) MMCWA gaining success in maternal and child care services and social affairs during 11 years
MMCWA to extensively and effectively undertake health care and social services, educative and organizational works for the people
Secretary-1 meets members of Central Executive Committee of MMCWA
Yangon, 22 Sept - Chairman of Myanmar Health Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council General Khin Nyunt met members of Central Executive Committee of Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association at MMCWA multi-purpose building at the corner of Parami Road and Thanthumar Road in South Okkalapa
Township this morning.
Secretary of MMCWA Dr Daw Tin Lin Myint acted as master of ceremonies.
The Secretary-1 delivered an address. He said the purpose of the meeting with the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and CEC members of MMCWA is to provide assistance regarding the measures undertaken by the association and to
fulfill the requirements.
He said the government prescribed the law on formation of the MMCWA and it is an association to which the government provided assistance.

He said he gave instructions on implementation of the tasks of the the association at its annual meetings after formation of the association and it was a separate meeting for the first time. The State Law and Order Restoration Council enacted Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association Law on 1990 and MMCWA
was formed. In 1993, the government enacted the Law Amending the
Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association Law in order to carry
out the tasks effectively.
He said achievements have been made in
implementation of the tasks of the association during 11 years. International community acknowledged the success in health and social care services of the association at wards, villages and primary levels. Due to its achievements, emphasis was placed on assistance and cooperation by international community. Moreover, it is a tradition for foreign guests, UN agencies and international organizations to visit MMCWA during their stay in Myanmar.

Attention of International communities have been drawn to the measures and tasks of the association. As assistance and cooperation increased, the objectives of the association realized more, he said.
Being an important social organization, the MMCWA is to made efforts for realization of its objectives while carrying out the tasks on extended formation of the consolidated associations. He spoke of the need for government departments to provide assistance to it.
The MMCWA was formed with the following objectives.
(a) to form a permanent organization in order to carry out effectively welfare work and assistance relating to the health and social affairs of mothers and children throughout Myanmar
(b) to organize and disseminate basic education and maternal and child health and welfare to the Township Association and Branch Association formed throughout the country
(c) to render aid and assistance relating to health and social affairs to the Township Associations and Branch Associations formed throughout the country
(d) to render aid and assistance relating to health and social affairs to the public when necessary
(e) to coordinate so as to ensure a convenient and smooth performance of works to be carried out in cooperation among the Township Associations and Branch Associations.
According to its objectives, the MMCWA is responsible for carrying out the tasks not only for mothers and children but also for health care services
of the people and social development, he said.
The Secretary-1 also spoke of the need for the MMCWA to extensively and effectively undertake health, social, education and organizational affairs of the people in cooperation with other social organizations and departments. It is found that the MMWCA with over two million members is implementing its wide tasks nationwide, he said.
He spoke at length on the MMCWA's tasks on health education, providing health care services, vaccination, nutrition, eradication of iodine deficiency, control of leprosy, TB and malaria, education on reproductive health, anti-AIDS, care for aged people, all-round development of youths, providing service by opening cancer detection clinic by the Central, control of uterus and
beat cancer, no smoking activities and education on mental health in cooperation with the Ministry of Health in the health sector.
He said efforts are being made for establishment of model villages in rural areas. He called on the MMCWA to cooperate with the departments including the Ministry of Education, the Ministry for Health, the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Ministry for Progress of Border areas and National Races and Development Affairs, the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement.
It is heartening to see that housewives are attending the Myanma indigenous medicine health care courses and organizing and educative talks. Nowadays, the power of indigenous medicines are being realized in international community and priority has been given more to it in health care services. In Myanmar, Myanma indigenous medicine has been relied on and used since the time of our ascenders. So, the State has paid heed to development of Myanma indigenous medicine and opened Indigenous medical hospitals and dispensaries to give treatments to the people. For the development of Myanma indigenous medicine, the Indigenous Medical University has also been opened.
At this time, the Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association has conducted courses for housewives to give treatment to patients with indigenous medicine and held educative talks and these activities are the right ones. In addition, giving treatments and surgical operations to those with in-born infirmities is also a noble deed and the National Health Committee present cash donations from the funds made by wellwishers to give treatment to cleft lip and palate patients. By doing so, they will have no social loses and they can get well with people in society. It will also contribute benefit to the State. MMCWA has also actively taking part in education and social sectors. It has opened pre-primary schools, and taken part in school enrolment activities and literacy tasks for the illiterates, income-generating programmes for families and established cooperatives to lend money. MMCWA is striving for welfare of mothers and children as well as for the entire public including youths and families. So, for the success of social welfare tasks and health care tasks of MMCWA, efforts are to be made with added momentum and departments are to continue giving assistance to the association, he said.
Then, MMCWA Chairperson Prof Daw Kyu Kyu Swe explained progress of the association's activities. She said the association was founded in accordance with the Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Law over eleven years ago and it is a non-governmental organization. The
association has altogether 58 central council members including 13 central executive committee members. Sixteen State/Division supervisory committees, 324 township associations and 12,262 branches have already been established to date. There are altogether 2,458,657 members 565,444 permanent members for life and 1,893,213 ordinary members. The main objective of the association is to look after mothers and children all over the country to promote their health and living standard. The association is implementing health care tasks, tasks relating to educational affairs and income-generating programmes. Health care tasks include giving health educative lectures, opening delivery rooms, giving vaccines and nourishment, iodine deficiency eradication tasks, reproductive health tasks and prevention of leprosy, TB, malaria and HIV/AIDS.
Moreover, tasks for caring older people, all-round development of youths, prevention of uterus and breast cancers, no tobacco movements, educative lectures on mental health, establishing model villages, indigenous medicine courses and giving treatments to cleft lip and palate patients are also carried out. The association is making
cooperation's with UN agencies and international organizations. Under the arrangements of these associations, members of MMCWA attended meetings, seminars and courses held in foreign countries, she said.
MMCWA is a member of ASEAN Confederation of Women's
Organization (ACWO) and it received the Primary Health Care Development award presented by WHO in 1998 and ASEAN Youth Award for Community Services in 2000, she added. The chairperson also explained to the Secretary-1 on collection of funds and expenditure and keeping of ledgers.
Reporting on work being undertaken by the association, Vice-Chairperson Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe said that in carrying out the education measures, stipends are being provided to needy children, measures are being taken for eradication of illiteracy and opening of pre-primary schools.
Stipends have been provided since 1996 and altogether 470,557 students are being provided with stipends, altogether 476,607 illiterate women have become literate, altogether 878 pre-primary schools have been opened and enabled women to have the rights to work and all-round development of 34,820 children.
In ensuring boosting of the family income, measures are being undertaken for teaching the women of needy families vocational education, providing the vocational facilities to the women who had completed the course and seeking their market and jobs. The work started from 1996 up
to date and altogether 382,719 women had access to vocational education.
For the women, who have no capital as well as income, loans with a small interest rate have been disbursed and the loans were disbursed to 132,162 women from 1996-97
to date.
With the aim of developing the basic class in society of villages, model villages are being established with objectives for eradicating illiterates at villages; enabling all school-age children to pursue education from primary to university level; imbuing all villagers with health education; creating hygienic environment in rural areas; and to enabling needy families to alleviate poverty. Altogether 475 model villages have been established from 1993
to date.
To ensure all-round development of youth, educative talks have been conducted in and out of schools since 1998 with a view to enabling the high school students to preserve matters related to reproductive health and culture and to have responsible
In 2000, the youth committees were formed in the respective townships and there were altogether 49,652 youths in the committees. The committee members are participating in the community based programme of MCWA.
The youths aged from 14 to 24 were camped and trained in December 2000 for the first time at central level. In 2001 and 2002, central level camps and multiplier camps in the states and divisions were opened and 499 youths have been trained.
The representatives of the youths who had completed the training were sent to the international courses and workshops to represent their teams.
Arrangements are being made to open the central level camps and multiplier camps in the remaining states and divisions.
Arrangements are also being made to open the youth centre each in cities of states and divisions to be able to conduct talks on reproductive health, seminars and courses.
The association have been opening family health care courses for the housewives with the use of traditional medicines and altogether 32, 761 attended the courses.
With the financial support and guidance of National Health Committee Chairman, measures are being taken for medical treatment to the eye patients and surgical operation of the handicapped.
The surgical operation of the handicapped started from 1997 and altogether 1471 handicapped including cleft lip and palate patients were given surgical operation, 333 eye patients and 16 others given medical treatment free of charge up
to date.
Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein and Deputy Ministers Prof Dr Mya Oo and Prof Dr Kyaw Myint reported on work being carried out by the ministry for basic health care services,
health care plans being implemented all over the country and cooperation of MMCWA members in
health care services down to the rural areas.
Minister for Education U Than Aung reported on measures taken for enrolment of all school-age children, providing students with the learning opportunities in night-classes and effective assistance of MMCWA members in childhood development tasks by opening pre-primary schools.
Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa and Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt reported on tasks to be cooperated between ministries and MMCWA in respective sectors. Minister for Information Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan reported on measures for publicity of youth education activities of the association by the Ministry of Information.
The Secretary-1 then took part in the discussions. He said according to the reports of the officials of MMCWA, the ministers, members of MHC, success has been gained in carrying out the tasks of the association. The MMCWA plays a role in efforts to build a modern developed nation.
He said the Head of State Senior General Than Shwe gave guidance on implementation of border region development project and the tasks for equal development of all parts of the Union after laying down the plan for the 24 major development regions. In accord with the guidance, the projects are being undertaken in the states and divisions.
Five rural development tasks were laid down and the projects are being implemented in accord with the guidance of the Head of State. Equal development in the Union can be made after the government implementing the three projects namely border region development project, development region project and rural development project. In the three projects include uplift of education, health, social and economic standards of the national people and development of human resources. The MMCWA participated in the projects, he said.
The Secretary-1 urged the MMCWA to continue to participate enthusiastically in implementing the three projects successfully. With the strength of over 2 million, the Association is to carry out all-round social development works of the people extensively to the grassroots level while accelerating the momentum so far gained. And the departments concerned are to render necessary assistance to the MMCWA, he said. The meeting then came to a close.
After the meeting, the Secretary-1 signed in the
visitors' book. Next, General Khin Nyunt and party viewed documentary photos on movements of MMCWA, facial surgery, educative books, pamphlets and posters. They also viewed round the Early Childhood Development Centre and Clinic and Domestic Science Training School of the MMCWA.
( 2 )
Secretary-1 inspects Yangon Industrial Zone, Mingaladon Garden City

Yangon, 22 Sept - State Peace and Development Council Secre-
tary-1 General Khin Nyunt inspected construction tasks of Yangon Industrial Zone and Mingaladon Garden City, and factories in Yangon Industrial Zone this afternoon.
Secretary-1 General Khin Nyunt arrived at Zay Kaba Co Ltd in Mingaladon Garden City on No 3 Highway in Mingaladon
Township at 1 pm. At multi-purpose hall of the company, Yangon Industrial Zone and Yangon West District Industrial Zone In-charge Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw reported to the Secretary-1 on the area of Yangon Industrial Zone, industries in the zone, factories built and factories under construction, development tasks for Yangon Industrial Zone and
fulfillment for communication sector, pro-per drainage of the Yangon Industrial Zone, and factories in Yangon West District Industrial Zone.
Next, Zay Kaba Co Ltd Chairman U Khin Shwe briefed the Secretary-1 on progress of construction tasks for Yangon Industrial Zone, condition of factories in the zone.
Afterwards, ACE Construction Group Managing Director U Tint San reported to the Secretary-1 on construction of replica of the Swedagon pagoda, the Maha Myatmuni image the Thaton Kelasa pagoda, the Dhammayajaka pagoda, the Kyaikhtiyoe pagoda, the Kyaikhtihsaung pagoda, and the Dagundine (flag
mast) in Mingaladon Garden City.
Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Maj-Gen Myint Swe briefed the Secretary-1 on assistance being rendered to
fulfill the needs of Mingaladon Industrial Zone and tasks for smooth transportation in Yangon.
The Secretary-1 then made a speech. He said the State is giving assistance for development of industrial zones and industrial zones in-charges and industrialists are to cooperate for the development of the zones.
The Secretary-1 and party viewed paintings to be placed at replica pagodas in Mingaladon Garden City. The Secretary-1 also inspected completion of Dhammayajaka replica pagoda and Maha Myatmuni replica pagoda and gave necessary instructions to the officials.
After that the Secretary-1 and party visited A-1 garment factory in Yangon Industrial Zone where Managing Director U Yan Win and officials welcomed them.
The Secretary-1 inspected production process there and gave instructions.
About 1,000 skilful Myanmar employees make international suits, coats and jerkins with the use of 850 machines at the factory.
The Secretary-1 and party also visited Shwe Mingala garment factory in Yangon Industrial Zone where Managing Director U Ye Sein and officials welcomed them. After looking around the factory, the Secretary-1 gave necessary instructions.
Over 570 employees are producing jerkins, trousers and coats for men and women. The factory produces 5,000 dozens of garments par month.
After looking around Yangon Industrial Zone by car, the Secretary-1 left there in the afternoon.
) Rice, edible oil, salt, gram and medicines donated to Sarthintaiks in North Oakkalapa Township
Yangon, 22 Sept - Families of the Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) and wellwishers donated rice, edible oil, gram and medicines to Sarthintaiks in Ward-2, North Oakkalapa Township, Yangon East District, at the Damayon of Meilamu Pagoda on Thudhamma Street, North Oakkalapa Township, this evening.
First, the ceremony was opened with three-time recitation of Namo Tassa and the congregation received the Five Precepts form Sayadaw Bhaddanta Jadhila.
Next, Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Thein Sein, Minister U Aung Khin, Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo, Chief of Staff (Navy) Rear Admiral Soe Thein and Tatmadaw senior officers (Army, Navy and Air) presented offertories to the Sayadaws and members of the Sangha.
Then, Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo, Chief of Staff (Navy) Rear Admiral Soe Thein and Colonel General Staff (Air) Col Zin Yaw, on behalf of the families of the Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air), offered rice, edible oil and gram to the Sayadaws and members of the Sangha.
Departmental officials and wellwishers also donated rice, edible oil, salt, grams and medicines to the Sayadaws and members of the Sangha.
The Adjutant-General, the minister and senior military officers accepted K 50,000 donated each by Families of Tatmadaw and Myanma Economic Holdings Ltd; K 300,000 by Asiaworld Co Ltd; K 100,000 by Pyilonechantha medical house; K 50,000 each by Myanmarpyitharhay KN Co; Thamada robe house; BTB Co; Win Yadana Transport; Ayarmyay Manufacturing Co and Kyaw Traditional Medicine; K 30,000 each by Hmancho medical house; Sun Myanmar International Co; Myanmar and Yangon Division Fisheries Federation; Myananda Restaurant and KTK plastic; K 20,000 each by Myanmar Rice MillersÕ Association; Tun Shwewa medical house; Myint Myat paddy cultivation farm; Htetlin medical house; and Daw Hla Hla and Daw Nu family of Lanmadaw Township; K 100,000 by National Land Co; K 15,000 by Thitsar Pankhin; K 11,900 by Dagon Myanmar International Co; K 10,000 each by Dr Pe Nyan; Sayagyi Co; Awaiya medical house; Moon Star tailoring and U Hla Than; K 20,000 by Kaythipan; K 16,000 by people of Ward-2; K 5,000 by Malamu Pagoda Board of Trustees; and K 3,000 by Daw Khin Than.
Colonel General Staff (Air) Col Zin Yaw and Director-General U Sann Lwin of the Department for Promotion and Propagation of the Sasana explained the purpose of donation and supplicated religious matters.
Yangon Sarthintaik Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw delivered a sermon, followed by sharing the merits gained. Today donation were 203 bags of rice, 56 viss of edible oil, 500 viss of iodized salt, 50 boxes of fine salt, 1,533 boxes of assorted traditional medicines, 107 viss
of gram and K 1,290,900 for the trust-funds for soon.
Provisions offered to monasteries, nunneries in Mayangon Township
Yangon, 22 Sept - Families of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) and wellwishers donated provisions to Ariya Mandaing, Pyithsimayon, Aungmyaybontha Shan Kyaung, Min Kyaung, Bawana Nuyawga Yama, Tulut Aungmyay (Chawdwingon), Thukha-kayi, Chaungthonbin, Pauk Zedi and Kyaikwaing Gandayon monasteries and Chanmyaygonwai, Sasano-daya, Shwemyaing Thiri, Tezasekki, Dhammethaka, Kanbawza and Yeku Ywama nunneries in Mayangon Township this afternoon.
The ceremony to donate provisions to the monasteries was held at Ariya Mandaing Sarthintaik on Kyaikwaing
Pagoda Road, Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Thein Sein, senior military officers and departmental heads offered provisions to the Sayadaws. On behalf of Tatmadaw families, Chief of Staff (Navy) Rear Admiral Soe Thein, Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo and Colonel General Staff (Air) Col Zin Yaw donated offertories to the Ariya Mandaing Sarthintaik Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw and nuns.
Then, departments and wellwishers offered rice, grams, edible oil and traditional medicines to the Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw.
Next, Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Thein Sein, Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo, Director of Resettlements Brig-Gen Aung Thein, senior military officers and departmental heads accepted K 180,000 donated by Tatmadaw families; K 180,000 by Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd; K 54,000 by YCDC; K 400,000 by Ayeya Myay Companies Group; K 100,000 each by U Aung Mon-Daw Hla Hla Maw; Thamada Robe House; U Tin Win-Daw San Win of KN Co; and U Thaing Win-Daw Htay Htay Nyunt of BTB Co; K 40,000 by Daw Hla Hla of Lanmadaw Township; K 30,000 each by Myanma Oil dealers Association, and Tun Shwewa medical house; K 20,000 by Htetlin medical house; K 100,090 by Sandi traditional medical house; K 10,000 by U Thein Win-Daw San San Nu of Awaiya medical house; K 20,000 by Kaythipan medical house; K 50,000 by Myanmar Rice
Millers' Association; K 200,000 by Kyaw Traditional medical house; K 100,000 by National Land Co; K 11,900 by Dagon U Tin Win; K 30,000 by Thiha Thudhamma Theingi Daw Mya Thein and son U Yan Shin; K 15,000 by Thitsa Pankhin Co; K 500,000 by Htoo Construction; K 200,000 by Bayintnaung Brokerage Discipline Enforcement Committee; K 100,000 by Bayintnaung Market Development Committee; K 18,000 by Mayangon Township Immigration and National Registration Department; K 500,020 by rice merchants of Bayintnaung Brokerage; K 20,000 by U Yan Aung of Luthit Private Industrial Co; K 45,000 by service personnel of Mayangon Township; K 20,000 by Daw Than Nu; K 10,000 by Mayangon War Veterans Organization; K 30,000 by U Michael-Daw Win Sanda Aye; K 20,000 by U Tin Win-Daw Myint Myint Sein; K 10,000 by U Chit Swe-Daw Than May; K 90,000 by U Khin Maung Myint-Daw Aye Myint Than; K 50,000 by U Naing Win-Ma Aye Aye Nwe; K 10,000 by U Tauk-Daw Khin May; K 10,000 each by U Min Swe-Daw Min Thwe Nu; U Aung Htoo-Daw Khin Mar Yi; U Ye Lwin-Ma Yin Htwe; Lt-Col Sein Maung (Retd)-Daw Mya Nyunt; Daw Sein Hseint and family; Daw Shwe; Daw Nwe Yi; Daw Than Sein and sisters; U Sein Maung of Monywa; U Khin Maung Hla-Daw Khin Ohn Thwin; U San Tun-Daw Kun Kyi; and U Than Thein-Daw Waing Sein; K 15,000 by U Kyaw Hsan-Ma Ni Ni; K 30,000 by U Hla Oo-Daw Khin Aye Lwin; K 56,000 by U Tin Aung-Daw Nyo; K 50,000 by Dr Thant Zin-Daw Ei Ei Khaing; K 30,000 each by U Win Cho-Daw Thin Thin; and U Zaw Khin Hlaing-Daw Aye Aye Mar; K 20,000 by U Min Thu-Daw Aye Aye Myint and U Tin Win-Daw Khin Swe Win; K 15,000 each by U Tun Shan-Daw Tin Sein; (U Ngwe Tun)-Daw Mya Mya Oo; U Thein Win-Daw Hnin Yi; and U Thein Tun and family; K 11,100 by U San Win-Daw Phyu Phyu.
Afterwards, Pyithsima-yon Sarthintaik Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw Bhaddanta Kon-dan–a delivered a sermon, followed by sharing of merits.
Today's donations were 545 bags of rice, 205 viss of edible oil, 336 viss of gram, 1,700 viss of iodized salt, 170 tubes of fine salt, 2,254 bottles of traditional medicines, 200 viss of potato, 12 viss of chilli, three baskets of jaggery and 10 packets of durain jam and K 5,877,090 for 10 monasteries and 8 nunneries.
( 4
) Lt-Gen Ye Myint inspects construction of Yangon-Mandalay Six-Lane Union Highway and Paunglaung Multi-purpose Dam Project
Yangon, 22 Sept - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence, left by car on 20 September morning and inspected the construction project site of Yangon- Mandalay six-lane Union Highway and Paunglaung Multi-purpose Dam project site in Pyinmana Township, Mandalay Division.
He then on 21 September morning inspected Ponmakyi Dam in Mahlaing Township and Meikhtila-Mandalay road section on Yangon-Mandalay Highway.
First, Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party, accompanied by Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Ye Myint, arrived at the briefing hall of Dagon International Co Ltd near Thawuthti, Lewe Township. The company is constructing Yedashe-Pyinmana road section of Yangon-Mandalay Union Highway between mile posts 194 and 242. Project Director U Than Shein reported on repair of Yangon-Mandalay Highway, construction of the bypass and tasks to be undertaken.
Lt-Gen Ye Myint gave instructions on timely completion of the repair work and road extension with meeting the set standard.
Afterwards, Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party proceeded to Paunglaung Multi-purpose Dam Project in Pyinmana at 5 pm. Director U Win Maung of Irrigation Department reported on construction of embankment and the spillway.
Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party inspected the site of Paunglaung Hydel Power Project. Officials of Hydro Electric Power Department reported on preparation for fitting the sluice gate of the hydel power project and installation of cranes.
Director U Win Maung of ID reported on quarry for the embankment, construction of the spillway and the embankment and Director U Soe Myint of HEPD on digging of the tunnel, arrival and storage of the machines and installation of the cranes.
Lt-Gen Ye Myint gave necessary instructions.
At 7 pm, they proceeded to the office of Asia World Co Ltd which is constructing Pyinmana-Yamethin road section of Yangon-Mandalay Union Highway from mile posts 242 and 290. Officials of the company reported on completion of the 18 miles long tarred road, the 6 miles long gravel road, the 14 miles long earth road, tasks to be carried out for remaining 10 miles long road section and completion of survey tasks for the 3 miles and 3 furlongs long bypass.
Commander Brig-Gen Ye Myint gave a supplementary report and Lt-Gen Ye Myint attended to the needs.
Next, they arrived at the project office of Yuzana Highway Co Ltd. The company is constructing Yamethin-Pyawbwe-Meiktila road section. Officials reported on extension of the road and construction work. Lt-Gen Ye Myint gave necessary instructions.
Yesterday morning, Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party went to Ponmakyi Dam near Letagaung Village in Mahlaing Township. Then, Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party inspected the water control tower and spillway of the dam.
At 10.30 am, they arrived at the project office of Hongpan Co Ltd which is undertaking construction of Yangon-Mandalay Six-Lane Union Highway at mile posts between 338 and 422/5. The managing Director of the company reported on arrangements for construction of the six-lane and three-lane road sections and bypass roads.
Lt-Gen Ye Myint gave instructions on cooperation among local organizations in searching the axis of the bypass and meeting set standard.
Then, they inspected progress in construction of the five-mile-long earth road of Yangon-Mandalay Six-Lane Union Highway near Thabyewa Village with the use of heavy machinery.
Later, they inspected construction of the six-lane road from Wandwin to Mandalay and fulfilled the requirements.
5 ) Minister attends 8th ASEAN Transport
Ministers' Meeting

Yangon, 22 Sept - Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe attended the 8th ASEAN Transport
Ministers' Meeting held at the Jakarta Hilton International Hotel in Jakarta, Indonesia on 19 September morning and discussed matters related to work being done for the ASEAN transport sector by Myanmar. The minister attended the 1st ASEAN and the People's Republic of China Transport
Ministers' Meeting on 20 September and signed the Protocol 9 Dangerous Goods of the cross-border transportation agreement in the evening. Director-General Col Nyan Tun
Aung of the Transport Administration Department signed the ASEAN
Memorandum of Understanding on Air Freight Services.
( 6 ) Minister inspects factories, dams in Mandalay Division
Yangon, 22 Sept - Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin, arrived at the construction project of Agricultural Machinery Factory in Ingon Village, Kyaukse Township, on 20 September.
Director-General U Win Maw of Agriculture Mechanization Department and officials reported on progress of construction work and project tasks being implemented.
The minister gave instructions on timely completion of the project.
Then, the minister inspected installation of power-tillers equipped with 16 hp engines and paddy harvesters equipped with 3.5 hp engines at the workshop-1, the workshop-2 and the workshop-3, the blacksmith workshop and construction tasks.
Next, they proceeded to Samon Regulating Dam near Htanaungkan Village, Thazi Township. The minister and party saw over the embankment which is 14,000 feet long and 37 feet high, the sand sluice gate, the spillway and the sluice gate.
In Hlinetat Village of Thazi Township, the minister went to Hlinetat Canned Factory of Myanma Agriculture Service and inspected production of the factory and gave instructions on boosting quality productions.
Afterwards, the minister inspected flow of water into Thattaw Dam-1 and Dam-2 and maintenance of the dam buildings near Phaya Ngahsu Village, Thazi Township.
The minister then went to Nyaungyan Minhla Lake. He inspected storage of water in Nyaungyan Lake and Minhla Lake and condition of the embankment between the two lakes.
The minister gave instructions on restoration of canal-7 of Nyaungyan Minhla Lake to supply water for monsoon paddy, summer paddy and pre-monsoon staple cotton.
Then, the minister saw over the double roller gin of the Cotton Ginning Factory of Myanma Cotton and Sericulture Enterprise and gave necessary instructions.
Minister inspects youth training school
Yangon, 22 Sept - Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa, inspected Kyaikwaing Youth Training School in Mayangon Township and the Development Centre for Women on Thanlwin Road in Kamayut Township this afternoon.
The Minister inspected Kyaikwaing Youth Training School. The principal of the school reported on work being carried out. Then, Director-General U Sit Myaing made a supplementary report. The minister presented clothes for the children and inspected hostels, the library and dinning hall. Then, the minister proceeded to Development Centre of Women in Kamayut, where officials reported him on functions of the centre. The minister inspected weaving, laundry and tailoring workshops and sale centre and gave necessary instructions. He also donated clothes for the development centre.
( 7 )
H&T Minister inspects
hotels in Yangon
Yangon, 22 Sept - Minister for Hotels and Tourism Brig-Gen Thein Zaw, inspected the hotels running with foreign investment and private hotels in Yangon this morning.
At first, the minister and party looked into Sofitel Plaza Yangon on Alanpya Pagoda Road. General Manager Mr Rodney Trutwein and officials conducted them round the hotel.
Then, the minister and party proceeded to the Traders Hotel on Sule Pagoda Road. General Manager Mr Raymond Bragg and officials welcomed and conducted them round the hotel.
Next, the minister and party went to private-run Panorama Hotel on Pansodan Street where they were welcomed by Administration Director U Yan Win and officials.
The Managing Director and officials conducted them round the hotel and reported on progress of hotel.
Similarly, the minister and party went to private-owned Asia Plaza Hotel on Bogyoke Aung San Street. Chairman of Asia Express (Yangon) Co Ltd Dr Maung Maung Oo and officials welcomed and
conducted them round the hotel.
On arrival at Royal Garden Restaurant on Kan Yeiktha Street, officials welcomed the minister and party. After hearing reports on hotel services, the minister gave necessary instructions to the officials concerned.
Minister inspects locomotive shed
Yangon, 22 Sept - Minister for Rail Transportation U Pan Aung, inspected the locomotive shed (Insein) this morning.
First, the minister met with the staff of the shed and gave instructions on minimizing loss and wastage. Then, the minister inspected the casting of locomotives wheels and carriage parts, repair of shafts and production process of the shed and gave necessary instructions.
( 8
) Minister for Culture inspects National Theatre
Yangon, 22 Sept - The National Theatre, Minister for Culture Maj-Gen Kyi
Aung gave instructions to the officials on further planting of flowers for beautifying the theatre's environs, ensuring the betterment of facilities of the theatre, arrangements for fire safety and keeping the compound and inside the theatre clean and tidy before holding the Tenth Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions.
Level-II certificates of Diploma in Computer Arts presented

Yangon, 22 Sept - The level-II certificate presentation ceremony of Diploma in Computer Arts for 2001-2002 academic year, co-sponsored by University of Culture (Yangon) and Forever Group Co Ltd, was held in conjunction with the fresher welcome ceremony at the National Theatre on Myoma Kyaung Street here this morning.
Director-General of Fine Arts Department U Kyaw Win gave a speech. Then, officials of the Fine Arts Department and Forever Group presented completion certificates to the trainees.
Diploma in Computer Arts course was opened in December 2000. The course has three levels. The level-1 lasts two months and the level-2 and level-3 four months each respectively. Altogether 272 trainees passed the first batch of the level-2 in January 2002 and 185 trainees passed second batch in March. A total of 252 trainees are attending the first batch of the level-1 opened in August 2002 and another 252 trainees at the second batch opened in September. The third batch of the level-1 course will be opened in October. Anyone who have passed the matriculation examination may attend the courses. ÑÊMNA
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) Site for industrial exhibition, Kyaukse
cement plant inspected
Yangon, 22 Sept - Chairman of Working Committee for Holding Myanma Industrial Development Seminars and Industrial Exhibitions Deputy Minister for Industry-1 Brig-Gen Kyaw Win, arrived at Hsinbyukan Grounds in Chanmyathazi Township in Mandalay Division on 21 September and discussed holding of the Myanma industrial exhibition.
The deputy minister and party viewed round the Hsinbyukan grounds and coordinated matters for holding the exhibition. Next, they proceeded to Kyaukse Industrial Zone. They inspected progress in building the Cement Plant which can produce 500 tons a day, test-running of the lime stone grinding unit, raw material mixing unit, kiln unit, coal grinding unit and packaging unit.
) Woman drug dealer gets prison term
Yangon, 22 Sept - A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Yangon Special Anti-drug Squad, acting on information, on 18 June 2001, searched Daw Myint near Mawtin wharf in Seikkan Township and seized 244.93 grams of marijuana in her rucksack.
Action was taken against Daw Myint, 43, daughter of U Nyunt Maung of Aung Thuka Street, Ward 8 , Hlinethaya Township, under Section 15/19 (A) of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by Seikkan Police Station.
The Yangon West District Court handed down five years' imprisonment under Section 15 and 20
years' imprisonment under Section 19 (A) on her to serve separately on 26 August 2002.