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The Union of Myanmar
The State Peace and Development Council
The Fertilizer Law
(The State Peace and Development Council Law No. 7/2002)
The 10th Waning Day of Tawthalin 1364 M.E.
(1st October, 2002)
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Older persons have been living with their offspring in family for ever according to traditions and customs of Myanmar
International Day of Older Persons marked

Yangon, 1 Oct - The International Day of Older Persons was held at International Business Centre on Pyay Road here this morning and Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council General Khin Nyunt made a speech on the occasion and presented gifts, donations and medicines to the older persons.
Speaking on the occasion, Secretary-1 General Khin Nyunt said that it was the fourth time Myanmar had observed the International Day of Older Persons which falls on 1 October annually as designated by United Nations since 1999.
The ceremony was held with the aim of promoting the fine traditions of Myanmar to take care of the older persons and to enable them to live longer with peace of mind and to highlight the spirit of Myanmar in paying serious attention to taking care of the older persons in accord with Mangalar sutta, he added.
The deeply rooted tradition of Myanmar family system in which the grand-parents, the parents and the children living together in amity has been flourished since yore. The children also take pride in taking care of parents and grand-parents and fulfilling their needs and regard the task as a noble deed.
Likewise, the older persons also feel pleasured to safeguard the economic and social affairs of their offspring as much as they can while living together in a family. Hence, the older persons have been living together with their offspring in a family for ever in Myanmar society without any serious problem or difficulty.
It was a great pleasure for Myanmar youths, who have a tradition of taking care of the older persons regarding them as their parents, to create the peaceful and pleasant environment for the older persons and it was regarded as a noble task.
It was auspicious for Myanmar youths to hold the International Day of Older Persons annually in accord with the fine and lovable traditions of Myanmar and make known the traditions to the international community, creating the pleasures of the older persons by taking care and respecting of them.
The State Peace and Development Council has been making systematic efforts in accord with Mingalar Sutta to enable the Union to stand shoulder to shoulder with the nations of the world and to enable the entire national people to enjoy the higher living standard and all social pleasures.
Special priority has been given to all citizens, old or young to fully enjoy the good results of national development in any place and to create a pleasant atmosphere for all people.
A ministry has laid down objectives and plans for emergence of development foundations suitable for children, youths and older persons according to age group in social development sector and is implementing them systematically.
The government has separately formed the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement and assigned duties to carry out the social development tasks for those who are in need of social assistance for various reasons including the children and older persons and those who require basic social needs. The ministry has been carrying out social development tasks from national level to grassroots level in cooperation with other departments and social organizations.
In doing so, priority is given to nursing and care service for the elderly people and child care service and woman care service.
In Myanmar, there have been better foundations for majority of the elderly people who can live happily with the families of their sons and daughters. It is not strange for Myanmar people to create a pleasant atmosphere and to build better foundations for the elderly people who need special care. It is accepted as a meritorious deed for Myanmar people.
Moreover, it is very noble to nurse and care the elderly people with respect according to the polite, gentle, religious teachings, culture and customs and social ethics of Myanmar people.
Myanmar elderly people only want to meditate according to their faith. If they have opportunity to meditate with peace of mind, they think that their life is perfect. Therefore, in Myanmar society the matter concerning the elderly people is not a social problem to solve. It is a noble and meritorious deed.
In accord with Myanma tradition, pagodas, monasteries and zayats have been the places for the elderly people who can meditate. In the past, homes for the aged have been established since 1898 with the contribution of generous persons, religious associations and social organizations in various parts of the country.
The homes for the aged are over 100 years old.
It is a tradition to donate homes for the aged by not only social organizations but also successful national entrepreneurs. with the assistance of the
government. It is also a significant condition for them.
Now, there are 45 homes for the aged established by social organizations and religious associations in the whole country. The government provided rice, cash and cost for uniforms and salaries of staff to 37 homes for the aged, spending K 10.7 million in 2001-2002 fiscal year.
Myanmar has been carrying out the elderly people care service in accord with religion, culture, customs and social development tasks with the participation of the entire people. Efforts to create a pleasant atmosphere for the elderly people under the sponsorship of the UN is appropriate for Myanmar. That is why Myanmar is actively participating in these tasks.
Every year Myanmar observes the International Day of the Older Persons which has been designated in accord with the instructions of the UN.
The aims of the Day to enable the people to notice the condition of the aged persons in accord with the motto
"Towards a society for all ages"; to promote the priority tasks and programmes for the older persons; and for the NGOs, the media, the private organizations and the youths to enhance their participation in aged care task.
The youths are required to create and invigorate good environs for the aged and to look after the older persons while trying to obtain the invaluable experiences and knowledge from them.
Because of the advancement in the health and social care services the people are enjoying longer life expectancy world wide. Myanmar has the situation to create a better and pleasant life for the aged as its social foundations are developing more and more.
It is believed that Myanmar can clear of all the social problems the aged in other countries are facing by preserving and promoting its tradition of looking after the elder persons. Priority is to be given to flourishing of the better environs for the older persons.
With their utmost efforts, all the national people will have to harmoniously take part in the successful implementation of the social objectives to perpetuate the better and pleasant life condition for the older persons.
In conclusion, the Secretary-1 urged the entire people to strive to fulfill the basic requirements including boosting of their health and spiritual conditions and enabling them to practice meditation and vipassana in a peace of mind; to enable the aged to enjoy the fruits of the national peace and prosperity and good health in equal terms with all the citizens; to perpetuate the flourishing of the good traditions in the Myanmar society giving respects to and looking after the older persons in accord with the teachings of the Theravada Buddhism and social practices.
Then, the Secretary-1 presented gifts, various kinds of medicine and K 50,000 each to U Ko Lay (Zeyar Maung), Daw Saw Yin (Kyee Kyee Saw), U Thaw Zin (Thiha Bala U Thaw Zin), U Wun (Min Thuwun), U Thein Maung (U Thu Kha), U Shwe Daung Nyo (Thabin), U Pyay Han (Musician), U Pe Khin (Panglong Pe Khin), U On Pe (Tet Toe), Daw Nu Yin (Nu Yin), Daw Thein Hsai (Ma Myat Lay), Academy U Tin Yu (Movies), U Than Htut (Taik Toe), U Phone Kyaw (Natmauk Phone Kyaw), Daw Kyan (Ma Kyan), Artist U Thu Kha, Diving Tin Hla (Movies), Daw May Nwe (Movies), U Sein Aung Min (Thabin), Wunna Kyawhtin U Sein Mya Maung (Musician), Sculptor U Lwin, U Ohn Pe (Pakokku U Ohn Pe), U Ba Ka Lay (Cartoon-U Ba Ka Lay), U Htun Nyein (SPED), Daw Yin Yin (Saw Mon Nyin), Col Saw Myint (Retd) (Hmoo Thamein), U Tin Nyunt (Movies), Goldsmith U Hmi, Brig-Gen Khin Ohn (Retd) (Yamanya Ko Ko Naing), U Kyaw San (Thu Khi Aung), Thakhin Hla Kun (Moe Nyo), U Sein Win (Guardian U Sein Win), U Htein Lin (Ko Ko Tun), U Tint Aung (Bogalay Tint Aung) and U Hla Kyaing (Paragu) who attended the ceremony and the meeting adjourned.
Similarly, Daw Ahmar (Ludu Daw Ahmar), U Htin Gyi (Tekkatho Htin Gyi) and Daw May Shin in absentia will be presented the gifts, various kinds of medicine and K 50,000 each through Social Welfare Department.
For providing K 1,000 each for older persons of Homes for the Aged in Yangon Division respectively, Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa offered K 217,000 for 217
elderly people of Hninzigon Home for the Aged, K 88,000 for 88 elderly people of Shwe Than Lwin Home for the Aged, K 154,000 for 154 elderly people of Little Sisters Home for the Aged, K 22,000 for 22 elderly person of Kayan Home for the Aged, K 46,000 for 46 elderly persons of Muslim Home for the Aged, K 44,000 for 44 elderly women of Muslim Aphwar Thukha Yeiktha to officials of the respective management boards.
Deputy Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement U Hlaing Win presented K 30,000 each for 37 homes for the aged in states and divisions and K 20,000 for 28
old rest persons in states and divisions to Director-General of Social Welfare Department U Sit Myaing.
The deputy minister presented gifts to composer Hinthada Myint Ngwe who composed a song for the 2002 International Day of Older Persons and vocalist Yadanar Oo.
On behalf of the elderly persons honoured, member of Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association U Ko Lay (Sayagyi Zeyar Maung), 89, and U Kyaw Thoung, 82, of Hninzigon Home for the Aged, on behalf of the elderly persons of each home for the aged, expressed their words of thanks.
The 2002 International Day of Older Persons ceremony then came to a close. Today's donations for the older persons to mark the 2002 International Day of the Older Persons amounted to K 6,522,090 and offertories worth K 1,665,935,
totaling K 8,188,025.
Secretary-1 presents best police member awards to
winners at 38th Anniversary of MPF Day Ceremony
Yangon, 1 Oct - The ceremony to mark the 38th anniversary of Myanmar Police Force Day of the Ministry of Home Affairs which falls on 1 October 2002 was held at the assembly hall of the Ministry of Home Affairs this morning, attended by Chairman of the Committee for Reforming Management System of Myanmar Police Force Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council General Khin Nyunt.
At the ceremony, the General presented best police member awards to Sub-Police Inspector Tin Shwe of the Police Battalion Control Commander's Office at the SIP level; Police Sergeant Myo Min of Central Investigation Department at the Police WO and Sgt level; and Police constable Myo Thant of Ayeyawady Division Police Force at the Police constable
Large number of diverse flora, fauna including endangered birds,
animals, butterflies still in existence in Myanmar
Yangon, 1 Oct - The Tourism Development Management Committee held its Meeting No 3/2002 at the meeting hall of Zeyathiri Beikman on Konmyinttha here at 4 pm today, with an address by Chairman of the Tourism Development Management Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council General Khin Nyunt.
At the ceremony, the General delivered an address. He said:
Prospects are bright for progress of tourism services between Myanmar and the
People's Republic of China as closer cooperation has been launched to promote the business.
Cross-border tourism business between the two countries is making progress, as there has been an air link between Mandalay in Myanmar and Kunming in China. In reality Myanmar has a large array of tourist destinations including unspoiled snow-capped mountains, natural forests and lakes and wide and flat sea beaches.
Moreover, Myanmar have a large number of ancient cultural edifices in Bagan region alone. More-over, tourists will find that the different traditions, costumes and handicrafts of the national races are interesting.
A large number of diverse flora and fauna including rare birds, animals and butterflies that are listed as endangered species are still in existence in Myanmar as its natural environment including the lakes, forests and mountains are still pristine. Thus, the prospects are bright to develop the eco-tourism.
In addition to the good foundations, the government is also giving encouragement
for the progress of the tourism business. Thus, the respective ministry, departments and entrepreneurs are required to make constant efforts with strong resolution for development of the business.
Progress of the tourism business contributes to development of hotel, transport and other services, thus helping develop the nation.
For advancement of the tourism services in Myanmar, continuous business dealings should be made with the nations, international air carriers and international tourist agencies whose business relations with Myanmar are enjoying progress and assistance will have to be rendered between each other in solving the problems.
All the departments and organizations concerned will have to make harmonious efforts at a time when the conditions are ripe for progress of the business.
Then, Minister for Hotels and Tourism Brig-Gen Thein Zaw reported on plans being implemented for more
traveling of tourists to Myanmar from other countries in accord with the policies laid down by the Tourism Development Management Committee. The minister then reported on arrival of tourists and earning of foreign exchange, hotel projects, publication of pamphlets on development of tourism industry, broadcasting of news and data on tourism service, arrival of tourists by chartered planes and by
cruise liners, participation of Myanmar in international tourism exhibitions and in tourism industries of ASEAN countries, undertakings of human resource development in hotels and tourism services, future tasks for improvement of the tourism industry, implementation of Myanmar-China Tourism Promotion Programme, arrangement being made for forming the Hoteliers Association, plans for development of motels and inns and assistance to be provided to private tourism entrepreneurs.
Next, member of the Hotel, Motel and Inn Development Sub-committee Deputy Minister for Hotels and Tourism Brig-Gen Aye Myint Kyu reported on future tasks to be carried out for meeting set standard of hotels, motels and inns.
Afterwards, Chairman of Transport Sub-committee Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe reported on numbers of tourists who arrived here by foreign airlines, by chartered planes and by
cruise liners and smooth transportation for the tourists carried out by plane, by boat and by train.
Chairman of Information Sub-committee Minister for Information Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan reported on broadcasting and issuing of news from programmes of the TV Myanma and the Radio Myanmar and newspapers with a view to ensuring more arrival of tourists and tasks to be undertaken.
Chairman of Security Sub-committee Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing reported on arrangements for security measures taken for the tourists.
Chairman of City Pleasant Sub-committee Yangon City Mayor U Ko Lay reported on uplift of Yangon City being undertaken in accord with the city characters.
Chairman of Ancient Cultural Affairs Sub-committee Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt reported on construction of Kanbawzathadi Palace in Bago and progress of works.
Then, Minister for Culture Maj-Gen Kyi Aung reported on arrival of tourists in ancient cultural regions in the country and maintenance of ancient cultural buildings for its durability.

Chairman of Eco-tourism Sub-committee Minister for Forestry U Aung Phone reported on arrangements being made for eco-tourism service.
Chairman of Sub-committee for Easy Travelling of Tourists Minister for Immigration and Population Maj-Gen Sein Htwa reported on tasks being carried out for easy travelling of tourists.
Chairman of Souvenir Distribution Sub-committee Minister for Cooperatives Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe reported on production and sales of souvenirs to tourists and receiving of income.
Next, Chairman of Mandalay Region Development Sub-committee Mandalay Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein reported on
traveling of tourists in Mandalay, earning of foreign exchange and keeping Mandalay City pleasant and beauty.
Then, those present took part in the discussions on development of tourism industry.
Later, the Secretary-1 attended to their needs and gave the concluding remarks.
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) Mayor receives US Charge d' Affaires ai
Yangon, 1 Oct - Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Mayor U Ko Lay received Charge d' Affaires ai Ms Carmen Maria Martinez of the US Embassy to Myanmar at his office at 10.30 today.
Myanmar-India second volleyball friendly match
Yangon, 1 Oct - The second match of Myanmar-India volleyball friendly, under Myanmar-India friendly programme, took place at the station gymnasium of the South-West Command in Pathein, Ayeyawady Division, on 30 September morning.
Among the spectators were Deputy Commander of South-West Command Brig-Gen Tint Swe, senior military officers, Indian Military Attache Col Shakit Gurung, leader of the Indian Defence Services volleyball team Brigadier GRC Nair and members, Secretary of Ayeyawady Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Sein Maung, departmental officials, and officers and other ranks of battalions and units.
Before the second match, the deputy commander and officials shook hands with players of both teams. Then, the teams exchanged pennants and souvenirs to mark the friendly match.
In the match, Myanmar Defence Services team beat Indian Defence Services team 3-0.
After the match, the deputy commander presented the shield to mark the friendly match to the Indian team, and the award of K 50,000 to Myanmar team. He then posed for a documentary photo with members of the teams.
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Lt-Gen Kyaw Win inspects systematic consumption of electricity at ministries, departments
Yangon, 1 Oct - Chairman of Supervisory Committee for Consumption of Electricity and Fuel Oil Member of the State Peace and Development Council Chief of Armed Forces Training Lt-Gen Kyaw
Win, arrived at the Ministers' Office on Theinbyu Street at 9.20 pm on 29 September.
Lt-Gen Kyaw Win inspected use of electricity at the offices of the ministries and gave instructions on systematic and economical use of electricity.
Then, Lt-Gen Kyaw Win and party inspected Yangon Railway Station, Ahlon Power Plant, the Power Control Office and the Office of Auditor-General and stressed the need to switch off the lights when unnecessary and connect fluorescent lamps with respective switchboards for the systematic use of electricity.
At 8 pm on 30 September, Lt-Gen Kyaw Win, accompanied by officials, went to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He inspected power use and meter boxes and gave necessary instructions to officials.
Afterwards, Lt-Gen Kyaw Win and party saw over offices and departments under the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism and the Ministry of Cooperatives. Then, Lt-Gen Kyaw Win gave instructions on systematic use of electricity with record books.
Minister inspects cultural tasks in
Upper Myanmar
Yangon, 1 Oct - Minister for Culture Maj-Gen Kyi Aung today inspected maintenance tasks being carried out at Kyat-daunt-kan ancient lake, one of four lakes dug by King Bodaw near Kyat-daunt-kan Village, east of Minwun range in Sagaing Township and gave instructions on repair of the lake without damaging its original style.
The minister also inspected the maintenance tasks of the Hilokaguru Cave and the Lokahmankin Cave, which are being repaired by the Department of Archaeology. Then, he went to Old Inwa city, where he inspected the progress on constructing the Inwa ancient research museum. Senior engineers of Public Works and officials conducted the minister round the site.
The minister gave instructions on maintenance tasks to be carried out. Next, he visited Htihlaingshin Pagoda in Old Inwa City, where he paid homage to the Mehti Sayadaw and also made offerings.
The minister also visited the Gugyithonlon Pagoda, which is being repaired by the Department of Archaeology, in Old Pinya City and inspected it.
On 29 September in Old Bagan City, the minister inspected the renovation work of Mahathe brick monastery carried out with the cash donation of Yangon City Development Committee and gave instructions on maintenance work to keep the monastery in its original design.
The minister also inspected Hsinphyushin monastery and its compound. On arrival at Bagan Archaeological Museum, the minister met with staff of Bagan Archaeological Department at the meeting hall and gave instructions on tasks for sanitation, security and display of items at the museum.
Afterwards, the minister arrived at Pyathadgyi Pagoda, where he inspected the Kiln No 7, the latest found in Bagan, and wall paintings of Nagayon Pagoda.
Export and import procedure course concludes

Yangon, 1 Oct - The opening of HS Code course No 2
and concluding of export and import procedure course No 22,
organized by the Ministry of Commerce, were held at the ministry
this morning. Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen pyi Sone attended and
addressed on the occasion.
( 5 ) Seminar on promotion of production held
Yangon, 1 Oct - A seminar on promotion of production between the Ministry of Mines and local and foreign entrepreneurs took place at Thiri Yadana Hall of the ministry this morning.
Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint delivered an address on the occasion. He spoke of the need to make efforts in exploiting more minerals in cooperation with local authorities and private entrepreneurs. Then, directors-general and managing directors explained production target to the minister, and local and foreign entrepreneurs reported on work being done, difficulties encountered and future plans.
The deputy minister also made additional reports on law, rules and regulations and targeted production to the minister. The minister later attended to the needs and gave instructions on
endeavors to enhance the production.
Minister meets staff of Myanma Motion Picture Enterprise
Yangon, 1 Oct - Minister for Information Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan and Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Aung Thein arrived at Myanma Motion Picture Enterprise at 50, Golden Valley in Bahan Township this afternoon.
The minister inspected transformer room, film storage room, film developing room, analyzer room and printer room. He gave instructions on fire preventive measures, keeping films safe and quality of the films and inspected the MMPE compound.
The minister met service personnel of MMPE. He said staff are to discharge duties with the attitude of loving their departments and patriotism through cooperation. The Ministry of Information is discharging wide array of duties so the staff are to work through cooperation and coordination without mistake.
He spoke of the need for them to carry out the tasks for success in all sectors, to be proficient in the respective tasks and to apply their skill in practical field with sense of duty.
He also spoke on cooperation with goodwill in accord with the guidance of the Head of State, prevention of loss of property in the department, fire preventive measures, thrifty and maintenance of equipment for durability. The minister said the service personnel should have correct competition for success of the operation, good relationship among them, camaraderie and goodwill in discharging duties.
He called for cooperation in accord with the mottoes of the ministry.
Prize presented to outstanding MPF members
Yangon, 1 Oct - A
prize-distribution ceremony to mark the 38th Anniversary of Myanmar
Police Force was held at the assembly ban of the Ministry of Home
Affairs this afternoon.
Minister for Home
Affairs Col Tin Hlaing delivered an address on the occasion.
After that the minister presented promotion certificates, cups and
cash awards for model policeman to Subinspector Tin Shwe of the MPF
Battalions Control Command, police sergeant Myo Min of the Criminal
Investigation Department, and police private Myo Thant of Ayeyawady
Division Police Force.
Then, the minister
presented prizes for police code of conduct competition
(sub-inspector level), the deputy minister , prizes (inspector
level), the director-general of tile MPF, prizes (sub-inspector
level), the director-general 'of the General Administration
Department, prizes (police warrant officer and sergeant level), the
director-general of the Bureau of Special Investigation, prizes
(police corporal and Lt-Cpl level), and the director-general of the
Prisons Department, prizes (police private level) to respective
Afterwards, the
minister presented the championship Shield for police code of
conduct competition to the MPF Police Battalions Control Command;
Daw Khin HIa Hla, wife of the minister, and wives of the
director-general and the deputy director-general of the MPF , prizes
for cleanliness of housing units of Yangon Division police quarter.
Next, the minister, the deputy minister, the director-general and
the deputy director-general of the MPF posed for a documentary photo
together with the prize winners.
( 6 )
Cash donated to exhibition of Myanmar Women's endeavours
Yangon, 1 Oct - A ceremony to donate cash to Myanmar
women's endeavours exhibition, which will be organized by Myanmar National Committee for
Women's Affairs, took place at Myanma Information and Communication Technology Park in Hline Township this afternoon.
Cash donations made by wellwishers were K 5 million by YCDC; K 1 million each by managing director U Kyaw Kyaw of KY Kyaw Kyaw Trading Co, U Than Sein of New Delli restaurant, U Ko Ko Htoo and family, and U Htay Myint of Yuzana construction; K 504,000 by chairman U Zaw Zaw Naing of Tamil Hindu Foundation and party; K 500,000 each by U Tun Myint Naing of Asia World, Dr Aung Kyaw Win of Shwe-nan-daw gold shop and family, Myanmar Universal Bank, Daw Khin Nwe Yi of Shwe-pa-zun soft drinks and cakes and family, U Kyaw Naing Oo of Naing Group, Daw Ni Ni of Shwethanlwin Co, and U Win Myint of Shwe-na-ga-min Co; K 300,000 each by U Maung Maung Lwin and wife, U Thein Tun (MGS), U Tun Myint of Kyat-sha-sun family, U Myat Thin Aung of Aung Aung Enterprise and family, U Teza of Htoo Trading, and U Kyaw Aung of Benhur Co Ltd; K 200,000 each by U Thein Han of
Myanmar Pipe and Accessories Co Ltd and Tokyo Pipes, staff of Yoma Bank, Dr Aye Kyaw of Kyaw traditional medicine industry, Daw Kham Hsint of Ngwe-zone Co Ltd, U Aung Zaw Win of Shine construction, Daw Myint Myint Kyi, and U Nay Aung of Aung Yay Phyoe Co; K 100,000 each by U Maung Maung of Asia Express, U Nyein of OK rice warehouse, Dr Zaw Min and wife, U Naing Lin of Nan-htaik-taw-win restaurant, U Than Naing of Thamada robe shop, Dr Naing Win Pa and family, Yangon Division Women's Affairs Economy Group, staff of Myanmar Oriental Bank, U Maung Maung of Shwegaba Maung Maung construction, U Oo Khaing of Tatkham construction, U Tin Hla and family, U Tin Wam of Shwe-lin-yon service, Daw Sae and family of Ngwe-sae Co, Daw Yu Yu Khaing of Sinma Furnishings Co Ltd, U Nay Win and party of Maha Zeya Co, U Myo Myint of Earn Spark Myanmar Co Ltd, and Dr Myint Swe and Dr Kyi Kyi Win.
Today's cash donation made by a total of 57 wellwishers reached K 18,574,000.

Maj-Gen Sein Htwa, U Hlaing Win, Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe, Daw Khin Than Nwe, Professor Daw May May Yee, Daw Khin Aye, Brig-Gen Thura Myint Maung and Col Maung Pa accepted the donations and presented certificates of honour to wellwishers.
Later, Maj-Gen Sein Htwa spoke words of thanks, which brought the ceremony to an end.
State Lottery to be drawn on 3 Oct
Yangon, 1 Oct - The prizes of the 165th State Lottery will be drawn at the hall of Aungbalay Lottery Branch at No 384, corner of Mahabandoola and 37th streets, Kyauktada Township, here at 8 am on 3 October.
All 2,945,448 lottery ticket books with 36 alphabets were sold out to the public and 60 per cent of the sale will be returned to the public as prizes. Altogether ten K 5 million prizes, thirteen K 2.5 million prizes, eighteen K 5 million prizes (unit system), seven supplementary units and 26 supplementary prizes will be drawn.
Moreover, there will be one K 30 million prize.
The prizes include one K 30 million prize, 28 K 5 million prizes, 13 K 2.5 million prizes, 630 K 600,000 prizes, seven K 500,000 prizes, 14 K 400,000 prizes, 52 K 200,000 prizes, 162 K 100,000 prizes, 74 K 80,000 prizes, 1620 K 50,000 prizes, 146 K 40,000 prizes, 1133 K 20,000 prizes and 16200 K 10,000 prizes
totaling 20,080 prizes.
( 7 ) Cash donated to Hninzigon Home for the Aged
Yangon, 1 Oct - A ceremony to donate cash to Hninzigon Home for the Aged on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road in Bahan Township, organized by Yangon Division Maternal and Child Welfare Supervisory Committee, marking the International Day of Older Persons was held at the home this afternoon in conjunction with giving health care services to the aged by specialists of the Eyes, Ears, Nose and Throat Specialist Hospital (Yangon West District), National Rehabilitation Hospital and the Traditional Medicine Department.
Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe and wife Yangon Division MCWSC Patron Daw Khin Thet Htay attended the ceremony.
First, MCWSC Patron Daw Khin Thet Htay explained the purpose of the donations and giving health care services to the older persons.
Then Chairman of Hninzigon Home for the Aged Management Board U Maung Tin, Treasurer Lt-Col Thet Tin (Retd) and Health Group Chairman University of Nursing Rector Dr May Win Aung Khin accepted K 1.98 million donated by 20 wellwishers including K 100,000 by Yangon Division MCWSC Patron Daw Khin Thet Htay; K 300,000 by U Thet Oo (Ayarmyay Co); K 200,000 by Asia Express; K 200,000 by Great Wall Embrocation; and K 100,000 each by Yangon South District Peace and Development Council and Township Peace and Development Councils, Yangon South District All Bus Lines Control Committee, Yangon West District Peace and Development Council and Nyeinchanyay Bus Line, Dagon Myothit (South) Industrial Zone-1, Industrial Zone-2, Industrial Zone-3 and Dagon Myothit Seitkan Township Industrial Zone. Then the certificates of honour were presented to the wellwishers.
Afterwards, Daw Nyunt May (aged 74) of the home for aged spoke words of thanks.
Later, the commander and wife paid reverence to Ayechan Aungmyin Pagoda in the compound of Hninzigon Home for the Aged and viewed the health care services being given to the elderly persons by the specialists.
Nyeingyanyay Bus Lines holds outstanding prizes presentation ceremony
Yangon, 1 Oct - A ceremony to present prizes to outstanding students and stipends to children of staff of the Nyeingyanyay Bus Lines Supervisory Committee (Yangon West District) and prizes to outstanding bus drivers and conductors was held at Ahlon Township Hall on Hninzi Road in Ahlon Township this morning, attended by Chairman of Supervisory Committee for Yangon Division Ensuring Secure and Smooth Transport Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe.
First, the Commander explained matters related to following of traffic rules for safety transportation, polite conversation with passengers and collection of bus fare at the fixed rate.
Then, Chairman of the Supervisory Committee Yangon West District Peace and Development Council Chairman Lt-Col Maung Maung Shein reported on matters related to the Nyeingyanyay bus lines.
Next, the Commander presented prizes to outstanding children of staff of the bus lines and Commissioner U Thein Swe, stipends to children of the staff.
Afterwards, Lt-Col Maung Maung Shein and Chairman of All-Bus Lines Control Committee (Yangon Division) U Phone Kyaw presented prizes to outstanding bus owners, drivers and conductors.
The Nyeingyanyay Bus Line Supervisory Committee presented K 990,000 to outstanding students and stipends to staff's children and K 180,000 to outstanding bus owners, drivers and conductors.
Over K 1.5 donated to Fund- raising & Prize
Presentation Sub-committee of Performing Arts competitions
Yangon, 1 Oct - The sixth
donation ceremony of the Fund-raising and Prize Presentation
Sub-committee of the 10th Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts
Competitions was held at the meeting hall-4 of City Hall at 2 pm today,
attended by Chairman of the Leading Committee for Organizing the 10th
Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions Chairman of
Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon
Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe.
At the ceremony, Leading
Committee Chairman Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe, No 4 Military Region
Commander Brig-Gen Myo Myint and Fund-raising and Prize Presentation
Sub-committee Chairman Yangon City Development Committee Joint-Secretary
U Kyi Win accepted K 1,505,961 donated by 28 wellwishers
K 325,961 donated by the Ministry of Finance and Revenue; K 170,000 by
the Road Transport Department (Head Office); K 100,000 by the Ministry
of Hotels and Tourism; K 100,000 by Myanmar Rice and Paddy Wholesalers
Association and Brokerage; and K 100,000 by U Nyein-Daw Ohn Kyin of OK
Rice Brokerage.
Then, Chairman of the Leading Committee Commander Maj-Gen
Myint Swe spoke words of thanks. The Fund-raising and Prize Presentation
sub-committee has accepted K 29,286,161 for the Performing Arts
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Cash donated for construction of MBA building
Yangon, 1 Oct - A ceremony to donate cash for the construction of the building of Myanmar Banks Association was held at the meeting hall of Central Bank of Myanmar this afternoon, with an address by Vice-Chairman of MBA U Soe Tin.
The donations included K 10 million by Asia Wealth Bank Vice-Chairman U Aik Tun; K 5 million by U Myat Kaung; K 10 million each by Dr Sai San Tun of Loihein Co Ltd, U Thein Han of Tokyo Pipe, Daw Hla Hla of JDS Co Ltd, U Shwe Kyaing of Wah Wah Win Co Ltd and Htoo Co Ltd; K 5 million each by U Kyi Myint of Super Five, U Hla Than of Pyae Phyo Htoon Co Ltd, U Aik Yi of Yadana Theingi Co Ltd, Soe Moe Kyaw, Min Htet Tha and Kan Htoo Kantha lottery shops, U Myint Swe of Shwe Bayin Construction, U Myat Min and U Aung Win of Crocodile Trading Co Ltd, U Thein Han of Golden Horse Co Ltd and U Shwin Chauk of AAA Cement; K 3 million by U Tin Maung of Great Wall sugar mill; K 5 million each by U Aung Tha Latt and Daw Hla Hla Yi of Aung Myat Thu Co Ltd and U Htay Yin and Dr Zaw Tun of Smile World Co Ltd; K 3 million by U Myo Oo of U Kyu Wheat Mill; and K 2 million each by U Pe Win of Strong Manufacturing Co Ltd and U Aung Sein-Daw Nan Ohn Kyi of Nyein Chan Kaba Co Ltd.
The donations were accepted by Vice-Governor of Central Bank of Myanmar U Than Lwin, MBA Vice-Chairman U Soe Tin, Secretary Col Aung San, Treasurer Dr Sein Maung and executive member AWB Vice-Chairman U Aik Tun. They then presented certificates of honour to the wellwishers. Then U Aik Tun spoke words of thanks and the ceremony came to a close.
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Drug traffickers sentenced
Yangon, 1 Oct - A combined team comprising
members of the local intelligence unit and Tachilek Special Anti-
drug Squad the house of U Nan La of Tawkawt Village, Tachilek
Township, on 15 May 2002 and seized 15,610 stimulant tablets and a
heroin block weighing 350 grams.
In connection with the case, Tachilek Police
Station filed Nan La, 5 2, son of U Kyaing; Daw Nan Am, 45, daughter
of U Aik Saik; and Sai Yi, 23, 800 of U Loo Sam of Lwaingan Ward.
Maesai, Thailand under Section 15/19(A)21 of Narcotic Drugs and
Psychotropic Substances Law.
On 13 September, Tachilek District Court
sentenced 25 years' imprisonment to each of them under Section 19
Heroin seized in Monkoe
Yangon, 1 Oct - The combined team comprising
members of local intelligence unit and Myanmar Police Force, acting
on a tip-off, searched the house of U Aik Kham of No 43, Ward 4,
Monkoe, Shan State (North), on 12 September.
Then, the authorities arrested Sont Lint, the
house owner's son-in-law and son of U Shauk Yon of Pauksan in the
People's Republic of China, and his daughter Nan ma Win with nine
soap cases of heroin weighing 0.153 kilo.
A similar team, acting on information, searched
the house of Lauk San of No 88, Ward 2, the same town, on 16
September and seized one kilo of raw opium and 157 bars of heroin
weighing 1.57 kilos.
The team, acting on information on 1 'I
September, also searched the passenger bus with number plates
1Ka/1807 on Kyugok-Monkoe road in Namhu Village and nabbed Ma Mar
Htan of Mongphan Village in Mongpaw Village tract in Muse Township
and Ma Khwan Shaung of first floor, building No 30/B, Yawmingyi
Street, Dagon Township, Yangon, with 30 bars of heroin weighing 1.40
kilos. Action is being taken against them by the police stations
concerned under the Narcotic Drugs and Phychotropic Substances Law