1 ) State Peace and Development Council Chairman Senior General Than Shwe sends message of
felicitations to Republic of Chile
Yangon, 18 Sept - Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Mr
Ricardo Lagos Escobar, President of the Republic of Chile, on the
occasion of the Anniversary of the Independence Day of the Republic
of Chile, which falls on 18th September 2002.
( 2 )
Secretary-1 attends Supervisory Committee for
City Estate Project Meeting
Yangon, 17 Sept
- The Supervisory Committee for City Estate Project held the meeting No 7/2002 at the meeting hall of the Department of Human Settlement and Housing Development of the Ministry of Construction at 10 am today, attended by Chairman of the Supervisory Committee for City Estate Project Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Speaking on the occasion, the Secretary-1 said the SCCEP was formed in accord with the objectives to develop the Yangon City to be in conformity with the characteristics of the city, to make systematic progress of the land and housing sector, to supervise the housing contractors and to implement their projects systematically in the city.

The Secretary-1 continued that the proper supervision of the SCCEP resulted in the development of the estate sector of Yangon City.
The old buildings of the city will have to be categorized into two groups
the buildings which need only major renovation and the buildings
which require demolition and rebuilding, if they are in state of
near collapse.
are to be made beforehand in order to implement the housing projects
set up by the committee with momentum in the open season, he said.
To enable the contractors to sell apartments at reasonable prices,
the government helps reduce the construction cost by lowering its
quota of rooms. All the responsible officials are to make close
supervision for the success of lofty aims of the State, he said.
Next, officials reported to the Secretary-1 on matters related to the city development tasks including estate project matters.
After hearing the reports, the Secretary-1 gave necessary instructions, which brought the meeting to an end.
After the ceremony, private construction groups
undertaking the housing projects under the supervision of the SCCEP also
reported to the Secretary-1 on matters related to the city centre
development tasks.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 left necessary
Coordination meeting on 11th Greater Mekong Region Ministerial Meeting and Summit Meeting
Yangon, 17
Sept - A coordination meeting on the 11th Greater Mekong Region Ministerial Meeting and Summit Meeting was held at the meeting hall in Zeyathiri Beikman, Konmyinttha this evening, attended by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
The Secretary-1 delivered an address. He said the Greater Mekong Region Ministerial Meeting and Summit Meeting will be held in Cambodia in the near future. The Greater Mekong region consists of Myanmar, China, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam. As the Greater Mekong Development Project includes sectors on transport, energy, communications, tourism, environment, human resource development, trade and investment, agriculture and eradication of narcotic drugs sectors, the sectors relate to most of the ministries.

He said the ministerial meetings have been held for ten times for development of the Mekong region. As a member nation in the region, Myanmar actively participated in every meeting. All-round development tasks in various sectors that contribute toward the greater Mekong region development activities are being carried out in the country on self-reliance basis.
The national development tasks already undertaken contribute toward Mekong region development directly or indirectly. Without receiving any foreign assistance regarding Mekong region development projects, Myanmar is implementing development tasks on self-reliance basis. As a member nation in the region and member of ASEAN, Myanmar is actively participating in the task for development of Mekong region as far as possible.
The Secretary-1 said preparations are to be made for the matters to be reported and development in the country at the ministerial and summit meetings.
Next, Minister at the State Peace and Development Council Chairman's Office Brig-Gen Abel reported on the Greater Mekong Region Ministerial Meetings sponsored by Asian Development Bank, Mekong region development projects proposed at the meetings, hosting of the 10th Greater Mekong Region Ministerial Meeting in Myanmar and matters to be discussed at the forthcoming Greater Mekong Region Ministerial Meeting.
Next, Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi reported on the matters to be discussed at the forthcoming Greater Mekong Region Ministerial Meeting and Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win on agenda of the Mekong region Summit Meeting.
Afterwards, the ministers, the deputy ministers and officials reported on related sectors regarding Mekong region development project.
The Secretary-1 took part in the discussions and the meeting came to a close with his concluding
( 3
) Minister U Win Aung sends message of felicitations to
Republic of Chile
Yangon, 18 Sept - U Win Aung, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to Her Excellency Mrs Maria Soledad Alvear Valenzuela, Minister of Foreign Relations of the Republic of Chile, on the occasion of the Anniversary of the Independence Day of the Republic of Chile, which falls on 18 September 2002.
Commerce Minister receives South African ambassador

Yangon, 17 Sept - Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone received Ambassador of the Republic of South Africa to the Union of Myanmar Mrs Buyisiwe Maureen Pheto
at his office on Strand Road at 1 pm today.
Transport Minister leaves for

Yangon, 17 Sept - Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe left here by air this afternoon to attend the Eighth ASEAN Transport
Ministers' Meeting in Indonesia. The delegation comprises Director U Khin Maung Myint of Department of Civil Aviation
and Assistant General Manager U Kyaw Kyaw Lwin of Myanma Port
( 4
Coordination meeting on ASEAN Youth Friendship Camp held
Yangon, 17 Sept - A coordination meeting on ASEAN
Youth Friendship Camp to be held in Myanmar was held at the National
Museum of Department of Cultural Institute on Pyay Road at 2 pm
At first, Minister for Culture Maj-Gen Kyi Aung
made a speech on the occasion. Next, Chairman of ASEAN Culture and
Information National Committee Director-General of Department of
Cultural Institute U Myint Thein Swe reported on arrangements to
hold ASEAN youth camp and matters related to programmes for
Then, Secretary of ASEAN Culture and Information
National Committee Managing Director of Department of Cultural
Institute Daw Nanda Hmun explained the programmes during the camp's
period and daily schedules. This was followed by a general round of
discussions. The meeting ended with concluding remarks by the
Health Minister inspects construction of 200-bed Maubin District Hospital
Yangon, 17 Sept
- Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, this morning inspected construction project of 200-bed Maubin District Hospital in Maubin, Ayeyawady Division.
The minister and party were welcomed there by Chairman of Maubin District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Thein Hlaing, Ayeyawady Division Health Officer Dr Than Aung, Maubin District Health Officer Dr Thein Wai and surgeons, nurses and others.
At the briefing hall of the project, Project Manager U Aung Min reported on construction of the hospital and Director-General Dr Wan Maung gave a supplementary report.
Then, the minister fulfilled the requirements.
Next, the minister viewed round the construction project and gave instructions on timely completion, meeting the set standard and minimizing loss and wastage and attended to the needs.
Afterwards, the Minister and party inspected the site chosen for construction of staff quarter and the minister fulfilled the needs. They then inspected the hospital and enquired after the patients who were receiving medical treatment there.
The minister and party then proceeded to Myanmar-Nonyu
Farmers' Hospital in Sarmalauk Village, Nyaungdon Township.
The minister gave instructions on maintenance and systematic use of hospital equipment and giving medical treatment to the patients with goodwill.
Minister attends course concluding
ceremony, inspects factories
Yangon, 17 Sept
- A conclusion ceremony of
the financial management course No 1/2002 and mini-computer programming course No 1/2002, conducted by the Ministry of Industry-1 took place at the training hall of the ministry this morning.
Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung spoke on the occasion and presented outstanding prizes to assistant manager Daw Cho Cho Thein of Myanma Textile Industries, workshop head U Kyaw of No 1 Cement Plant and assistant factory manager Daw Swe Swe Than of Pakokku No 1 Cigarette Factory, and course completion certificates to a trainee leader of the financial management course.
For the mini-computer programming course, the minister also presented outstanding awards to supervisor Daw Swe Swe Win Thein and lower divisional clerk U Zaw Lwin Aung of Directorate of Industries and workshop head Daw Myat Yin Win of Myanma Pharmaceutical Industries, and course completion certificates to a trainee leader.
The former course was attended by 31 trainees and the latter by 20. Both courses lasted seven weeks.
Next, the minister, together with the deputy
ministers, went to the (Phawgan) Footwear Factory-1 of Myanma General and
Maintenance Industries in Insein Township at 8.30 am. There the minister inspected the nursing of
Thitseint trees in the factory compound, the chosen plot for a new
factory and tasks of the factory and gave instructions. At the
briefing hall of the factory, the minister met with officials, who
reported on matters related to the new factory to be extended, and
gave instructions.
Then, the minister also proceeded to the Myanmar
Pharmaceutical Factory, where he inspected the repair of Dextrose
Infusion Plant and gave instructions.
Adding dedication and commitment to skill will produce better results
Yangon, 17 Sept - Minister for Information Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan
inspected the functions of the News and Periodicals Enterprise this
The functions of the ministry are far-reaching as well as delicate.
As the nature of its work itself is impossible to carry out tasks with individual talent or skill alone, the staff at different levels are required to be competent to do their work well and to undergo further training leading to further uplift of their qualifications.
Adding dedication and commitment to the skill will produce better results.
The other means heading towards success and smoothness of the operations are cooperation and coordination between the higher level and lower staff and correct leadership of the officials concerned.
It is important for the employees to carry out their tasks with the four outlooks political, organizational, economic and administrative outlooks. The staff will have to take measures to prevent loss or wastage resulting from negligence or unlawful act, and in the meantime, all need to seek means to effectively apply thrifty methods.
Competition among the individuals or branches should be encouraged as the competitiveness is another way of achieving success in the operations.
The heads of the departments or branches should
have the fine leadership abilities and the camaraderie spirit. The
staff of all ranks will have to actively and energetically serve the
interests of the people based on their experiences and with
goodwill. The minister also said that he will work for the staff
welfare according to the principles.
The minister inspected pagemaking, news and photo editing, computerized news processing, the system of sending the pages to sub-printing houses in Mandalay, Magway, Kengtung, Taunggyi and Kale, functions of the circulation and advertisement sections and newspaper printing at the Myanmar Alin daily press.
NPE Managing Director U Tin Kha and Chief Editor U Win Tin conducted them around the sections.
During the inspection of the Kyemon daily, the minister heard a report on operations of the press presented by Chief Editor U Ye Myint Pe.
At his meeting with officials at Kyemon, he discussed minimizing wastage, fire prevention, systematic storage of by-products for further use and drawing systematic staff welfare plans.
At The New Light of Myanmar, Chief Editor U Maung Maung Aye and officials explained the operation of the press.
( 5 )
Commander inspects development projects in Kyimyindine
Yangon, 17 Sept - Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe, this afternoon inspected tasks for development of wards on the other bank of Hline River in Kyimyindine Township and gave instructions to officials and fulfilled the requirements.
The commander and party arrived at Setkalay Baloatnyunt Ayeywa Village on the other bank of Hline River in Kyimyindine Township, where they were welcomed by members of Maternal and Child Welfare Association and Working Committee for
Women's Affairs, students and local people.
Then, the commander and party went to Setkalay affiliated Basic Education High School and looked into the site chosen for construction of a new school building. Lt-Col Maung Maung Shein reported on arrangements being made for construction of the school building.
At the assembly hall of the school, Principal Daw Hla Myaing gave an account of condition of the school, school buildings and strength of the teachers and students.
Afterwards, the commander dealt with conditions in construction of a new building of the primary school in Setsan Aukyon Alatchaung Village for development of the wards on the other side of Hline River in Kyimyindine Township, and arrangements being made for construction of a new school building for Setkalay affiliated BEHS with the contribution of wellwisher U Kyaw Khin in accord with one of the five rural development tasks development of education sector.
Then, Joint-Secretary U Kyi Win reported on the plan on providing a 4-KVA generator to be donated by YCDC for Setkalay affiliated BEHS. The commander and party inspected the site chosen for construction of a 100 feet long and 40 feet wide health care centre at Alatchaung Aukyon Setsan Ward. Head of Division Health Department Dr Tin Maung Win, Lt-Col Maung Maung Shein and officials reported on arrangements for construction of a health care centre.
The commander gave instructions on meeting the standard set and making efforts for ensuring timely completion.
After that, the commander and party saw over the fence and manual water pumps installed to keep drinking ponds clean and hygienic by the YCDC and Division Peace and Development Council, and gave instructions on systematic use of the devices. Then, the commander and party visited Aungmingalar Kyaung-taik in Setsan and paid homage and presented offertories to Sayadaw Bhaddanta Visada.
The commander supplicated on assistance to be rendered by Yangon Division Peace and Development Council for development of wards on the other side of Hline River in Kyimyindine Township.
The commander and party then proceeded to the new school building of Setsan BEPS. Township Peace and Development Council Chairman U Tin Win reported on land preparation in the school compound.
Then, Lt-Col Maung Maung Shein gave a supplementary report. Dr Tin Maung Win reported on tasks to be implemented for health care services for the wards on the other bank of Hline River; Joint-Secretary U Kyi Win, on requirements to be fulfilled by YCDC for regional development; and wellwisher U Aung Khin,
on conditions in providing assistance as much as possible for
development of the wards.
Then, the commander explained assistance being
rendered and further assistance to be provided for development of
the wards in accordance with the five rural development tasks.
( 6 )
Rules for 58th Armed Forces Day
Poetry competition announced
Yangon, 17 Sept - Honouring of the 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day, which falls on March 27, 2003, a poetry competition to be held by the Observance Committee for Poems and Arts Competitions chaired by Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt (Htilar Sitthu) was
announced today.
Rules are as follows: Competitors are to reflect the objectives of the 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day and fine traditions of the Tatmadaw historical events that featured national characteristics of the Konbaung Era (AD 1824), the Independence Era (from 1948 to 1988) and the State Peace and Development Council Era , religious undertakings, nation-building endeavours, efforts to ensure peace and the drug elimination activities of the State Peace and Development Council. The poem contest is divided into two categories
professional one and novice one.
Prize-winners of the Armed Forces Commemorative Day Poem Competitions and the National Motto and Poem Competitions, the Sarpay Beikman Manuscript Award winners and the prize-winners (poem) of Pakokku U Ohn Pe Literary Award and the National Literary Award winners are to take part in the professional level competitions and those who have never won these prizes and awards are to participate in the novice one. But those who have ever won these prizes and awards, on their own accord, may take part in the professional level.
It is needed to send the entry, systematically composed and clearly written on one side of the page and two copies also needed to be sent.
The entry must be own creation of the contestants. Name, pen name,
parents' names, educational qualifications, occupation and address are to be sent together with two postcard-size colour photos to Lt-Col Ohn Maung (Retd) (Myinmu Maung Naing Moe), Chief Editor of Naing-Ngan Gonyi Publishing House, No 529/531, Merchant Road, Sarpay Beikman
Building, Yangon, not later than 31 January 2003.
USDA Annual General Meeting hailed
Yangon, 17 Sept - Hailing the Annual General Meeting of Union Solidarity and Development Association (2002), the sanitation tasks were carried out at Pathein Home for the Aged and the Parahita School in Pathein on 5 September.
Secretaries, executives and members of Pathein District and Township USDAs totalling 300 participated in the sanitation works.
Then, they donated K 10,000 for the cost of meals a day to officials. Next,
"soon" was offered to the Sayadaws of the school.
Likewise, altogether 60 USDA members of Yangon North District USDA donated blood at Defence Services Orthopaedic Hospital (500-bed).
Commandant of the hospital Lt-Col Tun Tun presented a certificate of honour and spoke words of thanks. Chairperson of the organization and discipline enforcement committee for the hospital Daw Yi Yi Win accepted USDA membership cards for the families of the hospital.
Similarly, the citizenship card presentation was held at Pyigyidagun Township USDA Office on 12 September. Mandalay Division Immigration and National Registration Department U Thant Zin Oo presented citizenship cards to Township USDA Secretary U Thein Hla.
( 7 ) Irrigation canals inspected
Yangon, 17 Sept - Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Ye Myint, arrived at Natmeinma canal in Singaing Township, Kyaukse District, on 15 September morning and inspected the irrigation of farmlands from the canal. The commander then gave necessary instructions to officials.
Next, the commander went to Natthuye canal near Kanbu Village and inspected the irrigation of farmlands and cultivation of monsoon paddy. After that he gave necessary instructions to officials and fulfilled the needs.
These canals are the ones of Zidaw dam and 417 acres of land could be extended for monsoon paddy cultivation by the use of them.
Merits shared for newly-built Malikha Dhammathala Dhammayon in Sittway
Yangon, 17 Sept - A ceremony to share merits for newlybuilt Malikha Dhammathala Dhammayon of Alodawpyae Kyaungtaik in Sittway, Rakhine State, was held at the Dhammayon
on 15 September morning.
Next, Chairman of Rakhine State Peace and Development Council Commander of Western Command Brig-Gen Maung Oo and wife Dr Daw Nyunt Nyunt Oo and wellwishers offered 54 bags of rice, 54 viss of edible oil and 54 dozens of exercise books to the Sayadaws.
Afterwards, the Sayadaw delivered a sermon, followed by sharing of merits gained.
The 90 feet long and 45 feet wide Malikhathala Dhammayon was built at a cost of K 30 million contributed by U Myo Zaw Aung of Malikha Travel Co and
Then, the commander attended the ceremony to honour the achievement in enrolment on all school-age children at U Ottama Hall in Sittway. At the opening ceremony, primary schoolboys and schoolgirls collectively sang the song titled
"Myanma Kyaung" (Myan-mar schools). After that, the commander made an address on the occasion.
Rakhine State Education Officer U Maung Maung reported on conditions in achievement of the project. Then, one schoolboy and one schoolgirl spoke words of thanks for their access to school under the programme of the enrolment of all school-age children.
Next, Kyauktaw Township Education Officer U Oo Ba Thein read out the paper on efforts for enrolment of school-age children. Later, the commander presented gifts for enrolment of school-age children to Taungup, Kyauktaw and Kyaukphyu townships. Then, the schoolboys and schoolgirls presented a skill demonstration.
After the ceremony, the commander and wife and guests viewed the booths to mark the successful implementation of tasks for ensuring enrolment of school-age children at U Ottama Hall.
In the afternoon, the commander attended the coordination meeting of Rakhine State and District Peace and Development Councils and Rakhine State level departmental officials for the second day at the office of Rakhine State Peace and Development Council.
In response to the reports presented by the officials, the commander gave necessary instructions and attended to the needs.
3-Rs Course opened in Katpha Village, Kengtung
Yangon, 17 Sept - A ceremony to open the 3-Rs Course was held in Katpha village of Kengtung
Township on 31 August afternoon.
At the ceremony, Chairman of Shan State (East) Peace
and Development Council Commander of Triangle Region Command Brig-Gen Khin Zaw made a speech and Shan State (East) Working Committee for
Women's Affairs Chairman U Pe Thein explained the purpose to open the course. Then, member of Shan State (East) Working Committee for
Women's Affairs wife of the commander Daw Khin Phone Win presented stationery and fuel oil to Katpha Village Chairman U Nan Sai.
Next, the commander met with the trainees and attended to their needs. A total of 50 trainees are attending the seven-week course.
( 8
Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha Pujaniya of Momeik Stupas on Momeik Hillock, Mingun Hill held
Yangon, 17 Sept - The 42nd Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha Pujaniya of Momeik Stupas on Momeik Hillock, Mingun Hill, Sagaing Township, Sagaing Division was held in conjunction with the ceremony to honour members of the Sangha who passed Tipitaka Nikaya and Five Nikaya examinations and the merit-sharing ceremony at Tipitaka Nikaya Kyaungtaik on 14 September, attended by Chairman of Sagaing Division Peace and Development Council Commander of North-West Command Brig-Gen Soe Naing.
First, the congregation received the Eight Precepts from Sayadaw Bhaddanta Silakkhandhabhivamsa.
Then, Commander Brig-Gen Soe Naing supplicated on religious matters.
Next, the commander and officials presented offertories to Sayadaws Bhaddanta Silakkhandhabhivamsa and Bhaddanta Vamsapalalankara and members of the Sangha.
Then, Sayadaw Bhaddanta Vamsapala-lankara delivered a sermon, and merits gained were shared by those present.
The ceremony came to an end with three-time recitation of Buddha Sasanam Ciram Titthatu.
Shooting Tournament held
Yangon, 17 Sept - The 10th Commander's
Championship Shield Shooting Tourney of North-West Command was held
at the local shooting range on 7 September morning. Commander of
North-West Command Brig-Gen Soe Naing declared the tourney open.
On 12-9-2002, the prize presentation ceremony was held and Commander Brig-Gen Soe Naing presented championship shields to women's and men's teams. Afterwards, he inspected Zigonlay livestock breeding farm where 502 pigs are being bred. He also inspected fish breeding ponds and poultry farms.
Commander meets local farmers in Pinlaung Township

Yangon, 17 Sept - Chairman of Shan State Peace and Development Council Commander of Eastern Command Brig-Gen Khin Maung Myint met local farmers at the briefing hall of 100-acre model farm near Banmauk Village in Pinlaung
Township on 12 September.
Chairman of Pinlaung Township Peace and Development Council U Myo Aung reported on the project on production of 10,000 baskets of paddy per 100 acres and cultivation of maize, groundnut, pigeon pea and soybean and Township Manager of Myanma Agriculture Service U Sein Win on cultivation methods and dissemination of cultivation methods among the farmers.
The farmers reported on agriculture, future tasks and requirements.
The commander then fulfilled the requirements.
The commander spoke at length on dissemination of cultivation methods, extended cultivation acreage, providing assistance and to work hard for development of agriculture.
The commander inspected scattering of fertilizer in the farm.
Altogether 25,562 acres of monsoon paddy have been cultivated in the township and 385,057 acres of monsoon paddy in Shan State (South).
The commander inspected affiliated basic education middle school in Namfamu Village and construction at Township Peace and Development Council Office.
( 9
) 2.9 kilos of raw opium seized in Muse
Yangon, 17 Sept - A combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit and Myanmar Police Force, searched two suspects, Ma Jian Yon Fein of Xima Village, Yinjian Township in Yunnan Province, China, and Ma Jan Xin Mei of Shaukhaw Village in Kutkai Township, near Asia World Check-point in Mongyu
(105th Mile), Muse Township in Shan State (North), on 6 September
and found 2.9 kilos of raw opium on them. Action is being taken
against them in accordance with the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic
Substances Law by the police station concerned.