister gave necessary instructions and inspected the reconstruction of Myaynan Pyatthart.
Then, the deputy minister and party inspected the reconstruction of Naung-dawgyi Myathalyaung. Assistant Director of the Department of Archaeology (Bago Branch) U Sein Htaw
reported on condition of unearthed images. The deputy minister left
necessary instructions.
( 7 ) Joint Message on the Occasion of World
Teachers' Day, 5 October 2002
If you are not a teacher, take a few moments today to consider why you did not choose this profession. What would it take in your own country to attract and prepare someone like yourself for such a commitment ? How might someone like you best respond to the learning needs of children, especially those who face discrimination, such as girls ? If, on the other hand, you are already a member of the teaching profession, rest assured that the United Nations and all its partners support and defend your rights and understand the full weight of your responsibilities.
The underlying frustrations that trigger so many of the tensions and conflicts across the world underscore the need for a better educated, more tolerant society. Teachers are central to any process that aims to raise educational levels, promote learning to live together in peace and eliminate discrimination. Teachers work with children and young people who will have to contribute, now and later as they become adults, to building more tolerant societies. However, at the very moment when teachers are required in large numbers to provide this education, it is alarming that many countries are facing teacher shortages. As leaders of United Nations bodies most directly concerned with teachers, we encourage governments as well as society at large to reflect seriously on this dilemma and to take appropriate action. The crucial role played by teachers everywhere must not be underestimated or taken for granted.
We pay tribute today to those who choose and devote themselves to a teaching career, knowing that not just anyone can teach effectively
--- whether in formal setting or a non-formal one --- and that no matter how sophisticated certain tools of the trade may become, they cannot replace the human contact, understanding and judgement of a professionally trained teacher. We urge governments to ensure that teachers have good physical, moral and remunerative conditions in which to work and live, as set forth in the two international Recommendations concerning the status of teachers.
It is equally vital that teachers and teachers' organizations, like others with a strong stake in education such as students and parents, have a real voice in decision-making on educational reforms and innovations by means of a greatly enhanced process of social dialogue with educational authorities at all levels.
At the recent UN Special Session on Children, New York, May 2002, a young delegate said:
"What we need are good teachers who can get you to question yourself and what you know about the world, and who build communities in schools. Good teachers are what we
need" (Nikki Sanchez-Hood, 15yrs, Canada)
On World Teachers' Day 2002, we applaud the
teachers of the world.
Koichiro Matsuura Juan Somavia
Director-General, UNESCO Director-General, ILO
Mark Malloch Brown Carlo Bellamy
Administrator, Executive-Director
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Shooting tournament held
Yangon, 4 Oct - A prize-presentation ceremony of the Commander-in-Chief (Navy)'s shooting tournament took place at the gymnasium of Thanlyin Naval Training Command Headquarters this morning.
After the tournament, Commander of Ayeyawady Naval Regional Command Commodore Maw Thein, on behalf of the Commander-in-Chief (Navy), presented the championship shield to Major War Vessel Group team.
Special appeal cases heard
Yangon, 4 Oct - The Special Appellate Bench comprising Deputy Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (Yangon) U Than Oo, Supreme Court Judges U Chit Lwin and U Tun Shin sitting at Court room No (1) this morning, heard judgement on four special civil appeal cases under Section 7 of the Judiciary Law 2000.
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Drug trafficker sentenced
Yangon, 4 Oct - A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Yangon Special Anti-drug Squad, acting on a tip-off, searched the house of Saw Tha Ya of No-501, Minbu Street, Ward-9, Hlinethaya Township, on 10-1-2002, and seized 1,970 stimulant tablets.
Action was taken against Saw Tha Ya, 30, son of U Soe Nyunt Aung, under Section 15/19(A) of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by Thaunggyi Police Station, Hlinethaya Township.
Yangon North District Court sentenced him to 20 years under Section 19(A) on 29 August.
Stimulant tablets seized in Tangyan
Yangon, 4 Oct - A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Lashio Special Anti-drug Squad, acting on information, searched Ma Nan Ei on Weinlauk Road in Tangyan on 11 September and found one gram of heroin and seven stimulant tablets on her.
On further investigation, the combined team searched the house of Ma Nan Kyein (a) Ma Aye Kyein of Group-4 of Ward-6, Tangyan, and seized 6,400 stimulant tablets on her and one point-22 gun, one 9-mm pistol, 3,730 stimulant tablets, 4.5 grams of heroin, 0.65 litres of opium liquid, 25 grams of opium oil, 800 grams of opium residue and related materials to be used in producing narcotic drugs from the bed room.
Action is being taken against Ma Nan Ei, 30, daughter of U Lone Saing of Tangyan, and Ma Nan Kyein (a) Ma Aye Kyein, 38, daughter of U San Swe, under Section 15/16(C)/21 and Ma Nan Kyein (a) Ma Aye Kyein and her husband Yan Moe Yon, 57, son of U Yan Shaung Phan, who is at large, under Section 15/19(A)/21 of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by the Tangyan police station.