1 ) Secretary-1 inspects regional development projects in Sagaing Division

Yangon, 10 Sept - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, left here by air and arrived at Mandalay International Airport in TadaU yesterday morning.
They were welcomed there by Chairman of Mandalay Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Ye Myint and officials.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party proceeded to Monywa in Sagaing Division, where they were welcomed by Deputy Commander of North-West Command Brig-Gen Soe Myint and officials.
The Secretary-1 inspected development projects in Monywa.
The Secretary-1 and party went to Monywa Airfield Runway Construction Project site.
At the briefing hall, Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe and officials reported on salient points about the project, plans for extension of the runway up to 8,500 feet in length and 200 feet in width and arrangements to be made for construction of an apron. The Secretary-1 gave necessary instructions.
Afterwards, the Secretary-1 inspected land preparations and gave instructions to the officials.
The Secretary-1 and party then went to Chindwin River Bridge (Monywa) Construction Project site on Monywa side in Mindaung Village.
At the briefing hall, Superintending Engineer of Public Works U San Nyein reported on salient points of the project, progress of work in erecting piers, installation of steel frames to the main bridge and construction of approach bridges on Monywa side and on Letkhokpin side in Salingyi Township. Deputy Minister for Construction U Tint Swe gave a supplementary report.
Then, Col Soe Thein, in-charge of Monywa-Kalaywa Road Construction Project, reported on progress in construction of the 30-foot-wide and 120-mile-long earth road section and 40-mile-long tarred road section of the 120-mile Monywa-Ahlon-Yagyi-Myoma-Kalaywa road section, and tasks being carried out for gravelling of the remaining part.
The Secretary-1 left necessary instructions.
After that, the Secretary-1 and party looked into construction of Chindwin River Bridge (Monywa).
The lower structure of the bridge is of reinforced concrete and the upper structure, of steel frames. It is 4,730 feet long with a 28-foot motorway and two six-foot pedestrian lanes. It can withstand 60-ton
Later, the Secretary-1 and party headed for electronic library of the New Century Resource Centre in Monywa, where they were welcomed by the librarian and officials. At the hall of the library, Rector of Monywa University Dr Maung Htoo reported on the goal of the New Century Resource Centre, departments, courses being conducted, number of trainees who completed the respective courses, and future plans. The Secretary-1 gave necessary instructions.

The Secretary-1 and party inspected computer aided language labs of the library. The e-li brary which has over 2,000 CDs on 11 subjects, is opened to all.
Then, the Secretary-1 and party went to Monywa Industrial Zone and met members of the Industrial Zone Supervisory Committee and industrialists at the hall of the industrial zone.
Minister Maj-Gen Hla Myint Swe, in-charge of Monywa Industrial Zone, reported on location and area of the zone, land reclamation, allotment of plots to the industrialists, the number of factories and mills, manufacturing of goods including farm equipment, production of jeeps, raw materials
used in the industries, construction of roads and bridges, supply of electricity,
installation of auto telephone lines, undertakings being carried out for ensuring worksite safety and work proficiency and technical development.

Then, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Soe Myint reported on efforts being made to supply more electricity and drinking water to the industrial zone and health, education matters, occupational safety, fire prevention and social education and proficiency courses with the help of government technological college and assistance being rendered to manufacture a greater number of power-tillers, farm machinery and pumps, sharing of the tasks to manufacture engines for car assembly in the industrial zone, advertisement programmes and opening of sales centres.
Chairman of Industrial Management committee U Aung Khin explained the task and requirements.

The Secretary-1 said he and the ministers, the deputy ministers and officials came to the region to provide assistance to the development of Monywa Industrial Zone.
Head of State Senior General Than Shwe gave guidance that the government is to provide assistance to the development of industrial zones. In accord with the guidance Myanma Industrial Development Committee and Work Committee were formed.
Moreover, duties were assigned to the ministers and the deputy ministers as zone in-charges in order to provide close supervision for the development of the zone. Authorities concerned are also providing facilities, he said.
Development of industrial sector plays an important role in building a modern developed nation. The government is making efforts for development of agriculture as the base and all-round development of other sectors of the economy as well. Industrial zones are manufacturing farm implements, import-substitute farm machinery and personal goods and foodstuff on manageable scale. He spoke of the need for the industrialists to produce the products of high quality. The government has been providing necessary assistance to the development of the zone and carrying out appropriate measures for the interest of the industrialists. Taunggyi, Mandalay and Meiktila industrial zones including Monywa industrial zone assemble motor vehicles.
The vehicles are marketable. The industrialists should not be contented with the present progress achieved The Secretary-1 spoke of the need for the industrialists to try to sell more vehicles of high quality and to innovate parts of the vehicles and to assemble them to be modern and beautiful vehicles.
In accord with the guidance of Senior General Than Shwe, 18 industrial zones have been established in the respective regions and other sub-industrial zones have emerged. Encouragement is to be given to the development of such zones.
The Secretary-1 said efforts are to be made for development of the zones by sending trainees to other industrial zones and state-owned factories and conducting courses for promotion of technology.
Arrangements are under way to hold industrial exhibitions soon. He called for the industrialists to participate in the exhibitions that bring about new ideas and outlooks and technology.
The Secretary-1 called for regional authorities and officials of the zone to undertake the tasks for development of industrial zones in unison.
Next, the Secretary-1 and party inspected farm equipment and machinery, various machines, sample of Chindwin Star Jeep, Trailer-Jeep, generators, water pumps and four-wheel tractor of Theingi San Industries in the compound of the hall.
The Secretary-1 and party finished wood products, batteries and plates, suction machine, operation beds, foodstuff and personal goods and traditional medicines.
The Secretary-1 and party spent the night at Myawady Yeiktha of North West Command in Monywa.
( 2 )
Maj-Gen Aung Htwe visits Shweli Granite
Slab Factory
Yangon, 10 Sept - State Peace and Development Council member Maj-Gen Aung Htwe of the Ministry of Defence attended the ceremony to present prizes to winners of North-East Command
Commander's Trophy Boxing Contest held in conjunction with the ceremony to honour the North-East Command Sepak Takraw team that won the Defence Services Cham-pionship Trophy Sepak Takraw Contest on 7 September evening.
After the final matches, the deputy commander and officials gave away prizes to outstanding boxers and teams. Next, the commander presented the championship shield to Laukkai Station team.
The commander then presented K 100,000 to the North-East Command Sepak Takraw team that won the Commander-in-Chief's Trophy Sepak Takraw Contest and the ceremony came to a close.
Yesterday morning, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe of the Ministry of Defence together with Commander Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing visited the Shweli Granite Slab Factory of the command in Ward 11, Lashio, where Deputy Commander Col Hla Myint and officials welcomed him.
At the briefing hall, Maj-Gen Aung Htwe heard reports presented by the commander on tasks of the factory and future plans. The deputy commander also made reports on location of the factory, investment, raw materials, organization set-up and production of finish goods and Managing Director U Htay Aung on annual production capacity of the factory.
Maj-Gen Aung Htwe attended to the needs and viewed the furniture and the raw materials used in producing granite slabs displayed in the booth.
Maj-Gen Aung Htwe and the commander then inspected storage of granite slabs in the warehouses and production line of the slabs using modern machinery and gave necessary instructions.
In the afternoon, they attended the prize presenting ceremony of the Myanmar London Golf Tour 2002 held in Lashio Golf Club. Deputy Commander Col Hla Myint gave away daily best awards to winners in amateur and professional levels. Commander Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing presented the first, second and third prizes to Myo Min Aung, Zaw Zaw Latt and Yin Aung Latt in amateur level. Maj-Gen Aung Htwe then presented the first, second and third prizes to Soe Kyaw Naing, Aung Win and Zaw Paing Oo respectively in professional level.
Special Project Manager U Myint Thein of Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar Pte Ltd presented a cheque to Soe Kyaw Naing and U Ko Ko Lay, on behalf of MGF and MPGA presented gifts for the golf club through Golf Club Chairman Deputy Commander Col Hla Myint.
Defence Services C-in-C Trophy U-21 Tatmadaw Soccer
Tournament opened

Yangon, 10 Sept - The opening of the 18th Defence Services Commander-in-Chief's Trophy Under-21 Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air) Soccer Tournament was held at Youth Training Centre in Thuwunna at 3 pm today, with an address by Adjutant-General Maj-Gen Thein Sein, on behalf of the Defence
Services Commander-in-Chief.
After the opening ceremony, the tournament started. Southern Command team beat Eastern Command team 1-0 in the opening match.
The first round matches were divided into five zones Group A in South-East Command Zone (Mawlamyine), Group B in South-West Command Zone (Pyapon), Group C in North-West Command Zone (Monywa), Group D in Central Zone (Mandalay) and Group E in Southern Command Zone (Toungoo).
The first round matches will be held in the zones from 13 to 22 Septembers.
( 3
) Mayor receives guests
Yangon, 10 Sept - Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Mayor of Yangon U Ko Lay received Manager of Asia Air Survey Co Ltd Mr
Nobuo Shimizu at the City Hall this morning.
Together with the manager, Assistant General Manager of Suntac Technologies in Yangon U Chan Tun Aung, Director U Maung Maung Khin and Coordinator of Myanmar Toyota Tsusho Co Ltd U Soe Myint also present at the call.
Minister leaves for Brunei Darussalam to attend ASEAN meetings
Yangon, 10 Sept - Minister at the State Peace and Development Council
Chairman's Office Brig-Gen Abel left for Brunei Darussalam by air this afternoon to attend the 34th ASEAN Economic
Ministers' Meeting, ASEAN Regional Investment Meeting and related meetings to be held in Bandar Seri Begawan.
Myanmar Ambassador to Brunei U Thet Win, Director-General and Senior Economic Officer of the Directorate of Investment and Companies Administration U Maung Maung Yee and Deputy Director-General of the DICA Daw Theingi
Tin will also attend the meetings.
( 4
Dam projects in Bago, Mandalay Divisions inspected

Yangon, 10 Sept - Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin and party inspected new dam projects in Bago and Mandalay divisions on 8 September.
Minister Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin and party inspected the construction site of Chaungmagyi Dam Project in Yedashe Township, Taungoo District in Bago Division. The dam is being built across the Chaungmagyi Creek to supply water to 3,000 acres of land and on completion, it will irrigate to sugarcane plantations of Taungzinaye and Myohla sugarmills.
Then, the minister and party inspected Yanaungmyin Dam Project constructed by Construction Group-5 of the Irrigation Department in Lewe Township, Yamethin District in Mandalay Division. Director U Win Maung reported to the minister on earth work, stone laying work for the main dam, construction of the conduit, spillway and embankment and irrigation system.
Afterwards, the minister and party inspected construction tasks, catchments area and gave instructions on timely completion the task, meeting the set standard and
accelerating momentum in construction tasks.
The minister and party also visited construction site of Paunglaung Multi-purpose Dam Project in Pyinmana Township, Yamethin District and inspected construction of spillways, water inflow canal, leading canal. At the briefing hall, officials reported on progress of work and the minister gave necessary instructions.
Punchaung bridge construction inspected
Yangon, 10 Sept - Minister for Rail Transportation U Pan Aung, accompanied by officials, inspected the construction of Punchaung bridge on Hsaikkhaung-Namhsan railroad on 8 September and gave instruction. On 9 September, the minister also inspected ground-preparation work and gave instructions to engineers and officials.
Next, the minister and party inspected the axis of the railroad being constructed near Htukyant Village at the foot of Lwemaw hill and fulfilled machinery and requirements. Later, the minister went to the workshop of Myanma Railways near Htamsaing
Village, where he inspected the repairs of machinery and gave
Outstanding students and athletes honoured
Yangon, 10 Sept - The Ministry of Commerce held a ceremony to honour outstanding students of the staff and athletes at the meeting hall of the ministry on Strand Road this morning.
Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone made a speech on the occasion.
Then, the minister and Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan presented gifts to the outstanding students and athletes.
On behalf of the outstanding students and athletes, a student and an athlete spoke words of thanks, which brought the ceremony to a close.
Minister meets members of police forces in Pathein
Yangon, 10 Sept - Minister for Home Affairs Col Tin Hlaing, accompanied by officials, arrived at Pathein on 8 September. At the meeting hall of the Ayeyawady Division Police Force, officials reported to the minister on objectives being implemented by units and departments under the ministry, implementation of four construction tasks and future tasks.
Then, the minister gave instructions on making efforts for implementation of the objectives of units and departments while keeping Our Three Main National Causes in the fore. He urged them to make arrangements to enable the people to earn their peaceful and comfortable living under the protection of the law. Next, the minister attended to the requirements and gave instructions on staff welfare activities.
On 9 September, the minister, together with the Chairman of Ayeyawady Division Peace and Development Council Commander of South-West Command Brig-Gen Htay Oo, went to the construction project of a 750-ton cold storage factory of Yuzana Co at the foot of Yankin Hill in Pathein, and inspected the progress of work.
Later, the commander and the minister arrived at the fish breeding farm with the use of iron cage in Ngawun river. Chairman of Yuzana Co U Htay Myint
conducted them around the farm. Afterwards, the minister met members
of division/district/township police forces and families and gave
( 5 )
Dengue haemorragic fever control mass movement observed in South Okkalapa Township
Yangon, 10 Sept - Dengue haemorragic fever control mass movement was launched at Ward-10, South Okkalapa
Township, Yangon East District this morning. Member of the National
Health Committee Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Mayor
U Ko Lay viewed the activities.
First, at the office of Yangon East District Development Affairs committee, Head of Health department of YCDC Dr Daw Yi Yi Thein and Head of Township Health Department Dr Daw Cho Cho Nyo reported to the mayor and officials on outbreaks of Dengue
hemorrhagic fever in 13 wards in South Okkalapa Township, preventive measures, holding of educative talks at the schools in the township. Next, the mayor, the deputy minister and the vice mayor gave necessary instructions after hearing the reports.
Then the mayor and party viewed and encouraged the tasks of unblocking the drains, sanitation, spraying and putting
"abate" medicines into the drains, wells and ponds and raising of perches in them and educative demonstration of systematic use of pots, barrels, tanks and covers for preventing dengue
hemorrhagic fever being carried out at Ward-10, 29th and 30th Streets by local authorities, service personnel, members of Union Solidarity and Development Association, Maternal and Child Welfare Association, War Veterans Organisation, Red Cross Society and Auxiliary Fire Brigade and the public.
Then, the mayor, together with YCDC member Col Tin Soe and officials inspected the raising of CP broilers, Cherry Berry ducks and
"large white" pigs at Aung Mingala agriculture and livestock breeding farm for staff welfare and gave necessary instructions to the officials. Over 20,000 broilers and over 300 pigs have been bred at the farm.
Later, the mayor and officials went to the trishaw registration office on Myanma Gonyi Street in Mingala Taungnyunt Township where officials reported on arrangements for renewal of trishaw
licenses and measures to take action against unlicensed trishaws. The mayor then gave necessary
( 6 ) Entries invited to Armed Forces Day Commemorative Photo Competition
Yangon, 10 Sept - The 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day Commemorative Literary and Photo Competition Organizing Work Committee has already announced that it will hold photo competitions.
The titles of colour photo competitions are "Developing Myanmar" and
"Preserving Cultural Heritage" and four entries can be presented for each title.
Entries must be print photos by the size of at least 10x12 inches.
Those who won first, second and third prizes in the previous years will be categorized into a separate group and there will be a great chance for new competitors.
Data and captions are to be described in a separate sheet of paper and to be attached to the entries.
Entries must be own creation and must not be prize-winning works in any other competitions.
Handsome prizes will be presented to first, second and third prize-winners as well as consolation prize-winners of each competition.
The first, second and third prizes will be presented at the ceremony to mark the 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day to be held in Yangon on 27 March while the consolation prizes will be presented at the ceremony to mark the 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day to be held at the respective commands.
Entries are to be sent to Director U Tun Min (Information/Public Relations) of Information and Public Relations Department, No 22/24, Pansodand
Street, Yangon, not later than 14 February 2003.
Military and marching song competitions to commemorate 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day to be held
Yangon, 10 Sept - As a gesture of hailing the 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day, which falls on 27 March 2003, the subcommittee for holding of the military and marching song competition of the work committee for the organizing of poem and arts competition led by Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt (Htila Sitthu) as chairman announced that military and marching song competitions for the armed forces day will be held.
There will be only one category, professional level, for the military marching song competition, while the military song competition is grouped into two categories, level 1 and level 2. First, second and third prizes as well as consolation prizes will be awarded.
Rules of the competitions are as follows:
In military marching song competition, any one will be allowed to take part in it as the professional level. In military song competition, there will be two levels level 1 and level 2. For the military marching song competition, songs must be composed and based on the twelve objectives of the State, the objectives of the 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day and the twelve fine traditions of the Tatmadaw.
Composers and vocalists are not permitted to compete in level 2 of the military song competition nor those who stood first, second or third in level 2 of last year's military song competition. They are to enter to level 1. Only a song is allowed for individuals or groups. Entry songs must be in accord with military song composing techniques. Military song must be in Myanmar melody and mode as well as in own tune. The time of the song must be from 4 to 6 minutes. There will be a preliminary contest for entry songs with strong vocals and suitable music.
Only a song must be recorded on and entry cassette or a reel. A suitable title may be given. Words of the entry song with its ten typed copies and an origin of its music notes must be attached to the cassette or reel. The brief autobiography of the entrant and the singer together with three passport size colour photos must be sent. Those tentatively selected will be informed.
The tentatively selected songs must be re-recorded and are to compete for final.
Entry songs should be sent to U Ko Ko Htwe, Secretary, Subcommittee for the Holding of Military and Marching Song Competitions, Myanma Radio and Television, Pyay
Road, Yangon, not later than 31 December 2002.
Rules of 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day painting, sculpture competitions announced
Yangon, 10 Sept - As a gesture of hailing the 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day, which falls on 27 March 2003, the subcommittee for the holding of painting and sculpture competition and exhibition of the work committee for the organizing of poem and arts competition led by Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt (Htila Sitthu) as chairman announced that the painting and sculpture competition will be held with the following rules.
The painting competition will be divided into six
categories the first for pre-primary school level, the second for junior primary school level (kindergarten to second grade), the third for senior primary school level (third grade and fourth grade), the fourth for middle school level (fifth grade to eighth grade), the fifth for high school level (ninth grade to technological and agricultural high schools) and the sixth for professional level. There will be only one category in the sculpture competition, the wood sculpture and the plaster sculpture at professional level.
Anyone may take part in both.
In the painting competition from kindergarten to high school levels, the size of the entry must be 15" x 20", and 20" x 30" for professional level. Name, NRC No, class, school, township, date of birth,
father's name, address must be expressed on the back of the painting, with three 1.5" x 2"-size photos attached. For students, the endorsement of the
school head is needed.
For the sculpture competition, the height of the entry must not be over 36" and its circumference not longer than 24". At the foot of the sculpture, name, NRC No, date of birth,
father's name, address must be shown, with three 1.5" x 2"-size photos attached and send the entry right to Tatmadaw Convention Centre, U Wisaya Road, between 1 and 3 March 2003.
All the entries, painting or sculpture, must reflect the twelve objectives of the State, the objectives of 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day and the twelve fine traditions of the Tatmadaw.
Entries of both professional levels should be sent to Secretary, Myanmar Traditional Artists and Artisans Asiayon (Central), Pabedan Township, Yangon, not later than 1 March 2003 or to Secretary, Subcommittee for the Holding of Painting and Sculpture Competition and Exhibition, U Wisaya Road, Tatmadaw Convention Centre, Yangon, between 1 and 3 March 2003.
Entries of students all over Myanmar should be sent to Development Division, Education Planning and Training Department, Natmauk Street, Bahan Township, Yangon, not later than 15th February 2003.
Apart from the entries for both competitions, other paintings and sculptures may be sent to be displayed at the exhibition to be opened in honour of the 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day. Those paintings and sculptures must also featured the twelve objectives of the State, the objectives of 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day and the twelve fine traditions of the Tatmadaw and should be sent directly to Tatmadaw Convention Centre, U Wisaya Road, between 1 and 5 March 2003.
( 7 ) World Teachers Day to be held
on 5 Oct
Yangon, 10 Sept - The United Nations has designated 5th of October as the World Teachers Day and issued an announcement related to holding of ceremonies in honour of teachers in respective countries.
In this regard, the Leading Committee for Organizing the World Teachers Day chaired by Deputy Minister for Education Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung has been formed.
The Leading Committee held the coordination meeting at the meeting hall of the Myanmar Education Research Bureau on Pyay Road at 2 pm today, attended by Leading Committee Chairman Deputy Minister for Education Brig-Gen Soe Win Maung, directors-general and chairmen of departments and boards under the Ministry of Education, Rector Dr Khin Zaw of Yangon Institute of Education, Director (News) U Hla Tun of News and Periodicals Enterprise, Director (Broadcasting) U Ko Ko Htwe of Myanma Radio and Television and members.
First, the Chairman gave a speech on the occasion.
Then, Secretary of the leading committee Chairman of MERB U Myint
Han reported on matters related to holding the World Teachers Day. Those
present took part in the discussions and the chairman gave the
concluding remarks. The World Teachers Day will be held on a grand scale
at the central level and at different levels in the entire nation.
The exhibitions of teachers day, the talks,
paper-reading sessions and extempore talks competitions related to the
day, the ceremonies to pay respects to teachers and the article, poem
and essay contests, publication of postcards and booklets and showing of
movies will be held in honour of the World Teachers Day.
( 8
Annual General
Meeting hailed
Yangon, 10 Sept - Hailing the Annual General Meeting (2002) of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, a ceremony to open drinking water ponds for the public use in Yeyeiktha Ward, Mitharsu Ward and 11 monasteries in Seikkan Township was held at the respective designated places this morning.
Secretary of Yangon Division Union Solidarity and Development Association U Aye Myint and chairman of Seikkan Township U Maung Maung Kyi opened the drinking water pond in Yeyeiktha Ward by cutting a ribbon.
Next, chairman of Seikkan Township U Maung Maung Kyi presented certificates of honour to the wellwishers.
The drinking water ponds were donated by the Yangon City Development Committee, officials of Seikkan Township and
WTD commemorative competitions to be held
Yangon, 10 Sept - As part of World Teacher's Day, essay and poetry competitions entitled Noble Teacher for students of Institutes of Education, Education Colleges and basic education high and middle schools will be held under the sponsorship of respective universities, colleges and township education offices on 16 September. Likewise, article competition under the title of
"Attributes of a Teacher" for teachers of universities, degree colleges, colleges, institutes and basic education schools nationwide will also be held. Entries for the article competition are to be sent to Director (Local Training) U Thaung Shwe of Education Planning and Training Department, Natmauk Road, Yangon, not later than 23
( 9
) Drug dealers sentenced
Yangon, 10 Sept - A combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit and Yangon Special Anti-Drug Squad, acting on information, searched the house of Win Hlaing (a) Bo Kyauk on Aung Thida Street in Ward 7 of Hlinethaya Township at 3.30 pm on 18 March 2002 and seized 3.51 kilos of marijuana.
Hlinethaya Police Station filed Win Hlaing (a) Bo Kyauk, 46, son of U Thein Maung, under Sections 15/19 (A) of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law. On 5 July, Yangon North District Court sentenced Win Hlaing (a) Bo Kyauk to 18
years' imprisonment under Section
19 (A).
Similarly, another team searched Tun Aye (a) Thein Tun in Hmaw Village of Homalin Township at 9.30 pm on 11 March 2002 and seized 0.41 grams of raw opium.
Homalin Police Station filed Tun Aye (a) Thein Tun, 33, son of U Kan Tat of Ywama Village in Phaungpyin Township under Sections 15/16 (C). Homalin Township Court sentenced the culprit to 5
years' imprisonment under Section 15 and to 7 yearsŐ under 16 (C) to serve separately.
Stimulant tablets seized in Toungoo
Yangon, 10 Sept - A combined team comprising members of local intelligence unit and Bago Special Anti-Drug Squad, acting on information, searched Marmad (a) Maung Maung Lat, 40, son of U Tin Maung of Komthegyi Street, who was riding a bicycle and arrested him together with 195 stimulant tablets at the corner of Bohmu Po Kun Street and Pagoda Street on 21 July.
Further information led to the arrest of Yunut (a) Myint Oo, son of U Hla Myint, of Thamada Ward, Htantabin and Than Soe, 39, son of U Thaung of Changyi Village, Htantabin.
Action is being taken against the three under Section 15/19 (A)/21 of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law. Similarly, another combined team searched Kyaw Win, 43, son of U Tun Shwe, of Lebu Village, Toungoo Township and arrested him together with 537 stimulant tablets.
Further information led to the arrest of Han Htet Zaw, son of U Saw Aung, of Phalan Kon Village, Toungoo Township. Action is being taken against the two under Section 15/19 (A)21 of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances