1 ) Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Thein Sein receives Indian guests

Yangon, 26 Sept - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Chairman of Defence Services Sports and Physical Education Management Committee Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Thein Sein received manager Brig GRC Nair and officials of Indian Defence Services volleyball team
and soccer team at Zeya Thiri Beikman Hall in Konmyinttha here this
The guest teams will play friendly matches with Myanmar Defence Services
volleyball team and soccer team.
( 2 )
Minister receives Malaysian guests
Yangon, 26 Sept - Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein received Managing Director Mr Tan See Yin and party of Pharmaniaga Co Ltd, Malaysia, at his office on Pyidaungsu Yeiktha
road in Dagon Township at 3 pm today.
Coord meeting on transport of pilgrims and tourists by Indian Airlines

Yangon, 26 Sept - Chairman and Managing Director Shri Sunil Arora Indian Airlines Limited, and party met with Managing Director U Maung Shwe of Goenka's Bandoola Group of Companies (GSA, Indian Airlines) and party on Myat Thanda ship at Nanthida Jetty yesterday evening and they discussed matters related to carrying pilgrims of India and other tourists to Myanmar by Indian Airlines.
Then, U Maung Shwe hosted a dinner to the visiting party on the ship. The dinner was attended by Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin, Indian Ambassador to Myanmar Mr Rajiv Kumar Bhatia and officials of the Indian embassy, guests of the Association of Myanmar-India Traders.
Ambassador U Hla Myint presents credentials to President of Brazil
Yangon, 26 Sept - U Hla Myint, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Union of Myanmar to the Federative Republic of Brazil, presented his credentials to His Excellency Mr Fernando Henrique Cardoso, President of the Federative Republic of Brazil, on 18 September 2002, in Brazilia.
( 3
) Construction Ministry holds four-monthly meeting
Gifts of honour presented to outstanding athletes, staff and students
Yangon, 26 Sept
- The Ministry of Construction held its second four-monthly work coordination meeting at the head office of the ministry on Shwedagon Pagoda Road at 5.30 pm yesterday.
Then, Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, fulfilled the requirements and made the concluding remarks.
The minister delivered an address and then presented gifts to the student who passed the matriculation exam with six distinctions seven staff athletes who won gold and silver medals in the soccer tournament and boat race abroad, and two service personnel who won model trainee awards in the Central Institutes of Civil Service (Zeebingyi) and (Phaunggyi).
After that, Deputy Minister U Tint Swe presented gifts to three athletes who won silver and bronze medals in boat race and Judo tournament abroad, two staff who won prizes for outstanding performance in military drill at CICS (Phaunggyi), and two students who won the matriculation exam with four to five distinctions.
Then, Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Myint Thein presented gifts to five athletes who won gold, silver and bronze medals in national championship boat races and other athletes who won 2002 Inter-Ministry Table Tennis Tournament.

Later, the managing directors and directors-general presented gifts to the athletes who won medals in internal Judo tournaments and the students with three distinctions, and the ceremony came to a close.
Electric Power Minister inspects use of electric power in industrial zones
Yangon, 26 Sept - Minister for Electric Power Maj-Gen Tin Htut, inspected the garment factories, a coal storage,
"Soe" electric and transformer factory and Asia World plastic bag factory at the industrial zone-1 and industrial zone-2 in Dagon Myothit (South) and North Okkalapa Industrial Zone, Yangon Division this afternoon.
During the inspection tour, the minister and party inspected power supply to the factories, installation and use of power and production process.
They also inspected the use of power meters.
The minister gave instructions on the effective use of the electric power, minimising loss and wastage in using the electric power, abiding by rules and regulations on the electricity and avoiding the illegal use of the power.
Education Minister meets staff

Yangon, 26 Sept - Minister for Education U Than Aung, accompanied by Deputy Ministers Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung and U Myo Nyunt, arrived at No 1 Basic Education Department on Natmauk Street here this afternoon.
At the hall of the department, the minister met officials from the department and gave instructions on tasks of the branches, education colleges, state/division/township education offices and basic education schools.
Then, the minister and party proceeded to Myanmar Education Research Bureau on Pyay Road and met directors-general, chairman and officials of the Higher Education Department, the
Universities' Historical Research Department and MERB. He heard reports presented by officials on tasks being carried out and gave instructions. Afterwards, the minister inspected the studio of MERB.
( 4
Yangon Division MCWA Supervisory Committee meets Township MCWAs
Yangon, 26 Sept - A meeting between the patron of Yangon Division Maternal and Child Welfare Association Supervisory Committee and executives of Township MCWAs was held at the Shwekantha Hall in Okkan, Taikkyi Township, this morning.
The patron made an address on the occasion. Then, Chairman Head of Division Health Department Dr Tin Maung Win reported to the patron on projects being implemented and Secretary Dr Nwe Ni Ohn, on future tasks and work progress.
Under the rural development tasks in accordance with the guidance of the Head of State, the patron presented documents related to tube-well, fly-proof latrines, stationery and educative pamphlets on hygiene donated by the Supervisory Committee to Yintaikkwin Model Village Primary School in Taikkyi Township
through Schoolmaster U Aye Thein.
Afterwards, officials and wellwishers presented cash donated by Township MCWAs and wellwishers to the Supervisory Committee through Patron Daw Khin Thet Htay.
Later, Township MCWAs and wellwishers presented cash and kind to Okkan Station Hospital through Chairman Dr Tin Maung Win.
The meeting came to an end with concluding remarks by the patron. After the ceremony, the patron and party observed the medical treatments given to local people by the medical group of the specialists from South Okkalapa Women and Children Hospital, Yangon Western Hospital, the Ophthalmic Hospital and the Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital under the organization of the Supervisory Committee and Division Health Department. Then, the patron presented glasses to the eye patients and cordially greeted them.
The group gave medical treatments to 174 general patients, 28 obstetric and
gynecological patients, 163 eye patients, 22 oral cavity patients, 54 ear, nose and throat patients and other 15 patients.
Talks on prevention against human trafficking held
Yangon, 26 Sept - Shwepyitha Township Women's
Affairs Committee held educative talks on prevention against
trafficking in human at No 3 Basic Education High School in the
township on 23 September morning. The secretary of the Township Peace and Development Council made an opening speech. Secretary of the Township Women's Affairs Committee Township Law Officer Daw Yi Yi Khin gave talks on the prevention against trafficking in human.
( 5 ) Regional development tasks inspected, measures for hoisting Seinbudaw atop
Maha Kanbawza Pyi Nyein Aye Pagoda coordinated in Loilem
Yangon, 26 Sept - Chairman of Shan State Peace and Development Council Commander of Eastern Command Brig-Gen Khin Maung Myint, on 19 September afternoon inspected the site chosen for construction of a replica of Shwedagon Pagoda in front of Kholan Village in Namhsan Township, Loilem District, and gave necessary instructions in response to the reports presented by officials concerned.
Then, the commander inspected the basic education primary school in Konpaung Village and left necessary instructions. Next, he presented cash assistance to two teachers and 57 schoolboys and schoolgirls.
The commander then went to Konpaung Village health care centre (branch), where Nurse Daw Nan Nu Htwe in-charge of the centre reported on health care services being carried out and the receiving of medicines. The commander gave instructions and attended to the needs.
The commander also inspected Laikkam Village BEPS and the village health care centre (branch) in Konhein Township. Then, the commander gave necessary instructions and fulfilled requirements regarding the reports of the officials.
In the evening, the commander visited Aungmingalar Pariyatti Sarthintaik in the same township, paid obeisance to the 14 Sayadaws who are residing in Taunggyi, Loilem, Kholam, Mongpon and Kyaingtaung, and supplicated on religious matters.
Later, the commander paid homage to the Seinbudaw, which is to be hoisted atop Maha Kanbawza Pyi Nyein Aye Pagoda, at Dhamma Wihara Dhammayon. Then, he visited the Maha Kanbawza Pyi Nyein Aye Pagoda and inspected arrangements being made for hoisting the Seinbudaw
atop the pagoda. Afterwards, the commander gave instructions to the
officials concerned and attended to the needs.
Measures for elimination of leprosy
coordinated in Taninthayi Division
Yangon, 26 Sept - A work coordination meeting on elimination of leprosy in Taninthayi Division was held at Pale Yadana Hall in Myeik on 18 September.
Then, Assistant Director of the leprosy campaign of Health Department Dr Kyaw Myint reported on purpose of launching the leprosy elimination activities week to be held from 23 to 29 October and Head of the Division Health Department Dr Swe
Win on outbreak of leprosy in the region and arrangements for the
Later, Chairman of Taninthayi Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Coastal Region Command Brig-Gen Tha
Aye and officials viewed the educative wall posters and books on
leprosy control at the meeting hall.
Meeting on "leprosy elimination education week" held in Kachin State
Yangon, 26 Sept - A meeting on "leprosy elimination education
week" of Kachin State took place at the city hall of Myitkyina on 17 September morning.
Chairman of Kachin State Peace and Development
Council Commander of Northern Command Brig-Gen Maung Maung Swe delivered an address on the occasion.
Adviser to the National Leprosy Elimination Dr Maung Maung Gyi then reported to the commander on conditions of world leprosy and outbreak of the disease in Myanmar, measures for eradication of the disease, and purposes of the campaign on national leprosy elimination education week.
Dr Htay Aung, health officer of Kachin State Health Department, also reported to the commander on the occurrence of leprosy in Kachin State and activities being carried out to fight the disease. Next, the commander gave instructions on harmonious participation of the whole people in cooperation with the health departments in combating the disease. Afterwards, the meeting came to an end.
On 18 September afternoon pm, Kachin State Drug Abuse Control Committee held a coordination meeting at the city hall of Myitkyina. Chairman of Kachin State Drug Abuse Control Committee Commander of Northern Command Brig-Gen Maung Maung Swe attended the meeting and delivered an address.
Vice-Chairman of Kachin State Drug Abuse Control Committee Commander of Kachin State Police Force Police Col Tin Maung Maung explained to the commander matters pertaining to measures being done for wiping out the narcotic drugs in Kachin State; and departmental officials of Kachin State, sector-wise progress.
Later, Lt-Col Myint Thein handed over thirteen tons of poppy-substitute maize seeds to Police Lt-Col Khin Maung Htay. The seeds were given by Kachin State Peace and Development Council as poppy-substitute crops for agricultural purpose. Afterwards, the commander made necessary coordination on reports of officials and the meeting ended with concluding remarks by the commander.
Commander inspects production of jeep cars and power tillers
Yangon, 26 Sept - Chairman of Sagaing Division Peace and Development Council Commander of North-West Command Brig-Gen Soe Naing, arrived at the industrial zone in Monywa on 19 September morning and inspected the assembling of Chindwin Star jeep cars.
The commander gave instructions on meeting the set standard and fulfilled the requirements.
Then, the commander inspected Theingi San power tiller production and gave necessary instructions.
Afterwards, the commander proceeded to Monywa Brokerage House and inspected the sale of goods and construction of new warehouses. The commander gave necessary instructions.
( 6 )
Seminar on pesticide and insecticide held
Yangon, 26 Sept - The Seminar on Insecticide and Pesticide Laws for Course Instructors organized by Crop Protection Department of the Myanma Agriculture Service of the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation and UNESCAP, UNEP and Hong Kong-based KFBG was held at the hall of the department in Gyogon in Insein Township this morning.
Present on the occasion were Managing Director of MAS U Tun Than, Managing Director of Myanma Cotton and Sericulture Enterprise Dr Thein Htay, officials from UN agencies and the resident representative of FAO, experts from UNESCAP, UNEP and KFBG, officials from MAS, Yezin Agriculture Institute, National Commission for Environmental Maintenance, Pesticide Registration Department and others
totaling 44.
Managing Director U Tun Than and officials from UNESCAP, UNEP and KFBG
made speeches on the occasion. The seminar continues tomorrow at
Meeting Hall-2 of MAS (Head Office).
Fertilizer-broadcasting ceremony held in Myaungmya
Yangon, 26 Sept - Myaungmya Township
Union Solidarity and Development Association held a ceremony to broadcast fertilizers at the 55.5-acre plot in field No 225 in Thapyaychaung Village, Myaungmya Township yesterday.
Chairman Lt-Col Tin Aye of District Peace and Development Council, secretary of the division USDA and head of the Division SLRD made speeches. Members of the village USDA presented a demonstration on fertilizing methods from 9 am to 3 pm.
MWJA holds coord meeting
Yangon, 26 Sept ' A regular monthly coordination meeting between Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association (Central) and chairmen and secretaries of township WJAs took place on the second floor of the Sarpay Beikman Building, where the MWJA Office is situated, this noon.
At the meeting, Vice-Chairman of MWJA U Than Maung (Than Maung) presided over the meeting and MWJA Joint-Secretary U Khin Swe (Shwesonnyo) acted as master of ceremonies. On the occasion, U Than Maung delivered an address.
Joint-Secretary U Myint Kywe (Maung Myint Kywe) reported to the chairman on organizing work of the central committee, welfare, and the observance of Sarsodaw Day (1363 ME) and a ceremony to pay respects to doyen literati. Those present also took part in the discussions. Later, the meeting came to a close with concluding remarks the chairman.
( 7 ) "Soon" offered to State Pariyatti Sasana University (Yangon)
Yangon, 26 Sept - Under the patronage of Vietnamese Sayadaw Baddanta Agga Sami, his disciples Mr Toidat Huyin and Vietnamese laity offered
"soon' to lecturer Sayadaws and student monks, totaling 450, of State Pariyatti Sasana University (Yangon) at Mogok Soonsar Kyaung Saung on Kaba Aye Hill this morning.
On the occasion, the wellwishers donated K 150,000 for
"one-day-meal", K 2 million for missionary activities of border areas and hill regions; and K 500,000 for invited members of the Sangha, which were accepted by U Sann Lwin.
Afterwards, Patron Sayadaw of SPSU (Yangon) Agga Maha Ganthavacaka Pandita Baddanta Vannita shared the merits gained and the ceremony came to an end.
( 8
Myanmar boxers leave for ROK
Yangon, 26 Sept - Myanmar traditional boxing champions Wan Chaing and El Hti Kaw left Yangon by air on 24-9-2002 for the Republic of Korea. They were invited to stage a demonstration show at the Fifth World Martial Arts Exhibition to be held in Chaungchu, the ROK, from 27 September to 3 October. As Wan Chaing and El Hti Kaw had knocked down world boxing champions at the invitational events held in Myanmar, the World Martial Arts Federation got interested in and invited them.
( 9
) U Aye Zaw Win, Aye Ne Win, Kyaw Ne Win,
Zwe Ne Win given death and life sentences for attempting to seize State power,
shuffle State Leaders and
entice Tatmadaw members to betray the State
Yangon, 26 Sept - The No 1 Yangon Division Court today passed sentences on the culprits, U Aye Zaw Win and sons, Aye Ne Win, Kyaw Ne Win and Zwe Ne Win, for their attempts to seize State power by organizing some of the Tatmadaw forces and commanders, to shuffle the State leaders, to sow discord within the Tatmadaw, and for using illegal communication equipment.
The No 2 Yangon Division Court also handed sentences on U Aye Zaw Win and son, Kyaw Ne Win, and accomplices for buying and using cars without
licenses and illegally importing cars and satite phones without paying customs duties.
President of Myanmar Foreign Correspondents Club U Sao Kai Pha and members and diplomats of the foreign missions in Yangon were present at the court hearings.
The No 2 Yangon Division Court, presided over by Joint Judge of Yangon Division Court U Tin Win, with Joint Judge of Yangon Division Court U Soe Thein as the member, sentenced Kyaw Ne Win and Wai Lin Hsan to seven
years' imprisonment with labour each under section 109 of the Penal Code and section 5 (h) of the 1950 Emergency Act in the criminal case No 5/2002; to seven years' imprisonment with labour each under section 109 of the Penal Code and section 5 (h) of the 1950 Emergency Act in the criminal case No 6/2002; to seven years' imprisonment with labour each under section 109 of the Penal Code and section 5 (h) of the 1950 Emergency Act in the criminal case No 7/2002.
The court also handed down seven years' imprisonment with labour each on Kyaw Ne Win and Kyaw Thiha under section 109 of the Criminal Procedures Law section 5 (h) of the 1950 Emergency Act in the criminal case No 8/2002; and to seven
years' imprisonment with labour each on them under section 5(1) of the 1947 Import and Export Act in the criminal case No 10/2002.
The court also sentenced Kyaw Ne Win, Wai Lin Hsan and Tun Tauk Win to seven years' imprisonment with labour each under section 5(1) of the 1947 Import and Export Act in the criminal case No 11/2002.
The court No 2 also sentenced Tun Tauk Win to seven years' imprisonment with labour under section 468 of the Penal Code and to two years' imprisonment with labour under sections 465 and 471 of the Penal Code in the criminal case No 12/2002.
The court No 2 also sentenced Kyaw Ne Win to seven years' imprisonment with labour under section 5(1) of the 1947 Import and Export Act in the criminal case No 14/2002.
The court No 2 also handed down seven years' imprisonment with labour on U Aye Zaw Win under section 5 (1) of the 1947 Import and Export Act in the criminal case No 13/2002.
The cars and satellite phones involved in the cases together with related equipment were impounded as public properties.
At 3.30 pm, the Yangon Division Court No 1, presided over by Judge of Yangon Division Court U Aung Ngwe, with Joint Judge of Yangon Division Court U Nyan Win as the member, sentenced Kyaw Ne Win to seven years' imprisonment with labour under section 5 (1) of the 1947 Import and Export Act in the criminal case No 3/2002 for illegally importing communication equipment.
The court also sentenced Aye Ne Win, Kyaw Ne Win and Zwe Ne Win to three years' imprisonment with labour each under section 6 (1) of the 1934 Wireless Act in the criminal case No 4/2002 for illegal possession and utilization of communication equipment.
The court No 1 also sentenced U Aye Zaw Win, Aye Ne Win, Kyaw Ne Win and Zwe Ne Win to
death sentence each under section 122 (1) of the Penal Code and to life imprisonment each under section 131/34 of the Criminal Procedures Law for attempting to seize State power, and enticing Tatmadawmen
to betray the State in the criminal case No 2/2002.
The hearing of the cases ended at 7 pm.