1 ) Power supply to Yangon reaches 352 megawatts, up 90 megawatts from 262
State making systematic plans to widely organize and educate local people to curb human trafficking
Regular Press Conference held

Yangon, 25 Sept - A regular Press Conference was held at the Tatmadaw Guest House on Inya Road here this morning.
Vice-Chief of Military Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win said he would like to explain the
government's profound efforts to systematically curb human trafficking business on a wider scale. The dailies had already issued the news report on the
authorities' timely efforts to save young ethnic men and women from being lured by human trafficking agents to illegally enter other country to get a job there.
The officials and the team comprising members of the Myanmar National Working Committee for
Women's Affairs made field tours and met with the young ethnic men and women, explaining the unjust oppressions, tortures and murders the Myanmar workers had faced while working in the other country. The officials and MNWCWA members have properly sent back the young men and women to their parents. The State has been making systematic plans to widely organize and educate the local people to prevent them from doing the mistake again.
Concerning the power distribution sector, Managing Director of Myanma Electric Power Enterprise U Yan Naing said the MEPE of the Ministry of Electric Power has a power supply system which includes eight hydel power plants, with 357 megawatt capacity; eight gas-fired power stations, with 473.63 megawatt capacity; three combined recycle power plants, with 143.6 megawatt capacity
totaling 974.23 megawatts. The combined capacity of the hydel recycle power plants, the gas-fired stations and the combined recycle power plants is the largest, with 590 megawatts. As the natural gas has been found offshore, the two renovated gas-fired stations in Hlawga are now generating power.

Thus, the power supply to Yangon at present is 352 megawatts, up 90 megawatts from 262 megawatts in the past. Power has been fully distributed to the city industrial zones in day time. Of the 31 townships in the city municipal area, 21 are enjoying round-the-clock power supply. Power is being distributed to the remaining ten townships inside the municipal area and the 13 townships outside the municipal area in turn.
Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, member of MNWCWA Leader of the Education Group Daw Khin Aye Win and Managing Director U Yan Naing answered the questions raised by the journalists.

They said the majority of youths entering the other country illegally to work there were from Shan State which is bordering the country. Some youths of Mon State, Kayin State, Bago Division and Magway Division were also included in the workers. The largest number of workers illegally entered the other country were from Shan State due to accessibility and the similarity in the dialects.
Plans are under way to form sub-teams to tour down to the villages to organize and educate the local people in the entire country, using various methods of the mass media including movies, videos, pamphlets about the women victims, who had faced terrible conditions while working in the other country, in local languages.
( 2 )
Minister for Foreign Affairs arrives back from World Summit, UNGA
Yangon, 25 Sept - Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung arrived back here by air this evening after attending the World Summit on Sustainable Development held in Johannesburg, South Africa, from 2 to 4 September, the 57th Session of the United Nations General Assembly which convened on 10 September at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, the United States of America and after having paid a goodwill visit to Thailand from 24 to 25 September.
The minister was welcomed back at Yangon International Airport by Minister at the State Peace and Development Council
Chairman's Office Lt-Gen Min Thein, Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win, officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Egyptian Ambassador Mr Mohamed A Kamia Meneissy, Russian Federation Ambassador Mr Oleg V Kabanov, Charge d'Affaires ai of the Thai Embassy Mr Opas Chantarasap, UNDP Deputy Resident Representative Mr Vishwa N Khanna and family members.
The World Summit on Sustainable Development was attended by nearly 50,000 representatives from 191 countries, UN bodies and UN agencies, Intergovernmental and Non-Governmental Organizations. Chairman of the National Commission for Environmental Affairs and Minister for Foreign Affairs U Win Aung made a statement on 3-9-2002. In his statement, the Minister called for alleviation of poverty in the developing countries for achieving sustainable development and highlighted the efforts being made by the Government of the Union of Myanmar for poverty eradication in the country. He also called for a better trade and financial environment that is crucial for economic and sustainable development of the developing nations. The Minister also pointed out that global partnership is crucial to protect life-supporting ecosystem including forests, marines, mountains, mangroves and wetlands and underscored the efforts being made by the Government of the Union of Myanmar to conserve valuable national
resources of the country. The Summit adopted the Johannesburg Declaration on Sustainable Development and the Plan of Implementation of Agenda 21.
After attending the World Summit on Sustainable Development on Johannesburg, Minister U Win Aung also visited Egypt and the Russian Federation. During his stay in Cairo and Moscow, Minister U Win Aung called on Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Arab Republic of Egypt Ahmed Mather El Sayed and Acting Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Mr Vyacheslav Trubsikov respectively and held discussions on matter of mutual relationship and mutual interest.
The minister arrived in New York in 13-9-2002 and attended the 57th Session of the United Nations General Assembly. Minister U Win Aung made a statement during the General Debate of the General Assembly on 19-9-2002. While in New York, Minister U Win Aung also attended the Annual Meeting of the Foreign Ministers and Heads of Delegation of Non-Aligned Movement, interactive discussions of the Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD) countries, the High-level plenary meeting to consider how to support the New Partnership for
Africa's Development, 26th Annual Meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Group of 77 countries and ASEAN Foreign
Ministers' retreat.
During his stay in New York, the Minister also met with Chairman of the 57th Session of the United Nations General Assembly Mr Jan Kavan, United
Nations' Secretary-General Mr Kofi Annan and other Minister for Foreign Affairs who were also in New York to attend the General Assembly.
After attending the UN General Assembly in New York, Minister U Win Aung paid a goodwill visit to Thailand from 24 to 25 September at the invitation of Minister of Foreign Affairs of Thailand Dr Surakiart Sathirathai. Minister U Win Aung was accompanied by Director-General U Thaung Tun, Directors U Aung Than and U Than Htaik of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
On 25 September morning, Minister U Win Aung met Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn at Chai Pattana Hall, Chai Tralada Villa. Then, the Minister called on Prime Minister Dr Thaksin Shinawatra at the Government House. After the call, the Thai Foreign Minister hosted a luncheon in honour of the Myanmar delegation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
In the afternoon, Minister U Win Aung met with Dr Surakiart Sathirathai and held bilateral talks.
Myanmar delegation member Director-General U Thaung Tun, Directors U Aung Than and U Than Htaik of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also arrived back with the Minister.
( 3
Certificates for DCA's level 2 given
Yangon, 25 Sept - A ceremony to present certificates for 2001-2002 Level 2 of Diploma in Computer Arts, jointly conducted by Human Resource Development Centre of the University of Culture (Yangon) and Forever Group Co Ltd was held in conjunction with a fresher welcome ceremony at the National Theatre on Myoma Kyaung Street at 9 am on 22 September, attended by Minister for Culture Maj-Gen Kyi
A total of 496 trainees attended the course and 467 of them successfully completed the course. And a total of 394 trainees doing the Level 3 Multimedia & Infocom
Technology Course are to get the diploma in this coming December.
ISD U-17 Ovaltine Cup Soccer tournament concludes

Yangon, 25 Sept - The final match and prize presentation ceremony of the year 2002 Inter State and Division Under-17 Ovaltine Cup Soccer Tournament was held at the Youth Training Centre (Thuwunna) this evening. Ayeyawady Division Team beat Mandalay Division Team 5-1.
At the prize presentation ceremony, Director of the Sports and Physical Education Department U Zaw Lin presented the daily best player award to Aung Naing Lin of Ayeyawady Division; Director U Maung Win and Marketing Manager Daw Pwint Oo Swe of Ovaltine Co, the third prize and K 500,000 to Sagaing Division Team; and the SPED Deputy Director-General U Thein Aung and Daw Pwint Oo Swe, the second prize and K 1 million to Mandalay Division Team.
Then, General Secretary of Myanmar Olympic Committee Director-General of the SPED President of Myanmar Football Federation U Thaung Htaik presented other prizes to the winners. Afterwards, Chairman of MOC Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint presented the championship shield, trophy and 1.5 million to Ayeyawady Division Team. Then the minister also presented the certificate of honour to Marketing Manager of Ovaltine Co Daw Pwint Oo Swe, who donated FEC 20,000 for the tournament.
( 4
Cash and kind donated to MMCWA
Yangon, 25 Sept - A ceremony to donate cash and kind to Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association was held at the MMCWA Building at the corner of Parami and Thanthuma Streets in South Okkalapa Township at 11 am today.
At the ceremony, Vice-Chairperson of MMCWA Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe accepted birth-spacing injections and tablets worth K 16 million donated by the local intelligence unit in Buthidaung Township through Patron of Rakhine State Maternal and Child Welfare Association Supervisory Committee Commander of Western Command Brig-Gen Maung Oo's wife Dr Daw Nyunt Nyunt Oo; books entitled
"Pan Kyi Hman" worth K 142,800 by Dr U Khin Maung Swe (Muyit) and family of Mandalay; Baby Queen nutritious powder packets worth K 500,000 by U Kwam Hin-Daw Shu Yin and family (Win Win Trading); and K 50,000 to the funds of the clinic of MMCWA by U Nay Win-Daw Kay Khaing Myint and family.
Then, Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe presented certificates of honour to the wellwishers. Later, Chairperson Professor Daw Kyu Kyu Swe thanked the wellwishers for their donations.
( 5 )
International symposium on sustainable development of irrigated agrarian society in Myanmar held

Yangon, 25 Sept - The opening ceremony of the international symposium on sustainable development of irrigated agrarian society in Myanmar, under the aegis of the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, and jointly organized by Myanmar Academy of Agricultural, Forestry, Livestock and Fisheries Sciences and Myanma Agriculture and Rural Region Study Group in Japan, was held at the International Business Centre on Pyay Road here this morning.
Chairman U Tin Hlaing and Leader of the study group Mr Masakazu Mizutana made speeches. Then, Vice-Chairman Dr Myint Thein extended greetings.
Director-General of the Agriculture Planing Department U Tin Htut Oo chaired the morning session. Professor Masakazu Mizutana and Associate Professor Dr Hisashi Kobayashi presented papers on cultivation of crops in the tropical zones of Myanmar.
Afterwards, Director-General of the Irrigation Department U Kyaw San Win and Deputy Director of the Settlement and Land Records Department U Saw Hlaing presented the assessments on the papers, followed by a general round of discussions. Professor Te Ruko Saito of Japan presided over the afternoon session. Professor Katsumi Tamura of Japan and associate professors, U Myo Aung and U Win Aung Swe
of the Irrigation Department read out papers on exploitation of
water and land resources, socio-economy and development of irrigated
cultivation of crops. The symposium continues tomorrow.
Indian Defence Services volleyball & soccer teams arrive
Yangon, 25 Sept - The Indian Defence Services volleyball and football teams arrived here by air this afternoon to play friendly matches against the Myanma Tatmadaw volleyball team and the Myanma Tatmadaw soccer team.
The Indian teams were welcomed at Yangon International Airport by Vice-Chairman of Defence Services Sports and Physical Education Management Board Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo, Chairman of Defence Services Volleyball Committee Commander of No 4 Military Region Commandent of Defence Services Records Office Brig-Gen Myo Myint, Chairman of Defence Services Football Committee Commandant of Defence Services Self-defence and Sports Institute Col Htein Linn, senior military officers and the Military Attache of the Indian Embassy.
The Indian Defence Services volleyball team and the Myanma Tatmadaw volleyball team will play two friendly matches at the National Indoor Stadium-1 in Thuwunna at 4 pm on 27 September and in Pathein, Ayeyawady Division, on 30 September.
At Youth Training Centre in Thuwunna, the Indian Defence Services football team will play friendly matches against the Myanma Tatmadaw (Army) football (A) team at 4 pm on 28 September and against the Ministry of Defence football team at 4 pm on 2 October.
( 6 )
Chindwin River Bridge (Monywa) Construction Project inspected

Yangon, 25 Sept - Chairman of Sagaing Division Peace and Development Council Commander of North-West Command Brig-Gen Soe Naing, arrived at the Chindwin River Bridge (Monywa) Construction Project site in Monywa on 19 September morning.
At the briefing hall, the engineer in-charge of the project reported on progress of construction of the bridge, the building of Monywa-Yagyi-Kalaywa
road and stockpile of construction materials.
Then, the commander saw over the project site and
construction of the approach road. Afterwards, the commander left
necessary instructions and attended to the needs.
Regional development projects seen over in Loilem District
Yangon, 25 Sept - Chairman of Shan State Peace and Development Council Commander of Eastern Command Brig-Gen Khin Maung Myint, visited the Myonan Pagoda in Loilem District and gave instructions to the officials on all-round renovation of the pagoda on 19 September morning.
Then, the commander inspected the chosen sites for construction of a park, staff quarter for departmental personnel and a town hall, and left necessary instructions.
Later, the commander met Shan State level departmental officials at the meeting hall of Kengtaung. Director of Township Development Affairs Committee U Hla Myint and officials reported on areas and conditions of the wards of the township, supply of water and electricity, construction of roads in the township, upgrading of Kengtaung region into a township (branch), strength of government staff, installation of three trunk call telephone lines and arrangements being made for promotion of education in the region.
In response to the reports, the commander attended to the needs.
After that, the commander held a meeting with departmental officials, social organizations and local people at the assembly hall of the basic education high school in Kengtaung and elaborated on regional development tasks.
Next, the commander paid respects to 15 older persons and presented cash assistance to them. Then, the commander looked into the building of a monastery and a branch of Myanma Economic Bank.
Later, the commander gave necessary instructions and fulfilled their requirements regarding the reports presented by the officials.
Fertilizer-broadcasting ceremony held in Taninthayi Division
Yangon, 25 Sept - Chairman of Taninthayi Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Coastal Region Command Brig-Gen Tha Aye attended a fertilizer-broadcasting ceremony at Tatlatnge Village in Myeik Township on 19 September.
Manager U Than Naing of Myanma Agriculture Service of Taninthayi Division reported to the minister on boosting the paddy yield and U Kyaw Aye, farmer, on cultivation of Kyaw-ze-ya high-yield paddy.
Then, the commander donated 50 bags of cement to a basic education primary school in Ma Zaw Pyin Gyi Village, Myeik. School Head Daw Htay Win accepted the donations. Next, the commander and party viewed the broadcasting of fertilizer at farmer U Kyaw Aye's farm in Tatlatnge Village. Later, the commander attended a
"one man, one oil plam" ceremony held at Banlaput Village in Taninthayi Township.
On the occasion, the commander heard reports on arrangements for the ceremony and cultivation of palm oil trees at private farms on a commercial scale in Taninthayi Township. After encouraging the
"one man, one palm oil tree" ceremony, the commander took part on the occasion and planted a palm oil tree.
Grade-II & Grade III Courses conclude
Yangon, 25 Sept - The Grade-II and Grade III Course No 73 for staff of departments and enterprises concluded at the training school of the Auditor-General's Office at 11 am today.
The Deputy Auditor-General U Khin Win gave a speech on the occasion.
Altogether 118 trainees from departments and enterprises under 25 ministries attended the grade II course and 35 trainees at the grade III course. The courses lasted four months each.
( 7 ) Entries invited for Armed Forces Day Commemorative Novel, Short Story and Article Competitions
Yangon, 25 Sept - The 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Commemorative Literary and Photo Competition Organized Working Committee has announced that it will hold a novel, short story and article competitions.
Entries for the novel and short story are to be based on the 12 fine traditions of Tatmadaw and the titles can be given out of own volition. Words must be between 50,000 and 70,000 for the novel and 4,000 and 10,000 for the short story. For the article competition, words must be between 3,000 and 5,000 under the title of
"Union Spirit".
Entries must be own creation and must not be prize-winning works in any other competitions. A brief biography and two passport-size colour photos of the competitor are to be attached to the entries. Handsome prizes will be given to all first, second and third prize-winners as well as consolation prize-winners of all categories. Entries are to be sent to U Ko Ko Htwe, Secretary of Armed Forces Day Literary and Photo Competition Organizing Work Committee, Myanmar Radio and Television, Pyay
Road, Yangon, not later than 15 January 2003.
Tea sapling nursery & production technology course opened in Haka
Yangon, 25 Sept - The opening ceremony of the tea sapling nursery and production technology course No 1/2002, organized by Chin State Myanma Agriculture Service, was held at the city hall in Haka on 20 September morning.
First, Command Staff Colonel Col Tin Nyo and officials viewed tea seeds, saplings and quality of tea produced in Chin State exhibited by Myanma Agriculture Service.
Then, Col Tun Nyo gave an opening address. Chin State MAS Manager U Khin Maung Latt explained the aims and programmes of the training course.
Altogether 108 trainees 43 departmental personnel, 49 local farmers and 16 agricultural personnel are attending the three-day course.
After the ceremony, Col Tun Nyo and officials proceeded to Kyawbok Farm of Myanma Agriculture Service in Haka Township and inspected nursery of tea saplings.
Advanced Refresher Course & Trauma Course opened
Yangon, 25 Sept - The opening ceremony of the Advanced Refresher Course & Trauma Course, organized by the
Orthopedic Specialists Section of Myanmar Medical Association, was held at the MMA building at 8 am today.
At the opening ceremony, the chairman of MMA and Chairman of Orthopaedic Specialists Section Professor U Kyaw Myint Naing gave speeches on the occasion. Orthopaedic specialists from Singapore will give lectures to the trainees with the aids of live surgery show. The course will last up to 28 September.
Fourth Int'l ICT Exhibition on
19 October
Yangon, 25 Sept - The Fourth International ICT Exhibition, organized by Myanmar Computer Scientists Association and Myanmar Computer Industry Association, will be held at Tatmadaw Convention Centre on U Wisara Road here from 19 to 21 October.
For more information, contact MCIA, MICT Park, Hline University, Hline Township Ph-652238 and 707503.
( 8
Five human traffickers sentenced
Yangon, 25 Sept - Five human traffickers, who tried to persuade boys and girls in Kayin and Mon States to work in the other country and send them through Yangon and Kawthoung to the other country and received money from them in August, were filed and sentenced.
In August 2002, acting on information, authorities revealed that men and women in Kayin and Mon States convinced by human traffickers to work in the other country stayed in monasteries, guest houses and houses in Yangon. The authorities concerned revealed 12 men and three women staying at Myitmokhit Tathaung guest house in Mayangon Township, 25 men and five women staying at the house of U Soe Tint of No 14, Seitta Thukha Street, Sangyoung Township, 31 men and 16 women staying at Mon Dhammayon in Dagon Township, 12 men and nine women staying at Kyaikthi monastery in Bahan Township, 35 men and 39 women staying at Ramanya Veponla monastery in Bahan Township and three men and one woman at Yangon International Airport who are waiting to go to Kawthoung,
totaling 191 -118 men and 73 women. On further investigation, the authorities arrested human traffickers Win Ko, son of U Thaung Shwe, of Kawpauk Village in Mawlamyine Township, Khin Maung Win, son of U Tin Soe, of Zeya Thiri-2 Ward in Mawlamyine, Daw Thaung Yee, daughter of U Kun Balai, of Kuncha Village in Mudon Township, Daw Tin Nge, daughter of U Shein, of Medaw Village in Mawlamyine Township, and Soe Tint, son of U Yont, of No 14, Seitta Thukha Street, Kyundaw (North) Ward in Sangyoung Township.
On 14 August, after giving educative talks, the convinced were sent home. The five human traffickers were filed at Special Court chaired by District Deputy Justice U Aung Myint Kyaw of Yangon West District.
The court handed seven years' imprisonment with work under Section 5 (Nya) of Emergency Act (1950) and two
years' imprisonment with work under Section 13 (1) of Immigration Act (1947) each on human traffickers Win Ko and Khin Maung Win. Human traffickers Soe Tint, Tin Nge and Daw Thaung Yee were sentenced to seven
years' imprisonment each under Section 5 (Nya) of Emergency Act.
( 9
) Myanmar traditional sport teams
leave for ROK
Yangon, 25 Sept - Members of the Myanma traditional boxing team and the Myanma traditional Thaing team led by Secretary Major Maung Nyunt (Retd) of the Myanma Traditional Sports Federation, left for the Republic of Korea to attend the Fifth World Martial Arts Exhibition to be held at Chaungchu in ROK from 27 September to 3 October.
They were seen off at Yangon International Air Port by Chairperson Thiha Thudhamma Theingi Daw Mi Mi Khin (Excellence Performance in Social Field: First Class) and officials.The team comprises coach U Win Zin Oo, boxers Wan Chaing and Ei Hti Kaw, martial art players San Win, Nyunt Lwin and Aung Kyaw Soe who will demonstrate Myanma traditional boxing and martial arts there.