1 ) Minister receives
Yangon, 23 Sept - Minister for Cooperatives Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe received Ambassador of Japan Mr
Yuji Miyamoto at his office this morning.
Labour Minister receives Ambassadors
Yangon, 23 Sept - Minister for Labour U Tin Winn received Ambassador of Japan Mr
Yuji Miyamoto at his office at 2 pm today. The minister also received Ambassador of the Russian Federation Mr Oleg V Ka-banov at his office at 4 pm today.
Education Minister receives diplomats
Yangon, 23 Sept - Minister for Education U Than Aung received Charge
d' Affaires ai of the Embassy of the United States of America to the Union of Myanmar Ms Carmen M Martinez at 2 pm and Ambassador of Germany to the Union of Myanmar Dr Klaus Peter Wild at 3 pm at the Diamond Jubilee Hall today.
Health Deputy Minister receives Japanese delegation
Yangon, 23 Sept - Deputy Minister for Health Prof Dr Mya Oo received resident representatives of JICA Mr Toshimichi Aoki and Mr Takahiro Sasaki at his office on Pyihtaungsu Yeiktha Street at 10 am today.
( 2 )
Coop Minister inspects
cooperatives in Yangon South District
Yangon, 23 Sept
- Minister for Cooperatives
Lt-Gen Tin Ngwe, arrived at the paddy fields of Khaing Malar Cooperative Society Ltd in Thanlyin Township, Yangon South District, yesterday.
The minister inspected the cultivation of paddy on 137 acres of land owned by Khaing Malar Cooperative Society Ltd and heard reports on agricultural matters.After hearing the reports, the minister gave instructions.
Then, the minister and party went to Kayinseik model village in Thanlyin Township, where he inspected the grocery of the agricultural and general economic cooperative society of the village and gave instructions.
Next, the minister attended a coordination meeting on cooperative development at the meeting hall of Shwekayan General Cooperative Society in Kayan Township and spoke on the occasion. Officials reported to the minister on tasks being done by their respective societies. The meeting came to an end with concluding remarks by the minister.
Later, the minister and party inspected the fingerling hatching farms of Shwe-ngagyin Agriculture and Livestock Breeding Cooperative Society and gave instructions. Shwengagyin Cooprerative Society is successfully undertaking the hatching of Labeo rohita (Nga-myit-chin) and Silo-nnia childreni (Nga-don) in 24 hours.
Ministry of Construction holds second four-monthly work coordination meeting
Yangon, 23 Sept
- The Ministry of Construction held the second four-monthly coordination meeting at the head office of the Public Works on Shwedagon
Pagoda Road this morning.
Superintending Engineers, deputy superintending engineers and senior engineers of road, bridge, building and airport construction projects reported on project works, allotment of funds, use of heavy machinery and construction materials. Then, Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun,
together with the deputy ministers and departmental heads, inspected
the computer unit of the head office of the Public Works.
They inspected facts and data of the construction
projects being stored in the computers.
( 3
) A&I Minister inspects agriculture, construction of dams

Yangon, 23 Sept - Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin accompanied by departmental officials arrived at the Central Agriculture Farm in Mahlaing Township, Mandalay Division, on 21 September and inspected the mixed cropping of sesamum and petisein
at a pigeon pea plantation. General Manager of the Myanma Agriculture Ser-viceU Pyay Nyein
conducted the minister round the plantation.
The minister gave instructions on extensive
cultivation of mixed crops to the officials. Then, the minister and party proceeded to No 1 Kyauktaga Dam Project near Kyauktaga Village, Natmauk Township. The minister heard reports on the design of Kyauktaga Supporting Dam and work procedures by Director-General of Irrigation Department U Kyaw San Win and directors. The minister gave instructions on timely completion of the project. He also stressed the need to start construction of the embankment. The minister cordially met with peasants and elaborated on benefits of the irrigation facilities.
The minister inspected progress of digging the canal of No 2 Taungyechaung Dam and land preparations.

Next, the director-general reported on arrangements for water supply from Kyauktaga Dam to Taung-yechaung Dam through the canal and another water
supply system from Taungyechaung Dam to Kyaukpon Creek through the canal.
In the evening, the minister inspected water supply of Kyetmauktaung Dam in Kyaukpadaung Township.
Minister for Health inspects buildings of medical science learning centre
Yangon, 23 Sept
- Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, inspected the buildings of constant learning centre for medical science in Tamway Township this afternoon.
First, the minister inspected the main building, other buildings and staff quarters. Director-General Prof Dr Maung Maung Wint of the Medical Science Department conducted the minister round the centre. The minister gave necessary instructions.
Then, the minister and party proceeded to Kanthaya Hospital, where Deputy Director-General of the Health Department Dr Hla Pe and Medical Superintendent Dr Than Win reported to the minister on health care services.
The minister and Deputy Minister Prof Dr Mya Oo gave instructions on measures to be implemented for providing advanced treatment to patients. The minister and party inspected the laboratory, X-ray room, Ultra-sound room and operation theatre at the hospital and attended to the needs.
Basic Banking Service Course concludes
Yangon, 23 Sept
- The concluding ceremony of the Basic Banking Service Course of Myanmar Banks Association was held at the meeting hall of Central Bank of Myanmar at 8 am today, with an address by Minister for Finance and Revenue
U Khin Maung Thein.
At the ceremony, Chairman of Myanmar Banks Association and Governor of Central Bank of Myanmar U Kyaw Kyaw Maung made a concluding speech. Then, the minister presented prizes to the first prize winner, the second and the third. Next, the chairman presented completion certificates to the trainees and Vice-Chairman U Than Lwin, certificates of honour to the course instructors. Then, a trainee spoke words of thanks and the ceremony came to a close.
( 4
) Cash donated to Myanmar disabled sports team
Yangon, 23 Sept - A ceremony to donate cash to Myanmar disabled sports team, which will participate in the 8th FESPIC Games, was held at Padamya Hall of the National Stadium-1 (Thuwunna) this afternoon.
First, Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint made a speech. Next, MDSF President Brig-Gen Aung Thein accepted US $ 9,990 donated by the MOC and presented the certificate of honour.
Then, the minister, the vice-adjutant general and officials accepted a total of K 4,312,000 donated by 21 wellwishers including K 2 million by Ayarmyay Co Ltd; K 600,000 by U Sein Oo (Taiyi slippers factory); K 500,000 by U Khin Soe (Anawahlwan Fisheries); K 338,000 by U Zu Zun Zar (Zu Zun Zar Co Ltd); K 300,000 by Lin Zar Ni Co; and others.
Afterwards, the MDSF president spoke words of thanks and the ceremony ended. Later, the minister and party watched the volleyball match between the Myanmar disabled volleyball team and the sports and physical education youth volleyball team.
Minister inspects livestock breeding farms
Yangon, 23 Sept - Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein, inspected the central incubator, which produce 10,000 layers and 9,000 broilers per week, in Pyinmabin, Mingaladon Township this morning and gave instructions on upgrading of the incubator up to the international standard and distribution of chickens and ducks to the breeders. Then, the minister inspected breeding pigs in
air conditioned styles of the pedigree pig breeding farm in Pyinmabin. The minister also inspected trial poultry farming in Pyinmabin. Officials of the farms reported on work done. The minister then gave necessary instructions.
( 5 ) Rules for 58th Armed Forces Day
Poetry competition announced
Yangon, 23 Sept - Honouring of the 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day, which falls on March 27, 2003, a poetry competition to be held by the Observance Committee for Poems and Arts Competitions chaired by Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt (Htilar Sitthu) was anounced today.
Rules are as follows: Competitors are to reflect the objectives of the 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day and fine traditions of the Tatmadaw historical events that featured national characteristics of the Konbaung Era (AD 1824), the Independence Era (from 1948 to 1988) and the State Peace and Development Council Era, religious undertakings, nation-building endeavours, efforts to ensure peace and the drug elimination activities of the State Peace and Development Council. The poem contest is divided into two categories
professional one and novice one. Prize-winners of the Armed Forces Commemorative Day Poem Competitions and the National Motto and Poem Competitions, the Sarpay Beikman Manuscript Award winners and the prize-winners (poem) of Pakokku U Ohn Pe Literary Award and the National Literary Award winners are to take part in the professional level competitions and those who have never won these prizes and awards are to participate in the novice one.
But those who have ever won these prizes and awards, on their own accord, may take part in the professional level.
It is needed to send the entry, systematically composed and clearly written on one side of the page and two copies also needed to be sent. The entry must be own creation of the contestants. Name, pen name,
parents' names, educational qualifications, occupation and address are to be sent together with two postcard-size colour photos to Lt-Col Ohn Maung (Retd) (Myinmu Maung Naing Moe), Chief Editor of Naing-Ngan Gonyi Publishing House, No 529/531, Merchant Road, Sarpay Beikman
Building, Yangon, not later than 31 January 2003.
Rules of 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day painting, sculpture competitions announced
Yangon, 23 Sept - As a gesture of hailing the 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day, which falls on 27 March 2003, the subcommittee for the holding of painting and sculpture competition and exhibition of the work committee for the organizing of poem and arts competition led by Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt (Htila Sitthu) as chairman announced that the painting and sculpture competition will be held with the following rules.
The painting competition will be divided into six
categories the first for pre-primary school level, the second for junior primary school level (kindergarten to second grade), the third for senior primary school level (third grade and fourth grade), the fourth for middle school level (fifth grade to eighth grade), the fifth for high school level (ninth grade to technological and agricultural high schools) and the sixth for professional level. There will be only one category in the sculpture competition, the wood sculpture and the plaster sculpture at professional level. Anyone may take part in both.
In the painting competition from kindergarten to high school levels, the size of the entry must be 15" x 20", and 20" x 30" for professional level. Name, NRC No, class, school, township, date of birth, father's name, address must be expressed on the back of the painting, with three 1.5" x 2"-size photos attached. For students, the endorsement of the
school head is needed.
For the sculpture competition, the height of the entry must not be over 36" and its circumference not longer than 24". At the foot of the sculpture, name, NRC No, date of birth, father's name, address must be shown, with three 1.5" x 2"-size photos attached and send the entry right to Tatmadaw Convention Centre, U Wisaya Road, between 1 and 3 March 2003.
All the entries, painting or sculpture, must reflect the twelve objectives of the State, the objectives of 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day and the twelve fine traditions of the Tatmadaw.
Entries of both professional levels should be sent to Secretary, Myanmar Traditional Artists and Artisans Asiayon (Central), Pabedan Township, Yangon, not later than 1 March 2003 or to Secretary, Subcommittee for the Holding of Painting and Sculpture Competition and Exhibition, U Wisaya Road, Tatmadaw Convention Centre, Yangon, between 1 and 3 March 2003. Entries of students all over Myanmar should be sent to Development Division, Education Planning and Training Department, Natmauk Street, Bahan Township, Yangon, not later than 15th February 2003.
Apart from the entries for both competition, other paintings and sculptures may be sent to be displayed at the exhibition to be opened in honour of the 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day. Those paintings and sculptures must also featured the twelve objectives of the State, the objectives of 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day and the twelve fine traditions of the Tatmadaw and should be sent directly to Tatmadaw Convention Centre, U Wisaya Road, between 1 and 5 March 2003.
Entries invited to Armed Forces Day Commemorative Photo Competition
Yangon, 23 Sept - The 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Commemorative Literary and Photo Competition Organizing Work Committee has already announced that it will hold photo competitions.
The titles of colour photo competitions are
"Developing Myanmar" and "Preserving Cultural Heritage" and four entries can be presented for each title.
Entries must be print photos by the size of at least 10x12 inches.
Those who won first, second and third prizes in the previous years will be categorized into a separate group and there will be a great chance for new competitors.
Data and captions are to be described in a separate sheet of paper and to be attached to the entries.
Entries must be own creation and must not be prize-winning works in any other competitions.
Handsome prizes will be presented to first, second and third prize-winners as well as consolation prize-winners of each competition.
The first, second and third prizes will be presented at the ceremony to mark the 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day to be held in Yangon on 27 March while the consolation prizes will be presented at the ceremony to mark the 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day to be
held at the respective commands.
Entries are to be sent to Director U Tun Min (Information/Public Relations) of Information and Public Relations Department, No 22/24, Pansodan Street, Yangon, not later than 14 February 2003.
Military and marching song competitions to commemorate 58th Anniversary
Armed Forces Day to be held
Yangon, 23 Sept - As a gesture of hailing the 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day, which falls on 27 March 2003, the subcommittee for holding of the military and marching song competition of the work committee for the organizing of poem and arts competition led by Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt (Htila Sitthu) as chairman announced that military and marching song competitions for the armed forces day will be held.
There will be only one category, professional level, for the military marching song competition, while the military song competition is grouped into two categories, level 1 and level 2. First, second and third prizes as well as consolation prizes will be awarded.
Rules of the competitions are as follows:
In military marching song competition, any one will be allowed to take part in it as the professional level. In military song competition, there will be two levels level 1 and level 2. For the military marching song competition, songs composed must be based on the twelve objectives of the State, the objectives of the 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day and the twelve fine traditions of the Tatmadaw.
Composers and vocalists are not entitled to compete in level 2 of the military song competition nor those who stood first, second or third in level 2 of last year's military song competition. They are to enter to level 1. Only a song is allowed for individuals or groups. Entry songs must be in accord with military song composing techniques. Military song must be in Myanmar melody and mode as well as in own tune. The time of the song must be from 4 to 6 minutes. There will be a preliminary contest for entry songs with strong vocals and suitable music. Only a song must be recorded on and entry cassette or a reel. A suitable title may be given. Words of the entry song with its ten typed copies and an origin of its music notes must be attached to the cassette or reel.
The brief autobiography of the entrant and the singer together with three passport size colour photos must be sent. Those tentatively selected will be informed.
The tentatively selected songs must be re-recorded and are to compete for final. Entry songs should be sent to U Ko Ko Htwe, Secretary, Subcommittee for the Holding of Military and Marching Song Competitions, Myanma Radio and Television, Pyay Road, Yangon, not later than 31 December 2002.
( 6 )
Cash and kind donated to Khayan Home for the Aged
Yangon, 23 Sept - A ceremony to donate cash, requisites and medicines to Khayan Home for the Aged as a mark of respect for the International Day for Older Persons, took place yesterday at Khayan Home for the Aged on Maha Bandoola Road, Khayan Township, Yangon Division.
The Deputy Minister for Progress of Border Areas
and National Races and Development Affairs U Hlaing Win explained the purpose of donations made to Khayan Home for the Aged to usher the International Day for Older Persons, which falls on 1 October.
The deputy minister, on behalf of the committee for observance of International Day for Older Persons, presented K 100,000 to Patron of the supervisory committee for Khayan Home for the Aged Lt-Col Kyaw Swe Win (Rtd), and medicines, clothes and other requisites to Chairman U Kyaw Than.
Then, Daw San San, wife of the deputy minister, presented K 10,000 to Vice-Chairman of the committee U Myo Nyunt.
Donations later made were K 20,000 by Chairman of Khayan Township Peace and Development Council U Maung Maung Soe and family; K 10,000 each by Lt-Col Kyaw Swe Win (Rtd) and family, U Kyaw Khin and family, U Myint Ohn and family, Daw Tin Ngwe and family, U Cho and family and U Than Win and family; a 14" TV set by U Khaing Myint and family; K 20,000, K 1,500 for each of 20 older persons and other requisites by Kaung Myat Co of Yangon; and K 10,000 by the War Veterans Organization of Khayan Township.
After U Kyaw Than spoke words of thanks, the ceremony came to an end.
The committee also donated cash and kind to Aphwa Thukha Geha on 14 September, Shwe Than Lwin Home for the Aged on 15 September, Muslim Home for the Aged on 17 September, Little Sisters Home for the Aged on 19 September, and Hninzigon
Home for the Aged on 21 September.
( 7 )
Shan State Myanma Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions open
Yangon, 23 Sept - The opening ceremony of Tenth Myanma Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions of Shan State (South) was held at the city hall in Taunggyi
on 17 September. Chairman of Shan State Peace and Development
Council Commander of Eastern Command Brig-Gen Khin Maung Myint made a speech on the occasion.
After the opening ceremony, the commander and those present watched the competitions of the contestants.
Development work inspected in Eastern Shan State
Yangon, 23 Sept - Chairman of Shan State (East) Peace and Development Council Commander of Triangle Region Command Brig-Gen Khin Zaw, met with departmental officials and members of social organizations at Pungpahkyem Township Damayon and discussed matters pertaining to regional development on 16 September morning.
After hearing reports on the township development tasks, the commander gave necessary instructions to the officials.
On 17 September morning, the commander also met with departmental officials, members of USDA and social organizations and townselders at Mongton Township Peace and Development Council office and fulfilled the requirements.
Then, the commander inspected Mongton Township Basic Education High School, model paddy fields cultivated with the use of three kinds of natural fertilizer (EM Super Bokashi) and People's Hospital.
Later, the commander discussed matters on regional development with departmental officials, members of USDA and social organizations and
towns elders at Thiri Yadana hall of Monghsat. He then attended to the needs after hearing reports by officials.
Commander inspects development tasks in Myeik, Taninthayi
Yangon, 23 Sept - Chairman of Thaninthayi Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Coastal Region Command Brig-Gen Tha Aye attended the donation ceremony of cement bags for construction of Mazawbyingyi Village Affiliated Basic Education Middle School in Pathaung Village-tract, Myeik Township, on 19 September.
The commander presented 50 bags of cement to the school. Then, the commander and officials viewed spraying of fertilizers into monsoon paddy fields in Mazawbyingyi Village.
Next, the commander proceeded to Banlamut Village in Taninthayi Township and attended the oil palm planting ceremony.
Afterwards, the commander inspected progress of Myan Naing Myint Oil Palm Farm and gave instructions on growing of multiple cropping among the oil palms.
At Asia World Oil Palm Farm in Khonmaw Village, Myeik Township, the commander saw over the nursery of oil palm saplings and multiple cropping among them.
Championship held
Yangon, 23 Sept - A ceremony to open the Seventh Coastal Region Command Commander's Shield Boxing Championship for 2002 was held at Myoma Gymnasium in Myeik on 16 September evening.
On 19 September evening, Chairman of Taninthayi Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Coastal Region Command Brig-Gen Tha
Aye attended prize presentation ceremony for the Commander's Shield Boxing Championship held at the gymnasium. The commander presented the shield to the team that emerged champions in the
( 8
Commander attends coord meeting on
all-round renovation of Lawkananda Pagoda
Yangon, 23 Sept - Chairman of Rakhine State Peace and Development Council Commander of Western Command Brig-Gen Maung Oo, attended the work coordiantion meeting on all-round renovation of Lawkananda pagoda in Sittway held at Mahawayan Sasanabeikmandaw of the pagoda 20 September.
The commander made a speech calling for the participation of technicians, departmental personnel and local people in the renovation tasks. After hearing the reports presented by officials, the commander fulfilled the requirements. Then, the commander inspected the preparatory work of the renovation tasks.
At 9.30 am, the commander attended the opening of the new version library science course held at No 4 Basic Education High School in Sittway and made a speech.
Officials explained matters related to opening of the course. Altogether 81 teachers from Sittway and Maungtaw Districts are attending the three-day course.
Prizes presented to winners in Performing Arts Competitions of Mon State
Yangon, 23 Sept - A ceremony to present prizes to winners in 10th Myanma Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competition of Mon State was held at the Mon State Hall in Mawlamyine on 12 September morning.
First, Chairman of the leading committee for holding the competitions Lt-Col Aung Maw Maw announced the list of winners in the competitions and
Chairman of Mon State Peace and Development Council Commander of
South-East Command Brig-Gen Thura Myint Aung and wife Daw Than Than Nwe, the deputy commander and officials presented prizes to the winners.
Next, the championship shield and prizes were presented to Mawlamyine Township team and members of the panel of judges by Lt-Col Aung Maw Maw.
Afterwards, the prize winners gave performances to the audience and the ceremony came to an end.
Training courses opened in
Bago Division
Yangon, 23 Sept - A ceremony to open the bag-making course, co-organized by Kyauktaga Township Maternal and Child Welfare Association and Myanmar Phan Tee Shin Co Ltd, was held at Kyauktaga Township Development Affairs Hall on 20 September.
Chairman of Bago Division Peace and Development
Council Commander of Southern Command Brig-Gen Aung Min gave a speech on the occasion. After the ceremony, the commander and officials viewed training and sample bags. A total of 30 trainee girls are attending the course.
In the afternoon, the commander attended opening of First Aid in Community (Instructor) Course, jointly sponsored by MRCS and International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescents Associations. President of MRCS Dr Kyaw Win gave a speech and 35 trainees are attending the course.
( 9
) Paungde Scared Tooth Relic festival concluded
Yangon, 23 Sept - The concluding of the 102nd Paungde Scared Tooth Relic festival in Paungde, Pyay District, Bago Division (West) was held at the prayer hall of the tooth relic on 21 September night.
First, members of religious organizations, officials concerned, pilgrims recited Namo Tassa three times to open the ceremony and take the Five Precepts.
Then, religious verses written by Presiding Sayadaw Maha Ghandavacaka of Pariyatti Sarthintaik, Saddhamma Jotikayon Kyaung, Paungde Shwe Kyaunggyitaik, was recited.
Afterwards, the scared tooth relic was replaced into its casket by Chairman U Nyein of the committee for holding the ceremony. Then, the casket was relayed to Ghandakutitaik by Chairman Lt-Col Khin Win of Pyay District Peace and Development Council and officials. Then, the Ghandakutitaik was closed.