1 ) Secretary-1 inspects agriculture and regional development in Sagaing, Mandalay Divisions
Yangon, 11 Sept
- Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt
and party, western bank of Mu River at Magyizauk village, Ayadaw Township, at 3.30 pm.
The Secretary-1 and party were welcomed there by personnel of departments and enterprises of the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, local authorities, township level departmental officials, members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association and local people.
At the worksite, Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation U Ohn Myint and Director-General of Water Resources Utilization Department U Win Shwe reported to the Secretary-1 on Ayadaw river water pumping project, which has the capicity to irrigate 78,000 acres of crops. The project covers the Thaungkya project to pump water from Mu River to irrigate 18,000 acres of crops through YeU canal and Kindat canals in Ayadaw Township, the Magyizauk river water pumping project which can irrigate 20,000 acres of farmlands, Hsintale river water pumping project which can irrigate 40,000 acres of farmlands in Ayadaw and Myinmu townships and the main projected crops to be cultivated on completion of the projects.
Then, Managing Director U Yan Naing of Myanma Electric Power Enterprise reported on power supply for Ayadaw river water pumping project. Sagaing Division Manager of Myanma Agriculture Service U Thin Aung also reported on the species of crops to be mainly cultivated by local farmers in Ayadaw Township.
Next, the Secretary-1 gave instructions on Ayadaw river water pumping project to be undertaken phase by phase for supplying water to the farmlands, efforts to be made for turning Sagaing Division into the rice bowl of upper Myanmar, extending agricultural exports items and the plan to be coordinated for extended cultivation of industrial crops and edible oil crops.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 met with Township and Ward Peace and Development Councils members, departmental personnel and local people.
First, Chairman of Township Peace and Development Council U Myint Kyi and departmental officials reported on tasks being carried out for Ayadaw to have the characteristics of a modern town, health and education affairs, road construction, power supply and township development undertakings.
The Secretary-1 fulfilled the education and health requirements of the township and delivered an address. He said that the Government is implementing irrigation projects including Thaphan-seik Dam project to build clusters of dams, embankments, artesian wells and river water pumping stations to make Sagaing Division, with vast areas of land for cultivation, but has less rain, the rice bowl of upper Myanmar.
It is required that Sagaing Division should strive not only for ensuring local rice sufficiency, but also for fulfilling the food needs of other regions in upper Myanmar.
On completion of the river water pumping projects in Ayadaw and its surrounding areas, over 78,000 acres of farmlands will emerge in there.
As such, it is necessary to cultivate the planned crops cotton, sesamum and pulses & beans including paddy in the new reclaimed farmlands with the use of the full water supply.
As Ayadaw Township has received the health medal awarded by the World Health Organization in 1987, health care services are to be carried out in the township and to be undertaken to achieve more progresses.
The Secretary-1 urged officials at different levels to make concerted efforts for improvement of not only the five rural development tasks such as rural area education, health, transportation, water supply and economic development but also the township development tasks and tasks to be undertaken in accord with town characters.
Only when officials harmoniously implement development tasks, will the country achieve more progress.
The Secretary-1 added that the Government will provide assistance to all the regions for their equal development. And authorities at different levels should participate in their regional development harmoniously.
Then, the Secretary-1 presented medicines for Magyizauk Rural Medical Unit to officials.
Next, the Secretary-1 and party proceeded to Affiliated Basic Education High School in Magyizauk Village where they were welcomed by members of the School Board of Trustees, Headmaster
U Nyunt Wai and teachers, students and local people.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 and party inspected construction of the two-storey school building donated
by footwear entrepreneur
U Shan of Mandalay.
The Secretary-1 gave instructions to officials on teaching aids assistance to be provided for Magyizauk
Affiliated BEHS.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party proceeded to Mandalay where they were welcomed by Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace
and Development Council Commander Brig-Gen Ye Myint and officials. They spent the night at the guest house in Nanmyo.
This morning, the Secretary-1 and party, accompanied by Commander Brig-Gen Ye Myint, inspected Thiri Mandalar Market and Yadanabon Market of Mandalay City Development Committee.
Next, they arrived at the construction site of the Convocation Hall of Mandalay University where they were welcomed by Director-General Dr Thein Myint of Higher Education Department (Upper Myanmar), Rector of Mandalay University Dr Nyunt Lwin and officials. Next, the Secretary-1 inspected progress of construction tasks. Superintending Engineer U Sai Thein Maung of the Public Works and officials conducted the Secretary-1 round the site.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 and party went to Mandalay International Airport and
arrived back here in the
Harmonious development of State, cooperative and private sectors required for systematic growth of nation's industries
Myanma Industrial Development Committee Meeting 4/2002 held
Yangon, 11 Sept
- The meeting 4/2002 of Myanma Industrial Development Committee was held at the hall of the Ministry of Industry-1 on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road here this evening, attended by Vice-Chairman of Industrial Development Central Committee Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt.
Vice Chairman of MIDCC Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt delivered a speech.
Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt said in its efforts to develop and modernize the nation, the government is striving to strengthen the national economy, develop the industrial-based economy to gradually develop the economy to become one that is based on technologies which meet the international level.
As Myanmar is an agro-based nation, the government is giving priority to developing the industries while striving to establish the economy, with agriculture as the based.
Concerning the task to develop the industrial sector based on agriculture, Head of State Senior General Than Shwe has given guidance on the five objectives to develop industries based on farming, to increase the quantity and improve the quality of the industrial goods, to produce new generation machines, to manufacture industry-used machinery, and to create good opportunities with the said four tasks as the foundation.
In accord with the guidance, the government has been giving special attention to the advancement of the industrial sector. In so doing, it is striving for rapid development of industries supporting the farming business which are based on agriculture.
At the same time, it is laying the foundation to bring harmonious progress to other industries and
striver for emergence of industries and economic enterprises based on technology.
In order to realize the objectives, the government has laid down the aims to extend agro-based industries and produce adequate amount of farm machinery; to continue to strive for manufacturing quality consumer goods; to give priority to economically viable import-substitute factories and export industries; to establish farm machinery industries on a wider scale; to provide effective assistance for development of the private industrial sector; to make arrangements for mutual progress of the State-owned industries and private industries; to strive with the aim of increasing the cooperative sector's participation in the industrial sector; to firmly establish regional industrial zones for progress of the regions and private industries.
Harmonious development of the State sector, the cooperative sector and the private sector is required for systematic advancement of the nation's industrial sector.
The State will have to render assistance for the progress of the cooperative and the private sectors. It will have to pay attention to operating the heavy industries, which are beyond the capacity of the private sector and to giving encouragement to promote the medium and small industries of the cooperative and the private sectors. The State will also have to lay foundation for progress of the heavy industries of the cooperative and the private sectors. It has established industrial zones in the whole nation for development of the private industries, forming clusters of industries of the same category or supporting each other and providing assistance to them.
Ministers and deputy ministers were assigned duties as the heads of the bodies to render necessary assistance to the zones.
In accord with the guidance of Head of State Senior General Than Shwe, the 30-year long-term industrial development plan (2001-2002 to 2030-2031) and the zone-wise five-year projects 2001-2002 to 2005-2006, covered by the plan have already been laid down.
For progress of all the industrial zones in accord with the aims of the plan, members of the State Peace and Development Council and ministers and deputy ministers are making field tours.
Thus, it is required for the leading responsible persons of the zones, local authorities and industrialists to constantly make cooperative efforts. The government bodies which have the duty to render assistance to the zones should discharge their duties as a national task.
The industrialists will also have to strive for progress of the industries through innovative means, perseverance and goodwill.
The industrialists should make collective efforts and attend to each other's needs. The leadership, encouragement and assistance of the State and the harmonious participation of the industrialists will lead to rapid progress of the private sector.
The industrial objectives can be realized only with the collective efforts of the State, the cooperatives and the entrepreneurs, resulting in harmonious development of the large, medium and small industries.
Arrangements are under way to hold a seminar on industrial development and an industrial exhibition soon. At the seminar, scholars and entrepreneurs will read papers on 18 different fields. The exhibition will include 15 sectors. The seminar and the exhibition will help enable all to correctly assess the industrial sector's development, thus, paving the way for departments, cooperatives and the industrialists to exchange and share knowledge. Other result is the establishment of relations between the production and market.
Moreover, all will have to render assistance to attend to the basic needs of the national industrial development
' to further improve the quality of farm and industrial machinery and parts and consumer goods; to enable the existing factories to run at full capacity; to promote import-substitute industries; to use modern machinery and methods; and to promote production technology and know-how.
In conclusion, the Secretary-1 stressed the need to strive for development and flourishing of the national industries, paving the way for emergence of an industrial nation which can stand shoulder to shoulder with world nations; and the industrialists in particular to stand firmly as a united industrial force of the nation, collectively striving for development of small, medium and heavy industries, and for emergence of world- class industries and industrial cartels in the future.
Chairman of MIDC Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung said industrial exhibitions were held once in Mandalay and Bago and twice in Yangon from 1996 to 2002 under the leadership of the MIDC. The MIDC is making arrangements to hold an industrial exhibition in Mandalay in early 2003. Before the exhibition, a seminar on industrial development will be held. A Leading Committee, Work Committee and 13 Sub-committees were formed for successful holding of the exhibition and the seminar.
The exhibition and the seminar will be held with the six objectives participation of the industrial development in the four economic objectives as a main driving power, promotion of all sectors for Myanma industrial development based on market-oriented economic system, development of industrial products and boosting production of new items, uplift of quality of industrial products and promotion of export market, providing assistance to Myanma industrial development exchanging better technical know-how and technology from home and abroad and building a modern developed nation with the establishment of an industrialized country. Arrangements are to be made for holding of the exhibition on a large scale, he said.
Next, Chairman of Myanma Industrial Development Work Committee Minister for industry-2 Maj-Gen Saw Lwin reported on formation of Work Committee for holding of the exhibition and seminar and 13 Sub-committees.
Next, Secretary of MIDC Deputy Minister for Industry-1 Brig-Gen Kyaw Win reported on formation of the leading committee, the work committee, the sub-committees, formation of work groups for discussions on related fields, duties and responsibilities of the leading committee, the work committee, the sub-committees, agenda for the seminar and paper-reading session and holding of the seminar and paper-reading session two weeks before the exhibition.
Chairman of the Sub-committee for holding of industrial development seminar Deputy Minister for Science and Technology Dr Chan Nyein, Chairman of the Sub-committee for holding the exhibition Deputy Minister for Industry-2 Brig-Gen Aung Thein Lin, Chairman of Orgnizing and Information Sub-Committee Deputy Minister for Information Brig-Gen Aung Thein, Chairman of Invitation and Reception Sub-committee Deputy Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan and Chairman of International Relations and Coordination Sub-committee Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Khin Maung Win reported on work to be done.
Managing Director of Public Works U Nay Soe Naing reported on work to be undertaken for preparation of the ceremony of the Sub-committee.
Next, Chairman of Transport Sub-committee Deputy Minister for Transport Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint and Chairman of Legal Affairs and Procedures Sub-committee Director-General of Attorney-General's Office Dr Tun Shin reported on work to be done.
Next, Minister for Finance and Revenue U Khin Maung Thein reported on financial matters.
Chairman of Health Sub-committee Deputy Minister for Health Professor Dr Mya Oo, Chairman of Entertainment Sub-Committee Deputy Minister for Education Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung and Chairman of Prize Presentation Sub-Committee Deputy Minister for Science and Technology U Nyi Hla Nge reported on work to be done.
Delegates of industrial zones and those present reported on requirements.
The Secretary-1 then took part in the discussions.
He said arrangements are to be made for systematic holding and realization of the objectives based on reports and experiences of the previous exhibitions. In accord with the guidance of the Head of State, duties were assigned to the ministers and the deputy ministers as zones in-charge and therefore progress has been made in industries.
Myanmar industrial sector has developed due to the assistance of the government and efforts of the industrialists for promotion of quality of the products.
Especially, the quality of farm equipment and motor vehicles significantly improved and the people came to use the vehicles with delight.
In conclusion, the Secretary-1 urged the industrialists and departmental officials to make concerted efforts in harmony to realize the objectives of the industrial exhibition.
( 2 )
Minister for Mines inspects production at factories

Yangon, 11 Sept - Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint, together with officials, arrived at No 1 Mining Enterprise in Namtu on 7 September. At the briefing hall, the general manager reported to the minister on production, future plans, staff welfare and agriculture and livestock breeding tasks. The minister gave instructions on meeting the production target and carrying out the agriculture and livestock breeding tasks successfully.
Next, the minister inspected the metal smelting plant of the enterprise and completion of zinc oxide production factory constructed by Ahtut Ahteik Co and gave necessary instructions.
The minister inspected the training school and vegetable patches of the factory on 8 September. Then, the minister cordially met with staff families at the hall and attended to their requirements. The minister also explained about Our Three Main National Causes, Economic Objectives and Social Objectives and gave instructions. The minister then inspected the
workers' hospital and attended to the needs.
In the afternoon, the minister inspected Kon-nyaung hydro electric power plant, Manhsan Yekya hydro electric power plant, vegetable patches, the orange farm and fish breeding ponds and gave instructions on generating power production of full capacity and maintenance of the plant.
Next, the minister inspected the gypsum production camp and salt production. The managing director of the Myanma Salt and Marine Chemicals Enterprise reported on production of salt. The minister gave instructions on production of quality salt and dissemination of salt production methods to the local salt producers.
In the evening, the minister arrived at the PyinOoLwin steel factory
of No 3 Mining Enterprise and provided stipends and presented gifts to the outstanding students.
On September 9 morning, the minister inspected the steel factory, vegetable plantations and gave necessary instructions. Then, the minister proceeded to the salt mill in Sagaing and inspected the mill.
In the afternoon, the minister inspected the salt production in Hsataung Village. The minister also cordially met with the local salt producers and gave necessary instructions.
Yesterday morning, the minister heard reports on production of cathode copper presented by the in-charge of Myanmar-Ivanhoe Copper Co Ltd at the Kyesabei briefing hall of No 1 Copper Mine. The minister gave instructions.
The minister then inspected the work sites of copper ore mine, the workers' hospital, the basic education high school, plantations of thitseint (Belleric myrobalan)
and vegetables and the pre-primary school and left necessary
Minister inspects railway station, railroad

Yangon, 11 Sept - Minister for Rail Transportation U Pan Aung accompanied by officials inspected storage of construction materials for Saikkhaung-Namhsan rail- road construction project and rail transportation tasks and gave instruction on minimizing loss and wastage yersterday. Next, the minister inspected railroads and bridges along Shwenyaung-Kalaw railroad and gave instructions to the officials and engineers on safety measures to be taken for uphill and downhill roads and bridges.
( 3
) Myanmar delegation arrives
Yangon, 11 Sept
- A Myanmar delegation led by Chairman of Civil Service Selection and Training Board Dr Than Nyun, which paid a goodwill visit to the People's Republic of China, arrived back here by air this afternoon.
Also back together with the chairman of CSSTB were Member of CSSTB U Hla Myint Oo, Director-General of the Service Personnel Affairs Department U Khin Maung Myint, Rector of Central Institute of Civil Service (Phaunggyi) Col Win Maung, Rector of CICS (Upper Myanmar) Col Aung San Win and Rector of University for Development of National Races Col Zaw Min Thein.
Minister attends prize-presentation ceremony
Yangon, 11 Sept
- Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt attended a ceremony to present prizes to outstanding students of 2001-2002 academic year and outstanding trainee employees at the hall of the Development Affairs Department in Botahtaung Township this afternoon.
The master of ceremonies then read out the name lists of outstanding students who passed the 2001-2002 matriculation exam with flying colours and employees who won outstanding awards in respective courses conducted by Central Institute of Civil Service and ministries.
Next, the minister, the deputy ministers, directors-general and managing directors presented awards to outstanding students and employees.
Afterwards, a student on behalf of prize-recipient students and an employee on behalf of prize-recipient employees, spoke words of thanks respectively.
Ovaltine Cup football tournament commences

Yangon, 11 Sept - Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint attended the opening ceremony of Inter-State and Division the seventh under-17 Ovaltine Cup soccer tournament (2002) at the youth training centre (Thuwunna) this afternoon.

Last year's champion Yangon Division presented the championship shield to the minister. Then the minister made an opening speech and formally opened the tournament.
As the first match of the tournament, Mandalay Division Team met Mon State Team and the former beat the latter 5-4.
( 4
) Commander inspects development tasks in Seikkyi-Khanaungto
Yangon, 11 Sept
- Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Myint Swe inspected regional development tasks in Seikkyi-Khanaungto
Township, Yangon South District, this afternoon. Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe arrived at Seikkyi-Khanaungto
jetty at 3.30 pm.
At the office of Township Peace and Development Council, the township chairman reported on arrival of vessels at the jetty, condition of the circular road, and availability of clean water. Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe gave necessary instructions and attended to the needs.
Then, Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe and party met with township level departmental officials, members of the USDA, Red Cross Society, Auxiliary Fire Brigade and Maternal and Child Welfare Association at the office of Township Peace and Development Council.
At the meeting, Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe dealt with arrangements to be made for upgrading the circular road, and tasks to be carried out to strengthen the local, economy, smooth transport and clean water supply.
The township chairman reported on work being done for regional development, future tasks, and agriculture and livestock breeding projects. Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe called on officials from departments and NGOs to upgrade the circular road into a 12-foot-wide laterite one in the open season and to make collective efforts for regional development.
After that, Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe and party went to Township Basic Education High School and inspected the multi-media teaching centre, and progress in construction of the new school building. Township Education Officer U Than Hlaing conducted the commander and party round the construction site. The commander left necessary instructions and attended to the requirements.
Next, Yangon Division USDA Patron Maj-Gen Myint Swe proceeded to the office of the Township USDA and met with Secretary of Township USDA U Yin Htwe and executives. Then, the patron gave instructions on tasks to be carried out in accord with the rules and regulations of the USDA, and collective implementation of the five rural development tasks.
( 5 ) Cash donated to hail USDA Annual General Meeting

Yangon, 11 Sept - As a gesture of hailing the Annual General Meeting 2002 of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, Myanmar National Committee for Women's Affairs, Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association, Myanmar Women's Sports Federation and Myanmar Women Entrepreneurs Association donated cash to the USDA (Headquarters) at a ceremony held at the headquarters on New University Avenue in Bahan Township this morning.
Dr Daw Khin Win Shwe presented K 100,000 donated by MNCWA; Professor Daw Kyu Kyu Swe, K 100,000 donated by MMCWA (Central); Professor Daw May May Yee, K 100,000 donated by MWSF; and Daw Sein Sein, K 100,000 donated by MWEA to Secretary-General U Than Aung, who then presented certificates of honour to them and spoke words of thanks.
( 6 )
UN Poster Exhibition Working Committee meets
Yangon, 11 Sept - The working committee for Organizing the UN Poster Exhibition held its first work coordination meeting at the meeting hall of the Ministry of Culture at No 131 on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road here this morning.
Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt delivered an address on the occasion.
Then, Secretary of the working committee Director-General of the Department of Cultural Institute U Myint Thein Swe reported on the plan of the working committee and members of various subcommittees on matters related to respective sectors, followed by a general round of discussions.
The meeting came to an end with concluding remarks by the deputy minister.
USDA Secretary-General receives Japanese youth delegation
Yangon, 11 Sept - Under the exchange programme of international youth development, the 12-member Japanese youth delegation currently here at the invitation of the Union Solidarity and Development Association called on USDA Secretary-General U Than Aung at the USDA headquarters on New University Avenue Street in Bahan Township at 6 pm today.
Also present at the call were USDA Central Executive Committee members U Than Shwe and Col Tin Hlaing, officials of the USDA and Mr Masato Yachi of Japanese Embassy.
The delegation arrived here by air yesterday evening and was welcomed at Yangon International Airport by officials of the USDA headquarters.
( 7 ) 55th Tipitakadhara Tipitaka Kovida
Selection Examination to be held
Yangon, 11 Sept - The Religious Affairs Department announced that oral and written examination of Tipitakadhara Tipitaka Kovida Selection Examination annually will be held at Maha Pasana Cave on Kaba Aye Hill from 10th Waning of Nadaw (Sunday) to 13th Waning of Pyatho (Thursday), 1364 Myanmar Era, from 29 December 2002 to 30 January 2003.
Those members of the Sangha wishing to sit the examination may send their applications to the examination division of the Religious Affairs Department on Kaba Aye Hill, not later than 9 Waxing of Tazaungmon, 1364 ME, 13 November 2002. Those who fail to take the examination may contact the examination division, not later than 1st Waxing of Nadaw, 1364 ME, 5 December 2002. The syllabus for the examination is the same as the previous year.
"Knowledge Bank" paper reading session to be held
Yangon, 11 Sept - "Knowledge Bank" paper reading sessions, organized by the Myanmar Writers and Journalists Association, will be held. The paper reading session for the month of September will be held at the hall of MWJA on Merchant Street here at noon on 15 September 2002.
U Aung Than Tun (Monywa), winner of national literary award, will read out the paper on ÒMyanma Culture, Social Life and Thoughts Highlighted by Myanmar Code of
Laws", and Maung Khin Min (Danubyu) on ÒMyanmar Writing for Everyday
Use". Members of MWJA and interested persons may attend the occasion.
( 8
) TV play to be broadcast
Yangon, 11 Sept - As a gesture of hailing the Annual General Meeting 2002 of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, the TV play titled
"A-pyone-myet-hna-mya" (Smiling countenances) will be broadcast on Myanma Television and Myawady Television on 15 and 16 September after the evening news.
The play is written by Nay Soe Oo and directed by Maung Hnin Moe and the screenplay is written by Soe Hein (Man Tekkatho). Academy Nay Aung, Lu Min, Min Hein, Byaik, Moe Di, Hein Min, Saw Naing (Shan State), Htoo Tha, Nyi Gyaw, U Zaw Hmaing, Academy Pan Phyu, May Thinza Oo, Khaing Hnin Wai, Tin Tin Hla, Khin Than Nwe and Gwun Bon Gyi and others starred the play.
( 9
) Drug dealers get sentenced
Yangon, 11 Sept - A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Mandalay Special Anti-drug Squad, acting on information, stopped and searched cyclist Jambon (a) Hnin Nwe Oo cyclist on Khwa Nyo Street, Ward-1, PyinOoLwin, on 31 January and seized 10 stimulant tablets along with her. PyinOoLwin Police Station opened the case against Jambon (a) Hnin Nwe Oo, 28, daughter of U Tin Oo of Ward-2, PyinOoLwin, under Section 15/16 (C) of the
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law.
PyinOoLwin Township Court sentenced her to six
years' imprisonment under Section 16 (C) on 10 July 2002.
Similarly, a combined team made up of members of local intelligence unit and Lashio Anti-drug Squad, acting on a tip-off, on 29 April 2002 busted the house of Ma Lwan Nyee of Region-6, Ward-7, Lashio, and seized 240 grams of heroin put in 20 soap cases.
Lashio Police Station No 1 opened the case against Ma Lwan Nyee, 24, daughter of U Zay Lwan and her accomplices Ma Kaing Htan, 27, daughter of U La Mon of Banmon village, Mongyaw Village-tract, Lashio Township, Ma Ban Mon, 22, daughter of U Gyaw Gan, under Section 15/19 (A)/21 of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law. On 30 July 2002 Lashio District Court sent the three culprits to prison for 18 years under Section 19 (A).
Phensedyl and heroin seized
Yangon, 11 Sept - A combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit and Kale Special Anti-drug Squad, acting on information, searched the house of Daw Nyaung Khan Dain of Monlai Village, Kale Township, and seized a total of 360 bottles with 36 litres of Phensedyl hidden in a barn next to the house on 2 August.
The authorities also arrested owner of the Phensedyl Pao Lyan Htan residing at the same village.
Action is being taken against Daw Nyaung Khan Dain, 39, daughter of U Htaung Za Kyin, and Pao Lyan Thang, 40, son of U Htan Za Lan, under Section 15/19 (A)/21 of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by the Kale police station.
Similarly, acting on a tip-off, a combined team consisting of members of
local intelligence unit and Bhamo Special Anti-drug Squad searched pedestrian Daw Suan Lut Htu on the township administration office street in Lweje on 10 August and seized 218.02 grams of heroin kept in the 10 soap containers.
In connection with the case, action is being taken against Daw Suan Lut Htu, 42, daughter of U Suan Lut Naw of Ward 4, Lweje, under Section 15/19 (A) of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by the Lweje police station.