1 ) General Maung Aye meets Tatmadaw officers and faculty members in PyinOoLwin, inspects Shweli Bridge (Nga-O) Construction Project

Yangon, 4 Sept - Vice-Chairman of the State Peace and Development Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) General Maung Aye met with officers of PyinOoLwin Station and heads of departments and faculty members of the Defence Services Academy and the Defence Services Technological Academy at the convocation hall of the DSA in PyinOoLwin, Mandalay Division, yesterday morning.
General Maung Aye helicoptered to Shweli River Bridge (Nga-O) Construction Project site near Pyinhtaunglay Village in Katha Township, Sagaing Division, in the afternoon.
They were welcomed there by Chairman of Kachin State Peace and Development Council Commander of Northern Command Brig-Gen Maung Maung Swe, Deputy Minister for Construction Brig-Gen Myint Thein and departmental officials.
At the briefing hall, Minister for Construction Maj-Gen Saw Tun reported to General Maung Aye and party on the project and construction of the bridge; Chief Engineer (Project) of Public Works U Win Kyi, on the type and length of the bridge, construction of approach structures and the main bridge and progress of work; Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung and Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi, on conditions in providing cement and fuel oil for the project; and Commander Brig-Gen Maung Maung Swe, on assistance being rendered for the project.

Then, General Maung Aye gave necessary
Next, officials concerned gave an account on
materials used in constructing reinforced concrete beams.
Afterwards, General Maung Aye and party inspected the fixing of reinforced concrete beams between piers Nos 3 and 5, and progress in building the approach structures on Katha side.
The bridge is situated on Mandalay-Tagaung-Bhamo-Myitkyina Road across Shweli River. It links Pyinhtaunglay Village in Katha Township and Nga-O Village in Mabein Township, Shan State. The 2,330 feet long bridge is of reinforced concrete type with a 28-foot-wide motorway and two 3-foot-wide pedestrian lanes on either side. Its clearance area is 20 feet high and 130 feet wide. It can withstand 60-ton loads. So far 70 per cent of the project has been completed.
General Maung Aye and party left the project site by helicopter and arrived back in Mandalay in the evening.
( 2 )
Secretary-1 inspects construction of new studio complex of MRTV

Yangon, 4 Sept - Secretary-1 of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Khin Nyunt, accompanied by officials of the State Peace and Development Council Office, arrived at the construction site of new studio complex near the Myanmar Radio and Television on Pyay Road at 11.30 am today.
Minister for Information Maj-Gen Kyi Aung, Director-General of the MRTV U Khin Maung Htay and officials welcomed them.
At the project site, the minister reported on facts about the new studio complex construction project, and the director-general on progress of the construction work to the Secretary-1.

Next, Managing Director of Olympic Co U Aung Than
reported on architectural designs of the complex and construction
work being carried out with the help of charts. Later, the
Secretary-1 gave necessary instructions and left the construction
site in the afternoon.
( 3
) A&I Minister
receives ambassadors
Yangon, 4 Sept - Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin received Italian Ambassador to the Union of Myanmar Dr Rafaelle Miniero at his office on Kaba Aye Pagoda Road at 9.30 am today.
Similarly, the minister received German Ambassador to the Union of Myanmar Dr Klaus Peter Wild at the same venue at 10.30 am today.
Minister U Tin Winn receives Ambassador
Yangon, 4 Sept - Minister for Culture and for Labour U Tin Winn received Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Myanmar Dr Klaus Peter Wild at his office at the Ministry of Culture this afternoon.
Ambassador U Kyaw Myint presents credentials to Indonesian President
Yangon, 5 Sept - U Kyaw Myint, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Union of Myanmar to the Republic of Indonesia, presented his credentials to Her Excellency Mrs Megawati Soekarno-putri, President of the Republic of Indonesia, on 26 August 2002, in Jakarta.
( 4
Maj-Gen Maung Bo pays homage to Sayadaws in Myeik
Yangon, 4 Sept - State Peace and Development Council member Maj-Gen Maung Bo of the Ministry of Defence attended the ceremony to pay homage to the Sayadaws from Pariyatti Sarthintaiks in Myeik held at Laykyun Simee Dhamma-yon in Myeik yesterday morning.
Congregation received the Five Precepts from State Ovadacariya Sayadaw Shwetaung Kyaung Sayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Kesara.
Then, Maj-Gen Maung Bo supplicated on religious matters. Maj-Gen Maung Bo, Commander Brig-Gen Tha Aye, the ministers and officials presented provisions to the Sayadaws from Pariyatti Sarthintaiks in Myeik.
Next, cash donations were made towards the funds for the Shwedagon replica pagoda to be built in Myeik.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo, the ministers and officials accepted donations K 10 million by Yuzana Oil-Palm Co, K 5 million each by Dr Aung Lwin (Pyi Phyo Tun Co), Asia World Co and U Kya Maung (Taninthayi Fishery Co); Ahsaung kaung Co K 2 million each by Thida Co and Htoo Htoo Toe Co; K 1 million each by Tet Nay Co, Vintage Co, Zin Yaw Min Co, Po Kaung Co and Taung Dagon Oil-Palm Co, Asia Wealth Bank and Kanbawza Bank; K 900,000 by U Aw - Daw May May Than family; K 500,000 each by SI Co, U Paw Sein family, U Gwan family, Myanma Livestock Breeding and Fisheries Bank, Myan Naing Myint Co and Annawa Soe Moe Co; K 300,000 each by Pho La Min Co and Dagon Timber Co and Shwekhamauk Co K 200,000 each by Aung Zin Ma Co and Shwe Padonma Co; K 100,000 by Myanmar Garment Co, Steel Stone Co, MOB Bank, U Than Sein family and U Kyaw Min (Aye Sanda Ice Factory).
Then, Myeik Township Sangha Nayaka Committee Chairman Sayadaw Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja Bhaddanta Pandavamsa
delivered a sermon, followed by sharing of merits gained for good
deeds. Then, the ceremony came to a close.
Assistance provided to national entrepreneurs to transform Taninthayi Division into oil bowl
Maj-Gen Maung Bo tours Taninthayi Division
Yangon, 4 Sept - Member of the State Peace and Development Council Maj-Gen Maung Bo of the Ministry of Defence, Chairman of Taninthayi Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Coastal Region Command Brig-Gen Tha Aye, Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein and officials arrived at Myeik airport on 2 September.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo gave instructions on greening of airport environs and inspected the runway.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party inspected the site No 2 chosen for construction of Shwedagon Replica Pagoda in Myeik and then gave instructions.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party went to Myeik Degree College where Director-General of Higher Education Department (Lower Myanmar) U Saw Lwin reported on construction of Myeik Degree College, progress of work, townships to be admitted to the college, subjects to be taught, number of students from Institute of Distance Education, strength of faculty members, management staff and electronic education
Senior Engineer of Public Works in Myeik District U Hla Soe reported on the blue plan of the degree college, construction of lecture halls and requirements. Commander Brig-Gen Tha Aye gave a supplementary report. Minister Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein gave suggestions.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo gave instructions on construction of the lecture halls and other buildings, greening of the college, growing of flowering plants, shade trees and perennial trees and producing intellectuals and intelligentsia on whom the State relies.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo then greeted faculty members. Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party inspected greening of the college and progress of work and gave instructions.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party went to the site for construction of the new 200-bed general hospital. Division Medical Superintendent Dr U Mya Thaung reported on progress of work.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo then gave instructions on opening of the hospital in time.
Next, Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party inspected the development of Myeik.
They went to Kandaw Mingala Lake dug by Mayor of Pedaungsar in 1175 ME in Kangyi Ward in Myeik.
Township Development Executive Officer U Khin Maung Oo reported on construction of Kandaw Mingala Bridge and the recreation houses. Commander Brig-Gen Tha Aye gave a supplementary report. Minister Brig-Gen Pyi Sone and officials took part in the discussions.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo reported on ever greening of the lake, sanitation, betterment of the ring roads, planting of flowering plants and maintenance.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo then inspected the bridge and the rest houses.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party inspected construction of retaining wall, planting of trees along the Strand Road and extension of the roads.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party went to Daungkumaw crab breeding farm of Ahsaungkaung Industries Co Ltd in Thandoke Village in Kyunsu Township.
Farm Manager Major Zaw Win (Retd) reported on establish of the farm, breeding of 120,000 crabs in four farms which are 2.5 acres each, treatment and export and packaging of the crabs.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo gave instructions on dissemination of methods and breeding of crabs. He inspected display of the crabs, breeding and preparation to feed feedstuff.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party went to the port in Seikkan Township.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo met oil palm and rubber cultivators of Taninthayi Division at Pale Yadana Hall in the afternoon.
Present were Commander Brig-Gen Tha Aye, Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin, Minister Brig-Gen Pyi Sone, Minister Brig-Gen Maung Maung Thein, departmental officials, regional authorities, members of social organizations, oil palm and rubber entrepreneurs and officials.
Maj-Gen Maung Bo delivered a speech.
He said assistance has been given to national entrepreneurs with the aim of transforming Taninthayi Division into a cooking oil bowl.
The entrepreneurs should strive to extend oil palm plantations and collectively participate in producing purified oil for the benefit of oil palm and rubber growers till future generations, to ensure local oil sufficiency and to save the foreign exchange used in importing cooking oil.
The entrepreneurs will have to work for boosting oil production as they have already presented the progress in building oil factories, and to put forward frank discussions.
The State, the ministry and the local authorities will fulfil the requirements to the most possible degree. The entrepreneurs should understand the
State's goodwill and should strive with might and main.
Officials of Yuzana Palm Oil Company, Tet Nay Company, Shwekhamounk Company, Annawa Soe Moe Trading Company, Taung Dagon Palm Oil Company, Myan Naing Myint Company, Vintage Company, Asia World Company, SI Company, Aung Zinma Company, Steel Stone Company, Kambawza Company and Po La Min Company reported to the meeting on the plantation areas, production, building of oil mills, plans to extend oil palm and rubber cultivation and requirements.
Division Manager of Myanmar Perennial Crops Enterprise U Myat Shein explained oil plantations of the entrepreneurs.
Minister for Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi Sone and Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation Maj-Gen Nyunt Tin briefed the meeting on the
ministries' assistance to extend oil palm cultivations and rubber plantations and build oil mills.
Commander Brig-Gen Tha Aye said the local authorities will render required assistance for success of oil palm plantation business in the division, urging the entrepreneurs to work for regional development and to serve both the self-interests and the
nation's interests.
After giving suggestions, Maj-Gen Maung Bo cordially greeted the entrepreneurs.
He then met with members of Taninthayi Division Peace and Development Council, chairmen of Kawthoung, Dawei and Myeik District Peace and Development Councils and members, officials of Division, District and Township offices of the Planning Department and others. He urged the departmental personnel to strive to realize the targets of the
division's economic plan for fiscal 2002-2003.
The commander explained in detail the production and services sectors which will have to strive to exceed the targets. Maj-Gen Maung Bo and party arrived back here by air yesterday afternoon.
( 5 )
Myanmar delegation leaves for PRC
Yangon, 4 Sept - A Myanmar delegation headed by Chairman of Civil Service Selection and Training Board Dr Than Nyun left here by air for the
People's Republic of China on a goodwill visit this afternoon.
The delegation was seen off at Yangon International Airport by Minister at the State Peace and Development Council
Chairman's Office Brig-Gen Abel, Auditor General Brig-Gen Tin Aye, members of CSSTB U Nyunt Swe, U Aung Myint and U Kaung Nyunt, officials of the PRC embassy, Director-General of Civil Service Selection and Training Department U Hla Kyi and officials.
Chairman Dr Than Nyun is accompanied by member of CSSTB U Hla Myint Oo, Director-General of Civil Service Affairs Department U Khin Maung Myint, Rector of Central
Institute of Civil Service (Phaunggyi) Col Win Maung, Rector of Central Institute of Civil Service (Upper Myanmar) Col Aung San Win and Rector of University for Development of National Races Col Zaw Min Thein.
Rail Transportation Minister inspects bridge and railroad
Yangon, 4 Sept - Minister for Rail Transportation U Pan Aung and Tactical Operations Commander Col Hla Phyo accompanied by officials inspected construction of railroad with the use of rock-drilling machine at Tawya, Meyal and Htiri villages of Sightkhaung-Ponchaung road section on 1 September and attended to their needs.
Next, the minister proceeded to the construction site of Ponchaung bridge and inspected construction of the bridge and gave instruction on timely completion of the bridge.
Then, the minister together with Commander of Local Light Infantry Division Brig-Gen Sein Lin inspected construction of railroads at Menal hillside of Htipin village and Kaung Sai village and left instruction there.
Leading Central Committee for Organizing Eighth National Immunization Days meets
Yangon, 4 Sept - The first meeting of the Leading Central Committee for Organizing the Eighth National Immunization Days was held at the meeting hall of the National Health Committee under the Ministry of Health on Pyidaungsu Yeiktha Road here this morning.
It was attended by Chairman of the Leading Central Committee Minister for Health Maj-Gen Ket Sein, Vice-Chairman Deputy Minister Professor Dr Kyaw Myint and members of the Leading Central Committee.
The chairman made an address on the occasion. In his address, he said that the national immunization days were launched in 1996 and nearly cent per cent success has been achieved each year due to the participation of the entire people. Myanmar will be declared to the world as a polio free one in the near
future. In order to do so, the officials of the World Health Organization have already inspected and approved the activities in Myanmar.
He stressed the need for speedy organization in the Eighth National Immunization Days activities. In conclusion, the minister called on the respective ministries and various organizations to actively take part in the activities as mass movement.
Then, Secretary of the Leading Central Committee Director-General of the Health Department Dr Wan Maung reported on matters related to schedules of the Eighth National Immunization Days and Manager of the Extended Vaccination Project Dr Than Htein Win, on assistance to be rendered by members of the Central Leading Committee for successfully organizing the immunization days.
Next, those present also took part in the discussions and passed resolutions.
The meeting came to an end with concluding remarks by the minister.
Minister attends coord meeting of
13 sports federations
Yangon, 4 Sept - Chairman of Myanmar Olympic Committee Minister for Sports Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint this afternoon attended the coordination meeting of officials from 13 sports federations which are going to send its atheteles to XIV Asia Games, at Ruby Hall of National Indoor Stadium-1 and delivered a speech.
General Secretary of MOC Director-General of the Sports and Physical Education Department U Thaung Htaik reported to the minister on the standing order to be abided by atheletes who are going to take part in XIV Asia Games; and Joint-Secretary U Than Zaw on preparatory measures.
After the general round of discussions, the meeting came to an end.
At 4 pm, the minister attended a prize-presentation ceremony for All-Ministries Table Tennis Tournament 2002, held at the training hall of Myanmar Table Tennis Federation at the National Swimming Pool, and presented prizes to the winners.
Officials then gave away prizes to the teams that stood first, second and third.
Later, as a special programme, U Kyaw Kyaw, U Mya Maung, U Tin Aung and U Aung Lwin presented ten Addidas footballs worth K 100,000 for the U-17 Myanmar youth football team, which is competing in the United Arab Emirates.
( 6 )
Commander encourages cleft lip and palate patients
Yangon, 4 Sept - Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Chairman Yangon Command Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe and wife Yangon Division MCWA Patron Daw Khin Thet Htay spoke words of encouragement to the cleft lip and palate patients who underwent surgical operations at Thanlyin Township
People's Hospital under the arrangements to give surgical treatment to cleft lip and palate patients cooperated by Yangon Division Maternal and Child Welfare Association this morning.
Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe and wife Daw Khin Thet Htay arrived at the hospital at 8 am.
The commander and wife comforted the patients and presented cash assistance to them. Then, they viewed the operations performed by Surgeon Dr U Than Lwin and Anaesthetist Dr Daw Mar Mar Oo and group at the operation theatre there.
Next, the ceremony to present cash towards the funds for giving treatment to cleft lip and palate patients was held. The commander made a speech. He explained the arrangements of Yangon Division MCWA
to give treatment free of charge to cleft lip and palate patients in Yangon Division. District/ township and ward MCWAs members are to strive for curing all cleft lip and palate patients in the division and condition of giving treatments to the patients spending the donation made by wellwishers.
The commander presented medicine and medical equipment to Yangon South District Medical Superintendent Dr Myint Han and certificates of honour to the surgeons and group who helped performing the surgical operations.
Afterwards, the ceremony to present cash towards to the funds to be used in giving treatments to the patients was held.
Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe and wife Daw Khin Thet Htay, No 1 Military Region Commander Col Khin Maung Soe, Secretary Lt-Col Kyaw Tint and officials accepted donations of K 3,658,000 K 120,000 by Yangon South District Peace and Development Council and departments; K 100,000 by Yangon City Development Committee; K 306,000 each by U Zaw Zaw Naing - Daw Yee Yee Myint (Maykhala International), U Thein Hteik and Sein family; K 100,000 by U Myo Aung - Daw Khin Yee Mon (Sun Myanmar International Co); K 90,000 by township MCWAs in Yangon South District; K 140,000 by township MCWAs in Yangon East District; K 80,000 by township MCWAs in Yangon North District; K 200,000 by Shwegondin Clinic; K 100,000 by UHC Clinic; K 160,000 by U Sein Lwin - Daw Phyu Phyu Khine (Einphyudaw Restaurant), K 300,000 by U Hla Kyi - Daw Kyin Aye (Ayeyamyay Co); K 100,000 by U Win Myint (UMFCCI); K 200,000 by U Thaing Win (BTB Co); K 100,000 each by U Htay Myint (Yuzana Construction), Myanmar Fisheries Federation and U Nyein- Daw Ohn Kyin (OK Rice Trading), K 200,000 by U Htay Hlaing- Daw Le Le Oo (Malamyaing Enterprise); K 100,000 each by U Than Naing - Daw Kyi Kyi Swe, U Shein Win (Tetlan Construction) and U Soe Tint (Soe Electronics) and other wellwishers.
The wellwishers were presented certificates of honour. Yangon Division MCWA Chairman Division Health Officer Dr Tin Maung Win spoke words of thanks to the wellwishers and the ceremony came to a close.
Then, officials reported to Commander Maj-Gen Myint Swe on construction of rural road linking Kayan Township and Bogalay Village at the office of Yangon South District Peace and Development Council. The commander gave necessary instructions.
Yangon Division MCWA Patron Daw Khin Thet Htay, who accompanied the commander, met executives from township MCWAs in Yangon South District at Shinsawpu Hall of Yangon South District Peace and Development Council. She explained the objectives of the association, tasks to be undertaken by township MCWAs, and tasks for cleaning of delivery room in townships.
After that, Dr Tin Maung Win explained health care tasks to be carried out by township MCWAs and Yangon Division MCWA Supervisory Committee Secretary Dr Daw Nwe Ni Ohn on future tasks. Township MCWA executives reported their needs in implementing the tasks to the officials. The ceremony came to a close with concluding remarks by patron Daw Khin Thet
( 7 ) Marching and military songs to be composed by 23 musicians
Yangon, 4 Sept - As a gesture of hailing the 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day which falls on 27 March 2003, a total of 23 musicians will compose marching and military songs of the Work Committee for Organizing Poem and Arts Competition chaired by Deputy Minister for Culture U Soe Nyunt (Htila Sitthu).
Marching songs will be composed by Academy Gitalulin U Ko Ko, Htila Sitthu, A-1 Soe Myint, Pianist U Chit Swe, Wunna Kyaw Htin U Sein Mya Maung, Pianist U Chit Maung, U Myat Lin, Capt Thet Tin Aung, Kaytu Win Htut and Pianist Hla Moe and military songs, by Bogalay U Tint Aung, Accordion U Ohn Kyaw, Hinthada U Myint Ngwe, U Maung Maung Latt (Naung), U Lay Nyunt, Lt-Col Ohn Maung (Retd) (Myinmu Maung Naing Moe), Pantra U Chit Hlaing, U Okka, Pyinmana Myint Hlaing, U Nyunt Wai, Gitasarso U Kyay Mon, Yaynatha Win Maung and Pianist Tin Win Hlaing.
These musicians compose marching and military songs from the Golden Jubilee of Armed Forces Day (1995) to the 58th Anniversary Armed Forces Day (2003) yearly.
In composing marching and military songs to hail the Armed Forces Day, they will reflect the four political objectives, the four economic objectives and the four social objectives as well as the 12 fine traditions of Tatmadaw.
( 8
) Billboard to hail USDA Annual General Meeting (2002) put up
Yangon, 4 Sept - In hailing the Annual General Meeting 2002 of the Union Solidarity and Development Association, a ceremony to put up a billboard was held at Nanthida Jetty in Seikkan
Township at 6 am today. At the ceremony, Chairman of Yangon West District Peace and Development Council Lt-Col Maung Maung Shein, executive of Yangon Division USDA U Aung Myint and Chairman of Seikkan Township Peace and Development Council U Maung Maung Kyi
unveiled the billboard by cutting a ribbon.
( 9
) Basic first-aid courses opened in Buthitaung Township
Yangon, 4 Sept - Myanmar Red Cross Society in cooperation with Buthitaung Township Peace and Development Council and township red cross
society, conducted basic first-aid courses in Kyunpauk village from 17 to 19 August, in Goppi village from 20 to 22 August, and in Khahtihla village from 23 to 25 August.
On 25 August, the closing ceremony was held at the primary school of Khahtihla village.U Saw Nelson spoke on the occasion and presented a first-aid medical box to member of Khahtihla Village Peace and Development Council U Phyu Tha Tun, who spoke words of thanks.