1 ) State Peace and Development Council Chairman Senior General Than Shwe sends felicitations to United Mexican States
Yangon, 16 Sept - Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Mr
Vicente Fox Quesada, President of the United Mexican States, on the
occasion of the Anniversary of the Independence Day of the United
Mexican States which falls on 16 September 2002.
State Peace and Development Council Chairman Senior General Than Shwe sends felicitations to Papua New Guinea
Yangon, 16 Sept - On the occasion of the Independence Day of Papua New Guinea, which falls on 16 September 2002, Senior General Than Shwe, Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Sir Silas Atopare,
Governor-General of Papua New Guinea.
( 2 )
Secretary-1 visits Twantay Shwehsandaw Pagoda, inspects
development tasks
Yangon, 15 Sept - State Peace and Development Council Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, arrived at Dalla Jetty at 7.30 am today.
He was welcomed there by No 1 Military Region Commander Col Khin Maung Soe, Yangon South District Peace and Development Council Chairman Lt-Col Sein Hlaing, chairmen of Dalla, Twantay and Seikkyi-Khanaungto Township Peace and Development Councils, departmental officials, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association and members of social organizations.

Then, the Secretary-1 and party visited Twantay Shwehsandaw Pagoda in Twantay where departmental officials and members of Pagoda Board of Trustees welcomed them.
The Secretary-1 and party paid homage to the Buddha images in northern prayer hall and Aung Datpaungsu image on upper terrace of the pagoda. Then, he offered soon, fruits, flowers and water to the image. He also paid homage to Shwe Htidaw, Hgnetmyatnadaw and Seinphudaw of the pagoda.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 and party went round the pagoda clockwise direction.
At a prayer hall on the pagoda platform, Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs Brig-Gen Thura Aung Ko reported matters related to all-round renovation of the pagoda to the Secretary-1 who gave necessary instructions on forming of committees chaired by deputy ministers for all-round renovation of the pagoda.
Next, at Meyuda prayer hall, the ceremony to present cash donations was opened with three-time recitation of Namo Tassa. Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt,
wife Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe and family presented K 900,000 towards the trust funds of the pagoda.
The Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe and ministers accepted donations. Yangon Command donated K 500,000; the State Peace and Development Council, K 1 million; Yangon City Development Committee, K 50,000; U Ohn Kywe - Daw Khin San Yee and sibling of Twantay, K 5 million; U Hla Shwe - Daw Tin Htay Htay of Twantay, K 2.5 million; U Then Lwin, U Pho Pain families of Pyatataik Village in Twantay Township, 2.5 million; U Ku - Daw Khin Aye and family of Twantay, K 1,534,151; Township Peace and Development Council and wellwishers, K 1,116,423; the Ministry of Transport, K 200,000; the Ministry of Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs, K 200,000; the Immigration Department, the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Ministry of Religious Affairs, the Ministry of Electric Power, the Ministry of Cooperatives, the local intelligence unit, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, K 100,000 each; U Aung Ko Win and wife Daw Nan Than Htwe of Kanbawza Bank Ltd, K 1.5 million; Daw Thida Zaw of Yangon, K 1 million, Maung Weik Co, K 900,000; UMFCCI Chairman U Win Myint - Daw Myint Myint Than and family, K 500,000; U Sein Htwe - Daw Sanda Hok (Ginza Hla construction group), K 540,000; U Then Tun - Daw Kyi Kyi Myint of Twantay, U Nay Win Tun and family (Jade Dragon Co), U Kyaw Win (Shwe Than Lwin Co), U Pu - Daw Nyo and family of Twantay and U Hla Ngwe and family, K 500,000 each; U Maung Tha Yin and family and U Aye Friend and family K 300,000 each; Daw Kyi Kyi Tun and family, U Khin Zaw - Daw Aye Aye Cho and family, K 200,000 each; U Pho Khet - Daw Oo Tha and family, K 116,000; U Hla Maung (Border Trade Association, Tamu), U Ma Nu (Tet Nay Min Trading), U Toe Myint Aung (Trade/Agriculture), U Maung Hla - Daw Hla Kyi, U Kyaw Tun - Daw Shu En and U Tun Tun - Daw Su Wah, K 100,000 each, totalling K 22,106,574.
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt explained plans for maintenance of the pagoda and the ceremony came to a close with three time recitation of Buddha Sasanam Ciram Tithatu.
The pivot of Shwehsandaw Pagoda is mild steel bar and cast iron pipe.
According to the technicians and under the Ovada of Ovadacariya Sayadaws of Pagoda Board of Trustees, renovation works on Seinphudaw, Hngetmyatnadaw, pivot of the pagoda are to be carried out for durability after formation of the committees.
The Secretary-1 and party went to Basic Education Primary School in Shwehsandaw Ward and they were welcomed by Township Education Officer U Tin Win, Assistant TEOs, Headmaster U Kyaw Tint and teachers.
The Secretary-1 and party presented 224 dozens of exercise books and 38 dozens of pencils to schoolchildren.
Than, Chairman of Myanmar Education Committee Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt gave instructions to the teachers on tasks to be undertaken for achieving success in implementation of national education promotion tasks, the school enrolment programme for school-going age children to be performed in cooperation with social organizations, education and general knowledge to be conducted to the pupils and efforts to be made for nurturing the students to become intellectuals and intelligentsia.

Afterwards, the Secretary-1 and party arrived at Twantay Basic Education High School and inspected the computer application room, the reading corner room, the electronic media (audio) room and the language lab room. Headmaster u Kyin Shwe and teachers conducted the Secretary-1 round the multimedia teaching centre.
Next, the Secretary-1 and party proceeded to the construction site of the girls nursery centre of Social Welfare Department in Alan-ok village, Twantay Township.
First, Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Sein Htwa reported to the Secretary-1 on construction tasks of the centre.
Director-General U Sit Myaing of SWD and officials reported on completion of hostels, greening tasks and water and power supply.
The Secretary-1 gave necessary instructions and inspected the hostels.
Then, they went to Ayemya Kantha Pagoda built by Baungdawgyoke Sayadaw and paid homage to Buddha images at the pagoda.
The Secretary-1 and party proceeded to Kanbe BEHS in Twantay Township where they were welcomed by Headmistress Daw Yin Yin Sein and teachers.
The Secretary-1 saw over the school building and classrooms and gave necessary instructions to officials.
Later, the Secretary-1 and party left Twantay Township and arrived back here in the afternoon.
Secretary-1 attends opening of Firebrick Factory
(Extension) in Insein Township

Yangon, 15 Sept - A ceremony to open Firebrick Factory (Extension) of Myanma Ceramics Industries under the Ministry of Industry-1 was held at the factory in Danyingon, Insein Township, this afternoon, attended by Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Managing Director of MCI Col Soe Yi and General Manager Mr Qsamu Ikeya formally opened the factory.
Then, the Secretary-1 unveiled the signboard of the factory.
Next, the Secretary-1 and party and guests inspected the sections and production process of the factory. Managing Director Col Soe Yi reported on facts about the factory.

He said that the factory was built in Sawbwagyigon Ward, Insein Township in 1954 with the aim of producing runner brick for the steel mill of Insein. The firebricks are also used in boilers of rice mills, saw mills and sugar mills, and the factories in Sawbwagyigon and Danyingon have been producing 1,800 tons of low-grade firebricks yearly.
In the past, the high-grade firebricks needed for the glass factory, glassware factory and departments were ordered from abroad. This being so, a 900-ton firebrick factory was built in 1998 after signing a contract with Daimaru Co Ltd of Japan in 1997 with the aim of promoting the techniques to produce the firebrick, saving foreign currency and creating job opportunities for the people.
The factory has produced 3,294.13 tons of advanced firebrick resulting in saving US$ 1.647 million. Now with another 900-ton factory, 1800 tons of firebrick will be produced yearly and it can save US$ 0.9 million more.
In order to fulfill the needs of the cement factories, the 900-ton extended line has started running under the contract of Daimaru Co Ltd with the investment of US$ 2.266 million and K 286.485
To fulfill the firebrick requirements in the nation, a contract has been signed with China Building Material & Equipment Cooperation to build a 2500-ton firebrick factory in Kyaukse Industrial Zone.
On completion, the factory will produce 4,300 tons of firebrick, and arrangements are being made to produce more firebrick.
At the beginning, 20 per cent of domestic raw materials and 80 per cent of foreign raw materials for the firebrick factory were used. Now 48 per cent of domestic raw materials and 52 per cent of foreign raw materials are being used, reducing foreign raw materials. Research is being conducted to use other raw materials imported. Factory manager U Shwe Ai reported on raw materials, production of firebricks and the process.
Next, the Secretary-1 delivered a speech. He said the firebricks used in local factories were imported in foreign exchange. Now advanced fire- brick factory was established. The firebricks are produced in the country and they are used in cement plants, glass ware factory and glass factory.
As a result, an import-substitute industry has emerged and it saves foreign exchange. Only some materials were produced in the country. Some raw materials are still imported.
He spoke of the need for the Ministry of Industry-1 to cooperate with other ministries for cent per cent production of raw materials used in the firebrick factory at home. Establishment of such firebrick factories will contribute much toward development of Myanma industrial sector and progress of import-substitute work.
The Secretary-1 said efforts are to be made for boosting production of the firebricks for the factories where the firebricks are used in state-owned, joint-venture and private sectors. Continued efforts are to be made for implementation of the firebrick factory project in Kyaukse industrial zone in cooperation with China Building Material and Equipment Corporation of the People's Republic of China, he added. He thanked the Minister for Industry-1, the deputy minister and officials for participation in the project and the Japanese Ambassador and officials of Daimaru Co Ltd.
The Secretary-1 called for officials to strive for success of the factory.
Next, Minister U Aung Thaung presented a commemorative gift to the Secretary-1. The Secretary-1 presented a fruit basket to General Manager Mr Qsamu Ikera of Daimaru Kogyo Ltd of Japan and members and cash awards to factory manager U Shwe
Ai and Myanmar engineers.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 inspected chemicals used in
production of the firebricks, sample of raw materials from home and
abroad and finished firebricks.
) Tatmadaw families, wellwishers offer provisions to monasteries in Yangon East District
Yangon, 15 Sept - Families of Defence Services (Army, Navy and Air) and wellwishers offered provisions to Dhammikayon Pali Tekkatho, Hsutaungpyay, Aungmye Beikman, Shwekyin, Dhammazeya, Shin Ardiccavamsa and Hinthada Thondat Sarthintaiks in Mingala Taungnyunt Township this morning.
The Adjutant-General and senior military officers offered provisions to the Sayadaws.
Then, Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo, Chief of Staff (Navy) Rear-Admiral Soe Thein and Colonel General Staff (Air) Col Zin Yaw offered rice, edible oil and gram donated by Tatmadaw families to the Sayadaws. Similarly, departmental officials donated provisions to the Sayadaws.
Next, the Adjutant-General and senior military officers accepted cash donations from Tatmadaw families and wellwishers.
Today's donations were 207 bags of rice, 190 viss of edible oil, 500 viss of iodized salt, 50 tubes of tooth paste, 2,251 bottles of traditional medicine, 102 viss of gram and K 1,879,590.
A similar ceremony to offer provisions to Mingalayama Pali Tekkatho Monastery and Pyinnya Yamika Maha monasteries (A) and (B) was held at Mingalayama Pali Tekkatho Monastery on Theinbyu Street this afternoon.
Present were members of the Sangha, Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Thein Sein, Minister for Religious Affairs U Aung Khin, senior military officers and the congregation.
The Adjutant-General, the Minister for Religious Affairs and senior military
officers donated provisions to members of the Sangha.
Then, departmental officials and wellwishers also offered rice, edible oil, salt, medicine and gram to members of the Sangha.
Next, families of Defence Services (Army, Navy and Air) and other wellwishers presented cash donations to the Adjutant-General, the minister and officials.
Afterwards, Colonel General Staff (Air) Col Zin Yaw and Director-General of the Department for Promotion and Propagation of the Sasana U Sann Lwin explained the purpose of the donations and supplicated on matters related to the religious affairs.
Today's donations were 131 bags of rice, 86 viss of edible oil, 200 viss of iodized salt, 20 tubes of tooth paste, 1,510 bottles of traditional medicine and K 3,099,110.
( 4
) Maj-Gen Soe Win plants Padauk tree to mark anniversary of USDA
Yangon, 15 Sept - The tree planting ceremony to mark the anniversary of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, organized by Yangon Division USDA, was held at the Central USDA Training School at 9 am today, attended by Member of the Panel of Patrons of USDA (Central) Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Soe Win of the Ministry of Defence.
Before the ceremony, Yangon Division USDA Secretary U Aye Myint reported to Maj-Gen Soe Win and the CEC members on arrangements made for planting trees.
Then, Maj-Gen Soe Win and the CEC members took the designated places and USDA members at their respective places.
Next, Director of Yangon Division Forest Department U Ko Ko explained how to plant the trees.
Afterwards, Maj-Gen Soe Win, together with USDA members, planted a Padauk tree (Pterocarpus macrocarpus) in commemoration of the anniversary of USDA.
Similarly, USDA CEC members U Thein Sein, U Aung Khin, Brig-Gen Ohn Myint, Col Thaik Tun, Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint, Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan and Col Maung Pa grew Pyinma (Lagerstroemia speciosa), Gangaw (Mesua ferrea), Seinban (Poinciana regia) and star-flower trees at the designated places.
Later, Maj-Gen Soe Win and the CEC members, accompanied by Yangon Division USDA Secretary U Aye Myint and executives, visited the collective tree planting ceremony of USDA members.
Altogether 1,050 trees were planted today in commemoration of the USDA anniversary. Including previously planted trees, a total of 11,000 trees have so far been planted.
5 ) Minister for Foreign Affairs
U Win Aung sends felicitations to United Mexican States
Yangon, 16 Sept - U Win Aung, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Mr Jorge Castaneda, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United Mexican States, on the occasion of the Independence Day of the United Mexican States which falls on 16 September 2002.
Consulate-General of the Union of Myanmar reopened at Kolkata, India
Yangon, 16 Sept - In view of the expanding relations between the Union of Myanmar and the Republic of India, the Consulate-General of the Union of Myanmar has been reopened at Kolkata, West Bengal, the Republic of India with effect from 16 September 2002.
( 6 ) Industry-2 Minister inspects factories in Bago Division (West)
Yangon, 15 Sept - Minister for Industry-2 Maj-Gen Saw Lwin, machines for soap factories and power cables in respective workshops of No 1 Machine and Machinery Production Factory (Nyaungchehtauk) on 13 September afternoon.
The minister heard reports presented by Managing Director U Kyaw Win of Myanma Machine Tools and Electrical Industries and General Manager of the factory U Pe Than Hlaing and gave instructions on speedy transportation of finished products, the trial running of machines for soap factories and distribution of the products.
The minister and party arrived at No 1 Agricultural Machinery Factory (Hsinde) yesterday morning and inspected the extension of steel mill and installation of machinery. Managing Director Col Myo Tint of Myanma Agricultural Machinery Industries, General Manager U Kyaw Kyaw of the factory and Director U Than Aye of Myanma Industrial Construction Services reported on work done.
Then, the minister greeted the Chinese technicians installing machines at the extension work-site of steel mill. The minister gave instructions on timely completion of construction work of the workshop.
Commerce Minister tours Bago
Yangon, 15 Sept - Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, inspected the site for construction of a warehouse of Bago Division MAPT in Bago this morning and gave necessary instructions.
Then, the minister met with the division manager, assistant division managers from Bago, Nyaunglebin and Toungoo, factory managers, township managers and responsible officials of warehouses and purchasing
centers at the office of Bago Division MAPT and gave instructions on purchasing, milling and storage of crops.
Energy Minister inspects Nyaungdon oil and gas field
Yangon, 15 Sept - Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi, arrived at Nyaungdon oil and gas field in Nyaungdon, this morning. Responsible officials welcomed the minister, and Chief Engineer U Maung Ko reported on work related to drilling of No 13 test-well. Managing Director U San Lwin of Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise reported on geological features of the field, prospects and future tasks.
The minister attended to the needs.
Then, the minister presented gifts to staff and inspected the drilling and trial production of No 13 test-well. It produces 7.01 cubic-feet of natural gas and 120 barrels of condensate daily. The gas will be conveyed through Nyaungdon-Yangon pipeline to power plants to generate electricity for Yangon City.
Minister for Information meets heads of department under Ministry of Information
Yangon, 15 Sept - Minister for Information Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan met with the heads of department at the meeting hall of Myanma Radio and Television on Pyay
Road here at 2.30 pm today.
First, the minister made a speech on the occasion.
He said that the Ministry of Information has been made up of five departments and is carrying out greater duties for the State. The ministry has been implementing the State's policies, and carrying out tasks to inform, to educate and to entertain the people nationwide, he noted.
The tasks of the ministry has been keeping in touch not only with the national people but also with the people of the world, international organizations and non-government organizations.
Thus, the tasks and duties of the ministry are huge and subtle, and they can not be carried out individually and they are to be undertaken through coordination to be accomplished in time or on time, he stressed.
To be able to carry out the huge and subtle tasks successfully, all concerned are to exert sustained efforts with a sense of duty and goodwill based on their skills. In addition, the tasks are to be undertaken based on political, economic, organizational and administrative outlooks with patience and selflessness, he said and urged officials at different levels are to take leading roles and to make earnest efforts in implementing the tasks.
Then, the deputy minister introduced the heads of department to the minister and then explained tasks and duties of the ministry.
Next, Head of Office U Soe Aung reported on work being carried out by the office of the ministry and future tasks.
Afterwards, Director-General of MRTV U Khin Maung Htay, Director (Admin) U Kyaw Zin Oo, on behalf of the director-general of Information and Public Relations Department, Managing Director of Printing and Publishing Enterprise U Myint Thein, Managing Director of News and Periodicals Enterprise U Tin Kha and Managing Director of Myanma Motion Picture Enterprise U Bo Kyi reported on functions of the respective departments and enterprises.
In response to the reports, the minister gave necessary instructions and the meeting ended at 5
( 7 )
Myanmar special observer delegation attends 23rd General Assembly of AIPO
Yangon, 15 Sept - Member of National Convention Convening Commission Chairman of National Convention Work Committee Chief Justice U Aung Toe, Secretary U Aye Maung and Joint Secretary U Thaung Nyunt arrived in Hanoi, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam on 6 September to attend the 23rd General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Organization.
Leader of Myanmar special delegation U Aung Toe met Leader of SRV delegation Mr Truong Quang Duoc. In the evening the delegates discussed agenda of the General Assembly.
On 9 September, U Aung Toe called on Chairman of the 23rd General Assembly of the AIPO Chairman of SRV Parliament Mr Nguyen Van An and presented the message of Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Senior General Than Shwe. At 9 am on that day the 23rd General Assembly of the AIPO began.
Leader of Myanmar delegation U Aung Toe delivered a speech.
He said:
In Myanmar, we are striving to develop our country practicing market oriented economic system and inviting foreign direct investment leading to progress of science & technology and human resources development.
The Government of Myanmar, aware that nation building cannot succeed unless peace and
tranquility prevails in the State, has accorded priority to the establishment of peace and
tranquility. The Government is striving to establish a modernization where all the national races live in peace and harmony. While promoting national unity we are laying firm foundation for a modern nation. The country's basic infrastructure is being developed.
At present, the State has been implementing a five-year short term economic plan from 2001-2002 to 2005-2006. We are confident that the plan will achieve its objective.
Myanmar, since becoming a member of ASEAN in 1997, has been cooperating with other ASEAN countries in many fields including economic, culture, communications, environment, science and technology, narcotic drugs and transnational crimes.
At present, the Government is striving not only to prevent and eradicate narcotic drugs but is also cooperating with local peoples, to overcome the root causes. The Government has been focusing on regional development. In order to improve the living standards of local people, the Government has initiated livestock breeding and crop substitute projects. It has also nurtured national unity.
Today, the national races have come to realize the goodwill of the State. As a result, the national races are cooperating with the Government to implement the 15-year Narcotic Elimination Plan. The 15-year master plan has five components namely: eradication of drug production; demand reduction; enforcement; mobilization of
people's participation and international cooperation. Myanmar as a responsible member of the family of nations, will continue to cooperate with neighbouring countries in the region and international community at large to eliminate narcotic drugs. At the same time, I wish to say that international community's assistance and the cooperation of friendly countries would certainly augment the momentum of our efforts in eliminating narcotic drugs.
The inflow of chemicals, paraphernalia used in drug production, expertise and the capital investment are obstructing efforts of the Myanmar people to eradicate narcotic drugs.
In order to meet the challenges, the Government has promulgated the Control of Money Laundering Law and the decrees concerning controlled precursor chemicals that can be used in the production of narcotic drugs and psycho-tropic substances, with a view to taking legal action.
The Government has also subscribed the list of crimes relating to the afore-mentioned law, such as crimes on narcotic and psychotropic substances, illicit trafficking of women and children, people smuggling terrorism and trans-national crimes.
In Myanmar society, women enjoy the same rights as men and there is no discrimination. In the country's history there have been many outstanding women in the religious, economic, social and cultural fields.
The Myanmar National Working Committee for Women's Affairs which was established in 1996 serves the country as a national force unitizes women. The MNWCWA is carrying out a Plan of Action for the development of the role of Myanmar women. In Myanmar, illicit trafficking of Myanmar women is protected not only administratively and legally but also socially, culturally and traditionally.
Myanmar is also cooperating with international community including the UN system in many fields. Human Rights Special Reporteur Professor Sergio Pinheiro was allowed into the country and was taken to various parts of the nation. Similarly, the ILO High Level Team led by former Governor-General of Australia was able to freely visit many areas without hindrance. In this way, Myanmar was able to show the international community that allegations of widespread human rights abuses and instances of forced labour are without foundation.
To conclude, I would like to reaffirm that we are striving hand in hand with the entire people for the emergence of a peaceful, modern and developed nation. At the same time, Myanmar is taking an active role in sub-regional, regional and international affairs.
On 10 September, members of Myanmar delegation took part in the discussions of political affairs committee, economic affairs committee, social affairs committee, management committee and women's affairs committee.
In the afternoon, U Aung Toe together with other leaders of the delegations called on General Secretary of Central Committee of SRV Communist Party Mr Nong Duc Manh.
In the evening, U Aung Toe together with other leaders of the delegations paid a courtesy call on President of SRV Mr Tran Duc Luong.
On 11 September, the general assembly laid down the resolutions on economic, social and women's affairs and management.
Members of Myanmar delegation met the Chief Justice of Vietnam and the Attorney-General and exchanged views on administration of
( 8
) Commander inspects construction of Panhlaing Bridge in Hlinethaya
Yangon, 15 Sept - Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe, inspected progress in building of Panhlaing River Bridge in Hlinethaya Township, Yangon North District, yesterday morning.
At 10.30 am, the commander and party arrived at the construction site of Panhlaing Bridge Project in Hlinethaya Township where they were welcomed by officials.
At the briefing hall, Deputy Superintending Engineer U Khin Maung Lay of the project reported on soil test, preliminary engineering works, the construction site and arrangements for linking Yangon, Hlinethaya and Twantay.
The commander gave instructions on collecting of construction materials and safety measures in undertaking preliminary engineering works.
Then, the commander and party inspected the site chosen for construction of Panhlaing Bridge and gave necessary instructions to officials.
The lower structure of Panhlaing Bridge will be built of bole pile and reinforced concrete. The 2020 feet long bridge will have 660 feet long approach road on either sides and 700 feet long main bridge. The bridge will have the 28 feet wide motorway and three feet wide pedestrian lanes on either sides. Clearance of the bridge will be 60 feet wide and 20 feet high. The bridge can withstand 60-ton loads.
( 9
) Myanma Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions held in Taninthayi Division
Yangon, 15 Sept - The opening ceremony of the tenth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions of Taninthayi Division was held at the city hall in Dawei
on 8 September.
Chairman of Taninthayi Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Coastal Region Command Brig-Gen Tha
Aye formally opened the competitions and viewed the matches.
On 10 September evening, the commander attended the prize presentation ceremony of the competitions held at the city hall.
First, the commander accepted the cash donations of 1.25 million including K 500,000 donated by U Aik Yi (Yadana Theingi Cold Storage Factory), K 200,000 by U Kin Sein (Managing Director of Taninthayi Fisheries).
Then, the commander, his wife and officials presented prizes to the winners in the competitions.
) MWJA holds "Knowledge Bank" paper reading session
Yangon, 15 Sept _ "The Knowledge Bank" paper reading session,
organized by Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association, was held at the MWJA hall of Sarpay Beikman
Building at the corner of Merchant Street and 37th Street at noon
U Myint Kywe (Maung Myint Kywe) acted as master of ceremonies and Vice-Chairman U Tin Kha (Tekkatho Tin Kha) made an opening speech. Next, U Myo Thant (Maung Hsu Shin) made an introductory speech. Then, resource person U Aung Than Tun (Monywa) presented the paper on
"Myanmar Culture, Social Life and Way of Thinking highlighted by the Myanmar Code of
Laws" and U Khin Aye (Maung Khin Min-Danubyu) on "Myanmar Writings for Everyday
Afterwards, the questions of those present were answered. Later, U Myo Thant (Maung Hsu Shin) spoke words of thanks and the session ended.