1 ) In
future high-tech will dominate society
Only when the government can build the highly-qualified human
resource, will challenges of development be overcome
Special Refresher Course No 15 for Basic
Education Teachers concludes

Yangon, 28 Sept - Secretary-l of the State Peace
and Development Council General Khin Nyunt, left hereby
Tatmadaw aircraft this morning and arrived at Mandalay International
Airport in TadaU Township, Mandalay Division, at 9.30 am.
Then. the General and party proceeded to Central
Institute of Civil Service (Upper Myanmar) in PyinOoLwin Township,
Next, Secretary-l General Khin Nyunt delivered an
addresses at the closing ceremony of Special Refresher Course No 15
for Basic Education Teachers at Yadana Hall of CICS (Upper Myanmar)
at 10.30 am.
First, General Khin Nyunt delivered an address.
The Secretary-l said nowadays the nations of the
world are making endeavors competitively for development of their
people and nations after utilizing the better results of advancing
science and technology skilfully.
Developing countries like the Union of Myanmar
are making efforts for narrowing the gap between the rich and the
poor and the other gaps in terms of technology and development for
harmonious development among the nations of the world in cooperation
with those countries with the same views, while combating domination
of big nations that h&ye superior economy and technology.
After being exploited politically, economically
and racially for over a hundred years under the colonial rule, the
Union of Myanmar lagged behind in development.
Due to evil legacy of divide- and-rule policy of
the imperialists, national solidarity weakened. It is true that time
and energy were wasted ,for national development since there was no
peace and stability for about half a century.
At a time when peaceful countries became
prosperous, the country lagged behind in development due to
disagreement among our national brethren and the wedge driven by
others. It was the bitter historical evil 1egacy and lesson to be
remembered forever.
The country is now peaceful and stable with the
reconsolidation of national solidarity ,under the Tatmadaw
government. That is why the government hand in hand with the entire
national people is endeavoring for ensuring better foundation for
national development.
At this time, all citizens have to discharge the
most important duties on perpetuation of the Union and keeping
abreast with the development of international communities. The duty
for perpetuation of the Union is safeguarding Our Three Main
National Causes - non-disintegration of the Union,
non-disintegration of national solidarity and perpetuation of
Only when efforts are made for basic requirements
such as strong national economy and uplift of education, health and
social standards of the people, will the country develop and stand
tan among the nations of the world. The teachers are the ones who
lead and train the students who will i shoulder the duties in the
future. Therefore, the teachers themselves must discharge duties of
a citizen and . they must also nurture their pupils to possess
morale and ability of a citizen with sense of duty.
Regarding the national development, the Head of
State gave guidance on objectives of the education sector. He said
it is necessary to cultivate the Union Spirit for non-disintegration
of the Union and perpetuation of the existing boundaries of the
State, states and divisions. The citizens must be the ones with
national prestige who love and cherish the Union so that the future
of youths will be good and strong. Efforts are to be made for human
resource development.
In the 21st century, education plays a vital role
in national development. In the future high technology will dominate
society. Only when the government builds the highly-qualified human
resource, Will challenges in development be overcome.
Therefore, the government is building a
constant learning atmosphere and infrastructures on modern teaching
and laying after laying down plans for uplift of national education
and for emergence of constant learning society to bring about
highly-qualified human resource. The Secretary-l urged the teachers
to nurture the students to possess morale and qualifications for
national development as intellectuals and intelligentsia.
Today, culture, social system and social norms
and values of big nations that have superior economy and technology
are penetrating and dominating the developing countries without any
hindrance due to the advancement of information and communication
Moreover, some western countries ignored the
characteristics of political, economic and social back grounds of
the respective nations. Instead of under standing and providing
assistance to the developing nations that are facing historical
events, the westem countries are demanding continuously that those
developing nations are to practice their social systems and social
norms and to put pressure on them.
The Union of Myanmar is making efforts for
emergence of a modern developed democratic nation step by step after
laying down the systematic political, economic and social
foundations in line with its history of the nation and the people.
Despite internal and external hindrance,
achievements have been made to some extent with the help of united
strength of her own national forces.
Solidarity among the national brethren in border
areas was built. The government's border region development projects
are successful with the participation of local people and the border
regions have developed rapidly. Due to the cooperation of the
national race leaders progress has been made to some extent in
eradication of opium cultivation and drug trafficking, the evil
legacy of the imperialists. The 15-year drug elimination project is
being implemented on its own programme without any foreign
As the anti-drug activities are effective and
successful. drug-free zones have emerged and international
communities accepted gradual decrease of opium production.
Especially, with peace and development in the border regions, living
stand and of local people has improved and they abandoned opium
cultivation and production on their own volition.
The government has been implementing the five
rural development tasks after designating1he 24 special development
regions, while maintaining the development momentum of border
regions and cities and development of basic foundations of other
towns. Now efforts are being made for harmonious development of the
Cooperation between 1he government and the people
can now be made. for harmonious development due to peace and
tranquility in the regions including border areas and national
Independence, sovereignty and territorial
integrity depend on unity of the entire people. National sovereignty
will be consolidated as long as the unity of the entire people is
strong. Perpetuation of the Union of Myanmar is consolidation of
national solidarity so every citizen must safeguard the power of,
He urged all national races to make concerted
efforts for keeping abreast with nations of the world, perpetuation
of the Union, propagation of national solidarity spirit and the
Union Spirit and development with greater momentum avoiding outside
Nowadays, it was obvious that an expatriate group
has been making fabrications to drive a wedge among the national
brethren in their attempts to undermine peace and tranquility in the
But, their attempts will be foiled by the
national consolidation as peace and tranquility prevail in the
The teachers are to organize the entire national
people including the students to enable them to be imbued with the
spirit of national solidarity, Union Spirit and nationalism in the
regions where they are assigned duties. In addition tile teachers
are to train and nurture the students to become ones who are
outstanding in all sectors and meeting an education of international
level and to have them a spirit of cherishing their races and nation
and a sense of duty to make efforts formational development and
Union Spirit, he stressed.
Especially, teachers who have been assigned
duties in far-flupg areas, are to take measures in enhancing the
health, economic and social standard of the local national people
and to narrow the development gap among the national brethren.
In accord with the guidance of the Head of State,
if the five rural development tasks laid down for development of
border areas are implemented successfully, the national
consolidation will. prevail certainly. This being so, while making
efforts for educational development for ensuring life guarantee of
new generation youths, emphasis is to be placed on national
solidarity, he said.
In conclusion, he urged the teachers to make
earnest efforts in promoting the national education standard to the
international level to enable the Union to stand shoulder to
shoulder with the world's nations, to take part in successful
implementation of rural development tasks in harmony, to bring about
equitable development among the national brethren at a time when
peace and .development is prevailing in the Union, to organize the
national people to become ones who are imbued with a spirit of
national solidarity, Union Spirit and nationalism and to make them
aware of the fabrications and accusations manufactured by the
expatriate group with every intention of driving a wedge among the
national brethren.

Then, the General presented model trainee awards
to Headmaster of Mogaung Basic Education Primary School U Win Zaw of
Aunglan Township, Magway Division and Junior Assistant Teacher Daw
Wathan Khin of Lekkaunggyi BEPS
No 3 in Madaya Township; and awards in diligence to Agriculture Demonstrator U
Kyaw Nyunt of Mandalay Education College; SAT Daw Khin Soe Soe of BEHS No l in
Shwegu Township and JAT Daw Khin Mya Yi of Kanna BEMS No l in Pyimana Township.
Next. the Secretary- l presented model hostel awards to hostel No l of the
men's company No l and hostel No 7 of the women's company No 2 and completion
certificates to the trainees through the leaders of the trainees.
Afterwards, Charman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary- l of the
State Peace and deveopement Council General Khin Nyunt accepted K 10.000 for
Lawka Chantha Abhaya Labha Muni Buddha Image donated by the trainee teachers; K
lO,000 for Sacred Tooth Relic Pagoda (Mandalay); K l0,000 for renovation of
ancient pagodas in Bagan; K 5,000 for USDA; K 5,000 for hailing National
convention: and K 10.000 for affiliated Zeebinbyi BEHS. totaling K 50,000.
Before the ceremony the General heard reports on training courses opened
at the CICS ( upper Myanmar) cultivation of crops and shade trees for greening
the institute by Rector Col Aung Hsan Win.
Then, the General gave instructions on cultivation of' coffee and pepper
for earning income of the staff.
( 2 )
Secretary-1 attends opening of Bran Oil Mill, Rice Mill in
Kyaukse, handing over of Post-BEPS in Thagara
Yangon, 28 Sept Secretary-l of the State
Peace and Development Council General Khin Nyunt, accompanied by
party, left PyinOoLwin by Tatmadaw helicopter and arrived in Kyaukse,
Mandalay Division, this morning after delivering an address at the
closing ceremony of Special Refresher Course No 15 for Basic
Education Teachers at Central Institute of Civil Service (Upper
Myanmar) in PyinOoLwin Township.

Then, the ceremony
to open Kyaukse 50-ton Bran Oil Mill and 25-ton Rice Mill of Myanma
Agricultural Produce Trading of the Ministry of Commerce was held at
the Mill in Moegyogon Village, Kyaukse Township; Mandalay Division,
attended by Secretary-l General KhinNyunt.
First, the General
formally unveiled the stone plaque of the min. Next, the opening
ceremony was held at the briefing hall of the mill.
At the ceremony,
Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone reported that the Head of
State has gave guidance to build rice and bran oil mills ill the
suitable regions considering extensive paddy cultivation and
construction of dams in Upper Myanmar. And, rice mills and bran oil
mills have now been built in Kyaukse region with a view to ensuring
rice sufficiency in Upper Myanmar in accord with the guidance of the
Head of State. The minister continued to report to the Secretary-l
on the history and objective of the bran oil mill and the rice mill,
location and area of the project, the lay-out plan, modern machines
installed at the bran oil mill and its capacity, collection of raw
bran, installation of local ,made machinery at the 25-ton rice mil1
and construction of another 25-ton rice mill.
the commander reported on village-tracts and population in Kyaukse
region, areas of farm lands, cultivation acreage, cultivation of
monsoon and summer paddy, kinds of staple cotton, beans and pulses,
edible oil crops and per-acre Yield.
Kyaukse District
USDA Secretary pr-ye Win Naing spoke words of thanks.
Next, the
Secretary-l delivered an address. He said that nowadays, it is
correct choice for the place to build the rice mill and the bran oil
mill in the region. Kyaukse region was included in nine Ledwin
districts in the time of Bagan period and so, the region can be
called as the rice bowl of Myanmar.
Moreover, Kyaukse
region is an industrial region where factories groups including the
cement plant, the foodstuff factory, the personal good factory, the
agricultural equipment factory etc are being built and the factories
will supply food, clothing and shelter needs of the local populace.
Due to emergence of
the factories and mills, the local people achieve job opportunities
and the factories will contribute much to regional development and
uplift of living standard of the local people.
Arrangements are
also to be made for fulfilling requirements including energy sector
for more industries in the future. And, officials at the different
levels are to supervise the staff for laying emphasis on thrift and
minimizing of loss and wastage in respective sectors.
the General presented the fruit basket and gifts to Managing
Director of Veendeep Oiltek Exports Co of India Mr PM B handrail who
participated in installation of machines at Kyaukse Bran Oil Mill.
Next, the
Secretary-l persisted gifts for the staff to the person in-charge of
the project.
Afterwards the
opening ceremony of the Bran Oil Mill was held in front of the mill.
Commander Brig-Gen
Ye Myint and Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone formally opened
the 50- ton Bran Oil Mill The Secretary-l and party and guests
visited thy Bran Oil Mill.
Then, the General
and party arrived at the opening ceremony of the 25-ton Rice Mill.
At the ceremony Commander Brig-Gen Ye Myint and Minister Brig-Gen
Pyi Sone formally opened the 25- ton Rice Mill.
The Secretary-l and
party inspected the rice mill and then the ceremony came to an end.
Afterwards, the
Secretary-l and party attended the ceremony to hand over the new
building of the post-primary school in West Thagara Village. Kyaukse
The guests saluted
the State flag while the students were playing musical instruments
and singing the National Anthem.

Then" the student
unveiled the stone plaque bearing the words "Myanmar Education
Goal". Meanwhile, the students were singing the song title "Myanma
Kyaung" (Myanmar School).
Next, Chairman of
Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-l General Khin Nyunt formally
unveiled the signboard of the school.
After that, the.
commander, Minister Brig-Gen Pyi Sone and wellwisher U Win Aung
formally opened the new building.
The Secretary-l and
party and guests viewed the classrooms round the school.
The ceremony to hand
over the new school building followed at the Mingalar pandal in the
school compound.
Principal U Win Shin
reported on academic matters being carried out and wellwisher U Win
Aung, on the purpose of the donation. Then, member of the school
board of trustees, U Thaung Nyunt spoke words of thanks.
.Next, the
wellwisher handed over the documents related to the new building to
Director-General of the No 2 BED Lt-Col Win Htein. The 140 feet long
and 30 feet wide building with five lecture rooms was constructed at
a cost of K 7.8 mi1Iion. The donation included furniture, toilets
and water tanks.
Secretary-1 then presented 161 dozens of exercise books and 161
dozens of pencils to schoolboys and schoolgirls.
After that, Minister
U Than Aung spoke words of thanks to the wellwisher and called on
the teachers to strive for bringing about students outstanding in
all sectors.
After the ceremony,
the Secretary-1 inspected the development tasks for Kyaukse region.
The Secretary-1 and party went to the three-storey building
construction project site of the Government Technological College in
Kyaukse where they were welcomed by Principal U Zaw Htoo Aungand
At the construction
site, Engineer U Thin Hlaing of , the Shwe Than Lwin Co reported on
work being carried out. Minister U Thaung gave a supplementary
Then, the
Secretary-1gave necessary instructions and inspected construction
The Secretary-l and
party proceeded to Zeedaw Canal in the same township. Officials
reported on supply of water and arrangements to be made for
construction of a new diversion weir in Zawgyi River for supply of
more water to the township.

After that, the
Secretary- 1 looked into the site chosen for construction of a new
diversion weir near Kyaukse People's Hospital and left necessary
instructions. They then inspected construction of a-n£w building of
the 200-bed Kyaukse People's Hospital, where Managing Director of
the Olympic Co U Aung Zaw Paing conducted them round the
construction site.
The Secretary-l then
visited the Maha Shwetheindaw Pagoda in the same township. The
Secretary-l presented cash. donation and signed in the visitors'
Later, the
Secretary-l and party arrived at Mandalay International Airport and
they arrived back here in the evening.
( 3
) Australia FM to pay an official visit to Myanmar
Yangon, 29 Sept - At the invitation of U Win
Aung, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Union of Myanmar, HE Mr
Alexander Downer, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Australia, will
pay an official visit to the Union of Myanmar in the near future.
Energy Minister arrives back from the 8th
International Energy Conference
Yangon, 28 Sept - Minister for Energy Brig-Gen
Lun Thi arrived back hereon 26 September after attending the 8th
International Energy Conference held in Osaka, Japan, the meeting of
Energy Ministers of ASEAN+3 and the 11th Ministerial level meeting
on region of Mekong region held in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
On 21 September, the minister attended the 8th
International Energy Conference. The conference focused on energy
consumption in the world, energy fulfillment and problems to be
encountered in coming 30 years. It was attended by 89 countries
including OPEC countries and 16 imitational organizations.
Ministers from ten ASEAN countries, the People's
Republic of China, the Republic of Korea and Japan attended the
meeting of Energy Ministers of ASEAN+3. Short term and long-term
plans on cooperation to fulfill the energy needs in Asia were laid
down at the meeting. On 22 September, while in Japan, the minister
met Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas of India Mr Ram Naik and
discussed the prospects for bilateral cooperation in energy sector.
The minister flew to Phnom Penh on 23 September .
On 25 September, the minister attended the 11 the
ministerial level meeting on economic cooperation in Mekong region.
Establishment of economic and transport infrastructures, Sale of
electricity in the region and establishment of communication net
works were discussed at the meeting. During his stay in Cambodia,
the minister met Myanmar Ambassador and embassy staff and explained
about economic and political developments in Myanmar.
Director General of Energy Planning Department U
Soe Myint and party also arrived back on the same flight.
Myanmar team beat Indian team 1-0 friendly
soccer match

Yangon, 28 Sept -The friendly soccer match
between Myanma Tatmadaw (Army) soccer team (A) and Indian Defence
Services football team took place at the Youth Training Centre m
Among the spectators were Member of the State
Peace and Development Council Chairman of Deface Services Sports and
Physical Education Management committee Adjutant-General Lt- Gen
Thein Sein, Vice-Chiefs of Armed Forces Training Maj-Gen Aung Kyi
and Brig- Gen Thein Swe, the Indian Ambassador, the Indian Military
Attaché, senior military officers, Manager Brigadier GRC Nair of
Indian Defence Services volleyball team and soccer team and guests.

Before the match, Vice- Chief of Armed Forces
Training Maj-Gen Aung Kyi together with officials and players of
both teams, posed for a documentary photo. In the match, Myanma Army
soccer team beat Indian Defence Services football team 1-0. After
the match, the adjutant-general presented a shield to mark the
friendly match to the Indian football team and posed for a
documentary photo.
The football team of the Ministry of Defence will
play against the Indian football team in the second match to be held
at the same venue at 4 pm on 2 October.
( 4
Minister inspects
departmental works
Yangon, 28 Sept -
Minister for Immigration and Population and for Social Welfare,
Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa, arrived at the
Immigration and National Registration Department on Pansodan Street
yesterday and accompanied by Director-General Col Maung Htay and
officials, and inspected the department and its four branches and
gave instructions.
At Kyaikwaing Youth
Training School, the minister, accompanied by Director- General of
the Social Welfare Department U Sit Myaing and officials, inspected
the library and the hostel there and gave instructions. This
morning, the minister, arrived at the relief goods warehouse, where
he inspected arrangements made for fire prevention and gave
Minister Inspects Myanma Radio and Television

Yangon, 28 Sept - Minister for Information
Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan inspected Mymima Radio and Television and gave
necessary instructions to officials concerned ,this afternoon.
Accompanied by
officials, the minister arrived at the MRTV at 2 pm. At the guest
house, Director -General of the MRTV U Khin Maung Htay reported on
construction of a new building of the MRTV- 3, the broadcasting and
programme of the MRTV, broadcasting days and time for local and
foreign audience, conditions of replies on receiving programmers,
installed machinery, conditions in receiving MRTV -3 programmers in
126 countries arrangements being made for broadcasting of' streaming
video and conducting of courses. Then, Chief Engineer of the MRTV U
Tin San , reported con conditions of machines. The minister
elaborated on efforts to be made for extended broadcasting of MRTV
-3 programmers.
After that, the
minister inspected respective divisions of the MRTV. The officials
conducted the minister round them. The minister then inspected the
vehicle division and gave instructions on systematic use of fuel and
fire prevention measures to be taken.
Next, the minister
said that the MRTV is the department which is Carrying out its tasks
with the objectives on information and presenting educative c and
entertainment programmers for the people. So all the staff are to
perform assigned duties in unison. He added that it is needed to
carry out tasks with goodwill without making any mistakes
conclusion, he called on all the service personnel to make
collective endeavors in order to bring about and nurture new
generation youths, to take fire for prevention measures, to
systematically use electricity and to ensure smooth performance.
Later, the minister
and party went to the MRTV-3 New Studio Complex Construction Project
site being undertaken by the Olympic Co Ltd for the Ministry of
Information on Kyundaw Street in Kamayut Township. Director -General
U Khin Maung Htay reported on progress in construction of the
complex and tasks being carried out and Managing Director of the
Olympic Co . Ltd U Aung Than, on salient points on construction of
the complex. In response to the reports, the minister gave
instantiations on planting shady trees and wind breakers for
greening of the complex, timely completion, meeting the set standard
and minimizing loss and waste of construction materials.
Later; the minister
saw over the scale model of the complex, materials to be used in the
rooms of the complex and progress in construction of the building.
Then, the minister gave necessary instructions to the officials and
left the construction site.
Forestry Minister inspects use of
electricity at mills and offices
28 Sept - Minister for Forestry U Aung Phone, together with
officials of Myanma Timber Enterprise, inspected the use of
electricity at mills, workshops and offices under the ministry
yesterday evening. The minister saw over Nos 1,2, 4, 6ahd 8 saw
mills, Okkyin workshop, vessels & transport workshop in Kyimyindine
Township and the Planning and Statistics Department Office.
During his inspection, the minister gave
instructions to officials on supervising the mills and offices as
well as at the staff quarters and management matters.
( 5 ) Provisions donated
to Kyimyindine School for the Blind
Yangon, 28 Sept -The
families of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air} and wellwishers donated
rice, edible oil, salt, medicines, beans and pulses and cash to the
School for the Blind (Kyimyindine) under the Social Welfare
Department at a ceremony held at the school on Panbingyi -Street, ,Kyimyindine
Township, Yangon West District, this afternoon.
On. behalf of the
Tatmadaw families, Brig-Gen Tin Soe of the Ministry of Defence,
Commander of Ayeyawady Naval Regional Command Commodore Maw Thein
and Colonel General Staff (Air) (Mechanical) Col Ye Chit Pe
presented the provisions to the principal. Then, departmental
officials, social organizations and well wishers presented the
provisions donated by the wellwishers to the principal and Chairman
of Township Peace and Development Council U Tin Win.
After that, Ayeyamye
Co Ltd presented K200,000 for the trust funds of the school Adviser
at the Ministry of Culture Dr Pe Nyan, K : 10,000; Win Yadana
Travelling Services, BTB Col, Great Wall Traditional Medicine House,
KN Co, Thamada Thingantaik and Kyaw Traditional Medicine House, K
50,000 each; Yangon West District and Township Peace and Development
Council, K 30,000; Daw Mya Thein and son U Yan Shin, K 15,000; Aung
Thein Timber Sale Centre family, Mandaing Diesel Pump and Nozzle
Servicing Workshop, Bargaya Jetty Maket and Thitsar Pankhin Co Ltd,
K 50,000 each: Executive Board of Fish Brokers K 45,000; Hsan
Myanmar Co Ltd, K 30,000; Township General Administration
Department. K 20,000; Ward Peace and Development Councils in the
township, Myanmar and Yangon Division Fisheries, Federations,
Magyeedan North-West Ward Peace and Development Council, Thiri
Mingalar Market Development Affairs Committee, Ngwe Hnin Hsihsar
Guest House, Sakura Guest House, Kanyaza Guest House, Shwe Pyae San
Guest House, Hsihninphyu Guest House and Altnyaung Guest House, K
30,000 each; Shwe Nilar Guest House, K 15,000; Mya Yi Nanda Guest
House and Nikko Umbrella Factory, K 20,000 each; Lawun Guest House,
K 15,(XX); Aye Thidar Guest House, K 20,000; Township Poultry
Brokerage House, K 10,000; Township Maternal and Child Welfare
Association Chairperson Da.w Khin Ni Win, K 5,000; Tun Shwe Wah
Traditional Medicine House, K 30,000; Hmancho Traditional Medicine
House and Kaythipan Traditional Medicine House, K 20,000 each; A
waiya Traditional Medicine House, K1.0,000; Myrnt Myat Paddy
Cultivation Enterpris, K 15,000; Dagon International Co Ltd, K
11,900; Daw RIa ma of Lanmadaw Township, K 15,000; and Township
Myanmar Police Force and Maternal and Child Welfare Association, K
10,000 each; to the minister, the deputy minister, Brig-Gen Aung
Thein, Commodore Maw Thein and Brig-Gen Htin Aung Kyaw.
Then, Lt-Col Than
Tun of the Ministry of Defence explained the purpose of the
donation. Afterwards, the principal spoke words of thanks. Next, the
students entertained those present with songs. Today's donations
totaled 92 bags of rice, 76 viss of edible oil, 214 viss of iodized
salt, 10 boxes of soft salt; 958 boxes of various kinds of
traditional medicines 22 viss of gram and K 1,426,900.
( 6 )
Tatmadaw families, wellwishers present cash and kind to School For
the Blind in Mayangon

Yangon, 18 Sept- Families of Defence Services
(Army, Navy and Air) and wellwishers presented rice, edible Qil,
salt, medicines, gram and cash to the School for the Blind (Khawechan)of
the Myanmar Christian Fellowship of the Blinds at3.30 pm today.
The ceremony was held I. at the two-storey
building of the school on Baho Road in Ward 2 of Mayangon Township,
attended by Member of the State peace and Development Council
Adjutarit-General Ll-Gen Thein Sein.
On behalf of the Tatmadaw families, Director of
Resettlements Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Commander of Ayeyawady Naval
Region Command Commodore Maw Thein and Colonel Air Staff (Mechanical)Col
Ye Chit Pe presented rice, edible oil and gram to Chairman of the
Fellowship U Hla Lwin. Then, the Ministry of Religious Affairs,
Yangon City Development Committee, Yangon West pi strict and
Mayangon Township Peace and Development Councils, departments and
wellwishets presented rice, jam, edible oil, salt, tooth paste,
traditional medicines to Chairman U Hla Lwin.
Next, General Secretary U Thein Lwin of the
Fellow- ship accepted K 10,000 each donated by the Tatmadaw families
and the Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd through Director of
Resettlement Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Ayeyawady Naval Region Command
Commodore Maw Thein and Colonel Air Staff (Mechanical) Col Ye Chit
Pe; and K 10,000 by Yangon Division Peace and Development Council
through Yangon Division Police Force Police Col Aung Daing.
Afterwards, the general secretary and the headmistress accepted cash
donations from wellwishers.
Then, General Staff Officer (Grade-I) Lt-Col Than
Shwe of the Commander -in- Chief {Air)'s Office explained the
purpose of the donations. General Secretary U Thein Lwin spoke words
of thanks. Chairman U Hla Lwin then presented gifts to
Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Thein Sein. The ceremony ended with songs
presentation of I the students. Today's donations were 73 bags
office, 21 , viss of edible oil, 33 viss of gram, 150 viss of
iodized salt. 15 tubes of-tooth paste, 1,674 bottles of traditional
medicines and K 822,900.
( 7 )
Commander inspects regional development
tasks in Yangon North District
Yangon, 28 Sept -
Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander
of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe, inspected agricultural and
regional development tasks in Yangon North District this afternoon.
First,1he commander
inspected regional development roads and thriving monsoon. paddy in
Bawlekyun region and Aingkalaungkyun region, Htantabin Township. The
commander and party arrived at the briefing hall of Thabyedan river
water pumping project near, Tawlati Village, Aingkalaungkyun. Head of
Yangon Division Water Utilization Department U Myint Soe reported on
progress in installation of machinery at Thabyedan river water
pumping-project for supplying water to summer paddy; digging of the main
canals, tasks carried out for supplying water to18,000 acres of summer
paddy from .Gyogon, Kankalay, Yaybawthoung and Thabyedan river water
pumping projects in Bawlekyun and Aingkalaungkyun regions, Aingkalaung
river water pumping project to be implemented for irrigating 5,000 acres
of farmlands near Ywatha Village, Aingkalaungkyun region, " Taikkyi
Township and progress in implementing Gwedanshe river water pumping
project which will supply water to 3,000 acres of farmlands in
Bawlekyun region, Htantabin Township.
Then, Director of Yangon
Division pevelopment Committee U Tin Soe reported on construction of 2
miles and 1 furlong long laterite road section on 9 1 miles and four
furlongs long Tawlati-Kalawthawt road in Aingkalaungkyun region,
construction of bridges, col- lection of construction materials,
arrangements for construction of laterite roads and requirements.
After hearing the
report, the commander gave a speech. He stressed the need to make
preparations for full " cultivation of summer paddy with the aim of
developing Aingkalaungkyun region and Bawlekyun region. Taking advantage
of the full power supply, arrangements are to be made to irrigate
farmlands of the local farmers. And Yangon Division Development Affairs
Committee should build village to village roads. Then, the commander
attended to their needs.
Next, the commander
inspacted test-running of Thabyedan river water pumping project:
Afterwards, the commander and party arrived at the 100 feet long
and 16 feet wide Padawsat wooden bridge, two miles and one furlong far
from Tawlati, on Tawlati-Kalawthawt Road. They inspected completion of
Tawlati-Kalawthawt earth road.
The commander gave
instructions on tasks to be undertaken for regional development to
officials, Later, the commander inspected fish breeding ponds of ASEAN
Polymer Co Ltd near Kalawthawty Village.
( 8
Essay competitions to mark UN Day held
28 Sept -The Basic Education Middle and High School level essay
competitions (Myanmar) to , mark the United Nations Day and United
Nations Poster Exhibition were held at the basic education schools
in the entire nation at 9am today.
Chairman of the
United Nations Poster Exhibition Organizing Committee Vice- Chief of
Military Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, visited Basic Education High
School No 2 and Basic Education High School No 1 in Latha Township
and Basic Education High School No 1 in Dagon Township where the
competitions were held.
Basic education
middle and high school students participated in the essay (Myanmar)
competitions entitled "Unite for a pleasant world".
UN Day poem competitions held
Yangon, 28 Sept - Basic Education High School level and Basic Education
Middle School level poem competitions to mark the United Nations Day and Poster
Exhibition were simultaneously held all over the country this afternoon.
Chairman of the Work Committee for Organizing Essay, Poem and Painting
Competitions to mark the United nations Day and Poster Exhibition Deputy Minister for Education Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung and members of the committee viewed round the competitions held at BEHS-1Lanmadaw Township and BEHS-6 Botahtaung Township in Yangon Division.
The BEHS and BEMS students participated in the competitions under the title
"Unity ,in, the pleasant world".
( 9
Maha Dwara Sasanabaing Sayadaw Bhaddanta Khamavudha passes
Yangon, 28 Sept - The Religious Affairs
Department today announced that Maha Dwara Nikaya Maha Nayaka (Sasanabaing)
Sayadaw Abhidhaja Maha Ratha Guru Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddhama
Jotika Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw of Ledi Kyaungtaik in Hinthada in
AyeyawadyDivision Bhaddanta Khamavudha aged 92, Vasa 72, passed away
at Mingaladon Defence Services General Hospital at 6.31 pm on 7th
Waning of ; Tawthalin 1364 ME (28 September 2002).