1 ) Minister receives Ambassador of Japan
Yangon, 27 Sept - Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin met Ambassador of Japan Mr Yuji Miyamoto at his office this morning.
KOICA presents computers to
Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation

Yangon, 27 Sept - A ceremony to present 14 computers and accessories to the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation by Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) was held at the office of the Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation this morning.

Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt
Tin and Ambassador of Korea Mr Lee Kyun-woo and officials inspected application of the computers at the training
( 2 )
Health Ministry holds coord meeting

Yangon, 27 Sept - The second four-monthly work
coordination meeting of the Ministry of Health was held at the
meeting hall of the Medical Research Department (Lower Myanmar) this
First, Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein and
Deputy Ministers Prof Dr Mya Oo made speeches. Then, directors-general of the departments under the ministry, rectors, heads of states/divisions health departments and medical superintendents of central and state/division level hospitals reported on work done.
The meeting came to a close with the concluding remarks by the minister.
Measures for conducting Myanmar women's endeavours exhibition coordinated

Yangon, 27 Sept - Officials discussed holding of Myanmar
women's endeavours exhibition at the office of the minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement on Naga Cave Pagoda Road in Mayangon Township this afternoon.
The exhibition will be organized by Myanmar National Committee for
Women's Affairs.
At the meeting, Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa clarified instructions given by Patron of the MNCWA Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council General Khin Nyunt at the Zeyathiri Beikman Hall on 20 September.
Then, Director Daw Nu Mra Zan reported on arrangements made for opening the booths at the exhibition, representatives of Myanmar
Traditional Artists Artisans Asiayon, the Ministry for Progress of Border Areas
and National Races and Development Affairs, the Ministry of
Education and the health working group, on conditions on opening
booths sector-wise, followed by a general round of discussions.
The meeting came to a close with concluding
remarks by the minister.
Cash and kind donated to mark
International Day for Older Persons
Yangon, 27 Sept - The cash and kind donation ceremony to mark the International Day for Older Persons was held at the MICT Park in Hline Township this afternoon, attended by Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa.
First, wellwishers presented the donations - K 1 million by Ayar Myay Co; K 520,000 by U Khin Myint Yadana Win Thonze Co; K 508,185 by Shwe Thanlwin Co; K 350,000 by Asia Wealth Bank; K 240,220 worth of eight kinds of medicine by Medi Myanmar Group; K 222,000 by K B International Co; five boxes of Calsome Quicker worth K 216,750 by Win and sons Co; K 200,000 worth of piricam medicines by Zydus Cadila Healthcare; K 100,000 and medical equipment worth K 103,680 by Kyaw medical house; K 200,000 by Great Wall medical house, and K 200,000 by Golden Dragon Co.
The minister accepted the donations and presented certificates of honour to the wellwishers.

Next, the deputy minister, the vice- chairperson of MNWCWA, Brig-Gen Thura Sein Thaung, Director-General U Sit Myaing, Director-General U Myint Tun, Director-General U Tin Yi and Director-General U Than Oo accepted the donations and presented certificates of honour to the wellwishers. The donations were K 200,000 donated by Sinma Furnishings Co; K 147,600 worth of medicines by Great Luck Co; K 50,000 and medical equipment worth K 60,000 by Hman Cho medical house; K 100,000 by MNWCWA; K 200,000 by Kho Sein Slippers Co; K 100,000 each by YCDC; Htet Linn medical house; Kyet Shyar Soon Biriani shop; BTB Co; Shwe Li Jewellary Shop; Thamada Thingantaik; Win Yadana Transportation; Loi Hein Co; Soe Moe Kyaw and Waing Waing Le Lottery shop; U Kyaw Aung-Daw Yin Twam; Muselum Home for Old Women; U San Kyu-Daw Kyu Kyu Khaing; Asia King Co; RBR Co and Muselum Home for the Aged; K 30,000 and Kaythipan balm worth K 54,000 by Myat Chantha medical house; K 50,090 by Sandi herbal medicine shop; K 50,000 each by Doh Shwe Pyi Construction; Moe Kaung Kin Restaurant; Haji Mawlavi Swalay (a) U Soe Than; La Sanda ink and paper trading), Myint Myat Paddy Farming; Sayagyi Co; Sun Myanmar Co; and Daisy Kyaw Lin Lace Store; K 20,000 and medical equipment worth K 26,900 by Aung Taman medical house, Good Morning corn biscuits worth K 36,900 by Myanmar Mayson Co; K 30,000 by staff of Aung Aung Enterprise, K 30,000 by Tun Shwewa medical house; K 10,000 by San Thawda ink and paper trading; and K 10,000 by U Win Khaing.
Then, the minister spoke words of thanks to the wellwishers. Altogether 65 wellwishers donated a total of K 6,472,090 and assorted medicines worth K 1,665,935 at today's ceremony.
( 3
) Construction of roads and bridges inspected in Bago Division
Yangon, 27 Sept - Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, arrived at the Training School (Central) of the ministry in Thuwunna this morning.
The officials reported on salient points in giving lectures. The minister called for ensuring the trainees to complete the courses in order to learn the subjects to some extent phase by phase based on a particular time. It is also needed to make arrangements for extension of the courses, he added. Then, the commander attended to the needs.
The minister and party saw over No 2 Highway, Yangon-Bago section of the six-lane highway and progress in carrying out maintenance tasks for the rainy season.

Then, the minister and party, accompanied by Bago Division Superintending Engineer U Kyaw Kyaw Lwin
and the District Engineer, inspected progress of construction of Nyaunglebin-Madauk-Shwekyin road and tasks to be carried out in the open season. The minister gave instructions on gathering quality paving stones with correct sizes and meeting the standard set.
Next, the minister
went to Shwekyin-Madauk Bridge Construction Project site. He then gave instructions on carrying out tasks section-wise. He stressed the importance of meeting the standard and workmanship of the bridge, and inspected the work site.
After that, the minister and party proceeded to
Ye Nwe Bridge Project on Yangon-Mandalay Highway. At the briefing
hall, the minister elaborated on construction
Next, the commander and party went to Baidah Bridge Construction Project site. The minister gave
instructions on carrying out tasks section-wise after drawing plans for timely completion and ensuring meeting the set standard.
Industry-2 Ministry holds coord meeting
Yangon, 27 Sept - The second four-monthly work coordination meeting 2002 of the Ministry of Industry-2 took place at the meeting hall of the ministry on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road this morning.
Minister Maj-Gen Saw Lwin made a speech on the
occasion. Then, the deputy ministers and officials reported on tasks
to be carried out to meet the third four-monthly production target
of the factories during the 2002-2003 fiscal year. Then, the
minister and the deputy ministers presented prizes for outstanding
staff and students who passed the matriculation examination 2002
through the officials of the departments, enterprises and factories.
Later, the minister made conclusion remarks which
brought the ceremony to an end.
Ministry of Forestry holds second four-monthly coord meeting

Yangon, 27 Sept - A second four-monthly coordination meeting of the Ministry of Forestry took place at Taw Win Hall of the Forest Department in Insein Township this evening.
On the occasion, Minister for Forestry U Aung
Phone spoke of the need to make active efforts in departmental tasks to exceed the year-end target. While accelerating the momentum to a degree that arrangements for forest plantations, minimizing the illegal timber extracts, and greening the nine-district arid region can end in success, tasks should also be carried out for cultivation of mixed-crops in forest plantations on a commercial scale, timely timber extraction, and change of the system of the Survey Department to UTM system, he continued.
The minister also gave instructions on more new effective arrangements for selling hard woods to the public for construction and means to make the arrangements successful. He then urged to make arrangements for growing Thitseint trees, that produce oil, in coming year, to husband money, materials, diesel fuel and electric power, to extend cultivation of kitchen crops to ensure staff welfare, to render cooperation in other tasks of the State and to double all the efforts whenever doing tasks.
( 4
Development affairs tasks inspected in Thanlyin and Kyauktan
Yangon, 27 Sept - Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt, arrived at Thanlyin this morning.
At the office of Yangon Division Development Affairs Committee, the minister met with Director of the Committee U Tin Soe, Chairman of Township Peace and Development Council U Kyin Han, executives of Thanlyin, Kyauktan, Kayan, Hmawby and Hlegu Township Development Affairs Committees and engineers and dealt with matters related to reduction in use of electricity and fuel oil.
In his address, the minister said that the government offices switched on bulbs, fluorescent lamps, air-conditioners, hot plates, roadside lamps and park lights unnecessarily and it was a waste of electricity. He added that by using electricity carefully to avoid waste, the people and industrial zones can use more electricity and as a result there will be boosting of production. In conclusion, the minister called on officials to supervise measures so as to avoid unnecessary use of vehicles on weekends and
gazette holidays and to reduce use of fuel oil.
Then, the minister went to Thanlyin Myoma Market and inspected use of solar powered lamps and security lamps in the market and solar powered lamps in the park. The minister spoke of the need for the officials of township development affairs committees to systematically use solar powered lamps in order to save electricity.
After that, the minister proceeded to Kyauktan Township and looked into the tarring of the entrance road of the Padagyi Pagoda and renovation of the well used by Myanmar kings for drinking near the Pada MyoU Pagoda.
Later, the minister inspected the digging of a well being undertaken by Township Development Affairs Committee in the compound of Myaingthaya Rural Health Care Centre and gave instructions to the officials on projects to be implemented for ensuring supply of fresh water in all the villages in the township.
MOC Chairman to attend Asian Games
Yangon, 27 Sept - Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint, Vice-Chairman Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo and General Secretary Director-General of Sports and Physical Education Department U Thaung Htaik left here by air for Pusan,
the Republic of Korea, to attend the XIV Asian Games as guests. Two officials from the administrative body, nine weightlifters and one
speak takraw player also went to Pusan on the same flight.
A sports contingent comprising 20 members also left here by air in the evening.
Myanmar-India volleyball friendly begins

Yangon, 27 Sept - The first match of Myanmar-India volleyball friendly took place at the National Indoor Stadium-1 in Thuwunna at 4 pm today.

Before the match, Brig-Gen Maung Nyo, together with officials and players of both teams, posed for a documentary photo.
In the first match, Myanmar Defence Services team beat Indian Defence Services team 3-1.
After the match, Brig-Gen Myo Myint presented the cup to mark the friendly match to the Indian volleyball team.
The match between Myanma Army soccer team (A) and Indian Defence Services football team will be held at the same venue at 4 pm tomorrow.
Labour Minister inspects
on-job training school

Yangon, 27 Sept - Minister for Labour U Tin Winn, arrived at the on-job training school of the Labour Department this afternoon and inspected motor vehicle workshop, welding workshop and electric appliance workshop. Officials conducted him round the training school. The minister gave necessary instructions.
( 5 ) Ministry of Rail Transportation holds work coord meeting
Yangon, 27 Sept - The second four-monthly work
coordination meeting of the Ministry of Rail Transportation was held
at the meeting hall of the ministry this morning. Minister for Rail
Transportation U Pan Aung made a speech. In his address, the minister urged those present to review work done and strive for the improvement of rail transportation sector.
Industry-1 Minister inspects factories
Yangon, 27 Sept - The English Proficiency Course No 1/2002 sponsored by the Ministry of Industry-1 concluded at the training hall of the ministry this morning, attended by Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung.
The minister presented prizes to those who stood first, second and third.
Next, the minister presented prizes and K 5000 each to those who were outstanding in the courses conducted by the Central Institute of Civil Service (Upper Myanmar). Afterwards, the minister presented the completion certificates to 38 trainees who attended the seven-week course.
At 9 am, the minister inspected factories and mills in Hlaing and Mayangon Townships and gave necessary instructions to officials.
Similarly, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Win and officials this morning inspected factories and mills in Yankin, Mayangon and Thingangyun Townships and gave necessary instructions. Likewise, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thein Tun and officials inspected factories and mills in Insein and Hlaing Townships and gave necessary instructions.
NPED holds second four-monthly coord meeting
Yangon, 27 Sept - A work coordination meeting 2002 of the Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development was held at the meeting hall of the
Ministers' Office on Theinbyu Street here this morning, with an address by Minister for NPED U Soe Tha.
Speaking on the occasion, the minister said differentiation must be made between the work to be done at present and long-term work for economic development of the State, depending on the current requirements of the State. There are
favorable conditions to excel achievements of previous year.
Then, directors-general, deputy directors-general and officials reported to the minister on preparations for future tasks.
Later, the meeting came to an end in the
afternoon with concluding remarks by the minister. Afterwards, the
minister, accompanied by officials, inspected the Planning
Department and the Foreign Economic Relations Department.
( 6 )
CEC member receives delegation
Yangon, 27 Sept - Central Executive Committee member of the Union Solidarity and Development Association U Than Shwe received the Cuban Delegation led by Vice-President Mrs Evangelina Seoane Dominguez of Cuban Institute for Friendship the People's
arriving here at the invitation of USDA at the head office of the
association on University Avenue at 5 pm today. CEC member U Than Shwe explained salient points of the association. The delegation also explained facts about their organization.
Billboards erected to hail Traditional
Performing Arts Competitions
Yangon, 27 Sept - Billboards to hail the Tenth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions, 2002 were put up at the National Museum on Pyay Road, junction of the entrance to Yangon International Airport, and Yangon Railway Station this morning.
The billboards are 40-foot long and 10-foot wide. Arrangements have also been made to put up the billboards in front of the National Theatre on Myomakyaung Street, Padomma Theatre in Sangyoung Township and the Fine Arts Department (Kanbawza Theatre) on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road.
Myanmar delegation arrives back
Yangon, 27 Sept - A Myanmar delegation comprising U Maung Maung Aye, Chief Editor of the New Light of Myanmar Daily of News and Periodicals Enterprise and U Tun Lin Aung, Deputy Director (TV) of Myanma Radio and Television, arrived back here by air this evening after attending the China-Asean Media Cooperation Seminar held in Beijing, the People's Republic of China.
( 7 ) Remnants of armed groups exchange arms for peace
Yangon, 27 Sept - The State Peace and Development Council is striving with might and main in turning the nation into a peaceful, modern and developed one with genuine goodwill.
After realizing it, remaining armed groups, with the conviction that their subversive act do not benefit the State and the people in any way and their regions did lag behind development, have been exchanging arms for peace in groups or individually.
During the period from 1 to 31 August 2002, privates Shar Ral and Po Ral of Kayinni armed group exchanged arms for peace in Eastern Command region.
In the Coastal Region Command region, Sgt Hla Aye, privates Tin Oo, Kyin Aye and Thein Win of No 7 DO Battalion of No 4 Brigade of KNU armed group, together with one AK 47 automatic rifle, one magazine and 30 rounds of ammunition, private Saw Kyuli of No 2 Company, No 10 Battalion of No 4 Brigade of KNU armed group, together with a Winchester rifle, Lt Saw Tar Po Po and private Saw Than Nge of No 3 Company, No 10 Battalion of No 4 Brigade of KNU armed group, together with one .30 Carbine, 3 magazines, 48 rounds of ammunition and four grenades and privates Tin Soe, Tun Yu and Naing Oo of No 4 Company, No 11 Battalion of No 4 Brigade of KNU armed group, together with one .30 Carbine, one rifle, three assorted magazines and 40 assorted rounds of ammunition, exchanged arms for peace.
Officials of the military camps warmly welcomed them who exchanged arms for peace and fulfilled their requirements. There are still more members of armed groups to exchange arms for peace.
Authorities prevent three men and one young woman from being smuggled out of country
Yangon, 27 Sept - Authorities were able to prevent three men and one young woman from illegally entering Yodaya through the Myawady route to work in Japan on 19 September.
Officials of Kayin State Peace and Development Council and members of Kayin State Working Committee for
Women's Affairs met them, gave words of encouragement, explained the hardships they were going to face as an illegal worker in a foreign country, and then handed them over to their parents.
The authorities found a team of five suspicious looking passengers four men and a woman while they were checking the cars at Thantaga gate at the entrance to Myawady on that day.
When the authorities inquired them, they came to know that the leader of the team was Ko Ko Aung, who got married with a Japanese woman, and settled in Okazaki, Japan. He earned US $ 9,000 when he took a woman from Myanmar to Japan with a false visa, via Yodaya through the Myawady route. It was his second attempt to smuggle people into Japan, taking US $ 1,500 from each person in advance. The three men and the young woman are from Yangon.
Officials of Kayin State Peace and Development Council and members of Kayin State Working Committee for
Women's Affairs warmly met with the four victims on 24 September, explaining the difficulties they were going to face in a foreign land and the business opportunities created by the government in the country.
The existing laws of the country were not able to protect Myanmars illegally living abroad, they said. Afterwards, the authorities sent the three men and the woman back to their homes in Yangon.
Severe action has been taken against Ko Ko Aung for trying to deceive innocent persons and to smuggle them out of the country.
( 8
Italian tourists arrive by chartered flight

Yangon, 27 Sept - Under the sponsorship of the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism and the Ministry of Transport and under arrangement by Myanmar Lotus Asia Tours Ltd, the chartered flight of Lauda Air Boeing 767/300 with 52 tourists on board arrived here this morning.
The tourists were welcomed at Yangon International Airport by Managing Director of Myanma Hotels and Tourism Service U Htay Aung and departmental officials, officials of Myanmar Lotus Asia Tours Ltd and national race girls.
The tourists will enjoy the trip of Yangon-Inlay-Mandalay-Bagan-Popa and they will leave here on 3 October.
Those, who arrived here on 19 September, left here this morning for Phukhet, Thailand.
( 9
Stimulant tablets and heroin seized
Yangon, 27 Sept - A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Kengtung Special Anti-drug Squad, acting on information, searched the house of Aik Khe of Sutywe Village in Yankha Village-tract, Kengtung Township, on 26 August and seized a total of 1,800 stimulant tablets weighing 0.18 kilos.
Similarly, a combined team consisting of members of local intelligence unit, local battalion and Muse Special Anti-drug Squad, acting on a tip-off, searched the house of Son Lint of No 43, Ward-4, Monkoe, on 12 September and seized 153 grams of heroin, one M-20 pistol, three rounds of
ammunition and one magazine.
Action is being taken against them under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by the police station concerned.