1 )
State Peace and Development Council Chairman Senior General Than Shwe accepts
credentials of Ambassador of Japan

Yangon, 16 Sept - HE Mr Yuji Miyamoto, newly accredited Ambassador of Japan
to the Union of Myanmar, presented his credentials to Senior General Than Shwe,
Chairman of the , State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar,
at Zeyathiri Beikman, Konmyinttha, at 10.15 am today.
State Peace and Development Council Chairman Senior General Than Shwe accepts
credentials of Ambassador of Republic of South Africa

Yangon, 16 Sept - HE Mrs Buyisiwe Maureen Pheto, newly accredited Ambassador
of the Republic of South Africa to the Union or Myanmar, presented her
cr-edentials to Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and
Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, at Zeyathiri Beikman, Konmyinttha,
at 10 am today.
( 2 )
State Peace and Development Council Vice-Chairman General Maung
Aye receives Master General of Ordnance (MGO) of Army Headquarters
of Republic of India

Yangon, 16 Sept -
Vice-Chainman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy
Commander- in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army)
General Maung Aye received visiting Lt-Gen SJS Saighal, Master
General of Ordnance (MOO) of Anny Headquarters of the Republic of
India, and party at Zeyathiri Beikman in Konmyinttha at 8.30 am
( 3
) Maj- Gen Khin Maung Than attends opening of new
digital electronic auto telephone exchange in Toungoo
Yangon, 16 Sept - State Peace and Development
Council member Maj- Gen Khin Maung Than of the Ministry of Defence
left here by air this morning to attend the opening ceremony of new
digital electronic auto telephone exchange of Myanma Posts and
Telecommunications in Toungoo of Bago Division.
Then, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than attended the
opening ceremony of the new digital electronic auto telephone
exchange of Myanma , Posts and Telecommunications in Toungoo.
First, the commander and the minister formally
opened the exchange. Then, Maj-Gen K:hin Maung Than and patty
visited the exchange. Next, the opening ceremony of the exchange
was held at the hall of Toungoo District Peace and Development
Council Office. At the ceremony, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than delivered
an address. He said that 16 September 2002 is an auspicious day as a
new digital electronic auto- exchange was opened and used in Toungoo,
Bago Division. In the past, there was a Crossbar auto-exchange with
1,300 lines. As a result, local calls can be made directly, but
overseas calls can only be made through an operator.

Nowadays, local calls as well as overseas calls
can be made directly as over 4,000 lines have been installed by
means of China-made S-12 digital electronic auto-exchange system.
Altogether US $ 1.383 mil- lion and K 105.647 million has been spent
on installation of a new digital electronic auto-exchange in Toungoo. The project has been implemented by exchanging old Crossbar exchange for new S-12 digital exchange and extension of lines. The project has been launched in Yangon, Mandalay and Pyay in addition to Taungoo.
The present Yangon-Toungoo-Mandalay microwave link is Analogue System and arrangements are being made to upgrade it for modern digital microwave link in the very near future. On completion, it will contribute much towards information and communication technology (ICT) in addition to telephone calls.
The present day is called the knowledge age, for science and technology has been changing rapidly. To promote information and communication technology in Myanmar, ICT Park was set up in Yangon on 21 January 2002 and arrangements are being made to establish a similar ICT Park in Mandalay.
Myanma Posts and Telecommunications has been granting permits to the Government bodies, departments and companies to use Domains out of Top Level Domain (mm) of Myanmar.
Besides, installation of E-mail and Internet is being launched with the use of telephone lines and ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) and altogether 77 Internet lines and 5,339 Internet E-mail lines are being used.
To ensure better communications in Toungoo, Bago Division, a new digital electronic auto-exchange was opened by MPT.
With better communications in Taungoo, socio-economic life of the local people and administrative functions will improve.
The Ministry of Communications, Posts and Telegraphs has opened new electronic auto-exchanges in Monghsat and Mongphat, Shan State (East) with a view to ensuring better communications in border areas. Likewise, new electronic auto-exchanges were installed in Ngapali (Shewwachaing) and An, Rakhine State.
In addition, new digital electronic auto-exchanges were installed and opened in Khayan, Yangon Division, and in Ayethaya Industrial Zone and Nyaungshwe, Shan State (South).
New auto-exchanges are being used in Ye, Pyapon and Hsipaw.
A total of 125 auto-exchanges, 515 manual exchanges and over 400,000 telephone lines have been installed and are being used nationwide. Arrangements are being made for better communications.
New auto-exchanges are being installed in Monywa Industrial Zone, Sagaing Division and in Panglong, Shan State (South) and arrangements are being made to install new auto-exchanges in Katha and Shwegu. Extension of auto-exchange lines is being launched in Myitkyina, Bamo, Taunggyi, Bago and Dawei.
As far as microwave link is concerned, Manaung-Taungup link has been installed and is being used. Work is under way for installation of Moppalin-Kyaikhto link and Yangon-Kawhmu-Kongyangon link, Pathein-Myaungmya-Kyonmangay-Mawlamyinegyun-Bogale-Pyapon-Dedaye link. Optical Fiber communication system is being built between Yangon and Mandalay in addition to microwave link and it will soon be opened and operational, he noted.
He said overseas calls can be made easily as satellite communications and Asia-Europe underwater cable system are used in overseas communications sector. Modern communications systems such as CDMA and GSM telephone systems are installed in Yangon, Mandalay, Sagaing, Mogok and Kyaukse.
Efforts are being made for development in various parts of the country including border areas in building a peaceful, modern developed nation. In doing so, development of communications sector plays an important role in development of economic, social and management affairs of a region. Plans for development of communications systems and services are being implemented.
Arrangements are being made for rapid development in rural regions and for narrowing the gap between urban and rural areas in accord with the guidance of the Head of State.
Myanma Posts and Telecommunications is undertaking rural communication development project step by step in the regions where there is no communication link.
In 2001-2002 fiscal year, rural communication development project (First Phase) was implemented. Telephone lines have been installed in 55 villages in states and divisions including Myinsu Village in Oktwin Township, Kyaikpadaik Village in Thanatpin Township, Natywa in Htantabin Township and Thongwa Village in DaikU Township in Bago Division (East). In second phase, arrangements are under way for installation of rural telephone line in 200 villages in states and divisions including seven villages in Bago Division (East) in 2002-2003 fiscal year.
For public convenience in the telephone service, altogether 1,956 telephones were installed in public call offices in busy and important places in Yangon and 575 telephones in Mandalay.
Information services have been available at Telecom Message Service Centre (104) since mid-June. According to the system, information can be sent to various parts of the country. New services such as call waiting, call forward, 3 ways call and calling line identification are also available at the request of the users. Myanma Posts and Telecommunications has been providing facilities for postal service, telegraphs and telephone services for the people and the departments. MPT is making efforts to win public confidence in communications services and is fulfilling requirements on communications.
He thanked officials of Bago Division Peace and Development Council, local authorities and MPT personnel for rendering assistance to installation of a new digital electronic auto exchange in Toungoo.
Then, Commander Brig-Gen Aung Min and Minister Brig-Gen Thein Zaw gave speeches.
Afterwards, Toungoo Township USDA Executive U Tin Soe spoke words of thanks.
The minister presented certificates of honour to workers who participated in the construction of the exchange to Assistant Engineer Daw Le Hnin Zin.
Next, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party inspected Toungoo General Hospital and Special out-patient Unit where they were welcomed by Medical Superintendent Dr Myint Myint Than, officials and staff.
At the meeting hall, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than met with the medical superintendent, doctors and nurses and gave instructions on health care services.
Medical Superintendent Dr Myint Myint Than reported on tasks of Toungoo General Hospital and the specialist out-patient ward. The commander gave a supplementary report. Then, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party inspected medical wards of the hospital.
Next, Maj-Gen Khin Maung Than and party inspected development of Toungoo by car and left there by air for Yangon.
( 4
) Minister receives Malaysian guest

Yangon, 16 Sept - Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket
Sein received Mr Hishamuddin Koh of Malaysian Herb Society at his
office this afternoon.
Minister receives
Ambassador of South Africa

Yangon, 16 Sept -
Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint received Bangkok-based
Ambassador of South Africa to Myanmar Mrs Buyisiwe M Pheto currently
visiting here at his office this afternoon.
Labour Minister arrives back from

Yangon, 16, Sept - Minister for Labour U Tin Winn
arrived back here by air at 3 pm this evening after attending the
Annual meeting of US-ASEAN Business Council held in Bali, Indonesia.
( 5 )
Minister arrives back from Meeting of ASEAN
Economic Ministers
Yangon, 16 Sept - Minister at the State Peace and Development Council
Chairmen's Office Brig-Gen Abel, after attending the 34th Meeting of ASEAN Economic Ministers and other related meetings in Brunei from 11 to 15 September, arrived back here by air this evening.
The 34th ASEAN Economic Ministers Meeting and other related meetings were held at the International Convention Centre. The Myanmar delegation led by the minister attended the 5th ASEAN Investment Areas Council (AIA Council) Meeting on 11 September morning and the 16th ASEAN Free Trade Areas (AFTA Council) Meeting, in the afternoon the same day. On 12 September morning, the minister and party attended the opening ceremony of the 34th ASEAN Economic Ministers Meeting.
After the ceremony, the ASEAN economic ministers and the general secretary of the ASEAN paid courtesy calls on the Sultan of Brunei. Then, Myanmar delegation attended the 34th ASEAN Economic Ministers Meeting. In the evening, the Myanmar delegation together with delegations of other countries attended a dinner hosted by the minister of Industrial and Basic Resource.
On 13 September morning, the Myanmar delegation attended a coordination meeting between the ASEAN economic ministers and the minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of the
People's Republic of China and also a coordination meeting between the ASEAN economic ministers and the minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan in the afternoon the same day.
In the evening, the minister of the host country gave a dinner, which the Myanmar delegation attended, in honour of the ASEAN economic ministers and the ministers of China and Japan.
Seventh coordination meeting between the ASEAN economic ministers and trade ministers of Australia and New Zealand took place in the morning of 14 September. After the meeting, the ministers signed the ministerial level declaration which includes close-cooperation among the ASEAN, Australia and New Zealand.
In the afternoon, the Myanmar delegation attended the 5th coordination meeting between the ASEAN economic ministers and the ministers of China, Japan and Korea. In the morning of 15 September, the Myanmar delegation attended the first meeting between the ASEAN economic ministers and the Indian trade minister. As there were many kinds of meetings, the ministers held a press conference and a press release was issued after each meeting.
MNWCWA and work Committee for Prevention of
Trafficking in Persons meet
Yangon, 16 Sept-For development of Myanmar women,
a coordination meeting between the Myanmar National Working
Committee for Women's Affairs headed by the deputy minister for
Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement and Work Committee for
Prevention Trafficking in Persons headed by the deputy minister for
Home Affairs under the Myanmar National Committee for Women's
Affairs was held at the office of the minister for SWRR on Naga Cave
Pagoda Road in Mayangon Township here this afternoon.
work committee
members, sub-committee leaders, members of Work Committee for
Prevention Against Trafficking in Persons. Myanmar National Women's
Affairs Committee Chairman Minister Maj- Gen Sein Htwa made an
opening speech.
He said the Work
Committee for Prevention of Trafficking in Persons led by Deputy
Minister for Home Affairs Brig- Gen Thura Myint Maung and the legal
affairs and consultation group under the MNWAC were founded as
guided by Patron of the MNWAC Secretary-1 of the State Peace and
Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt in meeting with MNWAC members
at Zeya Thiri Beikman on 17 July. The present meeting was the first
meeting of the two committees to discuss development tasks for
women's , sector at different levels implemented in Shan State, Mon
State and Kayin State, he said. Then, Work Committee for Preventing
of Trafficking in Persons Chairman Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thura
Myint Maung explained tasks being carried out. Secretary of MNWAC
Iand MNWCWA Director- General U Sit Myaing reported tasks being
Afterwards, the
leader of education sub- committee, the leader of health
sub-committee, the leader of the sub-committee on the violence
against women and rehabilitation, the leader of the economic affairs
sub-committee, the leader of the culture sub- committee, the leader
of the information sub-committee, the leader of the international
communications sub- committee, the leader of the environmental
conservation sub-committee, the leader of the girls and adult sub-
committee and the leader of the legal affairs and consultation
sub-committee re- ported tasks being implemented. Then, a general
round of discussions followed and decisions were made.
The meeting came to
a close with concluding remarks by Chairman Minister Maj-Gen Sein
( 6 )
Minister inspects roads and bridges in Ayeyawady and Bago Divisions
Yangon, 16 Sept - Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun, inspected Pathein-Monywa road from Batye-Oakshitpin section up to Shwe Chaung Bridge (Oakshitpin-Mindon section) on 14 September. The minister and party heard a report on maintenance of road sections during the rainy season and future tasks in the open season presented by engineers in charge. The minister gave instructions on matters relating to maintenance of roads and drainage system.
Then, the minister arrived at the Shwe Chaung bridge construction project undertaken by Special bridge group-13 and heard a report by engineer in charge on completion of two approach structures, the installation of bole piers and
future tasks. The minister gave instructions on use of construction materials of high quality.
Next, the minister and party left Batye on 15 September and arrived Pyintha Workshop of Public Works. Deputy Chief engineer U Thaung Nyunt (Mechanical) and officials explained the tasks being carried out in the workshop and the minister gave necessary instructions.
Minister meets trainees of CITC
Yangon, 16 Sept - Minister for Rail
Transportation U Pan Aung, met with the trainees of the courses on
general administration and leadership (Officer), deputy
station-master, engine driver, signal and junior engineer at Aung
San hall of the Central Institute of Transport and Communications in
Meiktila on 14 September and explained matters related to the
current incidents and measures for smooth' and secure transport with
the aid of charts and video.
Industry-1 Minister inspects Factories in
16 Sept - Minister for Industry-l U Aung Thaung visited Candy
factory of Myanma Food- stuff Industries in Tamway township this
morning. Minister U Aung Thaung inspected production of candy there
and gave instructions on exceeding the target, meeting the
international standard extension of factory and cleaning tasks for
the factory to the officials at the briefing hall of the factory.
The minister and the deputy ministers then
visited Biscuit Factory and inspected production line there. They
then proceeded to Mayangon Tower Factory No 23 of Myanma Textile
Industries in Mayangon Township. The minister gave necessary
intructions and inspected finished products of the factory.
Outstanding students honoured
Yangon, 16 Sept - A ceremony to present award and
cash assistance to outstanding children of the staff of Ministry of
Mines was held at the Thiriyadanar Hall of the ministry at noon
today. At first, Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint made a
speech. Next, the minister, deputy minister , directors-general and
managing directors presented awards and cash assistance to 42
outstanding students in the matriculation examination of 2001-2002
academic year and 33 students attending at the Institute of Medicine
and Institute of Technology .
Minister inspects training of selected Myanmar athletes
Yangon, 16 Sept - Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint viewed the training of selected Myanmar weight-lifters, archers, sepak takraw athletes and boxers including Boxer Kyaw Swa Aung and other new generation athletes for the XIV SEA games at the respective training camps in Aung San Stadium, Kyaikkasan
Grounds and Youth Training Centre this morning.
Then, the minister heard reports on arrangements
and timetables of the training presented by coaches and gave
instructions on observance of sports rules and enhancing the
prestige of the nation by gaining success in the competitions. The
minister also attended to the needs.
( 7 )
Commander attends cash donation ceremony for Maha Wizaya Pagoda
Yangon, 16 Sept - The seventh cash donation ceremony for offering gold foils to Maha Wizaya Pagoda was held at Dhamma Rekkhita Dhammayon of the pagoda at 9 am today, attended by Chairman of the Maha Wizaya Pagoda Construction Committee Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe.
First, the ceremony started with three-time recitation of Namo Tassa. The commander and officials accepted cash donated by the wellwishers aiming at offering gold foils to the pagoda. The donations were: K 3.2 million by bus owners, conductors and families of the staff of the committee, K 3.22 million by U Kyaw Aye-Daw Khin Nyunt and son Ko Moe Kyaw of Myaungmya in memory of the late Daw Than Sein, K 290,000 by Daw Thi Thi Than, Yawai Myint, Yawai Thit and family under the auspices of grandfathers and grandmothers, K 12.8 million by 128 bus owners of the bus lines under the management of the committee. Then, certificates of honour were given to the wellwishers.
Today's donations for the pagoda amounted to K 19.51 million.
Next, the Ovadacariya Sayadaw of Maha Wizaya Pagoda administered the Five Precepts to the congregation. The commander offered provisions to the chairman Sayadaw of Yangon Division Sangha Nayaka Committee who delivered a sermon, followed by the sharing of merits.
Afterwards, the ceremony came to an end with recitation of Buddha Sasanam ‚iram Titthatu three
Construction tasks in Yangon Division inspected
Yangon, 16 Sept - Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, accompanied by Deputy Minister Prof Dr Kyaw Myint, inspected construction tasks for the Institute of Dental Medicine (Yangon) in Thingangyun Township yesterday.
At the briefing hall, Managing Director U Ye Tun of Myanma Industrial Construction Services and Construction Site Engineer U Zaw
Win reported to the minister on completion of works and future
tasks. The minister then inspected construction site for Hepatitis-B Vaccine Factory of the Medical Research Department (Lower Myanmar) in Dagon Myothit (East) Township where Construction Site Engineer U Htwe Htwe briefed the minister on construction tasks and Resident Representative U Shwe Tun Hlaing of Samsung Corporation and Mr Kim of Golden Midas Construction Co gave supplementary reports.
Deputy Director-General Dr Soe Thein of the Medical Science Department also reported to the minister on administrative sector of the factory. The minister looked around the construction site and gave instructions on building the factory to meet the international standard as it is a vaccine factory.
The minister also visited the construction site of Ywathagyi Psychiatric Hospital where he heard reports on the project by General Manager U Sein Thaung of Asia World Construction Co and Construction Site Engineer U Aung Sein, Director-General Dr Wan Maung and Medical Superintendent Dr Toe Aung.
( 8
Dhamma Desana to be administered on 21 Sept
Yangon, 16 Sept - The Religious Affairs Department announced that Vice-Chairman of State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Agga Maha Saddhammajotika Bhaddanta Silavamsa of Wuntho Monastery of Myitkyina, Kachin State, will administer Dhamma Desana at the Dhammayon of Maha Theindawgyi Pariyatti Monastery at 550, Maha Bandoola Street, Pabedan Township, at 7 pm on 21 September, fullmoon day of Tawthalin, 1364 ME.
Seminar on Effective Nursing Care to be held
Yangon, 16 Sept - "One Day Seminar on Coordination Nursing Education, Services and Effective Nursing
Care" organized by Myanmar Medical Scholar Society will be held, with the participation of the scholars from the departments under the Ministry of Health, at the meeting hall of the University of Nursing (Yangon) at 9 am on 18 September.
( 9
) Stimulant tablets, raw opium and precursors seized
Yangon, 16 Sept - A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Myitkyina Special Anti-drug Squad, acting on information, searched the house of Nyi Nyi Naing (a) Ar Too and Be Shann in Thayagon village, Phakant Township and arrested them together
with 22 stimulant tablets and 1.5 gram of raw
opium in a suitcase on 16 August.
Likewise, a combined team searched the house of Daw Woo Nyawt in Thayagon village in Phakant Township and arrested her together with 98 stimulant tablets. Similarly, a combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Muse Special Anti-drug Squad, acting on information, stopped and searched a vehicle with number plates (Tha/8242) which was on its way from Muse to Namhkan on Namhkan road and arrested Sho Kyu
Tal who was at the wheel and Kwet Sei, a passenger, together with 9 pices of paraphernalia used in refining narcotic drugs and 4
In connection with the cases, action is being taken against them under the
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by the police station concerned.
Drug possessors sentenced
Yangon, 16 Sept - A
combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Bago
Special Anti-Drug Squad, acting on information, intercepted and
searched a passenger bus with license plates 4Kha/ 5481, coming from
Taungoo, near the toll gate of the entrance to Bago and arrested
passenger Saw Shi Lomo together with 11 kilos of marijuana from his
bag on 8 February 2002.
In connection with
the case, Bago Police Station No I filed a law suit against Saw Shi
Lomo, 31, son of U Saw Palo of Aung Myayyar Village in Htantabin
Township, and his accomplice Saw Wai Wall, 32, son of U Saw Tin of
the same Village, under section 15/19 (A)/21 of the Narcotic Drugs
and Psychotropic Substances Law. Bago District Court on 21 August
2002 sentenced Saw Shi Lomo to 25 years' imprisonment under section
19 (A) and Saw Wai Wall to 15 years' under section 19 (A)/ 21.
Similarly, on 16
February 2002, a team made up of local intelligence unit and
regional police force, acting on a tip-off, searched Kyaw Htay near
Taw Win Street, Ward 6, Shwepyitha Township, and seized 98 grams of
marijuana. Then, Shwepyitha Police station opened the case against
Kyaw Htay, 23, son of U Aung Chit of Monshegon Village, Shwepyitha
Township, under section 15/19 (A) of the Narcotic Drugs and
Psychotropic Substances Law. Yangon North District Court sentenced
him to 20 years under section 19 (A) on 31 July 2002.