1 ) State Peace and Development Council Chairman Senior General Than Shwe sends felicitations to President and Premier of PRC
Yangon, 1 Oct - On the occasion of the Fifty-third anniversary of the Founding Day of the
People's Republic of China, which falls on 1 October 2002, Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council and Prime Minister of the Union of Myanmar, has sent messages of felicitations to His Excellency, Mr Jiang Zemin, President of the People's Republic of China, and to His Excellency Mr Zhu Rongji, Premier of the State Council of the
People's Republic of China.
State Peace and Development Council Chairman Senior General Than Shwe sends felicitations to President of Republic of Cyprus
Yangon, 1 Oct - On the occasion of the Independence Day of the Republic of Cyprus which falls on 1 October 2002, Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Mr Glafcos Clerides,
President of the Republic of Cyprus.
State Peace and Development Council Chairman Senior General Than Shwe sends felicitations to President of Federal Republic of Nigeria
Yangon, 1 Oct - On the occasion of the Independence Day of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, which falls on 1 October 2002, Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
( 2 )
State Peace and Development Council Vice-Chairman Vice-Senior
General Maung Aye sends felicitations to Vice-President of PRC
Yangon, 1 Oct - On the occasion of the Fifty-third anniversary of the Founding Day of the
People's Republic of China, which falls on 1 October 2002, Vice-Senior General Maung Aye, Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Mr Hu Jintao, Vice-President of the
People's Republic of China.
( 3
) Minister for Foreign Affairs
U Win Aung sends felicitations to PRC counterpart
Yangon, 1 Oct - On the occasion of the Fifty-third anniversary of the Founding Day of the
People's Republic of China, which falls on 1 October 2002, U Win Aung, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency, Mr Tang Jiaxuan, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the
Republic of China.
Minister for Foreign Affairs
U Win Aung sends felicitations to Cypriot counterpart
Yangon, 1 Oct - On the occasion of the Independence Day of the Republic of Cyprus which falls on
1 October 2002, U Win Aung, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Mr Ionnis Kasoulides, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus.
Commerce Minister receives
foreign guests
Yangon, 30 Sept - Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone received an economic and trade delegation led by Vice-Mayor Mr Kaw Yishin of Shweli, Yunnan Province, the
People's Republic of China, at 11 am today, and similarly, the minister received a delegation led by Manager of Singapore Bank (Branch) and South-East Asian Region Mr Pierre Eymery and party of Credit Lyonnais Bank of France at 1 pm.
Minister receives Japanese Ambassador

Yangon, 30 Sept - Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint received Mr Yuji Miyamoto, Japanese Ambassador to Myanmar, at his
office in Kanbe Street this afternoon.
Minister receives Japanese ambassador
Yangon, 30 Sept - Minister for National Planning and Economic Development U Soe Tha received Japanese ambassador Mr
Yuji Miyamoto at his office this morning.
Exchange of Notes under Grant Aid Programme of Japan signed

Yangon, 30 Sept - U Soe Tha, Minister for National Planning and Economic Development, and Mr Yuji Miyamoto, Japanese Ambassador to Myanmar, signed Exchange of Notes at the meeting hall of the NPED this morning.
According to the notes, the Government of Japan, under its Grant Aid Programme, will provide 480 million yen to the project on establishment of
a forestation in arid-zone of Myanmar, and 266 million yen to the
project on granting scholarship for human resource development.
( 4
Cooperatives Minister inspects
offices, departments of the ministry
Yangon, 30 Sept
- Minister for Cooperatives Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe, inspected the Ministry of Cooperatives, departmental sections of the Director-General's Office of the Cooperative Department, the Cooperative Export and Import Enterprise, the Cooperative Development Bank, the Yangon Division Cooperative Department, Cooperative Departments in Dagon, Kyauktada and Botahtaung Townships and sections of the Cottage Industry Department.
During his inspection tour, the minister gave instructions to the officials on supervising systematic use of electricity in accord with the electric power law, rules and regulations, minimizing of loss and wastage and thrifty use of fuel oil.
Transport Minister inspects Wharfs of MPA
Yangon, 30 Sept
- Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, arrived at the head office of Myanma Port Authority on Pansodan Street this morning.
At the meeting hall of MPA, Managing Director of MPA U Thein Htay reported to the minister on utilization of electricity of the head office, wharfs, and container and cargo warehouses, use of machinery and arrangements for fire-preventive measures.
Next, the deputy minister and officials made additional reports to the minister, who later gave instructions and inspected electricity consumption in the office.
Then, the minister and party went to Bo Aung Kyaw wharf, where he boarded MV Mawlamyine owned by Myanma Five Star Line and inspected the cargoes loaded. Managing Director of MFSL U Khin Maung Kyi and officials made reports to the minister. Later, the minister and party inspected MV Sittway being loaded with bags of pea and the minister gave instructions. On arrival at Sule wharf, the minister and party also inspected the loading and unloading of cargoes of foreign vessels and cargo warehouses at the wharf.
U Thein Htay then reported to the minister on the
electric power consumption at the wharfs and cargo warehouses,
measures for keeping the wharfs clean and pleasant, and measures for
fire prevention. Afterwards, the minister gave instructions.
Minister inspects cultural tasks in Mandalay and Sagaing Divisions
Yangon, 30 Sept
- Minister for Culture Maj-Gen Kyi Aung, arrived at Mandalay on 27 September and met with the staff of Mandalay Branch of the Fine Arts Department at the National Theatre in Mandalay, where he gave instructions on effective implementation of works.
Then, the minister proceeded to the State School of Fine Arts (Mandalay) and met with the principal, instructors and trainees. The minister made a speech and fulfilled the requirements.
Afterwards, the minister inspected arrangement of references and display of objects to be shown at the museum in Mandalay Palace and inspected the renovation tasks.
At 11 am, the minister met with instructors and trainees of University of Culture (Mandalay) and gave instructions on perpetuation of Myanmar culture, preserving national characters and propagation of genuine Myanmar fine arts.
The minister inspected construction of buildings on the campus and gave instructions on completion of roads as soon as possible and beautifying the landscape.
In the afternoon, the minister proceeded to Shwebon Yadana Mingalar palace in Shwebo and inspected construction works of the palace. The minister gave instructions on completion of construction work, making of systematic measures for the opening of Kongbaung Dynasty museum.
The minister also inspected the place for the reconstruction of Alaungmintayagyi U Aung Zeya Pitikataik, together with the donor of the pitakataik U Taikkyi Maung.
Developments of Ministry for PBANRDA hold
coord meeting
30 Sept - Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races
and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt delivered an address at the
work coordination meeting of the Progress of Border Areas and
National Races Department, the Development Affairs Department and
the Education and Training Department under the Ministry at the
meeting hall of the DAD on Thanlyatsoon Road in Botahtaung Township
at 8 am today.
Minister Col Thein Nyunt delivered an address. He
said that it is necessary to review undertakings of 14 future tasks
laid down by the Development Affairs Committees Annual Coordination
As the open season arrives, construction of the
rural roads and tasks of water supply are to be carried out with
momentum. State and Division Proctors and Township Executive
Officers must go field trips to rural areas for performing rural
development tasks. For sup- plying sufficient water to all the
villages in three divisions in the dry region, the development
committees are to implement the tasks with the use of the
expenditure of the department and to sink tube-wells of wellwishers
there. It is required to collect taxes in the regions with a view to
undertaking development tasks. The committees and workers are not
only to cultivate kitchen crops but also put emphasis on poultry
farming and fish breeding tasks. The minister then gave instructions
on undertaking of staff welfare tasks in accord with the rules and
regulations and efficient consumption of electricity and fuel oil.

Then, Deputy Ministers U Kyaw Tin and Brig-Gen
Than Tun gave speeches. Next, Director-General Col Than Swe of
Progress. of Border Areas and National Races Department and Director
-General Col Than Win of Education and Training Department reported
on their respective sectors. Then, Director-General Col Myo Myint of
DAD submitted die report of development tasks.
In the afternoon, the di- rectors of State and
Division Development Affairs Committees reported on urban and rural
development tasks. The meeting came to an end at 5 pm.
( 5 ) Seminar on effective use of
modern hospital equipment held
Yangon, 30 Sept - A seminar on supervising the effective use of modern hospital equipment provided by the State under the programme of raising the standard of hospitals by the ministry, took place at the meeting hall of the ministry on Pyidaungsu Yeik Tha Road this morning.
Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein spoke on the occasion. He said the medical equipment provided by the State in order to promote the public health care services should be effectively used. Efforts should be made by seeking ways to maintain the medical equipment to ensure their durability. Therefore, tasks to raise the health standard of the public must be carried out through proper use of the sophisticated medical equipment provided by the State.
Deputy Ministers, Professor Dr Mya Oo and Professor Dr Kyaw Myint also made speeches. Then, directors-general of the Health Department, the Department of Medical Science and the Department of Medical Research (Lower Myanmar) reported to the minister on the use of the medical equipment by their respective departments.
Next, specialists and medical superintendents reported to the minister on the installation and handling of the equipment as well as on maintenance.
Those present also took part in the discussions. Afterwards, the seminar came to an end with concluding remarks by the minister.
Minister U Pan Aung addresses work coord meeting
Yangon, 30 Sept - The second four-monthly work coordination meeting of the Ministry of Rail Transportation continued at the meeting hall of
Minister U Pan Aung today. At the meeting, the minister gave instructions on the systematic use of electricity and fuel, giving educative talks safety of rail passengers, minimising loss and wastage, maintenance of railroads and abiding by rules and regulations of the Myanma Railways.
Ministry of Labour holds second four-monthly coord meeting
Yangon, 30 Sept - The Ministry of Labour held its second four-monthly coordination meeting 2002 at the meeting hall of the Social Security Board on Strand Road in Ahlon Township this morning, with an address by Minister for Labour
U Tin Winn. After delivering an address, the minister heard reports of respective officials on tasks being done, welfare activities, cultivation of kitchen crops and livestock breeding tasks.
Then, the first-day session of the meeting came to an end in the evening after directors-general and officials had made additional reports to the minister. The meeting will continue tomorrow.
( 6 )
Minister pays obeisance to Sayadaws
Yangon, 30 Sept
- Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin, arrived at the hall of International Theravada Buddhist Missionary University and viewed the religious tasks and library of the Rector Sayadaw and gave instructions on maintenance of books, systematic use of electricity and greening tasks to the officials.
Then, the minister and the deputy minister visited Pyinnya Theikpan monastic education school in Ward 8, Mayangon Township and paid obeisance to Sayadaw Bhaddanta
Panadipa and presented 3,500 exercise books, 550 ball-pens and 1,100 pencils for the students to the Sayadaw. He then inspected learning of students and classrooms and gave necessary instructions.
Afterwards, the minister accompanied by officials arrived at the State Pariyatti Sasana University (Yangon) and paid homage to members of the Sangha led by Rector Sayadaw Agga Maha Gandhavacaka Pandita Bhaddanta Veinnita at the convocation hall there and supplicated religious matters.
CCDAC discusses anti-drug measures

Yangon, 30 Sept - The Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control held its Meeting No 4/2002 at the meeting hall of the Ministry of Home Affairs at 2 pm today, with an address by Chairman of CCDAC Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing.
In his address, CCDAC Chairman Minister Col Tin Hlaing said that as regards cultivation of poppy-substitute crops, the new destiny project has been laid down and is being implemented in five project states where poppy is being cultivated most. In the first phase, 87.99 per cent of the monsoon crops cultivation project have been completed up to
4-9-2002, and cultivation of poppy-substitute winter crops, the second phase of the project, will be launched with the help of the Task Force. And those concerned in the Task Force are to make field trips and to make all-out efforts for successful implementation of the project.

He stressed the need for those who are engaged in livestock breeding are to continue their efforts in the development of the livestock breeding project in Konhing Township and Homing region, Shan State (South). Measures are being taken for development of Shwe-pyitha/Shwepyiaye youth rehabilitation camps. Arrangements are also being made to enable foreign guests to visit the camps, and all are to make earnest efforts for the development of the camps. In addition, the officials concerned are to make efforts for successful implementation of the cultivation of poppy-substitute mulberry and culture of silkworms presented by Myanmar Border Areas Development Association.
He praised Myanmar Anti-Narcotics Association for successfully forming the district level association.
The announcement of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances under Notification No 2/2002 in accord with 1971 UN Convention by the Ministry of Health on August 2002; 20 major centres for drug addicts under Notification 4/2002, 22 minor centres for drug addicts under Notification 5/2002, holding of workshop on drafting of laws on control of money and property obtained by illegal means held in June and implementation of the tasks of various groups of CCDAC in August 2002, he observed.
CCDAC Vice-Chairmen Minister Col Thein Nyunt explained the cooperation with the international
organizations in narcotic drug control in border areas, opening of project offices, construction of roads, construction of schools, health care services, assistance provided to livestock breeding and agriculture, cooperation of local people in drug eradication and future tasks.
CCDAC Vice-Chairman Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung explained presentation of reports related to handing over poppy seeds by farmers out of their own volition, destroying and setting fire of poppy seeds and narcotic drugs and taking effective action against corruption on narcotic drugs in implementation of new goal project for drug eradication in Myanmar at the ASEAN Foreign
Ministers' Meeting held in Brunei in August and those present at the meeting fully accepted the presentation.
Myanmar included in seven Asian nations to be chosen at UN Narcotic Drugs Commission to be held in 2003 and the international organizations has accepted the new goal project undertaken by Myanmar.
Minister for Labour U Tin Winn explained ODCCP, UN and USA began to accept the correct review of
Myanmar's efforts in the fight against narcotic drug.
In the notification of United Nation Information Service stated that
Myanmar's efforts in eradication and reduction the narcotic drugs was the right act and but international cooperation was needed for long-term success in the fight against the drug.
CCDAC Joint Secretary Pol Col Khan Aung reported on work done on resolutions of CCDAC Meeting No 3/2002 held on 6 July 2002, followed by a general round of discussions.
The meeting ended with the concluding remarks by the CCDAC Chairman.
Minister for Hotels and Tourism meets hoteliers and tour operators
Yangon, 30 Sept
- Minister for Hotels and Tourism Brig-Gen Thein Zaw met hoteliers and tour operators at Panda Hotel on Wadan Street in Lanmadaw Township this afternoon.
The minister delivered a speech. He said the hoteliers and tour operators are to carry out the tasks in the interests of the State and in their own and to make efforts for development of hotel and tourism industry with goodwill in accord with the objectives set by the State.
He also spoke on preservation of dignity of the people and formation of Association of Hoteliers in near future.
The minister called for cooperation in implementation of the tasks.
Chairman of the Union of Myanmar Travel Association U Khin Zaw of Tour Mandalay Travel Agency and Joint Secretary U Tint Naung of Golden Express Tourism Services reported on work done for development of tourism industry in Myanmar and future tasks.
Next, U Khin Shwe of Mya Yeik Nyo Hotel and U Htay Myint of Yuzana Garden Hotel reported on requirements for development of hotel service and conditions.
Afterwards, Deputy Minister for Hotels and Tourism Brig-Gen Aye Myint Kyu introduced the minister to the entrepreneurs. The deputy minister reported on formation of Travel Association and Hoteliers Association and work done.
Then, the minister gave necessary instructions.
( 7 ) Agriculture and livestock breeding farms inspected in Hlegu Township
Yangon, 30 Sept
- Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein, went to Nga-hsu-taung agriculture and livestock breeding farm yesterday and inspected raising of broilers at the farm, conditions of livestock breeding work to be extended and the pine-apple plantation at the farm.
Next, the minister and party arrived at the duck breeding farm, where the minister heard reports of the farm manager and gave instructions on well-bred ducklings and production and sale of duck meat.
On arrival at the layer farm, the minister and party inspected the production of eggs and breeding of layers and gave instructions.
Later, the minister and party proceeded to the agriculture and livestock breeding farm of Myanma Yaung Ni Oo Co Ltd and the pine-apple plantation of U Nay Tun Thein in Nga-hsu-taung, where the minister inspected the works there and attended to the needs.
Minister inspects departmental works
Yangon, 30 Sept - Minister for Livestock Breeding and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein, inspected the site for construction of jetty and cold storages, building of cold storage and ice factories, the Institute of Fisheries, the Motor Vehicles Division of the Fisheries Department in West Gyogon in Insein Township this morning.
After giving necessary instructions on minizing the use of electricity, the minister inspected the Fuel Division of the Fisheries Department and gave instructions on minizing of the use fuel oil.
Work coord meeting of Auditor-General's Office held
Yangon, 30 Sept
- The second four-monthly work coordination meeting (2002) of state and division auditors of the Auditor-General's Office was held at the office on Thakhin Mya Park Street in Ahlon Township this morning.
First, Auditor-General Brig-Gen Tin Aye made an opening speech. Next, The respective auditors reported on conditions of auditing work during the second four-monthly, the strength of staff, the site chosen for construction of office buildings and tasks carried out for the resolutions of the previous meeting. Then, the auditor-general, the deputy auditor-general, the director-general and officials also took part in the discussions.
The deputy auditor-general then explained staff welfare matters. The meeting came to an end with the concluding remarks by the auditor-general.
Second meeting of MAAS held
Yangon, 30 Sept - The second meeting of Myanmar
Academy of Arts and Science was held at Diamond Jubilee hall this
The Deputy Minister for Education U Myo Nyunt made a speech. Chairman U Than Oo of MAAS presided over the meeting and extended greetings. Secretary U Saw Lwin of the executive committee submitted the annual report of MAAS. Then, those present discussed matters related to the tasks approved by the first meeting of MAAS, the set-up of
subject wise groups and working groups, regulations of subject wise groups approved by the six-monthly meeting and serial lists of subject specialization and the meeting went into recess.
At the next session, group discussions of Arts, Science and other subjects were held. Chairmen of the respective groups reported on the discussions to those present.
Chairman U Than Oo sought the approval of the meeting. The meeting came to a close with concluding remarks by the chairman in the evening.
( 8
Donation ceremony for Pyay Shwehsandaw Pagoda on 7 Oct
Yangon, 30 Sept - The present Shwehtidaw of Shwehsandaw Pagoda in Pyay, Bago Division, is over 87 years old. Therefore, new Monhtidaw and Shwedagon design Htidaw will be made with steel frames according to its original style and arrangements are being made for offering gold foils and plates to the Htidaw.
The second donations of the wellwishers will be held at Wizaya Mingala Dhamma Thabin Hall, south of Maha Pasana Cave, on Kaba Aye Hill at 9 am on Monday, 7 October, 1st waxing of Thadingyut, 1364 Myanmar Era.
The wellwishers are invited to attend the ceremony at 8 am on the same day and contact Tel: 01-665621.
14th Eye Surgeon Conference on
7-8 Oct
Yangon, 30 Sept - The 14th Eye Surgeon Conference, organized by the
Ophthalmologic Society of Myanmar Medical Association, will be held at MMA on Theinbyu Street on 7 and 8 October 2002.
All the eye surgeons from the States and Divisions and those doctors who are interested in the conference are cordially invited.
( 9
Kay Thi Win wins silver in XIV Asian Games
Yangon, 30 Sept - Women's weightlifting contest of the XIV Asian Games was held in Busan, Republic of Korea, today.
In 48-kilo event, Kay Thi Win of Myanmar won silver medal with 200 kilos - 90 kilos in snatch and 110 kilos in clean and jerk.
Li Zhuo of China was first with 200 kilos and Rumdewal of Indonesia was third. The body
weight of Kay Thi Win was 47.95 kilos whereas Li Zhuo of China was 47.70 kilos. So Li Zhuo won gold medal.
In men's Sepak Takraw event, Myanmar team advanced into final. Myanmar will play against Thailand, the Philippines and Korea on 1 October.
In women's event, Myanmar women's team also advanced into final. The team will meet Thailand,
Vietnam and Korea on 1
U-21 Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) soccer tournament continues
Yangon, 30 Sept - 18th Commander-in-Chief of Defence
Services' trophy 2002 for U-21 Defence Services (Army, Navy and Air) soccer tournament's second round matches continued at the designated places this evening.
In the match of No 99 LID and Yangon Division Command, the former won the latter 1-0 and in the match of Southern Command and Tatmadaw (Navy), the former won the latter 4-1.