1 ) Commerce Minister receives guests
Yangon, 18 Sept - Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen
Pyi Sone received Director Mr Tan Sri Dato Ernest Zulliger of
Burnipulre Commerce Bank Berhad (BCBB) of Malaysia and party at his
office on Strand Road at 4 pm today.
Health Minister receives guests
Yangon, 18 Sept - Minster for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein received Chairman of the
European Federation of Neurological Societies Professor Dr. h.c Fran Gerstenbrand and party at his office on Pyidaungsu Yeiktha Street in Dagon Towship at 1.30 pm today.
Similarly, also received Director of International Programme of World
Wide Training Pty-Ltd A1r William J Stitts and party at the same venue at 2 pm.
( 2 )
Culture of
Kambawzathadi Palace inspected
YangonN, 18 Sept - Minister for Culture Maj-Gen
Kyi Aung, this morning
inspected construction of Kambawzathadi Palace of King Bayintnaung
in Bago.
The minister and party were welcomed there by
officials of Bago District and Township Peace and Development
Councils and the Archaeology Department At the briefing hall,
Director-General of I the Archaeology Department U Nyunt Han
reported on land preparation in the palace compound; Deputy
Director-General U Tun Zaw, on progress in construction of Myaynan
Pyathad Hall and Letyawin Hall; Superintending Engineer of Public
Works U Kyi Tun, on future tasks; and Myanmar handicraft expert U
Win Maung, on progress in cyaniding out Myanmar artistic work. The
minister gave inspections on timely completion of the tasks
sector-wise, systematic planting of trees for beautifying the place,
and working with catena.
Then, the minister and the deputy minister
inspected the ancient Handtawady Museum and gave instructions on
display of antiques to draw attention to the visitors. Next, they
looked into Bamarathana Throne Hall and left instructions on
cleanliness of the hall, planting trees in the surrounding areas of
the hall, construction of an entrance road, an exit road and
Later, they went to Myaynanpyathad Hall and
inspected progress in installation of Myanmar artistic works.
Officials conducted them round the hall. The on installation of
Myanmar artistic works and Thihathana Throne in accordance with the
traditions of the palace. They left the construction site in the afternoon.
Agriculture and Irrigation Minister
arrives back from PRC
Yangon, 18 Sept - The Myanmar delegation led by
Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin arrived
back here by air this afternoon after attending the First
Ministers Level Round Table Meeting for International Paddy
Production and the International Rice Conference held in the
People's Republic of China from 14 to 16 September.
The delegation
member Director-General U Tin Htut Oo of Agriculture Planning
Department of the ministry also arrived back here. The minister
attended the First Ministers Level Round Table Meeting for
International Paddy Production in Beijing, the People's Republic of
China, on 15 September. The meeting was attended by delegates from
11 largest rice producing countries. Minister of Agriculture of PRC
Mr Du Qinglin presided over the meeting.
The Minister for
Agriculture and Irrigation took part in the discussions on
cooperation in boosting rice production between Myanmar and other
countries, laying down of rice policies, matters related to rice and
culture and social sectors and conducting of rice and paddy
research. On 6 September, the minister and delegation attended the
opening ceremony of the International Rice Congress 2002 and the
first day meeting started in Beijing and the President of PRC Mr
Jiang Zemin formally paned the Congress. Over 1 ,200 dele gates
attended it.
The Imitational Rice
Congress was organized by International Rice Re Search Institute-IRRI,
State Development Planning Commission- PRC, Chinese Academy of
Engineering-CAE and Chinese Academy of Agricultural Scienc-CAAS.
The 24th
International Rice Research Conference-2002 and the World Rice
Commerce Conference-2002 and the International Rice Technology and
Cultural Exhibition were held at me same time. Managing Director of
Myanma Agriculture Service of the Ministry of Agriculture and
Irrigation U Tun Than and party are attending the conference being
held up to 20 September .
Dedaye Bridge
Construction Project inspected

Yangon, 18 Sept -
Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, inspected road maintenance work along Dalla-
Twantay-Kungyangon Road this morning.
Yangon Division
Superintending Engineer U Nyunt Maung San and the district engineer
reported to the minister on progress of maintenance ,work in the
rainy season and future tasks. At the Kungyangon Township
Engineering Office, District Engineer U Kyi Hlaing reported on work
progress with the use of charts. The minister gave restrictions on
maintaining the present standard of the road, gathering quality
paving stones, meeting the standards in carrying out construction
tasks under the supervision of the officials, and reconstruction of
the small old bridges and culverts.
Then, the minister
and party looked into Kungyangon-Dedaye Road. On arrival at Dedaye
Bridge, the minister and party were welcomed by the project engineer
and party. At the briefing hall, Deputy Superintending Engineer U
Khin Maung Win reported on progress in construction of the approach
bridge (Kungyangon side) the main bridge and the approach bridge (Dedaye
side) District Engineer U Kyi Hlaing on progress in construction of
the approach road and future plans.
The minister gave
instruction on timely completion carrying out the remaining tasks
after drawing detailed plans. He said that requirements of
construction materials and heavy machinery will be fulfilled soon.
It is needed to make concerted to make ensure timely completion as
meeting the standards set.
He then called on
the officials concerned to supervise the project for ensuring
worksite safety. Later the minister
and party inspected the construction tasks.
( 3
More nurses being trained and produced every year to meet
national requirement

Yangon, 18 Sept - A
ceremony to open a one-day seminar on Coordinating Nursing
Education, Services and Research for Effective Nursing Care was held
at the Institute of Nursing (Yangon) on Bogyoke Aung San Street this
morning, with an address by Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein.
In his address, the
minister said that the seminar was organized by. the Myanmar Academy
of Medical Science in cooperation with Health
Department, the Medical Science Department and the Department of
Medical Research (Lower Myanmar). The scholars of the medical
science include physicians, nurses, midwives and other experts.
The Myanmar Academy
of Medical Science is playing a role in applying various means to
develop the medical science. The Ministry of Health is a sole
governmental organization conducting public health care services to
enable all to fully enjoy longevity and to create a disease-free
society .The nursing science is requited to develop in accord with
the time. The State is not only conducting the nursing science
degree and master of nursing science courses, but also opening the
doctorate degree courses of the field in co- operation with the
Australian universities. To be more efficient, nurses need to study
research, planning and administrative subjects. More nurses are
being trained and produced every year to meet the national
requirement. Up to now, the nation has opened two nursing
institutes, 23 nursing schools, 16 midwifery training schools and
four other related schools, annually accepting 300 students for
degree courses, 150 for bridge courses, 1 ,200 for diploma courses,
1 ,050 for midwifery courses and 130 for woman health staff courses.
Plans will have to
be formulated to enhance the qualifications of the nurses to enable
them to be skilled in theoretical as well as in practical fields.
In-service nurses are also required to uplift the level of their
education and qualification. Nurses should study the State's health
policy to serve the interests of the State, the people and the
profession within its framework. They will have to make cooperative
efforts to achieve more progress and to work with might and main in
the respective sector to develop the health care services till
reaching the international level. They should always adhere to their
codes of conduct and principles.
He then cordially
greeted the participants. Then, Vice-Chainman of the Myanmar Academy
of Medical Science Professor Dr Ko Lay explained die purpose of the
seminar. Deputy Director of the Medical Science Department Daw Aye
Myint gave a talk on education for nurses, Assistant Lecturer of the
Institute of Nursing (Yangon) U Min Sein Ti, on valuable experiences
of nursing education sector, Assistant Director of the Health
Department Daw Phyu Phyu, on nursing services, and Director of the
Department of Medical Research (Lower Myanmar) Dr Than Tun Sein, on
research work on nursing, followed by a general round of
discussions. The seminar ended in the evening.
Stone plaque bearing Myanma Education Goal unveiled at
Singu BEHS
Yangon, 18 Sept - A ceremony to inaugurate the stone plaque
bearing Myanma Education Goal was held at Singu Basic Education High School on
16 September morning, attended by Minister for Education U Than Aung. First, 10
students of Singu BEHS formally unveiled the stone plaque and sang the song 'Myanma
School' .
Then the opening ceremony was held at Shwe Ayeya Hall in
Singu BEHS. Minister for Education U Than Aung made a speech and gave
instruction on efforts to be made for achieving success in implementation of
30-year long-term education promotion project. The minister presented TV and YCR
sets, computer and CD-ROMs, exercise books and pencils to the headmaster and
Next, Headmaster U Kyaw Sein Win spoke words of thanks. The
minister and party then arrived at Affiliated BEHS of Shwepyi Village USDA and
fulfilled the requirements. USDA Secretary-General U Than Aung met with USDA
members of Singu Township. He gave necessary instructions and presented exercise
books and stationery to the association.
Minister inspects industrial zone
Yangon, 18 Sept - Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn
Myint arrived at the management office of North Okkalapa Industrial
Zone yesterday afternoon.
There he met with the chairman of the industrial
zone and officials and gave instructions on producing quality goods
and import-substitute goods. At Cheery Thin Fan Industry , the
minister viewed the production of fans and gave instructions on
boosting other production. At Yadana Steel Works, the minister also
viewed the production of iron bars for construction use, deform bars
and engine sleeves and gave instructions on making efforts to
produce import substitute construction materials.
Next, the minister and party went to Win Family
Lathe in Shwepaukkan Industrial zone, where he viewed production of
power tillers, pumping machines as well as a variety of U belt
pulleys flat belt pulleys, ball bearing housing and other materials
used for farming. Then, the minister proceeded to the carton
factory, where he viewed production of cartons used for packaging.
Minister inspects athletes in training
Yangon, 18 Sept - Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for Sports
Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint viewed the athletes practicing at the training camp of Myanmar
Rowing Federation yesterday morning.
The athletes, now under camp training, are going to compete in the international
four-women's professional level rowing competition of 14th Asian Games and 22nd SEA Games,
which will be held in Vietnam in 2003.
The President of MRF and officials reported to
the minister on the practising of athletes in accord with the training timetable. Then, the
minister gave instructions on making strenuous efforts to win victory as targeted so as to raise the
prestige of the State.
Next, the minister and party went to Myanmar Billiards Federation at Aung San Stadium, where the minister inspected the brushing up of selected chess
players who are going to participate XIV Asian Games. Afterwards, the minister presented cash
awards and gave instructions on making
all-out efforts to bring honour to the State.
In his inspection of the athletes, the minister gave instructions on uplifting the honour of the State with full of
discipline and training, ensuring the health care and lessening the incidental injuries and close supervision of responsible
coaches on weak points in technique.
( 4
) Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe encourages national race
girls in Mandalay
Yangon, 18 Sept -
Members of the field group headed by Member of the Myanmar National
Committee for Women's Affairs and the Myanmar National Working
Committee for Women Affairs Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe visited the office
of Mandalay Division Maternal and Child Welfare Association
Supervisory Committee yesterday morning.
The field group,
comprising member of MNWAC and Vice-Chairperson of MNWCWA, Secretary
of MNWCWA Director-General U Sit Myaing and member Daw Khin Aye Win
met and spoke words of encouragement to 17 girls and two boys who
were forbidden by officials from going to Yodaya through Tachilek to
work there. The field group members explained the youths the
incidents of those who worked in the other country in which bitter
sufferings were experienced.
The group led by Dr
Daw Khin Win Shwe cordially asked questions to the girls Who arrived
in Mandalay, 10 illegally .work in Yodaya. They explained the news
of Ma Su included in 17-7-2002 issue of the dailies. She was beaten
and burnt by her employer in Yodaya. Matters relating to infection
of HIV / AIDS and its evil results and preventive measures; the
danger of illegal employment in the other nation; difficulties to be
encountered. They also explained that in other country there would
be no protection according to law. One can live happily under the
protection of law by working in his own country. By taking measures
in time they were saved and will be sent back to their 'parents out
of sheer sympathy, the group members said.

Six national girls
from Saikyauk Village in Hsenwi Township, Shan State (North), were
found suspicious and were stopped at Mandalay International Airport
on 12 September. They were trying to go to Tachilek by Air Mandalay
flight. Investigations revealed that six Shan women saved money and
left their village after being persuaded by human traffickers. On
arriving Tachilek, they would stay at a monastery and world
dial the phone numbers given to them by human traffickers. So,
authorities told them not , to go to Tachilek because the f
phone numbers were from Maesai .
On 13 September, a
similar incident occurred Nine national girls from Muntauk,
SeU, Mawsali, Meinhon, Kyoknamt, SayU, Saikyauk and Namsalat
villages in Hsenwi Township,were found and
stopped at the airport.
On 14 September, another similar event happened. Two Shan
national boys and two girls from Homein Village in Hsenwi Township were stopped at
Tachilek airport. They were making arrangements to stay at a hotel and to phone the numbers
they were given by traffickers in persons. Officials concerned prohibited them from going to the
other country and made them return to Mandalay.
The group led by Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe gave educative talks to the 19 national youths. In
the afternoon, with the arrangements of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council and Mandalay Division
WCWA, the group went to Lashio where the youths will be sent back to their parents through
Shan State WCWA.
Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe meets separated conjoined
twins, Mandalay Division WCWA
Yangon, 18 Sept -The field study group of Myanmar
National Committee for Women's Affairs by Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe
visited separated conjoined twins Moe Ma Ma Aung and , Moe Pa Pa
Aung being given treatment at Mandalay Children's Hospital in
Mandalay' yesterday. Then, they met with member of Mandalay Division
Working Committee for Women's Affairs at the Yeiktha of
Central Command.
The field study group led by Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe,
accompanied by Chairman Mandalay Division Peace and Development
Council Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Ye Myint and wife and
officials; visited twins Moe Ma Ma Aung and Moe Pa Pa Aung at the
Mandalay Children' s Hospital yesterday morning and presented toys
and cash assistance to them.
The group members
met with members of Mandalay Division Working Committee for Women's
Affairs at the Yeiktha of Central Command. Also present was
Commander Brig-Gen Ye Myint.Chairman of Mandalay Division WCWA U
Kyin Lin reported on tasks being carried out.
Then, Dr Daw Khin
Win Shwe explained prevention of violence against women and
prevention against trafficking in persons and future tasks.
Vice-Chairperson of Myanmar National Working Committee for Women's
Affairs Prof Daw May May Yi explained extension of organizing
the WCWAs. Then, the commander and those present took part in the
MWEA members leave for PRC
Yangon, 18 Sept An 8-member delegation comprising members of Myanmar Women
Entrepreneurs'. Association left here by air for the People's Republic of China this afternoon
to attend the meeting of Chinese Women Entrepreneurs' Association of the All China Women's
Federation to be held from 18 to 29 September and to study
business matters. The delegation was seen off at Yangon International Air-port by founder of
the MWEA Adviser Prof Dr Yi Yi Myint (Retd), MWEA Vice-Chairperson Daw Khin Myint Myint, executives and members
and officials. The delegation was headed by MWEA Chairperson Daw Sein Sein.
( 5 )
Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe inspects tax-free markets
Yangon, 18 Sept-
Chainman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander
of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe inspected sales at tax- free
markets in Yangon this morning.
The commander
arrived at the tax free market at the corner of Hanthawady Road and
Kyupdaw Road in Kamayut Township this morning. The commander and
party inspected sales at the vegetable and meat shops and grocery
shops and gave instructions. The commander and party went to the
Konmyinttha tax-free market in Mayangon Township.The commander
inspected business activity at the market. The commander also
inspected Nawadei tax-free market on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road.
The commander and
party went to the tax-free market near the office of the Ministary
of Industry-2 in Yankin Township. They also inspected the sale of
vegetables, meat and fish. They also inspected the tax-free markets
in Tamway Towniship and Dagon Township. The commander gave
instructions on arrangements for shopkeepers, sanitation of
the market and its environs and proper drainage.
Shops of the
ministries, Yangon City Development Committee regiments and units
under Yangon Command companies, Yangon Division Peace and
Development Council Myanmar Rice Wholesalers Association and the
Ministry of Industry-1 sell vegetables and commodities daily.
( 6 )
Auditor-General tours Taninthayi Division
Yangon, 18 Sept - Accompanied by Director of the Auditor-General's Office
U Kin Bouy and officials, Auditor-General Brig-Gen Tin Aye left here by air for Dawei,
Taninthayi Division, on 13 September morning.
Next, the minister proceeded to Launglon by car and met with staff of Township accounts office
and fulfilled the requirements. After inspecting the office, the auditor-general spent the night there.
The auditor-general then went to Thayetchaung on 14 September
and thence to Yebyu on 15 September and he met with service personnel of respective township accounts offices and
attended to their needs and inspected the accounts offices.
On 16 September morning, the auditor-general met district/township auditors of Dawei, Launglon, Palaw of Dawei District,
Taninthayi Division, and staff of accounts office of Dawei and fulfilled the requirements.
Afterwards, the auditor-general inspected Taninthayi Division and Dawei district and township accounts
Commander sees over agricultural works in Pathein District
Yangon, 18 Sept
-Chainman of Ayeyawady Division Peace and Development Council
Commander of South-West Command Brig- Gen Htay Oo, attended the
skill demonstration ceremony of the South- West Command Myanma
martial arts team held at the station gymnasium and presented prizes
to the team on 16 September.
Then the commander
and officials arrived at the double-cropping farm in the monsoon
paddy special zone of the agricultural education centre in Seikphuni
Village, Kyaunggon Township. The commander viewed the harvesting and
threshing of paddy and gave necessary instructions to the
officials, He also met with local farmers and attended to their
Later,. the
commander proceeded to Kyaunggon where he met with the local
authorities, departmental personnel USDA members and local farmers.
He gave instructions on extension of agricultural works and making
efforts to boost the yield of paddy and attended to the needs.
Course on Rights of the Child opened
Yangon, 18 Sept - A ceremony to open Course No
2/2002 on the Rights of the Child organized by Mandalay Division
Committee for . Rights of the Child was held at the hall of Mandalay
Division USDA at 9 am on 16 September, attended by Chairman of
Mandalay Division Peace and development Council Commander of Central
Command Brig-Gen Ye Myint. The commander made a speech at the
opening ceremony. Altogether 43 trainees from district and townships
are attending the course.
Commander inspects
durian farm in Myeik
Yangon, 18 Sept -
Chainman of Taninthayi Division Peace and Development Council
Commander of Coastal Region Command Brig-Gen Tha Aye, arrived at the
durian farm of Myanma Agriculture Service in Shwedu Village, Myeik
Township, on 14 September morning.
MAS Division Manager
U Than Naing reported on tasks of the durian farm. The commander
gave necessary instructions and attended to the needs. Then,
the commander inspected the farm. Next, the commander proceeded to
the oil palm research centre of Myanma Perennial Crops Enterprise.
After hearing reports by officials, the commander gave instructions
on selling quality strain of oil palm seeds and cultivation of other
Commander inspects Mongyai-Nanlaung Road section
Yangon, 18 Sept - Chairman of Shan State Peace and Development Council (North) Commander of Nort-East Command Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing, inspected Mongyai-Nanlaung Road section, maintenance of Nanlaung Bridge in Mongyai Township on 14 September.
The commander was conducted round there by Superintending Engineer
U Kyaw Min Thein of Public Works of Shan State (North).
The commander discussed construction of 24 mile long Mongyai- Nanlaung Road section. He went to Basic Education High
School in Mongyai and met headmasters, teachers and students. The commander discussed measures for uplift of education.
Next, the commander presented school uniforms and exercise books to the headmaster.
The commander inspected preparations for opening of multimedia classroom. He also inspected People's Hospital and presented
medicine to the hospital. He inspected coal mine in Harput region in Tangyang
Outstanding members of the Sangha honoured in
Yangon, 18 Sept - A ceremony to honour members of
the Sangha who passed the Tipitaka and Five Nikaya examinations was
held at Tipitaka Nikaya Monastery on Momeik Hillock, Mingun Hill,
Sagaing Township, on 14 September.
The congregation received the Eight Precepts from
Secretary Sayadaw of Tipitaka Nikaya Management Board Shweyatu
Tipitakadhara Tipitaka Kovida Bhaddanta Silakkhandhabhivamsa. Then,
the commander supplicated on religious matters. Then, the commander
and wife and officials presented offertories to members of the
Sangha who passed the examinations, and the ceremony came to an end.
Commander looks into sanitation works at hospitals in
Yangon, 18 Sept - Hailing the Anniversary of the Union Solidarity and Development
Association 2002, departmental officials, local people from 20 wards, totaling over 1,700
took part in sanitation works at Women's and Children's Hospital, Sao San Tun Hospital
and the local military hospital in Taunggyi in the morning of 14 September.
Chairman of Shan State Peace and Development Council Commander of Eastern Command Brig-Gen Khin Maung Myint
and officials viewed round the sanitation works and gave necessary instructions to the officials and attended to their
( 7 )
Rules of 58th Anniversary
Armed Forces Day painting, sculpture competitions announced
Yangon, 18 Sept - As a gesture of hailing the 58th Anniversary Armed Forces
Day, which falls on 27 March 2003,the subcommittee for the holding of painting and sculpture competition
and exhibition of the work committee for the organizing of poem and arts competition' led by Deputy Minister for Culture U
Soe Nyunt (Htila Sitthu) as chairman announced that the painting and sculpture
competition will be held with the following rules.
The painting competition will be
divided into six categories the first for pre-primary school level, the second for junior primary school level
(kindergarten to second grade), the third for senior primary school level (third
grade and fourth grade), the fourth for middle school level (fifth grade to
eighth grade), the fifth for high school level (ninth grade to technological and
agricultural high schools) and the sixth for professional level. There will be
only one category in the sculpture competition, the wood sculpture and the
plaster sculpt tire at professional level. Anyone may take part in both.
In the painting competition from
kindergarten to high school levels, the size of the entry must be 15" x 20", and
20" x 30" for professional level. Name, NRC No. class, school, township, date of birth, father's name, address must be expressed on the back of the
painting, with three 1.5" x 2" -size photos attached. For students, the
endorsement of the school head is needed.
For the sculpture competition the height of the entry must not be over
36'; and its circumference not longer than 24". At the foot of the sculpture, name, NRC No, date of birth, father's name. address must be shown, with
three 1.5" x 2"-size attached and send the entry right to Tatmadaw Convention
Centre. U Wisaya Road, between 1 and 3 March 2003.
All the entries, painting or
sculpture, must reflect the twelve objectives of
the State. the objectives of 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day and the twelve
fine traditions of the Tatmadaw.
Entries of both professional levels should be sent to Secretary, Myanmar
Traditional Artists and Artists and Asiayon (Central). Pabedan Township. Yangon.
not later than 1 March 2003 or to Secretary, Subcommittee for the Holding 0!
Painting and Sculpture Competition and Exhibition, U Wisaya Road. Tatmadaw
Convention Centre. Yangon. between 1 and 3 March 2003. Entries of students
allover Myanmar should be sent to Development Division, Education Planning and
Training Department. Natmauk Street, Bahan Township, Yangon, not later than
15th February 2003.
Apart from the entries for both competitions. other paintings and sculptures
may be sent to be displayed at the exhibition to be opened in honour of the 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day. Those paintings and sculptures must also
featured the twelve objectives of the State, the objectives of 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day and the twelve fine traditions of the Tatmadaw and
should be sent directly to Tatmadaw Convention Centre. U Wisaya Road, between 1
and 5 March 2003.
Rules for 58th Armed Forces Day Poetry
Yangon, 18 Sept - Honoring of the 58th
Anniversary Armed Forces Day, which falls on March 27, 2003, a poetry competition to
be held by the Observance Committee for Poems and. Arts Competitions chaired by Deputy
Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt (Htilar Sitthu) was announced today.
Rules are as follows: Competitors are to reflect the objectives of the 58th
Anniversary Armed Forces Day and fine traditions of the Tatmadaw historical events that featured
national characteristics of the Konbaung Era (AD 1824), the Independence Era (from 1948 to
1988) and the State Peace and Development Council Era, religious undertakings, nation-building
endeavors, efforts to ensure peace and the drug elimination activities of the
State Peace and Development Council. The poem contest is divided into two
categories professional one and
novice one. Prize-winners of the Armed Forces Commemorative Day Poem
Competitions and the National Motto and Poem Competitions, the Sarpay Beikman
Manuscript Award winners and the prize-winners (poem) of Pakokku U Ohn Pe Litcrary
Award and the National Literary Award winners are to take part in the
professional level competitions and those who have never won these prizes and
awards are to participate in the novice one. But those who have ever won these
prizes and awards, on their own accord, may take part in the professional level.
It is needed to send the entry, systematically composed and clearly written on one side of the page and two
copies are also needed to be sent. The entry must be own creation of the contestants. Name, pen name, parents names, educational qualifications, occupation and address are to be sent together with
two postcard-size colour photos to Lt-Col Ohn Maung (Retd) (Myinmu Maung Naing Moe). Chief Editor of Naing-Ngan Gonyi Publishing House, No 529/531, Merchant Road,
Sarpay Beikman Building, Yangon, not later
than 31 January 2003.
( 8
Entries invited to
Armed Forces Day Commemorative Photo Competition
Yangon, 18 Sept - The 58th Anniversary Armed
Forces Day Commemorative Literary and photo Competition Organizing
Work Committee has already announced that it will hold photo
competitions. The titles of colour photo competitions ate "Developing
Myanmar" and "Preserving Cultural Heritage" and four entries can be
presented for each title.
Entries must be print' photos by the size of at least
l0x12 inches. Those: who won first second and third prizes in the
previous years will be categorized into a separate group and there will
be a great chance for new competitors. Data and captions are to be
described in a separate sheet of paper and to be attached to the
Entries must be own creation and must not be
prize-winning works in any other competitions. Handsome prizes will be
presented to first; second and third prize- winning as well as
consolation prize-winners of each competition.
The first, second and third prizes will be presented
at the ceremony to mark the 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day to be held
in Yangon on 27 March while the consolation prizes will be presented at
the ceremony to mark the58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day to be held at
the respective commands.
Entries are to be sent to Director U Tun Min
(Information/Public Relations) of Information and Public Relations
Department, No 22/24, Pansodan Street; Yangon, not later than 14
February 2003.
( 9
) Actions taken against drug possessors in Mandalay,
Yangon, 18 Sept - A
combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit and
Mandalay Special Anti-Drug Squad, acting on information, searched
the house of Ma San San Lwin (a) Shaw Ton of Thumingala Ward, Ward
2, PyinOoLwin Township, at 10.30 am on 10 August 2002 and seized
112.6 grams of opium oil and 33 grams of low-grade opium. PyinOoLwin
Police Station filed Ma San San Lwin (a) Shaw Ton, 43, daughter of U
Kyu Tei Whay, under Sections 15/19 (A) of Narcotic Drugs and
Psychotropic Substances Law.
A similar team
seized 1.306 kilos of row opium near the bed of Daw Aye Phaung Word
3, Sapaw village-tract, Phakant Police Station filed Daw Aye
Phaung,43, daughter of U Paw Me Han and fugitive Ma Thwe . Hmway,
37, daughter of U . Kam Hsaing, of Hmawshan Ward 1, Seikmu
Village-tract, Phakant Township, under Section 15/19 (a)/21.
Drug dealers sentenced in Tachilek, Bago
Yangon, 18 Sept - A combined team Comprising
members of the local intelligence unit and Tachilek Special
Anti-drug Squad, acting on information, raided the house of Sai Win
Pan in ,Ponhton Ward, Tachilek Township, at 9 am on 20 February 2002
and seized 170 stimulant.
Tachilek Police Station filed Aik Pwe, 21, son of
U Ldn Sai, near the bus terminal of Weirikyauk Village Haungleik
villge-tract., Tachilek under Sections 15/19 {A) of Narcotic Drug
sand Psychotropic Substances Law. On 15 July, Tachilek
District Court sentenced Aik Pweto 5 years imprisonmentt under
Section 15 and 12 years under Section 19 (A) to serve separately.
Similarly, combined team searched the passenger bus with number
plates 4Kha/5481,leaving Toungoo for Bago, near the toll gate in
Bago at 1.55 pm on 8,February 2002, and seized 10.2 .kilos of
marijuana from the hold all of passenger Saw Wai Waw.
Bago Police Station No 1 filed Saw Wai Waw, 32,
son of U Saw Tiff of Aungmyayyi Village, Htantabin Township, under
Section 15/19 (A). On 21 August, Bago District Court sentenced Saw
Wai Waw to 25 years under Section 19 (A) of the law.