1 ) Maj-Gen Aung Htwe inspects development tasks in Shan State (North)

Yangon, 12 Sept - State Peace and Development Council member Maj-Gen Aung Htwe of the Ministry of Defence, arrived at Namtip of Special Region-2 in Shan State (North) on 9 September morning.
National race leader U Aik Yon and officials welcomed them and reported to them on regional development tasks, growing of poppy-substitute crops and livestock breeding tasks.
After the commander had attended to the needs, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe made a speech. In the afternoon, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and party inspected tarring of roads in the town and growing of poppy-substitute crops such as lychee, apple, mango, pineapple and rubber in the region. At the Namtip poppy-substitute crops plantations, over 400,000 rubber plants, over 220,000 apple plants and other plants such as mango, sweet chestnut, pineapple and pepper have been planted. Rubber sap can be produced from the plantations next year.

Maj-Gen Aung Htwe also visited Edible Oil Factory in Namtip region and inspected production line and raising of pigs and fish in the factory compound. He then looked into production of stone slabs at Namtip Granite Slab Factory and gave necessary instructions to the officials there. Next, he proceeded to Chinshwehaw border check point and then arrived at Laukkai where Col Than Win of Laukkai
Station and officials welcomed him. At night, he met district and
township level departmental officials, staff and social organization
members at the briefing hall of the station.

He urged those present to cooperate with the
people in implementing the five rural development tasks, to extend
paddy cultivation and agriculture and livestock breeding tasks and
to actively take part in drug eradication tasks. After hearing
reports from the officials, he attended to the needs.
( 2 )
Press conference explains exploitation and sale of women from
foreign countries, who entered Maesai, as sex slaves
Lack of intellectual knowledge and education in Kayin State due to KNU insurgents
Myanmar hands over 9-year-old Yodaya girl to her father on humanitarian grounds
Yangon, 12 Sept - The regular press conference with local and foreign correspondents was held at Tatmadaw Guest House on Inya Road here this morning.

Present on the occasion were Vice-Chief of Military Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein, senior military officers, departmental officials, U Sein Win of Kyodo News Agency, Myanmar Foreign Correspondents Club Patron U Hla Htwe, President U Sao Kai Hpa and members and invited guests.

First, Head of Department of the Ministry of Defence Brig-Gen Than Tun explained the matter concerning the exploitation and sale of women from foreign countries, who entered Maesai, as sex slaves. He said scholars of the Yodaya-based UNESCO Office and the Asian activity research camp of the Asia region education colleges jointly held a seminar on the research on trafficking of young women at Yodaya-Myanmar border. At the seminar, coordinator of the humanitarian association of the promotion of
women's rights Nang Hsaung Hsuyan Kyinthtam said that a lot of facts had been collected at the meeting including messages sent by some young women for help; that the information included messages sent by young women who were sold into sex slaves asking for help to rescue them; that there were many similar incidents; that the majority were young women from foreign countries; that the largest number of victims were Shans from Myanmar and young women from Xishuangbanna region; that their ages ranged from 14 to 28; that young women who entered the border from various routes were subject to sexual exploitation; that most of them came to the area by boat, car, cargo trucks and trekking; that the price for the journey to the areas cost from baht 4,000 to baht 5,000 for each person; that they came in groups; and that government staff discharging duties at the border areas and women traffickers were jointly conducting the unlawful business. She also said that the study in Maesai alone showed that there were 238 victims in the area in January 2002; that as in the past the involvement of the government officials could be seen clearly. She then explained a case in which the government employees themselves were involved. According to her, the case was that two young Shan women from Kengtung went to Maesai in Yodaya from Tachilek and stayed at a house in the town; that two policemen took them in a police car from the house, saying that they would help find a job for the two young women at a restaurant in Chonburi District; that two policemen raped the two Shan women again and again along the way till reaching Chonburi; that the two policemen sold the victims into prostitution; and that the two women had to work at a massage parlour in Rachdaphisit region, Bangkok.

Brig-Gen Than Tun then said the case was issued in column three, page 15, No 240, of the August 2002 issue of the Chiang Rai News monthly magazine published in Yodaya. But the Shan Human Rights Foundation (SHRF) and the Shan
Women's Action Network (SWAN) were silent about the case. It is so surprising that the SHRF and the SWAN which compiled the concoction
"Licence to Rape" was silent about the case. It is also food for thought that whether the chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Yodaya Parliament knows the case or not.

While imposing a blackout on the information given by the seminar, the chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Yodaya Parliament and the Yodaya media are not only trying to exaggerate the groundless concoction
"Licence to Rape", but also planning to translate it into Yodaya language.
At a time when the dignitaries of Yodaya including the Prime Minister and some other officials are trying to strengthen the relations between the two countries, there are acts to make concoctions. The officials and the people of Yodaya should weigh whether such acts can contribute to serving the interests of and bringing benefits to Yodaya and its people and
helping strengthen the friendly ties between the two countries.
Moreover, they should also consider whether the acts are in accord with the good neighbourly
practices or not.

Member of the Myan-mar National Committee for
Women's Affairs Leader of the Education Group Daw Khin Aye Win explained the MNWCWA's visit to Mon and Kayin States to undertake
women's development tasks there. She said the visit to Shan State by the team of the committee members led by MNCWA member Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe to carry out development tasks for the
women's sector and to curb human trafficking had already been explained at a press conference. The achievements of another MNWCWA team led by Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe will be presented at the conference.
The team made field tours in Mawlamyine on 4 September, Thanbyuzayat and Mudon on 5 September, Hpa-an in Kayin State on 6 September and Kawkareik on 7 September. At the townships in the two states, the team held meetings between the MNCWA and the respective regional Working Committees for
Women's Affairs. Departmental personnel, officials of the International Committee of the Red Cross and NGOs also took part in the discussions. The new formation of the subordinate bodies at different levels of the MNCWA, efforts being made to curb human trafficking and the task to prevent violence against women and deceiving and trafficking in women and children were explained at the meetings. The team divided itself into eight sub-groups and visited the stations, wards and villages, and met with local
women's affairs committees and social organizations. According to the sub-groups' discussions with the Mon and Kayin womenfolk and local elders, it was found that young women in Mon State do not take much interest in working in Yodaya; that they are trying to improve their living standard through traditional weaving and agriculture; that they are enjoying good business and education; that some Mon girls are earning about K 40,000 per month from weaving business; that in Kayin State there are some people who are still working in Yodaya; some Kayin girls who thought highly of Yodaya went there to work; that they had to run away from Yodaya to Myanmar, for, they were subject to tortures and molestation by the police and employers and sexual slavery; some local girls in Kayin State still lag behind in economy, education and intellectual knowledge; that the sub-groups made coordinations with the respective bodies to attend to their needs; that lack of knowledge and education in Kayin State is due to KNU insurgents who had disturbed regional peace and security and regional development that led to setbacks in the economic and education sectors. At present, the projects to develop the
women's sector can be implemented with full strength as peace and stability is prevailing in the region.

Deputy Head of Department of the Ministry of Defence Col San Pwint explained the handing over of a Yodaya girl, who was in Hpa-an, Myanmar, back to her father. Yodaya, a neighbouring country of Myanmar, is launching fabrications against Myanmar through the drug bandits and its media, which is detrimental to the good
neighborly practices. But Myanmar has always strictly adhered to the good
neighborly practices. Despite the Yodayas' unlawful acts of torturing and molesting Myanmar national girls, the authorities of Myanmar rendered help to a Yodaya girl to the most possible degree.
On 17 July 2002, a Yodaya citizen, Piawon Kanok, asked for help from Myanmar authorities through the Yodaya Military
Attaché Office in Myanmar to take back her nine-year-old daughter, Supri Dawinsanok, who was in Hpa-an then. When the Myanmar authorities made an investigation, they found out that Ma Nwe Nwe Aye of Hpa-an got married with a Yodaya, by the name of Piawon Kanok, while working at a garment factory in Bangkok; that the couple got a daughter they named
"Ma Pwint Nadi"; that Supri Dawinsanok was Piawon Kanok's daughter by his former marriage; that as they were living together in the same house, the motherless child, Supri Dawinsanok, loved Ma Nwe Nwe Aye as her own mother; that when Ma Nwe Nwe Aye returned to Hpa-an in the early July 2002, Supri Dawinsanok requested her father to let her accompany Ma Nwe Nwe Aye to Myanmar for a visit; that Ma Nwe Nwe Aye took her to Myanmar with permission of her father; that not long after arriving in Hpa-an, Ma Nwe Nwe Aye received a phone call from Piawon Kanok, asking her to bring his daughter back to him; that when the authorities learnt that Ma Nwe Nwe Aye was making arrangements to send the Yodaya girl back to her father, they made arrangements to enable Ma Nwe Nwe Aye to hand over her back to her father in Yodaya on 29 July on humanitarian grounds. This deed shows that Myanmar always stick to the good
neighborly practices.
Then, Vice-Chief of Military Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win explained matters related to the power supply station projects of the Ministry of Electric Power already completed, under construction and under planing stage. He said the Government is aware of difficulties of the people relating to electricity. Only about 60 megawatts of electricity was produced before 1988. So, efforts have been made and over 450 megawatts of electricity can be produced on self-reliance, and the Government is always seeking ways and means to solve difficulties. Large and medium hydel power stations are under construction to produce over 3,000 megawatts in 2006 and, in 2003-2004, some projects will be completed and over 500 megawatts can be produced, he added.
Afterwards, Vice-Chief of Military Intelligence Maj-Gen Kyaw Win, Leader of Education Group Prof Daw Khin Aye Win of Myanmar National Working Committee for
Women's Affairs, Director-General U Thaung Tun of the Political Affairs Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Deputy Director-General U Aung Koe Shwe of the Hydel Power Department of the Ministry of Electric Power replied to the queries raised by mediamen and the regular press conference came to a close at 11.15 am.
( 3
) Commander inspects livestock breeding farms of Yangon Command
Yangon, 12 Sept
- Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe, inspected the livestock breeding farms of Yangon Command this evening and fulfilled the requirements.
First, Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe and party arrived at No 1 Livestock Breeding Farm in Sawbwagyigon, Insein Township, Yangon (North) District, where officials welcomed them.
At the briefing hall, in charge of the farm Capt Win Zin Maung reported on the raising, production and distribution of broilers, and Secretary of the Agriculture and Livestock Breeding Committee of Yangon Command Lt-Col Thein Hsint gave a supplementary report. The commander gave instructions on the constant breeding of broilers and distribution to tax-free markets and other markets daily. Then, the commander and party inspected the production of 4,000 briquettes per day and raising of broilers in the farm and gave instructions on sanitation work inside and surrounding areas of the farm and cultivation of vegetables.
The commander also inspected the sale in Taishwegon fish, meat and vegetable shop and gave instructions on distribution of fresh products with the standard weight.
Then, the commander and party proceeded to No 3 Livestock Breeding Farm of the command in Danyingon, Insein Township and inspected raising of pigs. The commander gave necessary instructions and attended to the needs. At the briefing hall, incharge of the farm Capt Than Htay reported on raising broilers and pigs and production of broilers.
The commander gave instructions on the constant breeding of broilers and the daily distribution to tax-free markets in Yangon.
( 4
Commander presents prizes to winners of Performing Arts Competitions
Yangon, 12 Sept - The prize presenting ceremony of Mandalay Division Performing Arts Competitions was held at the National Theatre in Aungmyaythazan Township in Mandalay on 10 September evening, with an address by Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Central Command Commander Brig-Gen Ye Myint.
Commander Brig-Gen Ye Myint made an opening speech and presented prizes to the winners. Mayor Brig-Gen Yan Thein and officials also presented prizes to winners and the ceremony came to a close.
Achievement in enrolment of all school-age children for 2002 honoured in Bago Division

Yangon, 12 Sept - A ceremony to honour the achievement in enrolment of all school-age children for Year 2002 in Bago Division was held at No 4 Basic Education High School in Toungoo, Bago
Division, yesterday. Bago Division Peace and Development Council
Chairman Southern Command Commander Brig-Gen Aung Min made an address on the occasion. Then, Director U Khin Maung Aye reported on successful implementation of tasks on enrolment of all school-age children.
Then, Division Education Officer U Saw Ya Day spoke words of thanks. Next, the schoolboys and schoolgirls collectively sang the song titled
"Pan-mya-wai-si-pwint-nay-byi" (Many flowers are in full bloom) and the ceremony came to an end.
Pinphyit Station Hospital opened in Yaksauk

Yangon, 12 Sept - A ceremony to open Pinphyit Station Hospital in Yaksauk
Township, Shan State, was held at the hospital on 7 September
Health Officer of Shan State Dr Khin Aung Cho and Chairman of Station Hospital Construction Committee U Kyaw Hlaing opened the station hospital.
Chairman of Shan State Peace and Development Council Commander of
Eastern Command Brig-Gen Khin Maung Myint then unveiled the signboard of the station hospital. Later, the commander inspected the hospital and gave instructions to officials. He also visited the patients undergoing treatment at the hospital.
Next, at the briefing hall,
officials reported to the commander on construction and formation of the hospital and health care services being carried out in Shan State.
U Kyaw Hlaing then handed over documents related to the hospital to Dr Myo Thant.
Afterwards, cash was donated to the fund of the hospital K 100,000 each by Eastern Command and Shan State Peace and Development Council, K 50,000 by departments, K 30,000 by Taunggyi District Peace and Development Council, K 70,000 by
well wishers of Yaksauk Township, K 500,000 by Pwint Kaung and Khin Nwe Yi agriculture companies and K 400,000 by wellwishers of village-tract totalling 1.25 million kyats.
Then, one of the townselders spoke words of thanks. The ceremony came to an end with concluding remarks by the commander.
Billboard erected to hail USDA Annual General Meeting

Yangon, 12 Spet - A billboard to hail the Annual General Meeting 2002 of the Union Solidarity and Development Association was put up at a ceremony held in front of Mawyawady Park, Mawlamyine, on 10 September morning.
The commander formally unveiled the billboard.
After the ceremony, Mon State USDA Patron South-East Command Commander
Brig-Gen Thura Myint Aung met delegates to the annual general meeting and then delivered a speech at Aung San Hall of Mon State Peace and Development Council Office.
Next, the commander presented cash assistance to the delegates through Mon State USDA Secretary U Tin Soe Moe Naing.
( 5 ) ICT Award Competition to be held
Yangon, 12 Sept - With the intention of promoting the development of information and communication technology, Myanmar Computer Federation will hold the first Myanmar National ICT Award Competition. Any interested persons, either individually or in groups, may take part in the competition.
The competition is grouped into twelve categories
(1) Education & Training,
(2) Health Solution,
(3) Security,
(4) E-Government Application & Services,
(5) Industrial Applications,
(6) Business Applications,
(7) E-commerce,
(8) Tourism,
(9) Communication,
(10) Entertainment Application,
(11) Student Projects (Higher and Basic) and
(12) Research & Development.
Explanation about the competition will be given at the conference hall of MICT Park in Hline Township at 9 am on 14 September, and forms for the competition will also be put on sale. Entrants should send their software products, multimedia and animation products, website, CD ROM, etc. to MCF not later than 30 September. Detailed information is available at the head office, Myanmar Computer Federation, Tel 707503, 652238.
UN Poster Exhibition commemorative essay, poem, painting contests and
computer quiz to be held
Yangon, 12 Sept - Under the aegis of the Subcommittee for Organizing Composition Contests of University, College, Institute and Basic Education levels to mark UN Poster Exhibition, the UN Poster Exhibition commemorative essay, poem and painting contests and computer quiz will be held soon.
It comprises university, college and institute level, basic education high school level, middle school level and primary school level.
University, college and institute level essay (Myanmar) and poem contests will be held on 5 October (Saturday) and composition (English) contest, on 6 October (Sunday).
Under graduates (first degree) of Defence Services Academy, Defence Services Institute of Medicine, Defence Services Technological Academy, Defence Services Institute of Nursing; institutes of medicines under the Medical Science Department; universities, degree colleges and colleges under the Higher Education Departments; universities, colleges and institutes under the Ministry of Science and Technology; education colleges, Institute of Forestry, Institute of Agriculture (Yezin), Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science, University of Culture, University for Development of National Races, Nationalities Youths Resource Development Degree College, Cooperative Degree College and Cooperative College under the Education Planning and Training Department may take part in the above mentioned contests.
The BEHS level essay (Myanmar) and poem contests will take place on 28 September (Saturday) and composition (English) contest, on 29 September (Sunday). The BEMS level essay (Myanmar) and poem contests will be held on 28 September and composition (English) and painting contests, on 29 September.
The BEPS level painting contest will be held on 29 September.
The computer quiz will take place from 1 to 7 November at the Tatmadaw Convention Hall, in which the UN Poster Exhibition will be held.
Those students wishing to participate in the contests are to enlist at the respective universities, colleges, institutes and basic education schools.
Prizes will be presented to 36 prize-winners nine contestants who stand first, second and third in the composition (Myanmar) contests, nine contestants who stand first, second and third in poem contests, nine contestants who stand first, second and third in composition (English) contests and nine contestants who stand first, second and third in painting contests (central level) ÑÊin
Yangon on 1 November 2002.
( 6 ) Soldiers' code of conduct
competition held
Yangon, 12 Sept - The second four-monthly
soldiers' code of conduct competition of the Camp Commandant's Office of the Ministry of Defence was held at the Konmyinttha hall of the ministry this morning, attended by Camp Commandant Brig-Gen Hla Aung Thein and officials.
Altogether 31 officers and 127 other ranks took part in the competition.
Rules of 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day painting, sculpture competitions announced
Yangon, 12 Sept - As a gesture of hailing the 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day, which falls on 27 March 2003, the subcommittee for the holding of painting and sculpture competition and exhibition of the work committee for the organizing of poem and arts competition led by Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt (Htila Sitthu) as chairman announced that the painting and sculpture competition will be held with the following rules.
The painting competition will be divided into six
categories the first for pre-primary school level, the second for junior primary school level (kindergarten to second grade), the third for senior primary school level (third grade and fourth grade), the fourth for middle school level (fifth grade to eighth grade), the fifth for high school level (ninth grade to technological and agricultural high schools) and the sixth for professional level. There will be only one category in the sculpture competition, the wood sculpture and the plaster sculpture at professional level. Anyone may take part in both.
In the painting competition from kindergarten to high school levels, the size of the entry must be 15" x 20", and 20" x 30" for professional level.
Name, NRC No, class, school, township, date of birth, father's name, address must be expressed on the back of the painting, with three 1.5" x 2"-size photos attached. For students, the endorsement of the
school head is needed.
For the sculpture competition, the height of the entry must not be over 36" and its circumference not longer than 24". At the foot of the sculpture, name, NRC No, date of birth, father's name, address must be shown, with three 1.5" x 2"-size photos attached and send the entry right to Tatmadaw Convention Centre, U Wisaya Road, between 1 and 3 March 2003.
All the entries, painting or sculpture, must reflect the twelve objectives of the State, the objectives of 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day and the twelve fine traditions of the Tatmadaw.
Entries of both professional levels should be sent to Secretary, Myanmar Traditional Artists and Artisans Asiayon (Central), Pabedan Township, Yangon, not later than 1 March 2003 or to Secretary, Subcommittee for the Holding of Painting and Sculpture Competition and Exhibition, U Wisaya Road, Tatmadaw Convention Centre, Yangon, between 1 and 3 March 2003.
Entries of students all over Myanmar should be sent to Development Division, Education Planning and Training Department, Natmauk Street, Bahan Township, Yangon, not later than 15th February 2003.
Apart from the entries for both competitions, other paintings and sculptures may be sent to be displayed at the exhibition to be opened in honour of the 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day. Those paintings and sculptures must also featured the twelve objectives of the State, the objectives of 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day and the twelve fine traditions of the Tatmadaw and should be sent directly to Tatmadaw Convention Centre, U Wisaya
Road, between 1 and 5 March 2003.
Military and marching song competitions to commemorate 58th Anniversary
Armed Forces Day to be held
Yangon, 12 Sept - As a gesture of hailing the 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day, which falls on 27 March 2003, the subcommittee for holding of the military and marching song competition of the work committee for the organizing of poem and arts competition led by Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt (Htila Sitthu) as chairman announced that military and marching song competitions for the armed forces day will be held.
There will be only one category, professional level, for the military marching song competition, while the military song competition is grouped into two categories, level 1 and level 2.
First, second and third prizes as well as consolation prizes will be awarded.
Rules of the competitions are as follows:
In military marching song competition, any one will be allowed to take part in it as the professional level. In military song competition, there will be two levels level 1 and level 2. For the military marching song competition, songs must be composed and based on the twelve objectives of the State, the objectives of the 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day and the twelve fine traditions of the Tatmadaw. Composers and vocalists are not permitted to compete in level 2 of the military song competition nor those who stood first, second or third in level 2 of last year's military song competition. They are to enter to level 1. Only a song is allowed for individuals or groups. Entry songs must be in accord with military song composing techniques. Military song must be in Myanmar melody and mode as well as in own tune.
The time of the song must be from 4 to 6 minutes. There will be a preliminary contest for entry songs with strong vocals and suitable music. Only a song must be recorded on and entry cassette or a reel. A suitable title may be given. Words of the entry song with its ten typed copies and an origin of its music notes must be attached to the cassette or reel. The brief autobiography of the entrant and the singer together with three passport size colour photos must be sent.
Those tentatively selected will be informed.
The tentatively selected songs must be re-recorded and are to compete for final. Entry songs should be sent to U Ko Ko Htwe, Secretary, Subcommittee for the Holding of Military and Marching Song Competitions, Myanma Radio and Television, Pyay
Road, Yangon, not later than 31 December 2002.
( 7 ) Pyapon District USDA holds
billboard erecting ceremony
Yangon, 12 Sept - The Pyapon District Union Solidarity and Development Association held a ceremony to put up a billboard to hail the Annual General Meeting 2002 of the Union Solidarity and Development Association at the office of the association in Pyapon
yesterday. Ma Ei Ei Htet of Bogalay No 1 BEHS, four distinctions winner in 2002 matriculation exam, formally unveiled the billboard.
International Trade Course concludes
Yangon, 12 Sept - The conclusion of the International Trade Course Programme 3 conducted by the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry took place at the UMFCCI Training Centre at No 84/86 on Bo Sun Pat Street, Pabedan
Township, this morning. Then, a trainee spoke words of thanks and the ceremony came to a close.
"Knowledge Bank" paper reading session to be held
Yangon, 12 Sept - The "Knowledge Bank" paper reading sessions, organized by the Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association, will be held. The paper reading session for the month of September will be held at the hall of MWJA on Merchant Street here at noon on 15 September.
U Aung Than Tun (Monywa), winner of national literary award, will present the paper on
"Myanmar Culture, Social Life and Thoughts highlighted by the Myanmar Code of
Laws" and Maung Khin Min (Danubyu), winner of national literary award, on
"Myanmar Writing for Everyday Use". Members of MWJA and those interested may attend the session.
Artistes who participated in Performing Arts Competitions
fund-raising stageshow honoured
Yangon, 12 Sept - A ceremony to honour Myanmar Music Asiayone member artistes who participated in the stageshow for fund raising for the tenth Myanmar Traditional Cultural Performing Arts Competitions was held at the Million Coins Cafe in Bogyoke Park on Natmauk Road this morning.
First, Chairman of the Fund Raising and Prize Presenting Subcommittee Joint-Secretary of Yangon City Development Committee U Kyi Win spoke words of thanks to the artistes.
Then, Commander of Yangon Station Commandant of the Defence Services Records Office Brig-Gen Myo Myint and Secretary of the Leading Committee for Organizing the competitions Commander of No 3 Military Region Col Yan Naing Oo presented gifts to the artistes.
Afterwards, Chairman of Myanmar Music Asiayone Accordion Ohn Kyaw also presented gifts and spoke words of thanks to the artistes.
( 8
) Timber smugglers exposed
Yangon,12 Sept - The government has been making systematic efforts to conserve the forest resources and taking legal actions against timber smugglers.
A combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit, Myanmar Police Force and Village Peace and Development Council and staff of the Forest Department, acting on information that the timber in the forest reserves in Mingin, Mawlaik, Homalin and Tamu Townships, Sagaing Division, would be smuggled out, combed areas near Mittadaw Village in Mingin Township; Mawbu, Tatkon and Kintat Villages in Mawlaik Township; Gazat, Hsingoung, Kywenone and Moekong Villages and Namtyin Creek in Kalewa Township; Tilaung, Laungmin, Khataungpwint, Nampan-gamya and Wekanet Creeks and Yanlinfai Village in Tamu Township on 22 and 23 July, 2002 and seized 56.2948 tons of teak, 30.5414 tons of Pyingado and other woods 103.792 tons totalling 190.6282 tons, and 29 old saw pits.
A team comprising members of the local intelligence unit and staff of the Forest Department searched the motor boats for smuggled timber in Myittayar Creek near Watkalot Village in Ngapudaw Township in Ayeyawady Division on 22 July and seized 12.44 tons of timber and arrested five owners of them aboard Aungmyoset motor boat and 3.25 tons of timber and its owner aboard Chantha motor boat.
A similar team, acting on information that teak would be smuggled out of the country by waterway along Moele Creek in Momauk Township, Kachin State, combed the area and seized 22.476 tons of ownerless, sawn teak hidden in the weeds in Moele Creek and Namtngaw Lake.
Action is being taken against the timber smugglers, and arrangements have been made to expose the owners of the seized timber.
( 9
Drug traffickers sentenced
Yangon, 12 Sept - A combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit and Yangon Special Anti-drug Squad, acting on information, searched Ko Myo (a) Myint Thein Oo at Sawbwagyigon in Insein Township on 17 February and seized 45 grams of heroin.
Action was taken against Ko Myo (a) Myint Thein Oo, 36, son of U Thaung Chit of Yaykyaw Village, Thawuthti Village-tract, Lewe Township, under Section 15/19 (A) of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by the Insein police station.
Yangon North District Court sentenced him to 18 years' imprisonment under Section 19 (A) on 5 July.
Similarly, a combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit and Myitkyina Special Anti-drug Squad, acting on a tip-off, searched a passenger vehicle with number plates Hsa/1835 en route from Sadon Village to Waingmaw at Washaung check-point and seized 114.31 grams of raw opium from Boon Yein on 13 April this year.
Action was taken against Boon Yein, 30, son of U Yein Boon of Ywama Ward, Wuyan Village, Waingmaw Township, under Section 15/19 (A) of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by the Waingmaw police station.
Myitkyina District Court handed down on him four years' imprisonment under Section 15 and 11
years' imprisonment under Section 19 (A) to serve separately on 11 July.
Heroin and raw opium seized
Yangon, 12 Sept - A combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit and Kale Special Anti-drug Squad, acting on information, searched a passenger vehicle with number plates 9Ka/5228 at the 8th-mile check-point in Kale Township on 23 July.
The authorities seized a total of five packages of heroin weighing 81.65 grams from Gua Htan Khu Mar and Lar Dan Hsan Nga.
Action is being taken against Gua Htan Khu Mar, 19, son of U Lary Zan Pa of Region 3 of Latpanchaung Village, Kale Township, Lar Dan Hsan Nga, 22, son of U Lar Hsaung Mar of Region 2 of Latpanchaung Village and their accomplice Lar Hsaung Mar, 44, son of U Phya Khu Mar, under Section 15/19(A)/21 of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by the Kale police station.
Similarly, a combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit and Kengtung Special Anti-drug Squad, acting on a tip-off, searched a passenger van with number plates Pa/7379 at Yepu Check-point in Mongzin Village-tract, Kengtung Township, on 6 August and seized two packages of raw opium weighing 3.2 kilos inside the handbag of Daw Nan Non.
Action is being taken against Daw Nan Non, 43, daughter of U Sai Ywet of Region 3 in Naungkhaik Ward, Kengtung, under Section 15/19(A)/20(A) of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by the Kengtung police station.