1 ) State Peace and Development
Council Chairman Senior General Than Shwe sends message of
felicitations to the Republic of Costa Rica
Yangon, 14 Sept - Senior General Than Shwe,
Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council of the Union of
Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency, Dr
Abel Pacheco De La Espriella, President of the Republic of Costa
Rica, on the occasion of the Independence Day of the Republic of
Costa Rica which falls on IS September 2002.
( 2 )
Secretary-l inspects two-storey building for Tawtaik Dhamma
Yeiktha in Shwepyitha
Yangon, 14 Sept - Secretary-1 of the State Peace
and Development Council Lt- Gen Khin Nyunt,
accompanied by officials
of the State Peace and Development Council Office, arrived at Tawtaik Dhamma Yeiktha in Shwepyitha at 10 am today.
First, the Secretary-l inspected the new
two-storey building already built for Tawtaik Dhamma Yeiktha
Monastic Education School. Then, the Secretary-l paid homage to
State Ovadacariya Tawtaik DhammaYeiktha Sayadaw Agga Maha
Kammathanacariya Bhaddanta Dhammasara.
Next, the Secretary-l heard a report presented by
Managing Director U Tint Hsan of ACE Construction Group on progress
in construction of the two-storey building which is 166 feet long
and 30 feet wide, and facilitating of furniture. The Secretary-1
gave necessary instructions. Afterwards, the Secretary-1 inspected
construction of the three-storey building and attended to the needs.

Next, the Secretary-l and party looked into
renovation of No 8 Basic Education Primary School of Shwepyitha.
Headmaster U Sein Win and members of the School Board of Trustees
conducted the Secretary-1 and party round the place. After
fulfilling the requirements the Secretary-1 left there in the
Myanma traditional
performing arts getting more and more cherished among students
Second coordination meeting of Leading Committee for Tenth
Myanma Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions held

Yangon, 14 Sept - The Leading Committee for the
Tenth Myanma Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions held
its second coordination meeting at the National Museum this after-
noon, attended by Patron of the Leading Committee for the Tenth
Myanma Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions Secretary-
1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
First, the Secretary-1 delivered a speech. He
said necessary preparations are being made for successful holding of
the Performing Arts Competitions. Officials from the central
committee had met with those of states and divisions and discussed
the contents of the competitions and rules and regulations.
Moreover, artistes from central levels went to the states and
divisions of less contestants and provided them with training and
gave lectures to them. Now, states and divisions level perfuming
arts competitions are being held while preparations are under way
for the Tenth Myanma Traditional Cultural Performing Arts
Competitions, he said. He said the meeting was to discuss the
preparations for the performing arts competitions and matters
relating to successful holding of the competitions in related
categories and sectors.
Well-known senior artistes have combined with new
generation artistes due to holding of Myanma Traditional Cultural
Performing Arts Competitions without fail each year and practices to
hand down Myanma traditional cultural heritage have also developed.
He said Myanma traditional performing arts has been more and more
cherished among the students in the regions in the country he
visited and their skill in arts have become brilliant.
He said it is obviously seen that Myanma
traditional performing arts has now flourished nationwide all the
more due to better results of the performing arts competitions.
Therefore, participation of senior veteran artistes benefit the
state and the people for the success of Myanma Traditional Cultural
Performing Arts Competitions and brings about uplift of Myanma
traditional cultural arts, he said. At a time when the better
results of the performing arts competitions have been achieved, the
Secretary-1 called for putting suggestions for successful holding of
the performing arts competitions. Chairman of the
Committee Maj-Gen Myint Swe reported on work being undertaken for
the competitions. Next, chairmen and officials of various
sub-committees reported on work undertaken. Afterwards, officials of
various panel of judges reported on measures undertaken on related
categories. Those present at the meeting took part in the
discussions. Next, the Secretary-1 inspected the sample of
background paintings, posters, postcards, pamphlets, invitation
cards, badges, medals and certificates of honors to be used in the
competitions for approval.
The Secretary-l said he was very proud of the
artistes who had trained the contestants in the States and Divisions
that had a small number of contest ants in the competitions.
Arrangements have been made to , present special awards to the
brilliant and outstanding contestants in states. He wished that
senior artistes who actively participated in the competitions
despite their old age would live long and be healthy and hand down
their talented skills in arts to new generation and would actively
take part in the historic efforts to uplift the preservation of the
( 3
) Provisions donated to monasteries in Yangon
North District
Yangon, 14 Sept - Families of Tatmadaw (Army,
Navy and Air) and wellwishers donated rice, edible oil, salt,
gram, medicines and cash to Maha Myaing, KanU, WahU, Mmgala Thiri,
Yadana Bawdi, Aung Phamma Zayyon, Mingalil Yama Sarthintaiks in
Insein Township, Yangon North District, at Maha Myaing Kyaungtaik
on Maha Myairig Kyaung Road, Aungsan Ward, In Insein Township,
this afternoon.
The ceremony was opened with the recitation of
Namo Tassa three times. The Maha Myaing Sarthiritaik Sayadaw
administered the Five Precepts to the congregation. Then,
Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Thein Sein and senior military officers
presented offertories to the Sayadaws. Vice-Adjutant-General
Brig-Gen Maung Nyo, Chief of Staff (Navy) Rear-Admiral Soe Thein and
Colonel General Staff (Air) (Mechanical) Col Ye Chit Pe presented
139 bags of rice, 55 viss of edible oil and 111 viss of gram donated
by families of Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) and wellwishers, to the
Sayadaws. Then, the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Yangon City
Development Committee, local authorities presented rice, to the
Sayadaws. The Ministry of Mines, Department of Traditional Medicines
and the wellwishers donated salt, traditional medicines, rice, oil,
and jam to the Sayadaws.
Next, the wellwishers presented cash donations
for funds of the monasteries to Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Thein
Sein.The Presiding Sayadaws of the Maha Myaing Sarthintaik delivered
a sermon, followed by sharing of merits gained. Today's donations to
seven monasteries in Insein Township amounted to 204 bags of rice,
90 viss of edible oil, 111 viss of gram, 550 viss of iodized salt,
2,122 bottles of traditional medicines, 10 packets of jam and K
Cash and kind donated to Sarthintaiks in Yangon
West District
Yangon, 14 Sept -A ceremony to donate rice,
edible oil, salt, medicines, grams and cash to Naynattha,
Wunthamaydani, Shwetung Taikthit, Thiriwaila, Shwe Hlaing, Letimu
Sarthintaiks and Thamatedawdaya Thukhitarama Daw Nannasari nunnery
in SanGhaurig Township, Yangon West District, by families of
Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) and wellwishers, was held at
Thantithukha Dhammayon in Koehtatgyi Pagoda this afternoon.
Member of the State Peace and Development Council
Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Thein Sein attended the ceremony. First,
the congregation received the Five Precepts from Naynattha
Sarthintaik Presiding Nayaka Sayadaw Bhaddanta Janaka. Afterwards,
Vice-Adjutant-General Brig-Gen Maung Nyo, Chief of Staff (Navy)
Rear-Admiral Soe Thein and Colonel General Staff (Air) Col Ye Chit
Pe and wellwishers presented rice, edible oil, salt, medicines .and
grams to the Sayadaw and members of the Sangha.
Then, cash for the ,und were presented to the
adjutant-general, the minister, the deputy minister and senior
military officers. The donations were K 70,000 each by Tatmadaw
fami1ies and Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd, K 21 ,000 by
Yangon Division Peace and Development Council, K 150,000 by A Yar
Myay Co Ltd, K 100,000 each by Kaythipan, Kyaw, and Pyilonchantha
medical houses and Ginza Construction, K 11, 700 by trishaw men and
markets in the town, K' 174,000 by people of Sanchaung (South) and
(North) Wards, K150;000 by people of Panhlaing Ward, K 139,000 by
people of Wailuwun (South) and (N orth) Wards, K 210,000 by people
of Motelathsaunggon (South) and (North) Wards, K 500,000 by Daw Hsa
family of Shwemalar Yeikmon, K 300,000 by U Thaung - Daw Ohn Kyi, K
100,000 by U Saw Win -Daw Tin Saw, K 400,000 by U Kunt - Daw Nge, K
100,000 each by Mauhg Tin Tun - Ma Khin Pyone Lwin, U Win Tin - Daw
Pu, U Nyein Aung - Daw Khin Shwe and U Khin Maung - Daw Tin Hmi, K
500,000 each by Sanchaung BEHS-2 and U Nan Nwe family, K 50,000 by
Great Wall medical house, K 70,000 by BTB Co, K 60,000 by Thamada
Thingantaik, K 50,000 each by West District Nyein Chan Yay Bus lines
supervisory committee, Ma Aye Aye
Thein, Maung Tun Lin- Ma Sanda and Ko Myint Win - Ma Yin Yin Mya, K
20,000 each by U Kyaw Min zine, K 50,000 by Thitsar Pankhin film and
video enterprise, K 20,000 by Hman Cho medical house, K 300,000 by
Kaythipan medical house, K120,000 by people of Linlun (South/North)
Wards, K 90,000 by people of Kyuntaw (South/Central) Wards, K 65,000
by people of Shinsawpu, Thantada and Myaynigone (South) Wards,
K50,000 by U San Maungpaw San, K 35,000 by Sun Myanmar Co, K 30,000
by Myanmar 'and Yangon Division Fisheries Federations, K35,000
by Myint Myat Agriculture Enterprise, K 30,070 by Sandi traditional
medicine, K 30,000 each by Daw Hla Hla and Daw Khin Thi Thi of
Lanmadaw Township, K 20,000 by Htet Lin medical house, K70,000 by
edible oil representatives in the township, K 30,000 by the township
WCWA, K 20;000 each by township USDA, police force Swe Restaurant
and Shwe Mintha fish sauce Enterprise, K 17,500 by township
education family, K 10,000 by the township Immigration and National
Registration Department, K 11,900 by Dagon Myanmar Co, K 60,000 by
Sakura Special Clinic and wellwishers, K 30,000 by Shwe Yon
Jewellery Shop, K 20,000 by The Sea Restaurant, K 10,000 each by U
Kyaw Myint-Daw Wint Wint Kyi and Daw Sandi, K 15,000 each by U Aung
Tin-Daw Myint and U Than-Daw Khin Aye, and K 20,000 by Play Boy
Then, Director of
Resettlements of the Ministry of Defence Brig-Gen Aung Thein and
Director-General of the Religious Affairs Department Dr Myo Myint
sup- plic1!ted on purposes of the donation and religious matters.
Then, the Presiding Sayadaw delivered a sermon, followed by sharing
of merits gained.
Today's donations were 314 bags of rice, 92 viss
of edible oil, 826 viss of iodized salt, 55 tubes of toothpaste,
2,488 bottles of assorted medicines, 165 viss of grams and K
Maj-Gen Aung Htwe inspects regional development
projects in Shan State
Yangon, 14 Sept - Member of the State Peace
arid Development Council. Maj-Gen Aung Htwe of the Ministry of
Defence, at Ho Pang Township Peace and Development Council office
on 11 September morning.
Township Peace and Development Council Chairman U
Myint Soe reported on tasks for development of the township,
cultivation of monsoon paddy and poppy-substitute crops and
arrangements being made for cultivation of cold season crops.
Kunlong District Peace and Development Council Chairman Lt-Col Soe
Win gave a supplementary report.
Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and the commander fulfilled the
requirements. Maj-Gen Aung Htwe elaborated on regional development
tasks. Then, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and the commander and party proceeded
to Myatheintan Missionary Pariyatti Sarthintaik in 1he same
township. They paid obeisance and presented offertories and 15 bags
of rice to Member of the State Central Working Committee of
the Sangha Presiding Nayaka of the
Kyaungtaik Sayadaw Ganthavacaka Pandita Bhaddanta Sobhita and
members of the Sangha.
Maj-Gen Aung Htwe
and the commander and party then headed for Ho Pang People's
Hospital, where Head of the District Health Department Dr Sai
Hla, Assistant Surgeon Dr Min Min 00 and staff welcomed and
conducted them round the hospital. Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and Commander
Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing spoke words of encouragement to the patients
and gave necessary instructions to the officials and attended to the
They then attended
the opening of the multimedia teaching centre of Kunlong BEHS.
Principar Daw Phyu Phyu Khaing and Chairman of the school board of
trustees U Tun Yin formally opened the centre. Next, Maj-Gen Aung
Htwe pressed the button to unveil the signboard of the centre.
Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and those present visited the classrooms. After
that, the principal reported on tasks being implemented with the use
of the teaching aids, and Chairman U Tun Yin, on collective efforts
made for opening the centre.
Then, Maj-Gen Aung
Htwe presented cash awards to the teachers of the BEHSs of the
township and exercise books to the students through the respective
headmistresses. After wards, the commander presented K 1.5 million
for f multimedia teaching class rooms and Patron of the School Board
of Trustees U Sai Hla Aye, K 6.5 million to the headmistress. Next,
Tactical Operations Commander Col Sein Win presented gifts to
outstanding students and teachers of Kunlong Dstrict.
Maj-Gen Aung Htwe
delivered an address on the occasion. In his address, he expressed
thanks to district and township level officials, members of school
boards of trustees and towns elders for their contribution to
opening of multimedia teaching centers in a short period. He added
that the government is implementing the development tasks for 24
regions. With tranquility, the regions are developing. He stressed
the need to ensure peace in the regions. In conclusion, he called on
teachers to make concerted efforts and to nurture students for
turning out intellectuals and intelligentsia equipped with strong
nationalism and Union Spirit who can serve the interests of the
State in the future.
After the ceremony,
Maj-Gen Aung Htwe, the commander and party, together with teachers,
posed for a documentary photo. Maj-Gen Aung Htwe, Commander Brig-Gen
Myint Hlaing and party went to the 300-acre Thitseint trees (Terminalia
Belerica} and groundnut plantation of the highland reclamation
project of the North-East Command near Asia World toll-gate at the
entrance to Lashio. They inspected land preparations for cultivation
of groundnut as mixed crop, and Thitseint plantations being
undertaken by Shan State and local battalion. and fulfilled the
Maj-Gen Aung Htwe
and party then saw over the upgrading of three miles and four
furlongs long and 18 feet wide Namhmyaw- Mongyaw-Mongkyet road
section to a tarred one being undertaken by Public Works. At the
briefing hall, Shan State. Joint-Superintending Engineer U Kyaw Min
Thein reported on work being done. Maj-Gen Aung , Htwe gave
instructions on meeting the set standard, timely completion,
gathering ,of paving stones and construction of a concrete bridge
across Melon Creek and attended to the needs.
( 4
Minister U Win Aung sends message of felicitations to
Republic of Costa Rica
Yangon, 15 Sept -U Win Aung, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the
Union of Myanmar, has sent a message pf felicitations to His
Excellency Lic Roberto Tovar Faja, Minister of Foreign Affairs and
Worship of the Republic of Costa Rica, on the occasion of the
Independence Day of the Republic of Costa Rica which falls on 15
September 2002.
Labour Minister leaves for Indonesia
Yangon, 14 Sept -A Myanmar delegation led by
Minister for Labour U Tin Win left here by air for Indonesia to
attend the annual meeting of the US-ASEAN Economic Council to be
held in Bali Island, Indonesia, on 14 and 15 September.
( 5 )
Health Minister attends Meetings of 20th SEA WHO
Member Ministers, 55th Regional Committee Meeting
Yangon, 14 Sept - The Myanmar delegation led by
Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein attended the 20th Ministerial
Meeting of the health ministers of the member countries of WHO in
SEA region and the 55th Reional Committee Meeting in Jakarta,
Indonesia, from 9 to ]3 September.
Vice-President Dr Hamzah Haz opened the 20th
Ministerial Meeting of the health ministers of the member countries
of WHO in SEA region held at the hall of the Vice-President's House
of Indonesia. The Ministers' Meeting was held at Gren Melia Hotel
and proposals to be sent to the Global Fund for control of AIDS, TB
and malaria, finding of processes for purchasing main quality
medicines from local areas and compilation of the reports
connection with health and economic matters issued by WHO were
The Minister for Health clarified rural health
development tasks being undertaken with added momentum in Myanmar,
control tasks of AIDS, TB and malaria diseases, arrangements for
distribution of main quality medicines to the people and highly
qualified health care services being carried out by the Ministry of
On 12 September, the delegates visited Indoforma
Pharmaceutical Factory. While in Jakarta, Minister Maj-Gen Ket Sein
called on Director-General Dr Gro Harlem Brundtland of WHO and
discussed health care service projects being jointly implemented by
WHO and the Ministry of Health. On 11 September, the 55th Regional
Committee Meeting was held. Present were Health Ministers of WHO SEA
Region, the director-general of WHO and the SEA Regional Director Dr
Uton Muchtar Rafei.
Director-General Dr Kyi Soe of Health Planning
Department of Myanmar presided over the meeting and reported on
implementation of the task's laid down by the 54th meeting held in
Yangon in 2001. Then, the Health Ministers discussed matters related
to executives from SEA nations to be elected at the 56th WHO
Conference committees and allotment of expenditure for health
projects (2004- 2005) and financial matters of SEA countries, On 12
September, control of denguee hemorrhagic fever, neisseria
meningitis and other diseases, dangers of biological and chemical
weapons and traditional medicine process of WHO were discussed.
The Minister for Health and party visited Kalbe
Fama Pham1aceutical Factory and discussed quality control methods of
medicines. They then observed treatment of children who suffer from
iodine deficiency and rehabilitation tasks. On 13 September, the
delegates discussed future tasks laid down by WHO and approved the
decisions of the meeting, Minister Maj-Gen Ket Sein and party
arrived back here by air this afternoon.
They were welcomed back at the airport by
Minister for Education U Than Aung, Minister at the Prime Minister's
Office U Than Shwe, Deputy Ministers for Health Prof Dr Mya Oo and
Prof Dr Kyaw Myint, officials and Resident Representative of WHO Dr
Agostino Borra. Member of the delegation Director Dire Thet Tun of
Foreign Relations Division also arrived back.
Construction Minister tours Rakhine State and
Ayeyawady Division
Yangon, 14 Sept -Minister for Construction
Maj-Gen Saw Tun, arrived at the camp of Ma-ei - Kyaukphyu Road
Special Construction Project on 12 September morning.
Senior Engineer U Than Nyunt reported on progress
in construction of Ma- ei - Kyaukphyu road section and small
bridges, and future tasks. The minister gave instructions on meeting
the set standard and ensuring timely completion, and fulfilled the
Then, the minister and party inspected
Taungup-Ma-ei road. At the briefing hall of Road Special Group 8,
Deputy Superintending Engineer U Tin Htut reported on progress in
construction of Taungup-Ma-ei road, work being done and gathering of
paving stones. The minister gave instructions on tasks to be carried
out systematically, meeting the standard set and minimizing loss and
Afterwards, the minister and party inspected
maintenance work for Taungup-Thandwe road. Thandwe District Senior
Engineer U Nyan Tun gave an account on work progress and plans to be
implemented in the open season.On 3 September mornng at Thandwe
District briefing hall, the minister and party heard a report
presented by Senior Engineer U Nyan Tun on progress of maintenance
work for the roads being undertaken by Thandwe District and future
tasks to be carried out in open season. The minister gave
instructions on priority to be given to necessary tasks, meeting the
set standard and using quality paving stones. He then spoke of the
need for the officials to supervise tasks and to make 'efforts with
care for proper drainage.
On their way t0 Kinpon Bridge Construction
Project being undertaken by the Special Bridge Group 13, the
minister and party looked into Thandwedwa road. At the briefing
hall, Deputy superintending Engineer U Soe Myint reported on
progress in construction of the bridge and future tasks. The
minister left instructions on tasks to be implemented systematically
and timely completion, and attended to the needs. The 420-foot-long
, ?bridge has a 24-foot-wide motorway and two three- foot-wide
pedestrians lanes. The lower structure of the bridge is of
reinforced concrete and the upper structure, of steel frames. It can
with- stand 60-ton loads. Later, the minister and party proceeded to
Daung Creek through , Gwa-Ngathaingchaung- Yekyi road.
At the briefing hall,Deputy Superintending
Engineer U Soe Tint reported on progress of construction of Rakhine
State section and Ayeyawady Division section of Gwa-Ngathaingchaung-
Yekyi road and future tasks. The minister left necessary
instructions. The minister and party inspected Pathein- Moywa road
and arrived at Bet ye in the evening.
Minister for
Transport inspects Bo Myat Tun Bridge
Yangon, 14 Sept -
Minister for Transport Maj- Gen Hla Myint Swe, arrived at Bo Myat
Tun Bridge this morning. Minister inspected the bridge and heard
reports by officials on formation of sandbank in upper reaches of
the river and the current.
Then, Minister lor
Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe and party left the Kyain Bin jetty
by boat and on their way along the river, inspected maintenance of
the bridge, river current, fonna- tion of sandbank in the river,
water resources and dredging work carried out by Directorate of
Water Resources and Improvement of River Systems and gave necessary
instructions to officials.
Ministe r
inspects Sittong bridge
Yangon, 14 Sept -
Minister for Rail Transportation U Pan Aung, arrived at Sittoung
Bridge yesterday and inspected maintenance pf the bridge and
extension of the approach ways. The minister gave necessary
National sports administrators course concludes
Yangon, 14 Sept - Chairman of Myanmar Olympic
Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint attended the
ceremony to conclude National Sports Administrators Course 2/2002
jointly conducted by International Olympic Committee and MOC at the
training hall of Youth Training Camp (Thuwunna) this morning. The
minister made a speech and presented completion certificates to the
trainees. Altogether 27 trainees of states, divisions and ministries
attended the 5-day course.
( 6 )
Commander inspects sanitation
works in Yangon City
Yangon, 14 Sept -
With a view to keeping Yangon City clean in carrying out sanitation
tasks today. Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development
Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe and YCDC Vice-
Chairman Vice-Mayor Col Maung Pa visited the sites and gave words of
encouragement to the volunteers.
First, the commander
and the vice-mayor arrived at Lanmadaw Railway Station in
Lanmadaw Township where they were welcomed by No 4 Military Region
Commander Brig-Gen Myo Myint, Secretary of Yangon Division Peace and
Development Council Lt-Col Kyaw Tint and officials.
The commander, the
vice-mayor and party inspected sanitation works being undertaken at
surrounding areas of the railway station and on both sides of the:
railroad and gave necessary instructions. Then, they planted
Thitseint trees (belleric myrobalan) at Lanmadaw Railway
Afterwards, they saw
over sanitation tasks at the drains near Hanthawady Roundabout, at
the comer of Hanthawady and Kyundaw Roads and Hanthawady and Baho
Roads and in front of , Orthopaedic Hospital in Kyimyindine
Township. The commander heard reports on conditions of the drains by
officials of YCDC and gave necessary instructions. The commander and
party proceeded to Insein Market in Insein Township. In the briefing
hall, Head of Markets Department in Yangon North District U Tun
Naing reported on the matters related to the market. Yangon City
Vice-Mayor Col Maung Pa gave a supplementary report. The Commander
gave necessary instructions. Then, the commander and party inspected
selling and buying at the market and construction of the new market
Accompanied by
Secretary of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Lt-Col
Kyaw Tint and division-level officials, the commander arrived at the
agricultural education camp in Asugyi, Htantabin Township, and
inspected paddy cultivation technol9gy demonstrated by Myanma
Agriculture Service to local farmers. Then, the commander inspected
success achieved in using Azolla fertilizers, cultivation of quality
paddy strains, distribution of EM Bokershi fertilizers, use of
bio-composer fertilizers and bio-super folio fertilizers. Next, the
commander met with 1ocal farmers of villages at the camp and gave
necessary instructions. The local farmers reported to him on
requirements of fertilizers and technology, feeder canals to be dug
for cultivating summer paddy in full, construction of embankment for
preventing the inflow of salty water and river water pumping
projects for summer paddy fields.
Officials of
Irrigation Department, Myanma Agriculture Service, Water Resources
Utilization Department and Myanma Electric Power Enterprise reported
on assistance the provided to the farmers. The commander then
attended to the needs of the local farmers, So far, a total of
87,116 acres of land have been put under monsoon paddy against the
target of 87,0 10 acres of land with 100.18 per cent achievement.
( 7 )
Myanma Shooting Team arrives back
Yangon, 14 Sept - Member
of the State Peace and Development Council Chief of Armed Forces
Training Maj-Ger Kyaw Win welcomed back Myanma Tatmadaw Shooting Team
led by Chain11an of Defence Services Shooting Committee Director of
Ordnance Services of the Ministry of Defence Brig-Gen Hla Tun that took
part in the 12th ASEAN Defence Services Shooting Contest in Singapore at
Yangon International Airport this evening.
( 8
Trainees recount experiences
Yangon, 14 Sept -
Under the organization of Myanmar National Working Committee for
Women' s Affairs and Myanmar Women Entrepreneurs Association, a
ceremony to recount the experiences of the trainees who attended the
Enhancing Women's Economic Participation Through Scaling Up of MICRO
Enterprises to SMALL Scaling Enterprises course conducted at Putra
University in Malaysia was held at Myanmar Education Research Bureau
on Pyay Road this rooming.
Chairperson Daw Sein
Sein extended greetings. Then, Joint-Secretary Daw Myint Myint Aye
of the economic group of the MNWCWA and Member Daw Theingi Win of
the MWEA recounted their experiences of their studies during their
attendance in the course held from 24 to 27 July. They then replied
to the queries raised by those present.
( 9
) Drug traffickers substances
Yangon, 14 Sept - A combined team comprising
members of the local intelligence unit and Myanmar Police Force,
acting on information, stopped and searched a trishaw operated by
Min Maung on Minte street in Thayettaw Ward, Shwedaung, on 18
September, 2001 and seized 865.454 gms of marijuana from the
knapsack of passenger Nay Lin Nyunt.
Action was taken against Min Maung (a) Po Htoo,
31, son of U Maung Ko and Nax Lin Nyunt (a) Ko Latt, 27, son of U
Win Nyunt of Laykyunsemi Village, Nwamayan Village Tract in
Shwedaung Township, under Section 15/19(A)/21 of the Narcotic Drugs
and Psychotropic Substances Law by Shwedaung Police Station, Pyay
District Court handed down 4 years' imprisonment on Min Maung
(a) Po Htoo under section 15 and 4 years' imprisonment under section
15 and 14 years' imprisonment under Section 19 (A)/ 21of the
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law on Nay Lin Nyunt (a)
Ko Latt to serve separately on -20-8-2002.
A similar team, acting on information ,searched ,
Aung Than Tun at Kalina Ale Ward in Insein Township for marijuana on
24 December, 2001 and seized 32.65 gms of marijuana from him. Action
was taken against Aung Than Tun (a) Maung Sein, 24, son of U Maung
Hla of Kantha 1 st street in Kanna Ale Ward Insein Township, under
sectio11 151. 19(A)/20(A) of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic
Substances Law.
Yangon (North) District handed down 20 years'
imprisonment on Aung Than Tun (a) Maung Sein under Section 19(A) of
the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances law on 23 July this
Raw opium and stimulant tablets seized
Yangon, 14 Sept - A combined team comprising
members of local intelligence unit and Kengtung Special Anti-drug
Squad, acting on information, intercepted and searched a Hilux car
with number plates Pa/9842 at Mongphyat check-point and arrested
passenger Arphar , son of U Aryo, together with 660 grams of raw
opium on 10 August. .
Similarly, on 17 August, a combined team
comprising members of local intelligence unit and Muse Special
Anti-drug Squad, acting on information, searched ,Win Shin (a)
Arshin on his arrival on a motorbike without number plates at New
Century quest House and seized 41,800 stimulant tablets weighing
4.18 kilos. Likewise, a combined team comprising members of local
intelligence unit and local regiment, acting on information,
searched the house of Ma Shauk Hsan, daughter of U Liter of Nakha
Village, Kutkai Township, on 26 August and seized 16 packs of raw
opium weighing 35 kilos.
Action is being taken against them under the
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by the police
stations concerned.