1 ) Projects launched in Kyaukse Industrial Zone to build
import-substitute industries
Need to produce quality goods that ensure consumer satisfaction stressed
General Maung Aye inspects Ayeyawady Bridge (Yadanabon)
Construction Project, factory construction projects in Kyaukse

Yangon, 5 Sept - Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye, yesterday morning arrived at Mandalay side of Ayeyawady Bridge (Yada-nabon) Construction Project, which will link Mandalay and Sagaing.
General Maung Aye and party were welcomed there by Chairman of Sagaing Division Peace and Development Council Commander of North-West Command Brig-Gen Soe Naing, Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun and officials.
At the briefing hall, Minister Maj-Gen Saw Tun reported on designation of the axis and the type of the bridge, and work being done; and Engineer (Project) U Htay Myint, on progress in construction of the approach bridge (Mandalay side), requirements and the obtaining of construction materials.
After fulfilling the requirements, General Maung Aye said that measures were being coordinated for timely arrival of construction materials for the project. He spoke of the need for engineers in-charge of the project to make earnest efforts with self-reliant spirit in carrying out tasks and to strive for producing materials within the country as much as possible through innovative means.
Then, General Maung Aye and party inspected the chosen site for construction of the main bridge and construction of the approach bridge (Mandalay bank).
The advanced four-lane Ayeyawady Bridge (Yada-nabon) is under construction 2,000 feet upstream Innwa Bridge between
Mandalay Khawartaung bank and Sagaing Tagaungyat bank.
General Maung Aye and party went to Hsinmin Cement Plant Construction Project site, eight miles east of Kyaukse, where they were welcomed by Commander of No 99 LID Col Aung Khin Soe, Director of the Myanmar Economic Holdings Ltd Col Aung San, Chairman of Kyaukse District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Aung Kyi Shein, Project Director Lt-Col Shwe Moe and officials.
At the briefing hall, Maj-Gen Tin Aye reported to General Maung Aye on points of the project, saying that the project being implemented by Union of Myanmar Economic Holdings Limited is located near Nwalekauk limestone hill, eight miles east of Kyaukse.
Of the two cement plants covered by the project, the No 1 plant will produce 400 tons of cement daily through wet process. Test run will begin in the coming October. The No 2 plant will produce 700 tons of cement daily through dry process. Efforts are being made for completion of the plant in December this year. He also explained raw material requirements, water and power supply, staff training
programmes and greening of the compounds of the plants.
General Maung Aye spoke of the need to strive for completion of the factories in accord with the schedule and taking environmental conservation and cleaning measures.
The General and party then inspected samples of the raw materials and progress in building the No 1 plant.
On arrival at Kyaukse Cement Plant Project of the Ministry of Industry-1, the General and party were welcomed by Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Thein Tun and officials.
Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung briefed the General and party on points of the ministry's project to build factories in Kyaukse Industrial Zone, saying that the aims of the project are to
fulfill local requirements, to produce import-substitute goods, to create job opportunities and to produce new kinds of quality finished goods.
He said out of the industries covered by the project, three factories were commissioned into service on 11 April 2002. The first one is the candy factory which is producing various kinds of soft candies. A chocolate factory will also be built. The second one is a slipper factory which is producing 2,400 various kinds of slippers daily. The third one is a bicycle factory, producing Maung Bamar brand bicycles including the 28-inch bicycles for man, 26-inch bicycles for woman and 28-inch bicycles to carry loads. The project also covers other six industries under construction a cement factory, a fire-brick factory, a plastic factory, a sewing machine factory, a vest factory and a blanket factory. The cement factory will produce 500 tons of cement daily through dry process. It is under test run at present. The ministry plans to build an enamelware factory, a household items factory, a cosmetics factory and a grinding ball factory.

General Maung Aye said the industries under construction at present are import-substitute industries. Efforts should be made to produce quality products to ensure consumer satisfaction. Systematic supervision will have to be made to prevent waste of materials and labour and reduce production cost to the most possible degree.
Afterwards, General Maung Aye and party inspected progress of construction of the cement plant of the Ministry of Industry-1. They then proceeded to the sewing machine factory and looked into samples of machine parts to be produced in the forging workshop, and production process at the respective sections of the factory.
Next, General Maung Aye and party inspected production of sewing machines at the workshop (2). They also saw over the paint spraying section and the finishing section. Later, General Maung Aye and party went by helicopter to Mandalay International Airport in TadaU Township. They arrived back here in the evening.
( 2 )
Minister receives New Zealand Ambassador

Yangon, 5 Sept - Minister for National Planing and Economic Development U Soe Tha received Ambassador of New Zealand to Myanmar Mr Alan Williams at his office this evening.
Mayor receives Italian Ambassador
Yangon, 5 Sept - Chairman of Yangon City Development Committee Mayor U Ko Lay received Ambassador of Italy to Myanmar Dr Rafaelle Miniero at the city hall this morning.
( 3
) Courses of PBANRDA conclude
Yangon, 5 Sept - Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Thein Nyunt made a speech at the conclusion ceremony of Executive Officer Course No 7 for the Development Affairs Department and International Relations Course 1/2002 held at the central training school of the Education and Training Department, Ministry of PBANRDA in Ward 51, Dagon Myothit (North) Township, this afternoon.
Altogether 30 officials of DADs
in states and divisions attended the executive officer course and
another 20 of the ministry the international relations course. The
minister presented prizes to the outstanding trainees and completion
certificates to the course monitor. The central training school has
been conducting training courses with a view to promoting the
competence of staff, and a total of 146 trainees are attending the
clerical courses.
After the ceremony,
the minister cordially greeted the trainees and posed for a
documentary photo together with them.
( 4
Asia Games commemorative flaming torch rests overnight in Bago

Yangon, 5 Sept - A ceremony to light and relay the torch to mark the XIV Asia Games to be held in Busan of the Republic of Korea was held at the football ground of the Youths Training Centre in Thuwunna this morning.
Chairman of Myanmar
Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint made a speech on the occasion. Then, accompanied by MPF band troupe, selected Myanmar athletes sang the song titled Asia Myanmar.
Next, Latha Township No 2 BEHS band troupe and Tambourine dance troupe, Tamway Township No 4 BEHS band troupe and pom pom troupe, and youth athletes of MTF
presented skill demonstrations.
Then, Minister Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint lit the torch on the stage of the football ground, and handed over to the leader of Myanmar Sepak Takraw Federation flaming torch conveying group.
After that, selected Myanmar Sepak Takraw athletes conveyed the torch to Pyithaya junction along Waizayanda Road, selected Myanmar volleyball athletes, from the top of Thitsar Street to Zaga Street. On arrival at Pyay Road, Myanmar Football Federation conveyed the flaming torch from 8th Mile Junction to A-1 Street.
During the relay along the route, the flaming torch was accorded a rousing welcome by members of Township Maternal
and Child Welfare Associations, students, members of band troupes and people waving the State flags and clapping.
Then, the flaming torch was conveyed by car to Bago. On arrival at Bago Shwemawdaw Pagoda junction, the torch was welcomed by division level departmental officials, selected Myanmar athletes, officials of social organizations of Bago Division, students and members of band troupes totaling over 5,000.
After that, selected Myanmar athletes handed over the torch to Director-General of the Sports and Physical Education Department U Thaung Htaik.
The director-general then conveyed the torch to Bago Division Gymnasium and handed over it to Police Col Aung Gyi, who put it on the stage of the hall.
The flaming torch will be conveyed back to Yangon along Bago-Yangon Road by car starting at 7.30 am tomorrow.
( 5 )
Coord meeting on renovation of eastern prayer hall of Sule Pagoda held
Yangon, 5 Sept - A coordination meeting on renovation of the prayer hall of Sule Pagoda in Yangon was held at the office of the pagoda board of trustees this afternoon, with an address by Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe.
The commander offered flowers, water and lights to the pagoda and paid homage before inspecting the conditions of the prayer hall to be repaired.
At the meeting, pagoda trustee U Tun Aung explained matters related to the Sule Pagoda. Then, the commander said that instructions were given to systematically renovate the prayer hall in accord with Myanmar traditional style when reports were presented to the State Peace and Development Council; and that experts and architects are needed to carry out work for long-term durability of all prayer hall of Sule Pagoda. He later called for those present at the meeting to give suggestions. Next, Lt-Col Kyaw Tint reported on formation of the supervisory committee for all-round renovation of Sule Pagoda, fund-raising committee and work inspection subcommittees.
Those present also reported on tasks to be carried out for all-round renovation of prayer hall of Sule Pagoda. Then, the meeting ended with concluding remarks by the commander.
The eastern prayer hall of Sule Pagoda was renovated in 1291 ME, and as now it is in deterioration, renovation will again be carried out in traditional style and norms.
Commander's Shield Boxing tournament opens
Yangon, 5 Sept - The opening of Yangon Command Commander's Shield Boxing Tournament was held at Hline Gymnasium in Hline Township here this afternoon, with an address by Yangon Command Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe. After the opening ceremony, the matches were held under three categories A level, B level and C level. The tournament continues till 9 September.
( 6 ) Commander's shield boxing
tournament opens
Yangon, 5 Sept - The Southern Command Commander's shield boxing tournament 2002 was opened at the gymnasium of the command yesterday morning, attended by Bago Division Peace and Development Council Southern Command Commander Brig-Gen Aung Min, Deputy Commander Brig-Gen Thura Maung Ni, Brig-Gen Thura Myint Thein of Toungoo Station and others.
The commander made a speech on the occasion.
A total of 120 athletes from 12 teams of respective zones are participating in the tournament which continues up to 9 September.
( 7 ) Billboard hailing USDA meeting put up
Yangon, 5 Sept - A ceremony to put up a billboard hailing the Annual General Meeting (2002) of the Union Solidarity and Development Association was held in front of the
People's Square and People's Park on Pyay Road this morning.
Yangon (West) District Peace and Development Council Chairman Lt-Col Maung Maung Shein, Secretary U Aye Myint of Yangon Division USDA and Chairman of Sangyoung Township Peace and Development Council U San Win formally unveiled the billboard.
( 8
) Myanmar London Golf Tour
2002 opens
Yangon, 5 Sept - The opening ceremony of the second leg of Myanmar London Golf Tour 2002 organized by Myanmar Golf Federation and Myanmar Professional Golfers Association mainly sponsored by Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar was held at Lashio Golf Club in Shan State (North) this morning, attended by Shan State (North) Peace and Development Council Chairman North-East Command Commander Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing.
The players took positions at 10th tee and Commander Brig-Gen Myint Hlaing, Deputy Commander Col Hla Myint, Special Project Manager of Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar U Myint Thein and U Ko Ko Lay, on behalf of MGF and MPGA, teed off the ball to open the second leg of the tour.
After the first round of the tour, Aung Win (YCDC) led the course with 68 strokes, followed by Zaw Paing Oo (Pan-West) with 70 and Champion of the first leg (Bagan) Soe Kyaw Naing with 71 in the professional event.
In amateur event, Thein Zaw Myint stood first with 71 strokes. Champion of the first leg (Bagan) Myo Min Aung scored 75 to stand at the second place and Zaw Zin Win, Yin Aung Latt, Myo Naing, Aye Ko and Soe Moe Aung shared the third place with 76.
With the aim of promoting Myanamr golf standard and turning out new generation golfers, Air Mandalay, Loi Hein (Alpine Purified Drinking Water), Canon (Accel International Co Ltd), Grand Royal Special Reserve Whisky, AWB
Bank, Wilson, KM Golf Centre and Sun Far Travel and Tours also
sponsored the tour which was organized by Han Event Management. The
tour continues tomorrow at the same venue.
( 9
) Drug traffickers sentenced
Yangon, 5 Sept - A combined team of local intelligence unit and Tachilek Special Anti-drug Squad, acting on information, searched the house of Than Zaw of Pontun Ward, Tachilek, and seized 1,433 stimulant tablets 1,400 from Than Zaw and 33 from Aik Lake on 23-12-2001.
Action was taken against Than Zaw, 26, son of U Aung Bo, Aik Lake, 19, son of U San Tin and Win Myint, 32, son of U Aung Sein of Tachilek. Tachilek District Court sentenced Than Zaw and Aik Lake to 15
years' imprisonment each under Section 19(A) and Win Myint to 13
years' imprisonment under Sections 19(A)/21 of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law on 20-6-2002.
Similarly, a combined team searched the house of San Kywe (a) Aik Kywe residing at Wanton Village, Mongphon (A) village-tract, Tachilek Township, on 15-3-2002 and seized 72,000 stimulant tablets, one one-barrel gun, four cartridges and four-wheelded vehicles with number plates 3Kha/1683 and 3Kha/7945.
Action was taken against San Kywe (a) Aik Kywe, 33, son of U Aik Kywe, under Section 15/19(A)/22(B) of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by the Wanpon police station.
Tachilek District Court handed down 15 years' imprisonment on him under Section 19(A) and ordered to confiscate the two vehicles after the appeal date.
4.898 kilos of marijuana seized
Yangon, 5 Sept - A combined team comprising members of the local intelligence unit and local police force, acting on information, searched Saw Tha Htoo Luu who got off from a motor boat at Kwinchaung Jetty in Penwegon on 25 July and seized 4.898 kilos of marijuana, hidden in a plastic container.
Action is being taken against Saw Tha Htoo Luu, 38, son of U Saw Moe Kyut of Thitchaseik Village, Kyaukkyi Township, under Section 15/19(A) of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law by the Penwegon police station.