1 ) Secretary-1 accepts cash donations for hoisting new Htidaw and offering gold plates at Shwehsandaw Pagoda of Pyay
K 210 million and 20 ticals of gold donated for new Htidaw
Yangon, 21 Sept - The cash donation ceremony for hoisting new Shwehtidaw and offering gold plates at Shwehsandaw Pagoda in Pyay, Bago Division, was held at Wizaya Mingala Dhamma Thabin Hall on Kaba Aye Hill, here, this morning, attended by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council General Khin Nyunt.

Staff Officer U San Thin Hlaing of Yangon Division Religious Affairs Department acted as Master of Ceremonies.
After opening the ceremony, the Secretary-1, the commander, the ministers and the deputy minister for Religious Affairs accepted K 210 million and 20 ticals of gold donated by
well-wishers including K 79 million for the first tier of the Shwehtidaw by U Thein Win-Daw Ni (Shwe Thanlwin Co); K 20.7 million by families of Military Intelligence; K 20.7 million by Yangon City Development Committee; K 20 million by Kanbawza Bank Ltd Chairman U Aung Ko Win-Daw Nang Than Htwe; one kilogram of gold by Sayadaw Ven Shi Fa Zhao of Golden Temple in Singapore; K 5.4 million by the Ministry of Religious Affairs; K 5 million by U Nay Win Tun of Jade Dragon Co; K 5 million by U Win Maung Tin-Daw Than Aye and family and U Tun Aung-Daw Thi Thi Win and family; K 4.7 million by livestock breeding and fisheries entrepreneurs; K 3.6 million by U Tun Aye-Daw Ni Ni Win; K 3.5 million by U Thein Nyunt-Daw Mya Kyi (Tamway); K 2.7 million by the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries; K 2.5 million by Daw Tin Tin and family (Pyay); K 2 million by U Nay Win-Daw Khin Saw Kyu (Myanma Seinbayin & Ngwe Yin Yin Diamond House); K 2 million by U Tin Sein-Daw Nang Kham Tin (Myanmar Universal Bank); K 1.8 million by U Tin Htut-Thiri Thudhamma Daw Thin Myat Myat Win and family; K 1.1 million by U San Oo-Daw Khin Aye (Pyay); K 3 million by PMG Co; K 1.5 million by U Maung Maung Kha Swe-Daw Aye Aye Soe; K 1.8 million by NH family; K 1 million by Lt-Col Thein Lwin (Retd)-Daw Tin Aye; K 1 million by U Myint-Daw Hla Myint (Karaweik Robe Shop); K 1 million, three ticals and three anna of gold by U Nyunt Maung (Retd Deputy Minister)-Daw Pwint Kyi and family; K 600,000 by Daw Mya Thwe and family; K 500,000 by U Kyi-Daw Khin San Win and family; K 500,000 by U Kyaw Tin Oo-Daw Sanda Aye and family; K 500,000 by U Win Shein (National Land Co); K 500,000 by U Zaw Moe Oo-Daw San San Aye (Xinhua Co); K 500,000 by Dr Daw Yi Yi Hla; K 500,000 by U Aung Thet Mann (Shwe Yamon Ltd); K 450,000 by U Thein Tun-Daw Khin San Myint (South Okkalapa); K 1.1 million by U Maung Maung (Asia Express); two ticals, 14 anna and five yway of gold by Daw Than Htay Khaing (Kyauktada Township); K 400,000 by U Maung Maung Aye-Daw Ni Ni (Zun Family Construction Material Trading-Pyay); six gold bracelets weighing over 1.5 ticals by Daw Khin Chit Swe (Kyimyindine); K 500,000 by Soe Moe Kyaw-Waing Waing Lei Family; K 300,000 by physician U Bo Gyi-Daw Than Than; K 300,000 by U Ti Toe (Myanmar Mann Co); K 300,000 by Thiri Thudhamma Theingi Daw Khin Thein; 10 ticals of gold by Brig-Gen Thein Lwin and wife and family; K 200,000 by Daw Khin Nwe Yi (Shwe Pazun Family); K 200,000 each by U Soe Aung-Daw Nyunt Shein (Sangyoung); U Ko Ko Gyi-Daw Aye Mi (South Okkalapa); U Aye Lwin-Daw Nilar; Daw Khin Sein and family; U Tin Hla-Daw Aye Aye Kyi; U Chit Htwe-Daw Thaung Yi; U Myo Min-Daw Kay Zin Phyo; Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing-Daw Khin Hla Hla and family; and Diamond Pe Than-Daw Khin Htwe Khaing; K 100,000 by U Maung Maung Soe-Daw Nyo Nyo Win; K 270,000 by Thiha Thudhamma Manijotadhara U Kyaw Min and family; K 300,000 by Minister for Communications, Posts and Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein Zaw; K 500,000 by U Ko Ko Htwe (Taw Win Family); K 100,000 by U Maung Kein and family; K 100,000 by U Hla Aung-Daw Theingi Khin (Daiko Myanmar Co); K 200,000 by U Maung Maung-Daw Hla Myaing of Pyay; K 100,000 each by Minister for Culture Maj-Gen Kyi Aung;
Performer's Area Original Group Co; and Thiha Thudhamma Theingi Daw San Myint.
Then, Secretary-1 General Khin Nyunt spoke words of thanks. He said that Shwehsandaw Pagoda in Pyay is an ancient and historic one. After the occurance of strong wind recently, the technicians inspected the Shwehtidaw in accord with the Ovada of Sayadaws. The technicians found damage and decay at some parts of the Htidaw which is over 80 years old.

After receiving Ovada of the Sayadaws, the Government is making arrangements for hoisting the new Htidaw in its original style and mode and for offering gold plates to the ancient pagoda.
It is a rare opportunity to participate in hoisting a new Htidaw and contribute cash and kind to it, he said. The Secretary-1 added that he believes members of the Sangha and the laity throughout the country will enthusiastically contribute cash donations towards the new Shwehtidaw after hearing the news on
today's donation ceremony.
Then, the Secretary-1 wished the well-wishers to have all kinds of auspiciousness and prosperity. After the ceremony, General Khin Nyunt and party proceeded to Maha Nayaka Kyaungdaw on Kaba Aye Hill and paid homage to Joint-Secretary of State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Agga Maha Pandita Agga Maha Saddham-majotika Sayadaw Bhaddanta Tejaniya.
Then, the Secretary-1 viewed the Pitakat Taik and the meeting hall of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee at the Kyaungdawgyi
and they left there later in the morning.
YCDC successfully
implementing agriculture and livestock breeding projects
Secretary-1 meets officials of Yangon City Development
Yangon, 21 Sept
- Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council General Khin Nyunt met with officials of the Yangon City Development Committee at City Hall this morning.
General Khin Nyunt said he will explain the guidance given by Head of State Senior General Than Shwe on the
State's affairs, the public welfare, improvement of living standard and other matters.
The General said about two months ago, he met with the mayor and officials, and discussed city development undertakings to be implemented in accord with the guidance of the Head of State Senior General Than Shwe. He expressed belief that the YCDC is implementing its task in accord with the guidance.
He said the YCDC is carrying out the city sanitation and beautifying work with the supervision of the Yangon Command. The committee is also launching health care activities in wards and schools in cooperation with the Ministry of Health.

Under the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, it is successfully implementing the agriculture and livestock breeding projects including the Uto-Kyain Farm in the surrounding areas of Yangon to
fulfill the food requirements of city dwellers.
In addition, the committee has opened tax-free markets in accord with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe to enable the people to buy farm produce at reasonable prices. The tax-free markets have helped stabilize the food prices.
The YCDC should make greater efforts to bring benefits to the people more effectively and extensively.
The Uto-Kyain Farm emerged due to the goodwill of the Head of State towards the people. As it is a large-scale farm, the mayor, the vice-mayor and the officials will have to give priority to successful implementation of the project. They will have to correctly supervise the staff at different levels of the project to achieve cent-per-cent success in implementing the project. He said arrangements are to be made for greening tasks in the city, repair of roads and pavements and beautifying buildings and their compounds and fences.
He said the functions of YCDC directly or indirectly cover daily routines of the people including welfare of city dwellers, uplift of living standard, recreation, ensuring smooth business and trade and raising of education and health standards. Modern markets were built in the city, he added.
He spoke of the need to systematically manage the tasks to ensure equal interests between the sellers and the buyers. He also spoke of the need for YCDC officials to effectively undertake the tasks for welfare of the people, uplift of social standard and all-round development of Yangon City. With these concepts, the officials will have to practically work for the interest of the people, he added.
The State Peace and Development Council is implementing the nation-building task for all-round national development and uplift of social standard of the people in all parts of the country. In doing so, the principle on thrift was laid down and emphasis is being placed on that principle in various sectors.
He called on the YCDC to lay emphasis on minimizing loss and wastage and thrift for effective implementation of the tasks. The YCDC officials are responsible for improving living standard of the people, ensuring peace, welfare and development of the city.
He urged them to discharge all duties with goodwill in coordination with other governmental departments.
Next, Mayor U Ko Lay said the YCDC is implementing the tasks for development of the city and uplift of social life of the people after accepting the instruction of the Secretary-1 on 29 July as working programme. He made a pledge, saying that the YCDC would make endeavours for success of the
( 2 )
Every success, foundation for nation-building tasks to bring harmonious progress achieved through efforts of State, people
Lt-Gen Ye Myint attends opening of Kyintha Dam in Mahlaing Township
Yangon, 21 Sept
- The opening ceremony of Kyintha Dam near Kyintha Village in Mahlaing Township, Meiktila District, Mandalay Division, was held at the dam this morning, attended by Member of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Ye Myint of the Ministry of Defence.
First, Lt-Gen Ye Myint made an address. He said Mahlaing gets only 20 inches of rain per year. Dams have been built in the region, which is located in the dry region, to develop agriculture, to supply drinking water and to improve the living standard of the regional people.
The government has used about K 7,000 million to build 34 dams in Mandalay Division from 1988 to date. The facilities are irrigating about 320,000 acres of crops. The Nine Districts Greening Project was launched under the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe to supply clean water to the regions in Anya and to green them. Due to the collective efforts of the State and the people, the project is achieving success. Now it has been extended to cover 13 districts.
The government has used a large amount of money in building dams, river pumping stations and artesian wells after studying water resources of the land. The seasonal cultivation lands in Anya have become regular cultivation lands, and farmers in some regions are experiencing their first paddy cultivation.
Zeedaw, Thabyeyoe, Kyauktalone, Sunlon, Welaung, Thamattu, Taungtha, Samon, Thettaw, Chaugkauk, Hsinthe and Thaphan dams have been built in the surrounding areas of Mahlaing
Farmers should effectively use the good foundations created by the State to boost per acre yield of paddy and other crops. They will have to apply the methods disseminated by the Myanma Agriculture Service. They will have to strive to boost the per acre yield of paddy to reach 100 baskets, gram to reach 15 baskets, sesame to reach 15 baskets and long-staple cotton to reach over 300 viss.
Dams will help develop the rural areas and their economy leading to develop the towns. As Mandalay Division produces paddy, cotton, sugarcane, beans and pulses, edible crops and kitchen crops, it is one of the most economically important regions of the nation. The people of the division should make more efforts to help develop the national economy.
The government while implementing the project to green the Anya region has launched another project to carry out the five rural development tasks.
Development of the rural areas will help develop the towns which are relying on the rural goods, and the progress of the towns will lead to proportionate progress of the entire nation. The nation will prosper only if the gap between the rural and the urban can be bridged.
Thus, the government has been building irrigation and transport facilities and carrying out the regional greening task, using large sums of money. The project have been implemented not only for the present generation, but also for the posterity.
Every success and foundation for the nation-building tasks to bring harmonious progress to the nation is achieved through the efforts of the State and the people, and not by any foreign assistance. Because of the correct leadership of the State, participation of the people and the efforts of the government staff, the prospects are bright for the future.
In conclusion, Lt-Gen Ye Myint called for maintenance of the dam, conservation of forests in catchment areas and cultivation of paddy, beans and pulses, maize, sesamum and cotton.

Next, Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin said in the country agriculture plays a vital role in economic development and is a drive for uplift of socio-economic life of rural people. The more the government supports the agriculture, the stronger the economy of the country becomes.
The Head of State gave guidance to narrow the gap between urban and rural regions where the State relies on agriculture. Projects, resource for agricultural development, have emerged after another. Kyintha Dam project is the 138th dam under the present government, he said.
He said the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation is implementing the objectives for sufficiency of edible oil in the country and earning more income from export by boosting production of agricultural crops while making endeavours for boosting production of paddy, beans and pulses, cotton and sugarcane.
These tasks are meant for development of agriculture and uplift of economy, for food sufficiency and export. Land, water, machine power and development of technology are main pillars for progress of agriculture and water supply is the lifeblood of agriculture.
New dams and reservoirs are being built and water pumping projects are also being implemented for more storage of water. Cultivation mainly depends on rain for upper Myanmar is a dry zone. Meiktila region including Mahlaing Township is an important one for cotton cultivation, he said.
The Kyintha dam was built at a cost of K 82 million for irrigation of 500 acres of land in the region and it can store 2,100 acre feet of water.
The minister called regional authorities to maintain the dam for durability.
Next, Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Ye Myint said that the central of Myanmar, where there was a shortage of rain, wood was used for the fuel resulting in depletion of the forest. As a result, it was concerned that the central of Myanmar could become desert. Although the regional greening undertakings have been carried out since the independence was regained, it could not achieved. Only when the Government and the people are cooperating in the greening tasks based on patriotism and nationalism will the tasks be perpetual. Hence, the greening tasks in 13 districts are being implemented by building dams, reservoirs and river water pumping projects.
As there was a shortage of rain in Mandalay, Magway and Sagaing Divisions, there has been less success in monsoon crops cultivation apart from the areas where dams and reservoirs were. At the same time, the regions lagged behind in health, social and economic sectors due to insufficiency in water. This being so, dams and reservoirs have been constructed with a view to enabling the local people to have equal rights.
In the time of the present Government, a total of 34 dams were constructed and opened in Mandalay Division including the one opened today. They will irrigate over 325,00 acres of land and contribute much towards the prosperity of the local farmers as the cultivation of monsoon paddy as well as summer paddy is to be made all the more.
According to the regional requirement, the dam opened today will contribute to reduction of erosion and ensuring regional greening and success in agriculture. It was a great honour for the local people for construction of the dam, he said and called on the local people to make efforts in maintaining the dam that is beneficial to the region, to cooperate in maintaining the watershed areas, in systematic use of water and in durability of canals.
Then, on behalf of the local people, Secretary U Shwe Nan of Mahling Township USDA thanked the government for the construction of the dam.

Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party, and guests took positions in front of the stone inscription of the dam and the minister formally unveiled it. Then, Lt-Gen Ye Myint, the commander and the minister formally opened the dam. Those present including local people, students, band troupes and pom pom troupe hailed the opening of the dam by clapping, dancing and playing musical instruments.Lt-Gen Ye Myint and party together with students and local people posed for a documentary photo in front of the archway and inspected round the dam.
The dam, with a 56-foot high and 1900-foot long earthen embankment and reinforced concrete water supply tunnel will provide irrigated areas with water via Konte Dam and is located near Kyintha Village in Mahlaing Township, Meiktila
District, Mandalay Division. It will also contribute to the regional
development and greening tasks.
( 3
) Provisions donated to monasteries in Dagon Township, Yangon West District
Yangon, 21 Sept
- A ceremony to offer provisions and cash donated by families of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) and wellwishers to the monasteries in Dagon Township, Yangon West District, was held at the Dagon Pariyatti Sarthintaik in Dagon Township this afternoon.
Sayadaw Bhaddanta Revata administered the Five Precepts to the congregation.
Then, Member of the State Peace and Development Council Adjutant-General
Lt-Gen Thein Sein, the minister, the deputy minister and senior military officers presented offertories to the Sayadaws.
Afterwards, the Vice-Adjutant-General, the Chief of Staff (Navy) and Colonel General Staff (Air) (Mechanical) Col Ye Chit Pe offered rice, edible oil and gram donated by the Tatmadaw families to the Sayadaw. Next, departmental officials and wellwishers offered rice, edible oil, salt, medicines and gram to the Sayadaws.
The Tatmadaw families and the Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd presented K 40,000 each to the trust funds of the monasteries; Division Peace and Development Council, K 12,000; Asia Express Co, K 300,000; Dr Moe Tin-Dr Ei Ei Tin and family, K 200,000; Sayamagyi Daw Aye Aye Khant and family, K 120,000; Ayeyamye Co Ltd, Kyaw traditional medical house, Theingi Shwe Yi Photo Studio, U Soe Thein and family, Dr Win Kyaw and family, Tet Lan Construction, Maj Ba Htwe (Retd)-Daw Ohn Kyi, and National Land Construction K 100,000 each; Pyilon Chantha traditional medical house, K 70,000; Myanmar Pyithahae KN Co Ltd, BTB Co Ltd, Thamada Thingantaik, Thitsar Pankhin Film and Video Production Co, Great Wall traditional medical house, Daw Kyi Kyi Than and family, U Kyaw Kyaw and family and U Thein Lwin and family, K 50,000 each; Dagon Myanmar International Co Ltd, K 31,700; Sandi traditional medical house, K 30,070; Myint Myat Paddy Cultivation, Hmancho traditional medical house, Tun Shwe Wah traditional medical house, Myanmar and Yangon Division Fisheries Federations, Hsan Myanmar International Co, Aye Nyein construction materials trading, Daw Hla Hla of Lanmadaw Township, Myanmar Rice Dealers Association, Daw Mya Thein and family, Basic Education High School No 1 family, Daw Khin Thida and family, U Tun Myint and family, and U Nyein Workshop, K 30,000 each; Htet Lin traditional medical house, Kathipan traditional medical house, U Thein Win and family, and U Kyi Zaw Min and family, K 20,000 each; Office of Head of Yangon West District Myanmar Police Force, Dagon Township Union Solidarity and Development Association, Chairperson of Myanmar Traditional Sports Federation, Daw Mi Mi Khin, Sayagyi Co, Yawmingyi Ward Peace and Development Council, U Wisara Ward Peace and Development Council, U Nay Win and family, Office of Head of Township Development Affairs Committee, Dagon BEHS No 2, U Maung Maung Than, Daw Mar Mar Myint, U Thein Win-Daw San San Nu, and Noka Purified Drinking Water family, K 10,000 each and Township Internal Revenue Department, K 10,500 through the Adjutant-General, the minister, the deputy minister and senior military officers.
Next, Col Tha Han of the Ministry of Defence supplicated the purpose of the donation.
Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Gunananda delivered a sermon, followed by sharing of merits gained.
Today's donations totalled 174 bags of rice, 73 viss of edible oil, 379 viss of iodized salt, 50 boxes of soft salt, 1,698 boxes of various kinds of traditional medicines, 75 viss of gram and K 2,729,270.
Tatmadawmen, wellwishers donate cash and provisions to monasteries in Insein Township, Yangon North District
Yangon, 21 Sept
- A ceremony to offer provisions and cash donated by families of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) and wellwishers to the Ywama Pariyatti Sarthintaik was held at the monastery in Insein Township here at 3.30 pm today.
Abbot Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Tilokabhivamsa administered the Five Precepts to the congregation. Then, the
State Peace and Development Council Member Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Thein Sein, the minister, the deputy minister and senior military officers presented offertories to the Sayadaws.
Afterwards, the Vice-Adjutant-General, the Chief of Staff (Navy) and Colonel General Staff (Air) (Mechanical) Col Ye Chit Pe offered 171 bags of rice, 69 viss of edible oil and 137 viss of gram donated by the Tatmadaw families to the Sayadaw. The donations were rice bags by Ministry of Religious Affairs, YCDC, Yangon Division Peace and Development Council, Yangon North District and Township authorities; 250 viss of salt and 250 viss of fish paste by Prisons Department; 700 viss of iodized salt and 70 boxes of soft salt by Myanma Salt and Marine Chemicals Enterprise; 350 packets of traditional medicines by the Traditional Medicine Department; 10 bags of rice by Myanmar Rice Traders and Brokerages Association; 15 bags of rice by Myanmar / Yangon Division Fisheries Federations; 15 bags of rice by U Nyein, Daw Ohn Kyin and family of OK rice brokerage; 10 bags of rice and 30 viss of pulses & beans by Insein
Township Wayyawutsa association; 10 bags of rice by Asia Express; 600 packets of balm by Kaythipan medical house; 450 packets of medicines by Hmancho medical house; 300 packets medicine of Tun Shwewa medical house; 288 packets of Great Wall and Shan Yoma embrocations by Great Wall U Maung Maung Oo; 216 packets of medicines by Kyaw traditional medical house; 150 packets of medicines by Htet Lin medical house; 144 packets of medicines by Pyilon Chantha medical house; 144 packets of medicines by Pathein Awayya medical house; 30 viss of edible oil by KN Co; 5 bags of rice and 5 viss of edible oil by Thitsa Pankhin Film and Video Production Co; 5 bags of rice by Myint Myat Paddy cultivation group; 3 bags of rice, 20 packets of traditional medicines and 10 packets of durian jam by Dagon U Tin Win; and 3 bags of rice by Kent garment factory.
The cash donations were K 3,000 by Division Peace and Development Council; K 10,000 by Yangon North District and Township Peace and Development Councils; K 300,000 by U Maung Maung and family of Asia Express; K 11,900 by Dagon U Tin Win and family; K 100,000 by KN Co; K 100,000 by National Land Co; K 70,000 by Pyilon Chantha medical house; K 50,000 by BTB Co; K 50,000 by Thamada Thingantaik K 50,000 by Great Wall U Maung Maung and family; K 50,000 by Ayeyamyay Co; K 50,000 by Kyaw traditional medical house; K 50,000 by Thitsa Pankhin family; K 50,000 by Insein Township education staff; K 30,000 by Hmancho medical house; K 30,000 by Tun Shwewa medical house; K 30,000 by Myanmar / Yangon Division Fisheries Federations; K 30,000 by Sun Myanmar Travels; K 30,000 by Kent garment factory; K 30,000 by Insein Township edible oil merchants; K 30,000 by Daw Hla Hla of Lanmadaw Township; K 20,000 by Htet Lin medical house; K 20,000 by Myint Myat paddy cultivation group; K 20,000 by Kaythipan medical house; K 11,000 by Insein Township Fire Services Department; K 11,000 by U Yan Naing and family; K 10,000 by Myanmar Euro World Co; K 10,000 by Pathein Awayya medical house; K 50,000 by Myanmar Rice Millers Association; K 5,000 by Township Immigration and Population Department; K 5,000 by Township Development Affairs Committee; K 5,000 by Township Agricultural Produce Trading; K 3,000 by Township USDA; K 3,000 by Township Economic Bank. Colonel General Staff (Air) (Mechanical) Col Ye Chit Pe supplicated on the purpose of the donation and Director-General of the Department for Promotion and Propagation of the Sasana U Sann Lwin, on religious matters.
The Taikoak Sayadaw delivered a sermon, followed by sharing of merits gained.
Today's donations were 254 bags of rice, 104 viss of edible oil, 950 viss of iodized salt, 70 boxes of soft salt 2,702 boxes of traditional medicines, 167 viss of gram, 250 viss of fish paste, 10 packets of durian jam and K 1,442,400.
( 4
Minister inspects construction of new National Library
Yangon, 21 Sept - Minister for Culture Maj-Gen Kyi Aung arrived at the construction site of the new National Library in Tamway
Township this morning. The minister inspected the rare books of the
library and gave instructions on arrangements for maintenance of
books. Then, the minister heard reports presented by the officials
and fulfilled the requirements for the construction project. Later,
the minister inspected round the construction site.
( 5 )
Information Minister inspects PPE presses

Yangon, 21 Sept - Minister for Information Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan
inspected the presses under the Printing and Publishing Enterprises
and gave instructions to the officials concerned this afternoon.
The minister arrived at the Central Press on Theinbyu Road in Botahtaung Township, where they were welcomed by Managing Director of the PPE U Myint Thein and officials.
The minister and party inspected the printing room and the computer room of the Central Press and the press building, and gave instructions on measures to be taken daily, weekly and monthly for fitness of the presses, and sanitation work to be carried out for cleanliness of the building.
Then, the minister and party looked into the Photo Litho Press on Ngahtatkyi Pagoda Road in Bahan Township. Managing Director U Myint Thein, Manager of the Press U Han Sein and officials conducted them round the press. The minister left necessary instructions.
The minister and party also inspected the GTC Press in Aung San, Insein Township, where they were conducted round the press by Managing Director U Myint Thein and Manager U Kyaw Thu. The minister gave instructions to the officials.
Next, the minister and party inspected the Press Museum, the colour king off-set printing room, the paper warehouse and the workshop and gave necessary instructions.
During the inspection tour, the minister gave instructions to the officials concerned to take measures daily, weekly and monthly for ensuring fitness of the presses and prevention against out-break fire.
After that, the minister met with the staff of the PPE at the meeting hall of Sarpay Beikman Press on Pyay
The minister elaborated on ensuring fitness of
the presses, and tasks to be carried out for preventing out-break of
fire and staff welfare matters. Then, the meeting came to an end.
( 6 )
Sanitation materials, cash donated to hospitals in Yangon Division
Yangon, 21 Sept - Under the arrangement of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council, a ceremony to donate sanitation materials and cash to Yangon General Hospital, new Yangon General Hospital and Central
Women's Hospital was held at YGH meeting hall this morning.
Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development
Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe explained the purpose of the donations.

Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein accepted sanitation materials worth K 450,000 presented by Yangon Command through Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe.
Similarly, the medical superintendents of the hospitals accepted sanitation materials worth K 100,000 presented by Yangon Division Peace and Development Council through Secretary Lt-Col Kyaw Tint; the materials worth K 250,000 by Yangon West District Peace and Development Council and townships through District Chairman Lt-Col Maung Maung Shein; the materials worth K 50,000 by township police stations from Yangon West District through Police Lt-Col Tin Myint; and the materials worth K 50,000 by township development committee office in Yangon West District through District Commissioner U Nay Lin of Yangon West District General Administration Department.
Then, the commander, the minister and officials accepted K 1 million for Central
Women's Hospital donated by Shwe Pazun Family; K 500,000 for CWH by U Maung Maung of Asia Express; K 100,000 for YGH by Dr Aye Kyaw and family of Kyaw Pharmacy; K 100,000 for YGH by U Thaing Win-Daw Htay Htay Nyunt of BTB Co; K 50,000 each for new YGH and CWH by Chairperson Daw Than Than Nyunt of Lanmadaw Township MCWA; and Chairman U Tun Yi of Khant Trading Cooperative Ltd.
Afterwards, the commander and party inspected sanitation work being carried out at the compound of YGH by Tatmadawmen, MPF members, workers of YCDC and social organizations.
Commander inspects agriculture, regional development tasks in Yangon South District

Yangon, 21 Sept - Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe, inspected regional development and agricultural tasks in Yangon South District this morning.
At 10 am, the commander inspected sanitation work being carried out by staff of Thanlyin Oil Refinery, members of USDA, social organizations and local people at Thanlyin Bridge.
Then, the commander gave instructions on organizing the people to participate in sanitation tasks on Saturdays and Sundays.
The commander and party proceeded to Kyauktan Township and attended the collective tree planting ceremony near Kyaik Padagyi Pagoda.
At the ceremony, the commander and those present planted Thitseint trees (Belleric myrobalan). A total of 1,026 Thitseint trees (Belleric myrobalan) have been planted near Kyaik Padagyi Pagoda and over 30,000 in Yangon South District.
Afterwards, the commander and party arrived at Nyaungwaing Agricultural Education Camp in Kyauktan and inspected practical work of agricultural technology at the monsoon farm paddy.
Next, the commander and party inspected thriving of monsoon paddy, use of Azolla fertilizer and production of EM Bokershi fertilizer. The commander met with over 500 local farmers of monsoon paddy, pulses & beans and edible oil crops special zones and gave necessary instructions. The commander attended to their needs.
Yangon Division Myanma Agriculture Service Manager U Aung Hsan explained arrangements being made for providing technological assistance for per-acre yield to the local farmers.
Then, the commander gave necessary instructions to the local farmers and departmental officials.
( 7 ) CPA (Part I) course
Yangon, 21 Sept - The concluding ceremony of Certified Public Accountant (Part I) course of Myanmar Accountancy Council was held in conjunction with the respect paying ceremony to teachers at the training school of the Auditor-General's Office in Ahlon Township this morning.
The Chairman of MAC Auditor-General Brig-Gen Tin Aye and the director-general made speeches at the ceremony.
( 8
Konbaung Period silver antiques donated
Yangon, 21 Sept - U Phone Aung and U Thet Win Naing of Koetheintaung Thettawshe Kyaungtaik of Sayadaw U Vijjaana,
together with Director U Myint Oo of Myanma Radio and Television,
donated Ninety plates and 78 broken pieces of silver antiques to the Department of Archaeology under the Ministry of Culture at a ceremony held at the department on 19 September morning.
These were found at the old lake Mahamin near Koetheintaung Thettawshe Pagoda in Aunglan Township, Magway Division.
The antiques were found on 14 August this year while Myanma Timber Enterprise was dredging the lake and then were handed over to the Sayadaw.
( 9
) Drug dealers get prison terms
Yangon, 21 Sept - A combined team made up of local intelligence unit and Kengtung Special Anti-drug Squad, acting on information, on 9 December 2001, stopped and searched a four-wheel-drive vehicle en route from Mongla to Tapin at Tapin Check point, and nabbed Chinese citizens Chaihwa, Paysihon and Sanmangin (a) Chaimansu together with 448,000 stimulant tablets.
Action was taken against Chaihwa, 23, son of U Chain Shinshin of Yunnan, Paysihon, 36, son of U Paynainggi of Chimon and Sanmangin (a) Chaimansu, 36, son of U Chankyi Ywin (a) Shik San of Chanzin village, Sikyan Township under Section 15/19 (A)/20 (A)/21 of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
The Kengtung District Court on 4 June 2002 handed down 30 years' imprisonment on Chaihwa under Section 19 (A) and 20
years' imprisonment each on Pasihon and Sanmangin (a) Chaimansu under Section 19 (A)/21.
The Kengtung District Court also sentenced them to five
years' imprisonment each under Section 13(1) of Immigration Act as they illegally entered Myanmar.
Stimulant tablets and raw opium seized
Yangon, 21 Sept - A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Hpa-an Special Anti-drug Squad, acting on a tip-off, searched Aung Zaw Moe and seized 180 stimulant tablets from his rain coat in front of Hpa-an bus terminal on 9 September 2002.
Lickewise, a team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Railway Police Force, acting on information, on 10 September, searched Win Myint Oo sitting at seat No 43 of No 41 Mandalay-Myitkyina up-train at Mandalay Station and seized 7.756 kilos of raw opium. Similarly, on 11 September, a team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Railway Police Force, acting on information, arrested Ma Aye Aye San and Ma San Yi who were on board Mandalay-Myitkyina up-train at Shwebo Station along with 4.899 kilos of raw opium.
Action is being taken against them under the
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by the police stations concerned.